The Clinton New Era, 1914-02-26, Page 542'2385°.161MEgaliaa* I Ready Maniles ialyeair &bO Aims .. Phone 7S . o.10:durs , Itolitie ',.,' Furnish. il Assessiessusi .. Last eall inter eoats just a few irintrr Coats to clear at 5.00 This is a genuine bargain for those who i.k ant a winter Coat. We do not want to carry these over to next. seaSPri. Your choice of any Coat up to 15.o0 for 4,C0 Children's Coats , - Just twelve children's Coats to clear, all new , ,styles .macle of gocd cloth, sizes 4, 6, 8, to and r2. Some of these c sold at the beginning of the season for 10.00, your choice of the twelve for 198 The Last Call For Furs As new goods are ar- riving daily for the Spring trade, We must ' make ropm for them, so put all good Furs on sale ',including Black Lamb, Grey Lamb, Sable, Oppossum, Mus- . . krat, Thibet and Mar - 1 mot. Furs will be much higher in price - next'season, yourchoice of•any Fur in stock 25 per cent Off Fur=Collared Coats t2 49 Just three Fur Collared Coats, go,n1J3lack Bea- ver Cloth, Black Collar. Quilted Lining, regular price e 22.00 for 1 2 49. New Spring Goods Some of our new goodto land this week, Suits, -Coats, Skirts, Waists, Silks, Dressgoods, frimmings, • 'Frillings, Neckwear etc. The Store that shows the Ne.$ Thi' gs Hist. eisemmumm eiemseemeemou. 1411'CWIT ;4' i910V ',:t0:1).11!1:11fili;%!, WOO'vfiasned,+Ln tiir :9.6.t, h. onfth. cl,foi,, the ,weeks at: re,11.'me.),'11,3;aelh, eFri:',:iiesi.:;b,m;,(3.4 .d,ll C1'19100» ie motAg11.,,,./3 9. Shepperd 0 mizi4ltectO Ahle. 1411tililEelWeiriskIltli 1)14.7' re . , • ,t, °II 41 Bailing I N44 l'ctk.1.1 They set - f Huila . l tled on teferni .Yritilael" " ' . I lle.Ft'ovsel a general favorite With ell at '8Iii ' cc° mai'vi" lkt '43k)odeviel t9u1 lewr r baWs ereilledderthtaeilfdin.,tinh4ktniVlowr.n3;la-Ds uti-hliet 'le Jiaa, Leittleimeough, f .' Tck •Mr. aadMrel.., Oliver. Clerk have re i who kneW,hiol. 'As a, treigliber.:,he evetk 'Smith., She endureetreelt the hailiritliFli' W(,)risple, L7priotiPietrhteYeefibOtrilohi",;funplorreihnavp ,. ' utt uPe ree 1:hil.., 1, : .1 ' ii;j11401:74ni zfli 1 ; et. ,bwhere visiting , , , they hesh: ,a :i es °et hvOeerdiFe e;inivieliedgi,' helpingitodreleeilfir4,,S,:'..-'.-gioh,fero nt nd:'!Inxiblens 1,-'40:47!:::adyfeft,hi'Pheebier:aerife.hteiet.:uit:e'll.reetiittb:ael:deenets,e' vi'fin:li:nisici'InpTEii:vseitsehl tteleil:m,:ii:14tailft:', '' hy7Toiftn, etghsmaciire:ebi:er:61:14eal:fait'll, iiiihle:31. eecf:r..1117w,virl:. WW.111,43 glinflto bear' 'that elis',,Tite-se ineinbrY of Andrew Davidson will 1014..'OtretiringdIseosition Ore made tnany 'to' a 'new' site near the thriving ,eon, tytio has been poorly for, 'Settle remain, greefe inrtheneigbberhood ee , time; teimpeeving,, . ,. , 2 , - empty, estere: pe,„eereeeoost 57 yeirre 'ever Willing.to kindle Willingliand bet,' 16,1rtantilgebasmeaisson.to, be tthe butcher didel,Welkr'llt religion he Was 8, P1,0809 ' lovittglniternorY will long he treesileicV WM. Stevens -delivered to WM. ArShalPha016' treated , yoneg wen terirn.and io,poiitics, a etaunch Liberal , bY Yoneg end old 01 the neighberheed., , Mr. the ingnn Feenie to a yerY ahjoYable evriday last, It *as well attend Re leaves to it,estirti his lossi',a.sorrow' where she lived, Out of a faiallof , Wm. Hill, & Sona mill yarcl, a they d three sens and -three tweive'ehildren only Six StirViVe. ,A1 ..Weelest age a tree which will Pre- ,. Wm. Robertson has sold his farm (10.1.4idters. The eldest, Cluff a step son ' thinagh. not a robust constitution of , ' bably constitute a record fel' size. 'ecll, 04'1110 number of about- eeverity, loft widow. An .e6 w. Marsh; Re intends moving to ..of Peanaute,Sarik., JameS Scott ' and later Years Slie wrieradWeys able to be. The tree in t' is is a maple out Wilenilseg. . ' • :" John at. honae,i Miss Marjorie, of 1..' • otound until' the beginning of 0113 year of which were cut five, logs of an , Miss Alice Fingland has been, spend ginie. Sask. e-;411.08.Affee and alittle giii when she he'd the miefortente to fail average length of ,ten fteet, and ling a fewe•Weekle visiting 'relative. hi atherne, The', ,funeral,. was held on and' break her collar one and owing will measure upwards. Nee .,,ehree_ leialt, and ,,ReeerIV. ' . Wedneeflaye afternoon 'at 1.30 to the to bar advareOed Veers the shock prov 'thousand, feet of lumber. , ' .„uiss piics; carter ,oe senereom ,sUer,,t ,place of internientin Dairen( ceetetry.' eel fatal hut She bOre her sufferinge- Mr, and Miss Treunarer, of Zur- the: week end With' her friend ,, Misses rhe ereet° PethY"Pf the en,tire e°011heel -witti'eheietiae resignetion ond Wa8 a- ' ich ' Wette the guests nt' the' home Pearl and.Beeeie'011oningharire. -tY goes mthe bereaved family in worthfm Christian Woman Who WAS 06 i;/f mr, j". a Duri,t on 'Sunday. The A. OAT. W. held their, thi8 their time Of deep sorrow 'and teemed by all Who knewheti and medb ' beloved in her family. 'rhe funeral Oyster supper ab the home, annual f John afflietler. , ' ' • ' - 01) TI:IiijSday was largely attended and 'Fingiand. About thirty, five. epent an waSeunducted by her pastor, Rey. D esinsitoinygtiblnef evreenaidoign,gst,heappereonghrearsn acondn lemAnvieeerely'l'aPtrarthteYeeto'InCice3 1 ildig lilwrass. °I3J-:l.- it. Greitt, of -Clinton, who 'Spoke very ting aet °3041e• • - ' ' Esoilurtdhgedf llvelleio.e,raetsidheighhnalolonWinedlillen feenemlieninly,conftatchtewiiitiflhaaerinde8ttioeC uanlireneshit spent a few days visiting their brother DesdaY, ,when her, YonlOgest dau-• e.ntion bestowed • upon her liy Mrs. Wright and Jas. 'Roberi on • ght'er, Mieli Anna, liecemethe bride* her immediate circle of friends during Andrew, at Oooksville, of Mr John Watson,, a \prOsper- her long illness and the most lovely ..........— ..:.•••••••....,•.._isa. ous young farmer, of the Mill road; floral offering sent after death. Rolteessedille , Tuckerstnith.The ceremony was Miss Lockwood, of. Clinton, spent pew:formed by 'Rev. J. M. Cameron the Clinton, spent Saturday and Sunday ainf 'Gtheeallpgrawtsaelwnnee 1 an nf 11' 'thnlealerealfatives Suitridts4..17 i blitlithiehrolilvaiildnal'inLdu la'llaUm°i'llyn °lel i bride, assisted by 'Rev. Hall Woods with Mr. Win. Mulhollaed and most intimate frlien(cls. After 011'. J. R. Holmes spent the week the creemony they all sat down end in Toronto. to an tex.cellent repast, after The cheese factory has been gettiwhich the happy 'couple drove to ng its supply of ce for next sun, inter. selatoro to take train f.or Toron- in Rev. Mr. McCormick is holding re to and Whitby, On .their return take up their residence vivid meetings at Bethel appointment- hey will- uradaYi VebruarY 2901, 1914 on the Mill road. the last two weeks. Goderich Townshin 1 Porter's Hill A letter grom Win. L. Leeches>, of L, 0. L. No. 180 have decided to hold etaplecialeeSirek., tinder date of Feb. a Box Social in their hall at Sharonon 1 Sod sayet- Dear Sir., -Please tind en Monday ' evening March 9. A good closed pest, office order for the -1enety 1 program is being prepared and a geed al of the New Ere, we 1118 _late in re , time is aseuted. Everybody come and newing but 4 suppose you will Say bet bring your lox. ,litiribei announce 1 ter late than never. We have had a went next week. lovely .winter until i.he 10th of Jan. A L. 0 L. 169 will hold Abele regular neighbor of ours had his wife discing meeting:on Acindity Mareh• 2 as ensi and her baby s eeping in the waggon tiers of importance is to be tratisaeted on the 8th of Jan„ and he was digging a ful atte tidanee is re queeted. a cellar foe a new house; however we • .... are getting winter in earnest now, it is :32 below zero tonight. %Veil I must rinse wiehing you it Prosperous New Year. • The [rimy friends of Miss Emma E. Pickard were indeed sotry to leer') that site had missed sway in Tordiato on Monday Meta after an illness ex tending over 11 years. Deceased was a, daughter of the late John Pick ird and was born in Pickering township. About a year ago she went to Toronto to live. The body was brougb t back to her brother's home on Wednesday and the funeral is being held to day from her brother's residence. Mr. Fred 0. Pickard, Cut Line, to the Clinton Cemetery. Deceased is survied by eix sisters and three brothers. Fred 0. Pickard, of this toweship; William, of Columbus, Ohio; and John, of Ter:lend Mrs. Wm. Ste p, of Michigan, Mrs. Ft. Y. Cox, and Mrs. W, J. Patton, of Goderieh township; Mes. C. J. John eon and Miss Maud Pickaxe, of Toren to, a.nd WS. Jas. Ford, csf Victoria, 13 uron Co. News The Conada, Furniture Factory Sem ed NVedneslay rn 'ening of lest week when it became k to wit thee Mr. Wm. Bray had coinnote d tuicide by hang 11)7. The neighbors and ti iende of David and Mete 11100ittchemi of Leadbury met itt their home last iday night and presented them with a r:cker and an easy chan• its a token of re,peet anti remeinberam e before their temoval to Regina.* Reeve Shortreed, Goll line, Morris township. with quit e heavy loss in the detail of his nne heavy theft ste ion orris Chtunpion," rieing "TeethMedea 'large shipment ot debits to the Goodyeir Rubher tire Co., of Toronto, this week The derks were m beautiful collection, with roll tope quarter cut oak. light finish. 'I he inanagement. was justly proud of the '• uutput, Tacmas Bissett, foi .70 yeeis a rest dent of Exeter, died very unexpectidly at his honie early Sunday. Although he had not been in good heithh, fot• some time, death followed an attack et heart 'failure. He retired as 118,1101 but shortly atter complained of feeling w ins old. The animal weighed lo cwt nnwell, and a few minutes later was and was valued at $6.100. dead. His son Albert died in Brant Tne sad news was received et Lead. 'ford a few weeks ago. lawy of the decea8e of Harry Se irlett, HensAl Council has decided to take yeeng.rt 100 of Oho late nenei seal. immediate action in the way of pro irt I, of Metre dim, ho cited ILL Portland viding an adequate town 111011 and fire Oregon, ag. d 47 3 ears. protection for tbe village, both of them being long felt wente. The rate payei•s are backing the Council in the project. Mr. Albert Hykrnan on Jan. 281h, tapped,49 maple trees on the farm of Six eleetnic locomotives, the William bloonev, near Chiselhurst and boiled down 'three gallons of pure most powerful of their type inthe tone. world, have been ordered for sere Mts. Win R ittonbury end daughter vice in and out of a New York rail Alice ne ended the In irriaere of hei• son John Reeteneory of 13 irlington which A thin paste of wood ashee and lemon juice will renew tarni.siltecl brass, 4.ondesboro Rev. J. G. Reid spent Tuesday with Seaforth friends. r Mrs. Alex. Hamm, of Blyth was a visitor at Mr. Jas. Hill's on 'Mon- -day. Mrs. T. Roberton and Miss Ivy, of Clinton, spest the week . end at Mr. Wm. Riley's. Mr. John Allen and family rimy ed to London on Tuesday. They will be much missed in these parts and the best wishes of la host of friends go with them to their new home. 1. Hobert Crawford has bought the house and Int frem Eph. Brown. As Mr. Wm. :51cCool and his son Were engaged in felling it tree quite suddenly a large limb 1 yoke and crash ed down to the ground • Mr. McCool ran to avoid and succeedseeeiejerceseetergreiS ing the itt:11..ef.,1;),Wer.+ereing him on the head et the eecident might have been C. Deeeased was a member ot the fa elerse'res it.wee, the limb hit, him on Methodist church all her life. _to the back mooing very severe injories, church, conduots the seetrelices today. trent which he will be laid up for some Mr, McCormick, pasem. oto' -Cent:glom:We Con. will be sort y of Mr. Ad time. sembled at the home of John Allen on About 40 friends and neighbors as The many_fiti.mfas bear 'orhis illness. He underwetne to Feld"' night last and presented Mr, an operation An Clinton hospital and Mts. Allen and -Mrs Best with on Tuesday, at time of writing is remembered. Me. end film Allen and 011aiv each, Little Kath'een was also doing as well as could he expected er "12 I His friends wish him speedy re- sere. -es, have eeen eater, workers in the Meth° list church ard they will covery to good health again. he much ssed in the neighl o hood. Mr Charles Switzer is in Wing-. Tiny are leaving this week for Lender; ham learning to be a barber, Char tele re they will reside and where their ley has been in the West for a few son. Wallace, has a poeition in the years, but be seems., irto think old ord'nance deparement of the military service. Ontario is best yet. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Perdue are Me,,Richerd Adams, for over thirty visiting relatives in Southampton. five se ire a inueli respected merchant Rev. W. II, Cole of Flint, Mich., Of Loncleshoro, has moved with Mis, and brother of Mr. Peter Cole has Adams and Mrs. Woe dinar, to .Blytb, gone Ito Florida for the good of baring 00 recount of a ppm ently per his :health. Mr. Cole has been in inanent disability, been rowed to 6118. poor health for the past year, and continue busini•ss entit•e y Litt y 111 his many friends in this town- June, 1913, Mr. Aclems showed, signs ship hope the warm climate may of nervous and physical distress cul benefit him. He was accompanied initiating soon in collapse, and during by his -wife. .11.11y, in deep met:Inchon/1. After 1011)1I Mrs. Beet Lindsay of Porter's Hill promise of recovery, a stroke some was part of last week visiting her 1 thing akin to piralyt is eppee.ree,riavieldn parents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Perdue, since that 11104.1 he In68 been dep of the tree of his voice. being confined Briteefield From the ft( (went i quiry made by I o his bed in whieh be rarely moves. Mr, Welter Watts of Peterborough his neighbors, cestoteere And other spent the week end at the home of frlendr, As to his welfere, it is yeey Mrs, Turner, he came to attend 111e evident, all deeply regeet the seri man• Mirsonie Ball at Swam:Ile ner in which he now lemma Lrincies• Miss Lucyelrane entertained a num hoe°, after his many se ears' dew). eee of her friends on Fi Way evening Mon to those interests which he al of hist week. when all turd a jol v gocid ways thought best for the 00110110n ityle bettet !tient and prosper; ity, toe be it tardy said of Mr. A.clarns, he was not only a merchant, bur, lie was alert an early end vigorous fighter few right took Mime on Thursday, Jo s 101 my principles. His cheriteteristic feel less Mende hem extend he,,rty ctingratula ness of utterance made bins couspic uous and gaihed fot him deep respect, eveu in difference of million, Through his unbroken illness; of eight months, he has had the untiring devotion of his sweet wife, who, with het wonder l'ul buoyancy of spirit and noeility of charectte, will be much missed at Lendesboro. Me Adam .' business hers been sold to Mr. Daniel Geddes, of Bel grave, quite well and eery favorably ' zurict At (860081115 meeting held here last Monday evening a Progress Club to be sffl iated with the Ontario Federation of Liberal' Clubs was organized with A. Hess as pi ovidional president and Dr. McKinnon as secretary. President H. Greenless, President of the London Liberal Club, was present and gave a splendid address on the political situa Lion generallyfie urged the import ance of every elector taking the keen est interest in the events which are transpiring just now, describing the present as it most critical time in the history of the Dominion. He spoke of the splendid work that is beiug accent plised by the Proaress Clubs and urged the members ot the new Zurich organ ization to work together as big results can be accomplished. He advised eending &levies to the annual meet ing which will he held In Toronto at Easter: Sentortb The "At Home" given by Britannia Lodge, No 170 A.. F, & A, M., in the opera hall last Friday evening, was very enjoyable affair. The hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion The first part of the evening WELS spent in progressive eucher, there being near ly 50 tables engaged. Luncheon was served at midnight after which dienc ing was indulged in until d o'clock in the morning. The music, by Cortese was of a high ulnas order. • Wed, Arnold Case has been appoint ed town aseeeson to succeed Mr. Wm. Ballantyne, who resigned on account of ill health. The Epworth League of the Metho dist church drove to the home of Mr. Sas. Wallace, Tuckersmith on Tiles day evening last and held their regu lar meeting, followed by a social even mg. CE has more to do with his euccess today than it ever had. I Anythinl that contributes to his NECESSARY. Is there anything that yon knew of that advertises success 11300 that? raeE R11111G? Certainly, nothing that a Man wears is more evidence, A few dollars spent on at ring, any good ring, will prove to be an invest. Inent to most men. • Mr. Smith, the assessor is on his romds agetin, John Goreut has engaged with George Thompson foe this year. John Oartright has returned home after spending the week end in Toren tp. Miss Lizzie Washington of Clinton is the guest of her sister Mrs. James Southcouthe this week. Harold 'Rogerson leaves this week for the West, after spending a few months here. blies Lily Connel gave a birthday party to her school friends en Saute day at the home of her aunt Mrs. Wm Carter. Mrs.^Best is spending a few months with her daughter Mrs. Henry Alleu. Herb Govier has moved front the fern) of Win. e,geeteset. 1)11. oung r Auburn. Saul Shannon has rented the farm from J, Rapson near Harlock. Mr, Rapson has [nosed to Blyth where he has irshoe store. Richard Sheddick has purchased a driving horse from D. Stevens. Mise Esther. Settles has returned to Clinton army speeding a few months at her home maple syrup. Mr. Ryckman is lust hozne,frcilmtthe North west and takes this gObcf record back. Who can beat this?. The hoose and lot owned by the es tate of the late Jacob Either at Uredi ton was sold by public auction 011 Mon day, Ed.- Bosseribury of Zurich acting as auctioneer. The property went cheaprat 6600, e Mr. Nich. Stire of Dashwood. receiv ,ed a bad, bite below the left eye on Fri 'day from Mr. Dan Schroder's dog. Mr. Stire vvail weirking for Mr. Shroeder andekas in the house at the time play ing with the dog and never expecting .the dog would bite as he had always been qeiet.' "'lir. Philip Hem has disposed his ",hundred acre farm in the township of Ueborne, being Lot G, Oen., 8. to his ,son MeIv,ille liern, who will take pos sesSion on Apriljet, while Mr. Herr), sr. will retire from the farm and move to Exeter.. The grim reaper was very busy in Seaforth last week, and claimed an other victim in the person of Miss, Charlotte Porter Market St. Miss Por ter took 'it bad cold on Wed. 4. which • .0oon' dev'eloped into pneumordn, " ,The'lloMe of Mrs. Thos, Davidson of Walbon, was the scene of a very pretty.weciding on Wednesday, Feb. 4 when her youngest daughter, Miss Florence Mable, was united in mar. riageto 14, NVallace Radisson Sask. The North Huron Orangemen will celebrate at Wingham this year. Donald Calder is home spending the Winter with his family near Leaclbury Tie had 3201 acres; of land near Alsask, waY terminal. The construction of tpip,e line 220 miles long has 'asnabled oil to replace wood for fuel for naviga- tion and other purposes in the in- terior of Kongo. Five separae articles can be - cooked over a single gas burner at once without inteafferenee by the use of a uten.sil that an Ohio' Wonsan has, patented. ' eferefeferrOVVVereielVVVYVVVVVVVYW Is tile Hine to 62 der 30111" Sap Pans and Pail -s z Cali and see our quaflfy 01_ e 7 Sas it„ and another year will give bun > q , his patents. ) Thursday of last week Mrs, Wm. on and Tin ? i 1 Hays, formerly L'zzie A. Love, depots 7 II) ter of Jno. Love who resides 4011115 n) > South of Seafortb. died quite suddenly 5 Egr=TEE3531122szammonwinsamaimmuna although she had been in poor health i Byani Et Sutter for some time. She was married 5 years ago arid went to reside in 5551111 chewan. Deceased ceme hack to I he > • parental home last November accom } SauttarY Plutithere panied by her hushend in Inc hope of look of wel .teedoriess is justified—yes, tions. Albert Allcenhead of L ndon ie 10 our village looking after the timber 02 Fred Rut:LAO of London. Mies B (0818 is attending the millinery °pet2ing-1 et Toronto. Miss iloener and son John have returned [ram visiting relatives in Miss Keys of Varna was the guest of Mts. Sime pson le, week. kOoWil. Wme.bicaith PI' has been laid up with an attack of I:1 Grippe. Mr. Ketchert of Stanley is at present The gem reaper of death did once more visit this community on Sabbath 'evening last. when Andrew Davidsce. one of the most high y respected Iasi dents of this district was called to his long home, The deceased had been. enjoying eplendid health for many months east, in fact wale a man who knew but little, the real meaning Of illness. It was on Fliday evening February 13, when he made the first complaint. He retired however at the usual hour, hut duritee 1 he night a heavy fewer sat in upon him. all the symtoins et that time pointed lo Le Grippe and itwas dolly taken for grant 511 that La fir•ippe was the tree time, at belt. A'day or so later, however, end the palieot was wrapped in intense pain and medical eid was speedily sumtnoned. The physician in charge pronounced it erysipelas Day by day ri passeand despite the closest medical „attention, and tender care, the clecea,s ed eradually sunk until 732) Sunday night, when he passed into the arms of his Creator.. The deceased was wide Iv known throughout the county of Huron end township of Tuckersinith of whicb he had been, a resident ree 0886 11(111 a ceoteley. fie wits the fon telt son of the late James DSVIC1S011, end was horn in the Spring of 1807 on the 25101 01008 owned by Ain John Dui et and adjoining that of the deceased. Phone 7 He was a loving husband and devoted boilding up heraihealth. >4 } f"il father, one not aloneedmired by his Usborne coinntity was sadly shock i,..X,VWYVVVYYVVVVYVVVNAN14 mh h WI , y, y t e community at large Tuckerentlth , Mr. John 111, Orich has sold his farm on conces ion 2, lot 31, Tuckerstn.tb, to Mr. A. E. M.atheson, feedstore man of Clinton. Possession will le given on the Lt of March, We have not heat•d where Mr. ()rich intends going. Mr, Sam Whit more purchased a well brad Durham cow at a sale in Clinton last Week. NESS LulaColerrian, teacher at Win throp, spent Singles, under the perent The death occurred' Met Sunday night after 11 ;short illness with erysipe las, of Andrew D.tvidson. a prom inent farmer 'of Tuckersmith who resided about a nine ,north of the vill age. He had been sick only it week With the disease and it was thought be was on the 120:113 lo recovery, when complicatione ensued which caused' his death. He WAS in his 571b year' and had resided for teeny yeare on the ferm he oivised. Mr .Dav 'Aeon was an industrious hardworking citizen and 0865 0111012 respected by all who came in conteet with him as his jo slat die position won his a host of frienns, He ycl8he8,1110rdlieinv,etah ebyy oliltinsvge'sti f ec f "wit osieuv 'tts1 Another Pioneer Gone -Many learn ed with feelings of deep regret :tnd 1310 cere sorrow rif the death of Mee. Jan Landshorough, another pioneer set tler of Hilton County which °relayed on S111'ida,37. at ber home Wooclhall. . Tuckersmith. When 5, young girl she al market price tonav ss 15 so per h Is, Mr. g on the river -en( heal - came to Canada with her parc in,g the whist.ler knew that there JE)a.sh-vv 0 0 d The third. of :lune will again see a great race meet here. 'rhe prizes will he such as to bring in some good horses The,sporting committee are going to build a stable on the grounds which will be a great accommodation for the horsemen. There is also some talk of building a grand stand which it is thought -will pay for itself in a few years. This place can boast of having more good, fast horees than any place of its size in Western Ontario. The noted hot semen, Meesrs. Bossenburg and filumpp, have four, Peach Bare who made it record for herself last season, is developing fine and will he found among the hest before this sea son ends. blinnie Bare is also ho'ding her own and good resultcan be expo ted. -They have also two green horses Do ly Parole, who did a half mile in 1.07 after billy le dirve work. Not bed after just cowing off the farm. With proper training she itill be a good one They have also Captain Green by Cap tainHarrs, a big etrong speedy fellow ho is bound to !mike good. Then Mr Jonas Haetleib has a spiedy fellow in Harry Barre. a horse anyone can be proud ot and one that wi I make good Mr. Norman Kellerman has a three Year 2.1.!...3. Wii,..154.4a,14;114,ng4Lne • t• proper handling will nuke a very speedy mare some time. Let us place our ring stock before you Mr. Man. Them aeik all the ques- tions you like. „ Auburn Mr n nelrew lilergueon met with a painful acciiel rit on Fo iday last. He was working In I 1)0 51009 111111 when it ho •It of woo 1 was caught by the eaw and ;Mown to the top of the mill and in sti tick Me. Ferguson on the head. 1.1e is ire paw ing and it is ex peered thi tun. will be able to be around agein in a few clays. Mr. Ed Mole of Seaforth, spent the week end visiting his perents. His welly friends 0 he glad to keow that he is quite recovered of the burns which be received from the explotion atit iooehasho, 1 1)1118 ago, 012,' es Beadle has 'purchased (3.10. iCa p1108 and ie husy eup ply hig Hetet) who put in ice for sew met, e. A.. • IloTinsm has been Appointed band einem. tio the Mete or vv. Mulch who has gone to (Winton to 0801 (0 Bits. Win Ruddy is under Llio, 000 tors are at the present lime. A.ftet numthe of declining i ealth Mrs Jas. Hewett paseed away to her home. 00 the 7111 cum Oulinerne on Tuceday Feb, 21011 She leaves to mourn her IOSS1 her husband and one son and also her pareuts, Mr, and Mrs. Series and one brother, Norman, in 1 be West and one sieter, Sit s. of Alit -men. Sh r was a. member of the Home Circle. Although called upon In suffer sbe bore her trouble with Lfinistain bat:trate through faith in her Lord and it.vione. The bereaved ones b tve the sympittey of the soboe cortiminety.' The ;tanned was held ou Thursney afternoon to Bill's cemetery Long cut Goad The people of the neighborhood were shocked when they heard of the death of Andrew tDavidson on Sunday night. Although every one knew he was seriously ill no one thought it so dangerous. , Miss Minnie and Tillie McCartney left on Monday for Detroit Where thye intend to make their home Tor sometime. Some "grown-ups" are suffering from measles -on the Road. The rain this winter has been as scarce as it 'was in the summer As there was no sleet, aceording to some people, there 'will be very Oew apples next season. , League meets next night at Mr. Fred Waldron's, COlbOnle Miss Alla Allin was a guest at the home of Mr. Wm. Stevene last Mr. Dan Schwanz returned last week from.a short visit in Cleat - ton and vicinity. Mr. Clifford Gledhill te,is making an extended visit at the home of Mr. 0.11, Forster. Ice mattin.g is the order of the Somethirg of it record in live stock WAS created at Brussels last week when Win. Jewit 8hipped 311 hogs. An ex planation for, teis unueually large munber may be found in the fact that during the recent colcl weather no ship ments were made at all. John Bate Man, Mr. Servitt's partner, shipped 89 hogs front Ettfel station sixles east of Beussels. A.,1 the animals were hetwedi five and six months old Ana their average weight wa$ 200 pounds W. R. eounter Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses was trouble. Ilte, put his party a- shore and rowed out, through the breakers, which were running very high, to the overturned boat and .succeeded in saving Jennings, hut Mason had gone • when he teethed the boat. Dr. Strang, of th leiGode- rich Collegiate, presented Case, who was his student at the time, with hismedal and eomptilmlented him on the readiness iin going to the aid of ehis Mends'. James mttehen, !editor of the.. fGoderech Star, presented Tiincerd, With the did:dolma and also' ceinplimientOd him on his presence of Mend a.nd readiness to help others in distress Both young men are popular around town. Goderieh Fire for a time threatened one of the business blocks of the town Satur day moruing, when pipe covering in the store uf 0. J. Harper, on West street, caught fire aLd got beyond con trot of men in the place. The tire bri gade responded to an alarm and man aged le extinguish the blaze before it had done much damage. The pipes were frozen and the tire originated in the attempt to thaw them. • Cemetery Superintendent Wanted Applications addreseed to the under- eigned will be received ine to 6 o'clock P.M. on Monday, March .2nd, for the niwition of Cemetery Superintendent: The Salary is 6400 00 per year. The duties are such as are defined by the Cemetery Bylaw, which may he seen at the Town Clerk's Office,. When not on duty at the cemetery the super- intendent 00211 1)15 reqnired to perform such other servieee at the tez.e.1..- areosereie,as (Thatilit4ffers7or oti--""44.7rerv7O7k as he may- be directed by the Mayor melee Chief Connnstable, without furthee remunera u . C. J, WALLIS Chairman. Cemetery Committee Prospects for the coming y,ear never looked brighter, was the feeling at the annual meeting of the Board of Trade held Monday night. A short canvass of the town for the last few days increased the membership by over 100 mem- bers, showing the interest which is being taken by the buslmess men of the town. Mr. 0. Cameron, pres- ident, in hes address, presented a ;detailed report of the past year and Showed 'everything to be in a flourishing cond!ti on for the com- ing year. He advised that more attention he given to the lack of fdeiglit business at the dock, that eveey- assistance be given(Ste the matter of radial lines noW being constructed in Western Onatario and that strong efforts be, cent- ered on getting more factories in- terested m the town. The follow- ing officers were elected; Pres- ident, 51. (1. Cameeon ; vice-pres ident, C. L. Moore; secretary, Jas. Mitchell '• treasurer, A. G. Nesbitt; council, Messrs. Parsons, Pridham, Megaw, Hodg,ens, Kidd, Fraser, Por ter, Hamlink, Campbell, Lee, Rob- elitson, Munnings, Pridham, Mc- Ewen. The following W01.0 named to go to Ottawa some time,jI ext week in the matter oe harbor im- provements; Win. Campbell, An- drew .Porter, 17.3. Megaw, W. L. Horton, B.C. Mannings, Dr. Mack- lin, W. H. Ro,bei!i.son. A, spe:tial car is being arranged for and this will' be added to by the Council repretsdnitatives, Mayor Reid and J. C. Laithwaite. The meeteng ad- journed till next week, when the matter of securing an armory here also the military 'camp 'w1/II 1.8, taken up. - George Case, son of Dr, Case of -Dungannon, and Thomas Tufford, of Goderich, were presented, with the Royal Humane Society medals for bravery Monday night at a packed gathering in rthe Opera House. Both young men are form- er stuclents of the Collegiate In- stitute and the presentation was, made during the prOduetion of an, opera 'entitled "The Private Secre- tary" by the students. The recip-' lents of the medals were 'given, an old butujeatie reeentSon as , theY stepped, to the triont to receive recognition of ,theer bravery in rescuing two drowning men. 00 June 13 a party of young men Went in swimming at the C. P. R.. bridge and one of 1 libel. party, Umiworth Jones, went beyond his depth. The river has a swift current at th1s spot and Case took great chances in going after the ,drowniing man. Thos. Tufford saved P. L. Jennings of Toronto, from ;drowning in Lake Huron on Sunday Aug.. 10th. Two inen, Jennings and Mason, took a boat to go to Point Farm for El TOW and were returning. When off •tee mouth of the Mait- land River 'they got into the swells which are always bad at this point, and their boat 'upset. Some people who NII0110 00 the piers SaW Ole boat go over and ran to the watenworlia and blew the whistle. Tufford, who was camping at At - trills Point wlith a party el Sriends House for Sale • Storey and a half frame house on Queen Street; 10 rooths, town and soft water in house, .6. acre of land. with a numher of apple, plum and ;rear trees. A. stable and good sized chic:ken house. Possession.„ -April let. For further particularS apply on premises or ad- dress. MRS. ALBERT TURNER Clinton, Ontario JOHN MAY Agent tor Deering People Is offeting Ideal" Wincing at close prices nisei] the 15011 of Meech next. Also offering a few black Cub Bear Robes below cost, 1 am hooking or- ders no w 'for Homestead Fertilizer for spring,. A call solicited. For Sale Good heavy Barred Rock Co kerels. Millard and Pringle strains, Also one It. W. Brown Leghorn Orck, Prices reasonable. R tw tuns bought nr taken in exchange l'or cockerels Eggs for sale in season. H. A. HOVEY, Clinton Auction Sate Of farm stock and implements, at lot 31, con, 6, Goderich township, .00 Wednesday, March 4112, at 1 o'clock. 510 and under, cash, over that anaount ten mouths credit. Everything will be sold as the proprietor has given up farming. E. Jordan, proprietor; D.N. Watson, auctioneer. Wanted -- A woman to.do honse work ly the day, must he good cook and competent to do any kind of house work, liberal wages to the right party... Apply to Mrs. Malcolm D. MeTaggart. NOTICE TO citorrons, In the Estate of Antboay lawe NOTICE is hereby given thrit persons having claims against the estate of Anthony Lawson late of the township of 1 Thalleitt, in the • County of Huron Yeoman, deceased who died on or about the 14111 day of February; 1914, are required to deliver to the undersigned Executors, or their solicitor on or before the ' 10th day of licraech, 1914, a full istatement of their claims together with partictd. areethereof and the nature of the securities, if any, belclby them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE thal after the said last mentioned date, the eaid Executors will proceed to d .s tribute the estate of the said de- ceased amongst the persons enti- tled there to having regard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice in accordance herewith. Dated at Clinton, this nth day of Febroary, 1914.. Robert Lawson sued Alex. Leitch Executor. W. BRYDONE, Clinfon, Ort. Solicitor for the Executor.