HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-12, Page 11TSH CLINTON;' NBW EBL Thurlsday, March 1201, 1014. ti 1 ercha n+ JUST TO HAND This week we opened up the new Nineteen -Fourteen importations. Goods direct,toaus,fresh from the Old Country, in this shipment'c=ime Ratine Suitings, , Crepei,5lttiligs,':Dress Goods, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Window Madras, Etc. We solicit your inspection. Come in as often as you please. We will be pleased to show you the new goods, as a buyer or not, Ratirie Suiting New.Ratr:reSuitings in small- checks and .blain;, eolgrs--white, pink, tinkle, rose and *cddetealue' 36' 40 and 52 inches wide, priced at 60c 40C 1.00. New Dress Foods �Allib er neW import, Dress Goods are now iJ stoek,- they comprise all the new nineteen fourteen weaves, space will not permit a des. cription of all the lines, most of them are in .dress lengths, and no two alike. New Cotton Crepe Suitings New Cotton Crepe Suit Inge plain and fancy spots in tan ruse, tuecan, new blariot blue and white, 52 inches wide, priced at .....25e New Window Madras. ". Bungalo Netts, Scrims,,, Art Madras,in all the new nineteen fourteen patterns now in etock ready for your inspection. * House clean ing season will soon be here, why not look through this range now when it is complete SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY SELLING UNpERSK{RTS AND GLOVES UNDERPRICED i Back Sateen. Underskirts .79c ' One dozen only, Blank Sateen Underskirts, good glossy finish, all sizes, worth in the regn lar way $1, on' sale Saturday ,,, 79e Linoleum 4`Le Four hood patterns of Scotch Linoleum two yards only, block and: floral design, heavy weight, worth in the regular way 55c, Saturday priced at $a Silk Waists 3.79 One dozen only in the lot, ladies B1aok Silk Waists, several styles to choose from., this is just a clearing line for quick selling, sizes 34 to 48, regular $5, on sale Saturday at... .. 3.79 Kid Gloves 89c Ladies Kid Gloves in black and tan, all sizes, color, fit and wear guaranteed or money refunded, special price for Saturday - 890 $a• Underskirts 3.79 Black Silk Morey 'Underskirts, all sizes, deep Bounce, and dust full, regular 05, on a e Saturday et ..... ...... e.... New Spring Goods at the Men's Store New Spring Suitings The New Spring Suitings are now in stock ready for your inspection, Worsted and Tweed Suitings that are sure to Meese the eye, browns greys, blacks and blues, made to your measure in tbe very latest style. Your fit and our work manship guaranteed. Prices from $22 up. New Spring Hats FOR MEN -AND BOYS Men and Boys New Spring Hats, in all the newest shapes now in stock, blank, blue, grey, brown, fawn, etc. If you have a hat want, you will be sure of getting just what you want here •►••••e000e•e0 ••0•000000000e0000•owo®0••00000.0.0• Loca :00as0i0bws00•00•••A00o0eo►0•00vs•0®sin&+®®®oro®40N ADVERTISING ISMS.: ADVERTISING -ISMS; Men may forret the wording of In advcr;l?sing, as in all things, an adveetisemieint in a moment, success has no toe biht efear--no 11- but they must not forget the im- mention., save those that arae. preession, your own. WHY NOT EARLY SATURDAY ',THE REASON CLOSING? The public takes the New Era When the Council.paeoc'3 the new I because we tell thean we'ekty a ,eailly closing -act, ,why not have ,bout the events and mo' minter ents all stores close at 10 50 o'clock Se- of pec{ple in whom 'they are turday night,; so that the clerk can eslted, We publish the births, mar - have no time to go to church in the riages, deaths and • personal social moaning, ii[ -they 'feel like it and and other cornm'unity ?happenings, possible the proprietors too, No- We 'hell about the .emplr'ovesneeets' bodyi should' object as the:',.deliv- ,property, isales,;,buil'ding' oplera- er;y mien will be 'through' by N. tions; give the facterty, shop, chuggh, 'school and 'Ili:aternal so - Melded, enid,es-levexeething that goes to make up; this sum -total cif the life of this town aiodd".surroun- ding districts. MINOR LOCALS. The mild weather has spoiled the and the junior ;fourth book, Teach gl!Ceiheeghing; ere are requested to send at once r up you'll; be gardening lir to their Inspector 'the number ofanother month. pupils taking the examination in illot commeneefor ri each of the clascles''+gamed above. a weekPio❑gghing or sow•ylet. The skipping rope : and the P.ARCEL POST IJP TOit arbles are on dleek again. The 'scholars aro already plan- ning for the Easter holidays. Up to the pre:tent no one can 'trutlefeelly accuse March of not "running 'true to dorm."75 cents in advance pays for The New Era to January lst 1915. PROMOTION EXAMINATION The Huron County Public Shcool Promotion Examinations will be held on the 7th, ath. and 9th of Ap- ril, 1914, Papers are being prepar- ed for the junior and 'senior class es of the sieeon'd and third ' book ELEVEN POUNDS The six pounds limit imposed by the postdifice department during. organization period of parcel post, has been withdrawn, and the full limit 1of eleven pounds allowed, It was intended that the six pound limit should remain for three mon-, I ASK LICENSE FEE ths, but the system worked so eas- ily that the rk striction has beton Saskatoon printers, along lvith a wi'thdr'awn already, ncfpresleinl13ative of the Retail Mer- chants' association waited ion the $5,000 FOR ADVERTISTNG city commissioners (complaining Sarnia's Board of Trade have de that an enormous amount of print tided to'spend $5,000 in adv'ertis ing was beincgt sent out of able city, ing the town by means of posters, wb-jeheshoueris for outside be 'fir ne at borne. post --cards, (toabes, raisedbooklets,'etc., haign a CanePgetritted to ply their trade with ere nay g be iizes . a scproposed a out paying a license, (and this re- sult the citizens, It is prolrosed sult was that printers wire lead to appoint a publicity com'mession made heavy invie9)tma'ont in -plants and pay Trim $3,000 , of 'the $5,000 and employed a loxj te'iiumber of nailed. IS Clinton 'would spend men who spent 'their money in half of $5,000, what would the liar the city, were'heavy losers, They vest be? Clinton can stand more will now press (for a bylaw 'for a factories,1license. FLOOR SPACE TO BE CHARGED MI_NOgLOCALS. INSTEAD OF METER RENT WILL WILL HYDRO., POWER COST MORE HERE? The eiamilton Spectator, the chie9 • Costs5R0%etive organ of -that city gives the following article on. the front Page of Tuesday's paper which may also o(9fect Clintons Tho general opinion in the city hall is that the death ,knell( of Hydro ppower\ at $15 per horse -power has. been' 'sounded. -While there are some confusing, ,points iii co'irntec tion with the utter regeivedtfrons the Ontario Power commission yes lteiiday, the authorities practically agree that the price will be , ma- terially increased after the dupli- cate transmission line from Dun- dee to the Falls has been built. Chairman -Ellis admits it, and says 'that the d'irrferience,'in price Wi1l gejpresient the .city's share oIi the cost of .that new line, Instead of; the city giving' a lump sum tow- ards .,construction cost, . its share will be taken out by increasing the price of power. The commission's letter+ says, in effect, that,tlete new price Will be $17.4i per horee-pow es, after the line is built and when the city's contract calls for 5000 hoilsel-power. Chairman 'Ellis' in (6eiipretation means that the $17.41 price Will . prevail this year -not .the e15 'eigurte which was •'fondly imagined—because the idtrplicate ' line will likely be -built ,by July and because the .city will require nearly 6000 horsepower when Ith� streets are lighted by Hydro power At the same time, ther(et is la dif- 1ertpnce of 'opinion as to whethjer fortmed and supplied tole' music for the $17.41 price will apply at the Beach pumping station only or at 'the Dundurtn transformer station. To settle up the entire question, Chairman Ellis and Engineer M- ien will interview the Toronto mem mission in the rear future. It is esitimated that if the $17.41 figurte prevails' flor the entire city, the total charge to the city will he in- creased . by approximately $12,000 . per year. There is one bright spot in tine 'situation—the commission's idea that after, the city takes 10,- 000 horse power the price will lie er. Butthat Is reduced to al qu4 estion er ? for the future. FORTY. BAGS OF CATALOGUES I The departmental store catalo- gues atalo-gues' arrived in Renfrew) this week. One would judge, looking at them as they entered the post orifice, that thea,a mere forty bags of them, f br 'Renlfnehir and the rural routes radiating therleilr m They are no 'doubt ; enticing in appear- ance, but they ate a lever never- theless for the rddwnlfaSl of Can- ada's enduring prolpority..In tate building up oe grleat cities, and the •elimination of the towns and villages, begins the 'decay of ma- 'tionst, And yet so many fail to see it: In grasping for What seems cheapness they are really grasp- ing for the shadow; 'for something that will in the ;longe dun re -act on their own prosperity; for true rule of . the few ovoid a host of slaves, —(Retnerew Mteccury) REDUCTIONS MADE TO 'CHURCHES The 'Hydro Commission have made a reduction in the coating of lighting the churches, to 5 punts per kilowatt, The old rate was 10e. RAILWAY MEN WARNED The Qvand Trunk Railway has isslaed aro strjong "safety 'first" bul letin to its employes, which says, in part. "If you havOe beau guilty of unsafe ;practices better stop note." 260 LIGHT USERS There are .now about 260 users of light in town;. 40 having been. adkled since ;the town took over the plant. It is -expected thee" will be a great many more instal led during the coming 'season. ATE CLOSE THE BAR CANDID o.nt of Lucknow is being I, John J y g urged Ito . be a candidate at the. next provincial election in North Huron. Mr, Joynt' is a pronounced temper+anee man, and' if elected, Iwill go to parliament as a repro sentative of the temperance voters. THE ONWEGLIDES crowd met at A' verjy.^enjoyablie the town hall on 'rrtid'ay night to attend the dance of the Onwegli- des and Phalen's Oriel -Metre sup- plied an- expellent program. Dur- ing lunch a ladies orchestra was Our Three Special . Week Windows for Next South Window Showing what the improved methods of house— cleaning cleaning necessities will do. North Window Display "4 Display of articles we carry in Alluminum Ware Centre Window Dr. <j-Iess'Stock Food, Panacea.,. Etc. This is the season of the year to use for best results, JUST RECEIVED The CJelebrated National Electric :`Sad Iron A good supply of Sap Buckets and Spiles A .LAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES the rest of the dancers. MUST MOVE REFUSE Now (that indications point to open 'weather, citizens, are remind- ed 'to eee that all coal ashes or. other relfuse are pretpareld for re-' moval ,from (their premises: The Onftario Health Act proividles for municipalities, . proceeding against people who fail to have the win telly's ireecusie removed from their property ()neer before May 15th of nest year!.' It is still mora than two months to :that date, but the - old adage of( tfoilewarried is fore- armed,"should meet with the pub- tic's attention. For a breach of phis clause in the hieiallth act of- fend'eils ane, liable, to a,' line of $10,, AND GREAT WAS THE SLAUGHTER Those who journeyed to the Arena last Thursday night, to see the eojnbination team, known as the Brussels hockey boys, loaded with Winghamites had a huge treat as the home.boys ran hip a acore o£( 20 oafs to 5, The 'hone boys played the gamle as it. should bo played, and combination was much in the limelight ,as ;Well as the individual rushes .of Riamball ,who scored- 6 goals alone and fell oncejust as he was going to land' andther, At half time the score was 7-0. If Clinton had' showed as much systaun during the other lea- gue match ,a d'ieferlent'!tale might have been 'told Reelelree Wig gins, of Goderich,' had an easy time and very (11ew players weee oft' Following -was the 'result of the goal-getttEi(le--+C^.inton, °Rum - ball 6; Draper 5 ; Kerr 4 ; C'uf'f 0 ; O'Donnell 3. Br+nscels,, Bell 3; Ger- ry 1 and McLean 1, Lawn blowing clubs tare count The Hydrp Commission will ing '`he days, 5TiDARD FA$I1IOti BOOK change all houses four cents per The merchants in St. •Marys are 100 .square feet for each living a - attics,. to pay parcel postage on parlament, ,lro charge being made foods dor customers 'within the for verandas, cellars or-unfinishedencs_ twodity=Znile- cone - attica, and in addition five cents St. Patrick's Day next Tuesday. per kilowatt for power asst tared If by spending du dolkar a year by the meter but no metes' rental for your home paper, your goads is charged, tots flat rates s law wife saves $60 in bargain sales. ed;, The they and c(iyi110 also.Don't you think it advisable to get -pee bein kilos thiey will he ' it .cents on oirr list, for kilowatt for the 'first 30 The home mieiitehan'ts even those hours and five cents per kilowatt who think they cannot afford to all over, per month, with no adver1tise, should be patronized in meter rent, pnef1"ileence to the big mail order ORANGEMEN THIS WEEK departi•mental stores, The columns of the Netw Eria'as This week the annual convention . an advertising medium for sales is of the Gland Orange Lodge of evidently apregecfated, judging by Ontario West is being held in the number of sales that have ap- Gueaph from 'the 10th to 13th, It pt^laied in its columns. during the is expectrtvd that thuds will be a- Past season. bout 800 Ilelegates presceet. The Everybody in our family's some convention opened by a meeting' kind o'f an animal,' said Bobby to of the Grand) Black Chapter Lie On_ the (amazed lady visitor; "What tagio Weston Tuesday, at 2 p.m. eonsensel" she exclaimed. "Well, 'tlgplied Bobby, "mother's, a dear,' my baby sister is mother's little lamb. Pin the kick, and dad's the goat." It's beginning to feel like mar and Victoria, and as Lar northwest isles and skipping ropes. as Rainy River .:nal Thunder lam district. p Mizell o �l ! t9 FELLER WON MEDAL Fg�te8He MISS The Stratford Heinle makes the , hT, on the recent i folio\win comment !s e W. C. gg The illcheel Medial Contest held by tli T. U. in Cliniton,•--Among' the bud ding orators. in Clinton, Strafford has as worthy as well as success- ful representative in, Miss, Gladys who until about a year ago, a her home dere, The silver TWENTY CENTS "'^'�,rc„AMGA4, l'A7"W404.,mo,r`wu xi..i. Bolero Coats! Hip Draperies! Single and g Double Tunics! The newest and loveliest • Spring styles in n in the new hundreds and hundreds ire show "Standard Fashion Book for Spring.” issue of the With each copy you get any Standard Pattern Free 20 Cents -at the -Pattern - Coa�lf>ite ic The i.. a . Fair eo Often the Cheapest—Always the Best HOUSE Or REFUGE COMMITTEE The House of Refuge committee of the county of Huron met recent ly in Clinton for the purpose of auditing the accounts in 'connec tion with khat institution. Ac- counts amounting to $1,698.72 were passed. It was found that the team of, horses used by the institution A public meeting will het held in the evening, The, territory ender the jurisdiction of the grand lodge is composed of this coin- ties in Ontario West cof Durham 1116, Mr. Merchant, when the man - Keller, u8adturer of some article 'with had h 1 Tl a national reputation comes in - Medal in the contest, which , was to your town and, ;advertises in held under the 'auspices '6f the your- heir spap- ern ho isl cultiva- p ting the field for you, W. C. T. U„ l from a ,ryas won by hardly have to plant any Miss' Keller► from a timed of: six You Y watchthe weather young women. Miss incudo Feller• seeds or evene also contested: Those two young you are well known' in Strat- ford and have a mdltitude of clan sic City' frionds. SEE THAT' YOUR NAME IS ON. The assessors are now'on. 'their hounds in:the various 'municipali- itlart. It is the, manifelst duty of everer person .e'n'titled ;oto a vote to sae that Iris name and his quali- fication are properly placed one asseissmen't doll, mo meatier what his Aetna may be. Do notk'c1epiefnd 'on some other person lboking' af- tert it . for you ; 'do it yourself and do it now. Elections are`rvon and lost' by 1peaffect andimperfect lists, and your vote or loss (of Advereise -the fact that you your vete might win or lose. an have them. . election for your party. Itis al- The public will be interested', together probable ,that a general and will at least want to see rightee election will be en prepared, on . the, (tihem• If the goods are vdtler{e lists to beipro{pared^ from it will want to, buy them. Sales( means prtofilts. t. 't' Peo- ple the Sales of the goo p ple want mean reputation and good' will any nanulfadturer who is interested in co -+operative deal- er work will address 'tire Bur- eau of Advortisin^g, Amari - All have to do is to gath ex in 'the crops. But the harvest will be twice as ' large for you ante twice as pleasing to the manufacturer if _ you .do help s little. Two pushes in ithe sane dir- eetion will shove the plough a little' deeper into the Soil. In other words, when t. the malnniflsdturnr uses this news- paper and other newspapers to ^exploitgoods which elu those on your:'shelves,p - Show them in your windows and on, your counters. the hssessnt(ent rolls sn'o'w being compiled, so that it is essentially neleessariy that the lists should be full and correct, This 'warnin ap pities to Grits and Tories alike. THE MARBLE SEASON The Montreal Mail notes the arri vel o£ 'the "marble 'season," and can Newspaper Publishers' As - remarks.. "Marbles is a googame .sociation, World Building, New Through the medium of marbles York, t it will be glad' to ane many a boy gets! his first lesson in , war quetion•s. the manner in which thje business Booklet on regwec,t, of life. /is condudted. To begin with, he must have capital. The possession of capital gives him an ambition to increase( ria' To in- crease it, he must enter into con- It C0S19 NO More WOrlh All It COSts petition -with othees. ':Hie ability must be put to the (test, and his energy as well. He will gain at (the expellee of others:, and lose to their gain. These days, !the teethed of as growing boy can do �. his o1Ifspring, a lot oft (good by giving him a bag of marbles, and turining him loose with it, to eget how many more he can dtefc" This presumes that a boy must play marbles for ")seeps,", and,that that kind of playing is to be en• couraged, Every ,careful parent strictly warns his boys against that verge thing. No one should' seek 'to gain, througiu another's loss, He who males two :blades of grass plow Where, .orale grew berore 18 a bdmetrn5tor of his race, he who waxes riiah by impoverishing otlr-' ens, through superior skill, adds rothing to the sum of human' happiness, ' had been sold at a good figure and the committele.'instructed the chairman of the committee and the keeper to purchase another team, also a cow. Concerining the mat- ter. of 'electrical motor 'for the ins* stitution• the warden, and inspector werlp asked to report (the matter. A vault for the keeping of records and papers maybe built. FIELD CROP COMPETITIONS Those interested in Agriculture Society work. will be pleased t learin that':the •Govietrnmemt gran YET T BAS D It's Pint TOM'S Sure Our Mother's Baked But Whit 'Should Voa? Conner's aaker: for 'field crop competitions has again ;been increased this year. The amount granted by thle ;Gov- ertnmen't this ytear is $24,500 ?for this -work. These competitions were inaugurated in 1907 with only Iten 'societites and a'trgrant of $1,000. for the'work. The - dncrleasing: grants year by year not only show that the public appreciate the bene fits of these competitions but that the Goveiinmient are fully a- live _ to the importance/of • • the work. There axle few •dePartmerts of agricultural work eapable of greater beneficial results than this, and it is gi(atifying to know that the peoplle are ^taking advantage al it so gen'eiially, as thld <in'creas ed amounts appropriated by the Government shows, Most of the soeiolties in this county have 10- augurjated the field ?crop 'tions, but we would .Blue to see a very much) larger number of the itarimera ' in wlitese interests it is being carried on, participating in, the work. 0 t We Are I, enders We Are Leaders in home - mads, Tincivare, Pails, Boilers, Pans, and Sap Buckets and Sap Pans. Call in and see the quality of the Tin We are using, and you will be sure to take a pail or two borne with you. Thos. Hawkins s Plumbing and Beating (Phone 53) The, Corner Store "Line and Let Live" The Old. ' Prtune Joke Every once in a while: you pickup a newspaper with the old juke in entre where about the boarder's who never got suything to eat but armee, Well —we wish' we could give the writer of tbose prune stories a saucer filled with the fat, juiev, 'luscious Prunes from• our store—We'll guarantee that man would never do anything but praise Prunes thenceforward. It's the same way with all our dried fruiter— Peaches Apricots, all carefully selected, kept clean and neat and free of, anything, not wholly sweet and appetizing. It's our Stsre Policy. You will notice it in every- thing we sell; WON'T YOiJ DROP IN? E. llunniford o E. � rd PHONE 45. AsmailiimembrammerS 1••1.4'4••1 : H•4'd••IIF++++•6>da++.4'e+0.4.544-1.14+ :'++4.§.+44k'd•3•+*•t'•S++hi 4' Jfyou want to wear better shoes than. you ever did before with-- out spending as much money as formerly, see the remarkable values: • • offered at. s• 4• •r .i, 4• 4' • FRED JACKSON'S' 4• ^ 'GOOD SHOES FOR. EVERYBODY 4 14/44.1.1-1(44-1r+4,444-14+++++++4.4 14÷-14+3-414+++4.444414,44.44.444 4+.