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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-26, Page 101.48, No. 39 - CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY MARC1-1 26 1914 W. H. Kerr & Son, Editors'; and Publisher lin`con Spring Show, Thursday, April. 2nd, 1914. Remember the Date. 000 000 00 00 • I1 •• sOS 000 000.000000064•9 1'le(asant, and John. Rowan of Al- berta Canada • also by eighteen f y grandchaldreln: Funeral leigrvices and interment was held at St. Mich eel's church, (Remus, Mich„ Rev. Father Schuette): officiating. The remains were bonne to the grave by her (six grandsons as pail bear- ers, James, William, Ddiward, and Leo. Harrigan and Frank and Ed- ward Donoghue. Deceased was born in Kingston, Ont., and re- moved to Kinkora at an early age and later to Stnaiford, where, the greater part of her life was elpelnrt. In, 1888 with her husband and family she removed to Michi- gan, where she has resided 'for the past tweedy -{five. years. A`, large ,number of friends and ac-' quaintaneos paid their last res- pects to the ideeeased. She was a 'devour member Sof the Catholic Ifaith, and was esteemed for her kindly, charitable disposition, and: was a noble exampletaef a Chris- tian mother. DistrictDistrict News: g'zand(clzajdrest and eight great OO4ssiOsoo4soe0000se0000io Auburn Beginning 12th year, -the; Walk- erton ton Tlelescope'o' ,last, week had. the following local which refers tot a'fformer, pastor of Auburn Pres-, byterian church, -On Sunday next Rev. Thos, ;Wilson begins his twelf th year as pastor of Knox church, Walkerton, hie having taken charge' of this church on April 19th, 1908. During his pastorate Knox church has experienced. .an, aavanroemenit in allaphases of religious work and Mr. Wilson's, many friends will congratulate him on, the success which has 'attended his increasing efforts during the past ,eleven years. On Monday, March t6th, ended a life of four score and two: years, when the death of Elizabeth, wid- ow of the late David Harrigan, oc- curreldat the helvee of her daugh- ter, in Bay City, Mich., after an illness of two weeks of pneumonia. Deceased survived her husband fif teen years and two days. She is survived by two (sons and one daughter, Frank D., of Saginaw ; John, of Mecost, and Mrs. Thos. Donoghue of 600 N. :,Henry st., Bay City, Mich. She is also sur- vived by three sisters and one brother,Mrs. Joseph Bier d' sr., of Aubrn ; Mrs.M.O.Leary, of Saginaw, Mrs, Jas. Welch, of Mt, Business Men do not want 1 "improperly prepared" young men and l women in their offices. Attend TORONTO, ONT. A school that has a great reputation for superior work and for placing many re choice positions. Write for catalogue. ons Bank orated 1855 $5,7000,000 S IN CANADA & BUSINESS TRANSACTED. CREDIT } ISSUED EPARTMENT BRANCHES t highest current rate. nailer 0linton Branch ... smnnmva,ay,macmmaaa,mnnr O Readyto•aVear Clothing e Clothes 1 36 b • P s sell - In our business o f i Ii ing clothes our policy is ' to furnish rri f sh ouC atr005 with the best clothes that can be made. In the selection of our garments we are generous but not extravagent. Every detail that makes for Better Clothes is care- fully looked after. Nothing Slighted Nothing is Overlooked . No fancy prices -every figure is based on actual cost and the results of our efforts are apparent. We have ag ood busi • /less because we ober ' the best of clothes at the least possible price, o Suits $110,;j°l 'i'?' $20i )vercoatst o � O �l$1 , new legislation it had promised, • • • 2 2. w • 2. • 2 ••, y • • 2 • .2 • 2 2 •. • • 2 2 • • r2 eonatalnee Mr. and' Mrs. George Dale 'leave Ifor• the West in a few days. Mr. Carter has rented the +farm. 1Miss Bella Mann is •slpeJndlialg a few days with (her friend .Miss May Appleby. Lonsteshoro The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held el next e t Thursday afternoon in Foresters (Tall, when Mrs. P. Johnston will .have charge of the programme. All ladies are cordialyl invited, James Caldwell, ono of the pion- eers of Hullett Township, died at his (home on Tuesday. Ile was I born in Guelph in November, 1636 and was "'married to 1Vliss Eliza , Rouse about 145 years ago, and 'in 1872 came to lot 20, concession .11, Hulle(tt. Docease(cl was a man oft Oats, from Detroit this week. for both Now Huron Will Vote l 6164464"1411""v Local 1 News k 18 is expected that the new North ,/y',���yy��.y� s�x�yr�q, andgiventh ot,q. T .will re are �1rU{tli8VlfYl,lr\rt�t1SYU11Y as given below. The tiaurea are taken from the last general election NORTH RIDING WORKING OVERTIME r Blyth se 78 214 _ The ,;Doherty Piano Co, are Brussels r).-5 94' y,}5 rushed with Orders and they are 11Wawanosh 170 224 ^465 'now working some of the depart Grey .,,,,,300 383 870 menta ovoi•tim+e,. This is certainly 13owick 522 319 1063 16298 a good 16ign, Morris .. 0 i 296 283 69 cans BELLS" rornberry ....230 22:3 552 Wingbarn ...,288 100' 004 The Amateur.' Dr emetic Society o t T f Wroxeter .... 34 50 115 i, Clinton Intend I :+.playing "The Bells" sometime in April. The 2020 1822 4808 young people , are ,now hardat Add- work rehearsing their various AsbflAshfield 372 288 867 parts, : and will no doubt give . a ene 2 '288 866 10597 clever rendering of the play, Pul- Oo h me 1811 t8 4261 ler announcements will be made 1233 •5 Goder.rh 412 in a week or to, 4(r 3198 2062 490126$88 WHAT A CANADIAN SOUTH RIDING ,'e:: HAS BEEN It is not often that a Canadian and his 'wife has the distinction of Bayfield 239 I61 359 93 83 23.4 458 333 706 McKillop 216 3 9 656 Seafortb ......210 21+1 508 Stanley 237' 207 550 Stephen 482 353 1022 Tnckersmith :153 365 650 Usborne 293 201 003 2360 2276 5614 Exeter rt enema l Hay I9508 Add- Ifnilett.,•,.... 289 299 742 ) 1663 Clinton 020 21u 526 With Goderich Township 162 234 633 •1920 3072 3050 7645 26097, admirable qualities land held the respect of a large circle of friends. In religion he was Presbyterian and rn,politics: a Liberal. Mrs. Caid'weli •prederleased her husband I Friday, and was immediately disposed seventeen years. ' Mr. Caldwell lea of• ves a 'family of twelve, Frank, of Mr. Laxton Bill, was in London Strathcona, Alta.; ,George and John over Sunday.- Feeding, Milling and Seeding purpos es, Mr, John" Bell of the West sent down a car of oats and arrived here East Wawanosh; Fred and Robert, Hullett; Mrs. T. J. Tamblyn, Was- :dleka, Man.; Mrs. Isaaac Quion, Haileybury, and William, Maggio, Sarah, May rand Mabel, at home. The !funeral, rival take place on Thursday etc-, 2 p.m, Interment in Burns Ceunetery. 'Remember the Spring Show rat Clinton, on April and. Bayfield A meeting of the ratepayers is being called for the ,purpose of improving the town hall and mov- ing tho same to the metre of Plan Gregor Square. Dr. Smith, G. Lindsay, W. Wes-, ton and E. Merrier aro sesisted for ck'legates to meet eVOttawa for I the advancement of the West ; railway, hies. Struthers who was an old time resident of this place, flied re c:ently in Toronto. The great ice jam on the river caused considerable anxiety a- Mong the fishermen, but it is be - hared' naw that it will pass oval harmless owing to the cold weather Bossard➢ Road Mrs. I'Vhittinghtarn was a visitor in Loudon with Mrs. Arthur Whitting ha in. Mr, )lime Rowclit£e is fixing up the house at the Granton Corner and will live there, es the house he has been. living is sold to 0 niece c£ Mrs. Phil. Rawcliffe. M r. Phil. Rown:liffe met with a nasty accident r when fixing n wagon l r his the tongue flew around striking him on the side and tearing the lining be taeen the ribs and skin. His friends hope for a speedy recoxery, Mrs. George Hanley is improving from an attack of indigestion, League meets at the home of Mr, W llardy's next week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gihhings were the guests of Mr, and Mrs Wm, Stanbury on Sunday. Quite a number of farmersare losing c0wtt.' ye' eti if they are a big price, this weekFrank Love and Andrew David son eaeb lost one. Blyth. Mr. S, A. Popplestone, was nominat ed on Monday to fill the vacancy on the :School Board,' caused by the. removal of Dr. Charlesworth. The Electric Light Plant which is owned by the village, is having the are system of lighting the streets changed to Iocndescent .system, else ing a 60 Candle Power lamp, at every corner which is an improvement to the old manner of lighting up the streets. C. 11,,Beese received a car of No. 1, '3ev. R. Hicks, o1 Hensel!, preaches Oonnexional sermons in the Methodist (lhureh here on Sunday. The Automobile exchange business is started now, as well as the new sales as Mr, Robt• Mornay was the first one of the season to purchase a new one which was a Ford, from their agent Mr. 'L Brown. Mr. McKay having sold his old one to Mr, Olin Hooper Mr.Ohas, Bell purchased Mr, Thomas ODS. t1r, Henry Robinson sold out his Harness Business to Mr. 0. Lyons of Elmwood. air. Lyons worked for Mr.. Robinson two years ago, It is Me. Ii,obitisnn's intention to keep in the Boot az Shoe busteee. Mr. A. II. Wilfred, of Wingiram was in town on Wednesday on busi n ess. tool penes It G. T„ (;l1ntorl , (Zn-T,rere is" waterhoase which runs Iron, A's 1•ypd into 13's and then along a lino forme he tt` eel] B L ria" ( u t , L I creek. D at adjoining ()weer, objected to the Ii nca. tion of the ('011Way and brought on the engineer. The eegineer came on (0 the land and rave seine directions to 13 about cleaning out, the ditch. 13 consented to pay half the "fees' assent int that D would pay the other half. Dhas since died. Can the engineer compel his executor to pay his Yee? Ans.-Probably the enfiineet pro- cured an agreement from/ the parties which w lanab le him. tof en arse pa • y meet of this fees.r 1 ct nc of sa Y, hen seer, whether the agreenreent is sufficient or n rt hut if the claim is placed in the hands of some solicitor for collection he trill look into it and advise, a ' THURSDAY, APRIL 16th Detroit Tree Pness-The Kellogg Hainesin i n Party appeared S g g P x y appaa e at the Masonic, Temple .last (evening. They gave a very Pleasing enter- tainment, singing:,selections rang- ing from light c,., ,etdy to grand opera. The :individual members have splendid voices, weli trained and quite adequate to anything they {attempt;, ' The Isgene 'from °(Martha" was well•preaented a:nd well sung, and the light touches of comedy were never overdone, John P. 1Vfclntosh has purchaee,d 75 acres on the 14th Con., Grey township; adjoining his own 'farm, !from Jas. Perris. This gives .Mr. McIntosh 175 acres, Mr. Proudfoot Addresses -the Brantford Liheral Club Whitney Government Scored Centre Huron Member Its inactivity in Bringing Down New Legislation and Meeting New Conditions was Pointed Out.- Workmen's utWorkmen's Compensation -Wast age of Funds -The License Law, b eminent for their lack of initiative 3' in:formulating new legislation was made by the speaker, of the even- ing, 'Mr. W. Proudlfoot, M,P:P. for Centre Huron. He was introduced by Chairman Goold, who declared that the people of Brantford were hungry for evhat Mr. Protidlpot bad for them. The inactivity of the Whitney ad e ministration in bringing. down new needed legislation, its wasteof pub 6 lis +funds, and the (long period it ta- had 'taken in bringing clown what e • were 'forcibly emphasized by 'Mi, i Q➢r �+ itvim, ng .nI:tor Every 143"sill • O 0.00•040•0444/04000•004•40W00 • W. Proud1oo't, M:13.P, for' centre Hu ion at a rally hold in the Brarnt- lforc . ,Liber al elulb rooms, a re- port of Which We take £tom the ranitford Expositor, A scathingarratngnien,t of 'the adrxtiltistration, of lave Whitney gov u' Tho Liberals of Swath Br�t are doing right -they are starting on time for the ,election," said Mr.' Prouclfoo't in his irrtroducterli,re-' marks. He Tait that Ft wag a.:not ' fair to hold nominations six weeks before ' the 'elections avid. 13 apeet, relslulbs; The Liberal ;yparty in the Ontario legislature was but a small ones and 'they' could not do a, great dieaI, but if North and South ,Bract 'were to line ep behind, 'Mr. Rowell with Other riduugs ,:81110y could do a great deal. The Speak- er paid a most hearty tribute to Leader Rowell, whet' had come( Continued on Page 3, { being flatteringly complimented by so prominent a publication as the Ladies Home Journal, of. Philadel- phia, but in this particular instance the Canadian; refereed to is at present a resident, ;of the States, in the Ladies Home Journal For A,rlril, ,acconipantield by{, ii1ulatra+- tions is a full page article show- ing rz fiat the Rev. R I' g. J. to d o and y wife, of Worcester,Massachusetts have accomplishein reforming the tough boys of than place, and getting them 1a transform what was 'formerly ((a very nudlesirable and disreputable past of the place into which is now known as Gar- den City. The article, highly nom mends thework of the pastor and his wife ,and sugge is that the same thing (might be accomplished elsewhere, Rev. Mr. :Moody was born on a 'farm near Blyth, was converted( an Blyth {Methodist church, and subsequently entered the ministry in the tT, S. He is a brother of Mr. 1E. 'Floody, of To- ronto, so well known here. "LEVINSKY FIRST" The Guelph! 'Herald of Tuesday, has the following report about a Checker Tourney in which J. B. J oovet, 'form'erly of )C.linton won 'first plazas -WI 'the Borden Club rooms last night after the iast games of the schedule in the chec- ker tournament, Mr. Hoile anaioun cod the winners, and Mr. W.E. Taylor, the .donator, presented Mr, J. B. Hoover avitlr-, the first prize and Mr. +r'3. Precious 'with the sec-, and prize, .Chess rare beautifully engraved gold lockets, and both gentlemen in well chosen words• ecpressied, 'their appreciation of the committee's work; and iihank- ed, the donator. The six high men are, - 'Wen Last J. 13 Hoover Hemet' 111ecious 1013 103 97.2,1 203 ',114111 Conte SS Dr. Hardie 17 til 28 18, Avlllianrsnu 5l lil. OV. 1lrtylo" 8+1 35 Next Monday night the following Twelve will (play a sudden death series to determine 'who will win R 1consolation the oilier locket <s a prize, their standing being in the order named, 1T, Robinson, E. Wal- lace, 18.11. Lehman, T.13. Gemmell, A. Maxwell, Lot Singular, 11, Bates, J. Laking, Jas. Lang, H. Martin, H. Christie, P.W. Laughton. As Messrs, i:'rc111is and Hoover have not met during the series, there will be, playeci, by them , a series of ten games next Monday, while the other contest is on. As there islikelytobe ]keen rivalry the y games will start at' 7,30 porn. DEATH OF IL G. CANTELON The Fiil]nore Press c" March 11, gives the 'following obituary no- tice of a former Clintonian,-The many friends in town and country were shocked to hear of the sud- den death of ,Guy Cantelon, who died Maralr 111:11., He was the son of ''Harry (Cantelon, Toronto ' Oat, The late + Guy Cantelon was born in Clinton, Ont., twently.ifive years ago, Ma eht ,5t71, and, .after living there fourteen Sears he moved to Toronto and from there to New York, where he (lived lour years previous to conning to Fillmore. During the past two S ear's h:e has managed the grocery department of Frank Yeo's s store, and there he .made hosts of friends in town and throughout the whole. ,country through his gonial good nature and close attention 10 the wants of the public which won' for him the high est esteem of the, community: 13e, had the'r'ebutation among the tra- vellers of being the best manager and window dresser on the line to Regina. His character was irre- proachable; a young man who had not one bad habit ; quiet, .and un- assuming, but always kind to child ren and a 'faithful friend to the poor and all works charity. The'dleeeased left on a pleasant trip to Winnipeg, March 4th,' but not •feeling hall the fololwing Tues day; he returned home. Two doc- tors were ,summoned and discov- ered that the paint had dipth- eria. He was then immediately moved to the Presbyterian manse 'which was vacant, ,and a 'trains nurse was,engaged and everything possible was done to save this young life, abut e'iespite all, he pas - fled away .Wednesday afternoon, 'March lath, An undertaker was brought from Regina and he, was buried privately in Pillmorce ceme- tery. Those left to mourn are his father, 'Harry Cantelon, Toronto;. two sisters, Mrs. C. Poole, Vancou- ver, and Mrs. Frank Yao,, Fillmore' two brothers, I.E. Cantelon,, To- ronto, and' (toy Cr, Can+telom(, off New Yak, formerly of Fillmore; two brother -in-laws, Frank tYeo, Fill- more, and Clarence Poole, Vancou relr., Mrs. Yeo, with 'whom the late lir. Cantelon, has made his home Tor, the past two years, Mae received 81)0 heartfelt sympathy of the twhole 'coinrrruun City in. their +sad, bereavein(e,nt. His place as brother in the home aid 'store ear never be Tilled. Miner- al ,service Will be hlelcl• Sunday, 1Vlareb r 2211cl, to the Presbyterian church, at 'seven o'ch ick, Over The Teacups Lieense Commissioner Elliott was Mr. Thompson, ofGoderich were caller's in town on Wedjbcosc{ay, Rev, David' Wren, M, A. ,Of 13rus- sels, was the guest at 't(lliq Ontario St. parsonage. this week, Mr, M. G, Comer on, of Goderich, was calling on old friends in town 00 Monday, Mr's. 13 10. Paul and Miss Potts: are attending, the annual meeting ` of the Women's Missionary Society at London ,and are the guests' of Mrs, Paull sr,, 613 Wellington st, Mr. Mos Cottle , attended the meeting of the ahead Camp of the W'.O,W,, at London last week, Mr, Robert Maxwell (celebrated his 80th birthday on Saturday night and a number o.6 old friends were .presenttorein in the: happy oceasfon, Mr, Maxwell as well known' over Harm) Co., tering been a successful ,farads:' near Ring ham . Mr and Mrs. . GL. Walker, 1 r f ,Brantford, spent a few days 'with rektives anld' friends' hie et Mr. Walker disposer! ads livexy bus31i mess in that city lost month. Mr, John B. Hoover, of Guelph, was in town last u eek, , Mrs. (Rev.) Diehl, of Paisley, has been the guest of her mother, Mrs. McGarva, Mrs. Jos. Rattenbury is attend- ing the twenty-sever:eta. annual meeting of the Wonrien's Auxiliary of the Huron Diocean Branch, at London and is visiting with friends, Mrs. H.B. Comber is in London thsi week, the grist of Mrs, Chett- tick, King Street. M. A. T. Cooper attended the Perth County Temperance Alliance meeting at Stratford on .Monday, Mr. Eddie Miller, who bas been with the New Era for the past rive months left( on Monday for Listowel where he takes a posi- tion on the Bananer. Councillor R.R. Sloan, of Blyth, was in town on Tuesday, Miss Armour, of Toronto has been the guest oil her sister, Mrs, D. S. Cluff, The Moose Mountain Star, pub- lished at Areola Sask., .hacl the fol- lowing .lot tl,--M'iss lkam of Clin- ton arrived in, torn this week 'to take charge of (the millinery d•e- pertinen't in Francis S; Co.'s store, to Mthr, is ,wi els. 30 109 Twiteheil is in Toron- Last 'wee(. Milton Cook, second; son of Mr. Josh Cook, while play- ing .hockey not a severe cut be- tween the right eye and nose with the puck. A little more and the evo might ;have leen damaged, 111r Harry Twitchell 1011 01) Mon day, accompaniecl by his mother to undergo an operation at Toronto, today. His many friends in town hope +for'l a successful opetati...1 and) a spe 3d 3 recovery. Mrs. W.13, Fera was in .Brussels one day this week, Mrs. tDr,) McBride, of Welland, made a brief visit at her hone iters, Ms, Jas. Twitchell is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Miss A. Wallace is visiting with (friends in Loi clown, Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Ron - sail, was in town Tuesday. Mr. D Pair mad e a business trip p to Toronto Ito lar week, Mr. Saunders, who has been in 1.110 Clinton il,rspital 'for the past three weeks left for ,his home at Oeillia today. Mayor Jackson .and Councillor Ford aro at Ottawa with ,tlie dele- gation iu cona'reetion with t(tve Hydro Radial movement. Mr. and Mrs, C.C. Rance, 25 Wells street Tor'onto announce the en- gagement - gagement of their illi n eir only 'daughter, Bessie Clara May, to Mr, J. G. Mac- kinnon, of Henningsville, B. C., the marriage to take place, (in Medicine flat April 15. Dr. Woods, of Bayfield, was in town on Tuesday, Mrs, James 'Ford a8d 1Vliss Clete Ford attended the iteital of Sime. Schumann-ilteink at Loudon on Tuesdayi night. ht, Mrs. W. J. Geddes, , of Belgrave, and her brother, Philip McKenzild of North. Dakota, where the guestsof Mr's. G. E. Saville last Sveek, Mr. Ross Forbes, who is attend ing the Stratford. Normal, ('spent• the week {end at his home here. Mr. J. C. Mcalath want under a critical operation at the .local hos- pital on'Wejdinesday and' was do- ing as well. ,as could be ,expected at press time. Mr. and Mrs. Mansell and daugh- ter Jean of +Goderich spent the week end with Rev. W. W. Wylie.; Mr. Wilson •Wylie,', of Goderich spent Sunday in ttovthe guest of his parents 'Ret W. W. Wylie. Mrs. Jamas Steep neturned ' on Saturday 'from a visit with • her daughter, Mrs, 'A.F Collyer Mr. Harry Cantelon' of -Toronto, spent the week' nd; in town. • Mr. W. H. Kerr, is able to sit up aneveryti"is dayns'ogressiat th;ong: CliverntyonfavorablHospitlyal , Last Thursday ,evening Mr. Wes, Walker' vas host to his gentlemen Ifriondis at his spaeious home on ''High straslt. T'hd evening was spent lin speeches, song and euchre.' Mrs, Walker hada a splen- laid dinner for the guests. Among those present 'were, Mayor Jacks son, D. A.. Forre',ter, ;!J. naus(fordl, Win. Jackson, D.L. Macpherson, N. Ball, Dr. Shaw, A. J, Rollaway, E. 3. Gibbings, 'H.13: Combo, Jas. Ford,, :Mercy' Towne and Harry Bartliff. While those from the 'Royal City were, 3. B. tl300ver, G, Richardson, A.T. Watson, E. Stewart, L. Watts, N.' McDonald, J. Knight, R 13 :e}ver, A. Gamsrrell, J. Mitres, 3. Henry, 3, Smith and the Knights • of the Grip 'were, \\r, ?Bateman, W. White, T. Armstrong, M. Brown, J. Dore,' W. Dalby, 0., It .r roes «rith- out saying that a good time Was enjoyed by call, Talcum Penccao Catrnow be found at our store, hi the following six ordeal's Yucca Ilamony Violet Ifamony Carnation Hamony Rose Trailing Arbutus Violet Dolce Mesh and White Also jest received another shipment of Ilexall race Crean 25cat • 1110 ILEXALL STO.IIIi VV.R. Holmes 1 m...MIMI. We will be At Home on April and, Clinton Show Day, to all, our. friends. Come and see us, Bring your wives, children and friends SSW W, Te O `NEI L THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 Mario H. Sunday School•=r,,,.. • y. 111(14 REVIEW SUNDAY Good, Music. OallatialitErreraearillalaraf Mr. McGregor, of the Royal Bank was in Toronto on Wednesday. Mr. Tong and Son, of Brantford. have arrived v tri ed iu town and wilt we,r-. at the Doherty Piano Co iha , &former is a trombone player and the latter, only 15 years of age, is an artist at the cornet, They will add greatly to the Katie band. 1VIr. Morley Counter was remov- ed home 'from the hospital today. H is four chums, Messrs Ike ,Rat- tenbury, A. Mitchell, 0.. Pink and Ray Rumbail carried him home on that Tho only tneatinent drat Morley needs now is by 'Fath- er Time, i Alb'.. o WITH TEC, CHURCHES, O 0<, 01040018800c090088860116 4,7: WESLEY entIRCR,., Sunday' morning at 10,,,o'clock, there will be a' pleating +for m(en in the School Room, The subject 'for discussion will be &'Is' it Ryer to Late to ,1VLeted?" The pastor will preach both morn.. ing and evening. Next week the Evangelistic Isar --1 vices' wilt be continued(. Rev:. 'H.-,. 11/I. Manning a 'former pastor will assist the pastor preaching .every evening , BAPTIST CHURCH: Rev.;: W. W. Wylie will preach 'his farewell sermons on Sunday next. , Prayer meetingto-night as us- ual 'all s-ual,'alt are welcome. . ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Sunray will be Review Day;' at`. the Sundtry School, Good music.. Special meetings are being ,.0011. - (tided this week. The Junior Garden was Well rendes: ed by the Junior League last Thursday night and will be repeated, about Ras• ter.• WILLIS CHURCH. Rev. W. M. McIntosh,. B. D , , or. Downs will occupy the pulpit of the.. Presbyterian church, an. Sunday. glrt''t , .itihr,r?algesa Da.':;t>ir,81 • 3:a7JATHS. ARMOUR -lir n -Saturn c Clinton,, day, March 21st, John C. Armour, aged 47 years, CRUIQICS'IIANK-fn Sarnia, on Friday, (March 20th, Elizabeth Cruickshank, relict of the ,late Charles Cruickshank of Clinton,. (Ontario, LED -8n Indian Head, on Thurs- day, March 191'11, Mary A. 'Rey-. nettle, relict of the late 'Roger Lee, aged. 81' yiears..,