HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-02, Page 4,A
ems. raie�
• Re,ia�,dy, lrlatatles
to 'Wear ( r r w #) ' t and
Pillows Yv
ho>tte 7S
firing MiII.lnery
011"1" Iillinery`•Opening Was so' successful from.;`
every standpoint that we could not possibly look for
better results. ` We thank you. We never were so
rushed in our Millinery Department, thereforetwe ask
as a °special favor that you place your orders'+early.
This'Store for High -Class Millinery'
As Beautiful as
Spring. Itself
Do your Easter shnnping
now. Don't, wait until the
usual Beater rush.
Most women with spring
clothes iu mind, have this
store in mind also. Always
to the front with the new
things, and always showing
the new things first.
This store . naturally he
comes the one to which most
womed turn their attention,
end we are prepared to meet
the big rush for Spring Ap
parol as never before.
Conte now and get
First Choice.
New, Easter Neckwear
BUST ARRIVED—Many new novelties in Ladies
Neckwear have just arrived. Dainty and pretty
ideas 'at all prices and for all purposes.
New Easter Gloves
The final touch of distinction to a well dressed
woman is, given by "Trefousse" Gloves. We have
them in al! the new shades.
qtr\ asasr1•011'.
The Suore that Shores the New Things First
Carves 101' Sale
Toronto Markets
he eineeeirs"tgiied has made ar- Hoge
ran 'temente tohanUdle calves from Cattle -,
welt b Mock. " These bieeng ship Lambs
pied byepcpreas insures them be- Sheep
ing d . ood condition Cheese(
W. ,� ARQg1TS, Butter
CE E gs
W ITi. '
Phone 14-166 wheat
Oats ......
Barley . °
fil,a�`d a Pohatoes, per bag
A. tehoice lot of Rhode ): eland
Reds' for laying and show purpos-
es, 17 pullets and 1 cockerel. Will
sell cheap ,.
A bright boy 'with fairly good 1
'education, to learn the Printing.
Apply at
Clinton Ont.
Wagon for Sale
A .new When for sale, cheap,
manly usedetabout.two months. A
\p bargain/Tor any one in 'need lof a
one-horse wagon, ;original cosi
/380.00, also a buggy. Apply to
Mortgage Sale ot Freehold
Under and by irtue'd7f a judg-
ment of the Supreme Court of On-
tario dated the 27th day of Febru
ary, 1914, there will be offered for
sale; by public auction, subject to a
reserve bid, on Saturday, the 18th
,day of April, 1914, at the hour of
2.30 o'clock in • the afternoon' at the
Temperance Hotel at Auburn, in
thsi County. of Huron, by THOM-
AS CeUNDRY, Auctioneer, the ,fol.
lowing property, viz.
Lot number Twenty -,six' in the
Third Concession of the Township
•of ,Wawanosh,'in the County" of
Huron .and containing two ]iunl
tiered acres more pr. less of good
T arm 'lar, d
There is ;ereetad .on the pretni•
sea a' frame barn on stone foundaa-
tion lip 'feetL <by' 50, feet; a frame
dwelling house 18 'feet by 24' fleet
on .stone foundation with cellar ten
cler carne and with Cakitchen 16
et by 20 feet. There is also on
said ,premises an °Melog house.
'hie property run's alon, the
Maitland ':River, is,; beautif,aliy s;t-
u �d and "fairly well.i improved.
Vit. " y gipr o C.
'TETiMS•'=10 per cant: of the pure
-chase .money to be paid to the
plaintiff's .solicitors at the time of
-the reale and the, balance to b,e'paid
in thirty days ilinieaf•4er without
T'or'further particulars and condi
tions of sato tipply. to Niel/easter,
Montgomery, Fleury, & Co., Can-
ada Lifer Building, Toronto, Sol'le.'e`
tbrs'foe the plaintiffs; or to Thoin-
as Sundry, Auctioneer, Goderich,
'Otetario. a , •
,,, s1.25
. 25 to 28
$1.76 tpo 1,85
Barred Rock Eggs.
Pringle and Millard Strains.
Eggs $100 per 15.
Eggs from high olass exhibition
stock, $3 00 and $5,(50 per 15. Good
hatch guaranteed. •
H. A. i3OVEY, Clinton
Easier lloiideM a�C$
Single Fare -Good going and re-
turbing April 10 only.
Fare ;.and Onej-"Third-April 9-10
11-12, Return limit, April 14, 1014..
(Minimum :tare, 25e.)
Between ell stations in Canada.
oast of Port Arth9hr; also Ito De-
troit and gore Huron, Mich., Buf-
falo, Black Rock, Niagara Falls and
Suspelnsion Bridge, N.Y.
egeCi C
Retina trip tickets to pnintr. in Mini
taint, Alberta and Saskatchewan via,
Ohir ago. St. Pfeil or Duluth, nnea/ e
each Triestine, until October. 27. inclns.
ive, et low rates. Through Pullman
('ourist Sleeper's to Winnipeg on &bore
de.tete le'tving Toronto 11 pen. No
change of ears
lltettirna:it,ittiit;'r'wo Menthe.
] irll particulars et any Grand Tr nek'
:ricket office or .write
0. le, HORNING, D. P. A,;
Union ,Station; Toronto, Ont,
Jilin ltansfo d & Son, city passen-
ger, and Ticket :Agents, phone 57
A,. O. Paltisonsel:alen agent
Mrs. dean Campbell ,ot Clinton;
was visiting on- the line oh Mon-
iclay of last -week. a.
Mr. John. Lane of McKillop was
visiting at the home of his brottli-ft
er Mr. Frenlr Irene last week. Hca
\called at the theme of Mr. Geo,
Baird on Friday, Ho had ,his
daughter and two of his sons with
Mr. John McKenzie of Port Al-
bert is visiting at the home of Mr,
Thos. Baird this weak
Miss 5, Chesney, is, visiting at
the :home of Mrs. Margaret Me
Ewen this week:
The following is the school for S. S.
No. 5 Stanley for the month of Mereh„-
names in order of merit;
Tr 3 Lorne McBride, PearlSteih
Sr. 2,e -May Pollock, Ndnw McLkirh
ey, Elinor McKinley.
Jr. 2. -Myrtle Armstrong;''W ihtier
McLinehiev.' `
Pt. 2, -Willie McLinehev, Leonard
NcBride and Earnest McLinchley,'
Prjjmer.-Frank MnLinchey, Clara
Stephenson, Garnet bleLinchey.
No. on Pell. -13. average attendance
;i ,ise Flossie L Brown, Teacher
'John Knox of LIat•tock gave a taffy
party to a 'mullet. of his young friends
ee 'Pnnrednyevening._
• Harold Dexter ie engaged with Wm
Caldwell for the summer months.
Mr. Hale gave a dance at his howe
on Thursday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. ee m. Criterion and
family have moved to the home of her
uncle, John Taylor.
Wilson Sundereoek and Miss Jenny
Hart were quietly worried on Wednes
dove taken up huuee keeping near
Winthrop on a fallen there. We wi.•h
wish thetn it, happy wt dried lite, • ,
The fumed l f the 'late James ca3-
tvelk et Willett, sr no died of Brighte
Disease took piece to Barn's cemetery
last Thursday,. and was largely atte.•d-
ed. The services were. conducted by
Rev. Mr, Reid of Londeshofo. Tia
deceased was a man of admirable
qualities and held tbe respect of a
large circle of friends. In religion he
was a Pr,shyterian, in politics, Liber-
al and wee the only son of the lste
Robert and Eliz Meth White Ce dwell
who came to tioefph from Dalkeith.
Edinburgh in the year 1&30. His4,oy-
hood dais were epent in Guelph whore
he was homy on the 24th of November
in the year 1838. He was married in
the year 1888 to Miss Eliza House of
Guelph who predeceased him 17 years
ago. The late Mr. Caldwell is survived
by a grown up family and one sister,
Mrs, J. W. Hudson of Los Angeles
California. The friends who attended
the funeral from a distance were, Mr
and Mrs. [ Quinn F,aileyburg, Mrs. C.
W iiliams, 'Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. galas
Guelph, Me. W. McDonald Mru'den,
and also Mr, A. B yth an aged friend
and scboomate. The nallhearers were
Messrs. C. Ruddell, C. Rouse, W, Moon
J. Tamblvn, E. MoVittie, and W
The Sea'forth Old Boys' reunion
and provincial volunteer firemen's
tournament, August 1 tb n next -
promises to be the biggest oelebra
tion ever held in Seaforth, kid the
remarkable success of the colle_-'
tors. Fire Chief Bell and Mr. Char
los Stewart during the week fuily
guarantee the carrying out of the
original program in every detail,
Merchants and businessmen have
contributed largely to the 'fund,
and, next week the list will le
open for donations from private
citizens' Reports \from the reun-
ion ,agents both in Canada nn•cl the
States are gratifying, the Old Boys
and Girls in every province ancl
state (raking up tem slogan, "I`i1
be thar,” Arrangements are be,-
ing macre for several special trains,
one of which ie the through trans-
continental from Vancouver. Dele
gates front the 82 companies than
comprise the Volunteer leiretnears
Association, ,will bo present from
the territory, which extends from
Port Arthur to Belleville, and tour
nantent day, August 5, will proba-
bly be the biggest clay Seafor'th
has ever seen, the acceptances to
date including 42 companies, with
twelve bands, several of the, com-
panies coming by opecial train, Al-
though a gigantic undertaking the
various oomsnittoes have the 'Work
well in head, and nothing will be
left undone to give the visitors a
ere-- Fire-prooficonstruction is
better fire protection to a
building than any amount of
fire insurance. By covering
buildings with J-M"Asbestos Roof-
ing it protects them from fire at no
extra cost. It has the highest fire -
resisting properties, because made of
a fireproof, indestructible material
-Asbestos. It will withstand the
intense flame of aowerful blow-
torch for nearly an hour without
burning. No other roofing on the
market offers such protection as '+,T
le Other ready roofings are made of
wool felt, rag stock, paper, shoddy,
ibal tar and other highly inflame
moble materials which are an actual
menace to a,building instead of a
protection.. J -M Asbestos is the
cheapest -per -year" roofing, be-
cause it requires no costing or
painting to preserve it. The first
cost is the only expense. It resists;
fire, rot, rust and wear attd is the
only permanently durable prepared,
roofing. Adapted to en climates
and weather' conditions. ' e
Write or call for Saoipk and Booklet.
BY E I .& BUT 1.),:11,,Clilitc
140, `;fir
84 h.,e4
time'sueh .as only the citizens of
Seaforth can give:
Court Huronzl Pride juvenile A.O.
•F. ,was orgtaniied at a• most •enthus
iastic gathering attended by visa:
ting 'Foresters ',from tither local
Points, and alF over the district.
Grand Organizer F<G. Bent' ',vas•
pr'eeent asi • gave, a. fine ,address.
After the ip tii}tion eeremdnyrrthle
/following Officers were' elisl;.ted.
Chief ranger, J. Fisher; sub. chief
ranger, 'Fred;,;W eir ; secnetary,'Har-
old Stark ; trearurer, Edward, Daw
ley; Senior warden, Sohn Edmonds u
junior warden, 'Oliver Elliott;'bead
les, Geo. Brunner, Robert Reid.
Albert Mere, >a workman at Hatch..
elms, saw mills,met with a ,painful
accident. He was getting some logs
readyfor sawing when he some mate'
ner•,one of them slipped, add 'a large,
lever' he was using at the time struck
him in th • face cutting the cheek open
to the hone. He was'fortunate in just
missing the saw, which •wee running
at thio -time. lie was taken to Dr.
Hunters office, where his injuries were
attendedto. -
Th. wife of Charles Cooper left towe.I
last Tuesdt>y, unknoen to herhushatd
and took away her two children, twins.
of about. two years ot age. The only
clue •they have of her is tbat she
bought a ticket for Torentt, Mr. Coo
per bas asked the police to try and
locate her, and has forwarded a photo
to Toronto.
At meeting of the sailors on
Saturday night the Marine SSocial
Club ;was reorganized for next win
ter. As tit usually takes some
time to get this club started pro-
perly, ;officers' wore 'le,lected this
spring so that everything in the
line of rooms and equipment will
be in readiness ' by the tiros, navi-
avigation closes 'next November. Hon-
orary president, E.N. Lewis, M P.
president, D. McDonald; first vice-
-president, Angus Graham; second
vice -'president, Cheeter; McDonald;
treasurer, (John Bedford; ; secre-
tary, Hugh Davidson.'
Mrs. (Elizabeth Robertson, former
ly of .Goderich, died .last. Monday
night at her home in Buffalo 225
Humboldt Parkway, following a
brief illness. She leaves two daugh
tare, two sone, one of whom, Char-
les L. Robertson, lives in Allen-
hurst, 'Georgia. The funeral will
take place on Tuesday morning in
Buffalo. Interment on Wednesday
in Goderi_h.
• Auburn
Intended for Last Week,
lir. John 'Tomei and family left for
the West on Tuesday.
Mr. Oliver McBride, has rented Robt
Scntt'a farm for 2 years,
Mr. and Mrs. John Houston received
a warm reception on ratuening from
their wedding trip, Monday evening,
Their twiny friends had taken poses-
eion of -the house and on their arrival
pp, tented them with a beautiful set of
china dished. During the evening they
received a serenade by the Auburn
brass band. The yonng 'couple are
held In high esteem and have the best
wishes of their,large circle of friends.
The Naegls property is now vacant,
and there • is a good opening fur 'a
bakery and restaurant,"
Mr. and Mrs. John Raithby were
unverified by their neighbors on Fri
day evening who presented them -with
a handsome bunging lamp, it tieing
the 25th anniversary of their wedding
On Saturday, March 14,. in Mt.
Forest, at the borne of Mr, and Mrs.
1'. A. Lewis, \Vatet•loo street the mar-
riage of Miss Zella Carder, daughter
of the late Di', and Alts, 1), D, Circler
Blyth, Ont„ to W, ti. Greene. Cal-
gary, wasolemniz et 1 w
t, , c, t y Rt W R.
Bartley, Durham Ont., formerly of
Rivth. Atuoe °leekk the betideenter-
ed the drawing room on the arm of
her hrothet•-in.,aw, Mr. 0'. A. Lewis,
to the strains of the Lohengrin wed-
ding march, played by her sister, Mise
Edna Carder. The •happy couple left
ou the 4 30 train for their borne in Cal.
gary, visiting iu Obit:age, at. Paul and
John Manson, of Blake, called at
the manse on Saturday with a load
of .oats, a present from the con-
gregation of Blake to the pastor,
Rev, D. Johnston.
March came in like a .lamb, and
going out like a Iamb. The roads
' are drying up nicely, and farmers
are preparing for the rpring work.
Sam Reid, James Esler, and Mrs.
Wm. Clarke, who have been ill, are
recovering. ,
Robert Beattie and little daugh-
ter, Bertha,of Egmondville, Were
vititors at arna,
A pretty home • wedding,.took place
at high noon on Wednesday at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dunkin
of Varna, when their daughter, Pearl
[L, I ectenite the bride Of Mr, Arthur
Stanley Marlatr, ti prosperous yonng
business man of Hamilton. The cera
mony.took place in thedt'awing room,
was tastefully decorated for the occa•
sion. ,,Mrs. Punkin, mother of the
bride, played. Mendelssohn's• wedding
march on the organ. The bride, who
looked most Chat ening in her wedding
dress of pale hlue sills with overdress
oyi,shadow lace and wearing the usual
wedding veil with orange blossoms
[ and carrying in her 'hand a beantiitd
bcquet of .white narcissus, was given
away by her father. :lhe.cerernony
was performed by tbe Ileo. D. John.
sten of Varna, Mr. D. Adams, of
7f'miltotr acted as groomsman. end
Miss Aggie Johniton :ot Varna; as
brideswu,iid The guooms gift to I.be
bride was a beentiltti petit necklace,
to the bridesm rid and bride's Teether
each'rt gold ring set with pearls to the
t=rooutrur,in, a gold clip and tie pin.
The brides going away dress was
11 v Woe w.itn frit to match. The
happy couple tank the evening train
for L^nduu and other points..' ...iter a.
shorn tu>neymoon trip they will settle
uowri in eheit' fine new home iri liarn-
ilton. Arnong tense present etre: 101'
0,0d'slrs. James Maelaet of Hamilton
hai•nrit- o1 the •r0001; 11a 'r,t}tt Mre:
Gtilt and Ilii, D. Adonis of Ra ijton ;
,Mss Dmtkin, or London; 141re, ;; John'
"on, Mrs. D. Johestome Miss Abgie
Johnston, 01, tied 'Mrs. Chester.
1)unkin, Mtss lllat�iret-Bird '11it', ut;il
Mrs, t\. Mc0o lief, 1Vltss 101,11:ivni'et.
'11IcOonnel,-Lein h 91, Onunol}r 'ritlisii
Johnston and Roy Dunkin of Verna.
The various r'hur:•ch choirs are
erepaoing epeeial programs and
Elaste,0 (Hosie for Sabbath '1211..
Thursday, ,April 2n1, 1914.
is due equally to the knowl-
edge gained in over 50 years
of 4miscuit-making, and to
the materials used in
ti6irr Ureas Sodas
If you ;Tuve 'never tried Perriies "Fancy Thin" Dairy Cream Sodas you
will find 'thein daintier than you have thought a soda biscuit' could be made.
"DAIRY CREAM, SODAS", the regukir kind, are just as delicious as
a biscuit can be.
Each kind, is packed and sealed at the bakery and retains all its crisp-
ness and freshness until it reaches you.
5c., lOc. and 25c.. --at your Grocees.
Every ,package Guaranteed.
Send 10e. id stamps or coin ,and your grooer's mase for the "Perrin"
Sample Package containing some other delicious ,Perrin products:
Tes8t Wig gess
Look for. the Perris
• Trade Mark on every
London, - - Canada
MAN's 'AN s
has more to do with his success today
than it ever bad.,
Anything that contributes to bis.
look of well to-doness in justified -yes.
Iethere anything that you know of
that advertises success more than
Certainly, nothing that a man wears
le more in evidence,
• few dollars opent on a ring, any
good ring, will prove to be an invest.
mint to most men.
Let ne place our ring stock before
you Mr. Man. Then sik all the ques-
tions you like.
W. R. counter
Jeweler and Optician
inner of Marriage Licenses
Goderich township
Mr, John Finlay left on Monday,
for Indian Read, lie intends to
take up a section out there.
On 'Wednesday morning of this
week, Miss Anna Jenkins, daugh-
ter of 'Mr. Thos. Jenkins, was oper
ated, on for appelndici'tis. The
patitint's many frielnds will hope
for a speedy recovery.
A' pretty baby girl arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mr's. Charles Wil-
liams jr.
Assessor Murphy completed his
work. .
While Mr. Dan Raeger was enc
gaged in the bush cutting logs
and trimming a treethatihad lod-'
' ged'. on 'a stump, the tree gave a
jolt al (Dan took Gz tumble of titin.
'feet. The result ' was' that he was
badly : bruised but because ' no
bones were broken Cre.is thanitful.
Mr. Milton Pfaff o'f Hay township
has been .engaged by the trustee,
board of S. S. No, 10 and will enter
upon his duties after the Easiler
It, has been estimated by tlhe.Na-
tional Board. of Fire *Underwriters
that four-fifths of the annual fire
losses in the . U,nited States, could
be 'hayed if firemen could reach
tires in one -\half of the time now
Of Berman design is a jointed
lamp post, the upper portion of
which may be lowered with a rope
for trimming street lights without
the use of a ladder.
A rather elaborate easel and
box 'for paints and brushes' which
'folds :until it resembles a • suit
case .has been invented 'for artists
by a California man.
Charles Tellier, i the Frenchman
who invented the ammonia neifri-
geration process and was known
as the father of cold storage, died
recently in. France.
Always Have Your Teeth
Examined once a Year
There la no feature of the face
More important to a beautpful ap
pearance than the teeth; Many
of the miserable, unhappy people
we see can trace their discomfort
and' `unpleasant appearance to a
djefective tooth. And more than
two-thirds of the people in this
worlld neglect their teeth,
Flow many people go to the den
tist's until forced there by gr{at
pain? That should not be the con
edition. Every ohe should go to a
good, honest dentist once or twice.
every \year to have their teeth lex-
aminedi By so doing 'receding
gums could be cured, small cavi-
ties' }would( de diiled and mouth
comfort would be realised..•,.
Dentisttry to -day' has., become a
science and there seems no reason; -
why .any ' one should' not be . able
to at least have eomfortbble if not
beautiful teeth.
Just a tity li'htle toothache. can
.dteetroy all the beauty of expres-
sion in the loveliest person in the
world. The whole nature and dis-
position of ,a person can be _chan-
ged by tooth vain.
Parents should watch the
mouths of their children. Good
teeth .are the most; important fac-
tors in retaining good health. Well
masticated 'foods prevent siiosnach
troubles. When 'boys and girls are
old enough they should attend to
their teeth/ .ti 1igiousiy, They
should knot only keep them per-
fectly clean by using a goodbrush
and r'1 ure tooth paste or powder
night and morning, but they should
be rinsed with a glass of water'af
tern every meal. •
Petople \who negle.t their teeth
surely do not care how they look,
And people who do not care how
they look are not fit to look at.
Wet have t'he best dentists in the
world and the cheapest, 'soy we
should have the best rage of peo-
ple. The poor Empress Josephine
first wife of Napoleon, was the
first \woman•,, to introduce small
han•dkerchiefe' as i fashion. She
,had !such bad teeth that( she` held
a 'little lace hancfkerchilef before;
her 'face whenever she was talk-
ing or laughing. Deptists:-itt'her
day ware almost unheard of.
There are many people who have
naturally beautiful teeth, but they
are not in the majority. The qual-
ity of food we eat has much to do.
with the decay et tele*. Toma-
toes and red meats cause! uric ac-
id to (form in the system, and in
a'great many cases uric acid caus-
es the gums to weaken and recede.
Eating candy or ice, and too much
ice cream will do touch harm to
the teeth and gums.
Cleanliness, above all, is n'elces-1
sary to tooth comfort,
This Store
M k` ii7,-Lac
because it is so
wonderfully simple
that anyone can
get good results
from its use.
—the Wender.Worker
ATIN of JAP-A-LAC will work wonders in your home.
It will make that old table,or chair, or radiator look like
new. It will put a beautiful new finish on that badly -scratched
floor, whether it be hard wood or soft.
JAP-A-LAC is not a "varnish" in the ordinary sense of the
Word. It varnishes, stains, enamels—in one process; and it gives
a. "finish" to any household article €hat no mere varnish can give.
Don't throw it away—"JAIL-A-LAC" it!
Always put tip in Green Tins , bearing the name
Next time you aro passing; your local hardware sto te, drop
'`in and get a jAP-A-L •tt
,J ��•_.� color card and a copy of the little
book, "A Thousand and One Uses of JAP-A-LAC."
C..3'IYAa co -a `i :32) old by
3 flfade by
The Glidden 'Varnish Co., Limited, Toronto.