HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-02-19, Page 41
R utdy
to Wear
h,F8 Iti s
Phone 7S
Thinking of Vour.
New Gown?
Have You Considered
. Your New Corset
In justice to your dressmaker as
well as a duty to yourself, your
Corset should receive your first
See Our New Nemo Models
You must first make sure your figure contour
coxflforns with the newest fashion or else your Spring.
• costume cannot be perfection. The Nemo Corset
have taught thousands of women that are exact and
comfortable tit in a Corset of the utmost elegance can
be had without paying high prices. Many new
Spring Models now on display.
V e have t_,., Agency for.
V v g Y
this New Corset.
Special From the Coat Dep't
As we have one of the cleanest Mantle Depart-
ments in the County, we want to keep it this way.
We have about seven Odd Coats, not the latest
styles to clear. These are made of good cloth, sone
of these sold as high as 15.0o, your choice 2.00
East Wawanoah
The following is the report of a. t.
S. No. 10, Lasa Waainnaslh for the
month of January based on, reg-
ular attend ince and general pro-
fi, -
elen 'c'Y_
Sr. TV Owill.,= McGowan Ruth
Jr. IV -Violet Parker, Milliard
McGowan, Cora Dear, Len eat Toll.
Pear Ira 7.011.
Si . hall.
Jr, III -Edna McGowan, John Park
er, Luella Wilson, Walter Patter -
Sr. IL -Ella Toll.
Jr. II -Finlay McGowan, 'Clara
McGowan, May Parker,
Paa-Ida McGowan, Ruby Toll.
Myrtle Phillips, Teacher
Huron Co. News
Miss Emm L' Buttery of Cranbrt ok
Grey township was tisitieg at the
home t.f. Mr. Geo Baird on Monday.
She went to Hensel' in the evening.
Statistics -The total assessment
for e
n e h
of.eta 1
of the township Y
year 1913 was $1,955,368. On this
assessment there were the follow-
ing leviers.-
County rate -h1 4106.20
Township rate ..... - 5816,t4
Big Drain 614.11
General School Tax - 3266.17
Special School Tax 3151.39
Separate School Tan • 09.90
0 Debenitulle 155.49
" Debenture, Hay 33.20
Telephone Tax 256.3.81'
Dog Tax
Total Tan $20,415,41
The postponed mein ing of the
Women's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Mnllholl and on Thursday
a het noon, Feb, 26th at' 2,30 p tn,. ' Im
portant business on hand • nd a good
attendenre is asked for. .A good pro
gran, is being prepared;
Rev. J. Hussar, of Atwood gave l,is
JeeLure. en his trip to and ft i 1 P, g
with lantern views 11),c 08enii g
east ireerc heee, ttwee woe n fait' attend
Mrs. 1.! Mullhnl and is visiting be
daughter, Mrs. Gilwon 1 I. Delroir.
Miss Sarah 'L'ebbutt ia visiting in Gua
The many friends of Mrs. 1I rev
Aimee, hope !n hear of her restnratiun
It guud health ill the near I'nm u e
Exeter is to have a Carnegie Li- Mr. Peter Koehler had disposed• tit,
Wm Yee and sisters of the Goshen
Line Hay, are moving to Hensall. He i
has disposed 09 his farm to Jack Rau, 1
botelkeeper, Zurich, tor $11,000,
The Council of 'Puckersmith have
made a grant of $15 to the Hensall
Mr. Albert Bissett a former resident
of Exeter died in Brantford en Fob. 1.
at the age of 65 years. Deceased had
been suffering with blood poisoning
and also contracted pneumonia which
caused his demise.
R. 13. McLean of the London Road
Hensall received the intelligence last
week that his son inlasv, James Fowl
er of .Fiimore, Sark, bad died suddenly
Deceased married Miss Jessie McLean
ten years ago,
Mrs. Burge of Bencefied announces
the in arriage of her dau„nter Anna' to
J. S. Watson. The marriage take place
an the 25th,
Very few people are aware that the
late George McBa an of. Hensall owned
a fine timbered property in the
Province of Quebec, containing 000
:Nita. Eli Henhefer died
e at the home
of her son Daniel at, the loth con. Hay
township, after an illness of a few
An exciting sparrow catching match
has been going on for some time at
Zurich. There were two sides chosen
under the ' captains of Dan Staubus
and Melvin' Brown, the contest closed
.Jan 31.st. the sparrows were then
counted and tesulted that Dan had
1279 and Melvin 726, An oyster supper
•was provided by the losers.
Second Hand
• oo d Stoves
For Sale
In Geod Re `air
SkaleS Grey 1 }
50 acres Tarlo near Zurich, on which
the huildiugs were burnt last autumn.
to Alt, Herman Bender, for $2000" 00,
Mr. Bender now o,vna the whole of
this lot.
The Council of Stephen .intend tak-
ing over the different Telephone Coni
mulles line and making it into' a muni
tip a Systeln and build up lines in the
rest, of the township.
l during
been increased ft0rn
51.300,000 to $2,300 000.
.On Monday afternoon last the three
year olcldaughter 09 Me. and Mrs \Vm
Marsh, or the llowick aid Grey
honniry met with 0 severe accident.
Mrs, Marsh wventout_to the letter box
and when she returned found the
child's clothing, on Ree, The child was
beady burned about hetneck and face
but no fatal results are expected.
On Wednesday evening as Mr, and
Mrs Roht, Hupfer of Wroxeter were
drivinghome the he cutter scraped on a
bare piece of the road, frightening the
horse and before he could he got under
control Mrs Hueter was thrown out
with considerable force against a post
causing a severe fracture of the right
Mrs. George Thomas, of Exeter, sac
culnhed to,a years illness at her home
last Friday night, Mrs, Thomas is sur
vived h
her husband who is well
known and who is a local preacher
in James Street Methodist Church, and
by three sisters and fire brothers,
Miss Lizzie, James and Reeve John
Taylor, of Exeter, Mrs. A. T Pierson,
ot London. Mrs. Cook and Andrew of
St. Thomas; Robert and Wiliam of
Usborne Township.
Mr. Peter O'Sullivan' shipped from
Seaforth on. Saturday 26 steers which
he had purchased front Mr. Thomas
McMillan of Hallett. They were a fine
lot and averaged about1 0 pounds
g ,30
each. They averaged in price 8120
each, tusking the lump sum of $3,1.20
for the 26 head,
A Stewart one of thepioneerr .
dents of Brussels died Thursday mo!•o
ing at the advanced age of 82, heart
weakness being the cause of death:
Duncan' Stewart the well known in'
snrance man of Stratford, and Mrs.
Menzies, of Brussels are the, only
surviving brother and sister1
g - i of the de
As a proof that Goderich is growing
in wealth 191101 in populetin'e is shown.
in the annual statement of Mr. Wm
Campbell, which has been submitted
to the council. The statement shoe 5
that the last ten years the
At a special meeting of the Town
Council, held Monday : night, the resig
nation of Reeve L`Ilrotta
accepted The date for nomination
has been set for Tuesday, February 24,
and, election day March 8. So far the
2 only candidates known who will tun
Thursday, February .19th,
td vr ftrend ure and undo king busi-
+ vas het o 1 r'.solute l ime h ,s ',then into
esr iierehip n)
1 .Genes ',McKay v n'
li g1 1 ,n lvtll
The 1'nutness will in
fetter,• he r„du tori tinder the firm
mune 0 of Wa key and 3teKtiv.
21r�1 . hn Chu ark, of Js'grnondville,
had the e nnsl'or,:ul+e. to slip on he ice
on Wednesday. 7thd falling, broke her
The Mel hod ist church choir was
very hospitably entertained hy Mr.
a (Rev 1 i Al ' ps (he ) A. \V, Barker at the
parsonage on tt,dnesday evening,
The evening was spent in games and
music, after whleh refr, stints were
served and an ha,ur spent in social
An interesting art exhil ht is heing
held in the earnegie library this :dim: -
noon. The exhibit c'rpi es copies of
the rnesterp eces from the elednt
Society of Toronto ,and the proceeds
will he used to purchase pictures for
the Collegiate Inetitnte.
The many friends of Mra. L'nnchlln
Gordon wi 1 regret to learn of her
death which occurred at her home in
Hat'pnJoy oh Thursday evening Mrs.
Gordon, who maiden name was Janet
Stalgkirk. was 52 yeas'® of age, and is
survived by her husband and two
daughters in the West. The funeral
took place on Saturday afternoon,
interment being in Maitland Bank
Another very sad death ocurred in
the Berson of Jliss t'harinite Porter.
daughter of :>I;S. J. Sl Porter, Market
stroet. lilies Porter had been ill but 0
short' time with pneutnenla, and the
news of her death WAS a tient shock
to hey litany friends and eq,rtintan-
One of the coldr11 snaps wchavehari
fur a lot a, time is her at present, 'the
thernlonreter reached 22 d. grecs bolo i
zero. One good 30181E is that the snow
is not very dei,, in consequence the
farmers can get around fine to do their
teaming, there being It lot of 1o;;s anti
wood coming into the town.
The first use of the parcel post in
Blyth pest office was by Miss Emma
Leith who sent apack•+ge on Tuesday
at 1.45 p. 10., for his G. A. liey Mc.
Gregor P. •., Manitoba. The mer-
chants of town are looking cn this new
system with hoirom as they are afraid
it will assist the departmental stores
of the city to the detriment of them,
A very pretty hone wedding took
place at the home of the bride, when
Miss Alible l61c.0 11, daughter of at re.
Alexander McCall, became the wife
of Air Willi on G le on. Tee col ernony
being pet formed by 11 •v. AL'. 21,1111.
Brussels in 111e presence of the near
relatives, The happy couple 1, f for a
hon'•yninon trip to eastern p",int•, :.net
after they odium they '1 i 1 reel e r r,
the fa• in of ; he bridegroom, which he
recently purchased. ft. 03 31.. Jo'ir.
RiOhnlond 0' A101'1. fs
The illi' 1111 'nl ethig ‘,9 the I uhlie
110)51y I,01116 ti„s hell 0.1 IMu1.inv
evening et th are, Wrten the, t 111
cors were 1 • '1(1) e31 101' another year
This library is in excellent shape.
am Sutter
Samtar -Plumbers
P11e11C. t 7
, �.
are ex Reevell1io
E tt and former Reeve
13, 0. Munnings.
servic s r o
r , God
dedication c inn r
ich's new Masonic temple will likely he
held next month some time, 'I lie
building which is one of the towns
most substantial structures, was form
any opened on Friday with an excel
lent concert. The lodge rooms are es
Commodious and comfortable as any in
Western Cntario.
8i inghnm
21:1 .T \. Mills owl 111', A .f. 1"a'in
were Ji-rnd,Iy Il Ilttnnl,.1 U+ e.i.iept
the mayoralty. it roll 31r, Irwin re
0e.11Uy t •,.i011111 n= •':o1 11 l.e $,fund
1that , had ern hal ,i•:g the position
illeganv, 1. even men were ipso nom
inetet1 t„ 11 1 six podtiens on he mole,.
501101)1 Lu r 1. 'Pre 5„10113 glee ion was
made urc.•Ssary 1•y the' 1161overt' to
eenlly that the 11`.1 O an tell lad acted
beyond + s nu,+r•rc in abolishing th-•
school l»terd and-.nhs.ilMing t-one,d
of,dne tine." The school l.nar.l von-
still Mandy in existence and themavor
was u. member of it, This fui,ced him
to resign ft01, the poeitinn:oi uhiet
maglstt to nnd gun r,g•+in, At the
sante time trent rel. 3114,. Itaa1111Nted
for the restored 51311001 hu u'd The
following are those named as :rest eve;
Wend 1 Will Tia nneon, wird 2Dnrlley
Holmes; 8511 3, one-year tette, Alpert
Lord and ,Amos Tiplirg: ward 3, two
year term, Dr. Edmonds and Amos
Tipling: ward 1one year terra, George
Spotton, l riwsou 13.,hy, 610311111 Zur
brigg And Fred Johnston; ward 4, two
year tern,, Hob Alan.
Mr. J. Al.Govt.n
t Io' ck reeve of
tw i
KLllop, has gone to Ottr t. ' He
tepresenLs the ( ounty Council on 0
deputation to interview the Govern
meat in respect to additional improve-
ments to Goderich herbor.
Mr. NV. J. Walker, who has conduct
Miss Mgy Whaling, of Stretford,
was the guest of her aunt, Mrs ,1 ones
Chisholm fora f das ew'° lastweek.
e, -k.
Miss Blan ho S o dr 110
i haw, f Go r •
was out for a few hours at her home
of her parents on Sunday,
The W. F. M. 5, will hold Ch"ir,
\ ,.
monthly meeting a the home of 113.
tz t
John Linklater on Wednesday after
noon ,and prayer meeting' and clic r
pt ease w,lbe hei in the evert Trig nf.
the 8111! d0 at the home of AL' E.
Shaw Prayer meeting and choir
practice was held fist week on Thu,
day evening at the home of Mrs. John
'Horton :
For .:r:hha 1
a 9 t 1 ex 'a special o e 'n
n tc 1 etl n
io asked for, the schemes of the church.
Bay field
In the last report from the Connty
Council me hear that our new bridge
is to have: the adjustment of a cement
floor which news is sadly received by
a number of our citizens owing to the
fact that many persons were enjoying
the hopes that, the new bridge would
some day be widened for the comfort
of the igeneral pub but just to thine
that the narrow ' ailings are to he con
ented together gives us to understand
that we have nothing to.look forward
to beyond the public nuisance that it
is et prepent, and the 6icture of the
narr'oiv bodge with a constable at
each end to prevent accidents at boli
day time is a future picture of the liar
row bridge and the narrow mind id nese
of the people of the present.
Me, Dew of Seek. is visiting his
uncle Mr. Robt. Parsons.
Mr, and Mrs. Archie Ryckiman and
child are vis'ting their numerous
friends here and ar'rnund here and
around Ohiselhurst. They have a fine
farm of 480 aures near Moose Jaw.
Ars: A'iee Savihe is spending n. few
months at the home of ninon 5,ec
Nr, an 1 Nils kwde a n1 tr o r'h{ldren
me the guest, o' the !ormers father in
Miss Edith 1ltivey of rase Tine is
the gu.et of hea fti112 i\Dies Maggie
Mies 1iaIli r Jamieson is s'owly 00
proving from her recent illness,
J',Mos Watt .entertained a large
('1 .vd of yuumg to.ks un Fridaye:ru
end Mrs.,mules L'airser•vice h
moved 60111 Seafur;1) to their Tartu on
Al r ltd Mrs. Stun Lee of Goderich
e spending a few mot, the at the home
of rue 11)Lher 1611. Lee.
A large number attend( cl the funeral
of \Vm. Lowery neat Constance on
'i' esday.
Win. Moon and Miss Flossie return
td borne Yronl rt eiland on r\1onday.
1.93e1' a muni We visit there.
Another Pi .neerGone 011 Saturday
aster 0 long mud honorable lite An
thony Lawson, aged 04 years. 7 months
and 31 days, passed quietly away at.
the home cf his son 3 08111 Auburn.
lie -was born in York hire. England
rn the 30th of June 1810, and when 18
years of age e•anre to this country. The
trip lasted seven weeks. lie lived at
P.ckering 1111331 1850, is hen he nlarriecl
Sarah Olork, and moved west t) the
Huron tract where he took up land on
the Base Line, Goderich township,
where he resided for 26 years, He then
moved to the 6th concssion Hulett,
neer Constance where he lived until a
few years ago when he went to live
with his son John at Auburn, His wife
predeceastd him some 17 years ago
'There were eleven children, seven sons
and four daughters,ail lining except
two daughters. The sons
are John and
Joseph at Auburn; William and Robt.
01 11ullett; Samuel in MAtritons, '1'hus.
nt Stt;ttford and Luke of Clinton nnd'
the d tugh ers, AIN. Leitch of Clinton
olid \irs. Frank 1\aegle, of Auburn.
Ile is also ruIlured by 47 grand child
ren an 13 great grsud children. He
was t went her of the Anglican church
and a Liberal In pounce. lie' \v. s
buried un Tuesday afternoon the tuner
al taking place from the res.cleuce of
11)4 sun,. It:evert, 13'.n bon. and intra•.
meta was tirade at 0',,n,1auce cemetery
ltev, Mr, 'Osterhuut conducting the
services 't'he p ben•iets ate six
grandsons, Edgar L 111 sun, Anthony
1.awsen, 76 tenet La0snu.Oliv, r Law
eon, Cleurge Leitch and Hoy Lawson.
(loss tattles
The Foresters 11ea3their social ive
Ilion on Friday or last tvetic when the
1110111) els engaged in playing pro,;tes
Sive encirew:d dancing till the small
h,ilrs of the morn ng,
AIr, and 31 is, hO 10181 le, of Maui -
trust t who bas i•eeu visitiug friends
here roe two months returned on At n
day ac:umpained by the 103tetee p,r
erne, Ale. and Mrs. Jeal ies0n, where
they will molts their home in the
Air. and Mrs Kindv and ho e, of
Toronto, retina ed on.Mondav, the lat
to rias neer vlsi ilia her parents 1ts toi''
a' out 1,1 ree months.
7. he retuned ed of the hale A t Cony
Lawson, of Aubu'n, wee held ul, files
day limn the 1esidenee of his 5.n, Air.
Rohr. Lawson, to Constance cemetery:.
Mr. Wm.Lane died 00 Sunday morn
ing after -a 11ngertmg Iltu,ss. Ile le.tves
to mourn las loss a loving wife' and
d A
draught IIs. H Taylor for
and Pha
tun le
at home; three sons' James, Rrndo ph
and Charles. He was buried ou Tues
Clay at Burn's cemetery,
Uoustance post office will soon he
off the map. weunderstand it will
close at the end of the month. the
Rural Routes are going now.
H. Johnston of the Carnegie
Instil noon of Washington is here vis
Ring his parents after a three years
trip around the world the last eight
months of which were spent in South
American countries,
111i s Florence Mc0lymont is home
again after spending at pleasant
mon tles visit In Tilbury and Detroit,
• 00 'Tuesday the 10th inst„ in Fill
more. Sark., all that was mortal of the
late James Fowler, was laid to rest
lifter is long and serious illness. The
deceased was a: nephew of the late
John McNevin arid son in law of R. B.
McLean, was well known here. Some
years ago he left here for Fillmore;
:;ask where lie engaged in the livery
husinesslr.r,d later iu farming. He was
a nal ive of St. Augustine West Wawa
uo h leis widowed mother lives in
••all•••+•••••••••••••••••N •••••••9••••f••••••••• 1••e
• As Seen From the Gallery
/009011000061/1/009011000061/11 ECHOES ' FROM QUEEN'SPARK. •••s
(Special to the New Era)
With a function winked by the
usual brilliance and furls l•it 6110 On-
t y
tario Legislative opened ou \Vednes•
clay, February 1Sth. The comparative
convalescence of the Prime Minister
encouraged more gayety then would
have been the ces0 if Pit Jaynes had
still been in a critical coud11,1013.
i e a 'a +eed'1 ver, that
It s g< n r 11• gu ,owe , L1 t
Sir Janus will be 11) 10111 to return to
politictul life and the problem of choos
ing bis successor is giving the Com
setv i
epLrty more wort
even t
the general pno,le
would ilnligine. 1n
fact the Conservative members them-
selves admit 5 thane ot pessimism.
willlead the House
]:Lon. J J. Foy 10 ours
this Session but he does not worst l he
post permanently, Who, then. will
he the leader of the Government?
The Conservatives teel so uncertain
about it that they ars "comparing the
present situation in Ontario with what
followed'the retirement of Sir John A
Macdonald Id: in the Federal Field. The
Conservative pasty after a few years
of weak rule and dissension went to
pieces and it Liberal Government game
into power. Such ,a breakdown is
feared pow in Ontario.
Hon. Adam Beck will llo•t serve un-
do. Han, XV. 3. Hanna, 1101' Will ahr
e 'rare • In spit luttex-act under the fu r
$ a f
of his nndanbted elements of strong -3h'
moreover, '.there' are increasing pro..
tests 0gainst the selection of Mr. Tian•
115. Not only is be ,still under the
shadoav of the Prondfoot charges
which established lished a serious
anmaL a Minister,
hacked up by
and which admitted were
i t . a toil ' investigation
is alsove u Corporation Oiunsel,
00i In
for the
Standard Oil interests in Ontario /and
this important fact alone is int ibating
strongly against the selection of such
a man for the position of Prime Min-
having had a sumptuous repast; of
iter which the Averting was a spent.
pleasantly in playing cards and
other games.
Mr. George Swan sriewst a flew
days a visiting friends ys g f r ods m- Toronto.
Mr. 'Hugh Gilmour left on Mon
day on a visit to Toronto.
' Mr. Drew Swan and Edgar Pat
Neon o went down non as
w last W edno -
day to eoe the 1',oekey match be-
tween Sarnia and London,
John Mustard is getting his mill -
yard full of loge. Ile 'has a num-
ber of farmers helping him besides
his own teams..
Mrs. Thornton, who is staying
with her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Hall
Woodis,, is very ill at present.
There is not much grain coming
in at present nor many beans.,
There is not a great deal of grain
to be marketed and the farmers
are waiting for a better price for
their beans.
M1s. John 'Elliott la' at present
confined ' to her bed, but Is im-
Geoijge (Walker haS moved . on
the farm of Mr. Henderson's near
SelafoAth which he be has rented.
The marriage of Mies' Annus
Burdge to Mr. John 'Watson is an-
nounced to take place on Wednes-
day next. They will rretside on a
farn1 near our village. Mr. Wat-
son. has recently built a beautiful
pressed brick houste(.i,in which to
take his bridle.
Skating now the favorite pas-
Charles 'Reed shipped fat cattle
to Toronto last week.
Dr. Rodgers gave a s 1!end4tl ad-
dress on sanitation` at the Eureka
Club last week, It was an instrue
'five address and beneficial to all,
Mrs. John Swan; .is confined to
her room by illness.
Saw logs are still coming in at
our mill.
Porter's Hill
Mr. and Mrs. George Vanderhurgh
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weston Wesley
Valldeehurob nnd Frank Picot, were
at Lnckn w Net week attending the
funeral of Air, Thomas Pearson.
Mr. Wm Johnston visited at Mitchell
this w, ek
Arthur .hlilott left for the Weston
Monday last.
Mrs, Wm. Mair of Byron is visiting
at Mr. John Lox's,
Milton Woods wears a smiling face
a baby boy arrived at his home 01:1
Monday of last week
Mr, and Mrs. Armour of Goderich
spent Sunday witb her mother Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wallace and
child from the West visited in the
neighborhood last week.
Mrs, John Blair is visiting in Wing
Mr. John Torrance is not improving
as rapidly as his n1 ny friends would
like to see.
U W. Potter is again confined to
the house.
I+'rt d Pickard had the misfortune to
run 0 rusty nail into his hand on Tues
day of last week and suffered a great
deal from the ttfecLs but is some bet
West field
There was no church in We1t-
tfield on Sunday week nor any
School on Monday on account of
the condition of the atmosph,e'1'':-
Lorne Stonehouse, while skating
with a few other young people on
Mr. Wm. Howitt's pond, received
a slight knock which resulted in
confining hint to his bed, but WO
ane glad to say that he is 011let to
be about again.
The Westfield Rifle Club hold
their oyster supper at Wesley
Sthckhous1's On the .Igveni'n{g of
F'db. nth. Tlyo{e pr(e\sent report
Local ice houses are being filled
as rapidly as the splendid supply
that is now available can be saved
Tons save been cut, and stored,
away in the past f ow days. __
As soon as weather permits a
number of .buildings will be star-
ted and from present indications
the year will l:le la: record break-
er in Brussels. Besides many new
residencies and general improve-
ments therle will be built the Mel-
ville church and 'the $$25,000 ar-
mories and post office.
La grippe has been epidemic in
many parts of this district and a
great number of people have been i
'temporarily laid up.
A big delegation of temperance
workers is going to Clinton on Fri
Continued on Page 5
has more to do with his success today
than it ever had,
Anything that contributes to his
look of well.to.doness is justified -yes,
Is there anything that you know' of
that advertises success more than
Certainly, nothing that a man wears
is more in evidence,'
A few dollars spent on a ring, any
good ring, will prove to be an invest.
ment to most men,
Let us place our ring stock before
you Mr. Man. Then oak all the ques-
tions you like,
W. R. eounter
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
For Sae
Good heavy Barred Rock Cockerels.
Millard and Pringle strains. Also one
R. C. Brown Leghorn Cook. Prices
reasonable. Raw torp bought or taken
in exchange for cockerels Eggs fur
sale in season.
11. A. HOVEY, Clinton
Auction Sale
Of farm stock' and implements, at
lot 31, con, 6, Goderich township, on.
1 Wednesday, March 430, at 1 o'clock:
910 and ander, rash. over that amount
ten months credit. Everything will be
I sold its the pre+prietor. has given up
I farming. E. Jordan, proprietor; D.N.
1 Watson, nctinneer•
A woman to do house vol k by the
day, must he good cools and comet tent
to do any kind of house work, liberal
wages to the right party. Apply to
Mrs Malcolm D, McTaggart.
In the Estate of Anthony Lawson
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
the township
diuli t
estate of Anthony Lawson late o
County of Huron Yeoman, deceased
who died on or about the 14th day
of February, 1914, are riequired
to deliver to thle undersigned
Executors, or their solicitor on
or before the 10th day of
Manch, 1914, a full statement 01
their claims together with particul-
arestherieof and the nature of the
securities, ifany, Meld by them all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOl'ICE that after
the said last mentioned date, the
said Executors wi 1 d to
ecu 1
proceed o
lit : eeta_e of the said de-
ceased amongst the persons enti-
tled there to having :regard only
to such claims as 'they shall have
received duo notice in accordance
Dated at Clinton, this 19th day sr
February, 1.914..
Robert Lawson and Alex. Leitch,
W. 'IRYDONI, Clinton. Ont.
Solicitor for the Executor.
Unreserved Auction Sale
Of farm Stockkaand Implements.
AIr. A.'J. AIoMu"ray has instructed
the undersigned to sell by public auc-
tion at lot 41, con. 1, H. R. S. Tucker-
emilh (adjoining the town of Clinton)
on Thursday, Feb. 26th, at 1 o'clock,
the following -Agricultural mare °yrs
old, Agricultural horse 5 yrs (this is a
spanking pail), 'lgricultural pair of
sorrel colts rising 2 yrs, brown driving
mare 5 years old, kind and quiet in
harness not afraid of autos, bred by
Missouri Chief. Durham cow freshen-
] ed Feb. 1, 2 Durham cows due to calve
1 at time of sale, 2 Durham cows due in
March, Durham cow due in April,
Durham cow supposed to be in calf
been narking 3 months, 4 Angus steers
rising 2 years, 2 Herford steers rising
2, 10 grade steers rising 1 and 2 years,
8 Yorkshire sows carrying third litter,
due in April, 2 pure heed Hampshire
sows ready so breed, 4 cross bred sows
4 months old,17 shoats 2 to months
rld, 12 pure bred ed Plymouth Rork pull-
ets, 2 pure bred Pekin ducks, collie dog
1 year old -this stock is all in the pink
of condition, McCormick blower 6 ft
cut nearly nein, Massey Harris 18 hoe
drill nearly new, 2 cultivators, root
scuffle, root pulper, land roller, single
plow new, twin plow new, horse rake,
tread power, horse power, set drag
harrows, buggie, 2 cutters second hand
2 cutters brand new, pair light bob
sleighs, set scales 2000 lbs new, light
dray wagon, coal box nearly new, set
double harness - new last spring, set
double harness gond farm set, 3 set,
single harnese, a quantity of turnips,
oats, barley, hay and dry hard woods
step ladder, hog troughs, forks, spades
and shovels, and other articles too
numerous to mention, Everything
must he sold as the proprietor is giving
up farming. TLI.MS-All sus s of 610
and trader, rush, over that amour 7
months credit on approved joint notes
or 4 percent strain ht for cash on credit
amounts. A. J. McMurray, proprietor
iThos. Gundry, auctioneer,
Page Fence
These prices subject to advance without notice. ALES of PAGE WIRE FENCE
for the past 30 days have been
amazing. The enormous demand
for QUALITY Fence means that no
wise farmer will use other fence, when
at these remarkable prices.
Quality Tells
Try PAGE FENCE yourself. See how big
PAGE wire really is. See how it's woven Into
perfect fence. See how. PAGE Fence, on nearby
farms, after 20 years' service, is still good for 20
years more.
Prices That Speak for
Compare these low PAGE prices with the price of
common fencing. After 32 years of leadership,.
PAGE Fence is still FIRST in quality and the
lowest -priced high•grade fence. Competition can.
rimer lower PAGE QUALITY -nor reach the
sable high standard as PAGE.
mese 4o
M • •�nnfhn
e, i
Y� gy RW R•fl•, rnlehe PAN
b' tTEE
111 uo. a q' Spas.,5 .4 13•da•RWa iR resin.
aa9 a$
4 30 22 10,
5 37.22 8, 4 9, 10.
10, 10
6 1 2 6164 7,81 , 9,9
7 40 22 5,5l%,7,7,7%,8
7 48 22 5 66, 7%, 9, 10„10
8 42 22 fi 6, 6, 6,,•6
16355,6,6,6, 6 06
8 47 22 4, 5, 81,S, 7, 81,,2. 9, 9
8 47'761,24,5,51 ,7,81/2,9,9
948 22 6,6,6,6 6,6,6,6
9 48 161,566 6,6 h 6,6,0
9 31 22 4, 4, 5, 51% '7, 83,4 9, 9
9 51 16%4, 4, b, 51/2, 7, 814 0 9"
10 48 22 3 3 3,4 5'3,7,7 71,x',8`
10 48 16%3, 3, 3, 4, 51%, 7, 7, 71%, 8
10 51 16% 3 3, 3, 4, 51/,.7, 8%, 9, 9
10 51 22 3,3,3,4 51/47, 81, 9, 9;
11 55 161/.3, 3,3,3,4,5%,7,81/2,9,9
($amine Province price• or Medium W,lght 111)0
speolg1 on and Pe tt om (TNhdo o, ng.i
\o, t Top and Bottom, .1d Oo 12hNigh 'Carbon
(rorleontola between. No. 32 Upbl hel No.
11 Lochs;
5 3r 161/8,8,10,10
6 36'161/26,7,7,8,8....
6 42 161/ 7, 7, 8, 10, 10
7 42 16%6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8
7 26 8 3,' 3,, 4, 5, 5, 33
8 48 161/ 4, 5, 8, 7, 8, 9, 9..
9 36 12 3 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6. 6
9 50 1/.
3, 4, u r 6 7 8 9 9 ...
10 54 161/_ 3, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 9
No. 0 Top And Bottom, Ihtormcdlaloo, No. 11,
Uprlal,ta 8 1pahes apo t
18 48 8 Close bare ..... .........
20.60 8 Close tars . .......s .. .........
4t ]O -Et, opening
48 12 -ft. opening s®1:12 4 AO
4r •) .13.ft.opening.._,.._ o 4.z,
4d 14 -ft. opening 4.18
25-1b, box, freight paid........
BRACE WIRE, 25 -Ib rolls, Jrmght paid,...: .._..,... ...._,70
STRETCHING TOOLS, Complete labor-saving outfit, ft.,pdJ 8.00
.( °d 3a
aIzsJ I
0o ,7 XeA
$0.1630.18 +.19
.18 .20 .21
.21 .23 .24
.23 .25 .28
.23 ,25 .28
.26 .28 .29
;28 .30 .31
.28 .28 .29
.29 .
.29 .31 .37
.31 ,33 ...
.29 .31
.31 .,.
r.31 33
.33 •
.31 .33
.36 ...
.49 .62
.80 .85
.751 .80
8.50 9.00
To -day, you can get PAGE FENCEdirectfrom
its makers at the price of ordinary fence. You get
quick shipments from a nearby PAGE ware-
house -freight paid on 20 rods, 200 pounds or over..
Lc. rod discount on carload You get per d lots. You
can order through your Healer -we'll allow him lc.
per rod. You can buy from PAGE the best fence
at low cash 'prices,
To save time and get quick delivery, send your
order 30 the nearest PAGE Branch.
104 -PAGE CATALOG sent on request.
1 4
8 i St.'W
King Church Streot
"Page Fences Wear Best"