HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-04-02, Page 1Established 1865, Vol, 48, No. 4o CLINTQN ONTARIO THUR'SDAY APRIL E icient,and Ever Ready Help -Getter Eight at Your Hand 2 1914 W. H. Kerr & Sgn,'`Editbrs and Publisher' Every Day Hi New bra Want Ads. THE 1 oyal Beak OF CANADA Head Office, Montreal Capital Authorized --.-:$25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500.000 Reserve and undivided' profits.. - --.. 12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS ..:..175,000,000 325 BRANCHES With world wide connections Interest allowed' on Depoaite Oener'aa (Banking ,business trans- acted. • R. E. MANNING, Mgr. CLINTON BRANCH o maldehyde Prevents Smut on Grain Fresh stock of best quality just received. Jr. . HOVEY TORONTO, Dispensing Chemist. JTORO , ONT, A school that has a great reputation The Quality Drug Store fqr superior work and or placing `Imanyin choice positions. Write r ca 'talog ue. Premier Asquith: ,Delivering historic Speech in the Hoarse of Commons The Big Show, As we go to press Clinton's'' Big Spring Show is in prop -1 ress; After Wednesday's ram l and snow the day has cleared up and :a large crowd is in town: The entry list is also heavy, 1'u1] particulars next eek. Remember the banquet o -night. in the ;town hall. . . Der The Teacups Whi e the Premier was submitting his compromise offer of county option the members fell into various Edward Carson, on the right, assumes adisintea'asted pose. On the left of the picture may be eeanRt.Hon. David Lloyd George, and other. prominent Cabinet figures: Business idien do not want "improperly preps•ted" young men and women iii tlheir offices. Attend; • Veteran Preacher Hawed Ministers Visit Rev. Dr. McDonagh on His Birthday. The Christian Guardian's last iso sue had the following in honor of Rev. Dr. McDonagh, formerly of Clinton Rattenbury St Church, "On Saturday, March 14th, Mr. 1 and Mrs. Pox, of 232 Pearson Aven- • ue, Toronto, invited' to luncheon about a dozen Methodist ministers ' Tiro were deemed worthy of the : T' h e l%'l o l s o n s 13 an k close, personal "friendship of Rev. Dr. ; Wm. McDonagh. This heroic Incorporated 1555 Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000 •`' 85 BRANCHES IN CANADA. A GENERAL HANKIru i ESINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS OF ORIi3DIT TRAVELLERS OREQUC-3 I ISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. • C E. D04h,1DISIG, Manager Clinton Branch 4 4, 41 Ordered 4 • Clothing 0 standard -,bearer of the cross of . Christ had reached his 87th birth- day, and his friends gathered to ao him honor' 'in this delightful 1 • and hospitable hour;. The old . soldier looked well, with his mas- sive head crowned with heavy sil- ver locks. His good and devoted ' wife was at his side to greet the. old chief's associates in the bat- an of the past. It must havebeen an Irish heart that prompted the gathering, ]for the table fairly.. groaned beneath the cjlelicaties of the isgason, nvhile the dear old shamrock adorned with rich pro I ,fusion, not only the festive board but -some of the guests that stir rounded -it. cronies and called upon the ever eloquent 'Rev. Peter Addison to propose the toast of the day to the guest of honor, It would be de- lightful to rehearse some of the good stories that were tpld, the eloquent periods that flowed, the earnest appeals that rang out, the interesting remi1iscens,es called up by these circuit riders half e of h 1 a century a o The Methodist peo- ple of this province may surise what, twe had at the gathering when, in addition to Bro. Addison, it is known that Revs. Dr. "Lang- Tord, Dr. Wakefield, Dr. Meacham.. J. C. Wilson, 'Stephen: Bond, G. A, (Mitchel%, Eli Middleton and LE. Hunter had part in the pro , ce(edings. "It was the delight of alltp see our dear old friend so comfortab- ly and ]sappily situated in these days of the .lengthening shadows. God greatly honored this great evangelistic ;proacher and diee:em- der of the faith in the former days of our dhriach's history, and it is the prayer we are surra of all who ever sat under Bro. McDo-1 nagh's ministry that the beat that heaven can give mays be vouch- safed to .this prince in our Israel. "Dr. McDonagh would be de-' lighted at any time to see his old :friends at 235 Pearson Avenue. He is conlfincct to the house, practi- cally a cripple, His oldest friends his hooks, are his constant com- panions, and in their fellowship, he revels the litax-lung day," "Alter luncheon the Rev, E, B, + Laneeley, Dr. McDonagh'a pastor, was constituted master of cere- Ready toOlVear 4 Clothing • Different a 1 Better Clothes t i • • • • • See our New SpringOvercoats • ; 0, 8.. 0, to $15 • • ` 7 5 S • The G Morrisht �` t ,e :. : l'• A ui0,re Deal g0 �1 va,r aEHI 1 l �`i • • • •4+*•®40,D4•*Gt •$•o•OAbou••••*••••••K•••Mo•••Aowe iR1tY.lJ 4i� "' i • In our business of sell– :• ing clothes our policy is • to furnish ouratrons i with the best clothes that can be made. In the selection of our garments we are generous but not extravagent. Every detail that makes : for Better Clothes is care- fully looked after. •• 2 in Sli". • Nothing Slighted • • •Z • No fancy prices every; figure is based on actual cost and the results of our efforts are apparent. • • s • a • • • • Nothing is Overlooked We have a good busi- ness because we offer' the best of clothes at the least possible price. $20 C � ' rill Suits iO I2 to See out f`�4 w�� g t $ � •. a attitudes of attention. Sir Winston Churchill, Rt. Hon. ti•mfft4"dtitv•'dwrl t16. 9(�/ted. Local News P ARAMMWMVAWCWARV- GOES TO MONTREAL. Mr. G. McGregor, who has been as countant nt the Royiil Bank for the mist e'ght months was moved to the We tmount branch at Montreal, and left on Wednesday Mr. McGregor h •s taken (in active part in the social life and also made a decided hit with the Clinton dramatic company. The New Era wishes him success. ' APRIL 'FOOL SOCIAL The ,Girls Club of Willis church held an April Fool Social on Wed- nesday evening and it was a de- cided success. Beside:1 two goes- sing contest the following excel- lent program was given,—Piano Solo, ,Miss Ford ; solo by Jas. Du- herty and Mrs. G. Elliott, Violin solo, Miss Chant and a reading by Miss I. Miller. A • splendid lun- cheon 'vas served at the close. CAMP AT GODERICiI ®oee.®a®0eosooc3s000kuso9teeeeeeevooenoeos aros3Eaoosee ) ,C^-1'`9 e r e Seen Froin 'ala lker Q tl 'o tl 1. c0Ge@OGe sa see ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. •essenec ece,d nO a (,Specs f to the New Era) Redistribution Hon. W. J. Hanna introduced in is to the Rouse the Redistribution proof that ' 1 This 's thefinal Bill. i the: general elections ario pros- pect and will undoubtedly be. held before another Session. No details of .the Redistribution are given in the Draft Bill. After the second reading it will go to a select:Com mittee of the Rouse. .t Tax Reform For the third year in succession the Government has voted down (Apposition proposals for Tax Reform. The debate this week oc- cupied considerable time in the House but the majority of speakO ers were from the Opposition and, theneflore, in favor ,of Tax Re- form. (Only w few of the Govern- went members spoke on the sub= ject, The (Opposition pointed out especially that its sdlneme. of Tax Reform did not compel Municipali- tie to change'their sys't'em of tax ation at all, but simply gave them the local option to lower the tax on improvements if they thought it wise to qo sto.r It was pointed out that petitions for the righ"t of local option have been received by the Government from. all parts of the Province, from farmers and from City m•en,.from rc,pnesentati- ves of manufacturers' associations and from the I7abor Undone. More over the city of Toronto voted in favor of Tax Reform by an over - Whelming : 'majority. The Govern- ment, however, did not :sem, to be influeineed by these considlerao tions and voted down the propos-e al once mere. Bilingualism An all (day debate en the sub- ject of Bilingual Schools brought !forward! a number of interesting :speeches. Napolean Champagne; X Conservative ,Member for East 0(ttawa, gave a. brilliant .oratnon lbsting for nearly three hours and a', half. The speech -vasa plea for the rights of minorities lin re- gard to their language and what ever one may think of Ms views it cannot be :ern ng ,denied that Champagne ne held the *interest of the whole, Rouse hour after hour and made a reputation for •himself as la speaker of remarkable fire 'and brilliance, ' Hon. Dr, R:eaume and Hon. Dr defended the Go= Pyne efen Government policy in tedgard to Bilingual Schools. The Lrba1 policy ra lic. was'declared • ut definite terms Is in cla.R iic n7 by Mr. N. W. Rowell who pointed out that.; this was identically the same polo icy as th it enunciated by hinm fir JAIL He :claimed that the Con- servative policy, had ,shifted sever- • 4 • • • A • •• • • al times in the last +4two or three years. The Liberal policyon the other ,hand remained t intact and was as follows - "In school iii the Provlince it is the duty of the state to see that ,every child receives a good English education. If that were cilone-that is time laiv 1 o-klay .anti the breakdown is in the adminis- tration of the law. I believe these would be no ground of complaint in, any section of the Province and. consistent with that, sf the French Canadian parents desire that their children :should also in the schools study their own language, so that they may acquire a Facility to use, that efficiently and well, I can see no ground for objection on the part of any citizen of the Prov- ince." rov- inae` Hydro Radials • Official notice has been received: that camp will be held at Goderich this year from June 15th to Nth. It is a well !known fact that Gode- rich has the best training ground in this (district as .+ is on lake shore and it is high and dry. As this is the last year for Col. Wil- son as his office expires rrometime during the year the company offs cers are 'exerting themselves to have - their colppanis up to strength, DIES SUDDENLY.OF NEURALGIA 013 HEAedP, Moodty'+ f.ondou Advertises.'gives the fullut,h.., which refers to the death of a b ,r LR, of 1) L Macnhersen of town t•l tth htc sire in Edmonton visiting their d aug bier and unable to reach London before Thursday, Alex. .D, Macpherson inspector of the Ontar in Loan tied Debentures Qu uau y, siding at 07 Stanley street, died re sud d , midnight, t atter only- fete s n hours at i din kct o Y a Mr. and Mrs, :'rank Jackson, of illness. r�cntci neuralgia of the heats being gi vett as the cause of Barrie, were visitors in town ow-. death. Anent three weeks. ago Dlrs, ing to the death or the formner s Macpderson 1'•ft for the (Vest ro visit brother, Rev. EFL Jackson A resolution urged upon the Do- minion Government the wisdom of encouraging the construction of Municipal Hydro Electric Radial Railways. The resolution in its ori ginal 'Form, as preslgntediby the Opposition, ;asked that the Do minion :Government should grant a , similar subsidy to Hydro Radials t as to steam railways, but the Gov-, ernment amended this and made it weaker in eubstanoe. It is woro • thy of note thalt both this year and last it has been the Opposi4 tion which has taken the initiatlive in urging the construction of Hy- ddro Radials throughout the Prov- ince. Campaign' Contributions, Hon. W. H., Hearst has introduced two measures dealing with the question of campaign contribu- tions. Inlgeneral idea they fo.11ow the line of the Opposition Trills which have been before the 'House for the last two years, butt in de- tail they are much less explicit and leave many ,;none ,loopholes( iOne of :them calls for publicity in cam- paign contributions, the other pro hibits contributions from certain parties. Therewill likely be, a protraeted debate: on this subject as the Government proposals, are: obviously much less stringent tIsan d c d byMr. Rowell introduced u ea the Bills in o i i and, his colleague Mr, Anderson, Mr. W. Brydone was in Goderich this week. Mr. (Ernest Rosell was a visitor in Brussels on Sunday. - Mr. Stewart Paisley, of Toronto, is holidaying in town. Rev. Mr. Barker, of Seaforth,was" a visitor in town last week, Mrs, Brigham, of RensaLl, is visit ing with old' 'friends in town. Co., Treasurer Holmes, of Gode- roch, was fn town on Tuesday,. brown Attorney Seeger; of GodeL, rich, was in town on Friday last. Miss Jean Campbell was a visi- tor this week with le St] Y ar r friends Mr. J. W. Irwin of London is in town, • to -day calling on old friends. Inspector Field, ' of the public Schools, was in town on Monday, Mr. Fred Forrester, who is reliev- ing at Norwich, was home for a fete days. Miss! O'Keefe, of Seaforth is thel guest of Mrs. Chas. Bartlif1 Ontar- io Street. Mrs. Steep, of Toronto, is there owing to the illness of her mother Mrs. John Jackson. Mrs, .W.L. Rutledge returned last week :from a week's visit with her ,daughter at Windsor. Mr. Murray Jackson ,of North Bay was here for a few days owing to the (death of his uncle. Mr..W,F. Ferguson, of Tillson- burg, comes to Clinton as Account ant at the Royal Bank. Miss Dell Taylor was called home from Toronto on account of her slathers illness last week. Mrs. Latornell and daughter, of St, Thomas, are visiting the for- mer's 'mother, Mrs. Combe sr. The old friends of Mrs. John Jack son, Rattenbury Streot1 will be sorry to learn that she is seriously Mrs. A. J. Snell, of Toledo, Ohio was here this week attending the funeral of his cousin, Rev. IL Jack- son, lllr. and Mrs. Wm. McKay, of Hensall, were visitors in town last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs, Mc - Math, :Mr, and Mrs. R. S Byam return, withthe hotno after a weeks visit Tatters parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, .of Stratford. Mrs, Asti". Harland has heeinr ser-, iously L.11 during the past week and has not beenpro ressin as her P g g many f rieuvds t ould.llike. hire daughter who hits been t:.siding in Edmonton since her marriage e several yatI'S I(; n. At the tin 14T1. inc1' pherson was ill •the best of health. Saturday he persued his occupation la,t(suat unci i,a•tgi•clay i•vening was in the test of spirits, Late: in the even ing he complained of being ill and shortly after passed away. As soon as he complained of feeling unwell relarlae who *are at home, telegraph Notes Hon. J. J. ,Foy has , introduced a Bill to appoint a Provincial fire marshal who will have power to enquire into the cause' and origin of ,any fire and also who will have order structural than yes i in to bui'ldiug.s. • The Workmen's Compensation Act passed luso (.omauittWe stage and various details were . debated. The Bill Will not be finally P as. sed until pear the end of SegiSi013. Mr. McLeod, of Iroquois, has m the f meeting been assisting at g o the holiness Movement, and has been the guest of Mr. Food Hill. Word from Toronto states that Mr• Harry Twitchell who under- went an operation at Toronto last week is doing fine and should soon behome. Rev. H. M.1VIanning, of Toronto, ed his wife, stating that her itushand a former pastor, is assisting 'Rev. was dn,hgerously ill and advising that Dr. Rutledge this week in the,s'pe-, she take the first train east. Shortly tial services being) conducted in after the husband died. With the Wesley Church.' quickest,' possible train connections Mr, Arthur Jackson of Chicago, Olio. tliaci hereon will be unable to and Walter Jackson of Brantford. arrive in London before Thursday and Olr. E. M. Snell of Chicago were morning. > I3esitiee his wits, one dao gbter, Eva survives him. DIED IN DETROIT, . Miter aa il6neiss of a 'week from err' Mrs. McGars a, for the past three weeks . left for Stratford on pneumonia, Rev. Horace H. Jack- Satuncijay, to attend the Normal School again. Tuesday evening Rev. J. E. Ford of Goderich, formerly of .- Clinton, preached int Ontario Street Mather' odist Church is connection with the in earned Delc*gased'' was born in, 'Clinton 38 evangelistic services being years ago and rafter spending his on by Rev. S..1. AlILn booyhood days here and took up the We are pleased, : to sive Mr. Jacob the Am ricin trade ]re went over tost Taylor out again after aweek's ill - in thw Settlemen;t work at Clieveland wean a slight operation for qhs took up a course in and New York.- Afterwards he nose ,ands afterwards naught wild Keuyon Col- the ministry. he entered and _hewas ,soon in a :high fewer enteredy and "Reis note able to attend til busi- had ,charge of the church at St. nes ;again, 1Vlich, an,d after bein - or-, Tine old 'friends in Clinton of Louis, g Mr. Robert Birmingham; supea'in-I Gained hu ,vas called to St- tendert of the Demfnion Immigra-I' George's church, Detroit in Febru tion in Toronto,'will: be glad to ary The is had tan<'dn t fah know that he has,recovered from cyto the ,young• man and it was his recent indisposition, and is 'no e d) anbe would soon• be pea back at bin offsce again. mote' as assistant to ,the a ga- g tliedral. Time body was brought Rev. W. McDonagh, of 232 Pear h4l(ma to Clinton and the :funeral son Ave., Toronto, and a ;former (vas 1aotdt,on Tuesda A rivate' Pastor of Wesley Church Clinton y 1s celebrated his 87th birthday a few Ad t e t I' service a as ch h he par ' a days since. About a dozen minis-, home arid a chortle isarvice at St. here attending the funeral of the late Rev. 'H. R. Jackson Miss Florence Diehl, who has been visiting with her'grandmoth son, reetgr of St. George's church Detroit, and son of Mr.. and Mrs, John Jackson, of town passed away Saturday morning at the hospital LT it NOW Be ready for seed time and insure a good. clean crop by using Star Brand FOR M' A LRFUWYDE Full Strength 50c Pint at THE EEXALL STORE W.c°..R. Holmes We will be At Horne on April 2nd, Clinton Show Day, to all our friends. Come and see us. Brio your y r wives, children and friends W. . C • 'l.'NEILI THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 ranean trip. The card is from Tu- nis and dated Marche 12, the Strat ford: arrival postmark being March 27—pretty g0o4 time considering the ,distance. Tunis is not far from the site of ancient Carthage. The,doctor reports a pleasant voy- age anti Tunis a highly interesting . and beautiful city. The Arab quay tors are odd and quaint, The par- ty. are all well and were about to leave on, a 1,500 -(mile three-day auto tour. Pa'il's church. Rev. J•.0 Potts, mac- tors (being his guests. While he 1.s for bad char e of`the isevvices as in the best of health ordinarily he ,sistcd by pev. Mr. Langford: The is a cripple and confused to his pallbearers wore old .chums of. the room, an injury leo sustained to his ticicease,d, 'ajor. Race, ,H. Nie• ,'knee some years ago 1helping him BrianJ.E.MFlovav, J.nE Ca'toion, , B. J. +Gibbings and Bert Karr. '.Clr�e ,coThenfinedS;aturjcEay Stratford 1Larald na vhicli. thefollowing personal t t survived his wife had dejcaa,sed is t by tg P his' ,agecd 'pargrnts and one. sisltcr, will bo ' of interest to Clinton]ans,: e 'Herald is in fourbroth f —The editor of.Tle Mrs. Steep, Toronto, and f u ,oes, Arthur,' Chicago'; Frank, Bar-, t s'ecespt;off a Picture postal from Dr roe • 'Walter Brantford • Sid at Ed-'- .1 A. Robertson, who with Mrs. Ro- llesaall Sprht Ohs Attracts Mg 3rowd. Many Entries At Annual Event, Several Classes of Stock Well Represented—The Winners, Hensall, March 31 The direc- tors of the Hensall spring show attendance eased with the were ill ' at the annual ekhibition held 'here to .day. The numbers ;of entries was large apd the prizes some, .at- tractive. The show was held in the ,open air on Main street, and perfect. TheITen -weather ie. the theewas perf salt Band added to the success of the event, Messrs, H. Smith, A D. Smiley and R. C. Soldan had per- haps the greatest number of wins to their credit. niopton and Mayor Jackson of l lsertson,, Dr Loring ;Robertson and eTan Telep hon Tangle e .Not Yet lorauelie6, Colborne Township Rural Lines Not Yet Free of Litigation— Case Heard at Goderich.. Goderich, ' IMarch 31.—The court- house was filled to -day with•Col- borne Township farmers when the municipal telephone system case was argued; before the Ontario Rail way Commission. This ease has been up in the courts for the past two years and. the Township Coun- cil called upon the commission to decide the case.' In 1012 a petition was presented to the ratepayers of the township for a municipal tele- . phone 'system and was signed by a majority of the farmers, . • Some of them claimed that they ,were promised• free conmectioh to Gode rich and a year later the Godeo rich rural telephone system was or- ganized (with' free connections .to. Goderich as it had lines fn operat,'on the municipal system. before e As free connection to •GodericIr could not be given to both systems the, municipal system, ' was forced out and had to go to Auburn, also to pay 10 cents per call to gei,into Goderich, 14 of the mun:icipel seb- oder ch re - (fused near G i scriber living s !fused to take the phone claiming lfree ;connection to Goderich was better to them also that the pie- tition was misrepresented to{htere The !municipal system, then tried to'foice the phone on them. Thee Council asked the com.missionors to step in and decide he case. hearing lasted` 'ail day.and 1]7e h the argument will be heard in Tor-, onto next heel,when Judgement t wilt be given. Wm. Br do„e of Clinton, :for the Municipal Systema and Wm, Proudfoot K. C„ for the opposing ,subacriters. •