HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-23, Page 1Established 1865, Vol. 48, N CLI:NTON ONTARICO THURSDAY APRIL' `2'3 -1914 H. Kerr & Son, \Editors and Publisher icient anc Ever Ready Help-Qetter Right at Youx•'and. �ver5n Day �n 'AYES NAVY SEIZE MEXICAN PORT THE's' ,�/�{�y 4t Personal IVC' es Zo rel B ,' 1P thous l.ving relatives or friends *p visiting in town or ::6oing amps ,,,'H. .e re , notify' usoi'thefaot•'eac week, We �F CAir� A' ('a would aunonoos it in the Nsw IERA. Head Office, Montreal IX4444-1144444,44+44+44.11, Riegistrat Ceats,;,ofG oderieh, was in town on ,Friday..,., Miss Gertrude Fox, of Goderich was in taws 1ae't weeek, Mrs Whitely, of G:orrie, called on old 'fen:aid,is ! Ins town on Tuesday. Mr, A Ti,I Cooper • and Mr. J. A. Irwin wee •in Goderich, last Fri- ea.„ ri- ' Mrs. 'Wm. Grant is co/Ian:al to the tiousee With au attack of quinsy. se 'Mrs. W. L. Rutledge ileat*ies• .f or S'o•uth Beady Indiana, where, ,shle will visit -for•isometime with her ,dpaghter; Master Charlie Bell, is sick with an attack of • pleuro-pnekimonia, Everybody{ -Wishes 'for a speedy relcovery. 0,000 Capital., Authortaed....:......$25,00 Capital' Palld-up . 11.500,00D Reserve ,and =divided 12;fiOD,o00 rants TOTAL ASSETS 175,000;000 326 ',BRANCHES iVailth world wide coemectiaml Interest allowed on Depor1ts General (Ranking .business' paten- acted. R. E. MANNING, Mgr. , CLINTON BRANCH ormaldeliyde Prevents Slant on Grain Fresh stock of best quality just received. -T. E. H.OVL:Y Dispensing Chemist. The Quality Drug Store • Miss Jean' Wylie returned. on 14Ion' day from Durham, :where, she spent her holidays with, her parents, Rev. anal Mrs. Wylie. Mr. Geo. 'Raithby ' tof Auubrn :spent la ,short time in Clinton on Sunday while here hie attended ser vices in the Baptist church. Miss May Smith returned to her school in New Hamburg on . Sa- turday after spending the Easter holidays with her :Aunt, Miss Lydia Smith. Business Men do not want improperly prepared" young men and women in their offices. Attend ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. , A. school that has a great reputation for superior work and or placing many in choice positions. Write for l catalogue. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1555 Capital and Reserve $8,4000.000 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT TRAVELLERS OHIQUE3 };ISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT pp 1 vV AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch yO.O••••••• ••••••••.••• 000•4400000•FP0••09••flD•400••� Z • real • Olde • Clothing s f WR ,4Y • • • .•a •• I Itc3 ad fo BVear Clothing Different and etter Clothes • In our business of sell— ing clothes our policy is to furnish our, patrons with the best clothes that can be made. In the selection of our garments we are generous but not extravagant. very detail that makes for Better Clothes is care- fully looked after. Nothing Slighted Nothingis Overlooked No. fancy prices—every figure is'. based. oh actual cost and the resplts ,of our , efforts are apparent, We have a good busi- ness becaue'' ,we offer the best of clothes at the least possible price. Se OW New Spring Stilts $1o,,.$12 to $20 See IJ I See our New Spring Overcoats 7,5o,1&,5o, to$a:, mmrmr rx • • • • • ,The e e i,, ,�'^' • a W O • • • •• • • • A Square 7l'eal for Every Mit'n • •'M•••®•••••A•••••••.•••®S41®•••••Ao••o•444••44••••*44 Here is a Chance To Mahe $160,000 Old Spanish Prisoner Swindle Still Seeking Victims Last week we reported that the",oid 'Spanishj,Prteoner swindle was still be; ing worked, at has been exposed so;. often thin onewonders that tilers are. any ,Suckers" left who have dot be. eomeiwise'enough 'to bite on it. As "Bin O'Neil does not care to try his luck at the fortune, we decided to pub. list the letter and report from 'the foreign newepaper. Here is a letter, which is written on foreign notepaper, in a foreign hand: 23, 3, 1014, w Era Want A w r'Su::s is F r Dear Sir,—Although I know you only from good references of your. honesty, my sad situation compete me to reveal you an important affair in which you can procure a modest for- tune, saving at the same time that of my darling eater. Before being imprisoned here I was established as a banker in Russia.- as you will see by the enclosed article about me of many English newspapers which have published :my arrest in London. T beseech you to help me to obtain a sum of 4S0,000 dollars I have in America, and to come here to raise the seizure of my baggage, pay ing to the Registrar of the Court the expenses of my trial ,esd-reeevrr my portmanteau, containing a secret pock et. where 1 have hidden the document indispensable to recover the said sum. As a reward I will give up to you the third part, viz., 160,000 dollars. I can - nut receive your answer in the prison but you must send a cablegram to a person of my confidence, wno will de- liver it to me. Awaiting your cable, to instruct you in all my secret, I are, sir, Yours truly S.SOLO V1EFF. First of all, answer by cable; not by letter, as follows: 1 ALV ARO REQUEJO, 1 Like Telegrafos, Santander, (Spain). Here is the alleged clipping from an English newspaper, which is very ob- viously a fake, are it is full of typogra- phieal errors, wrong font type, etc. Arrest of a St. Petersburg Ranker Charged With Fraud in Russia and Manslaughter in Spain INTERVIEW OF THE TWO AMBASSADORS • 4 a • • • • i • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • Some months ago, as our readers may remember. we referred in these columns to the great scandal caused in St. Petersburg, and Russia gener ally; by a noted Banker who abscond ed leaving a deficit of over five mil lions of rubies. The Russian Police sought for him for a long time in vain for itseems he had not Lett the least trace of his flight and the cr,ntinued search over Europe and America proved in -manning: Yesterday, however a Spanisle In Spector accompanied by two officers from Scotland Ynrd and acting under instructions of the Spanish Amhassa. BAND SHAPING UP ' dor, who had previously interviewed The Mitchell Corres ponelent to the Home Secretary, arrested him nn the Stratford Daily (Herald makes ehewa.s; •,vhei commenttoo .heir• the hotelvi com A • way from 1v0 'foll0l � his , t 0the g •l bis trial for manslaughter, an •1 only.after his trial can the 'Russian • Government ask Spain, through dip • • lomatic channels, for his extradition •` What the Sucker Does The sucker is expected, after he has received further ••confirmatory" evi , dence in response fo his cable, to go to Spam with -about $30110" an his posses Bron: Head toay the •.eapenees lipid to,receive la -Tatum thee luggage of the unfortunate banker, Ile veils find' the cheque, note' is 'number. Wand before paying over the money, will cable to the Boston bank .to find if the cheque is -all right. At this stage the confed erste, who is a telegraph operator, will appear ' He will answer the tries sage, assuring the 'victim that the cheque is 0.1a, Then the money will • he.paid over, and the -swindlers will disappear When the victim arrives, • in Boston hewilldisco%er that he bas • fallen among thieves. Of course ie -e Nwill take a couple of- weeks or more • before the fraud is detected. and I gives the gang ample time to bide. • After all, no one has much-symp, • tby for the victim who loses hi's money e j in trying to participate in someone else's illgotten gains. It serves him right, W.00DROW WILSON President of •the United Staple= Cruz tonight is in the hands of ',forces from the United States war ESIDrNT Huei'ra. „' ole. M-EXICO' a. Vera Cruz, Mex., April 21—Vera To The Business Clinton men ships, but the occupation of the Men of port' Was not ilceomplisheid with- out loss' of American lives. Four Americans,'b1uejackets and i mariners,' were' killed by 'the of the Mexicans, 'ancla 21 woundled. The,. Mexican lossia Ove not known, but it is believed to acups , have been Meavy.. The- wate,ifront, the /customs house and all important piers,an- eluding those under" the terminal works (from which extend the railwoads ' to the capital, have bean occupied. The Meeican commander, 'Gen'. Gustave Maas, offered a stubborn nesiateiece to the American ad Vance, and many hours there was fighting • in the streets. Towards nightfall it, was reported that the main body of the Federal garrison Tho Horticultural. Society ask' your co-operation in a inovement 'for a general clean up of the busi- nese portion of the town. The society appreciates the diffi- culties the merchant has met with. informer years inlg'e4tintg gid of the unavoidable ;accumulation of. reuse in the rear of this place of business by rection of the. scarcity of teams to dray it, away during the busy spring •aeaspn. This ear thesocie ' t assumes the y 'W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State fire ; . fell Te dlatydfrremoving the refuse thld was in retreat to the Westward. urges the merchants to make every Tletcher Demands Surrender use of the opportunity to elean out their cellars anal back yards of tins, Rear Admiral Fletcher, in com- mas etc., to be parted; away on the mend' of the United States war - General clean. up Day. appointed, by .ships, prellaced his (occupation of the Board. of Health,. April 30th'. the port by e' demand, through; Clinton has the reputation now the American corcul, W. W. Canada of having the best kept and neat- 'for' Its surrender.' Gen. ' Maas est streets or at lea' t one of thief promptly declined to accede to best 'for a town of its population this demand and shortly ;afterward in the province, why not make an ten whaleboats were ,Dent off from effort and make the back yards in the 'side of the transport prairie keeping with the 'front. loaded with marines. These boats The Horticultural Society respect lefaecl:ed' a landing in the neigh - The request the merchants to boyhood o£ the customs house be - separate the refuse in town for fill- yore noon, and a few minutes af- ing 'from tiny cans, broken glass, etc ter Capt, William R. Rush, of the that will leave to betaken to muni- battleship Florida, who was in cipal dump. This will Sower the command', of the operations a - cost of teaming very au,ateri�ally, shore, brought his Hagan. The Society woui,, ,also .suggest to I Capt. 'Rush's men had.'already ta- the property owners ageneral re - ken up .their positions. They num- pair of outbuildings. I befred 150 bluejackets 'from the A great many of them have a veryFlorida, 390 marines: from the neglected look and apart from their I Prairie and 65 marines -from the appearance they are a constant Florida. Later these were 'aug- fi re hazard, M. D. McTaggart, President T. Cottle, Secretary. , mented by a detachiulent from the iTtah, LINER CHARTERED TO CARRY MARINES. Washington, April 21—Secretary Daniels late tonight chartered( the liner Morrocastle at New York, a transport 1t tO carry to Mexican ican wet - staying, to the Steamship office. to Bantl.—Mitchell brass band, under ; ere, the regiment, of inarmes or - seems that it was his evident intention ' the leatlers,hip of Mr. Poubester dteeed assembled at Philadelphia. to tests passage for New York, b'rorn (of Clinton, who comes •down two information received by the Ambassa' nights a week, is bushy practicing dor, he had been in hiding in Spain, for the summerand under the new where he lived with a women and teacher the citizens expect to hear before da s r. A fewo+ • u Utey,' band music. with dagood n willthina gsome arriving in London he had quarrelled The gaps mde i.n the band by with another Russian who was mor members going away are fast fi.1- tally wounded by a revolver shot der ing up again. ing the scuffle and who only lived long enough to denounce hie assailant. In an interview with the Russian Ambassador it seems that the name he had Been using hi Spain and which he gave, on being arrested was not his real one, Manasseina being simply an alibi, but after comparing the prisoner with photographs in his possession, the Russian Ambassador recognized him as Serge Solovieif the criminal ha.3ker who eloped with five millions of rubies; he is a native of Sl. Peters burg, a widower 48 years old with an only daughter that•he left in Spain on escaping from that country. On being arrested, two of Manes seine's or Sero Solovieff portman teens were seized but although strict ly searched nothing but personal of fects were found in them. in spite of which the'°'Russian Ambassador de clams that, prisoner ought to have several million rubies somewhere. The Russian and Spanish Ambassa dors conferred yesterday evening as to whether the prisoner should he con veyed to Spain or to Russia, a.nd:after an interview with the Rome Secretary end in accordance with the extradi tion : treaty of England, Russia and Spain, it was agreed that the prisoner should be conveyed to Spain to stand • ,z. S 1 • •• • •• •• • STARTS BUSINESS IN MILVERTON Mr. Frei Mason, who ,werked with Mr. Lawsoii,at the b'arberiug is going to open a slather ,shop in Milverton in the, neltr future. 14IEX.ICANS ORGANIZE AGAINST INVASION. - t r' Eagle Pass, Texas, 1?I 21—At a A t a meeting of Mexican 'citizens, an Continued on Paee 5 .eSam The First Concert of the Season will be Given by CL1NiTON'S CONCERT BAND TII IN THE TOWN .fIPILL,.ON IS R�' ALMA �.• `�'OSWO of St. Thomas, will assist, along with'local•talent:. 25 in number, will,appear in their new kilts tor the first time, under the leadership of O'NDueTeR 1 ecfIsTER. The •mernliers of the "Musical. Society" will be admitted fret iO 1lESJ16tI'11 SEATS. 1 ADMISSION 25c Mr. Jno. S. Scott,!eof Dundas, gave the New Era a call on Satur- day. Miss Lily Kingston "hay taken a position with the McPauI Store at Sefalforth. Councillor Chas. Wallis returned. on Monday night 'from his Wes- tern trip, Mrs. E. Crich, of Brussels, has been visiting her ,daughter Mrs. S. Castles jr. Mr. Davo Forrester, of London, visited at the home of his parents over Sunday. Mr. Wilbur Manning, of London\ was calling on old, ,friends in town last week. Miss Nora McCaughey, of Blyth, wast a visitor at the Commercial Hotel last week. , License Commissioner Cluff, was in Goderich last 'Friday attending the Board meeting. Miss B. Webster, of Clinton visit ea 'friends in town the past week. -Luckoow Sentinel. Miss Gortie Laidlaw, of Detroit, was a visitor with Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Counter last,Friday, Mr. and Mrs. James. Reynold! of Gotilerich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey. Master Gordon Pearson, oft Port f as the uest olelasit r ei Albert was Melvin Schoenhals last week. St. Mary's Journal.—J, Shanahan of the Royal Bank, is spc(ndling Easter at his ]tome. in Clinton',. Inspector Johnston was in Gode- lastattending the Fr'da rich on i Y License C.ommissioner'if meeting. Blyth Standard.—Mrs. (Fawcett and, Mrs. John Leith, visited with Clinton 'friends on Good Friday. Mr. Joe Sills, of Seaforth, was in town last week, calling son his old friend, Mr. Morley Counter. Misses Jean and Violet 1•IcGuine were visitors last week with Coun- cillor McGuire's family at Brussels, Mrs. Hedieg Cook, of Stratford, has returned 'home after a week's visit with her ',sister, Mil, Middle- ton. Mrs. Armour and Missse and Aileen Armour lspe(nt week ,end with relatives at rich, Engineer Castor, of the de:partme_at, was in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs, 'H, T. Rance left last Friday 'for New, York and Atlantic City where they, will spend, several weeks, GLT IT IN Be ready for Stied time,;;: and insure a good. clean''" , crop by using Star Brand Full Strength 50c Pint at THE REXALL ; STORE ' , W.S.R. Holmes Maida the God e- flydro least Zurich Harald.—Mi'. Oliver John- ston, of Clinton Ispent ithe Easter holidays with his uncle, Mr. Thomas Johnston, Mr. W. J. Kilbride and Miss Irene Collins were in St. Thomas on Tueesday attending the Callahan;— Ki.tndree wedding. Miss C. Sipes, of Platte'ville, who has been the guest of Mists al. Irwin sang a eelo,tat 'Wesley:church last Sunday evening. Licenso 'Inspector . Torralnce (at- tending the meeting of the Li- cense Boards of South (Huron at Hansell on Weidnlesday. • Mr: and bIrs -W.F. Saun3e is autoed down: from ,Gode,rialra on Sundiay andvisited' with llrie1ids, in and around 'Clinton '. Last weelcls Lueknow. Sentiniel' had the, following locals—Miss 'Har riat Cantelon, olf Clinton, visited 'friends hese ovier 'Easter. Rev, J. Greene wee one of the ,d,spuitation that tvlaited (on the Centre Huron, License Board: on Friday last at Godeaich. Mlr. and. Mrs. A. E. Allen returned to Toronto on \Saturday after speraling aweek with; the £ormer's b6J eia Paterson's Worcestershire; Sauce: is unequalled in quality and flavor. A most delicious, appetizing family sauce -and a favorite wherever intro - duced. This week we have on sale 3 Bottles Paterson's Worcestershire Sauce For 2i Bents owl W. T. O'NEIl.. THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 small ilropes are, entertained for Itis recovery. Blyth Standard,=Mi•, and Mrs. Thos. McKenzie and family, of Clin ton, visited Mrs. McKenzie•s. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. Nesltritt, during the week . Mrs, Jos, Townsend *era ,alfew hours in Seaforth on Saturday and was accompanied home by her niece, Miss Lily Kingston, who spent tho week elm" 'here, Mr. James Gadsby, of Stratford, and ;gather of Mr. H. F. Gadsby, the brilliant Toronto Star Jour- nalist, tiled at his hone at ;mid- night Saturdlay at tho age 01 ,72 years. The olcl friends of Mr. J. W. Van atter of the Goderich Star, will be glad 'to hear that he has had a successful operation at the •Godle- rich hospital and in .a efelw weeks evork. able to go back( to be I will Rev. MM. Manning, of Toronto, formerly of Wesley church, Clin- ton, is supplying the pulpit of Centennial Church, Toronto, until the meeting sof Conference in June, owing to the illness of the regular pastor, Mr, (Emory. Rev. E.G. Powell, of Exeter, was in town on :Fria ay. ''He intimated to the New ,Era that probably he would move ito ,Clinton if suitable house could be found .as. Clinton{ would (be central ,for his. work in connection with the Temp potence movement. The London advertiser of Tues- day reports 'from Strathroy that Principal A. P. Gundry, 01 • the Col- legiate Institute, and a former principal of the C. C. 1., has hand- ed is bis resignation and wilt take a similar positron an, Galt when school re -opens in September. The Ethel correspondent to the Brussels Post had the following lo- cal which refers to a ,Clintoniarij;- Daniel Eckmier, of Clinton, was renewing old 'friendships in and about Ethel over Easter. It is 10 or 12 years since Mr. Eckmier lived here. He ire well pleased with Clinton: parents, Rev. and: Mrs. Ailin„ Mr. H. B. Chant, Supelrinten.11ent of the :Hydro and Waterworks,Sys- tems, was la). Toronto for a couple of days last eweek 'looking after matters Mrs, L. T. DeLacy and Mrs. (Dr.) Reagens, and daughter Nora, of Sc0ilforth, spent a few hours in town last Friday with Mrs. W. R;l Counter. • We aro sorry to report that Mr.. 1 Wm, Marshall is seriously ill at bis home on William street, and raised at Seaforth. The, newly organized Foot Ball team at Clinton tl>,a's Harry Bartliff and J.Leslie Kerr, both 'formerly of Brussels on the officiary. If the other officers ' . put the `fstingov into the 'menagdmlent as our o1,a boys are inure to der there shout. be something d•oing, toward silver ware'honora—Brussels Post. The popularity of Rev. T. Neal pastor of ;Bathurst St Melt todiat brother of d bio �Churoh,'•Tororrto, am M'r Albert Neel, is ,shown; ay Elie fact that'every Sunday the Church is orowdledt fto its utmos✓a, Ile oonnteatiose with, Easter s'ervicese congregation) was ;asked for the sum 'of $2500, and responded by giving over $0,100. • Thos. McCuaig, of Toronto, pore of Donald-McCuaig, formerly- of Clinton, met with a nasty and painful accident lafew days since, Htillingoff a moving,streettear•. e ,straied his back so devlelrely that the may be laid up for lsoine • time, What adds to hisenisfortuua is the fact that he has been out of employine,nt all. winter. The Toronto School) Board has eu pe raenuated a number of teachers who had reaelvedt'the agle limit, a- mong them being;Mr. timbres, for some time Principal of Jarvis St. Collegiate. air. Gilbert Smith, of reekdald. Collegiate, is mentioned as the likely eucces;sor of Mr. Emhree. Mr. Smith is sanative of Huron, {having (been born, and