HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-03-12, Page 2Pane g THE CLINTON, NEW ERA. •'�'as Lia-. ,A..•'. •YE4`f1;11 ^t,. .ih :. �U',t•%R n1'. The II,Sud You IlaveAlways Bought, and whiels has been cin use for, over 30 ycass, has 'hobo the signature of and has been male models lila i .er � somal sti•io>v:sioll ^i"ta+ r, .c eLits�a.,f•,s,acs 2canc'„Allow:no-' one to C.Ce(tYre you in this, All ()counterfeits, Invitations ancl. 6s e92i5t.-as-;g coed 9' are but 'Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the Health of Infants and Children -Experience 'against I x,parhnont. What is CAST ','1A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. I,t is pleasant. .It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics substance. Its age is its guarantee. It, destroys Worms and allays' Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use ,for the relief o.. Constipation,. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teetlli.ng Troubles and , Diarrhoea, It regulates the Stomach and :Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CAST1; Bears the Signature of a ALW .YS TIe ink. You ilave A way s Bought In i.3 se FOf Over 30 Years ;THE CENTn„v e. ,,e-l'.d* 1:'C�: �. `,ii4(i•`2+. n: '•,�' 1 The New Era. 47T1J YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE." W. R. KEIUt it SON, Props J. Leslie Kerr, Business Manager New Era, Ore Year In advance $1,00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance $1.50 New Era, tothe United States in advance ,-,,,,,.$1,50 r - _ 4 Advertising Rates ort Application' Job v: orlc prices advance on July 1st, 1913, in a-cordanc: with the !'Iuron Co. Preis Asso- ciation Bates. Office Phone SO House Phonefs y(I •u.r lit (�h ,l { t ��� l It 1, Quiclil9'•i(ellloVes Dali.dlrtifi- Just because your hair is full,of dandruff,'thin, streaky, dull and never will do up to !look pretty, do riot despair. Beautiful hair, thick, fluffy, lustrous and abso- lutely Mee from dandruff is only a matter orf ' care. Parisian Sage frequently applied will work wonders., Just one ap- plication stops itching Tread, re- moves dandr'uf'f and all excessive oil. It goes right to I the hair rfoots and furnishes the nourish- ment, steleded;-the hair becomes soft, fluffy, abundant and radiant with life. ,a.BaoielesiaSagie •not only saves the hair 'bat stimut5;tes. it to grow long and heavy. Get a (50 -cent bottle :£r(om W.S.R.Holmes at once There is no other "Justi•{as-good." HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Write on one side of paper only. Mail to reach us Wednesday pf each week or sooner. Avoid all itemsrespecting on per- sonal character but eared All the' News. Che'ch off this lista may assist you to remember an important, item Births, Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Church News Suppers or Presentations. Removals, Visitors, Lode' News, Fired. Public Iroprovemente. Law Cases, the 'Crops. School Matters. Correspondents will please re- frain from sending notices of en- tertainments where an admission fee is charged, unless •'.they send word who is responsible for the payment of such .advertismemt. The charge id five cents a line -six words make a line. Huron House of Refuge As Seen by.a Visitor Br'aissels Post. On Wednesday of last week I went to the House of 'Refuge at Clinton with .some goods for Mrs. Wiley, formerly of Belgrave. This was my first visit to the House. Perhaps we draw wrong conclus- ions when we first. see things that are new to us, but liowevecr, I can- cluded that it is unnecessary for me to hustle so ILaitd 'as I have been in the habit of 'doing, forif the worst comes to the worst there is a splendid, well conducted home for the aged' 1)00 1.3 91 .Merrell Colin 'ty. In true agent style T arrived just at dinner ;time and Keeper Mutch kindly invited me in to din. ner, after which he showed ine through the house from cellar to attic. Women inmates able to work were busy washing diet din- net• dishen and soon had, every- thing in order. The cleanliness of tho House all over was wonder- ful. I met the Misses Crooks and Flemings and Mrs, Wiley, E.Ward d W. Woodman and John Skimmings formerly of Sunshine. John seems tel be a kind of foiteinail nnd en- quired kindly about the old i n d11 hors and seems to be perfectly contented and happy. Itl fills one with sorrow and gladness at the same time to go through the House Sorrow to see the very aged and helpless in second childhood, some talking, others tinging, some sleep ing but the gladness comes in when one sees thiel great care ,that is taken of them, Building is thoroughly heated with steam, clean, comfortable rooms, places where they can go and lie down if unable 'to sit, tip, large sitting rooms and reading rooms 'to en- joy themselves in and it makes me very proud ot Old Huron to know it:hero aro such good things pre- vided for our unfortulnate aged people. Perhaps same of them have, not made the best use of their op- portunities but granted that is so, yet on account of the hand days' work done by ,many 'of these old worthies, (some of themif now wear ing the 100 years mark) in weak- ness and childishness are welt car ed for, . Many things that are very pleasant are made ipossible for the present generation and I think wel should gladly put up; our donation of taxes forlthe up -keep of thein- stitution and be very thankful be cause it is there, - I had not the pleasurie of meeting Mrs. Mutch as she was absent during my visit but Me, Mutch is very much res- pp��Ioted by the inmates as Ise goes a found among them with a smile and a cheery word for each and all He .seems' to Mule with kiindinse and has peaiecti control of The sit- uation. Yours truly, f H. JOHNSON. Feb,Morris Pe5 h , t 1914. '• Cook's Cotton Root. Compound. d cafe, reliable repulatine medicine. Sold in three de. grecs of strength -No, 1' $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $6 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent Arepaid on receipt of price. Fres pamphlet, Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. ONT. (formsdy Windom) V sometimes forget that poor teeth and improper mastication prevent sufficient nourish. ment from ordinary food and burdens the digestli a organs, but if every man or woman past fifty would fully realize the bountiful, sustaining nourish- ment in Scott's Emulsion they would take it after every heal. Scott's Emulsion contains the renowned holy -building fats of pure cod liver oil, so medically predigested that it distributes energy, power and strength all thru the body and simplifies the stomach's work. To people in declining years we say with unmistakable earnestness -Scott's Emulsion will add years to your life and life to your years. AVOID . ALCOHOLIC SUBSTITUTES 13-83 Aged Peo� le 5[•011 a nnwnie 1on0NTo:•OHTn'010, +i... MURDER TRiALS. Holland.Hs aSystem of Its Owo For Dispensing "Justice.. A learned and capable jurist h1v as - balled that the French method of legal procedure, which, en ntre ry'to our own, tiresu nes au indicted pe son guilty uu• tit he is proved innocent, comes Denner dispensing actual justice than our own system. But in holland the courts have, in sociie 'respects, a better system than that of the French. The accused In every case bas the benefit of the doubt, end cireuuostantial evidence as Abe only foundation for a plea of couvic• tion Is in disfavor, The Dutch do not have juries, and- there ndthere is no battle or wits ainong coun- sel. All questions, whether by the prosecution or the attorney for the ac- cused, are put to the witness through the judge after he has weighed the jus. Lice of the interrogation, This feature of their system has some pronounced advantages over our own. It eliminates the practice of con• fusing the witness or the accused by misleading 'questions. It renders Im- possible the abominable practice in our courts known as the "browbeating" of witnesses, which unfortunately is per- mitted to au extent that causes the in- telligent observer's blood to boil at times because of its unfairness and cruelty. it makes the solemn business of dispensing justice a common trade Instead of a heavenly vocation. -Sioux City Tribune. VENUS HOT AND COLD. One Half the Planet Burns, While the Other Half Always Freezes. Venus, the "evening star" of the po- ets, the most brilliant object in our western sky, ,khat planet which re- ceives ,around ,the sun in a path inside ours, must if inhabited have beings of a very different type from ourselves. for Venus has always had one hemi- sphere turned toward the sun and one turned away from It Consequently it is always daytime and summer on one-half of Venus, always night and winter on the other half. • As Venus is more -than 23,000,000 mile -s nearer the sun than we are, It mustbe twice as hot on her day side as' it ever is at our equator. And on her night' side, where a ray of sun- light has never shone, 1t must be so cold that the air Is liquefied. if not solidified. There must be a constant. uprush of hot air from the scorched surface and a corresponding Inrush of „icy air from the frigid side. Along the boundary between the two hemi- spheres this must cause a,violent and perhaps almost perpetual rainfall. Seen through a small telescope or field glass Venus often appears Iike a crescent. Ther# qhs 11001)10 the pro- jections that can' be nothlug but moun- tains eV 'great height.: -New York World, Scared Out of the Duel. One day 111. Edmond About called upon Grisier, the most celebrated fenc- ing muster of his day. "1 am in n quandary," said About. "1 allowed myself, yesterday the pleasure of a joke in bad taste, and a duel is to be the result I know nothing whatever about fencing, and, as you can see, I ata hit, Will you give tun a lesson, so that i mny not make myself too ridicu- lous?" The lesson was given, but About proved a very poor pupil. O(i Ills way out he SOW n photograph of Grisier, "I suppose," hu saki, ''1 nlllst not tall you for one of these?" "With the greatest -pleasure," said the fear- ing utaster. Abd, with a chuckle, Gri• sler 'Wrote ec1oss the photograph, ":Po 1f. Ivdtnoutl About, the best pupil 'l have ever had." A Lew hours after- ward the seconds or About's adver- sary called on the writer, sate the phos tograph on the mantelpiece and, fear - fug for their friend et the hands of so redoubtable a swordsman, arranged the affair without an9duel. Nerves Vero. Dubuc WOULD ALMOST GO OUT ®F HER MINS. Many women become run down and worn out by household cares,and duties never ending, and sooner or later find themselves with shattered nerves and weak hearts. On the first sign of any weakness of the heart or nerves you should avail yourself of a perfect cure by using Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Mrs. Archie Goodinc, Tilley, N.B., writes:-" When 1 was"troubled with my heart, twoyears ago, :I was very bad. My nerves were so unstrung,: sometimes r would almost be out of my mind. 1 doctored myself with everything I could get, until at last I got four boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and they have cured me. I- cannot speak too highly of this wonderful remedy, and will recommend it to all sufferers." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 50c. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Pocket Hunters. There is no more Interesting charac- ter in California than that class, of prospector kllewn as the -pocket htiut• er;" in certain sections of the moun- tains the rich gold deposits are eon. talned in sinal' scattered pockets near the surface. One pocket Miners often discover lnliny rich deposits by tracing the particles of gold In the soli to their sources, As soon as, a pocket 1s gouged Out and colors sr gold' are no longer shown 10e place is abandoned. In 0110 1100k or 111 Trinity county 88 lunch as $1.5,000 w is ylalr1ed Ina IOW feet.-Avelum lit. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS bli°Rc: froating Pill for Women. 80 a box orthroe for $10. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any address on receipt of pries; TUE ScOnEL7, Dime Co„ St. Catharines, Ontario: PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. yiv; dna Vitality; for Nerve and Drain; increases"grey matter"; a Tonic -Nall build you up. 3 a box, or two for $0 et drug stores, or by mail on mocha of prIge. Pain 5consI s Dane Co,,,St, Catharines, Ontario. Thuxjsday, March 12th, 191411 VITAL:r7ir' Disease germs are on every hand, They are in elle very air we breathe. A system "run down" is a prey for them. One must have vital force to withstand them. Vital force depend. 011 digestion -on whether or not food nourishes -on- the quality of blood coursing through the body. Golden ' m C�- e fit- r Strengthens the weak stomach. Gives good digestion,Enlivens the sluggish liver. Foals the starved nerves. Agan full health and etreligth return. ' A general upbuilding enables tho heart to pump like an engine running in oil. The vital force is once more established to full power. Year in and year out for over forty years this great health-resoring remedy has been spreading throughout the entire world_becanse of its ability to make the sick well and the weak strong. Don't despair of "being your old pelf again." Give this vegetable remedy a trial -Today -Now. 'You will soon feel "like new again.?' Sold in liquid or tablet form by Druggists or trial box for 50c lay mail. Write Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Dr. L'rleree's great.800S Dago "Medical Advises.," cleth.iroaind, sena for% 'JE one.eerie- stamps. . Keep a Record d of the Milk Supply Within the next few weeks, sev- eral hundred cheese factories will be- opening, huadileds of 'farmers will be preparing:, to milk thous- and's ot 'feleshly calved 'cows. Lo- gically .this begir,:ming of a new season is the time'• to commence keeping records of production of the cows separately. Just a know Sedge 01- 1(110 total yield of milk tfi;om the wholel herd anay give tae. owner an idea of the average yield per cow, but tlat 'does not give quite enough information. There may be a 'thousand pounds • of milk difference in the total yield of two cows for they • season, which would be unnoticeable in the small 'difference in the appearance of their two milk pails daily. Of ten the di.fileranee in the appear- ance of their two milk pails' daily, Of tete the d'i'fference is 'far more )than a thousand pounds, yet all cows aro lumped together, good, I poor and medium, all alike, when taking merely an average. Since keeping records of indivi- dual production many a dairyman has inoltcjitaed the averagei of: his heµ'll by fifteen hundred, and two thousand pounds of milk or more, because he has been able to de- tect .the poor, unprofitable cows that masquerade as real dairy cows On application to the Dairy Divi- sion, Ottawa, milk record forms and instructions are supplied free. Write today, and begin the new season right, with the object of keeping none but profitable cows. BA IN's 4fl ' J TABLETS ETS DANI'*ii CASTOR OIL Once a mother uses Baby's Own Tablets she will never again use castor oil, that barbarous purgative which all children loath. The Tab- lets one a gentle laxativlei; plea- sant to take and are absolutely the best medicine a mother can giver Icer little ones. Concerning it hem Mels. Hedtor Blanchette, Renville, Que., writes' 10I have used Baby's Own Tablets in pjace of castor oil and am well satisfied with them," The Tablets ago sold by medicine !dealers or by Mail (at 25 cents a box from The Dr, William's" Medi- cine Co„ Brockville, Ont. t1111111191110.111.1.080011111111114111111111111111611114 ez?chlo01 JR eport 0000000004000000000000B00O S. S. No. 9. Goderich Township Repottt for .S S. No, 9 Goderich Township rfor the month of Feb- ruary. Ecamined in Arithmetic, Literature, Gaon aptly and Gram- mar, Nam 's are 1n order o'f.merit, Sr. IV:• --(Emma Connell, Lola Hu - die, 011ie Cole, 1 Jr IV., 11(aolge Green, Tom Hu- die, udl e, Edythe Sterling,/ Sac Bru Grigg Earl Coo- pers,Charlie Cooper, `Millie Pear - 5011, r. III -John Ostrom,Willie Ster= ling, Gladstone ("xnigg' Alfred Hu - he, Average attendance 16.15. Honor Roll-011ie Cole, 'Emma Connell, Goopgo Groep, John Ost- rom, Ila Grigg, Bruce Grigg. E. A, Peddles, Teacher, S. 5, No. 7 Hullett Srp IV -Jessie McVitie. Ju, IV, -Louie Herrington, Olive klcVittie. Su. III -Annie Pollard, Joseph Flogggart, Lillian Tamblyn, Norman. Sanderson, Charles Ellingham SO. II -Janet tMcVittie, Laura Beacom, Roberta Sanderson. Sel, P.•,I-Earold Beacom.' Jr. Pt. I -Beryl Pollard, Laving Knox, Bert Beacom.' S. J. Mathers, Teacher. S. S. No. 11 Goderich Township Sr. IV -Percy Currie, Vera Trick Elvira Churchill, Myrtle Powell, Wilfred Penfound, Mable Castle. S1I,; III -Charlie Connell, Pearl Chu>tchill, Ruby Churchill Jul,' III -Francis Powell, Richard Welch. Sr. fI-Frank Welch, Howard Cur rie. Jr, II-Ciiaford Castle, 'Elmer Le Beau, htt 'II -Arthur Le Beau. Pt. I --Teddy Welch, 'Alfred Le Beau, 'E. Diehl, Teacher, S. S. No. 4 Tuckesrmith, Sr. IV -Mary Turner, Viola Wise,. Elva Nott. i Jr. IV -Edna Crich, Mabel Crich, Phyllis Crieh,Winnie'' Hunt. Sis IIi-!Bert Walters, ( Wilbur Nott, George Falconer, Vera Steph etnson, • II-{Edtward Walters, Jessie Ball, Emily Hunter, Reginald Ship- ley, Ei(nest Crich, Clarence Ball, Kenneth Hunt, Victor Falconer, Sz1, I-l.eonoe Cadieux.' Jit I -{Sadie Ball, Harold Stan - burly . - Jessie Grant, Teacher. U. S. S. No. 12 (Goderich and Mullett -sr, IV -Mabel Harvey, Jean Lind- say Sr. IV -Cora 'Jervis, Mervyn Far- quhar. Jin, 'IY�I-John Townsend, Bessie i .ds1 AmyMcBrien red John- ston, ,„Lindsay, y, , F ston, Mary Wright, •Jas, Johnston. Sr. 1I -Mary McBrien, ( Hilda Forbes, Nellie Beacom, Jr, II -Jean Farquhar, Dddie John Ston. Fipdtt-Normau Wright. Brinier -Walter Forbes, • Robert Jobeston, Mabel Wright. The winner*s of the monthly spell fag matches were ;-4 Sr. IV, Mabel Harvey ; Sr. III, IVtervyn Farquhar ; Jr. III, Mary Wright ; Sr. II, Mary McBrien ; Jr. II, Jean (Farquhar ; First, Norman Wright' Prinrer,•Wal test 'Forbes, 1 W. 31 Forke et, Teacher, U. S. S. No. 10 ;coder°i eh and Ilullett Sr. IV -Irene Ward 79 per oetnt. Bd'gar Morris 65, Sr. III_Chestier Morris 64, Stella Mortis 60, Albert Eno 54. Sr. II -Agnes Ward. 66, Mary Mair 66, Gordon Ball 157. Jr. I -Evelyn Johnston 77, Bertha Eno 72, • Primtr-0dna Govier 75. Best spelliens for the month are; Cr. IV Edgar Morris, Sr. IV Ches- ter More -is, Sr. lI Mary Mair, Jr. I Bertha Eno. H. Stella Copp, Teacher, S. S. No. •11, Hullett Sr, IV•-;Beliq Roberton. Sri. III -Ivan Ross, John Leiper, Keith Hamilton, Mary Hamilton. Jo. III-�Gertfe Roberton, Alber- ta Moon, Agnes Leiper, Willie Ham ilton, Jr. II -Carman Moon, Guy !Alp-, er, Anna Hamilton Sydney Lee, Willie M::Nall, Robert McNall. Pt. Il-Pea1'1 Moon, Fannie Lee, Ri esell McNeil, 0 Sr. I -Mamie Rcss, Tom Caldwell, Margaret McNeill, Tilly McNeil, Jr, I -Roti, Leiper, Jimnxi,eRob- carton. Belva 1I5. Campbell, Teacher S. S. No. 11 Stanley F01 1 r-Nitlson 'Ward. Sr. IV -C. Johnston, L., INIcCly- mont and A. Fisher,' .. TY -M. NI. Coo ter 1i p i v, -� .Coo el 1 , Cooper, Cooper, Collins Sq, lt;~-IT, t atllwell, A. Parsons W. Parsons. Fisher, N. Hood, G. Fairbairn Jr.W. S . II -W. Ross, 'G , fIarvey, D. Mc Ivor, 0 P11 II -A .Nigh, Paltso'lis, Foster, Pt, -W, ` .1 lvoelcnran, D., Poster, W. Ross. The best spell,ells in the month- ly spelling matches ,arp; Fifth, N. Hood, So, IV, Lawerence Wasmann Jr, IV, Margaret Cooper, Jr, III Haploid Rothwell, Jr. IiI ,Norma. -Flood, Pt. II Waisted Boss, Pt. I Agnes Nigh. W,11 Johnston, Teacher. MYSTERY OF THE SALMON. Their Annual Mad Rushes and Death After Spawning. ' The world's g1011nt salmon runs are to be found along the shutes of the north Malta ocean, W the states or Washington, Oregon and Calit,ruin, the province of 13rltirdi Columbia turd Alaska, on the American side, and SI - berm and Japan, on the Asiatic side: So far, however, but few 05110011 have been canned on the Asiatic side. To ode who has never witnessed these annual runs it is almost an im- possibility to convey an adequate im- pression of the countless numbers of fish that swim -in from the sen in the late spring and summer, all imbued with the same desire -to gain suitable grounds in the upper reaches of the rivers, some of which are from 1,500 to 2,500 miles in length, where they may perpetuate the species. LOGS ' WANTED Highest cash price paid for all kinds of timber, Soft Elm in lengths ot 14 feet, other kinds usual lengths. Heading Wanted Basswood, Soft Maple, 40 inches long, 84.00 per cord. STAPLETON si1LL daft NSIMELNISSIDElla L U. S. Government Standard Below Is an extract from U.S. Gov, ad. for tenders- "The auth recite coal must be equal to that mined and prepared by Philadel plica A 'Leading Coal & Iron 00" We handle nothing but the first grade Philadelphia & Reading. 1Vu' oostacle toil/ears roe great to '110 surmounted in this feverish rush. Jumping falls, shooting rapids, dodg• ing nets, bears, birds, utiuta, otter and other enemies,fighting with other males, whom the near approach of the breeding season renders especially sav- ages -all these are :taken as it matter of coufse, - And yet one sometimes wonders if the heroic' struggle is worthily repaid, for the moment of victory is also that oY death, as, sad to relate, these valiant voyagers can breed but once and then must die, their wasted bodies, which have 'received no nourishment since leaving salt water, beeomiug the prey of any prowling bear or, carrion bird which may chance upon • them. Why these fish should all 'die after spawning still remains one or the great unsolved mysteries of the scientific world. -Wide World Magazine. 'louse h,r Sate Storey and a half frame house on Queen Street; 10 rooms; town and soft water in house, acre of land with a number of apple, plum and pear trees. A stable and good sized chicken house. Possession April 1st. For further particulars apply on premises or ad- dress. MRS. ALBERT TURNER Clinton, Ontario W. .'B I$ Y I1' O. LQ E• OA1114ISTER SOLICITOR ROTARY P01 t,10, ET() CLINTotl 13H5tWILE'S 13. iIIRL..a= Conneyauce, Notary Public, Oommissioner, ete. EAL. ESTATE AND 1NSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses„ Huron St,. Clinton, H. T RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate INSURAIrCE"AGENT-Representing 14 Flre:La Bsurance Companies.. Ej1Hi1sion Court Office.. 11OEed nal. 1OR1 f'. W. THOMPs0l Physician, Surgeon, tits special attention given to diseases of Line Eye; Ear, ' Throat, and Nose, Eyee-carefully examined, and suitable glasses prescribed, i Office and Residence. Two doors west or the Commercial tints Baron St. DRS. .GlllliN• and GANIDIER. Dr, W. Gunn, I. D. 0, in,. L. It, C. d.. Ma Dr.J. C. Gaudier. B.A. MAI, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton, Night Calle at residence, Battenbarg (St: or at hospital For Sale DR. .1. W. SHAW. PPIYSICIAN, SURGEON. cenurhenr, etc.., office and residence on Driving Mare for sale. Will be tenburys0. opposite W. rerran's residence. sold cheap for cash or part cash and part feed. Apply to DR. F. a.AXO11I JOE RATTBNBURY. DENTIST Sale 2Crowii and Eridgo Work a Specialty.'" Farm for Sale Graduate of 0.0,D.0.,e Chicago, and R.o.D.6 Toronto, Hayfield on -Mondays, Mav 1st 5o Deems &r: Being lot 24 and 25, 4th Con. of Stanley. 70 acres all cleared, having never failing spring creek. well fenced, frame house, and harn, 36X50 lean to 14X86 stable under whole building, the stables are cement being put in one year ago. Small orchard. Tele- phone and rural mail. 7 acres of alpalfa good catch, Possession and terms to suit purchaser. Apply nn premises or to W. POTTER RR, No. 5, Clinton Drs. Geo. tt E. Whitley Ilei lelmlann Osteopathic Pity. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbmy Hotel. Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m, DR, H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, Speoial care taken to make dental tragic sant as painless as possible, THOMAS GUNDRV• Live stock and general Auction sea, GODERIOH ONT E•ar r, stoca sales, a apeman 1, Ciders at tit NEw ERA. odlce, Clinton, prbmpr y attenasi to. Terms reasonable. 'Farmers' safe Hata discounted'. G. D. McTaggart M. D. MoTaggatt McTagolar t res, BANKERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON' General Banking 1'3nainga a ry isisa'Gtoci NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed to deposits Farm los' Sale The M cKillo , Mutual. The undersigned offers for sale improved farm of 160 acres, Lots 13 and 11. Con, 17, Township of Goderich. situated on the .Base Line foul' ni'1:s north' of Clinton, CHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill, Iltealee'ievt Da'il'y f,'aal'illl From cut` stock of first-class cows we ,are, prepared to supply you twice tl't:ly with best of milk and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage, E. B, 1TILL. t?il'ls Wanted Experienced, and 'girls to learn Knitting a::d Looping. Will pay $5,00 per week while learning. Steady employment. Pleasant Position. Apply at once CLINTON KNITTING CO.,. Clinton, Onario, FO.RD & McLEOiD We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Gooee Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and a41 .Grains. FORS & oLEOD AAAAAAAAW4A6AAAAAAAAAA11 4 4 P10005 1 See and h�.ra finest . our es ns of New Stylish designs Y a Doherty Pianos and g' Organs, g EP.: special values' i'n Art P Cases 4 Pianos and organs rent r ed, choice new Edison 5 a phonographs, Music & variety goods. •I 1 Hume Emporiums e E VHoare • .J. Holaow.y i House'phone 12. :OtBce phone 40 p• w msverniegramesisonnormegrimemesramminus Vvvvvwvvmrvlrvvvvvvvvv, l Fire Insurance eGo Perm and Isolated Tonna Preps, erty Only insured. OFFICERS. 7.B.McLean, President, Seaforth, .1 Connolly, Vice -fres., Goderich. 'ail 'Hays, Sec,-Treas., Seaforttrt DIRECTORS, Watt, Jae, 0 Connelly, H.clmDale,esvlll Clie,nton; D. Jot; 'Harloek ; F, McGregor, Seafortb ; 3. Eve -ma Beechwood, J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J Benneweis, Brodhagen; D7, M. Ewan, Clinton. EchDiretr a e o s is Ins to losses in hie own dbstrict. r o - AGENTS. • Bobt Smith, Hariock ; Ed. Iftneh+n ley, Soaforth; Wm. Chesney, Hp.- mondvi le; .i. W. Yeo, 'Holmesvfiles,. Payments may he ,made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R, H. Cutt, Goderich, JACOB AYLO ' 0LII1I`0141 Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sold Money to loan Office Isaac. Street, next door to Neva Ers Grand Trunk Railway Systreas Railway Time Table London, Huron' and Bruce. s North Passenger London, depart 8.80 a m 4.50 para. Centralia 9.40 5.48 Exeter 9.53 5,54 Hensel] 10.08 6.05 Kippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.30 6.19 Clinton ]1.00 6,35 Londesboro,,s11.18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7.00 Belgrave .. ,,... 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35 South Passenge•• Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p a:p Belgravia 6.54 3.44 Blyth 7.08 3.56 Londesboro 7,16 4,04 Clinton .,7.50 4.23 Brucefield 8.12 4.39. Kippen. 8.23 4,4? Heneall! 8.32 4,52 Exeter8,48 5.05. Centralia 9.00 5.15 London, arrive10,00• 6:1O' Buffalo and Godes Wee" PeAsenger a mp p ,n. Stratford 10,00 12.20 5,21010,2,s Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 16,41; Seaforth10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12' Olintbn 11.07 1.25 6,40; I1.28 Holmesville 11.16 1,33 6,45 21.33 Goderich ,. 11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55 East I essenger Goderich 7,10 2.40 ,44.50' I3olmesville 7.26 2.57 ' 5.05 Clinton7.35 3,07 5.15 Seatorth 7,52' 3.25 5.', Mitchell 8.16 3,98 '5555. Stratford8.40 415 0 23 soseseeep0000esesooineesses Small Advfs. Always. Pay •SSS•IS•*S•seessef eeeense 010