HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-26, Page 811 r rage ee,il."7"7-177-.Feerre • 014 61,INTOti NW"OIL • uI,Mareli;26th, 104, .• We are showing a very -exclusive range of Ladies Suits and Spring goats, in all the newest colorings and cloth. No two alike. • Prices From $15 to $30 NEW SPRING RUGS JUST TO HAND , The New Spring Rugs will be passed into stock this week—in Tapestry, 13russels,Wiltons, Axminster, in all the new 1914 designs " • and colorings, sizes 2/x4-, 24x3, 3x3I, 3x4, 4x4, from from $5.00 to $45.00 , ° ' New Merchandise Just to Hand This week we opened up the new Nineteen -Fourteen importations. • Goods direct to us fresh from the Old Country. in this shipment•cRme Ratine Suitings, Crepe,Suitings, Dress Goods, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Window Madras, Etc. We solicit your inspection. Come in as often as you please. We will be pleased to • . show you the new• goods, as-a.buyer or not. Ratine Suiting • New Ratiee Suitings in small checks and plain, colors -.white, pink, tuskin, rose and cadet blue, 56.40 and 52 inches wide, priced at 60c 90c 1.00 New Dresq Foods • All our new import Dress Geeds are now in stock, they comprise all the new nineteen fourteen weaves, space will not permit a des cription of all the lines, most of them are in dress lengths, and no two alike, New Cotton Crepe Suitings New Cotton Cpepe Suitings plain and fancy spots in tan rose, tnscan, new bluriot bine and white, 52 inches wide, priced at 25c New Window Madras Bungalo Netts, Scrime, Art Madras, in all the new nineteen fourteen oattei•ne now in stock ready for your inspection. Houseclean ing season will soon he here, why not look through this range now when it is complete • New Spring Goods at the Men's Store New Spring Suitings The New Spring Suitings are nos/ in stock ready for your inspection. Woreted and Tweed Suitings that are sure to pease the eye, browns greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in the very latest style. Your fit and our work manship guaranteed. Prices from $22 up. =WC= 1111IMEMP NewSpring Hats FOR MEN AND 'BOYS 'Men and Boys New Spring Hate, in all the newest shapes now in stock, black, blue, grey, brown, fawn, etc, 11 you have a hat want, you will be sure of getting lust what you want here OntagESMISSMIM7110radaarISEMNOW. PARCEL 'POST COMES TO STAY. THAT CHEAP LIGHT. TOM WA A.SSSAULTED In a bulletin issued by the ex - Press companies, their agents are advised not to "knock" the new parcel post. They , believe it has Q01110 to stay, and admit that it supplies a long Telt want, The bul- letin sets !forth the advantagete to :;the 'express companies, especially ,an refeeenee. to insurance, in ,which there IS .ne' extra charge up to,$50; .and also see .,to weights of packages ‘).13 t he' express service, ....sta...sutorascuesve. 11 COS'S NO More WOP111 41111 Costs 14. I? YEAST ,BREAD *1,1•1•114,...•••• 444,44,44.44,4444.+4444.4?4,4,4•44.!4,444,,...444,44„44,: Local News • A •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • of,•••••••••••••••400•••• DIVISION COURT••AUTO OUT. Judge Holt held Division Cotett eleie JeW-Larigford ' hall a ileNV" here last 'Friday,.The docheit was 'Vera car eoilt for a trial iepin (on Tuelediayof this Wade'? ADVERTISING -IS ' A PLEASANT • DANCE An .advertisement is great or lit- • • The ' neveglides !held another tie •res a "whole, not beleauee of pleasant eve,ning,in the town hall, certain paregraphe. last Esrey • night and .rerlfr4yOn, ASKED TO MOVE OUT.edilerga Viemaielicyhro3icePhlroltr,aZ.1' On Monday morning Chief Wheat Ii4,-/vGME •eet ley asked • to "religious" Eastern beggars to .shake the snow off •their f set ari Clinton people could use their money to better adman- EFFICIEt•HJY' AND COURTESY The local employes of the Grand Trunle•haVe received each a little, boolt, -poneerning efficiency and. courtesy and • emphasizing the nee, gessity of ever•y employee paying heed to beth Tl e II w'n it m from thet The Guelph. Mercury in their ed- Goderich Star refers to a former itbrial Brevities has the following Clintonian,—John Turner, charged which some people in town hope with melting Thos, O'Connor, bar won't be taken to heart ;— The tender at the Colborne hoed, was lighting rate for Churches in Clin- ase,„seed $2 mice eds," with a warn - ton hag. been reduced. .The minis- ine to keep away and avoid a se- nors can now tack a hall hour on .-e Pe ition 10. hie troublesomeness., to their Sunday night sermon with- out increasing the church debt. BLINDNESS DECREASING FLUST GROW THEIR OWN blindness throughout the province,' • is the conclusion arrived at by POTATOES. principal . F. bat cemee of the On- tario School .for the blind at Brant hereafter must produce enough po- 'eon_ ford, in his annual report publish tatoes to supply the kerne ed in the yearly. blue book of the svmption on laceount of most department of education. This he s,ourcee Of/ foreign imports. In - thinks, is due ins e large measure. cluclin.g Canada, being closed by a to the (sod wcrk of the physi- clans and occulists os: the -province, though. the. attendance at the school, which_ has .fallen 201; in 1681; to for lastyear, is not so lar- ge because of the fact thee adults are not inow admitted as fel-met-1y, That there is a. . of plant diseasd quarantine, -was is- sued by the Department of Agri- culture at Washington, Tursday, • Tao BURNING (QUESTION, What are TOU going to grow in the back yard this gummier? Nows the time to thumb over the bril- FROM BORON COTJNTY liant pages of the seed catalogue, and squint at the cabbages that look as big As evas.h tubs. Never mind if yours don't grow any big- 111'WOUre a ger th.an a tea cup, try it anyway. The following item appeared in Monday's Daily 13eaden, Stratford, —Some interesting facts concierv- in•g the recent Canada Tlemperanice Act eampaign, (in Huron county OUP MoMer's lime A hoeend a spade don''t cost much, were given by Hz', Cooper of Clin Thal'S SUN ' ellOultl epee Beisidee, yen'll. got 110111.3 good ex- , tee, 1.1.eeteddeent of the anon Tem- , eri else e,ixt (0/ it, am% be Able to peiranc-ce Aesociation, and Rev, Mr. 1 _ • 'worker in the cause. "The eyes of gather in some. great gulps of Pow 11 Of Exeter an. enthuslaelle e agerg 1,t'e'elt ozone- By alt means 'be a Conner's 11the entire rovince have been on cr . fizzle out of it, • 'eyes Mr. ,Cooper, "But now the gardener, even if you do make a Huron an ,Peel for some, tiesee," iim.........11111111111141•111M, See Our Three Specialwk Window $ for Next ee eyes of Huron rite 1'04316115 to "e."•••••'="°25. -..e"'"' Perth and Middle:tett in the hope that thy also will gedry and help Its," Perth boubty, he considered, fertile fee the adoption of a melee sure such as they in Huron. voted for. He assured the delegates that IethveerilituorfonthAess:cniavteilaontiownouLdtirdei: der any assistance. poseibleiti .thes to enter d county canergn. The ty \VMS briefly reelewed by Rev. I Mr. Powell; Atter. having .striven I for many 1'years for: local option without hby meal progress, th.e cannier association clecideeto go Hite the Canada Temperance Act. T‘Not because wa prefer it to local .option," said Mr. Powell, "but be- .eause we felt teat under local ops tion a dry county would not Toe pos sible for some years Yet." The, eme•alter dinee believe thepe was any possibility of sweeping Perth with locale option. at the present' Venal, In regard to the etairee-rfif.. th,s clause, Rev. He Powell said; it is not what it was two or three' • Fears ago and et amendments a- long certain lines were not obtain- ed, it will in reality be a • four- fifths instead of threeeififehs. Be (pointed out that under local op- tion the penalty for bribery is on- ly a $20 !fine/. An, enmenareent in regard to this 'fie deeened very necessary. "Put your trust inthe, TeOperance Law,' was the coon s•el lie gave the delegates: It pro -1 videls Tor the provincial esnforciee. • ment of the tentPeenelee law. inee, • real reasbn. for their SUCOWS ', 'Heron/ heeconsiderecl, was the that their °Niel- eves saw fit hold public meetipgs. "It wa, which gave 6s the, mejority, concluded.1 .A., vote of ' thank telndterecl Mre Cooper and 1-1 :E'owell for heir addresses. . • , - - South Win oVv Showingtwlirtt the improved methods' of kiouse- . , cleaning necessities will do. North Window Display of artiCles we carry in AllurrniWutin Ware -Centre-Window Dr. Hess' Stock Food, Pada.. Etc. This is the season of the year tov.ssefdr best results. JUST REetIVED The Ceiebratqd National'Electric Sad Iron A'good supply of; Sara3uokets and Spiles •tilARLAND HIROTItqlZ STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES IMIUMMESSIMMEMISMINEMISINITIMA RE' The girls hieekeyeteam, the-,. "We Six' boys at • the Arena! our Mendeeeenight by eal ISCOkel of. e-3. Theeplay, was. fast and both eides wereseutatiefied, with 'the drew,. BASEBALL MEETING' - • •• • OWing• to • Counter Attractions very few were present at the bare' ball, meeting and it was decided to postpone the meeting until Friday evening of this,weele. All the Jaye al lams are asked to be' prepent. SAFETY Filin BUTTONS. MARK DOWN THE DATE The Safety Comernteede of this district of he Grand Trunk have received its !firet supply of Safety First butttons. The buttons are ,a new wrinkle; simple and neat with the well known G.T.E. vinare as the chief ornement. FORTY T.EEARS IN ONE PARISH Forty years of •serVice to one con gregation were complete& Friday night by 'Very 'Rev. Dean Davis, clean of the diocese of Huron, epeiaking last night in St. James' church, Lon.dian. Since 1874 Dean Davis has occupied the same posi tion, although his pulipt has chan- gedas the littie church lexpanded through a number of stages into • the beautiful and spacious edifice in which the congregation now worships. Dean Davis is a broth - of Mr. W. R. Davis of the Mitch- ell Advoeate.. A DIVISO1NAL APPEAL COURT Wm. Proucethot, of Center Hu- Pron, brought in three bills for first reading at the Ontario House last week. One of these provides for the creation of a divisional court of appeals' to be composed of judges of the high court drawn from the county division and dis- trict courts. The object is to ra- druce the work of the appellate court. Another bill aims at mak- ing all hawkers bear licensee be- fore being .allowecl to work in the counties of the province. INDUCTION OF RECTOR St. Paul's Anglican church was the scene of a very interesting function last Friday evening, the occasion being the induction of Rev, C. Potts; M.A., as rector of the parish. Mr. Potts, Who has t•emperance questititi uroncoun ee, !Jere, The Kellogg-Haires ,Co.,' will .ari- peer in the ,t o was hall on Thnrs- da.-y, April 16th under the Dobler- ty Conceft Course. This Company is one of tile best concert tropp in Ame.riea. today, Fuller particul ars will be given next week. DEHORN YOUR CATTLE • At a meeting of the Torontb Live Stock Exchange March 3.2th, it 'w.ae the sense of the meeting that the resolution of the Eschamge provid ing for a 'deduction 91 $2.00 per head on all horned Oattle sold on Markets in the City of Toronttes be put in 'force April 1st inext, as we originally resolved. • MUST REGISTER LETTERS An officialsnotice. has been. issued by the post office departmenethat in future the transmission of coin or bank ;notes in unregistered let- ters is exprcelly forbididleie. No reason is given, but is presumed' that the idea is -th protect against the numerous lcsees which occur ie the sending of money in or- iginally resolved. BANKERS WON , • Monday afternoon the local Ban kers took the C. C. L hockey team down to the arena and demorustra ted to the scholars how hockey should. tee played and ion . by a score of 6-,), Ernie Graham was the referiee and had his hands full keeping the play dean. They play ed six men aside. Following was the line-up,—(Bankers—goal John- ston; defence, McGregor and Weir centre Paisley, forwards, Hall and East. C. C. L—goal—Dowar, de - beer assistant at Geace Church, 'fence Windsor and Beacom, centre Walker, forwards, woods and Brantford, has recently been rip- , Wheatley . Pointed to this charge and lee has promise �lit very •successful pas- DEATH OF J. C. .All'elelUR torate,' The induction. servitewas , s attended by a large congregation elfteran extended illness of and alit vested choir. The Bev. over two years Mr. John C. Ar - J.13, Richardson, D. 0. L., archdea- mour passed away early Saturday morning 00" of London, officiated and 10 Deceased was born in Clinton .17 years „go 0111iet an was assisted, by Revs. B. ifuther- Ingham, rector of Goderich and II. Langeoed, of fluelmeseille. The. church 'wardens, IL T, Rance and T. T. Murphy, received the bishop's mandate and the usual emenony fellowcd. The sermon was pi etch - e21 by Rev. J. B. Fotheringhin, powerful discourse on the Weds at the Christian ministry, concluding with an earnest appeal to teepee) plc for a loyal support of his for- mer pupil(alt (atheir .80.8' 1e121.01' T he, choir rendeled its part of the atop with good efeect. MINOR' LOCALS. 5 more days in March. Have you ,set your cluckinhen yet? Has the Parcel ,Post made living any cheaper for you? Gardening operations have been called off, on account of bad e-eath- early age entered the Doleerty Or gan Factory and afterwards work ed in a number of factories ee- turning to Clinton no ho head fin- esihert fle suryieed by hie wife and two daughters also ' two sitters, Mrs. D. 5. Chile of town, Miss Armour, of Toronto, and a brother George in the West. The funeral took place on 'Monday. Rev. J. C. Potts conducting 'elle efor Up, The nallbeneees jveeu old friends, of the deceaseid,41leert Kerr; 11.T. Rance, H. B. Chant, J. Taylor, C• Je Bouck and A. PacGarva, • MOTHER DEAD Word was received this week of the death of Mary A. Reynolds; re- lict of the late Roger Lor, who pas sed away at Head, on Mar. 10th, at the age of 81 years. The funeral service was held in St. Dire you lind the hoe that you Andirewd church on Sunday aftee retarted.to hunt for the first day, 110011! 'march ?end and interment was made atithe Indian Head cense tery. Deceased was motley of Mrs. Searle, of Olintoe; who has been iri the West for the paste. year. The late Mrs, Lee Was married in 1850, thesun was warm? And we were beginning to think ehat that last load Of ooal .wae going to keep Us going through the weetel • fl tk her husband a little over two men - et Clinton and she only .puryived Free Dee a WiSe man who can Scare Oet ee town till the house cleaners' ths, The Ahildren Isurviving are, up a ate telegram o a e m Six. herkleed' eural mail apnedndivOill.lii.:"etri-ti.SH. ,Slectim4e1,3teno,f, germ gets 'Worked out. IVIrs, Popo and; ears, Marshall, of routes w.eve 'established in Canada W ...... Pura]. postMaster is being shorn of Th k' olero C�ats • Hip Draperies! Single and Doable Tunic SPRING 1914 TWENTY cettrs eeemeep,".Arieg Vaelle113:5 „ 1 Th'e ' newest and loveliest Spring styles in. i hundreds and hundreds are shown in the new HI issue of the "Standard Fashion Book for Spring,' . With each copy you get any Standard Pattern 1' • ' • " *fir; 20 Cents at the.'Pattern7C The W. D. Fair eo. Often the eheapest—Always the Best BAD ACCIDENT Mr. Phillipe of t3tapleton, while helping to repair one of the pans at the salt block, had tete misfor- tune to fall and brake hie collar bone. The unfortunate man is do ing as well as can be .expected. COUNTY TEMPERANCE - CONVENTION Tuesday, April, 7th, has been sel- ected Tor the special Teniperamee Convention for Huron. County when it is Likely a AlField Secre- tary" will app.ointed. Themeet ing will be held en Wesley Metho- dist ' church; Clinton, cot -emending et 10 a. m. Delegates frond every church and municipality will be expedteid/. T.ho height of buildings in Hun- garian cities is limited by law to eighty-two and a half feet. .;.-mismoneilmeasoratimoraroi CO-OPERATION eve; Last Saturday Afternoon alarge- ereted of farmers and Clinton cite- zens listened to, Ian ineleirestelegi and practical address delivened by Mr. A.C. Pratt, M.fleP, of Sentele Norfolk, on Co-c,peration. Thee 4peaker mentioned the work done in Denmark and in his own C011.1k... ty and urged that Huron Counter take up the question., of disttde' t repreeentative to give ;advice inns assistance in the effort for inceisi in•tense ,and ecientific. fax -mink. Mr, John Tta.nsford, President at the Board of 'Trade occupied thee chair. On another page may s found an article which refers tee the work done in Denmark meld which Mr. Pratt dealt on alt con. -r siderable length on Saturday. A hearty vote of thanks. was moved by Warden Cantelon and seconded! by Mr. D.A. Forrester. It was cer- tainly too bad than more fa.rmers in this district had molt itakezt ad- vantage of this meeting to bear what Co-operation and, ecientific farming can do for the producer., The eorRier Store " "Live and Let Live' 1 Bremes, Brushee, Stove Polish, We Are L eaders stove pipe Varnish, eloaps, . Pecteline, Gold Dust, Ammonia, Soap Miter, Lux—fen to wade Old Dutch Cleanser. i • Bon Ala We Are Leaders la Home- made Tineware, Pails, Rollers, P10115, and Sap Buckets and Sap Pans Call in and see the quality of the Tin we Eve using and you will be sure to ri e take aped or two home with you. last y.ear, Veeily the lot of tiee and AIMS Edith at Indian Head, 0$3• '1011W 1118 • • Plumbing and Heating ,(Phone, 53) its 'Wade Chances for reading the poet bards are getting slitereer" every•yeae• Two welledreseed rhatreeel 'were' Viewing the latest areatiOnS in mil- linery in e down thWe window "Well, I'll ne \lee' Waar 'that', vole unteored'the,Strst, :lNor that eith- er," re/narked the second, noting iik tLINTON OIL? Clinton has an oil. striker What has been pronounced to be petro- leum soil has been cliscoveeed along the Grand Trunk right-iaf-Way in Clinton, The "find" was made by accident -Tuesday when Sec- tion Foreman George David and his crew 'engaged in digging post al.noOki• mo.cliel. But the ladies, holies. As their augurs sunk e-. kP:a .em, will wear 3ain. And the nefath the:rem-face of. the ground Idler they are Of new kinks anda strange oil -like ,c,dlor was noti- wrinkles, the better they'll like em. A. WORD TO CRITICS • The GbderiCl,s Star hands out the tfoleowing Edi orial ,th, its readers, The New Dra eeadl@rs can take the - same dosee—leroderich, ought to be ced !from the hole. Earthier in- vestigation revealed the presence of what is believe* (to bo bit "Venn an.11,,Qoaehmation of Ilea find was given by Engineer Fix - ter and Conductor Wes:mese of the Bence (trains. Both erainmen en old ough, and big, enough for have beets tncal esstriets (for ,most of its citizens -ea understand emne.tirtne, Ana when 'their train tee duties and purposes of a pub- palled, into Clinton eta -teen this lie newspaper. There peehaps will morning, ?orCanian David asked always be some limit finders, but their opinion. Going Oto the hole hesome recent 'caries now r Od both men declared that the pros.4 to these haVe been most unreason_ beefs looked gocai. Tor an oil strike. able. The course of The Stet- en The 'berth ,taken from the whole is publishing articles forne both eke:: Very black, has. a etr•angeoily es in the resent C. T. Act campaig-h smell and is of the oozy consisten foie 'example, was adlversfelly critr, ey found in all oil fields. Sincethe' • eised by •some of our friends, ap- hole was bored)i cit has begun to parantly forgetful deg, while both ' fill with an oil -like doze, there be of the publishere of the paper are ing five feet and more of it •411.ed life-long temperance neon, they are now, and this is declared to be not.publiehing the,paper as the or- eurther confirmation of the popu- gan of any sect, creed or pried- lar belief ,that ill has beieni .struck. cellar part, but as a pu.blic newspa Whether it will be ; 'in sufficient par, one -which will give ;every Irian quantities to 'warrant the sinking the opportunity Ito state his views of a real well or not is, of course osi publie questices'or allow him unknown at this three Iltuivestega- to explain his action le he is cal- times, however, will be made by ex laid to account therefor. We have pelts and there are sanenine hop pot, knowingly, nor will we, shield .elS that Clinton may add AO her or pelfiate any -wrong doing, but list of inellusteiee thee of oil pro - if men are showneto `have violated auction. When the section Men the lewwe will record, t115 fact lead only dug Tive feet below the .• 1 ! • notie %reface they encoun.tered the -oil ammirosnons All These Help -to Make Work Easy. - FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Banana% Grape Fruit. Special for Saturday Lettuce and Celery E. E. itiurifliforti PHONE 45. • Ieeeieleeseeee.leeseve,e44.1-1,44.1,,e+e-lereeeee.e.e.e.ieei-e+4-aelee.144.1elee.seteieeeete/ 45 • 4. 4. 15 .1. 4, 4. .1. *E. This state opt should suffio for strata. 'Ile 1013(1100 wag of hard 3: , . , ihos.e sicl,es cet the itemiser dayobet as soon as it was passed if, e -'r instance, who a crowbar shot .down, without ee- reP colaint, but . eistaisice,, rfor, anether five feet. •noin. explicit., ,,Virlie:n the iron was pulled alt an + paeed to -eke,. oily :Ikeda flollqwede eit, •snuetieg + Jacks n's toe Store SPICAR°14 RIGIIT NOW To get acquainted with our Shoes, come in right now and view The New Spring Styles'. It won't take you long to get an idea as to the importance of this Store's „ • values to you and your pocLetbook, You will know perfect satisfaction if you buy here. " etre to. the •ful- up like a small spring, and filling' 144:4;441EFir.1414.14,101,' 44241.44F,E+414,4.4 Is this enough?' the hole 'for fiv feet and more,