HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-26, Page 4,ieonussmominansimrie Read'YsAtOVV'ear aleeetelerreete.,, , 9sid MIY, • ' ),PLione 78 r I THE CLINTON NEW ERA 4.— 7'55'5,- ...55 55•E'A555 • Thursd, Mareh 29111, 1914, E•E E.• ' . • • 5 'E'.'5.5.„ • 6 We believe we haViiriason. for, making: favorable :eothinents -Upon our present disp,lay of High Clas0 Coats,,,Skirts, Dte#ses, Blonspo;‘,,I)„paps 9-090t Ee 'li who like to get the,first;piek' of the se,ai.'on'S ;:neWegts'StyleS Will find heretho.3 newest rdes 'aiid.the New Spririg Sults Chose -your Easter -Suit' Early - We have a very ..arge.assortment of Springr,.,Suits in the newest 'styles and shades:' 'Arnong.r,st the are the new short coats, which are going to be so mu: h worn, also the TUnIC and Pea Top Skirts. '`'" Don't decide on your New Suit before seeing our range. Novelty Black and White •• Suitings ARE HERE We have now on dis- play a beautiful range of high grade Dress 'Goods, ia the new honey comb IA eave, in black and white. Some of these are exclusive suit lengths. Priccs---2 boc to $2.5o per yard ew Wash Fabrics Strong Variety Here '1 he showing this season in the Wash' Gocus Section by far excels any previous showing. A very extensive ,ale of Wash Dress ]fabrics has been predicted in the forecasts for summer business from all quarters. We have one of.the finest 'and most extensive assort-. ments to choose from. SEE OUR Magnificent Display OF Rugs and Fuiiisiilngs Phone 78 Milline0,, Tailor-made- 4st creations af.'a reasonable price ,E,J • , Have You Seen Our Spring Coats ? We present the pick of the best manufacturers in the New Coat Creations.for Spring 1914. One of the chief attractions is completeness, not alone from the point of style, but also as regards mater- ials, trimmings, colors and sizes. They come hi all the new shades— tan, navy, black, fawn, copen, cerese and tango First‘Siowingof I SPRING MILLINERY wedllesday, march 2514, and Following Days. C 0111PONTAL Floor Covering The Largest Collection we show 'he Ever Displayed at New Things First This Store We Invite You to visit our Millinery Parlor and inspect our Beautiful Collection of High Class Millinery No Nignt Opening The New Box and Diagonal Black and White Checks 1 hese are very new also very smart styles • for Suits or combina- tIon Suits, with plain checks, and variety of sizes. Prices from Sso to $2.50 a Yard AINIIIININ41,111111111191111111MMIIIIIIMIIMINIMI DISTRICT NEWS 4 aT' One of tilp„43g,tleztrio men, .Fred. Mahoney, , had a close eall the other day. While out in the cou.n- -try about three miles ifixing a hydro wire he receiVed the full ,eharge of 3,000 volts -which caused a deep wound isteltleeheed. across the cresSeStheital, which no doubt saved ltilife,,es had he fall en across the leo he would have been elltettroca edit' He }ems less- ened by some of his, fellows anci brought to,,the ,Reyar Hotel here, evbelre hle deeseivied 'aped -mai att.- tion and: is now to be about again. esefiee„..Sei' While atten'clin.eie.ale in McKil- lop. Mr. 3. Vyk. Bs a t t e, of this town had the megfortnne to slip an an icy spot and 4.-.)n.falling fractured his arm midway hetWeen th,e elbow -and the -tviTat. E is able to he :about agaitie•bist rill have, to nurse his arm in a alcuigefor some weeks. neli, A. W. McIntosh, BD., of Sas- katoon, is spending 'a ; ;few days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. McIntosh, Crotabie St Mr McIn- tosh occupied' the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church on Sun- eateirth' traisiettsto // / -/" / N • 4111116, BEST FIRE ,/ rROTECTION gire-proof construction is better fireprotection to :41 building then any amount of firdinsurence. By covering buildings twith J -M Asbestos Roof- ing it protects thcinifrornifire of no extra costIt has the highest fire - resisting piloperties,because inadeof a fireproof, indestructible Material —Asbestos, It Will Withstand the intense fliirrie dfse'powerful blew torch for eea44nStaser withont burning. -1No othgroefing on the market offers such pRE,Mction as a ,141ASBESTOS,ROOFiNG,. *Other ready roofings are made of wool felt, rag stock, paper, shoddy,, coal tar rind other highly inflam- e materials which are an actual e. menace to a building instead of a protection, J -M Asbestos is the i,'!• "cheapeat-,per-year ' roofing, be- cause it requires no coating or 4 1 4 A painting to preserve it. The fire '14 !.. cost is the only expense. It resists 1 r fire, rot, Met end wear and is the , el only permanently durable prepared Si roofing. Adapted to all climates '§ and weather conditions. 0 ., Write or 8811 (0? Sample andBooklet. .,, E., ) t • 13YN & STIN'El), Lligioll,,,, inEAAJE,'.E.T44',E:;,,E1E4PEE'441,T4%4,i E",q"4 ,day. Mrs. (Re.v.) .Wallin, of 'reroute, wilhaddiess the Women's Canadian Club in the Carnegie library :on Tesiedlay, evening nlext. Her sub- ject Will be "Literary Snapshots in the Old Laed." Mr. Geo. Murdie had the misfor- tune to falt on the sideiwalk aliew ' days ago, .fractuting two of his ribs. Mr, Wm. Henderson, of the 5th concession of McKillop, died on Fri day after an illness of some dura- tion. Mr. 'Henderson was one, of the pioneer eesidents of McKillop and was Much respected. He had , leached the age of nearly 92 years, , and is survived by a family of six , sons two daughters. The daughters are Mrs. W. Adams and Mrs. McIntosh, of Winona, George E. and John, of Seaforth; Robert of Bi easels, and Andrew and James of McKillop Varna • A very pretty but quiet weddin took plaite at the home 01 Mr, an Mrs William Clarke, Varna, •Iast Weidetesday, when their daughter Miss Emily ,became the bridie of Mr. Robert Samuel Evans, of Weyburn, Saslc. The ceremony, twhich was pessformed, by the Hew, Robert Millar, of Auburn, a brother-in-law ,of the, bride, toolc place at high ,imon and ;was in the preseeee of only the immediate relatives. Alftee a dainty repast was partak- en 61 the happy couple left for Lon dom. Teroeto, and New York be- fore going to their home in Wey- burn. • Hensel' Mrs. 13each and Mrs. 1313.tshiford were in Lo.n.clon, ethis w.eiek visit- ing friends and relatives, The 'Rev. Mr. Smith, of Carmel, delivered most 'fe.xcellent Sermons on Sunday last„, both morning and evening. Mrs. I/Ili-man McMartin is visit- . ing relatives in, the northern part of the .comity in ihe interests of Her health, and is recovering from her serious illness. The neat; plain and uniform dress of the young lassies of (2armel church has been much admired for the past 'few 'Sundays. These is not at the present time a vacant hotni.er in the village. ..,„Mr. 'Thompson Murdock was in Gtiderieh on, Monday last The ltttte el51d Of Mr. and Mrs, DaviidElGerino de had been ailing for%sonte,tiene, but was apparently improving vielcy until Sunday last when he be,carne noels worse . and Passe,c1 away. Much sympathy is felt for the beret:wed parents, and Mrs. Gerinotte in partici:Or, who has been so pocrly herself for some time andwho nearly 'collrip- eed Iron): long coxing for the little one, .eoepled with very delieate heol tli. Our spring ,Show, which will be., held hero on the 31st March, is looked:forward to with great ieter. est, the prizes beingvery liberal and the arrnagements f or holding iti,being very complete, , • The, liar e i ti i ti e busily engaged in making maple sugar and molasses and the season promises to be a favorable one. Mrs.. Andrew Moir is having her ccittage.an Queen ,street very meth improved in the Anterior by hay- • ing it nicely repaieted and,,paperecl. J. Sutherland, agent tor Alex. Thompson, of TorOto, is else hav ing his brick dwelling on Rich - APPEARANCE mond 'etre-zt south much improved. , A MAN's Mrs, Richardson, having rented R. Cateh,pole's dwelling on King st. through his agent, 0.3. Sutherland has moved into it, and the house having clueing the past weelc Le- ing nicely papered, throughout, gives it a nice fresh and eletan ap- pearanse, ,Mr. Peter Melville left here this Week .for the West, where he in- tends remaining for a number of months, Mrs. S. ilumeston is spending a couple of weeks in St. Marys with her brother, Mr. Wm. Henry, Who • is and has been quite seriously ilL Mrs, Wm. Moore is also spending a few days with Mr. Henry, lner brother. Mrs.oMilne Rennie, who is and has been organist in Carmel church for number of years is now p a ng 8.new pipe organ in a very able manner and iteseivecl very much praise for the way she managed it on Sabbath last for the first time, and the volume and tore of the pipe ,organ is eliciting fa- vorable comments on all sides. • ,Constanee ' Mr. Geo, C. Dale has rented his 'farms to hie brotherein-lawse Jae. and John Carter for some •. time Mr, and Mrs. G.C. Dale and family intend leaving next week for Al- berta. Mr, Wei. McIntosh has sold, his house and lot to Mr. Jas. Mann sr. Mr. Mann ,gets posseesioe about the 1st. ,of May. Mr. W. McIntosh blas rented the vacant house of Mr, David Nelso,n's 1 or the preient. Rev. 'C.C. of Granton, will preeeh at Coe.etance on .Suna day afteirnoon it 2.30. ' t, Porter's Hill, Miss Cressie Elliott .'penia few ;daysSeattbrth last week. Miss 'Jennie Wbods returnietd home Mopday from Simcoe. Mies !Aenie McPhail is VisAing in Bassfield. John .A. Cox wears a smiling face a little baby boy arrived at his h01110 on 81.111dAY made to Mrs. Horner from her friends a set of eilver knives and forks. Mr. Vallick, brother of Mrs. Hoerner thanked them for their kindness to his sislter. The even- ing was ispeint and all 'left than4c- ing their kind hostess for the plcctsnat evefning. Mr. Buckler has return,eid from visiting his son Silas Buckle' near Breclran, :Howard Allen left this week for Mr. John Ladd, son of Mr. Geo. Ladd,, Who lretiirned a short time ago from the West, where he, has been ifor 14 years, underwent a `euecesalfur operation' `ati the Clin- ton hospital over a week ago, land has se''flar 'recoverec1 as to be able to •-tvalk 'around again. His friend's Wish.him the best of health agaiii. Mr, Wilt Jenkins left on Tues- day be ;a business trip to Mon- treal.' E Miss Lulu Connell is learning the dreesmaking in Clinton. Misses Elsie Syone, Londeeboro and Evelyn McCartney, Goderich, visited at Mr. W. Stanley's over Sunday, Miss Einin,a, Levis spent Monday at her uncles, Mr, W. Jeinkihs, Mr. Lewis Lashbrook, ef Mitchell spent the week end at Mr. Ezra Pickards. • Dame Rumour says that several of our young people will join the matrimonial ranks, in the near 'future. Mr. Norman Miller went to Lon- don last Mies Georgina Remball visited in Clinton t Medicine Hat, hae more to do with his success today than it ever had. ' Anything that contributes to his lank of welleo.doness is justified—ye, NiilCESSi RY. Is there anything that you know of that advertises success more Ilion 14 nieE RING? Certainly, nothing that a than wears is mure in evidetice, A few dollars spent on a ring, any good ring, will prove to be an invest meat to most men, lot us plare our ring stock tiefore You Me. ccci, Then ask ali the qnes tions you like. W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician Issuer •of Mari lime Lice • nses Wingham The Rev. E. Cerny, of St. Paul's Church, here, announced. Sunday to his .congregation that he intended to accept a call to Porti Burwell af- ter Easter, whet* he will go as their rector. This wilt be a great loss to St. Paul's church, Wingham, as Mr, Croly is very highly estcent- ed. and respected, not only by his own congregation but by the mem ' hers of the other churches. When NIrs. Wm Merrington re- turned home .from a visit to Lon- don recently she was shocked to 'find ,some of her furniture dama- ged by, lire. She ,notified • the police, who found that a little girl had got into the house Iso." look for some trinkets she had, •left when visitisig Meld gton In the search she had lit some mat- t chee land ficin these the. sofa he ea%es !ftit4itoTeass‘iTtirWTbe child's parents offered to pay for all loss stisttained, ' 011 uprighting the vehicle that it had not received ,eyen se much as a scratch. Miss Edythe Peddles, who has been the euccessful teacher of No. 9, school for the past three years years, has resigned and Will leave at Baster Miss Peddles wild Lei missedin social circles as well as in the Jschoolroom, she having been popular with the young people Of the community. Dungannon Thrown an a revolving , saw at Dungannon Monday morning Step hen Deemes .was 80 badly injured that he died afew minutes after- Werete. He was using the ,saw to Cut Rolle of rails when a neigh - hoe's horse became. :frightened asi it was passing beldnel . him and charged np on the rails, tit:m-4413g him against the, setts.Deemeie face was badly tint and his' chest was partially ,sawn three h He Was 68 years old and leavea wife and' two daughters, JIrs. 3,,Herdy' and Nine, Lusk, 'both of Goderich. Goderieh TOWHISIIIP John Duff, 'o f the Huroe Road, who lost a horse last ;all through a chef culvert, on the lerth con, of Goderich Tp., has been al- lowed $1.30 by the township antlel. D eities in settlermetn/4 of ',his claim which is doubtless better for both parties than hoeing a law suit,' While Mr. Adam Cantelon was getting ready to leavie for Clinton on Tuesday last his horse, hitched to the buggy, started off sudclemt ly, went tdown the road at a gond paee and into the little ceeek where it halted with the buggy turned upside down and the shafts detach e lch There, -thought Mr. Cantelon to himself, is a job for those, bug- gy doctors in Clinton, so he was very agreeably eurprieeda to find, • . • Drueefield James Mustard of the London Road, has beau very 111 for thelast Barney McGill and family hae moved to MeKillop ;where he will work ona farm Mr. D. McDonald of Louden, Vis- ited last 'week at the home of hie sistee Mrs. A, T. Scott. - Mrs. ICetchen of our village en- tertained a number of her friends on Thursday ,evenieg of last week in honor of ,Mrs. Homier who has gone to Bayffield to reside.. „Der - mg the evening a presentation was HaylisJd Tuesday Morning at Toronto, Mrs. Anna .Christina Struthers, holm in 1829, in the esign of George IV died at the residence of her son Dr. W,E, „Struthers, Chief Medical Inspector of the , public iseheselsp, Mrs. . 15Oult$111trw auelit cold before Christmas, which re- pidly ,developed into pneumonia. She recovered 'from this, but it left her in (fa, weakened' condition and her ,death was, not unexpected. Born in Cape Beaton in 1829, , she came to this prey:ince in 1874, She used to tell of the journey in the, stage coach out to 33ruSsels, in the county of Huron, where she 'took up her reeidence, Then she mov- e( to ibayfield, tese mos, o loci life Was spent. A brother and., a, sister still live in Payfield. Forthe past four years Mrs Struthers haa been living with 11.61! 800 Dr. St.141111 ,bese (in • Toronto. In, religion she was a Peesbyteriae, ,attencling Col lege Street church. In addition lo the brother. and sister ie Bayfield those who, Ceuretee. are two 1,1885 and four daughters, oulin McLeod and Mrs. Isabelle Thompson, Mrs. Burchill and Mrs. Garrioch, of Thes salon, Mrs. Belle Tarahoss and.Miss Haima Struthers, or Chicago, and Dr. St -Setters, of Toronto, Thefun .erel will ,-he held froni the resi- derma on Thursday at two &clack. Mullett Miss Elva MeCool spent a week with her Aunt, Mrs. Wm. Brown, of the 13th, concession. Miss Mae-cisAlems .has retuttme 'weeks with. relatives in, Blyth. Mrs, Ben Sn,e11, of Blyth, is spend ing a week at the, home of Elisha McVittie, John Hazelwood had a wood bee on Friday' when twenty men as- laisted him in the, bush, Albert, Weymouth returned home last weelc 'from visiting his broth - or -fm -laws, Jos. 'Grainger and George GHesk, Vof TorontLon- o. Motors for Sale 1Vliss ertie ochlen left for don last week to 'spend a few ed tome ,a er spend ng wo spent Sunday rwith het, brother Charles Stewart. A former resident of Hultett pas- sed away at Buffalo, son, Mencley • March 9th, in the person' oft Zee - Ste Thompbon, relict of the late'Mr. Airchibald Cadzow, who at onetime resided on the 13th eancession of Hullett, also for sometime•residing in Clinton, then going to Buffalo to live where some of their family where living. The deceased and her late thus.ban.cl, were among the early settlers, being held in very high esteem Those left to mourn , the loss of a kind mother are four daughters and four sons, also Ms - teas and brothers, Mrs. G. Hamil- ton, of Hullett, Mrs.. Watt and tine Misses Thompson, of Clinton are sisters. The remains were brought to Londfesboro etation ancl thenee to Burns cemetery. The dteceaslid was aged 79 years. The funeral was attended by many relatives and friends. Some beautiful floral tributes accompanied( the remains here. rarni tor Sale 04.11. The Executors of the Southcombe Estate offers for Fele 50 acres, east half of lot 2S, con. 6, Buffett. A first class taxa). ell watered and improved and with gnbd buildines. A good or- chard and 7 acres of hush.: Apply to R, J. Southcomhe on the premises, or Clinton Postoffice JOHNAY Agent for Deering People Is offering f eneing at low prices Al- so a good powder ter sickly begs. Ordertaken now for Homestead Fer- defter, months with. her Aunt, Mrs. Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Awde who • have been spending the past four mone' the at the home of Wm, McCool have bought a Teed store in Lon- - don anc1 moved there last "week. Harold Dexter, of Blyth is en- gaged with. Johp Cartright. Miss Leen. Stewart, of Clinton oetcommeomesselarkvanheWmestumtneilonecersmiskrxe One 40 h. p. 25 ,3yele, 3 phase. induc. tion motor with starter, Crocker. Wheeler make, in perfect condition, bus se r5tihh, ti.waus a ahnody e'.1hall'AppYrser ntrost.: imAities: THE MITCHELL WOOLEN UO. - Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will he produced at the time of sale there will he offered for sale at public: auction, by Thomas Gundrv, auction. eer, at the Normandie Hotel, in the Town of Clinton. on Saimaa's, the 1,3h day of April, 1011, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon, the following proper tt ; -Lot nomber 37, Concession 3, in the London Road Sur- vey. in the Township of Tuckeestnith, eontaining, 100115800 of land. more Or less. The fsrin is well treated, the soil is good. there is plenty of writer, and no waste lard, and the property could be advanlageonsly used °bane for grazing or general farming, There are on the property is dwelling honse, and a barn fitted with stabling, two acres of orchard and tee acres of bush, The property will ha offered in parcels, es i niloWS: -The whole lot: *hp Part half; and the west half, TERMS -10 per cent, at the time of sale, belenCe in 30 clays. For leirther particulars and conditions of sale , apply to the under- signed. Dated tb's 13 hfw1..y. BaR"lrh14 y'poCN. 11119, • Vendor's Solicitor Difelmeteyille Mr. Ilittson's aro moving this ' week to the house on the Crooks farm. Mr. N. W. Trewaetha shipped a few choice horses to Montreal this week. , Mr. McComb*, of Trowbridge,' .spent a few days at the pareonagel last week., Miss Lockwood, of 61111101) speed New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is soon, to ,peint a /11",..W i$51:10 of its Official TelephoneDir- ectory toe th littrietl tern Ontario including CLINTON Pmrties who contemplate becom- ing Subscribers, or those who wish changes •in their .present entry shoulo place their orders with. the Local Manager at once to ineete insertion in this issue COMpardesS Should 885.00 repot additions and changes in their list of Subscribers, either to the local Manager, or dir eet to the Advertising Directory D,epartment, 'Montreal, :Te frphop-to Cona canada. Sunday With her friend Lula Cone ,