HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-02-12, Page 7Thursday, 41dbsivar'r .th, tate.
el /
[My Lady
Freed From Bearing Down
Pains, Backache and Pain
in Side by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Compound.
Toronto, Ont. - "Last October, T wrote
to, you for advice as I was completely run
down, had .bearing.
down sensation in the
lower part of bow-
els, backache, and
pain in the side. I
also suffered terribly
from gas. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's
and am now; entirely
free from_ pain in
back and bowels and.
am stronger in every
way. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound highly to all expectant moth-
ers." -Mrs. -Mrs. E. WnriDBY, 92 Logan Ave-
nue, Toronto, Ontario.
Consider Well This Advice.
No.woman suffering from any form of
female troubles should lose hope until
she has given Lydia' E. Pinkhama; Veg-
etable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal in-
gredients of which are derived from na-
tive roots and herbs, has for nearly forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigorator of the female organism.
Women residing in almost every city
and town in the United States bear
willing testimony to the` wonderful
virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
If you have the slightest doubt
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound will help you, write
to Lydia E.Pinkhatn Medicine Co.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad-
viee. Your letter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
Revere Test.
"Does your. husband treat yon un-
kindly?" asked the lawyer.
!_• "Certainly. not," said the nnsabstan
tial woman.
"Then why do you wart a divorce?"
"i don't actually ,want a divorce. 1
merely want to apply for one.. Then
1 can judge by the kind of n fuss my
I cares
husbandmakes whether be really e
for me or not."-Washineton Star.
Developed Into
However slight i"'gold you have, you
should never neglect it, In all pos-
sibility, if you do not treat it in time it
will develop into bronchitis, pneumonia,
or some other serious throat or lung',
Pine Syrup is
Wood's Norway
Dr.Y P
particularly adapted for all colds, coughs,
bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, whoop-
ing cough and all troubles of the throat
and lungs.. Three points in favour of.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup are:
1. Its action is prompt. 2. It invigorates
es well as heals, and soothes the throat.
and lungs. 3. It is 'pleasant, harmless
and agreeable in taste.
Mrs. Albert Vait, Brockville; Ont.,'
writes:-"Just a line, to let you know.
about Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
Our oldest little girl is now six years old.
When she was four months old she got
into Bronchitis
which developed i
cold whi h
and we tried everything we could think
of and had. two doctors attending her,
but it was no good. Otte day l read
in your almanac about, Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup, so I tried it, and
before she had finished one' bottle of it,
the dry hacking cough had nearly all
gone. 'Inhere. is nothing equal to it,
and we are never without it in the house."
See that you get "Dr. Wood's" when
you ask for it, as there are numerous
imitations on the market. The genuine
is manufactured- by° The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Price, 25c.; fancily size, 50c.
What He Wanted.
"Is this a secondhand shot?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well. 1 want one for my watch." -
Smart Set.
Let every man mind his own busi-
ness and endeavor to be what he was
made. -Thoreau.
Sick''Hendache and relieve all the troubles incl.
dent to a bilious state of the system, aue1 as
phzineee, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
:eating, Pain In the Side,&c. While their meat
•, remarkable success has 1)u:a shown In curing
et Car er'e Little Liver rills am
1 quatty e
venally valuablein Constipation, curing aad are•
conanfthisa,rtlem fthe5t nine , ttwhilo they also
te e
limey id regulate
h boa a s. l v n if they
liver and regulate the bowers Lron if nteyonls.:
a •tla> , 1h )
Aehethey would be almostpriceleseto tb osewho
gaffer from. this distressing complaint; be Vertu.
nattily their goodness docs not eadhere,nod them
who once try them will find those little pills rata'
'able in co many wars that they will not be w t.
ling to do Without them. i:utafter-all sickhetdi
„Te the bene of so many lives that here is where
we make our great boast. Ourpllle euro it While
others do,net.
Carter's Little Llver Pills are very' small and
Very easy to take. (Moor two pills make a dose,
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
par e, but by their gentle action plead+ all whe
) own union aa.. � Yoan.lizat ho Dos
el Doubt.
``ells Others How #o Get Strong
' and Well.
Mrs. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen,
.�.i ua�—.ovrr—w.vsuet..r.._-1. Mite,' .."The grippe had left me
house. ' Of this I was sutlefied, et in a weak, run-down condition from
wi h the, realization there came a sad- which I 'euffered Por some time. I
den comprehension of 'my own h 1)- tried different remedies but nothing
lessness to be of any aid. seemed to do me any good until I
From the window where I stood nor. took Vinol, from which I received
a house was visible. Just. beyond the great benefit. My cough is almost
entirely gone and I am strong and
orchard the roads forked, a well -trav-
eled branch circling to the left, and well again, and I am glad to recom
disappearing over the edge of a hill. mend Vinol to others who suffer as I
As I traced It with my ;eyes a con- date
siderable body of mounted men sud- Mrs. Lake's recovery was due. to.
denly appeared on the summit. With- the combined action' of the; medicinal
out fear that they could see me et that elements extracted' from cods' livers
distance I watched eagerly as they =combined with the . blood makin
g -
trotted down the' long slope. They and strength creating properties of,
were plainly a squadron' of British toile iron, which are contained in
Dragoons- their arms and erose -belts Vinol, and her' cough disappeared' as
shining in the sun, in spite of the dust , a natural result.
licked up by their horses' hoofs. We'guarantee
i that Vinol will do all
I' waited until convinced they werewe claim and will pay back your
coming to the house, before drawing money if Vinol does not satisfyou.'
back out. of sight. It was difficult to Y
decide what was best for me to do.
W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist
Should I -wait, trusting to my rough >
clothing,and ass 'm self o: as a coun-
tryman, or take advantage of the brief
time left in which to escape? , If I
essayed the first' choice I could ex -
y e'er. "Was Delavan defeated, then?!
troopersotheesituation, trail i and startefightse Hadn't Grant .joined him?"
ilo ene understand
train if net they t- ( „Y to both questions, sir. . De i
fail to understand and ride on thought- es q �',
leanly. What such a body of mounted van was killed, and Grant surrendered,
men were doing in the neighborhood He and his men were paroled, and
I could merely guess at-either.they ' started for Philadelphia last evening,
were riding through to New York on from here."
some matter of importance, orelse .had "From herel" incredulously. "That
been sant .out hurriedly to discover "must be a lie, colonel, for Mount Late.'
what had become of Delavan's fora- rel is between Here and the city."
"Nevertheless,is no lie I - re-
supposition was the more It ,
ers, This. auP I
g P
likely, and they had taken the wrong torted promptly, looking the young
road, thus misting Grant and his men fool in the eyes. "I was hiding here
in the'dkrknees.- 'for reasons of my own when they
The' through the or- came tramping in along that road
must: uvve cut g middle of the forenoon yes -
chard, reaping the low fence, for, I about the m
1 and the thud of hoofs even as` I terday. There was near a .hundred
arse- hack into the upper hall Th. •Heosians and R,$• G
. w. y.^" r and
office s
tell Mistress Mortimer this was the
nearest place where they were sure
of finding provisions, and that they in -
window as 'we came down the hili. tended to remain until night. I don't
Nave mall, new:" v w- :: ' know what happened after that, ex -
I must face them, and went forward .ceept that the officers went inside, and
to the head of the stairs, anticipatingthe men marched around to the back
an easy explanation of my presence 'to eat their breakfast.?
within. Already quite a squad was 1n- "What became of sine
side the front door bending over the
"Oh, I had other business, and never
bodies and staring about curiously. .got back along here until just at day -
"Pine Robbers, eh, colonel?" said (light this morning. Then I found
one contemptuously. "That fellow has 'things: this way."
a occurred,
cutthroat written all over him. Don't You don't know what c ,
see any signs of our men here." . then?"
"Queen Ranger lying back of the "No more than you do. But I've got
stairs, sir," reported a soldier brl.efty; my opinion. It's this --Grant and his
"Irish lookin' mug." Yellows must have left as soon.as it
The man addressed as colonel, a was dark, taking the west road,, which
Ranger himself from his' green ani• was the cause oL your missing them.
form,. looked .up quickly and caw me. It is likely from this man Mike's body,
our daughter and her party were
Ile called out an order, and three or still in the house. It couldn't have
four men sprang up the etairs,'grasp been much later when these others
ing and leading me down. I made no and made the Mtaok Mike
resistance, not realizing I was in any g°t bore intuit have -fought them at the front
danger. The 'colonel, a tall man with door,` but that was all the fight made;
gray mustache and goatee, and dark, there'll no sign of any struggle Inside."
searching eyes, faced me sternly. t "Then they never got Claire,", de -
"What are . you doing here, sir? Mortimer positively. "Thatt6 a
Come, speak up! What does all this "
meanr' and he swept his hand about eert4iritp, eeldoa.
is gesture • "She would have fought, sir?"
"I came along about -thirty minutes I "Like a tiger. I know my little girl.
ago," I'' explained, beginning to appre- '{And, besides, Peter would have died
before the hand of one of those Nil,
elate my situation, from the auspicious Mains was ever laid upon her."
glances cast at me, and recalling how "But," I protested, "1 have searched
disreputable my appearance must be. the house,'colonel:"
"I found things just as they, are now, "x imagine your acquaintance with
sir. There's been a fight and rob -the 'house is somewhat limited,"he
bery." • i,eplii'd coldly, turning away. "Beldon,
"That's plain to be seen; are these place this felicity under guard in the
all the bodies?" brary here. We will le`arnlater what
"Yes, sir, but the house is upside, his business might be in the Jerseys "
down from end to end."
"You saw no one? No British sol- C
a voice ga,e a slta111 bu,ntuuad. man
"Circle the men about the house,
Simmons.' There is something wrong
here and I saw a fellow at that upper
I� ers th two er•
ran. earrt ie>'
I shook my head, conscious of the 1 At Cross Purposes.
fierce grip with which I was being i .It could not be considered an'un-
held. A couple'of'the men dragged pleasant place of imprisonment, yet.
out the body. from behind the stairs, it was .useless for me to contrive any
and as the face came into the light, plans of immediate escape, for the
the colonel's eyes saty it. I beard the door was securely locked, and; two
sharp breath expelled through his lips, heavily armed dragoons sat within eye -
as he stared down into those ghastly ing ane rather malevolently. My at -
features. tempt at: approaching the window was
"Good Lord! Mike!'' What"in the instantlychecked bya threatening
heaven this mean? He
name of doesgesture, and I• -sat down the reading
was supposed to be with Claire!" chair to await developments. The
'"There must be some mistake, could not muffle my ears, however,
Colonel Mortimer," insisted the other and I heard the swift, hoofbeats' of an
officer gravely. "Perhaps we can get approaching. horse being ridden furi
the truth out of this bumrr,in, if we ' ously up the gravel driveway. At the
take the lash to him." door he was hastily checked, and a
I understood in a flash, and as swift-
ly chose a course of action. This
gray -headed colonel web her'father,
and l would serve her in this emergent.
cy without thought of my own danger.
No threat of a whip would open my
lips, but memory would.
"Come, you dog!" burst out the
colonel fiercely. "You know more than
you have told. Speak up, or we'll skin
you alive."
"I :will, Colonel Mortimer," I said, .Grant's beyond a' doubt. "Ah, colonel,
looking him straight in the eyes. "Not what in God's name hag" happened
because of your threats, but because ,here? I heard that you were out
I wish to serve you. Now I know who ,hunting us at Farrell's blacksmith.
you are, and Twill tell you all I know lshop, and came back as Swiftly as 3
about this whole•affair." teould ride. But I never suspected
"Was -was my daughter here?" he ;thla. Who were the miscreants?'
interrupted. • "That is a question not yet ;an -
"Yes, sir." - cowered, Captain Grant," replied Mor
"My God! And Erie?" timer slowly. "It looks like the work
"Not to my knowledge -there was a of Pine Robbers,; Do you ree,ognlze
man, called •Peter, this -fellow, and a this fellow?"''
black slave or two. They were all I
"But why should 'Claire have been
here," he asked as though dared, "an -
less she came to meet her brother? 3 gone to hell.. But when did the at -
supposed her cafe in the, eity." tack occur? Werleft here after dark,
"I do not pretend to understand' the and. all was quiet enough then.
-cause of her presence: But if you tfliaire-" ,
listen to my story perhaps you may "She was: here, then? I hardly be -
•know what to do." I paused an instant lteved it possible."
to get a grip on my thouSlita. I need ' "q talked with her --quarreled with
not tall an, comers ref identity, or her, indeed, Perhaps that was why
!mention my personal relations, with eche refused to accompany us to Phila
;the daughter. "I am a soldier, Colonel elphia. But what did you mean,
iMortimer, in Maxwell's brigade of leolonel, when you said, you hardly be:
.ilGasningttm!g amity. What brought me eyed it possible she was here? Did
here has nothing to do.with the prey a one tell you?"
ent story. I was in the fight over yon: : "Yes; we caught a fellow the
der neer M,Ount Laurel night :before' house when we arrived. He had no
last when we captured Delavan's ort kine for escape -rough -looking mieore.
agtra n -" ant,, claiming to be a Continental. We
"What!"burst in the dragoon •offa leave 'hlm under guard in the library._
Continued next week.
voice spoke peremptorily:
, "Here you, take the rein!"
The fellow came .up the steps hur-
riedly, almost ignoring the sentry at
the door:
"I haven't time to stand here, you
fool," he exclaimed roughly, "my uni-
:form is pass enough. I wish to see
Colonel Mortimer at once—at once."
There was a pause, and then the same
;voice, and I recognized it now as
• "Ay," and from the muffled tone he
iiust have been bending over the body,
"that is 'Tough' Bims, a lieutenant of
' Fagin; there's onemoredevil
"Red gl h e
sutuol.' SUFFERED AOY,
Lesson VU. --First Quarter, For
Feb. 15, 1914.,
Text of the Lesson,, Luke xi, 37.54.
Memory Verse, 42 -Golden' Text, Gal.
vi, 7 -Commentary Prepared by Rev.
D. M. Stearns.
When we remember that' our bless-
ed Lord blew all men and knew what
u•tis in man and every thought of
man's heart, (,lobn 1!. 24, 25; Ezek. xL
5) we wonder how '[3e in His purity
and righteousness could lire among
teen ns Fre did and not be utterly dis-
rouraged, But He came to save sin-
ners, knowing that every imagination-
of .the thoughts of tutu -kis -heart ^heart is only
evil continually and that every' mull
at his 'hest state. is .altogether vanity
and that a5 faun's •righteousness is
only filthy rugs (Gen. vi, 5; Ps. xxxlx).
As to these Pharisees, if we note
what He says or tltettt in Matt xxiii
as well as in our lesson we wonder
that Cie could think of entering one
of Uieir homes. Jr. He was a man,
however` good, Ile tould not tolerate
them, but living fled in human form,
God manifest in the flesh. He was not
willing' that even nutit should perish
and would save 1lietn if they would
let Him. But they. tieing ignorant of
God% righteousness and going ttheut
to establish their own righteousness,
would not submit themselves unto the
righteousness of (lot (Rout. x. 3).
'Pile, rejected the counsel of God
against themselves and derided Hini.
let when they luvited hitt lute
their homes He went, as in our lesson
and in Luke \u. 1111. but he was al-
u•ays "the fatthfin witness" (ltov. iii
14) testifying to the love of God and
the sluftilueSs of man • The word
"i'httrisee' menus a separated one.
but their separation was not from sir,
unto God. but from .all who did not .
think as they did and were to them
common and uutlt'an, as. when one or
them said. "(rod, 1 thank thee that 1
nut not as other teen " "` " or even as
this oubliette" (Luke xviii, 11).
We may hecunte well; acquainted
with them by considering our Lord's
estimate of then` lu the "woes" of our
lesson and Mutt. xsili and Isa. v.
They knew' not the love of Cud, but
they did love the praise of men Theft
I , c seeking
religion was wholly outward, uk ur
only human approval. utterly regard
less of what God tholtght of tbem or
knew them to be (Matt. xxiil, 5, 28).
Like their ancestors. • they regarded
not the work of the Lord,.neithe• eon
sidered' the operation of His hands
They east away the law of the Lord
of hosts and despised the word of the
Holy One of Israel (isa. v. 1`2; 24).
They honored God with their lips, hot
their hearts were tar frons. Him, and
they made His word of none effect by
their traditions' (Mark vii, 6, 13; Ise.
xx!x, 13; Ezek. xxxiil, 31). Their reli-
gion Ives from Cain, w'iro was the hti,
n)nn founder of all false religion and
who was evidently in the mind of out
Lord in the great woe chapter when
He s pot a 'of the blood,of righteous
Abel (Matt, exili, 35).
The greatest hintirnnc'e to ,the gos
pet is not the worldly' world. which !Wilt
in the wicked one 11 John v, 11)), but
the religious people whose religion is
all outward, wito know not what is to
worship God in ,spirit and in truth,
MO who think more of what others
think 01' then than of the approval or.
the ford Jesus, and who are more
sensitive to a 'reproach against theti-
selves, than to a reproach against the
name of the Lord. These are the
ricked who plot against the just. who
watcheth the righteous and oeeketh'to
slay him (I's xxxvii, 12, 32), eveu as
these Hien lay to wait for our Lord,
seeking to catch -something.out or Elis
mouth that they might accuse flim.
Tlte, scut righteousness or such pee
pre could not take them Into the king
dour of heaven (Matt. v, 20), but wcnild
,doom' them to •the outer darkness_ -
where there shall be weeping and
gnashing of teeth (jlatt. viii. 12):
Never did our Lord' tarsi away or Say
a severe word to a truly penitent S111'-
11(11' or one honestly seeking the truth.
but to those who professed to be what
they were not icnd yet were righteous
in their own: estimation lie was se
vore. Yet even such, who thoagut
they had need or nothing, He corm
setecl to buy Of Him gold' tried In tin,
tare and white raiment and eye salvt
to cause them to see (Rev. 111, 17, 1S).
God requires an itbsohttely perfect
righteousness, such as was found only
in Jesus Christ. the Lamb of God.
without bleinisli and without spot,
with whom the Father wits always
well• pleased, and anything less than,
this will net maitre. We can nevei.
attain to such righteousness by out
own et1'orts, but how glorious Is the'
truth in 11 Cor. v,' 21. "ide,hes made
Him who knew nothing, of sin to lit
sin for us. In order that in film we
May heroine the righteousness . of
God." or ns in l Cor, i. 110, "He has
become for us n wisdom which Is frunt
God, consisting of righteousness rind
sturctifif'iition and deliverance" (Wey-
mouth's tratlsiiltIWii.
R'hen once our oyes are opened to
vee' [Ifs perfect righteousness end to
receive IICut, then all 'seems as noth-
� .c,r lto
p with 1 to II n t i
ttmmritl pt If t t v
fi t
k- 1.
glory only in [lira WWI Hi. 1(I
While We tuntintic in the blindness
and darkness of our own pride ono
self will wt eon sea no h'nuty 11 lliui,
being wholly or,tupitti'with onlsetve"
Bawl our owr doings, and will cense
enently reject the noun; t'I or t, o•.
against ourselves (Luke til, ;Alt
gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or throe for
510. Sold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any
address on receipt of price. las Sconanl, DRUG
,;Co„ 81, Catharines, Ontario. -
Vim and
hatter' a Tonle-wie lt b. Brain;
you up.$ases 1 a box,xor
two for $5, at drag stores, or by mail on receipt
of price. Tun SconnnL Duo Co., St, Catharines,
Nothing Helped Her Until She
Tried "Fruit -a -fives
CAMrnrtI i VILI,> , Orap`,, May 5th. 1913.
"I cannot speak too highly of "Fruit-
y tives". For over thirty years, I have
suffered' from Chronic Neuralgia and
Constipation, experiencingnntoldagony.
The Neuralgia settled in my lungs and
I took bottle after bottle of medicine
without relief. The doctor told me 3
would not get better but "Fruit-a-tives"
proved• that the doctor was ,wrong, by
giving me quick relief and finally
and completely curing me,
I would not have my present health
if it:was not for. "Fruit -a -tines" and I
am glad of the -opportunity of giving
you this letter about such a splendid
remedy as "bruit-a-tives", for the
guidance of other: women who iriay be
similarly affected"
"Prnit-a-tives"-is the only medicine
made from fruit juices and is particularly
suited to women because of its mild
action and pleasant taste.
"Fruit -a -tines" is sold by all dealers
at soc a box, b' for ,P2.5o, trial size, 256,
or may he obtained from Fruit -a -fives
Limited, Ottawa.
'The Vehicle Is Easily Made and Saves
Considerable Trouble.
The Utah Agricultural college' ex-
periment action -has issued a useful
circular on "Labor Saving Devices For
the Farm Home." Among the sag..
1 estrous offered is. the use of the handy
"dinner wagon," `iigured5in the accotn-
panning illustration. The circular
says: "ill homes where it is necessaryR
to have a separate kitchen and dining
room It should he considered necessary
to Have a so called 'dinner wagon, an
lilustr ition of which is . given. This
dinner wagon can be made by any oue
who knows !tow to handle tools at all
and, us you nee, is in reality 0 two or^
three story table' on • wheels, This
should stand near the kitchen stove,
and on it should be placed everything
required for the meal. It can be
wheeled into the dining room or to the
table and then set aside until required
to move everything from the dining
table back to the kitchen. Think of
the countless steps saved. by the use
of such a simple little appliance as
Rill the Gertns: Nourish the Uai.t.
]Coots and You'll Never
Grow ' Bald-lllse
Parisian ,Sage.
your own •fault if ,you grow
ba.ti ::- 21. as thousands of men
cio—ys, R. 1 women also. If you
have 1i.,:.drtiff it is because the
g rms a already devouring the
v-ry Ilte of the hair at its roots
li.11 tri^so germs with Parisian
Sap and • stop dandruff, itching,
sta p and falling. hair in two weeks
Ws guaranteed, you know, this
tlzl'ghtful anti refreshing Parisian
a;r that is now sold ,all over
Caacrcli. and if it floes not prove
b tit than ' any other hair tonic
you over used g pi: your money.
t. ;, it puts Lit and beauty info
cru l fa;l cl ha'r. Large bottle at
W. C. TL IIa'na:s aavd druggists
averywhe"_'e: Regu:ar price 500
Household . Hints.
"This ie a bum recipe book," declar-
ed the militant sortragette.
"What's wrong'l"
"Been all through it and not a recipe
ran I find for making bombs."—Louis-
ville Courier -Journal.
Indigielstion is one of the most,
common ailmeents of childhood and
no other ailment ismore dangerous
Indigestion paves the way temany
other complaints,. Baby's Own Tab
tete never fail to remove childhood
indigeilticvn. They act as gentle
lax ativle; sweeten 'the stomach; re-
gulate' the bowels and' make the
baby hlealbhy and happy. Concern
ing thom Mss. Alphonse Peilitier,
St. Phillippe de Neri, Que., writes;
i1I have used Babyls Own Tablets
for indigestion, with great :success.
They have also proved suecessdlul
in breaking up colic and simple rev
ores - The Tablets' are eold,by med.
icine deah
r by
mail at 25 cents
Dr. Williams' Med-
icine Co., Brockville, Ont.
U. S. Government Standard
Below is: an extract from LLS.
Gov. ad. for tenders -"The math
recite coal must be equal to that
mined and prepared by Philadel
plcia & Reading Coal & Iron Co"
We handle nothing but the first.
grade Philadelphia & Reading.
11-i OlVa,:57
Hoose phone 12. Office phone 40
An Eyeing Acquaintance.
Proved of Great Value to hie"
There is only one explanation for the
numbers of enthusiastic letters that we
receive praising`'Na-Dru-Co Dy • pvl._aa
Tablets, and that is that these t tl'ctr,
certainly do care any kind of".tcinach
Here is a typikal letter from SSiaai'
7Nliza Arinsworthy, Cavrro,'N.S.:
"It is with pleasure I write to inform
you that your Na-Dri;-Co Dyspe[ ia,
Tablets have proved of great valor. to
me. Itried remedy atm remedy but
without any lasting good. Having heard
of your tablets curing such cases as
urine I decided to give them -a fair trial.'
..:.they proved satisfactory in my case."
The remarkable success of Na-Dru-Co
Dyspepsia Tablets is such a- success "as
eau .only come to an,. honest gctnedy,
"Rave you ever b sen introduced to componndedaccording to an exception-
Miss Mich?"
"No, bat our -eyes have met."—Chica-
go Daily(News,
The 'Limit.
Gabe - Cadge owes everybody in
Steve -Is bit credit bad?
Gabe -Bud? Why, he couldn't even
borrow trouble,-Oinc!nnati Enquirer.
A Poser.
North America -At last they have
0111 the neck of the laird in two.
South America -And the question is:
Aril I beheaded or are you befooted7-
New York Sun:
Has Now Come to Canada
Sufferers from Rheufnatiem, Lora
bago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Head-
aches, Neuritis' and kindred agon-
izing ailments may npw find epeedy
-welcome relief and certain, cure.
At last dile vicitms of these tort-
uring complainbs-lmien and women
whose lives are long -drawn' -out ag
only-rmay look withihope-confi-
de?ncel-ce4tainty-to pain's. most
glad departure.
In . Ktephaldol- is now offerted to
Canadians, for the first time. a rem-
edy which not only has medical en-
dorsement for its efficacy, but is
also guaranteed to be a perfectly
sate pain -killer, containing noth-
ing jto inusI a the heart or
other bodily organ.
For colds, influtenza, catarrh and
similar complaints, Kiephaldol is un
equalled, A tablet or two taken at
the filet indication of trouble 'will
unfailingly chests ibs development
and rtes oro health.
Got a tube of Kephaldol • tablets
from your •drugggist, or write for
thlem to Kephaldol Limited, 31
Latour Street, Montreal.
Welland 'Nu«
Welland, Feb 2. -Welland coun-
tyis in a turmoil of lsxcitement
over the declaration made today
by 'thee. Returning Officer :that the
Canada temperance act was defeat-
ed by a majority of sax.
The reports since the election
until today have been that the
vottet was carried by twenty ma -
ally good .formula, from pure ingre-
dients, by expert chemists. 1 f you are
troubled with your stomach just est
your Druggist about Na -.Uri -Co
Dyspepsia; Tablets, compounded by the
=National Drng c. -.d Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited, and sold throughout
the Dominion at 5oe- a box. 142
I•fow Me Worked 'ft.
Her bat obscured iris view at the
theater, and in kindly voice he leaned
forward and asked if it would be pos-
sible for her to remove it.
A. stiffening of the head was her only
answer. After a few moments he re-
peated his request. Then she turned
on him,
"There is no demand for my doin'
so," she said.
"No demand?" be echoed.
Then he rolled his overcoat and
placed it on his seat, sat on it and,
getting his hat from under the seat,
placed it on bis head:
In a moment there was a cry of
"Take that hat off 1'
And with a swift movement the
lady unfastened her hatpins and re-
moved her hat. So did the man. -Ex-
A :Definition...
Three ladies had planned a drive to-
gether, but when the hour appointed
came one of them asked to be excused
on the score of an attack of indiges-.
tion. Her companions expressed their
disappointment and sympathy, but the
elder of them insisted that the excuse
was insufficient.
"You sbouldn't let yourself be gov-
erned by such ideas," she said. "It is
real gall as you think. What is indi-
gestion, anyway?"
The third lady, wishing to, avoid the
apparently impending discussion on
t y P g
mental control of illness, broke in
"Indigestion," she said, "ie' the fa.'I-
ure to adjust a square meal to a round
-For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
jollity, but at the .counting asp oft
ballots Manic today for one, ward GoderIcliI0 IIve
in . Bridgleburg, where the Deputy
Beltuaining Officer had signed and
given out a ft, certificate tstating
for the act 20, against 54, :spoil-
ed 1," the, report given today was
"for tlple act 12, against 63, spoil-
ed 1," which, reversed the dry ma-
jority into a wet majority. .
Temperance people have the
statlementsigned by the Deputy Re
turning Officer, which gives them
a victory, and 'intend to place the
matter in court. j They claim a
grleat deal of fraudulent voting
vs done and are gathering in.f
fop: a full investigation'
thsoughout the county.
Settlement by Polls.
The majority in the several polls
thaioughout the bounty were as
Against act-Bientie 20, Bridge-
burg 197, Chippewa 67, Fort Ertel
120 Humberstone township 63, Hum
berlstone village 22, Stamford 11,
Thrioold' town 125, Welland. 179.
For• act-(;rowlatd 41, Port Col-
borne 19, Benison 408, Thorold'bon >
ship 58, Willoughby 20, Wainfi;e
Total agahntt-297; total for --
791; total majority -6 wet.
Children Cry
RRec'OUtt l`t ill Ili'
lP2'iliiHld€'d in Welland
Welland, Jan, 30. -Hugh R. Roes,
d(e'puby returning officer in the
Caneade Hleinpiee►ance act 'election',
announced at 9 o'clock toiniglat,that
thle majority had been reduced a-
gain tot 04 by devised returns.
Seventy-five temperance 'workers.
who met here this afternoon, heard'
the reports of representatives vvlio
claimed ire egularii ies in ( ^the vot-
ing en the part of the opposition
foectes, and it was given out that
a thorough investigation would be
madle. The liquor Interests will
demand a reeoua'ilt.
Acioli➢�9' EieCIION
Efililtat to Resign and
Cttlllc;l tll'b O1ncewith
Two Others
Goderich, Fdb. 2, -Municipal af-
fairs reeceived a jolt today 'when
papees of ,disqualification had
been served on l (Robert Elliott,
reeve of Goderich, on behalf of Bs
C. Mupdiings, the defeated carat -
date for the office. The grounds
on which the disqualifications, are
made is the lack of ,sufficiently as-
slensed property also that he has a
contract with the town. he has
stated that he will resign and will
lendeavor, to have esufficient assess-
ment and, will :again oppose Mon-'
ntngs, end it rumored that Robert.
McLean will also enter' the field.
The matter will be heard .before
Judge Holt on February 11. This
movie was rumored a few weeks
ago, butwas denied :byboth earliest
can use
The Guaranteed "ONE DYE for
All Kinds of Cloth.
Clue, Simple, No Chance of Mistake.. TRY
IT I Send for Free Color Cord end Booklet.
Tho Jtihs.oe.R1 chordsou Co. Limns d, Monteeel
s '
Alt Growing Children
are dependent on nourishment for growth.
Their health as men and women is largely
established in childhood.
If your child is languid, bloodless, tired when rising, with-
out ambition or rosy cheeks, Scott's Emulsion is a wonderful
help. It possesses nature's grandest body-building fats so
delicately predigested that the blood absorbs its strength
and carries it to every organ and tissue and fibre.
Fust it increases their appetite. then it adds flesh -strengthens
the bones -mattes them sturdy, active and healthy.
No alcohol or narcotic in Scott's Emulsion, just purity and strength.
10,, e.. roaoe,ro; bntrnwro, „