HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-23, Page 3...,,.... ..„
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' eta's"- .,"-ree.C....r ' ''.,1' '''''""eili11...., ss-st. . • ,...e e • ,,, .e.eeseser,',.7Venitif. it
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Rugs and Curtains
lcipt,hs Linoleums.
Nearly every conventional design and color is
herein a11is i 1ugs All -nesflral'.;aritl"cOriven'-',..f.'
tion d eeigeiS in Ile w Oades • .ate [also oi s'lefa
Our.ang Department has -been- CIOUble3:Iti size
Dntilfit now OeellteieS }milt -be. second 'Tor. We We are
showng ,ipe,of,the larefeet raege :Rugs and -Lino•• •
leumi in the county. Our wonderfill display of Rugs
•can only be appreciated by a pers'opalyisit. •'
- e
Be Sure -and See Our
Display Before
1 ' 0,4 •• ' A '
Sarni*, Suits
•••;:' -
We wei.,01:. fortunate to
secure lourteen Sample
Suits jusit,in„time for the
spring trade, As we have
a very large stock of suits
on hand, we mark these
very low, froth $8 to $to
less than l'i-egular price.
Colors, navy, tan, grey
and brown, in the newest
style. TOs.is your chance
to buy $22 'suit for $45 ID;-•
The Stote that Shows the New Things Fir st
eee el,
• ' '
ea „le,
. ' " ekiete . lionoraty PesidenP Mies'
EI:er, lege peeeident,
hurlsnre.toirtese:111,•.11,7entleeill,eleel,47.; ag_ar;t:5e.!evel.ceeir'i'rEtilvt84ilil: illeIta.Z0142-'6141:st'ebReitei:'
ales, Cearlottd Bdreviek ,tekerie, ex IMeeeraT'
a isoeteelett the leecti' Renee enleeite .seAct committee. (J• ES!riktpTeletis„;
,ivverat.h:41:64' to B' ,o'`.0v'" '• giti.4;• m. Hain iften e cancel re. correpit
Mrs, Jae, (if Yorleterieeit.&“
iog to be teererenge concert on thesecond'
ousQueer eeneec meat N. night of the Beth farreDierricTeggeet
Adams forrintely of heie. ' Xee' ,b4e:4141011iptc°0hen'em' iAtteet‘',Ve,e
Quite e numbsrerrniu d here went to
elenroiller for seckere, gee-, 4, St:Hamilton.
, ' ' '
Mr. Win. Sitt6ley,,' 'visited his &cash-, "Illict''Pr(46Pect8 Se'fPr a good Year.°
ter, last week. ' !jtoOing and..a solfindidfinaueial show-.
_ • '
Mel/1110i •
Farm Helcle-eir: Michael Howland;
Reid a earns he evened se on,: e the •
eaVes§0131 (tif Lan, (We
Beachweed, to'Me, Mdrease ' ethe
s,4303 ter f &TM, on the opposite Ode
eife4he eeed. The farnr'edeteittiebbe
hundreds:Heves and wee suldsfer $5,199
It is a gee's' pleceset4et 'elegise hare on
yito,Ntihse.a141le.ile.thi,te.ieeeehie.,,enelereee, a4 -0V., •
Statise i. --s- We are indebted to Fa
Ideelair elei k of, ,MeRdildreforethes
• fellowin .st etiteal information taken
ernie th torweehip, iissetisteent,.re)ii.
which h leeen eompletedetbd 'atm n.
ed"te-theleterk......The .total.asseseinent
of the teee nsbip is $2,253 690: on la,nis:
$1,605,44 on buildings, $556 575: hnsi-
• ness asse4ment, $l,500; Income, $100;
value of echui ches, sehools. in--
• eluding ,eandsse $4256O; emptier of
'children ,letween 5 and 16 y teas, 318:
populatiew 2O58: number of days
statute lal'or, 3,299; number of dogs,
D ITO L 41:
• 1§.
Now for in" atschool
'for the final round -up a few
months henewe
One of the iliest'Sturits to be
put on at the fashionable Summer
resorts is denominated as "Water
Tango," the progeem being aqua-
tic but possibly Jetore outrageoua
than when peeibrined on terra
nuerta, the Mexican, would be
President, sprung a little surprise
on the U. S..in arresting American
blue jackets. Ile soon climbed
Awn from his high horse when
Uncle Sam's gunboats ran their
noses into .somet of the Mexican
harbors. He was a very wise man
to back down,
Much is being said these days
about the Georgian (Bay canal
scheme ,but we have a .notion. the
biggest purpose of it would be to
side 'track Westerly Ontario. A
bigger and better plan is to im-
rove our presenteevaterways and
rncrease and irneirove trawsporta-
tion 'facilities.
. eeesta--
• Quite. a p onoencecl .stanel was ,
taken by a nurplaer of ichool
teachers at t14 recent Educational
Council held i in !Toronto against
the •desire on the Part of many to
increase the military side of the
school pro rain. Some institutions
at to marchwell
appear to haat t
beats acquain en with the three
Rei. But it d n t.
Calamity ore asters already
have leorebo gs a e
•Papama Canal as going to be the
cause of svi spread; teenbeeles4a3e
the .distrIbuti of ye ow ever
andt cholera sums. Those Jelb's
eonforters wh kieeteeveelaefingir.
en the talk ah neeer Nies qtY.1)11',Ct.
sky should b c 'after
being warned andelequeffigelleleeS
(desist. • e'lielele r
body and the ultimate .success wiII
depend on personal fidelity.
It is very' gracious of the Duke
df Connaught to arrange, dates
upon which he and his suite will
visit a number of the towns and
smaller cities. Where there is an
absence of red tape and official-
ism these receptions. to public men
aro very pleasa.nt 'functions' but
where a few people assume to do
all the honors. it often. leaves a
nasty taste in the peoples' mouths.
We think men, in .position of
trust owe it to the country to do
a little "mixing" with those over
whom they rule but it must not
be 'done in such a ;lordly style
that you require a istep ladder to
climb up to say "Good day" to
The appointment of D. Johnston
of Forest, who is Pressdient of the
Ontario Fruit Growers' Association
as head of the fruit division of
the department of Agriculture for
the Dominion shouldl awaken new
life in this increasingly important
line of work. 'Ile should make a
competent head. and the Canadian
orchards should rapidly rise in
value and become one of the best
asset% on the farm. Lambton
Comity as .well as Norfolk haveset
a lively pace but Huron Co. with
half the effort could; lead all the
Countiee a merry rare in apple
growing. Hundreds of orchards
are still looked upon as practically
valueless. There's need of some-
body puttirg on the "arousement."
All the people in Canada are
not "as honest as, the, day is'
long" by ane meana as a plan of
stealing from the C. P. R railway
has been discovered at Chapleau of
almost a wholerjele proportions
Smile say the value of ;goods tak-
en f1•0111 cars will total over $25,000
,W„hile some of • the ..looters havite
made themselves scarce there may
be a round-lup „ ofsseeipegle,resesiee
•Veliteir life- guilt Where 'it prOrier y
belongs. In pioneer days 'Honese,
tY was t 't* 0WX; Sehere ;beet,. Willey,'
but epPeeeed to 13e Aires
insegeverniiii0,1f& eiferduce. EVest
ct he eisielians livted Wit e tNoWelik:
-Would , Iseens, as II ao people,
etsbilideiatheia eta thin' erik fern
47.4,1Cen4et-Preedeelesieeell to. eraisi
'Wel to 01tapleatf same 4f
tiiniTeo elineiehtlenfenee' beterie
leads from bad to worse.
Several to s iielibriatinlEili l;
the 'first -week f May as a pericete
set apart for . '• general municipal
clean up. The lan gives uniform-
ity and would 'no doubt eestult in
a much wider regediegesedatriehrlis
being done; eoeSeeeedeeen Seerel
governed by v at thdir neiglih6es.
do hence, the ealeff refeei re:rattle
friendly rivalrw Clinton Ifss „'•.‘i. lt
good name buff eat us ,give'it e a
good boost thi& season.
Keep Huron County in the fere-
!front by every resident. contribu-
ting their quota to ,the improve -
menti of evert profession, trade
and calling and seeing that the
output is always A 1. We have
the eitizeeship,, fertile acres and
-good going inclustriee. Let us
grade up along every line.so that
anything groin Hurcevevsill. stand
. ,for the best thee ean be produced.
In this there issa, part 1 or every-
fllrtblU &S
,,„ esSese
Tn Clinton. on April leth, to
• Mr., end Mrs. Frenk Geste, a soh. •
on Tuesday, April , felst, at
. Paul's church, by Rev J. C. Potts
rector, Mies Etelka, daughter of
Mn. and Mrs. Alex. Leitch, to Mr
"Will. Johnson, all of Clinton. ,
STERLING --M ARINS -At the nate
sonans in Clinton, April 141h,
Florence. eldest daughter ot John
Makins, Stanley, to Frederick
Sterling of Goderich township, by
Rev. S. J. Alii
s •
I "
' • . — . „ e
,••Thuneday, 23rd,A814-- •
frona e
• - • •••••••• WY•'•-•••
e t.' • a . 11.; •
J•, mg the past, week ,Alden Ailen, oonsidei,ably. isroeWAt oh
eee s 9
oftelolecene township has perchased
151,so50.aoraThrini of J'ohn 'Tb 043T.PArPiOthOit Rev', .Ptit'EL°thles • •
Stevens. xbe'ministry. ' • 1
,oriCtl'pe,14 for it was in the ueightior- ..Sseet theapeeiltrY,far? of Affred. 1?fek. 0i 1
eepit in ee ,weeele gp
PinPleer Ineeibele OeCelborne heraree tete I,eghoens and Barre
What is reggopable cleie t
110hueslyille ,
McVicar ot Goderith" eeent
l'ellurielity' with here friend Mienee
''Peroct : see, .
The;Missien'Oirelerie to nieeteestlie
Mr, ,,,p0,Wartli Trewartha bade, tee,
rinisfteiee to lose a driver last week
eer e cif Clinted eceneied
theedeteddist pulpit On grinday tuorn•
ing ani Jr. Lille tinier Goderieb in
the evening isteeSPileColelier
absence, :
e., •.
At40110 •
School Hepoet of • .S.S. , lee
Stanley. •
Class V. Total Marks 835,--etose•
Taylor 465. '
Sr. 1V, Total marks 735 -Frank
McGregor 475, Kenneth Stewart 41e
Spence Jackson 408; Clifford Set:W-
• ant 376.
Jr IV Total marks 801 -Agnes
. .
_ Glenn 1335, * Wiltriered, Jeevis
' 1304175.
HiPPen • Sr. III. Total marks 709 * Zetta
Mr. Andrew- Bell, of Tuckersniilh, Jackson 295-509, Edna. Alexander stroke of paralysis Wednesday of I
met with an unfortunate accident on 291.-801.4 week, affecting his left side.
Friday, when he narrowly escaped . Jr, III. Total marks 655 -Mar- At his home 8 h line, 'Morris tow
daub. He and .his son Willie were garet McGregor 379, Clarence Jack- ship, at 5 30 p.m. last' Saturday, t
drivieg a team attached to e. roller, eon 343, * Clara Potter 1567509,e, summons 40 W41011 none, cap say N
whenehe doe frightened the horses, ,t AnnieeMacFaelane 33-76. . ..,, ,conle to GeOrge JarCke9n, - ateold ., a
The team befteilitseuteteivay aaiWeihen „let ,CriassI ITotal. marks Me -Mae,
worthy. reSideete 'and, .peacefully •
nearly undereentecil ehe tongterstrote, ' ion 'Melervegede2; John MeGreeer eesponeete , leoe seeeteAtprheew
ped out of the eeekeoke: Mn. Bellevas .11a ., , s . e. ,s
who wawa kiss Jane Laidlaw of Tu
thrown in frohr el the roller and run i' * Winnilfeed. Jervis, Zettal Rieke 'ersieith and has been 'married sea
never, while his little son held on., Ills son, Clara Potter and Annie Mac- 42 years.
horses got char. Mr. Bell was carried Farlane were sick, during part of Arch. L. McDonald has purchas
t3 hie homes were a physician found the examinations and th(eirefore what is known AS the Robert R
that no hones were broken knit Mr, ,were not able to write on some of farm, being Jot 23, Con. 5. Grey, a
Bell was t ruised to some extent. witeuse it for grazing purposes. T
Mt. Harry Chesney of the village. the subjects.
hood of 81100 s- e. et se -lee- iiteet,Eleessels. ueVe ofe400eebt4s' Sae epeelonging itedays. of eisofulde .
'h:eeefYiPlegerie:elpeNWessilleeiktie*, tchedeilreade this Spain' ' .
ebdt1b anMi!li°Peeewaeseee at .the' letet wedeiaktse hits been set roe havueegivitiee , cersioseelaelsit'tdrifairit'l
1ortbmigigk,,Y°7 t Monday, of. White Lee received :ettitil..1' 'hevve
M"Ild 116°k". is4"3k1T)113re"8 fron"aglan "knows how."
,t'ivresn'ing when they A d as a sticht
Phe the new b seen- a Ye istreieo
hoirwoof Geo: eMs eeem flotivey e rocking
sditoi of the
home "° beautiful r,oc
with two ill' " s. net, stone
Mr. and Me corse01 es
their church, Bees es Dr. Mac
To put Is
to f the' t
r king c 0 te, nee. .,, •
eten ma
to reiobe n
Donold offetri3g
e eh
nr sented
Toron will
• Sr c11316
MrWmHillof GriswoldManSentedi to come and perfortrethe inter- - too lone, • '
. . , , .,
died at, tong Bonen, thd,,, on April 7 cernegmoanyiengthv peilee ef 111 It you are not weeded for all tines
'in his 94th yeas., leewes a residenP ilfli,'".11114.tItittilliatti'Biabler•of Dash' - to some one expert, we would lik
'of'Turolato from 41119 -to'• 1860; and was' wood, pziok it dose of paris grpnk and A,,,,,,...440.,not,abme
Ad business ter ,04,399t•WYPIvs'ili OAt'a *dliitf'Saldimtfiedicai Wild fie flaree•WalehtdlYiedl'dt wee. ;$
Pf °ur, g.°R4
Yongesitrets. In 1882 he moved from
times ate ellisfedettiee bf Queen and mooed. She was 41 years old and '''''
Yortie w tch deseryes the beet '' ' -0
-e'er r
Seaforthi Gift to Winnipeg and had tleisiveLier husband and four children
treitincan get, addit r jps,kii
,eeseeseen ole'west since 014 purgestei:.f whemils leer mbleths
thattwhichNee offal '' ' ' •" • •' ' l
le fi
, Mrs Win, Beaman has sad hiSfav114. 44 kr. Garotter E.,sthith lenlya son of
end Viet lit. of Kil.Wa. .
, As ildr:Bigin 113dgins, of Dash wood Regina, formerly of McKillop, died at
the home of his piiitentsjp.thaecitveon
on Con 15, Stephen, to Messrs.' Jacob ee nd Mrs Wm G Smith of
ss e
'W48 week eethis,befue ,0,11,- Fridewiset • veniuti.,1,7.25the 4 esse seed'21 yeses sr • ounter,
wheels passing so close its to graze the some time from an infection of the
he was theOwn front his wagon and apd SiX months and had been ill for - ; Jewder aitteeletiCialle. ee e-',' , i• ,:i.
narrowly, ercaped being runover; the, '
D. Urquhart of Elenssel, has purchas me.: e • . • ,
tbroatevvliich he contracted last sine- • I
skinatid heir on the side of hiS 'lead. , ISsuer of Marriage Lieenses,,
ed the grain storehouse formerly used mer end from which he never recover. - • .
by the late George McEwan in that The site for the new . Post Office at . AuetiowSale
, Eter hae been definately settled and
• Another of Hansall's London Road the
ee nljewavisbuipirdompgertwyilbebtew:ernectWed.0.10. Auctinn tale of farnestock and im-
ladies leis been entering matrimony in rna.res hardware and the bank of Coin- plements, ge Londesboro, on Saturday
the West. On Tuesday of last week, inerce. This includes the brick build- May 2nd, at one o'clock,.Sale without - •
'at the home of her sister Mrs Donald ' ing of W. J, Beer, harness maker, reserve. J. W, Cartwright. proprietor
McLeod, formerly Miss Addie Bells at which will be torn clown, Me Beer Thos. Gundry, auctioneer.
Calgary. Alta., Mise Eliza Jane Bell to getting the building. He hes perches-
Donald Chisholm, real estate agent in ed the brick building on the corner ot
the above city, Jameeand Main Streets from Mr. T.
John Mooney. an old and well known Fitton formerly used by the Bank of
resident of the 5th line, Morris, bad a Commerce,
Mouse to Rent
met with a serious accident while J. et C Wylie, Teacher trete was made by F. S. Sege-, of Br
helping Sir. John Dilig saw logs at the
Mr. Chesney on the foot. Several Miss Viva Co.e of Waterloo has re Pastor of the Methodist church,
stitches were required to close the turned home after spending a week been stationed at Talbotville for
wound. , with her cousin, Miss Jessie McVittie Pest term. He purposes superano
Miss Helen enherton of Clinton was ting uext June and will take up r
• the guest of of her muffin, Miss May
sels, and the price paid $2,625.00.
Rev. John Holmes. who was a r
mill. In trying to•free a piece of slab ''' dent of Blyth several years ago wh
from a log, the axe glaneed, striking Millen •
deuce at Lambeth where be has
bought a home. Mrs. Holmes' health Bruce Railway 40 years,
Crawford, last, week.
A Cornwall despatch to The Globe bliss Edna Lee As .spending a few
months with her aunt, Airs F. Gibbs,
said: The marriage of Miss Margaret
of canton
Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Clinton spent
last week at the home of Mr. Thos.
Dan Crawford left for Waterloo
last week where he hes a situation.
Wm. Weymouth has engaged with
the G. T. R. as sectionman at Landes,
Trewarthit-Alaceleth-In the press
ence of immediate 'relatives a, quiet
wedding was solemnized' on Wednes
day April 15th at elakeside farm!'
Goderich tp. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wire' MaaMath,- when their
youngest 'daughter. Ness Sadie, was
B. A, officiating. Theewide,. who was
onifaHrroirmdetsoviMIlev'Rnev7tilfarmt Jes
unattended. wits- testefit ly attired in
white silk voile and shadow lace with
bridal Voile and orange blossoms, and
wore the groom's gift, a gold pendent
of pearl's and amythyst. Mr. and Mis
Trewartha will rase le at,Holinesville
and carry With them the best wishes
of many feieuds,
A very pretty hut quiet wedding
took place in Dungarinon on Tuesday
morning, April 14th, when Sara Ailed
tit (Birdie) daughter of the be e 2. E.
and. Mrs,. Darren, Was united in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Chas A.
Whitely, a prosperous farmer of Goole
rich township. At half past eleven
the hride entered the drawing room
to the strains of Lohengrins wedding
march, rendered very prettily by Miss
Pearl Bradford. The bride who was
given away by her brother, E. W.
Durnin, B. A. df Cornwall, was be-
comingly attired in a gown of white
chat meuse satin with shadow lace and
renal trinimingS. Her dainty draped
hridal veil was caught up with a
wreath of ora, ge h ossonis and •-he
carried hallo ver hoquet 3f, bridal rases
and lily of the valley. The ceremony
was performed by Rev, Gilbert Gomm
in the presence of only the immediate
relatives of the bride and groom. The
esteem in which the young people are
held was testified by t he many hand-
some gifts received. Our hest wishes
go with Mr. and Mrs Whitely to • h er
new home, Inglewood Farrn, where
they will be at' home to their friends
after June 1st,
A quiet hut very pretty Easter wed•
ding took place on Saturday afeerbrion
et three o'clock. Apriellth, when Rev
Mr. Ford united in marriage Mn, Wit-
hert Prouse, third eon 'of Mreared.Mrs.
David Prone°, Goderfeh township,, Wed
B4-noing, youngest daughter of Mrs.
David Benning, to Mr, G. A, Miller
Principal of the Collegiate Institute
Seaforth, Ont., took place opiate at
the home Mettle bride's mother, Glen -
hetet Williamstown, NVednesdity,
The house was effectively decnrated
with rosesecernations, daffodils Easter
tittles and ferns. 'The ceremony was
conducted be Rev. A. termer'. of Wil-
liamstown, assisted by Rev W. C.
nointyre. of Ogdensburg. The bride
who was riven away by her brother
Mr, Jennie Benning entered to the
strains of the wedding march, played
by Mrs, JitilliPS Benning, and gowned
in white crepe . cloth trimmed with
shadow -dee d- pearls She was
unitteeneed. Her travelling suit was
of Dutch blue, cloth with brocade•
taegp vest itiel sweet of shadow lace ,
veiled -nibor.• tusoan straw hat,
trimmed with Dutch blue osprey, and
rosette. They boarded the evening
train for Muutrelit, thence to Toronto
and Seaforth, where they will reside, i
' Brucefield
Rev. S. J. Allin of Clinton is expect-
ed to preach in the Presbyterian
church ,m e:ibbath next and Rev.
Woods wll take his place in Clinton.
The e son for syrup is over.
WILS04 a good veer for it.
FiShing, 18 the order of the day.
John Itettenten•y , and bride who
have been vis.ting et the home of her
pi ent, ;Ted renamed to Burlington.
Palmas have begun their Spring
941 s Bunting of Tornnto ig the guest
of Misi welsh Foote, Bannockburg.
The am ornotele season is come
The Brussels Pose of last week
reports the burial in that town of
a sister of the late Mn. Rose, who
was a former.G. T. R. agent here. -
Miss Jennie Rose of Chealey, daugh
ter of the late Thomas' Bose, who
was G. T. B.. Agent here 37 years.
ago, was buried in Brussels' ceme-
tery on elecO'nesdaye She died in
the General 'Hospital, Toronto,
after a long illness from heart trou-
ble. She was 30 years of age. Mrs.
Kilbobrne, 'of Toronto and • Misys
Bertha Hose, of Chesley, attended
the funelrall: The parents land a
brother ;eadeceased were buried in
Brussels: ,cernetery.
Goderick ToWnshiv
Blyth saw iii making gond pro-
, ,
grese wit the seasen s cut of logs, - It
is thoughthat itSwill he completed
within si' ;weekes
A verve pretty :iiedding took place
Weduesdey eV,eiiings March 25th. as
tee home.'pf the -grei3ires brother, 'Mr.
Jettleteldeldeurity, 4976, llth..Avenue
Wast Vancinieere B.,,e)... ween Miss
t33,446,4pck b4':: filriolerly »of Blyth,
eafid e aster o 11/41as;ditaac.0owan,),and '
Wm c tireeet . bet b 'Of, Neepesva ,
Mithilib' werekmited in Inatriinony
by ifte <.•' finXsit.W1,igitt.D...B...:. , -
ondfamily 1 ett pn 'etielideey fte4eliAiAo
elle O' Mr.q.10Ineetopher. Jonnet!
AripeReitisle eletnedeCeleieresseistree
laigeteNinlee '. 1 their Triende,,atettes,', '
deOrileteled pin :farewell rmsdIMr"
ern,st..ineasai ,It4eik:o.aw,iiomei.;,..,;-o. ,.
Ateesecnereefiteeeseilling ;wee 6.elleinitlie e
ized aisthe %homes iseeeleeitiedtgieJ
Collinsop,. velii,l,leierieetterreheareelnetyse.
Carolitige, wast4nitc.d in -marriage to
atelVal W. , °Pan, oellleilitta The
eietilieti ev,v,rie,l,erforinett by t he RPV.
T. 13. Farr TO heepy couple teft• foie.
their new hiSmelin Berlin .on ,the 4i m
Tile. te,T,meralteCgetting•Jiity with.
theft . reediting !irnel'eeedieg, estielhey
are compleining ef the teiiiitot a warnd
The annual meeting of the Blyth
Bowling Club was held in the St.
George's cluerooms on Feiday evening
with the president, Dr. McTaggart, in
the chair, The secretary -treasurer
gave his finanaal statement which
showed th at the chits is progressing
each year and with another year like.
the last, the debt will he alt wiped out
and a surplus will crown the offieerk,'
efforts. After various queseions were
discussed, the following officers were
... • .
'••••• ! • Lesteta's.1
. .
elesatel • reST
tk.r •4,
red•otrti-dt1 fhee:'!•"tig§1;
XV, 47;
FUrnkeeiVotk ;14
A few weeks ago Percy Harmer, son Five roomed house on west end of
of Wm. Harmer, who at one time Mary street, town water and cistern,
livetelon the Mitchell Road in Usborne good garden, plum and apple trees,
and now in New Ontario accidently Apply to
lost his life. • He was in- tbe, woods CHAS. IIELYA
ehootingseith a, companion. when ;the
latter's' gun in some unaccountable, ' • e,
Way discisarge,deind the ehet entered , Tenders!Ayanted.
old mid was steadier industrious and edTteontiheersufnodresrtsriegelystalf::t4liilbtl.iraedeldeiri'vesea:
thwbreast -youne.Heeiner, causing e• - • ,•
death 30 hours later. He was 26 years
highly respected. . .
Fred Kerr has • donated a beautiful up to six teclock re in. April 27th.
trophy to the Credit on Gun Club.
Town Clerk
Mr. Wm. J, Brooks of Crystal City.
a former weleknown Exeter boy, who
has been conducting a butcher shop
has developed into an extensive cattle
and hog dealer. he having made large •
shipments of late,
last week taking the levels for the neve
Mr. Molesworth, who was at Exeter Watch lost to, -ave
post office, was one of the engineers Gbe.tTw.eRen. trBaeinig,
who surveyed the Loudon, Huron and Finderrewardedaree.wcallielnetodn.oa leaving at; New
Watch Lost,
Miss Leafy May Young, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Young, Colborne Township, at the
Victoria Street Parsonage. The bride
who was handsomely gowned in a
dress of pale blue silk trimmed with
lace, carried a boquet ofisvhite roses,
she was attended by Miss Myrtle
Prouse, sister of the groom. who wore
a dress of white embroidered voile and
carried it hoquet of pink roses. Mr.
LeafYoung, Mother of the bride, was
best man. The Groom's gift to the
was a gold bracelet and piano case
organ, to the bridesmald a gold brooch
and to the groomsman a gold tie pin.
The bride received many beautiful and
costly presents, which shows the bigh
esteem in which they are held. Me
and Mrs, Wilbert Prouse have a wide
circle of friends. who join in wishing
them a very happy and •prosperous
wedded life. They will be at home to
their friends after May 1st, on St.
David's Street. where they will take
up house keeping after a weeks visit
with relatives.
Commencing the ist week in
May Me. Lounebeery and Mr. Ged-
des will close their stories every
Tueaday and Friday evening at
Giles Jenkins preached in the Meth
ndist church het Sunday morning.
Win. Lyon took the services in the
-School reopened nn Monday with
several new schoters.
Mrs. Chrysler of Delhi is visiting
her daughter, Mrs J. 0. Lounsberry
The hunk! honk! of the auto is neard
The Exeter times has the following
Ione -Rev. J. 11. Osterhout B.A.B.D.
of Londeshoro preached two excellent
sermons in Alain Street last' Sunday
the pastor. Rev. E. G. Powell preach-
ed at Londes hero
Mr Woods, f Loudon, representieg
the Cam otell buggies, was 01 the v II.
age on Tuesday.
Seeding has begun, but the ground
is mit in very good shape as yet.
Whooping cough and measles are
among the kiddies here. Both diseases
are of a mild type.
Mrs, Jae. Grasby and Tom Ri ey
both of who have beep seriously ill are
• London Road
Mr, ArtInirStevenson lost a Yalu -
able co* last week. ,
Mis. ll Newt is spepdifig ehe, week:
11) Olsten wth her daughter, Mrs, .
:Gre&Weo.leseek'.Wieh quieeres
Mr. Lev( etselisehas returned 'froth
beer •, ei8i4thsisisi weeks. „a ix Deteele
eifeitteheieliniehreee: ev,heS. 1;
-Quit- ,•,)eWsefermers,,,esseesspeserig.
oMpaliilectlOrPittbh33ks. Siumehave
ueteeeleiWeerieree s e •
heleeeide Meets], next Theweriewe
fieneetehe beeee-othleeeeStaealatilee.
•Sit ,44Y'n„;'
, . Jr. "A•••-, •
.19 1 .`. ,
41,911611,5511,',1110[ weeiStle blown
eyserys tislight7 ; 6 ore1beit10?-aitl,w,
bte4..v. v•••;.i :0 •
veNfiretniVocaiftfetrridA ee
sear. ands 'WSJ. N. Id. .Caela cleed I .
eof Yabbint-HifIyeaks.
11 -
Call and see, us before hIJgenses S ,Huron
placingur .yoorder. '• , 3, Given. Three months
Hansa% April \22. -Again a 11-
cense COMMIS
Byam &cutter ° if es- ently with 'the license situation
,40n has dealt,/ dif-
in 'Huron, South: Huron (commis -
Sanitary PluMbers ,sioncrti In ,Bies sion here{ to -day de
ceded te give tile (b.otatketepiers
Phone '7.. three Months to sell out tater lelay
le North, Huron commassionere
40VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWWWWYV*401 enamed May 1., and Center Huron
had: its licenses renewed uneon-
oitiOnaily icor a year, and this
makes the third interpeetation of
the overwhelming mandate of the
temperance Act cote last January.
A deputation .rained by the con-
vention of temperance forces at
Clinton recently asked the com-
missioner's that the licendes be cut
6f f, but at was thought that from
now till May, 1 would, be too short
a. time in which to dispose of the
stock of the various hotels, of
which there are 12.
A complaint against Joseph Bren
seer, hotelkeeper at Zurich, was
not considered by the commission-
liamd-Made Ruggles
' We have now ready a large stock of
buggies of our own manufacture. All
the latest styles, and designs, and no-
thing hut first class material used from
t h i more
star o n s ur pilees are no
than for factory made buggies. Come
in and look their, over.
See Our Stock of Seeds
Red Clover
Alsike (Gov. standard)
also Oil (Jake
Linseed Meal
Calf Meal
Chick Feed
Chick Grit
I We handle Clinton, Exeter, and
the celebrated King Quality
Orders Taken For •
Lime SulPher and La
(tor spraying trees)
also Fertilizer,
Agent for Ileintzman Pianos
We are Out for a Square Deal
• Advertising means directing the attention
of others to that_for which attention is de- •
sired. If you have a stock of which you
, are proud, or a service which you believe,
to be superior,,direct attention to the fact'
every week in the columns of The New .`•
-44." "1:,:„Sqretch out the hand of aood-will, wear
•,,,,•!.xlle'sEnt e of welcome, and command the'
. ., • '.'1', , '' : ' ' ', . '' ,
' '• " 113 thesesa•-tings, and.'yoUr.ttniainess will
'i'i/bqsApp*of the buyers of thiS ,comMut*y. • .l ,
•."' '`ikpand andthe profit&'ficiiiiIdtirt biiaiii '
4011 he,,zrealyifigie'akit-
,,, ,,,c,, 9„.„ :,AN4''....” 'W. •,,a.mr.vih, tP1,...n-k,',V4. •Aptth,4,...1•Alt.:1:".74,0,tx....
,„.,...,.,,i ,,,7•1 i IV, A
IWOR:'DfliTiOi5T.':'H. E9iiUrABTI,OF."11. 4::%.0
,.,•,, -,!;:ii..,0-., ,y ,
. - ' ' ' 'Hoy you not feel a certain reluctance. about •"
going into shops that Nave not invited you to
. 'enter their doors ? At the shop Which adver-
tliea-whielk- invites your custom -you know
that yeti are Weleeline,
Shop where you're invited toShop