HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-02-12, Page 8i tidies @oats &Suits F [SRI@E Saturday' we offer the greatest price reductions on Ladies moats land:Suits we ever offered. There will bo lots of cold weather yet to get the comfort' . out of these•°values-, coats that have good style yet not extreme, coats that will give longer service, .cut on modern lines, but free from the freaky order, coats that a will be good style next season. Twenty-two in all. Space will not permit of a des- cription of styles or colas. Misses sizes, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. Ladies sizes, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Regular 7 59 $12,50, 13.50, 15.00, all at one price Saturday 7 Ten only Ladies Suits, in navy blue serge and fancy tweed, every. garment made for this season's selling, satin lined, tailor -nude, regular 15,00, Saturday 7.50 Amnia' FEB[1AY ALE. C�'U�T�-111 S Three hundred pairs white and ecru Swiss and Nottingham Lace Curtains go on sale Friday and Saturday only at a straight discount of 20 per cent off regular prices. No reserve of patterns. You have your choice of our entire stock to choose from. This is a splendid opportunity to buy your_curtains for spring house-cleaning at a good saving, (;fI cent. Off Prices runpair, sale P per from 50c to $5 rice ZO p TRW CLINITON Ng W IIhL►. .10seP♦•.Ofse.YYiee6.00e...,s0`O'000s.0....a►esss®eOf ♦Q...,, L�cai News f •• s e • V s- s ••so•sssaeessNso.•sssssess•R•M•®®ao•eeoo•o••`eeoot,• ENTERS NORTHERN LEAGUE. Seafoe•tlr at Clinton—Feb. 13th, Mitchell at Clinton .-;Feb. 17th. 1 ADVERTISING -ISMS. A little advertising is a danger- ous thing; but in the multitude of do snow on the level" MARRIED AT NORTH BAY On Wednpsday last, -atthe res- 1 idents of !the bride's brother -in law, Mr. M.S. MiIlyard, of the Bank of Ottawa, Toronto,' was married to Miss Maud Munro, of Perth, Mr. Millyard is a eon of the late Rev. R. Millyar'd, formerly of Clinton. IS A WELCOME VISITOR. A note from Mr e, M, T ' McGowan of Albany, Minna, with a postal note for $1.50 states that "The New Era is a welcome 'guest every week as I apprdciate the news .of my old home. I would'advise you to come to Minnesota to /enjoy the beautiful weather. No snow un- il .the, firtet of January 1914 and' no winter as yet about two inches of snow on the level. 1 ADVERTISING -ISMS. In the graveyard of advertising d,ailuras will• always, be found a woeful la•cle'Tf plans',, TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. A 'Huron. County convention of tetmper(ance- workers is 'called to meet in. Clinton, "..'Friday, Feb. 20, and it is possible a permanent sec- retary ` may be secured. LARGE CONTRACTS WILL' BE MADE AROUND HERE The Beet ,Sugar refineries are on the jump again and' are already have many, sign.ed,icont'acts for large -sections of farms for sugar beet growing. Good prices are be- ing Offered -with free seed and free labor for pulling and topping. RESERVED., TO WIN. The London Frlee Press o,f Feb. 6th gives the following local;—Mr. Fansfoald, 'president of the organ- ization known as the Huron Coun- ty Business Men's Association, who was active' in the recent Canada Temperance Act campaign, wasin- terviewed today by The Free Pres regarding the result In' Huron Cpun ty. Mr. RaRnsford has just return ed• from a trip ,to Montreal and said that the .beat answer hecould give to, express hie opinion on that !subject was ,a quotation ; 'Tie not in morale to command success, but we did more, eve deserved it." Mr, Ranaforld Stated that the large ma- jority was as great Q surprise as that given .to the Borden 'Govern - meat. GOOD WORK BY (S. A. Over twenty ,thousandmeals have so far been coroviciadltothe unemployed fin Toronto by t'the Salvation Army. Over five thous- and mem have also acceptfed the Army's invitation to ,sleep on the floor in one of 'their thalla, Dest- itute families were ,provided with 275 baskets of clothing :during the month of January 'and in the same period 1515 pieces of clothing were appli- cants. deserving given away to pp cants. MINOR LOCALS. I,t may beronly (a coincitile{ned.,but lave you noticed avow the price of eggs has decreased as we ap- proached the date of inaugurating the Par{cels Post system. Paauderberg's Day falls on Sat urday, February 28th. In a few short months hubby will hear his better half speaking thus- ly ; "I think we have 'enough rhu- barb in the garden now for some sauce to -night. And after that. the deluge of rhubarb. St. Valentines Day on Saturday. Half of .February gone on Sat- urday next. Winter is getting a fast move on this year. The Killarney Girls and Rita Rich in town Hall on; Feb. 19th, Seats at Fair's 73ook Store, Settforfh hockey team here to- morrow .night. The Parcel Post started on Tues - ninttirier. 4,1 R SPEeIPiL5 For Saturday and all Next Week 1 only Volmer Washing Machine reg 7.5o for 6 00 1 only Motor High Speed Machine reg 13.5o,for 10.75 1 only Vacuum Speed Machine reg 2.5o for 2.00 1 only,High. Grade Wringer reg 4.50 for ;3.95 Royal Coal Range, reservoir, high closet 45.00,...39.00 Welcome National, reservoir, high shelf 43.00 39.00 Dorris Range, reservoir, high shelf, reg 28,00 for 23,5o. Watch This Space Next Week For our Special List H ARLAN D BROTHERS STOVES, IiARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 1 NOTABLE DANS IN 1914. Si.lVelent;ine's, February 14. 51. Patrick's, March 17. Good Filiday, April 10. Easter Sunday, April 12. Victoria, May 24. Dominion, July 1. Labor(, September 1. Hallowe'en, October 31. Chaistmas, Delcember 25, PROMOTED TO PRINCIPALSHIP Mr. F. W. French, who has recent ly been Principal of a branch. Thigh' school at Calgary, has been pro- mo' ed romoo'_ed to the Principalship of the Colleigia.,e Institute in ',tire same city, Mr, French was formerly con netted with Clinton Collegiate, and married Miss M. Taylor,( sister of Mr. Jacob Taylor) who died sev- eral years ago SHEEP BREEDERS. APPOINTED TREASURER. Mr, Garrison Wilise has been !ap- pointed Treasurer of the Clinton Model School Bc and ,and has ac- cepted the position. THE KILLARNEY GIRLS. The Killarney Girls who come to Clinton on Thursday evening next, Feb. 19t11 under the management of the Doherty Concert Course ap l s' es in Irish co tum and with en ••appropriate setting, prese(nita program of \ .instaimaontal music and singing with emphasis on the latter. There are Irish ,,gongs that range from siti,ple folk -lore to the Irish classics, all of which will be 4etndcored by :a company of real artists. In the program Will be shown not only Irish humor but patriotism and pathos, also some of the legends which have played. such an important part in Irish history. A genuine Irish harp will be carried by this company and will be played by Miss Rita Rich. Plan at Fair's Book Sto:'e. THE LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 8 The annual report of the. Landon Life- Insurance ompany show that Company to have enjoyed unusual pr'os peril ^ during197.3 In all de- artments the rcord was the the best in the'Company'.s history. In view of the cc:nditions that ex- isted clueing the greater part of 1the year, the Progress made is re- markably giatifying. Thatispart icularly nocicelable in the persist- ency 0 -business, t,lae lapse rate (for 'the year being lower than h•er e Itlofolle, and notwithstanding the large proportinate increase in, buss Hess, the amount of surrender val- ues Paid was actually less than in previous years. There could be no ,stronger evidence than this of the increasing coa9fidenee of the ,- pub lie in the position. of ,the Com- pany and the large increase in new business testifies to the growing popularity of the fexceptionelly favorable plans of insnrrtajnce it is - emelt The increase lathe 'rate of intezest earned; the fexceptioarally low mortality rate,experienc,ed and decrease in the ' (expense rate easily explain .theeplendid profit results which are a .feature of the, Company's business. That these results under present rates, are a tithed of the original estimates, speaks . volumes for the integrity of the Management and the straight forward manner in which the buii- nese is conducted. The basis upon which the Policy Liabilities" have been valueld indreatels ,cleartly the determination of the Management to establish the ,bueines's on a'801- ic foundation. The fart' that 72 per cent of thetlwhollea'bps'iness,in- cluding the Industrial Branch is being valued on,',a 3. per delnit in- ienest basis and that the balance is valued on a 3 per cent basis. places the affairts' of the Company in t:11is respect in a' stronger pos- i'tion than, that oaf any other sim- ilar Company ori the continent. The whole report'sihows pliearly that _`"Sa llety 'tFirfst" is the watch- hvorld of 'the London. Li'fte and the rapid development now taking place_ is being made on an, excep— tionally sound footing, Mr, Geo. D ,'Roberton of town is their general agent here. There . was' a large attendance at the annual 'meeting of the Don -an- ion Sheep Bilecdot a Association lir 1 T:oronito., last week, among those SERIOUSLY ILL. Mr. George Hinchley,, so long a well known. and popular resident of Clinton, but 'for a few years nesidin:g at Regina, has been earn - pelted to give up his position and , has moved to Victoria, 13 C,. owing to serious ill health. Hismany old friiends hereabout?, while r,e- gnetting his illnese, hope that the change may speedily prove bene- Oipial. LOVE'S VICTORY. City life undoubtedly has its at- tractions over country life to many, and itis not oftwn that young ladies -who leave the farm for positions in the city, voluntar=ily return to the country. But when love is the magnet, nothing can re- sist its' drawing power. Dameru= mor etateshhat a pretty and pop- ular young lady from Hullett, at present employed in Toronto, may shortly return to the plane of her birth as the bride of a prosperous and popular young farmer. A DELUGE. Shortly before nine o'clock while Mr. E. J. Cantelon was passing by J. E. Hovey's drug Store, he heard water dripping and on close ex- amination saw' that his store was bcling Be; immediately, nol)ifiec% Mr. Hovey and it was found that water was overflowing filom the,tank in Mr. Otto Fink's Photo gallerly and was running through the ceiling. The damage will be heavy to Mr., 'Hovey, It was a good job it was discovered when it was or an ice laded stock would have greeted Mr. Hovey's eyes on Saturday morning. $1INOR LOCALS. A good crowd went to Seaforth on Tuesday to .(see the hockey match. "Wants" of all kinds' can be filled by using The' New Era Want Column. It will cost $18 a minute to talk by telephone from New York to San Francisco. This will eliminate such gossip as we sometimes hear on the rural lines. Renew your aubscription to The Nefw Erfa for 1914 if you have not alrlslady done so. "The . Want Column" in the New Era brings loses' and finder, buyer and seller together, as ag- ency in this 'district. Get rid of that article you want to sell or ar- vertise for some article your neigh- bor has, by placing a•small adv.in "The Want Column." Seaforth vs Clinton in the big rink onFriclay night Feb. 13th. Mitchell Northern League team comes, here on Tuesday, Feb.17th, present being Mr. James Sin,ell, of the Hayen-Barton aatock farm, Cline ton. Mr. Snell was elected a mem- ber ember of the Executive Committee. He says that .the demand for good tthoro-brad stock is as good as elver:,, .chiefly by American buyers. WILL TOUR THE WEST. Before leaving Clinton Rev. C..10 Jeakin•s received an it9vtiation to be one of seven mein 'frjom 'Hali- fax to Ontario to go West on the Missionary Movement and address meetings from 'Vancouver to Wine nipeg, The Reverend ' gentleman has accepted providing that the tour takes place either in April or May, This is a good, rtecommend Lor any preacher to < be picked Seem such a vast •stretch of coun- try to be one of seven. We have no doubt but that Mr. Jealcinswill do his part well. COUNTY CONVENTION OF TEMPERANCE WORKERS. A call has been Issued by the Hur on County Branch of the Dominion Alliance for the annual convention which will be held in Ontario street Methodist church, Clinton, commen ting at ten o'clock onlPneday, Feb. 20th. In view 'of the recent vote on the C. T. A. and the fact that the Provincial Convention will be held' in Tolonto the t .gol;towing week, a large attendance is,expect- ec1♦. All in`ei(rested 10 Telmper- anee and Moral Reform are invited. COMES WITli • KILLARNEY G•IRLS.. Miss Rita Rich, singer of 'folk songs, immediately wen a place in the hearts of all. She presents a novelty in the line of vocal pro- grams that is entertaining, artistic and educational in equal measure. She possesses a' most +beauttfct voice, thoroughly cultivated and has excellent control <of it. She throws herself' completely into thy, spirit df the songs of the dif- ferent counties and people which she pmeactits, while the accurate costuming and the capeful study she has given to folk songs, she is enabled to give,, them anlexcep- tionally fine rendition •and 'enables the audience to catch in some'n,ee's ure 'the spirit ,cif ,the people in whose heanfts• the 'early songs or- iginated, Miss Rich is gifted with an unusual power of 'dialectl'— Daily Picayune, New Orleans, La. Town Hall Clinton, 411`eb. 19th. +, GOLDEN WEDDING. Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Connell of Goderich township was celebrated at their home on 1Vedn,esday,Feb. 4th, when a number of ' relatives gathered to take part. Mr. rad lvIrs. Connell were preeefitecl with 'an address and a purse of gold. In recalling the past years abeam). IMIrs. Connell have 'spent together, TO BE PAID FOR OVERTIME. have been spent in cloderiehtown- Amicable relations once more drip. It was 45 degrees below zero the day they were married, Those ,prevad between the Grand Trunk Railway seel'ionmen and road fore- men of the middle division of the company. For sonn•e time there was 'a feeling of discontent a- mong the men over the temporary aurpension of the overtime wage, It was claimed that overtime charg es for the past ',few months have been excesaivle, •and for this rea- son it was peoposecl to pay the men by the month instead of by the hour. According to the inen, the hourly basis for overtime was signed by the conciliation board of the company and the 4epresueata- tives of the mon, afterwards he:ng atftified by the president of the road, E. J. Chamberlin., The appar- ent revocation of this order, caused discontent, Matters have been ad - jested, however, with the ea -ad- justment of the overtime rate, The Oar/pensio.n was due, it is alleged, to misundenstandinr:g. KILLARNEY GIRLS. The Killarney Girls and Rita Rich will appear in 'the Town 'Hall,.Clin- ton, Thursday Feb, 19th, under ,the local management pf 1.E Doheri- tty. Thd Killarney .Girls areilfrom the Redpath Bureau, the oldest and largest ' in ' the world. " The following is , fa report received Liam Rev. W. 1. Spence, Manager Ontario Dept. of ,the. Redpath Bur - Chatham, Ont. Feb 10 14, Dear Sir ;—The (Killarney Girls were here last night and played beforje a capacity house. -This is one .fine compenly and will not. only satisfy your Irish. people but will delight everybody. MisaBich in 'her1 folk •songs is 'the •star of the evening but Miss' Wernojn her IrJh stori,es and traditions took. the audience bystorm. Miss An- drew is. 0 goocontralto while Miss Freeman, is very popular with the audisnoe in her eopran'osongs. The violin ecll;o and piano trios see well renamed. Miss Roach is one of the best deneeds lever seen' bei;n. The ensemble work of the company is the ,chief attraction and their lovely Irish, costumes made a decided hit . Don't be a- fraid to guarantee this company as one of the best we have ever' sent out. It has real worth and ie,a dam dy entertainment. 10 your peoplie know the worth of 'this attraction the hall will be full. Yours with best wishes, ;W, J. Spence. from other places present were;Mr, John Dempsey of Godierlch tp. Mrs. Orr of London, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- son and family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs!. ¶Nickieand child of Cline ton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman fKen- nedy; andfamily of Clinton, Miss Mary C.Kennedy,and Mr. and Mrs. J. Rands of Regina. 5000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA, Do you know Canada? A;novel and unique mime of inifotlnation is found in the popular booklet, 6,000 Facts About Canada", just issued for 1914, and'ccompiled byPranlc Yeigh, the well known statistical authority on things Canadian. This nelw'edition shows a marked ad- vance over' previous lssaes in: an increase of neer data, a handsomla cover, a revised map, and improved t' o paper. The publieca ron c n tain s all the essential facts of Canada's progress in a year,under such chap. ter heads as Agriculture, • Area, Banking, Census', Mining Manufac turing, Trade, ,etc., while striking tables .of 'comparisons frresent a measuring rod of our national ,de- lopmenl". Its; wide eirpulation is easily underfstood when its value is realized, for it presents the Do- minion in a nutshell a ready reler ence encyclopedia of facts and fig- ures. It may be had by sanding 25 rents! to The Cnadaian 'facts uP.b'- lfshing Co., 688 Ninon St., Toronto os from news dealers. It Costs No More World All 11 Costs H( Y 'E%�W )iST 13REPL It's Pure our' Mother's' Baked Thai's Sure But Whu Sfoutd You? ar Conner' s �a►e Thur's'day, February 12Th, 1014. VALEN I i r Romantic Platonic Humorous Grotesque Pretty Dainty Valentines Vivacibus Variegated with Vernacular Versi6cations Vivid and Vital Valentine Greetings Suitable for all types of temperament and all degrers of affection are to be found in our stock. MHO . The W. D Fair eco. Often the eheapsst-1 :ways the Best aramaasusafaeaf THE HONESTY OF PRINTERS, Pretty good evidence of the gen- eral honesty of printers was found recently in the Illinois 'State, pen- itentiary at Joliet, It was decid- ed to publish a monthly paper to be edited by the, ' convicts, but the prison eftficials were in a dif- ficulty when it was found that thole was nota dingle ,printer a- mong the 1,500 inmates of the in- stitution, 'A former banker under sceutence for forgery will be the editor!. In the Ohio jpenitentiary at Columbus Awes necessary spine yearb ago to discontinue the pub- lication of the prison paper in the prison, although there f;were'fi4ty bankers. .LUN'ATI'CS FOR, H. OF R. At the recent<nreeting of the Lanark County Council, (strong ob- jections were made to the proposed scheme of Dr1. Bruce Smith, inspec tor of Public Charities, svho,.by au- thority secured in ail -amendment to the statutes, proposed transferring the harmless' and' quiet inmates of Provincial' Hospitals for the Insane back to Houses of Refuge ('in the counties from whence they came. And a ;resolution, adopted disap- proving of the transfer will bo pre- sented tothe Provincial Secretary the Inspector and the local mem- berls, Two or three of this class of harmless lunatics hav e already been dumped upon the Clint in House of Refuge. The Corner Store "Live and Let Live" SYRUP Pure Maple Syrup by bulk :and in bottles. EARLY CLOSING In accordance with the early close ing by-law, the grocers will next. week begin •clos'an.g -their stores at seven o'clock. As an infraction of the by-law leaves them liable to, a fine of 'twenty dollarls, we may expect them to be strict. in tho observance of it. Wednesday and Saturday nights are not included in the by-law a.nd on;thesenights 'stores' may be open as usual. A BLESSED THING. What a blessed thing it would be i one could un a ew a er and f rl int sP P never ask some o;f its subscrib- e -es to pay up. As long as the pa- per goes on week after week and no statement is sent for arrear - ages everything goes like clock- work and you are one of the best. and' most accommodating editors on eauth; your paper isthe best in the country; your advices fol- lowed; your saying's gladden •tho hearts of the household and hap- piness reigns supreme. But what a brute you are after sending ai paper two of <three years (for nothings i6 you politely send in your bill and ask what is due,, or a portion of it. You ratty old pa- per is not of any account. I just took it to accommodate you no one in the family reads it; we can get all the: free reading matter; at the drug stores and hundreds - of other mean and contemptible things are hurled at the editor and his paper. If we were rich we would not ask anyone to pay for+- , his paper—we would not print once, Maple Mixtrire—Kare Syrup, also Crown Brand in 2 lbs , 5Ibs, and 10 lbs, tins. ,For Health Comfort and Convenience. Try One of Our eNEy Cheka1 Pure Honey, 15 2(Ic and 25c glasses Oranges—best navel Bananas, Lemons, Grape Fruit, I -Apples and Grapes , derlessY ' and Sanitary. cJ Always in the illaritet for illawins •Piresh Eggs and Good putter Thoso Plumbing and Heating (Phone 53) a E.[Jl nnlford PHONE 45. +4.5elet lea++'t 1t'+++4, fyou want to wear better shoes than you ever did before with- out spending as much money as formerly, see the remarkable ,values• offered at. FRED JACKSON'S GOOD SHOES FOR EVERYBODY' .30 .16 4. +• 14.44++44914+4441444444-1444-144 *4411-