HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-19, Page 5{ MIliinery Prone 78 pring .•.•aims nnouncement for. the We believe we have reason for making favorable comments upon our present display of High. Class coats, Skirts Dresses%, Blouses, Dress Goods, Etc. All who like to get the first pick of the -season's newest styi.1 s` will find here the newest ideas and the seemsonsionewsesemissinsesisaveareee New Spring Suits Choose your Easter Suit Early We have a very la.ige assortment of Spring Suits in all the newest styles and shades. Amongst the; lot are the now short coat which are going to be so much worn, also the Tunic and Peg Top Skirts. Don't decide on 'your New Suit before, seeing our rano. Novelty Black and White Suitings ARE HERE We have now on dis- play a beautiful range of high grade Dress Goods, i,l the new honey comb w eave, in black and white. Some of these are exclusive suit Lengths. Priccs- 6oc to $2.5o per yard aseaasalinvossumswass New Wash Fabrics Strong Variety Here 'D he showing this season in the Wash Goous Section by far excels any previous showing. A very extensive Bale of Wash Dress Fabrics has been predicted in the forecasts for summer business from all quarters. We have one of the finest and most extensive assort- ments to choose from. SEE OUR Magnificent Display OF ° Rugs and Floor covering The Largest Collection Ever Displayed at This Store First Showing of SPRING MILLINERY dneslog, orcII 25Ift We `how IBC New Things First and Following Days. We Invite You to visit our Millinery Parlor and inspect our Beautiful Collection of High Class Millinery No Nilut opening latest 1 creations at a reasonable price Have You Seen Our Spring Coats We --present the pick of the best manufacturers in the New Coat Creations for Spring 1914. One of the chief attractions is completeness, not alone from the point of style, but also as regards mater- ials, trimmings, colors and sizes. They come in all the new shades— tan, navy', ,black, fawn, . r cogen, cerese and tango The New Box and Diagonal Black and White Checks 'I hese are very new also very smart styles for Suits or combina- tion Suits, with plain checks, and variety of sizes. Prices from 85c to $2.50 a Yard DISTRICT NEWS Londesboro Mrs. Coons hes of London, is a visitor at Mr. W. Armstrong's, Mrs, R. Bill, is visiting at her son's Idr, Luxton Edi, of Blyth. Mrs. T. Roberton and Mise Ivy. of Clinton, spent the week end in the village. Miss Berlina Johnston, of Westfield is spending a few days at the home of Mr. Wm. Hiles. Rev. J. S. Osterhout is assisting Rev Mr. Jewitt, at Blyth, this week. N\ ith the evangelistic services being held in the Methodist church there The Woman's Missionary Society, of the Methodist church and the young W omen's Bible class held a quilting in the farm in about a week, The Ladies' Aid of the Presby- terian church held a very eucceas lul socia] in the basement of the church on Friday evening. Alex. McGowan, of 'East Wawan- nab, held a very sucees4ful dance at his commodious home on Thurs day evening, about twenty from town being in attendhnlce. Mrs. M. Young entertained a num ber of her lady friends on Thurs- day afternoon, A. Coombs, who had( the Misfor- tune to have his right handl severe ly frozen while sutveyin.g in New Cjn(tarilo, is,. fat isiresene visiting (friends here, and, we are glad to the church basement, on Friday atter bay, is not going to lose any of noon. Lunch was served and a very his !fingers, as was at first sup - pleasant social was spent. posed he would. Blyth. W. L. Jacobs, who recently sold his farm in East Wawanosh, held a very :successful sale of his house- hold effects and stock on Friday, A great many 'from] town were in attendance, The new proprietor, Mr. Smith, from Simcoe, was also 'there: He expects to move on to Alsarsemmommomm 77* London ]fond Fresh snow. Miss McKay left for her home at Kippen on Tursday and Miss A. Jordon 'takes her place at Mr. Miss Waldron is visiting. her friends at 'Egdmonvilte. Farmers have their trees 'tapped • 000100000.0.00.00000••0•.600.0.00•••••000 • ••••• • • • MillineryS pprin. Opening 1914• • Wednesday, March 25 • w And' Followng Days • . s O ®the Millinery will beon Display la y • • • You are Invited to Call and see the S rinStyles flours "'8.30 a.m. to 6 p m. • sGa®I $00 cotes w • • but have not much syrup yet. League meets at Mr. John Mc - Knight's next Tuesday, Winglfiani The regular meeting of the public school board was held on Tuesday evening. All the members were pres- ent. Dudley Holmes was elected cbair- man for the year 1014 and F. Buchanan was reappointed to the high school board, Mr. W. J. Deyell bas this week completed his work on the addition to the post office tower an everything is now in readiness for the clock which will rte installed in the course of a few days. Mrs. John Currie sr., one of the highly esteemed pioneer residents of East Wawanosh is very ill. Mr. W. J. Deyell has been awarded ihe contract for building e new school house for 5, S. No. 13, on the 6th con., of East Wawanosh. Stanley. On Friday of last week Ma, George Baird attended the funeral of Mrs. Cleo Holman wife of 61r. George Holman teacher of Esmondville, Mi. T. 11 Baird and wife were visit- ing in Seaforth at the end of last week. • Farmers aro beginning to make Maple Syrup. Blackbirds and Rains return on the 16th and 17th. Brucefield Miss Murielfllcoat has returned from Ripley, Charles Gihl ons has moved from Kippen into John Sniders house. The Eureka Club and their friends, were entertained on Monday by the. young ladies of the dome Mission • Society. A program was given after • which a bountiful lunch. was served. Making Maple Syrup is the order of • the day, • The snow is almost gone from our • roads, it is good wheeling in many places. • • • Mullett Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Crawford' spent • Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner of near Auburn. • Orrin Outright has engaged with Alex McEwan of Hr>erlock for the sum mer. Amos Cartright has engaged a boy from England far this year. Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips spent Thursday at the home of Mr. rimer of Summerhill. Mr. and Mrs, Albei , Radford and three sons spent Sunday; at the home ® of Aunos'Cartright. 0 James Mann of 6th. con, hada sale • en' Monday. • After a long illness James Morrison, aged 86 years, passed away. las had • been a resident of this, section.` for e es • • • • s • a 0 s O goodly `number of years and is snrvfv- • ed by agrown up family.' ,3ervioe was held "i t in St: Joseph's;churalt G1nto I tq Monday morning and Hie funeral took O place from his late residence, on the ro sm tfh con, Lr at 1 0,3D Interment m ent barn g sada at the Rea. cemetery. • • A MAN's APPEARANCE has more to do with his success today than it ever had. Anything that contributes to his look of wen-doness is justified—yes, NECESSARY. Is there anything that you know of that advertises success more than A NICE RING? Certainly, nothing that a man wears is more in evidence, A few dollars spent on a ring, any good ring, will proye to be an invest. meat to most men. Let us place our ring stock before you Mr, Man. Then ask all the ques tions you like. W. Re `counter Jeweler, and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses which fact greatly assisted/ the bri glade in controlling the flames. J. T. Wood is the proprietor of the includtry, About 20 hands are em- ployed. Colborne Miss M Hate of Goderich was a guest at the borne of Mr.' W. E. Durst on Sunday. Mr. Chas. Pebnington spent a few days under the parental roof last week, Miss Mable Snider was holidaying in the County Town lastweek. Mr. D, F. .3ehwanz'delivered a pair of choice mile] cows to Mr. Anthony Arlin a few days ago, Mr, Ed, Williams was around last week soliciting patronage from the B,olmesville Cheese and Softer Fac- tory, 1 One of Mr Robt, Blake's fine horses was badly kicked a few clays ago, necessitating the attention of a veter- inary surgeon to sew;up the lacerte Lions one of which is almost 15 inches long. . The Arriyal of hawks. crows and numerous other birds would s to seem indictee that spring is close at hand. • Aeithern 5'Ir, John Young hie sold his farm to Mr.l John Howson for the sum of $7,000. The i C League spentsocial asrr gttl time'et the home of qr. Geo. Denstedt• on Alenaal� 1 Mr. Noah Platzer had rented his. g Fire: in the picking iS Bg h peel ing t„oom of the O Brussels woolen mills ii'd about • '$300,. damage abou,'t 11. o clock last I e� Thur Fortunately Thursday, ort urate is part of • y 1 t O the works Y 1 i w s was in a Irani, win as • m Wing par from the main. brick, building, { father's property. Mr. John Boase has sold his building site to Thomas Adams. Mrs. Manning returned home r on m Mondap evening afterspondiug it week vlsitingfriends in Stretford. Mrs, G. M. Elliott County y secretar y of the Children's Aid of Goderich call at the village and also visited the school on Tuesday afternoon. The Maple syrup season has arrived and a number of tartness have tapped, On Thursday Feb. 5th a number of friends and members of the Baptist church assembled at the home of Dr. C. A. Howson and pre- sented Miss Winnie with a beauti- ful music cabinet: The address was read by Mr. Chas, Asquith and the presentation was made by two of the members of the congrega- tion. Dear bliss Howson ;—As members and friends of the Baptist congre- gation we are here tonight .to ex- press to you in our inadequate way our appreciation of your faith ful and painstaking services as our most efficient organist. Since the opening of our church Dec. 20, 1000, you have been our organist. Dur- ing these years you have not only ,proved to be the most accomplish- ed and competent organist, but have always beletn willing and agreeable to help in every way. By your pleasing manner you have the good, will of all. T'hee1ehore ggreat harmony has always existed beltweten you and the me,mibers of our choir, Your regular a'ttende Mice every Sunday has shown your self sacrificing spirit and Christian character to help in ,God^s good BEST FIRE PROTECTION Fireproof construction is Ibetter fire protection to a^ buildingthan anyy amount of " fire insrance. y covering buildings with J -M Asbestos Roof- ing it protects them from fire at no extra cost, It has the highest fire, resisting properties, because made of a fireproof, indestructible material —Asbestos. 'It will withstand the intense flame of a powerful blow- torch for nearly an hour without burning. No other roofing on the market offers such protection as J -M ASBESTOS ROOFING Other ready roofings are made of wool felt, rag stock, paper, shoddy,, coal tar arid other highly i nflam- mable materials which are an actual menace to a building instead of a protection. J -M Asbestos' is the "cheapest -per -year" ,roofing, be- cause it requires no coating or painting topreserve reserve it. The first cost ie then only It restste fire, rot, rust and wear and is the. only permane ifly drerable prepared roofing. Adapted to all climates' and weather conditions. p Write or call forSampk and Boa kid. , 1 B1��jj ,p &U ChM, 9 591 • work. Nor can we let this oppor- tunity pass of expressing our ap- preciation of your valuable ser- vices rendered to us. We present this ;Music cabinet) as a mall 'token of your faithful work, and pray that you may belong isparedl with us to direct and asstett in, our church musie Signed on behalf of the congre- gation, Hugh H. Hill, John J. Raith b Although this was a •complete surprise to Miss Howson the made a suitable reply and thanked them icor (She bdautiful •i%;tnembrarece, The remainder of the evening was pent in games and :music. Goderich At special services in Victoria Street Methodist church Sunday Rev, Dr. Carman, one of Meitllto- dism's greatest men,' recalled the time when, 35 years ago, he was present , at the clediction of the church, and congratulated on its career of usefulness. The day throughout was made an occasion of celebration. It hadt been an- r.ounced as somewhat of a go -to - church Sunday end the auditorium was packed at each service. Music was better even than, usual, and really Were present from other con gregations • in the town, Charac- iteri:stie sermons by Dr. Carman were much enjoyed. Monday even ing the ladies of the congregation provided a tea and concert, 'for which careful preparations lead been tnadle. The church is en- tirely 'free of financial obligation, and no appeal •for funds was, made at the Sunday services. The Menesetung Canoe Club held its annual banquet at its new club room in. the Maso.nie Tetmple last Thursday ;night. Short speeches were in order by some old mem- bers of the club. Dr. Gallow was the apdakea• of the evening and gave an interesting address on the origin of clubs. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the doc- tor on the able manner in which he bar dlled ' his •'stt'bjefcit. Rev. Mr, Fo'theringham also spoke and laud ed the Canoe Club ons the manner it is conducted, The Iroquois Hockey Club, win- ners of the town league, were pre scanted with the Harrison Cup last Thursday +evening at the Y. 111,C. A. rooms. After lunch Speeches, etc., was the program and by the class that was shown by some of the players \ tin the town league, Goderich ,should .Iroiilcl !carie a good jun- ior hockey team next winter. Exeter Hotel proprietors here have the oesuranee license f at a , or at feasor three months longer. Alter that it is 'e prated both will run good !temps{ inueer houses. One of 'the pleasing pastimes of (certain eitizeins is clog poisoning. Mt for Joseph S e > Senior and Emersion Cornish are the latest to part with the caninoe. Some day the guilty parties mass came to grief. Rev. D. W. Collins will ggo to •Mid cliet`lan'r church on : Mare. t 01 10 address the A. Y. P. A. He is very popular in this district. TIveranee• ' al ofe th late e William Prout will oil b e field from his tato: t residence on Friday afternoon: The ifamily 01 Walter Steel, evbo letcSy' moved( 'troth' "Exeter North back to his farm, are nearly Etat down with scarlet fever, One boy died last week and one or two oth. , er children 'are dangerously ill. Mr. Steel's troubles seem to come in succession. He has the eyrnpa- Ithy of Exeter Citi.ens, Farm for Sale The Executors of the Southcombe Estate oilers for elle 50 acres, east half of lot 28, con. 6, Bullett. A first class farm, v ell watered and improved and with good buildings. A good or. chard and 7 acres of bush. Apply to R. J. Southcombe on the premises, or Clinton 1'ostoflice, JOHN MAY Agent for !Deering People Is offering fencing at low prices. Al so a good powder for sickly hogs. Orders taken now for homestead Fer- tilizer, Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements. Flaying sold my farm) I offer for sale by public auction au Let 24, Con. 3, flay Tp., 1 mile west of Rein, tall and one mile north, on 'Wield- nesday, March 25, at osne o'clock the /following—Horses-1 matched grey team rising 7' years old, (wleight 3200 lbs. 1 agricultural bay male, rising 7 years old in-lfoal; 1 gen eral purpose bay mare rising 7 yrs. fold,—Cattle-40 head of cattle con- lsielbing 00 eows • die at time of sale and April, balance young cat- Itllel.—Impleaslislnts_Frost & Wood binder 7 ft. with trucks and sheaf carrier • Fleet & Wood mower 6 ft. Frost , Wood spring tooth culti- vator, Massey Harris bean cultiva- tor and 'harvestor, Massey Harris 13 hoe Geed drill,' manure spreader, iron land roller, Frost & Wood hay rake for team or one thorse.I The above are all nlearly m,e`ty. W$ vy lumber waggons, 1 nearly ewes; 2 sets bob sleighs with bunks. 2 hay racks, gravel box, ,large .ash, box, Frost & Wood hand' scuffler, Frost & Wood walking plow, uearlynew; heavy set of •dir,monct'harrows, top buggy, pneumatic tired buggy, 'L set of heavy double harness, one set nearly slew; 2 set of single hat: - nese, set of ploty keen/eels; set of hreaivy sinigle ha%edegoe gine 31a.p, in good viss, ookuiagglitnordeen- r', chains, lines, grain bags and ,all oltise r articles cies to and '. tr — oa a fa m. Deanne—All aurae of 1J 10.00 a.ndnn- dlce', cash, . over Ithat amount 7 mos. credit 'wil.L be given 'o:ufua'niehing saltibfactory joint notes, A. dis- count' of 3 gem cent. off for cash, Geo, t proprietor, oarie�s r p to A. I o nt I .J auctioneer.Y ' I Y S —I am the otyn•er of "Mac 'Wilkes" sire "Oro Will ;es, the greatest trotter producer in Canada. This. young stallion is seal brown, stands 16 hands, a e.ighe 1100 lbs„ has tLho bolt of fgetandllegs, gentle and quiet, has' best of action 5115tlt ' b .' elle will be a goedprodu - hdr, This Stallion Will stand for improvement of etock a his Geo. owh Jostabynite 'llen,sall. ]l10 to insi1re, .