HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-12, Page 61 insselawnsemois nee Rady • Mantlese te• carr .011C . • s.� .unit itis LO 7E Donee ,Furmial►.., 100, Spring Suit.s Just Arrived' We have 'Y lust received a large consignment of the very names t things in Spring Snits in all the( latest styles and'. shad a,o Amugst, t u the to 10 , the new Shoot Uojrte which ere going to be so much wore,. atso the Tunic. and Pep Top Skirts. Some have plain coats, trimmed with' checks, ?and• checked Skirts to matchthe trimtai4rg, ,. which makes a very effective combination. Others come in navy, brown. copen, tan, terracotta, black • and white, " and black; and the prices are THE CLINTON NEW BRA $15, $18, .$20, $25 We are showing. over 40 Different Designs in our Snit Rept. Nem Spring; eoats Are Here & complete change of style is et;iderit in all the coats for spring, and it appears as if the designershave excelled then[- seives,in' turning nut an artiele that is frost ueeful and at the same timeneat and stylisb. • Amongst the outstanding features, of our Coats are the long shoulders with set in on Raglan °sleeve: We have them lin terracotta, copen, cerise' and tango. Prices $10, $12.50, $15. $25 inmimesowi r` mer met :OONtiObgE00b•On0ii0rN0•Nb0008tlpiaitlOt)OlrbbibOt•••l e* • _ As Seen From the Gallery • • s • •011$0010*O00S ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. 6rmt9s00trt►'ONs Mr. Evanturel's Course. Evantu'rel makes a long statement to the House in which he does not appear- •to say touch. Lte apologizes for the letter 'he wrote offering his services to the hotel keepers and ask- ing fon $10,000 in return, but does not say the two words most regnired nt ' him, name'yi "I :resign." Hutr, J. J. Foy. Leader of the Government, re- marks on the ommission and says that if the resignation is not steps will have to be taken to force the Member for, Prescott, to resign, Mr. Rowell concurs in this plan. Political Contributions, Mr. Rowell introduces a Billto pro bibit campaign contributions either to Provincial or Municipal elections from corporations, Government; contractor, all holders of liquor licenses, whether -bar, shop, brewery. distillery or whole sale and all ate cmiations whose purpose it is to further the interests of the trade in intoxicating liquors. In addition to a fine of not more than $5.000 and not less than $1,000, those guilty of 'viol'ating this law are to be liable to imprisonment of not more than one year and spot less than three months. It.is not known yet.. what attitude -•thttrgEornment will take towards this Bill. Last year Sir, James Whitney approved the general principle of pro. hibitin'g campaign eoetributions from certain',sources and also requiring the publication of campaign expeeses es embodied ''In the Bill of nde� n. 0 Lieal Member for Snail Bruce. Last year's Bille were withdrawn on the understanding that they could be re- introduced this year. • Mr.`Rowell's lith adds Government contractors and license holders and Associations to, the corporations which alone weredebarred by last year's proposal The fines ere also more drastic and the imprisonment provi. sion is new. The .inter is the most important part of the Bill as the pros, pest of jail will often deter a' man who could not be held back by fear of mere'v a fine, It is recognized that if Mr. Rowel1's Bill hecatne law a big step in advance would he taken to purify polities in Ontario, The Budget, lien. I. B. Lucas presents the Btidiet speech and shows what he claims ' n 1.3. a surplus of $820,000. The financial critic of the Opposition, M Bowman of Nnth Bruce, and other Lihertl speakers contend th it this alleged surp ns is artificial and (hat in reality a deficit marks the year's flown e. Government. House, As a Member for' a rural Cons tl tuen. oy, Mr. Bowman makes' it vigorous •• onslaught ag tint the Governm•'nt foe extravagance in building the new Gov- ernment .� House. The estimates first amounted. to about 1400,Q0() but the Government's awn figues now strew more than e))01,000 end Mr. Bowman estimates the final . and completed. expenditure at $1,250,000. He says' that this 'sum is more than the total assessment of the largest township in the County of Bruce, and characterizes the Government's action as "a want on waste of thepeople's eu Is a ne m o and one which P Y h [s directly opposed recti o 0 d o to the epiit of da ' or1t cv of which ( tar, i n o� is prow 1 and which the Government should encourage rat her .than discour- age in this wty," Goderieh 'leo', ship GeorgeC Middleton, Sem:, aged 89, for three-quarters of is centaoy ,.'Teel. dent of this distort t dist' at Thishome Friday fives', the effeet'of at ptr•ralytie stroke,he sustained -sot 'oot hs ego lie Inato the isld' l nnestead_ in Goderich 'township iyilh his father when, but, is small lad and with his brother, JohntVliddleton, , x -reeve of GJdericil township, they w,,ked to, gether until both ivt re c,ut,fortahly settled on large farms and well stocked' Deceased V708.41lu'e 1, ng member of Sr Jarnes Uhuich Mtddteton. .Of a quiei dispositiot Mr. Middleton•did not fake muchu p t m public life; but left animpressiun for good on all with whom he {v C,trriQe.in coittrii•t alae leaves a wife and family of seven to mourn his lose.: The funeral washeld Monda'r, tntertneefibeingmade Attila ,B;iyfield Genirtary ,,Serviees were eonduetyd by Rev. 14Xr, 'vl,t relessiated by Rev. 3 U. Pdtte. The 'pal be+irers were, U. B Middleton.; to John N ' iiddleupn7 •r7. Fi ed and Chas. Shepherd, all,nepllewe of deceased and Ed•4vard Wise Anot eleePtong.w Cone -.'Last Wed- peedar, br-i�or.rneidni bt, the emit of Margaret Russell: relict of the late ,Will am.Stet'ling passed to that'Better 'Land'aft'er an illness of seven weeks. Deceaard •was born at Darter's Hill 81 years ago and moved only a few farms, -after-'bar marriage over 58 years ago. For the past 8 years she has .been blind, but alWaps•wsie 'chee,fttl'and `bore her trouble with Christian for(itnde,. Ilea' hush❑nd pre•dre;en.srti her 12 years ago. A fatally of 0 children, survive a loving mother and true friend,' a daughter, Mrs. Button. pissing nay 2 years ago. Iteliert. A,rred and Nits those i' Manitoba; _Mist MeD ngnli. Goderich I'ownship•+ind Marion a•rd James at home. .She is also survived by f wo sii,ters, Mrs. Robinson at hies. Ram say of Detroit and two brothers, Jas. Russell of. Morris township, and Bob. cut Russell of Bruce Count y, The funeral took place on Friday ofterrrnon last rind interment was madr+ at the Bas field cemetelys Rev, Mr. Hamilton conducted the service, deceased having I been a life long Pieebyterian. Tbe pallbearers were relatives and ft( ends Ja ne&.and Robert berC Ru ssell, Wm. Cur -who th a drCeHe@ asked to have ,r rte Chas. McGregor, Peter McDougal ( and Thos, Ramsay. To the bereaved the heartfelt sympathy is expressed by the many friends, `'Yin ;ham The A.T., and A. M, Lodge was vis i'ed here D. D. G: M. of North Huron, Bro Dr: G t Fowler. of Teeswater. The reemh rs ass 'flatted in the lodge. roots, and Hf1er some candidates had been put through the fourth degree, speeches were giv:n by members 'roto other lodges and by Bro. Pewter and George Sp stten. who was the pr•evi' nic D. D. G. M. After the regular hurl' ness had been transacted, all went to the cafe, where a banquet was served, to which about for'y guests sat down. Tables were;taetefutiy decorated for the occasion with fruits, etc. Many were proposedand responed to, the social Wore cuntinuieg until a late hour, Tte three weeks of revival meetings came to a close last night, Tne meet- ings havehe.n hell in the Methodist Church hy1fey, W. J. Nibbart, assisted by outside clergy. A male vol •e choir hag aided in the wink. •F,. 13, Hart, who was formerly in business here• and sold out to H. '1'. Thompson, of Baaurore, is now 1 u.v moving to his residence an Dii gyual Street, Mr: and Mrs. Wal tele., of SI,. Thomas, ,.re 1tie guests or Ili. Mrs, 1I T, I'hompsur. f7 Auburn Mr. Jonathan Bentley has sold his farm to Mr. John McClinch•for the sum of $8500.00. Mr. Bentley pur poses going to the Wiest Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Taylor left fibr 'their home in Saskatchleiwan last Thutrsday. About fifty members and ad- herlents of thfe Baptist church met at the home of Dr, Rowson on Thursday evening and pt•e)outcrd Miss Winnie Howson with a beaut- iful music cabinet and a suitable acidness as a token of armee, ila- tion of the 8e0 -ices ol Miss 110W - son as (regenist since the church was opened' "otler-'five years ago. She has made a lle.ord having nev- er been absent from her place in that tiros. An enjoyable -evening was spent ending in ,the company sitting down to a 'sump'teous ne- past, Mr. Tiree. Adams has moved in- to the old manse parrs- d' wht:h will be : occupied by Mr. James Howatt. Mr. Wni, Plunkett surprised tare community by arriving 'on the afternoon ' train on Thursday with his bride. W e le:tend ;hearty con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Plunk eat, A night staff f has beet, obtain :tyd and the saw mill is now running night and day. The Orange Lodge held a box social in thee hall onTuY esda(eve- ning. The Auburn Brass BandP lea sed the audience with a number of st{leetfo:ns, a This was their first appearlanoe taeore was public and we congratulate (then on their success. A number of gthia.'s con trlibnted to,l /:the program. ',L'he amount realized was ()Vet? - . fifty • d,elalls. k,.. Andrew Ferguson who„ Was in- jured while Ftorlcipg in, this; saw: mill two Weeks ago; is how lyiegi in a veily critical' condition ire Godelich hospital number of- ,the sports "ane or- ganizing a bowling : club and• pile -a' pose making a lawn as soon as,. sorting opens up. lllyth. The following relates to the mar, rltag& of (ae daughter of Mrs. Emil G. Hess (nee( Alice Sloan) a d'augh-; 'tier of Dr. and Mrs. Sloan and a former resident. of ,Blyth "A pretty wedding ;took place' 'on Feb: 10th, at 3 o'clock, at; the home . of herr. grardiparents, "'Dr. and Mrs. Sloan, Dunn avenue, Toron'to,'when Agnes Grace, daughter Are( 'Mr and Mrs Emil C ,ess�,Berim, was tap►r pied to Mi; S erivood Barnet Mar- • ehail,son: of Mee add Mrs: W. J. ' Maxishall, Jameson avenue. Rev. A. Logan Geggie od'fieiaibed in the Presence' ,of s immediate :relatives, The bride, who was given away by her ,Sather, looked charming in ivory satin draped.withSicilian and old' Limerick lace and Brussers lace veil. She ivas attended by hler sis- ter, Miss Margaret 'Bees, • wearing yellowy ctraryneuse, with, fur trim- mings. The groom was assisted by Met Alfred Gala, After the. sere, mony a bailfe't luncheon was ser- ved in the dining room, which was decorated with marguerites and spring flowers, Mr. and Mrs• Mar shall left 'later for New( York, the bride travelling in Saxe 'blue and pointed fox furls. 'On their return they will reside in 'Willard spell - men's King, street west. Mullett James McCool entertained a few young• friends on•Thursday 'eve7- in Miss May Adams and: blew. Thos. Adams spent Sundayat 1 the tom's of John (Harvey. Mise Janet Lamont is under the present, care with pneumonia at Mr. and Mrs, Bert Gibbings and daughter Grace and Mrs, Gibbings sr, spent Saturday at the home of John Catttright. Fred Silobrock has purchased a fine young team of gray horses. Miss Mary Cratclford of the 13th eon spent a ,few ,days with hail aunt, Mrs. Johnston, of Clinton. Miss Laving Gibbs spent Wednes- day with her, friend Miss Agniee Scales, Miss Mary Caldwell, has returned from Toronto where she has been attending. the millirieny openings. Mrs. Wm. Coventry, of Wingham, spent a anew days with hlefsister, Mrs. WM. Weymouth. Albert Gtirbut has engaged with John Danby for this year. 1Vlr)(i, Leiper Sr, gave an oyster sapper to a few of (hie: friends on Monday evening.' Albert Weymouth is siending a few days at Hamilton as delegate dor. the Home Circle Lodge. L.ondtesboro A pretty wedding tools place at the •Methodist parsonage on Wed-, nees'day; Manch 4, when Blev. J. H. Odteirhout, B. A., P.D., united in marriage Pete': Lindsay and Char- lotte Millsorl; both of; Constance, Miss Millson is a valued member. of the Constance. Methodist church choir and was given a kitchen show er by them on Friday night last, The annual meeting of the Lond eisborrf Tli,eshe:•s' Syndicate Was held on 'Wedreidny (afternoon, Mardi 4. There are about 40,farm- ers: in the syndicate and nearly all were present, The 'reports indi- ca'bed a very good smarts Work, A dividend of 81 peal share' was paid. The (directors elactdd 'by the meeting were J. C, Admits, Richard Carter, M, Hill. and M. Corbett. John Iirott was rle•i ngageel to take charge of the machine. Misses E, Lyon and E. McCartney titlatl,ehts+ oftthe C.B.C. spelt the end at the foiimse's home herr:. Mrs. .Richard Adams, regretting the limitations prey-esting her per- sonally saying "Good Bye" to all fiaiends, desires through these col- umns to ex•pnecs in tl-e name of Mr. Adams and herself, deep thanks for the untiring devotion shown (them when a frigidly hand was needled to .relieve the long hours of last summer's watches, when the family, exhausted and evorlu with worry, always found ready 'e•ncour agement quickly at hand. Liae(was made sw,cieter and more worth liv- ing by bite hottest grip cif ,strong dight han•cls, This ismeant, also, to cover a broader fije:d, to in a frrank, businesslike rnanree, say eo those patrons so long etauncix sup- porters of the ti.dams Emporium, We thank yon. Foetuna.tely we ale 'o ' pot all •so Pat• tern e 9 o e as to prevent na ns mica sionl, I ysitting t n- gcthei to uateL-a-ce bit about auld times." Miss Mary Townsend is :