HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-02-19, Page 2Bay Iwo am =ma ao ra THE eLINTON NEW REA. .' Thuesday, February 12Th, 1914. The New Era. 47TJI YEAR. "IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE:'': W. 11.IKERR & SON, Props' J. !Leslie Herr, Business Mau0,ger 'New Era', Ore Year in adyance $1.00 New Era, when niot paid in ad - yenta... $1.50 New Era, to. the United: States in advance.... $1.50 Advertising Rates on. Application Job work prices advance on July 1st, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. Press Asso dation Rates. Office Phone 30 House Phone 95 THIN -BLOODED MEN AND WOMEN Need .the Rieh, Red 'Blood Drr Williams' 1'inti Pills Actually Make. Thin -blooded people do not re-. main .so from choice, but from in- difference; in ,some cases from despair. People 'who are pale, lan- guid, with palpitation of the heart, some difficulty in breathing and a ibencieincy to be easily ,tined are ,suffering from thin blood. They need only the resolution to take the right treatment and stick to it until cured. The remedy that can be relied upon is Dr. Williams' Psak Pills for Pale People. With every diose they make new blood, and new blood means ,health and and •strength. The red ,cheeks, good appetite, increasing weight and isteen:gth .that follow the use of 'these Pills prove their ,great value to thin -blooded people. Here is an example. Mrls'. It. Steele, Afton Road, P. E. L, says ; "Follow- ing child -birth I took a pain im my head which grew so bad Ihad to call in a doctor. He told me that my blood had turned to water and that I was in a serious condition.. He (ideated me four months, but still the pain remained, and my condition was growing pitiable, I lost my appetite, and' was so weak and run-down that •I could no more than walk across' a room. I was as pale as a corpse, and the doct- or told my.friends he had butlit- tle hopes of my getting better. A cousin who came to see me urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills; and I sent and got a supply. In about al month 'after ,beginnin their use I had much relief, and by the time I had :taken six more boxes I was fully 'cured and felt as well as ever I did in' my life. I have never had a twinge of the pain since, and feel that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they culled me . after the doctor had failed," Sold by alt medicine dealers or gen''t by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes' for $2,50 by The Dr. Will- iams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont, Lightning Shuns Women. Statistics appear to show that men are more likely to be struck by light- ning than women. more than two men being killed by it for every woman. But a Loudon journal points out that the man's occupation is more likely to take him into the open when lightning is about. It has been observed, how. ever, that in a group equally compos- ed of both sexes lightning seems to prefer the men, and we may theorize at pleasure as to whether it is the campnrlve height that does it or some protection Warded by the woman's dress or a difference in conductibility between the sexes. The fact that chil- dren are seldom killed by lightning supports to a certain extent the first of these theories. Let Down the Blind. A youngster (lad been to the theater, and upon his return his uncle asked him bow he liked the play. "Oh," be replied, "the play was all right, but I didn't see nearly all of Id" "Wby, how did that happen?" asked his uncle. Because," answered the youngster, "the roller must have been broke, for the window blind fell down two or three times," -London Express. His Idea of It. US "George Washington," read the small ley from his history, "was bore Fee 4782, A. D." i 11 k�hat tabes 'A, b.'stand for?" in- gi0Tred the teacher. p The'samil boy pondered. "I don't exactly' know," he hesitated. "After dark. i guess." --Exchange. I For Tired Mother 8ano!1 Kidney Remedy Is made from herbs and Isperfectly harmless. If you are a sufferer from Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, or r ,aravah t3anol will° effecta positive cure. IfYou have backache kidney, bladder trouble, or rheumatism that Is caused by excess of uric acld, dizziness, Puffy swellings under the a es n feet eyes, swollen and ankles tined Hary II in a, ons fns ngy urine pale, or extra dark and cloudy, too frequent and painful urination, brick dust sediment in urine after standing' a few hours; you are In danger and Sano! Kidney Remedy will save you. At all Druggists, $1.60 per bottle free Literature and. Advice. Sanol Manolacturin g Co. Ltd; WINNIPEG, CANADA FOR SALE BY tW, 5. R. HOLMES, CLINTON, ONT DRUGGIST. Bars 011N TU Ii,LETs C[l'11E $1CKL1 RABIES' If your baby is+sickly, if his little- stomach le out of order or his bow- els freed !regulating, no other lned" icine will have • such prompt ben- eficial effect as Baby's, Own Tab- lets, Thous'azilds of other mothers use no other medicine for their little ones. Concerning them Mos. John G. Crockett, Glenberrie, N. S., writes; "I have need Baby's Own Tablets for stomach troubies, von- iting and constipation, amdiseevery' instance they have proved :success - Cul. I would. Huse no other red- eicine5 dr my little ones:" The Tablets are sold by medicine deal - ere or by : mail at 25 cents a box from, the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' Old Time Football. In the twelfth century London en- joyed football. hitt-Stephen, clerk to Thomas a Becket. tells bow after din- ner the youths of the city would "ad- dress themselves" to football. 'These sportsmen were fastidious in their way. The scholars of each school bad a ball peculiar to themselves, as had, indeed, most of the particular trades. i The fathers of the players, too were "as youthful as the . youngest,". for, "their natural heat seeming to be re- vived at the sight or so much' agility," they sprang from their stands into the arena. In later days, too. the excite- ment of the game has been known to In- fect the spectators. Somebody wrote of a game in 1598: '"These two men were killed by Ould Gunter. taunters sonnes Hud ye Gregories Yell together by ye years at football. Ould Gunter drewe his dagger and broke boothe their. heads, and they died boothe within a fortnight after." Portugal's Wonderful Clirn_te, The climate of Portugal Is the most wonderful in Europe. A polyglot crowd of scores of thousands dies an - nanny to the Riviera from every part of Europe iu order to enjoy the sup- posed maximum of sunshine, but often to be undeceived by weeping skies and with the cruel mistral as a certainty. At Lisbon, on the other hand, cold weather `as understood else, Isere Is literally unknown. The temperature is not only higher than that of the Riviera. but is equable to a degree tient almost defies belief. what this meana in practical effect is illustrated by the fact that In March last 1 met an Eng- lish lady on board ship who had stayed six weeks at Mont 'Estoril, near. Lis- bon. and had bathed In the sea every day in February. Nor was the season exceptionally warm.-Scribner's. The Pundit's Pun. A very distinguished British man of science had the foible. says Professor Brander Matthews In the Century elagazine, of inventing thrilling epi- sodes and pretending that they were of his own experience. On one occasion, after he had spun a marvelous yarn, witb himself to the center of the coll. a skeptical friend looked him In the eye and asked stern. ly, "Clifford, do you mean to say that this really occurred to you?". where- upon the imaginative man of science replied, with a twinkle: "Yes -it just occurred to rte:" DON'T GROW BALD Use Parisian Sage If your hair is getting thin, los- ing its natural color, or has that maitiletd, lifeless and scraggy ap- pearance, the reason is evid•ettrt- dnr.drtuff and failureto keep the hair roots properly nourished. Parisian Sage applied daily for a week and then occasionally is all that is needed. It removes cland- rluff with one application; almosc immediately stops falling hair and itching head; invigorates the.scalp and makes dull, stringy hair soft, •abundant and radiant with 'life. Equally good for men, women or childtodn -everyone .'needs it, A large bottle of this delightful hair tonic can be had from W. S. 15 Holmes or any drug counter for 50 cents', You will surely like Par- isian Sage, There is no other "Just as good' -Try it now. Can't Do Both. "Pop, yell an' nut Have got me guess - In'," "What's the matter, son? "Ala tells me to always speak the troth, an' you tell me to always be po- lite. NOW, cubic!! shall 1 do''' -Bons. ton I'ost. All hamnn history is the history of reform, The evolution of the race, physically, morally or mentally, has been thus aceotnptished.--Aeon. SLIDES FOR LIFE. Tibet's Perilous Bridges and the Way They Are Crossed. In Tibet they have not yet pro- gressed tar beyond the prbnitive. Es - pedally when It conies to engineering the Tibetans' are at about the stage reached -by Europeans six centuries ago. At that time in Switzerland they used u long cable rind swinging 'carrier for the transport of heavy weights, eveu of dinnon from one mountain to another a little lower down, Now, in Tibet they d0 not try to build brid es acrossMekongrivet • but where there are high cliffs a cable is stretched to the other side of the the person ' in feei Por a tib ricer, and trilling1 ,vho wishes to cross clings -to a thick bark carrier and slides down, holding ul, his feet at ,the point wheys the we• ter nears the perilous bodge. ' usback h mn. go Lie wants to cross e t If e farther ut?, or down tbe'river to a point where another cable is stretched from a high cliff to the other side, and again Ile performs the "slide for life." '!'his may not be a very comfortable way of crossing a river, but it Is easier than swimming a'dross, 'especlaily if there are rapids ie. the stream, nod it is the favorite and obes'p way of'build• ing bridges among the ltibetans.= New York Word. A German War.Plane Showing' inside working of 'the new ,German war-planie, This is the ikind Britain will shortly com- mence to build, to be able to hold their own against foreign nations in air craft. It will be noted that there is room for two gunners. The ma- chine at present is undergoing final bests, KEPIALPOL Allays Fever arid Cures Colds atsd Clrippe The quick, sure action afKeph aldol in reducing body ;tempera- ture to normal health !standard, gives to this great natural rem- edy an altogether priceless value in the tdeatment of every kind of fever and feverish cold. Though it is just being intro- duced into Canada, Kephaldol has been prescribed by physicians and used in the hospitals of Great Brit- ain and the Coijtinent (for many years. It relieves the burning hest and fulness' in the head which comes with a "grippy" cold -allays pains and aches, ' soothes the nerves, and brings that sweet rest which means speediest restoration, For colds, influenza, catarrh and similar complaints' KephaLdol is un- `-quaRgdi A tablet ort two taken at the first indication of trouble will unfailingly arrest development and ltesttore health. Get a 50c tube of Kephaldol tab- lete ,from your Druggist, and be ready to check a cold the day it attacks you, Kephaldol Limited, 31 Latour Street, Montreal, THE NAME "ARTHUR." It Has a Wider Significance Than le Generally Supposed. The New Life, the London organ of "the most ancient faith," givesits readers the following recondite notes on the name "Arthur." The name is not pronounced Arthu-r, but Ar -Tau -r. The "A" is added for pronouncing in an accentuated manner. The "It" should be by itself and is pronounced like "are." "11" signifies the head, and the sec- ond part of the name is "Th" or "Tau" or "Tor." Artttu or Arthor Is a tetragramma- ton and Is shown as R -Th -0-11. it means the bend of Thor or Tor -I, 0., the head of the highest intelligence. The Therms oe 'i'barsus of the east is similtu' to. the Ttturis or Tories or Ireland and Scotland, They were the religious mendicants of the past wlto led the people rightly in the way: of the most ancient faith. With the uprooting of the ancient idealism these mendicants gradually assumed a political tnisslon because of "their social power among the Celtic Peoples. The wort] Tory associated with mod- ern polities has come from this. The word Tory, therefore. has a similar meaning to Arthur and implies "the party or people of divine intelligence." 'ile) The family re for Coughs and Colds " no ti Shiloh costs so fiat, and does s sso much l" HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Write on one side'ofaper only. Mail to reach us Wednesday of each week or sooner. Avoida 1 it 1 ems respecting on per- .osial character but (send Alt the Chech o££ this list it may assist you to remember an important item. Births, Marriages, Deaths. Accidents, Church News Suppers' or Presentations. Removals, '-Visitors. Lodge News, Fires. Public Improvements. Law Cases, the 'Crops., School Matters, Correspondenbs will please re- frain from r £ om sending ,notices of en- tertainm� t .n sw here an admission fee is charged, unless they send, word who is responsible for the payment of such advertismient, The charge ist fivecents a lime -six words make aline - Oat Straw Ree Feeding, Good, bright oat strawis a very good' substitute for hayfor winter feeding. 8 If there is not too much dust about it,. horses will do well on It for the rough. age part of their ration, Those who failed to stack their oat straw well this year will have reason to be sorry for it before spring•-li•omestead. Children en .:Cry FOR FLE1CHER'S C. A S T O R 1 A Varied .01iVilit'S 01 11141111e11 Kansas has 15,000 widows. England ]las 347 women carmen and waggoners. Philad'ellphia has 4,255 female school teachers. New South Wales wilt have a widow's colony. Mono women attempt isuicide than men. Great Britain has a woman rail- way dineetor. Miss Floiien•ce Davis is state li- brarian of Wyominy. The Mexican Federal army has women flag bearers. Uruguay has appointed awoman to its diplomatic corps. A French village has six sisters whose ages total 457 years. Mrs, Clarke W. Kelley, of Devil's Lake, N. D., runs a 1,000 acre farm. More than 42,000 births were'b'e- corded in Philadelphia during 1913. During the last year 16,1222 mar- riagelicenstes' were issued, in Phila- delphia. Selma Lagerlof isthe only woman who ever received the Nobel prize' fior Literature. Kansas is to have two women on the Democratic State ticket at the next election. Divorces are more difficult to ob- tain in England than in any other civilized country. Two women are serving on the advisory council for medical re- search appointed by e'the English Government The proportion of suicides during the last year remains about the same, being 8,602 males and 4,501 males. Portsmouth, N.H., after exper- menting with a police officer', ihas (decided 'that she is a failure. Oregon has a wife's compensation bill, calling for compensation by saloonkeepers where husbands die from alcoholism, Society 'women, lured by the de- lights of flying, are now becoming serious rivals of men for aviation hon ors. 5 Dr., Harvey W.1,_Wiley the pure ,food advocate, claims that Amer- ican women are worse cooks than those of any other 'nation. For assisting a constable in diffi- culty, Miss, Eveline Mullins, of Swansea, England, has received a bracelet from the Police Depart- ment. LOOKS LIKE A SEA OF ICE; Curious Lake of Soda In the Wilds of East Africa. Lake ,Uagadi, in British itish Cast Africe , is famous for its vast deposits of soda. Until'reeently few people Mice tires its shoos, for it des In the mitis! of a Mar- ten and nnterless (llstriet, hut the rail ally thin 1(1(5 started 11 fen yeti's age bt nu l English company opens lite mo fol ;'i slnolc l's t0 llits serious esters plienuteenun. APeCt•al vleliot des,ril;re it in the l.(indon !"isle:- OrdinilI1113 it locks lot if it had fruzeu and as if slime hid then fallen upon' it partially the ted stud frozen lrgIlin The temper:Imre' ivee the lie to this nllpetn•aare of roughened hp, for the hent is extreme and at miciday almost unbpat•aflle. The soda- burns the feet even through le limit, and bile skarn. projecting apll.ea, which h resemble hoar frost, e'iil plebe any icseent I lie (13113 est . sole. After the riens thele is tt lacer or i Uer over the n 'i•elrtc i part . of the lake, hi1'1 turns c ty t to il; lovely Dinh color. 13y 810)1 light 1110 seem? 18 tweet- ly he et-ly he,tiitliuh 'I'll,: tette. tt3 ttllt le ylN ,lll(000• totes 05 crystalline Milistau('8 composed almost equdll,v of carbonate and Wear - bonnie ; of. soda. 0ut't•tiee and tinder - polled ',venue:, 01 entureted teitl) lilt. nor tentinuullt feed,I:'The t se- Na-Dru-CQ . Laxatives accomplish their purpose -with 3naxi'lnuni efficiency! and inirtimum discomfort.. Increasing doses and not needefl,;(` 25c. a box at your I)ruggist's. 174 NaltonalDrua andChemical Co. p1 Canada, Limited. ek Gook's Cotton Root Cain • eiun& d sc51'e, reliatle ,<epxt.laties medidetis. Sold in throe de. areas or etrength-No. 1.b51; Sold ..:` by all druegt+tstos,f er se no t :x i Nor 'Paom¢ cbelct.PAdcree, :THE COOK MEDICINE CO -"teem, ONT. (Formerly Wisdetr, e4, of soda Is enormous, eine as fast ae it is removed;a new surface, formed from the "mother liquid" be. neath, replaces it. Natives have col- lected soda' from the same spot year after year' without malting the slight- est difference in the abundance of the supply. Was .Troubled With Weak Ba•ck. Weak back is caused by weak kidneys, and it is hard for a woman to look after her household duties when she is suffer- ing from a weak and aching back, for no woman can be strong and well when the kidneys are out of order. Doan's Kidney Pills go right to the seat of the trouble, cure the weak, aching back, and prevent any and all of the serious kidney troubles which are liable to become deep rooted into the system if not attended to at once. Mrs. Augustus Jinks, Demorestville, Ont., writes: -"For several years I had been troubled with weak back and kidneys. I had terrible dizzy headaches, and could not sleep at night A friend of mine asked me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and I did so, and in a short time was cured." Doan's Kidney Pills are 50c. per box, 3 boxes for 81 25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, If ordering direct specify "Doan's." FIRST POSTAL TRAIN. It Was Tried In 1864 and Proved a Thorough Success. The first trial of a postal ear service, in which mall matter Is assorted white to transit, was made In 1864 on the Chicago and Northwestern .railway' The scheme was a thorough success, and railway mall service was inaugu- rated that year on several of the Ina - portant railway lines and was gradual- ly extended all over the United States and adopted by other countries. In 1874 the American railway maU system was thoroughly organized on a permanent basis. with eight territorial divisions, each in charge of a superin• tendent subordinate to a general chief at Washington. This service was among the first to adopt a modern classified civil service, appointment of railway mail clerks having always been made for a proba- tionary period, permanent employment being conditioned on satisfactory serv- ice and conduct and removal based on good cause only. The service has been gradually Increased and new divisions organized and Is now operated on prac- tically every railway. -St. Louis Post - Dispatch. Swordsmen of the Sea. The swordsmen of the sea are the sawfishes, spearfishes, sailfishes, sword- fisbes and the narwhal, with its spiral- ly twisted straight tusks. Sawfishes inhabit the warmer seas, while the narwhal is a creature of the Arctic. The tusk of the narwhal is hollow nearly to the point and is spirnily grooved: It uses its tusk as a weapon of defense and to plunge through the ice to breathe. the narwhal being a cetarenn. So:nee:nes when n bunt has been caught h, the ice great dam- age Inns been II:dieted by the ingnisi• tireness mr bluuderhng of this :;rent creature, that sometimes renehea n length of fifteen fret, with ;I tusk of from six to ten f".,1 i1 I,',isih As ;t rule, bon•„vpr, thy narwhal usrs lI tusk for Ilio purpose of killing list, for foo,!,. In the ensile of IWxenbrie 1h,. kings of Uenuuu'Ii 11)101' long puss •sr,l n rtta; nificent ihriini'',m,'le J,1 111111:.,t this cetfc't'i)n, lllrs0 liisks tiro 11:11 1.,1 and whiter limn Ivory. GRAND TRUNKsY$ E LOW RATES To California, Florida and the Sunni _ South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route from all points Hist through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. C. E. HORNING, D. P. A., • Union Station, Toronto, Ont. John Ransford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. O. Pattison, station agent • Farm for Sale • omit The William Proctor farm, Lot nt< r.. 92, and the south -West part of Lot NO. 33,Maitland Con. God r' e 1c h Township, 114 acres'. Apply to NV, Brydone,. !Bolsi. LOOS WANTED Righest cash price paid for all kinds of timber, Soft Elm in lengths of 14 feet; other kinds usual lengths: I -leading Wanted Basswood, Soft Maple, 10 inehea long,: 54.00 per cord, No. 2, 88; No. 8, SG par ox.., Farm for Sale: A desirable pasbure farm for sate being Lot 37. con: 3, London Road Survey, Tuckersmith, A small house and also a sunlit' barn 35 feet square.' Two acres of orchard, also 10 acres of timber, For particulars a,nd infortna- tion write W. G. BROADFOOT It, R. No, 3 Seaforth, Ont phone -1 on 136, !.louse for Sale Nine room 1 story frame dwelling on Ontario •Street,in good repair, good stone coital'. Lot ,and a half with garden and fruit trees. MRS, M. , BOLES For Sale Driving mare for sale. ' Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash and part feed. Apply to JOE RATTENBURY. W. B1'F.f,T:DONE I BARRISTER SOL ) t 3' (] I GTA PUBLIC, ETO CLINTON Farm for Sale Being;Int• 21 and 25, 4th Con. of Stanley.70 acres sell cleared having g 1)ever failing spring creek. well tenced, frame house, and barn, 36K56 lean to 14306 stable under whole building, the stables are cement being put in one year ago. Small 'orchard. Tele- phone and rural mail. ' 7 acres of alpalfa good catch. Possession and terms to suit purchaser. Apply nn premises or to W. POTTER RR, No. 5, Clinton Mortgage for Sale 21. $3,800.00 first mortgage on 100 acres for sale. BRYDONE Drs. 'Geo, tL M. E. Whitley leileIHann Osteopathic Eby. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chromic, and Nervous Disorders (Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel Friday, from 1 to 6 Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for sale improved farm of 160 acres, Lots 13 and 14, Con. 17; Township of Goderich, situated on the Base Line four miles north of Clinton, CHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill. Beileview Dairy Farni From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with best of milk and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage. E. B. HILL. Girls Wanted Experienced, and girls to learn Knitting and Looping. Will pay $5.00 per week while learning. Steady craploynent, Pleasant position, Apply at once CLINTON KNITTING CO., Clinton, Ontario. Honey ldaute4l. I have several inquiries for loans t"..iILSRLES 53. ,°'Ill1L13 Oonnoyance, Notary°Public, Commissioner, etc. EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE' Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Boron St„ Clinton, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer, a�ncialstate, INSURANOD-AeaNFinS-ReprpsentieaudRealg 1E4 Fire;[n Osurancc mnion.. lDivilsion CCoouirpat Office. Medit,;ai' DRI ':..W, T'I1OMPSOIN Physician; Surgsoo. Eric eaooial attention given to diseases of the Eye. Dar, Throat,' and Nose, i9yos carefully examisncdbao adnd suitable glasses Office and Residence. Two doors west of the Commercial 5Late' Duren et. DES. Gi1NN and GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L. At, C, P., L. R. CS, Hallo -. C. Gaudier. D.A. 111.15, - Office -Ontario. Street, Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury' St. or et Hospital DR. J. W. $l-IAW. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. ccoocheur, etc., oilier, and residence on tenbury 01,. onuosite W. Farran's residence, DR. F. R. AXON DENTIST i Crown end lIridgo World a Specialty -- Graduate of C.O.D.S..° Chicago. and R.O,D.S Toronto. Dnylleld 0,t'LLondays, May 1st to Decemb DB. II.FOWLER, (DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Speoisl pare taken to make dental treat meat as painless se Poeeible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction ,e• GODERIOH ONT Eula: stocc sales a sperms). Genets .1 se NEW ERA ofee, Clinton'pra,mruy °Arnie. to. Terme reaeonahle. Farmers' sale sop discounted! G. D. MOTaggar s M, D. MoTaggar McTaggart Bros, RANi4ERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON e General Banking Basteteos transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts leaned. Intereet allowed s' deposits The McKillop Mutual: Fire Insurance fyor. Perm and Isolated Town Prop*. arty Only Insured. OFFICES. J. B. McLean, President, Seaforltht J Connolly, 'Vice -Pres:,_ Godarieh; T.E. Bays,' Sec-Treae., Seaforth DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, 'Hclmesville, Jolt Watt, 'Harlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; J. 'Evans, Beechwood, J. G. Grieve, Winthrop. J Benneaweis, Brodhagen ; M. Me-. Ewan, ,.Clinton. Each Director is Inspector of losses in his own district: AGENTS. 11obt Smith, Harlock; Ed.Iiinch.. ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, Ego inomdvillo; J. W. Yeo, 'Holmes Ivilrq, Payments Y may be ;made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clintoa, or R. H. Cult, Goderie.h. of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for -'- funds on mortgages. W. BRYDONE FORD cv McLEO:D We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We also have on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid' for Hay and sell Grains. FORD & MoLEOD £AAAU,LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +d 4 4 4 3 3 Pioiios See and here our finest. New Stylish designs - y o of Doherty Pianos and Organs, i ,special val!JuesarsS la Art c 0. 0. . • E 4 41 Pianos and organs rent p d' choice newEdison a .lis piloting) , Music & 4 variety goods. 9 Music iC .Ern 1Dorium 4 C E C. Hoare s 1- Ormr+rnvavnmrrvryvr: JACOB TAYLOR ivLJNTord Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bolltglst and sold - Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door to Now Ere Grand Trunk Railway Systeula Railway Time Table London, Huron and Brace. North Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m 4.50 p,co, Centralia 9.40 5.43 Exeter,......;,9.53 5,54 Heneail 10.08 8.05 Kippen . 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 19.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 8.355 Londesboro 11.18 6.52• BI yth.. .11.27 7.00 Belgrave 11.40 '7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35. South Passenge' Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3.33 p Belgrave.,' 6.54 „3.44 Bl Londesboro 7.08 4.0044. Clinton 7.50' 4.23, Brucefield 8.12 4.39 Kippers 8.23 4.47 Hensall' 8.32 4.52 Centralia ..... 9.00 5.15 London. arrive 10.00 6.10 Buffalo and Code, Wee` Paneg en er 410 pmpm m Stratfordp .,.....10.00 1.2.20 5,2.,r 10.2,20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 '5,55 10.47- Seaforth l6. s 4 1.10 678 11.12' Clinton 11.07 1.25. 6.40 11.28- HolmesSille 11.16 1,33 6.46 (1.88' Goderieb 11-35 1.50 7.05 11.55, East 1 naseug-ar. am' pm m, Goder' tel.. ..• 7.10. 2.40 , 4.50 Holmes villa 7.26 2.57 0,06 7.35 3,07 5,15 - Seat rth ..,,... '7.52 3.26 5.32'` Mitchell ,. 8.16 3.48 555• Stratford............ 8.40 4 15 820 s..eaoeso.o.e...a•o.®seesh Small ldyts.. Always Pays,