HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-12, Page 5ale 4 THE CLINTON NEW ERA Thursday, March 12th, ;199.2, Ready.,; .. t6"Wear 'louse Furnish i.. s �•011C 1llautles and i tr Phoie 78 eameeseasaisee Spring Suits Just Arrived We haveMust received a large cpnsignment of the very newest things in Spring',Silits.,, in all the latest styles and shades Amongst, the lot are the naw Shoat Coats which are going to be so much worn also the Tunic : and Pep Top c' Skirts: Some have plain coats trimmed with cheeks, =and' checked skirts to match the trimming, which makes a very effective combination. Others come in navy, brown copen, tan, terracotta, black and white, and black, and the., prices are 815, 818, 820, 823 We are 61teiting over 40 Different Designs in our Suit Dept. :New p• ria boats Are Here complete change of style is eyddept in alt the coats for spring, and it appears as if the designers have excelled them. selves.in:turning out an article that is most useful and at the same time'neat and stylish. Amongst the outstanding features of our Coats are the Jong shoulders with set in on Ttaglen'Sleeve. We have them tin terracotta, copen, cerise' and tango. Prices ffil0, $12.5U, 815. $25 :0seemos e00e0000000000e00M 00008000000000000 N 00010N i ` _ As Seen From the Gallery• s O 0 O Goelericl► Township George 1).;Middleton, 'Sonaged 81, for three•Mierters of atomiser's a'':r'•'nl• dept Of this is trIt, died at tihie home Friday fiche 1,fie effect of a nar,tiv,in stroke he sustained six months ago He •mowed' to the old'hon,rstead in Goderich township with his father wheo. but is' small lad and with his brother, t loin Middleton, x -tarots pt G,derich township, they w rked'10 gather until both ware .comfortel'ly aettied on large faro's and well stocked Deceased wase life 1 ns; inrmber of Sr James' Church, Middleton. Of a nater disposit,foi , 11r. 1Vliddieton did not take much p Let in public life, but left animpressiun for geed on allwith whom he come' in cont,iet Ile leaves a wife and ,family of seven to mourn bis loss. ,lhefueeral was hi ld Monday, interni ut,being made at the t31yfield Cemetery .Services were coed easel by Rev,Mr L,iot,t rd: assisted by Rev, 1 U. Pais.' The 'pal 1u -rivers were, U 13. Middleton, Jelin Middleton it,„ la',ed and Chas, Shephard ali;•nephews of deceased tied Edward ZVi'se Anotiier':Pion;ees (oris -Lest Wed need ay, before`mid'nigbt, the spirit of Margaret Russell. relict of the late Willil,m Sterling passed to that Better Land` after an illness of seven weeks. Deceleed was horn at Porter's Bill 81 *cora ago and Moved only afea' farms, after her marriage over 58, years ago. For the past 8 years she has been bland, but•aivyapr,•,whs :cheei ful and bore her trouble with Christian for' flede,. Ilei hushand'preeleceased been, years ago. A family of•0 cb.ildren, survive a loving mol her, ,end, true friend, w daughter, Mrs, Burton, passing away 2 years Ago, 'filbert. A,frnd and bits Gros. io Manitoba; _lifts, Mt•D ngall, Goderich Township and Marlon arid James at. home, Sbc is fano survived 'hy two sitters. Mrs. Rubinson ai:d Mrs, Ram- say of Detroit and two brothers, Jas. Russell of Moirfs township, and Itob- ert. Russell of Bit,' County, funeral took place ou Friday afternoon last and intetmpnt was mode at the Bat field cP m ' e'r'r }ley. v Mr.:inset 371on cmidueled the ser vice, dece herd hoeing been a life long pieabyterian, The p 11.bearefs were relatives tnpd fr.ends Whom. 'ted e sled studd to haveact 1 James end Imbert Russell, Win. Cur - 1 Chas. McGregor, Peter McDo,tgal. and Thos. Ramsay. To the bereaved the heartfelt sympathy is expressed by the many friends. Nin ;ham The AP., and A, 64. Lodge was vie i'ed here le. D. G. M. of North Huron, Bro. Di'. G t. `Fowler, of Teeswater. The ntemb rs ala •mhled in the lodge. rooms, and after some candidates had been put through the fourth degree, speeches were giv:n by members 'roto other lodges and by Bro. Fowler and George Sp-'tteu. who was the previous D. D. G. M. After the regular brill pees bad been transacted. ata went to the cafe, where a banquet was served, to which about forty guests sat down, Tables were, tastefully decorated for the occasions with fruits, etc. Many were propowd and'iesponed to, the social t'me auntinui,:g until it late The three weeks of revival meetings came to a close teat night. Tne meet- ings have hen held in the Methodist Church hyRev. W. J. Pibbart, assisted by outside clergy. A male voi •e choir has aided in the writ k. F.. 13, Hart, who was formerly in business here, and sold out to. H. T. Thompson, of Baliuore, is now i u -v moving to his residence on Dlag.ual street. Mr and Mrs, , , n. Wnitsrr, of Si. Thome), .re the garrets 01 Mi. and Mrs. 1I T, Thowpees. =s.ese•es®•ess ECHOES FROM QUEEN'S PARK. Oeess01nilSese� to Anbttirn : contracture and license holders and Mr. Jonathan Bentley has sold Mr. Evanturel's Course. Evantitl'el mikes a long statement to the house in which he does not appear• .to ley much. He apologizes for the letter he wrote offering his services to the hotel keepers and ask- ing for $10,000 it, return, but does not say the two words most required of him, name'y; "I resign." Hon, J. J. Foy. Leader of the Government; re- marks on the ommission and says that if the. resignation isnot forthcoming.. steps will have to be token to force the Member for Prescott to resign. Mr. Rowell concurs in this plan. Political Contributions, Mr. Rowell introdaees a Bill to pro hibit campaign contributions either to Provincial or Municipal elections from corporations, Government contracture all holders of liquor licenses, whether -bar. shop. -brewery, distillery or whole sale andel! as..oeiations whose purpose 12 is to further the interests of the tradein intoxicating liquors. In; addition to a line of not more than. 85.000 and not less than $1,00t), those guilty of 'violating this law are to be liable .to imprisonment of not more than one year and pot less than three. months. I2,is not known yet_ what attitude — tbp s$eeninent will take townrdsthis Bill. Last year Sir, James Whitney approved the general principle of pro- hibiting campaign coetrihutions tram certain sources and also requiring the publication of campaign expenses as embodied in the Bill of J. e G Anderson Liberal Member for Smith Bruce. Last year's Bills were withdrawn on the understanding that they could be re. introduced ibis year, - Me.:Rowell'ts Bill adds Government Associations to the corporations which his farm to Mr. John 8('i;,,,.1, .r,.. alone were debarred by last year's 'the sum of $6500,00 Mr. Bentley pur proposal. The fines ore also more poses going to the Wlest drastic and the imprisonment prove Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Taylor left Moir is new. The inter is the most Ter 'their home in Saskatchewan important part of the Bill as the -pros last; Thursday, peat of jail will often deter a man'who could not be held back', by fear of Ab out fifty members and.8cl- mere'v a fine ft z 'eoognized thatif heelents of th!e Baptist church met Me. R•jwells Bill beeline law a` big at Ththe a home of Dr. Rowson on step in advance would he taken to zt ay' evening and pr'e,onteel. purify politics in Ontario, Miss Winnie Howson with a beaut- iful music cabinet and a suitable Thea Budget, g • address els' as a 'token of liaPP � •i re.a en. I B , Lucaspretie is the tion of the se�vecs of Miss How - Blue et speech and shows what he soh as oegauist since the church claims in b• a: surplus:nf $320,000. The was opened ovler,'five years ago, mean( lel cries: of the Opposition, O. 1V1 She has made a sword havingnet. Bowman h) of North Bruce, and other er br♦e:r absent live her place in Liber, I speakers °attend th it this that time. An enjoyable evening alleged surp ne is artificial and that in was spent endingin the company reality a deficit marks the yea's sittingdown to 'sire teons re P Government Rouse, Mr. Tacos•: Adams has moored in - As a Member for a r ural Constitueri- to the old manse part Al wheel cy, Mr. Bowman makes a vigorous will be occupied by Mr. Jaime's onslaught ag tins t the Government fol 1 Howatt, extravagance in buiidingthe new Gov. Mr. Wni. Plunkett surprised the eminent House. The estimates first community by t'rriving Un the amounted, to about 1400,000 but the afterinoon train on Thursday with Government's own Niles now shdw his bride. We-leztcnd hearty con - more than 8801,000 end Mr. Bowman gratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Plunk estimates the. final and completed 1 ett. expenditure at $1.250,000. He sa. s A night staff has been obtain d, that this sum is says', an fl more than the total d the saw mill is now running assessment of the largest township in night and day. the County �' O t of Bruce, a The t c ,and characterizes II Oilange, Lodge held' a box the Government's action as "a want social in ,the hall on Tuesday eve - on waste of the Pen t 'a money andnin g 1'h e Auburn Bross Band plea One which is directly til y oPpo ed to the'sed -fue audience eneo vith a nilmber of spirit 11'I G i f dPmicr, tev o P f which E, Ontario�s 1ert,on` s. This was thit ' first prou 1 and which the Government appeatiance tleore •tine public and Aetna encourage rat her than discour. we congratulate ttlegai on their age in this wty." success. A. number of othteers con T'}IE LATE DR. SUTHERLAND , • One of (the Junior pastors AFew of tnlbuted to 1 ;the program, 'The amount realized. was over ' - fifty d,ollans, And4ew Ferguson, who was in - puled while working in the . saw mill two weeks dem, is now lying• in a yeses critical ` condition in Godeflich hospital num brr et • 'the sports ane or- ganizing a bowling club and per -i`. pose making ^a lawn as soon as. spiting opens up, Biyth. The foll:wing relates to the mar iliaggd of a;i'daughter of Mrs. Emil G. Bess (nee' Alice Sloane a,daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. Sloan and •a ronrner resident, of ,Blyth. "A pretty wedding took -place 'on Feb: lath, at 3 o'clock,, at tee. home .of : her, grandlparmte,' Dr", and Mrs, Sloan, Dunn avenue, Toronto, when Agnes Grace, daughter std Mr,and Mrs Emil G. tIessseBerlin; was tinar ried ,to Ma ' Sherwood Barnet Mar- shall, .,son of Miss and Mrs. W'. J. Maiiehali, Jameson avenue. Rev. A, Logan Geggie dificiabed in the presence ;of . immediate relativese, The bride, who was given away by her 'fatther,looked charming in ivorysatin atin draped tvith,Sicilan and of -d Limerick lace and Brussels lace veil. She was attended by liter sis- ter, Mies Margaret Hess, .wearing yellow charpneuse, with, fur trim- mings. The groom was assisted, by Mit Alfredi Gat After the, cere- mony a bum1lfet luncheon was ser- ved in the dining room, which was rlecoeated' with marguerites and spring flowers) Mr, and Mrs Mar- shall teft later for Newt York, ,the bride travelling in Saxe 'blue and pointed fox furs. On their return they will reside in 'Willard apart -- men's King 2troet west. Mallett James bIcCo ofit ' .cute auied a few- youngfriends on.fT'hnrsday "even- inMiss May Adams and Mrs .Thos.. Adams spent Sunday at the ,hone of John Rarvey, Miss Janet Lamont is under .the. dodtors care with pneumonia at. preeent. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Gibbings and daughter Grape and Mrs. Gibbings sr. spent Saturday at the home of John Cat(tright, • Fred Shobroek has purchased 'a fine young team of gray horses. Miss Mary Crattliord of the 13th con spent a slew (days with hen aunt, Mrs. 'Johnston, of Clinton. Miss Laving Gibbs spend Wednes- day with her, friend Miss Agntes Scales. Miss Mary Caldwell, has returned, fx'om Toronto where she has been attending. the millinieny .openings. Mrs, Wm. Coventry, of Wingham, spent 'a Blew days : with :hie>;sister, Mris. Wm. Weymouth. Alberit Goibut has en'gagleld with John Danby for this year. arse. Leiper• Sr. gave an oyster supper 'to a. few of'hler friends on Monday evening. Albert Weymouth is spending a few days at Hamilton as delegate for 'tee Home Circle Lodge. Lon'deaboro .6:pretty Wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage on Wed- nes-day,' Manch 4, when Biev. J. 'H Otltez'hout, B. A., P. D., united in marriage Peter Lindsay and Char- lotte Millsoii both of, Constance. Miss Millson is a valued memi•er of the Constance ,1Vl,ethodist church choir and wits given a kitchen show er by them on Friday night ht last. The annual meeting oftheLoncl- etsbord Threshers' Syndicate Was held on 'Wedrerday 'afternoon, March4. There are about 40,tarm- ers in th.e syndicate and nearly all wes4e present, The reports indi- canted a very good year's work.. A dividend of $4 pea share was paid. The Idu'ec'tlors elected 'by the meeting were J. C. Adam's, Richard Carter, el, Hill and M. Corbett. John Knott was n, tengag;e-1 to take o charge e the th a mlclriiye. Misses s E.Lyon and E. McCartney Y r(tat1,261tst 0f) the C.B.C. spelt the end at the fortm,er's home here. Mrs, Richard Adams, a regretting the limitations pren'e sturng Tier per- sonally saying "Good Bye" to all fi•'iencls, desires through these col - limns to expx ese Sar tl' e'name of Mr. Adams and herself, deep thanks for the untiring devotion shown 'them when a free hand was ne'ed'ed to relieve the long hours of last summer's watches, when the family, exhausted and wore with worry, always found, ready,encour agement quickly at hand. Li:'e,was made sweeter and more worth liv- ing by the honest grip of .strong ii t 'rands, This is meant, also, to cover a broader filed, to in 'a. frank, businesslike mance:, say so those patrons so long etaunch sup- poeters 01 the Adams Emporium, "We, 'thank you!' Fortunately tyre are not, all • .o .'far u rem � o e1 as to prevent isoata tuna, 1 seeing to- gether, to "craclea-wen bit aboot auld -times:" Miss Mary Townsend is visiting lea eels in. Toronto this'wen's. Mrs. Newton Campbell, cif 1Vest-'i S;ell is ytaitirng,fraends fel this vi- rniLy. Miss McCartney, of Ggderich, was the guest of Miss Elsie Lyon over' Sunday. . Mr. A. Weymouth went to 'Ham- ilton, om Tuesday, as ft delegate for the 'Herne Circle, Mr. Richard Young, who has been visiting thrr g hisbrother they for some time, left on Tuesday 1 o S,toughto, Sark, Miss White, who has }seen a vis- itor at 'the home of her nnelo,,Mr. L Millar,' lef f on Monday for. her home i om d in Drayton, D n Mr, Wm. Manning left on Tues- day ' for, his'home in. Pilot Mound after ;spending 'a+couple of months+ With relatives here. • The e Conwndrum a S c'held o, lunder the auspices of the.Epworth League in the Methodist church baslemen+t on Friday evening, was 'a success in every way. A shortbut excel- lent program was rendered, •and there - was plenty of good things 'to .eat.� :The. Pro eedls amotintecl to .,. over �$Y1 i'orter's Hill Meas, McDougall and Minnie" of Denghzia n' and Nos✓mair McDou- gall, of London, attended hhe.riin- veal of Mrs "Sterling 'last Friday, ... Miss Jennie Woods 3s Fieibin in 'Toron'to, Frank' Picot wears a' broad smile a'litt e 1 babyi• g r,l arrived at .life borne on Friday.," last. Me, E. Jordan having rented. the Marshall place •.on tlne Cut Line is moving this week. Bayfield Sam Cleve of the Sauble Line will build a new brick dwelling here when Spring opens. ' • ; . Rev. Mr. McFarlane is under -go- ing a shores trial df ilen'ess. • The placard:. is being removed from the house off Ed. RIaId as the diphtherlia patient' is being, cured, Geoilge Lindsay and Jes, Thom-' son weft eteileceted for the radial day meeting at London Their ejrief report, being that the West Shore Railway is only a matter' of. time, feelincsville The Rev. Mr, and •Mrs. McCormick were host and hostess to a ¢athe,ing of the young -people of the Methodist congregation at the parsonage on' Fri- day evening last, IA splendid time is reported. The guests stayed till after 12 o'eloets to have the pleasure of wish ing their host many happy returns of the day, March 7th, being his natal day Mrs. Anderson of Winnipeg, visited her sister. Mrs.: Gs Render, hien week, Mr. L Yeo, enn of Mr. J. W. Yeo of the Out Line, is home from the ;West for a visit, Mr, Wesley Mciormirk, of London, spent the we, k end at the parsonage. Mi. e Elva 'Levis, of Clinton. and Eva OWill antJeleonnkins of Brlaust-sels,week visited at Mr. Mr. N. VV, Trewertha was in Blyth on M:Jndayon business. The Choate, Friends held. a success- ful oyster supper ori Tuesday of this week at Mr. Alf Jt,rvie'. Mr, B. Gomel! of Oxbow, Man„ spent afewdays with his uncle, Mr. Wm.. e ,kine last week. Mr. Geo. Acheson left for the West on Tuesdny of last week. Mrs, Chas. McPhail has been visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Holdsworth, who • has been sick with le grippe; Mr. A. J. Courtice has also been sick with la' grippe Mrs. Mol hof[ to a d came e hems on lharsday from 11.•„r'oit. Mrs, Draper, of txoderieh. hes been visiting at her f ethers for ,t week or no Bits, 11. Miller came'home from the hospital ou a seurd,ey and is &sting along nicely.. Mr, Ed. Williams In -as rented the house df 'Mv. ;Potter and will move into it in 'tine nlear future. Mr. S. Gliddon, who has -been ilpeinding ithe winter at home leaves for the West this week. Mus. .1. Mulholland, of Clinton, spent Tuesday in the village. Ittea ero6clal Mr. John Watson and bride arriv ed here front their honeymoon trip on Saturday last. They will now ee s shite tar /their s beautiful tzful ' home 116 611' the l o vi ll• . tg e. • Geo. Baird sr: took ook part i n the Peoples rre-hiu6 in our' church on Mon -clay, He read a pa - pair en Goldhmith^s (poem from The Dee�fetied Village'' all who were- pi;esen t e.njoyedtn rare treat. Our sate mill is now runner 'full time, they have a large stools of iogs ahead of them to saw. The railway station yard is about fillet' with. logs awaiting cars to - be taken to Runiball`s Iumb,eryard in Loudon. Mr. North and fancily ;moved to Godertich township this , twee::, cvherte he will work on 'the farm of Me. Priced] seen. Too wino .1'•ath•,me"iflheI.0 0, 1r fs, dge, No. 21)), which was held on P r lay ev.'ning, was a dao i'ie,t ,diccess. Mood S'1 guests r•e„e 1 VPCM)t. The a••le p,t,.l ofi1'. 'nuuing was spent in prow es n•e. , ti eh h in LI,e •oil ,er ooiri A ar 1 s 0'0 111 1 lite guests adjourned to h Weis se se—Home. where an uyter su ,ort was se, vel, after which n dnnee was held in 11-v to vn half, 'the clan. cin: continued until the early hunts of the retiree g. The Ministers of esley Church REV, MR. JOLIFFE Ncew of -Toronto. REV, J. GREENE "REV. DR, RTJTLEDGE. Who is`,ionnecied with Wesley The i revert Pastor Clcurteh, Lolotoieiltead League, Meets next'Tuesday •ata iVIr, Geo.. Watts. Mr'.: Devi ,Wiltse zieceived a ;bad kiek,'from arcow'a't 1A J. McNltlr4t ray's sale, bub hough ablcto g6 around he, hes a had limp yet. Mrs.Isaae Dodds is visiting with heat daughter,' Mrs, Layton this week:: The cold weather +still seems to bo the riuling powler as it was 6 below zero 'this morning, but now that the world has passed/ the sun we hope p to hauls warmer weather. The League held an enjoyable social evening at the home of Mr. George Layton on Tuesday, Kipped . JoAcnutinqg : upon A�earet i,nstructioftheons • from , , provin ,cial license hraneh. Officer I'bippen and one of hie detectives, trade' a end den -descent upon Shaefer's,botel ctrl., Tuesday,ntorning and ,`searched the cplacc+uld e.; bfor;efounliqd,uor, nothing' , however: • Stanley, :; • Mr. R. Franks of Moose Jaw `eSask , was visitingrat the -'home of ,1Vrt,' Alex. Thomson last week, - He lett, *mettle West on Saturday last,'ee Mrs. Thos, Oarnphell and daughter, are visiting her sister in London this Mr. William Fraser and'his sister Miss Lena Fraser who have been visi ting here for : the last two months left on Monday for their home in Saskat chewah. Mise Edith Murray,' of London, was visiting at the home of Mr, John Mc Cowan last week. She left for her home' on Friday. Brussels : Last summer H. B. Kirkby had the. contract of putting in the John street sewer here. „ On completion of the work h'te put in a bill for extras,'elaim ing he had to dig through rock. The. council 'Contended pded t her a e w s no rock to call for such payment. He is now threatening a law suit to force pay meat. • . Thos Newsome, _'a well known con Waxier, died of his home on Queen street Weduesdey'afternoon. Ilo was in his 59 year. Mr. Newsome was ud married and had his seethes living with him. He : was a Conservative in politics andAnglicanin religion. Thursday afternoon the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Shedden took place to Brus sets Cemetery. She was an old and well known resident of Morris town ship, and was in her 00th year. Mr. Shedden died several years ago. Iwo sons and a daughter survive. Councillor' R. A. Pryne and Town Olerk Scott were at London on'L'hurs day attending the hydro radial con vention, Exeter J. Matfett, clerk at the Central Hotel cut his hand so badly while opening a bottle. Thursday that several stitches were required 1 o close the wound. Homer Lewis has left for London, where he has secured a position, D, Ross, who has been visiting friends here for several weeks, has left for his home in Winnipeg. Mrs. Rose will stay for sometime. The James Street Church Sunday School are preparing an elaborate Sunday School program of recitations, songs and dialogues, etc., which will be given on March 29. Constance Miss Bella Mains spent a few days last week the guest of her friend Mrs. Thos. Pollard. One morning last week while corn- ing in from the farm Mrs, B. B. Steph enson stepped into a hole turned her foot: breaking one of the small bones of the ankle which will lay her off work for some time., Mies Stella Clark, Miss Maggie Love and Mire. Bd. Button spent a tew days last week the guest of the lattor's par sate, Mr. .and Mrs. Love, of Walton. Mr. Earl Lawson and sister Miss Myrtle are.visiting friends at Auburn and Benmiiler. Quite a number of young people assembled at the home of Mr. David Wilson one night recently for, the pus pose of giving : his sister, Miss Char tette o Wilson it kitchen n e shower and other useful things, when'ali enjoyed themselves. ves, A quiet wedding took piece at the Lcncesboro pna•sonane on Wednesday afternoon. when bliss Charlotte 'Wit son was united in holy hoods of matri mon;y to f,Ii'. Peter Lindsay by Rev. Mr. Osterhoctt. The young couple have token up their %pude on the farm whore Mr. Lindsay has lived for some time. We extend our congratulations, Legal iQu e ries N. M. K„ Dungannon.—Qu.—•A man made his will, and his daughter in law. and granddaughter signed the will as. witnesses, The will gives a share of the estate to the granddaughter's fath er, who is the eldest son of the testa torand is also n am ed SSh t sex ext U,' ens • will 'l1 legs Ans.—The Wide Act says that a lee, acy given to a witness, or to the wife or husband of a witness, shall be null and void. It dues not say that a gift to the fat her of a witness shall be void. Aud heroes not say that the will shall be void or illegal where; a gift is made to a witness. Telephone Operator Saves Three Lives Blyth Woman, Child and Man Nearly Asphyxiated When Found by Neighbors, Iilytii, Manch 11,—What . might hare betels 'three -deaths from asph yxiation werle averted on Weldnee-, day .morning by the common s!enete of a 'telep'hon!e epee -titer. It seletes Mrs. Bement, oliierater at the 'cen- tral office, of the' Rural Telephone,, aieceivled a call from Mrs. Mason, 'last Wawanosh, \eisleing to speak to her mother, Mrs, Jl etnwick,' Al- though .Miss, Bennett s,e,n't, in n;um- ei•ons calls she could not get an answer from the Penowiolc house. So getting alai -rued else called up, Alexander •13amcn, he, being 'the nearest neighbor who had a phone, and Jae and Mr. Taylor, wen`: over. They found ase- 1+leawick house locked • up. c. They broke in the d;oor to find the house full of gas, EA RA has more to do with his success today than it ever•had, - Anything that contributes to hie look of weleto.doness is tustifled- NECESSARY. J yea, Is there anything that ,you know of that advertises success rnbre than 1•ii N GE RING? 'Oertatnly, nothingthat man a wears moF@lq;ovidence;•,+ 'r . r A few:dollars'spent op, a ring, an good cense will grope to be an investfe meat to most men, , Let us. piece our ring stock before you Mr. Man. Then auk all the clues. tions.you like. s e'i;> • n. Jeweler and. Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses caused by a leaky coal stove, and Mrs. Fenwick, her granddaughter, and Mr. Fells unconscious. A doct- or was called., who, afiter ` some trouble, revived them. , Farm for fate The Executors of the Southcombe Estate offers for s•t le 50 acres, east half of lot. 28,con.' 0, .Bullett. first class farm, yell watered and improved and with good buildings. A good or- chard end'. 7 access s of bush. Apply to R. J. Southcombe ontbe premises or Clinton Postofice, JOHN MAY Agent for Deering People Is offering fencing at low prices. Al so a good powder tor sickly hogs. Orderstaken now for Homestead Fer. tilizer. Seed Grain No, 21 0. A. C. Improved Manchuria Barley And Siberian Oats. JOHN W. YEO, Hoimesvil!e P. 0. Cut line Godes cob "tp., or phone 7.153, Auction, Sale Auction sale of. cosi, yonng cattle and hogs on Thursday, March lAth. 20 choice cows one with calf at foot. Balance to calf March, April and May. One sow,' and 8 pigs 4 weeks old. One cow due to farrow time of sale. 2 sows due in april. W. H. LOBB Lot 1 l, Ooh. 15, Goderich. Pumping Windmill Icer Sale A first class Toronto pumping mill' 50 foot tower and tank which is' on tower. Will he sold reasonnfile. Ap- ply to JONATHAN BUGILL, Bea - forth Postoliice, or D. L. Macpherson, Clinton,: Raw Furs Wanted I ampayiegfor prime skins Mink. ...,., 3.60 to 0.00 Muskrat 25c to 40c Also highest prides for all other skins. FOR SALE—S. to 10 pound Barred Roca r Cockerels H. A. iiOVDY, Clinton Notice to o tilt Public We. the undersigned, drivers of de- livery rigs in the town of Clinton, do hereby agree:—"not to deliver any goods, if not ordered by,8 o'clock on Saturday nights."—Bert Fitzsimons, S. Neilans, G. Hummel, W. McIntyre,. Joshua Cook, 0. Kennedy, A, McLeod, W. Lockwuod, Tiros. Shipley, A. E. Matheson. - BEST FIRE PROTECTION Fire -proof construction is better fire tion to a n' = building than any amount of fire insurance. By covering buildings with J -M Asbestos Roof- ing it protects them from fire at no extra cost. It has the highest fire - resisting properties, because madeof a fireproof, indestructible material —Asbestos. It will withstand the intense flame of a powerful blow, torch for nearly an hour without burning. No other roofing • on the market offers such protection as J -M ASBESTOS ROOFING Other ready roofings ora= made of wool felt, rag stock,paper, shoddy, coal tar and other highly inflam- mable materials which ate an actual menace to a building instead of a protection. J -M Asbestos is the cheapest -per -year" roofing, be. cause it requires n0, coating or painting to. preserve -et. The first cost is the only expense,. It resists fire, rot, rust and -wear and is the roofing. ln permanently d,rrahla prepared Adapted to all climates and weather conditions, ,p l3"j1e or call for Sarni* andBool'lal, BUM & $ifIER, Clillfion 191