HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-02, Page 9TES aLINTON NEW BBA. Thursday, April 2nd, 1914. u��, Mall I�unr��rs, Nlatts inole�rns ar�d Oil'clot�s `�. This weather will' bring on the annual house cleaning season; are you prepared for it, this week we ,past iltto''stock,,the'gi'eatest •range of 'new spring, floor rugs, we :have ever shown, one hundred to choose from, fawns, browns, tans, greens, zeds and blue grounds, neat patterns: 'We are also showing :five new patterns of • four yarn wide linoleum, in tile, block and floral de- signs. `, Tapestry Rugs priced from ti Brussels Rugs from....... `Wilton Rugs froth Hall .Runners from ... , Axminster Rugs from i $ 800.to$15.00. 18.o° to .25.00 25.00 to ; 4o.0o 8.00 to 12:00 35.00 to 50.00 Easter Collars, Waists, dosser,,. and Frillings We are showing a very exclusive range of Ladies Lacs Fischu Collars, in white and ecru. White Waists. Plain and fancy Hosiery and new,Frillings at reasonable prices, ' You are at liberty to ask to see these as often as you please. "This is the store that finds it no trouble to show the new goods. THURSDAY -Morse Show Day -SPECIALS $5 Ladies a7'aisrs $2.50 , , Twenty-four Ladies bilk and All- over Net Waists, in white, ecru anti black, all sizes, several styles to choose from, 'regular $5.00 value, Thursday, (Horse Show Day) Half Price. Dresses and Suits Underpriced Ladie; Wash Dresses, reg $5 for 2,98 Ladies Serge and `Voile Dresses, reg $15 for 9 98. Ladies Serge and Fancy Tweed Suits, regular S20 and $25, Thursday, (Horse Show Day) $16.5o. New Spring Goods at the Men's Store NewSpring Hats New Spring Suitings The New Spring Suitings are now in stook ready for your inspection, Worsted and Tweed Suitings that are sure to please the eye, browns greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in the very latest style. Your fit and our work manship guaranteed. Prices from 522 up, FOR MEN AND BOYS Men and Boys New Spring Hats, in all the newest shapes new in stock, black, blue, grey, brown, fawn, etc. If you have a hat want, you will be sure of getting just what you want here A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. The Exeter pubfic school ;board are ''taking precaution to gimlet against an ,epidieaiiic of ,any hind amongst the school children this spring and recently the first medi- cal inspection of the scholars was commenced. Dr. Quackenbush and Miss Leavitt a trained nurse have the work in charge. An examin- ation is being made of the teeth, ears, 'eves etc. and any defects are ;reported,+to the parents and a con- sultation with a dentist ar physic- ian as the ease may be kvdivisesd Sickness of any kind is also report- ed and care will be rexercised to see that all the cases of commune, icable 'diseases will be properly dealt with. • been held up for several weeks ow SOME CHANGES MADEing to the illness of Mr. John W. Moyes, the principal witness and r resider t f the railroad. OtOOOH••f•ooeN000oo00PONo00•ooNN•o00•0••o•o}N.•+ CT9i1 y os+m9••• sese•ooeoo•saaee•••• ►000000400000•••00000.00• COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY CUSTOMS, The regular Council meeting Cor Customs Collections for the year April will be held on Mdnday exceeding March 31, 19'14 ;134960 '50c, night... `The' Committees meets on A-VERTISING-TSMS. Friday :night: EASTER DANCE Advertising has advanced to the point where :il:is the controlling• n The' Pastime Club .have issued in 1, fluonce in' the world of coinm,erce, yr afoot or heir a A GOOD, to be given on Easter Monday iti t t t' x their E •s'tler Daiwa, the town hall, The Phalan Orches- From ten hens less: thou one year tra has been engaged. old, Mr. Ddweed Bull got, '207 eggs.,, during Elie' month of March, w61h 005. be'''setting educe the 25th. A GOOD CROWD IN TOWN' M OYES. CASE AGAIN The date for the resumed hear ing in . the Ontario Nest Shore Railway case, at Toronto, has been itiv.ce0 for April 7 before the On-. tario Railway Board. The case has TmSuture hi the ease of a voted' forme p t o whose name isienteeed• on Part Il .NEW' POSTOFFICE of the list in a township and who t (does not reside in the township In renewing for the New Era the judge may, without a previous ; notice of appeal or Complaint Donald Tuner \states that :a newOs iuplaint on the Was opened on his home application by such voter in par stead on the week of March 26th, son or in writing addressed to the It Coand is known as Junor Postaffico, COM No More Wor91l MI Costs clerk or by some pserson authorizeSask. Tho old friends in town will . di by him in writing for that ilei be r feel to hear that they are pose: 'strike off thename of such d i well out there and he e that voter from that part of rhe list for the homestead may soon be turn-, the olling' sub -division in which l ed into a thriving town and called he's rated for land and ell ea his liter their name, name on that 'part of the list for t 140 D,ON'TY FORGET- SALE Thep reurnitui•o etc., (of the Wa- verly a-lotel is `offered for, sale on Saturdray .afternoon, April 4th, at, 1 o'clopk sharp;