HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-02-26, Page 8T "pFage A YEW CLINTON NEW IDEA. tf cj•n g ' IQI4 P .ttertls, Saturday 52C' 100, yards of Swiss and Cambric F,ouncings in open, showy patterns for aprOo•ns, `women's undergarments sand dresses, zo inch depth, 6 good.designs to choose from A. inches wide.' worth in the regular way 75c to 85c, on saie,Satutxday from, ,4,5 New Spring B-utterlck Patterns now in Stock Sae' Valenciennes >�Laces—One Thousatad Yards BB " 500 yards `German, Valenciennes and Torchon, worth up to Lot 1�! oe 10e; both •laces and insertions.. A large range of dainty pat- terns to choose from, on sale Saturday at 3c �4, 500 yards Fine Valenciennes, Cluny and lot t.ou worth up to 1.4 - 15c. Laces in dainty widths for dress tritnmings,• some two- tone effects, on sale Saturday at 5c Latest Arrivals .in New Dress: Goods New Whipcords,Brocades, WBlack and White Checks, Bedford Cords, French Crepe, in all the new spring colorings. New t rillings New Spring Mzrchandise New Trimmings New Marabout Trimmings in all the latest colorings New Buttons, New Flouncings, New Laces, New Shadow Insertions New Corsets New Spring Corsets to fit all figures graceful and easy fitting, priced from 5oc to $5.no New Double Frillings, New Frillings edged with fur_ in black, white and yellow. • For the House=CPeaning Season carpet*, Rugs, Matts, Curtains We are showing a large range of Piece Carpets, in Brussels, Tapestry and Wool, green, red, fawn, 5oc up Linoleums and Oil Cloths, in one, two and four yards wide, at 5oc and 55c a square yard. Floor Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, Wilsons, Velvets and Axminster from $6.00 up. Lace Curtains Tapestry Curtains, and Tapestry Table Covers atilall prices. Linoleum Special for Saturday -200 yards of heavy Linoleum, 2 yards wide, in floral pattern, regular 5oc and 55c values, selling at 42c MEN'S TAILORING DEPARTMENT. All the New Spring Suitings are now in stock. Plain colors promise to be 'fashionable, We are showing a very classy range in browns, greys and blues, and invite your inspection. Your fit and our workmanship guaranteed or money refunded C .•crew 9 f.3 Rte- - stisammtscarsucaarrtgam-, • •Nit10N•••••••4•Y•••••••••••000•V40®44.+00pd4*N0 d ••••••••.peo00oo0000004000 to**0*+®a4.ead0oo00® 41o000a SUPPLIED 1Vt'USIC AT 'HENSAIIL, COUNCIL MEET MONDAY. Tho Phalen Orchestra supplied `The regular meeting of the coun- the music for a dance at Ilensall cil will be held on (Monday ove last Friday evening:.. Ling off next wlerk. WILL BE SOME COLOR, 'FAMOUS SINGLE TAXER DEAD. The London Free Press of Moa- Singlepie taxdhasocate'lostin itstblemostp1eathi of l day had the following ',,editorial ebTin, oay.tl .noltiel; Goderich is to have. anew Joseph Fels at (. Philadelphia on harbor light that in.brrlllan:cy will sundae, eclipse Edward. Norman Lervis's lat- estt recd necktie, : I)VERT IS1N0-ISAO, 3 WELL WORT/4 W -`I TWO 11ece5snties +'10)t lined in One Opportunity We are able to offer our own paper and the Toronto Daily Mail and Em- pire. -the two together— DIM Row Nov. 109140 2.75 We are determined to increase our list of subscribers, therefore we'sub. mit this Sr?ecial ,Bargain Rate Send or bring all orders to New Era Office i AD V E n`t'TSIN0-IS MS. A :calm,, conservative p.dvertise- mein, 11'e,U Written, and properly displayed is vastly Phone effective than a spread -;eagle bombastic lot of boastful.language which the merchant himself does siotbelieve,a SHARE EQUALLY, •• At the Conferencebetween,Judg:e Barron, Stratford, Judge Holt, Goderich, and Judgie Robb Simcoe, held at London on Tuesday in re ,gard to the division of,thlet glebe, between the two Anglican churche's in Chatham it was decided that each church should sharia, equally. This matter has bean under dis- pute for some time. RECEIVED THREATENING LETTER. • Rev. Mr. Smythe, who was at one time pastor of the Ontario Street Methodist Church of this town, now of Bridgeburg, in Welland, where they recently had the hot Scott Act ;fight, and who was pron in,ently identified with the temperance cause there, recently received sev- ertal .'threatening letters, which he turned owe:• to the police. So far no arrests have been made. ONLY HYDRO, Friday night last about 11 o'clock Chief Wheatley when passing Miss There are 12.318,000 telephones in Cantelon's millinlerry store heard a use in the world, and some people rasping noise !Riddle the millinery who love to listen, wish all ,.of parlor which sounded like the drill- them were on one party 'line. ling of ;,a money •safe; 'Chief The seed catalogues are beginning thought of filet it might be the to arrive and the tomatoes on the crackling of fire, the store being front page look more luscious than closed for over a week as Miss frier. Cantelon is in Toronto attending It must have base perfectly easy the millinery openings. Chief dis- patched —and sa natural—when( �a Clinton patched a messenger .for Mr• girl said' she had a "ripping time" Cantelon to bring the key, when the door was (opened he 'found at alh creause t re had arty where some un - don her the heavy voltage of Hydro was g Y causing the meter to grind and gown. rasp, • e WARNING TO MAGISTRATES TO CORRESPONDENTS,` " Many Eakins were caught red - We arle'desirous of having dor- handed on the grounds' of various district, and in ball parts of the fairs last year. They were in some district, and will be place ed to cases taken before the Justice of give their• letters a in our the 1eeaee and those kind gentler columns, but each letter must be men imbued with the milk of hu- man kindness, 1aergmatted then. to go on suspended sentence and a- way they went to ply their wily thieks at some (other fairs." In these words did Mr. J. Locleie 'Wil - ANOTHER FLOOD Mr, J. E. Hovey had a serious 'faoodt•out-at his stone on Wed- nesday night and, a liig damage was done to his goods and fistur- , es, This is • the second flood this .,winter. Good Advertising is good. nature; Good natureis,thle greatest human appeal on earth. Not "jollying,•'not lightness of vlerb%age,,but :the good nature. of•sinneiity, offriemdl',ness. THE REVISED 'VERSION,'' Fa'the4 dear father, Come home with me now With-liytl'rei electric ' • They're milking the . cow. SIMCOE'S NEW SEWER SYSTEM. The Sinicoe Reforjm,er says the new sewers for that town will come high. The trunk mains and disposal plant will cost $50,000. The completie -system will cost fully $200,000. The operation will cost $1,500 a year. MINOR LOCALS. The man who draws his pay by the month loves February. Never let your tongue wag on the hinges' of malice and untruth. In Landon the citizens' get Niag ata power for lighting at 4 cents' per 100 ,square feet of floor space and three cents per kilowatt with 25 per cent. off for prompt pay- ment, 1.0. a'two storey house 20x 30 feet will pay a 'fixed' charge of $1.32 per annum and 21-4 cen'tsper kilowatt for the ;electricity used. Thursday,February 26th, 1914 A NEW CABINET MINISTER A new face comes into the ranks of the Honorables in the Provin- cial Cabinet in the person of :Dr Prioslton. He is an old member of the Ilouse, 54 years of jage, but adds no particular strength to the inner circle He is made a Minis- ter without portfolio but has a b.e`- ter alliance for any vacancy or shuffle on account of this promo- tion. AN AGED RESIDENT GONE Last Sunday evening Mrs, Pen- nebaker sr., passed away after a 'Short illness. Deceased had been a resident here for many years. Besides her bereft husband a grown up family ' survive. The funeral was held t on Tuesday interment being made at the Clinton cerise- +teijy, Rev, W; W, RTylio pastor of th'e Bal..,at church had charge of the •services. signed by the' writer's real name, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. The„ news must net.ble offelnsivein any respect, and anything of an insinu- ation w111 be, cut out. Send early, son M:ondemir the feigns at the in order to insure its appearance •n country fairs n'iile addressing over the current issue. We have lately ,six, hundred rile a entatives at received a number 01,unsigmed let- the Fairs Association tweeting last ters, some of which seemed to have wee(".. "I am prepared," he de - more behind then. than appeared Glared, "to ask the attorney Gen - on the surface, TM" se •.letters will et take away the commission_ always reach the waste paper bas.:' of anynth ieh'ate who doles not et no natter by whom written: We scv,orlfine these men. My opin- must have the name of the writer, 1 ion 10 that every vestige of drool: AN' OFFER WORTH WHILE. 1 ed work should'be wiped out. Does any ane of you 'wan(t to see the Between now and November 1st li money of the young meal enticed tber;e will be all sorts of interest- l away from them by the offer of a ing news, and newspapers will. be which rs ee -rotten that it would well worth while, It is the season ! kill the Afrreae dodger Who is the in which. greatest ah national life means ,,of 'winning it? Last year finds its greatest actrvity. WO ; we had detectives at all the fairs have Made arrangements with the to guard against this nuisance. Re Toronto Mall and 'Empire by which 1 member: that any association which we axle able to offer the big Mat- , permits these men on its grounds ropolitan Daily and our own paper is liable to lose the government •—the two together!—from now till sum of $2,75. Surely this is a heagrant." November tst,1011, for the nominal l- j THE KILLARNEY GIRLS, ed -up Measure that few can resist. , We maks• this concession in price i Probably the most-entertainkig with the Objeect of increasing our , and mirth provoking of the con - list of *milers,- as we feel that the eerts randier the management of the remits of fpr own pipe only re- ; J. E. Doherty concerti course was quire to 1e known to be apprecint-' that last Thursday evening. Seven ed, while the Mail and Empire is comely ladies with panniers hang - generally conceded to be Canada'sing over the sides of their skirts, Greatest newspaper. Sen all ord- . and with enough grlean showing ergs to office of this paper. 'toauggest thle Emerald Ilse, were the performers. They were the MINOR_r,OCAL'S. Killariney girls and whether they Lent. have ever been in Ireland matters Two more days in February. Spring will soon be bete, I little. Suffice, it to say they have ; mastered sufficient of ;the Irish Council meets on Monday eve- brogue and manners, to provide a fling. - ., decidedly pleasant levenin,g s a- How'does .Your -label on New Fla ,mus�enilent. The program wasade- read? llghifelly ijefrie hrng •one and. in - A -good crowd of • temperance troducfa some realistic uortrayls of workers were in town on Friday Irish life Irish songs and dandies e last.n• ey gintermingled with sparlcl:rig • ThD ® a kTin A few took in the dance at'Hon- Irish wit and l.mnor, which readily sail. onFrid�ay evening last. ' forret. fart', with the large 'audi-. R b t' row, cede. Miss Rita Rich,- the clever en • Plumbing and Heating A PURSE OF 'GOLD The Congregation of Willis church, very quietly made a can- vas and on . Wednesday evening a purse of gold was ,handed to Rev. Mr.. Grant, their departing pastor, as a slight token of their esteem for him and .his good wife. There was not congnegationlil meeting. ouorene xm' The choir will be entertained to- night at the home of Mris. John- eton, Eattenbur5 street and Rev." and Mrs. Grant will be honored guests. OUR SI�EeII3LS For Saturday and all Next WeeK for 39.00 39.00 6 00 League on Monday evening.. 0000ir00•00i•0000000• • • • WITH TH13, CHURCHES. 41 reg l 411 reg• Royal Coal Range, reservoir, high closet 45.00 ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Welcome National reservoir, high shelf 43 00 Miss Beatrice White, of :Windsor, ' sang nn Sunday last at both morning, • and evening est r vee. 7.5o Volrner Washing Machine Lighting Washing` Machine Bonnie Washing Machine, Rev. Mrs Langford addressed the'. I0.001 6.5o A Congregational banquet. will be , held about. March loth or 11111. 6.50 5.50 The pastor will conduct the services. on Sunday next. Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaner 8.5o 7.00 Electric Lamps, Table Linps and Rayo•uLamps at Io per cent discount, c Medium Lamp Chirnnies...:.... ...... .,...3 for 10 Large Lamp Chimnies.............. .. ;;.3 for 15 Received another lot Perfection 0i1 Heaters 4.50 & 5.00 Perfection Scales just the thing for family uce only 1 75 SIA ::LAND . BROTHERS R NOVELTIES STOVES HA U AND , HARDWARE be changed t9 Wednesday evening • of each week WILLIS CIIURCH. Rev.'D, K. Grant will close his pas torate here on Sunday. WESLEY CHURCH se Ida Wilk en and Mr. Karl Wilken sang a duet "Nailed to the Cross." The pastor took as his morning sub jest "Prayed out of Prison" and at the. evening "'rbe.Dectophone." Prtnripal Houck, of the Public School' addressed the Senior League on "One Unswerving Aim " SALVATION ARMY. Last Sunday evening Mi A mempi.+ial service widtbe held on Sunday night for the lateMrs. Pesenleibaker, who was one of the first names on 'Ulla 'Roll. Special music. • and o 'tdoor meeting The inside u g that was held on Thurjsday will SPRING 1914 TWSMTY c55 5 '"^" Ax, !TAMAR, rAin0.,i,nee slattitA, Bolero Coats Hip Draperies! Single :le and g Double Tun The - newest .and loveliest Spring styles trs hundreds and' hundreds are shown' in the new issue of the `'Standard Fashion Book for Spring With each copy you get any Standard Patted: Free 20 Cents at the -Pattern ' Counter! The w D. Fair Com Often the cheapest-lUways the Best SPENT A PLEASANT EVENING The St. Joseph's Literary Club spentt' la social evening in the I school room on Monday evening, of this week. LENT STARTED YESTERDAY Yesteitday was Ash Wednesday • marking the advent of Lent. Ser- vices were held in St. Paul's and St. Joseph's church'es. A NEW SUPERINTENDENT WANTED By; Can advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that Mr. Onslow Crich refused . to accept , the sal- ary as caretaker' e,of the Clinton Cemetery at $400 and when not re quired o tt there l:o work in the 'town. Before he was paid 15c an hour for wrok lin town, but the Council decided to cut the latter off. It remains to be seen if they have done the wise thing or not as Mr. Crich made a capable manager and did his work well. -___.�--- We Are 44e BLYTH ONE And the above tells a sad tate for the Northern hockey boys wha+ were defeated here on Tuesd'ng night by the C,R.S. boys by severe of 13-1. At half time the scorewasi 10-0. Harry Twitchell handled tae bell and kept the game frtee from; roughness. The locals had the best of the play and worked. fax some neat combination. 'Followi was the line-up of the Clinfarti boys,—Evans, Wheatley, Villein. Matheson, Kilty, Cook, Walker,. OLD BOYS' REUNIONS There will be a large "crop" calf •• Old Boys' reunions in 1014 jud:gSeg by the preliminary arrang. neo0rttte being made in numerous places. F.. is a very happy way to .enjoy ea 11ew days when visitors and visited conform to well recognized, rufeal 1 of conduct during the days chosen ( for the program. Same people: • have made a sorrowful show a:: themselves at some of these gatta- : erings by forgetting what got/ala- i manly behaviour consisted af. Lt 'ivas' a two edged sword. I Thi eorner Store I "Live and Let Live sr�Cab A �,.'F.'•'Hee Nave yon t int tett balk Tea; t'ac3 ' Oul ec, Enc, 40c add 150o per lb. aders rt l �.s Leillvr crs hi Home- made Tinewaare. Palls, BolIUl's, Intik,-alar. Sap Buckets aaaltl Slap Panes Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grateess and Apples. Fish Call in and see the quality of the Tin Fresh Frozen .herring, Halibut, Carni we are using and you will be sure to an Haddie, Cisco, Cod Fists sod take a pail or two home with you. Filletts. Renew your u scup icer r tertainer, was warinly greeted and The New Era circulation conti�u- remarkably good juven res .o grow, ie mad o i Ile imitations. She ,throws herself ews and will be glad to have your completiely into the ;spirit of the help. ;songs and was time and again ale- Saturday, Feb. 28th, is Paardes g bur Day. called'. Miss Andrews, contralto, There's been a dandy supply of pos(s�ssles a deep, nick voice, and ice cream on top of the milk bot- le ,o�e of the best ever heard in ties lately. Clinton. She sang Mother Mac Once again. Will that old timer, res,' with much feeling. Among who saidtherewasn't' goin'to be the entertainers' was anelocution- no winter," please stand up. let of real merit, Mss Werner. Her Now comes he consoling infer- interpretation of'a "Legend of Ire- land" that the peach crop•is very land was splendid, as were also a little `damaged but more eubetant- number of character sketches given ial data wilt e,availabhe around later. An Irish concert would not next Au ust. besueh, without an Iris1. step dance Flee le ten season has commend- Thin was introduced during the eve ed ning by one ofile young ladies. Then, too, the ladies ean,g in en - BRING IN THE NEWS. I� emblje a large number of Irish. laongs, from "Killarney" to the Do you appreciate, your New Era? 'Wearin' of the Green.' Selectiolnis Would you like to sae mogenetvd on a violin and cello at intlenvals, in your paper? Would you reefer completed the program. more detail in the stews that is published? If so, there is a way in which you, as a reader ,of this pa- per, can help to make it More to 11 COSIS NO I10PC WOPtA All It COSIS' l your liking. It takes a lot of run - ping around, much. time and eorne. inconvenience for a newspaper to' gather small news items such ,as. pelisonals, notices of small meet- ings, social gatherings, afternoon teas, slight ',mishaps, rete. It is the - business of a reporter to do this, of course, but even when he does his best th;erie' are always a few , small. items lett over because he, has not got in touch with, those concerned or does not hear of them until too late. Now, this way in which you can help The New Era ' is lto call us hp, drop +us a lime, •, dryop in and tell us, or often you might as conveniently write it out and mail it to ns, Anyway, let us have an intimation of anything of news value just as soon as you be- come aequaindled with lt. We will appreciate it and you will be mak- (Phone W t give ;the gave ,somle remar y o (`'Roue 133) 1401? YEAST REIID it's: Pure That's SUIT' OUP MOther'$ Belied PHI WAJ Should YOU? tuners r ing yoiu• paper that nrueh Metter. ' Eo E. flunniford PHONE 45. 5.++ +++++++4.4.+++++++3-14+44.4. +4.4..p..q.+ •i ++++++44.4. 4-1• .4.4..-it+*t++44+++.1.4.4 N•C:f+ + + •E + + + Ityou want to wear better shoes than you ever did before with- out spending as much money as formerly, see the remarkable values offered at. FRED JACKSON'S 1 GOOD SHOES 'FOR + 4• P'44 44.14+++++4 -14.1T+++++,44.4 t•+ EVERYBODY , f vitt w, 4 r .;..g.�.rt•.6'•F•&:��II••IItp�'rp�ri^�'tV8!!6