HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-02-12, Page 5)
Thursday, February 12'tl; 1914.
SK the technical',
man what he thinks
of the HOWARD Watch.
'In more than a hundred and fifty
highly specialized occupations HOWARD
time is a -ruling ;factor. 'In industrial
plants -all along the Panama Canal—
on the leading railroads of Ame'ca—in the
Army and Navy and -Government Departments.
The HowAaD Watch is the finest practical '
timepiece in the world—and always worth what Latest 'NewspaperCensus
you pay for it.
Hp ARD watchmakers make and adjust are ..
-HOWARD as ken. watch. Cased et the rectors' end 1 - -- ,-
moment. It is believed that there
will be a greart deal. of 9aWage in
the vessel.
Say It Will Beige Itself.
D. Cunningham„ of ,Clinton, who,
with Mt. Naftal, ;first discovered
the McGean'e hull; .are 'experiencid
1alce men. Both declare that the
McGean will raise: herself still high
aa ;soon as the spring thaws
They out the ice,1'h y ba se their
;asstyrition on the fact that when
any object, fastened'; like the boat,
begins to iahift, the expectations
are that (the entire " ;submerged
surface will be exposed. That the
'boats aro being lightened by,the
action of'• ice and waveois apparent;,
,Salam , "<the amount of wreckage
st teivn `on the ice..
Notice Against Wrecking.
. The notices, pouted some time
ago; warning residents and passers
by, against : "wrecking:' any of the
salvage, still remain inpLaee, and
aro being enforced: All valuables.
washed ashore are being, forward-
ed to the Wrecking Association
office in Goderich.
'timed in its own case.
•Printed ticketfixp the price—" °
Let us, show you this distinctive watch.
Dm $35 Up
W. H. ilitiVAR
Cola McEwan is the
New Vice -President
:Dominion Sheep Breeders Hdld
Their Annual Convention at
Toronto, Feb. 6. -The following
'officers were elected by the Domin`
ion Sheep Breeders' Association in
convention today ; President, J. E.
Cousin ; vice-president. Colonel Mc-'
!Ewen; directors, John Railing, Jas.
Snell, L. Parkinson, J. D. Silvest, A
Denis, T. Skinner, James Bryson,
Professor George Gay.
The executive committee was
'Offered to lock into the charge
brought .by A. J. McKay that del-
egates from the West were telct-
ed by the Ontario breeders. It will
report at the next annual meeting.
fliscoversr of McGean
Tells of_ Finding doll
Oharles Naftei Says the Freighter
Lies Three -Quarters of a Mile
Off his Farm -Fifty Feet of
Hulk is Visible
B1yt i,irld', '',gib. 8: -Chas. Naftal,
who resides on the lake shore, sev-
en miles wes't''of Baylfield, stated
to The Advertiser that there was
the hull of a vessel believed, tote
the big American freighter John
McGean; lying three-quarters of a
mile off the point 'which bas been
called Nal teas Point.
While the 'wreck is not visible
at the present time owing to the
ice and the ,stillness of the water,
it -vas plainly ween by many pens-
aons, and pieces of wreckage have
convinced them that the hulk is
the wreck of the McGean, whose
crew perished in the awful Novem
ber storms.
'See 50 Feet of Hull.
"We saw this wreck some weeks
ago while there was no ice on the
lake," said: Mr. Naftal, "It could be
heavy waves
seen only -when the y
broke over
i t and left the water
shallow on the shore Slade. From
our farm it appeared to be about
50 feet of the hull that showed,
though it may have been 200 feet
in length. Siir(ce the time we saw
it, it has been •,impossible to reach
it because of the .broken ice i1midis .:
As soon as possible an effort will
the wreck d
toeach h . n
ads „a
cf There is no
e t' ai n P e e
make ;aura t
xn 1 e
doubt in pry mind thatit is oaelol
the vessel's lost 'in the storm, and
no. ,doubt it io the McGean; • as
wreckage has come ashore" right
at the point opposite:, the..wiieck."
Carruthers Farther Out.
"The Carru`hcrs has been report-
ed furrther out, but it . isnot pos-
sible to got any confirmation of
this report, excepting= that wreck-
age anew boat has been com-
ing in. A Carruthesr lifeboat was
found not long ago in thi310-
The owners' of the McGean have
been notified. of the discovery, and
have given 'instructions to " reach
Five New Publications _: Every
Working, Day-in,11,000 Towhs
Philadelphia, Feb. 3. -The forty-
sixth annual census of the publi-
cations of the Mated ited States and
Canada shows that an average of
*newpublication's wee start-
edtfi�e pu� r
every- working day during 1913.
The suspensions and consolida-
tions make the net gain only three
a week. .
The total number of publications
is 24,527. Theije are 2,040 dadies'-
the evening editions outnumbering
the morning by about three to one..
There are 572 Sunday papers. It
requires forty different languages
to carry the news to the people of
this country. Large lists are de-
voted to the special publications,
agricultural, religioa" etc., but
every class, every cult, every tradte
every, profession, every 'fad, every
"ism,' has its printed' spokesman
in the 215 different lists into which.
they are subdivided.
Only four industries' now exceed
in• capital invested and value of
products the business of publish-
ing and printing. In ten years the
output increased 866 per cent„ and.
St is e. timatetd that at prtetsent
the earnings of inletwslpapers and
peiajiodicals average nearly a mil-
lion and a half dollars per calen-
dar day. Two-thirds of this
amount perhaps represents adver-
tising. In the nature of the case
no one individual can be familiar
with a large part .of the publish-
ing industry, which is. carried on
in more than 11,000 different • towns:
thewreck at the earliest possible
a� d
Ealk 01 our:. Furniture
Hirth;:, Marriages tit Deaths
PEPPER -In Tuckeremith nn'Feb. 9.
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepper, a
WOODS -In Goierich Twp. on Feil.
9tb to Me. and Mrs. Milton .Woods,
A : son.
WATT-In'Rlintnn on Feb. 4th to Mr.
and Mrs. Thos, Writ, a son.
ALLAN -In Halifax. N. S., on Wed
ncedav Feh°4th to Mr and; Mrs 0.
G Alain of the Naval Coll(ge, ason.
LOFT -In Clinton on Monday, Feb.
9th, Mary t hurcbill, relict el the
late Frederick a. Loft, aged 68 years
Distract News.
.1‘1 re, Wm Addison spent a few days
with her friend Mee. Bradsh .w of near,
til, T.me Alen son of ,firs. Henry
Alien and Miss Davidson of r\IcKillop
were quie. l,y' inserted on \Veduesday.
They will s art f tr t heir home in the
West In a week n bere air. Allen is
eiiut'gcd in fat ming.
About St) friends and neighbors as-
ssembl:d at the home of Adam Eliot'
and pre sen ted Mr, and • Mrs. Elliott'
with two leaf her covered most t s chairs
Mr. Eifot will have a sale of his farm
stock in a few weeks and will live re -
Mins GertieVodd
en returned t0
don on Wednesday of kat week after
spending two months at her home on
the 10th con.
Herb Govier of I be Base Line ha i n.
wood lee on Friday afternoon and
held a dance in the evenir g.
Miss May Adams it the guest of her
cousin Miss Elsie Britton of Seaforth
this w e
A number friends assembled at.
the home of Mr. and Mr.
and ales. Ell
MU iott on Friday bvening last, when the
j;following address was read and presen
tations made.
To Mr. and Mrs. A. Elliott .
and, daughter
As you are about t' leave our midst
i we, your neighbors could not allow
this'opportunity to pass, without ex-
pressing our sincere appreciation of
your sterling qualities as citizen's and
"neighbors. 'You have all worked hard
and have won a well earnest rest. Our
preyer is that you may be long spared
to one another so that you may enjoy
this holiday and your new home to the
fullest extent. Your beautiful bottle
has seen many a happy gathering as
your hospitality has been unbounded
in its warmth and widet,oss. In times
of sickness andtrouble yonr s m
went out, not in the shape of words
only, tut in loving. acts which show
that you have learned the divine lesson
of humanity. With these you forged'
the fetters that has bound us together
In the brotherhood' of than and the
stronger ron a bonds of truest friendship.
You will be missed in the corornumty,a
but we are thankful that the memory
of your lives wt;l 'ever he present to.
inspire us to greater works, and nobler
deeds. As a slight tokenof our' ap-
preciation, we ask you to accept 'these
chairs and fountain•pen and as yon en•
joy them may you behold on memo*
wall pictures -of the gond times speiit'
togeth'r.''We 're'gh.d you-are'r of
going vel+yfir from us and that wino.'
ihe ices aro broken somewhat, we will
not, entirely lose your fellowship. We
therefore take this opportunity of
assuring you a hearty welcome any
time 3ou can make it convenient to
visit us.
Signed in behalf of your neighbors.
Simon McVittie
Blau Herrington
0 •0000
Canker Sores. or
Canker sores .in the mouth re-
• sult from a badly balanced diet.
The stomach digestion may' be
satisfactory and yet .cankers •a
may develop. To cure .cankers
• burn them with some aromatic.
sulphuric hur1
c acid applied led to the ul-
nwooden tootbfi
toothpick. To
prevent t h
em entree -Marty, prop-
erly and slowly. The diet should
be a prosier balance between
vegetables, .fruits, meat and
• bread. Constipationmust be
prevented. 'Cankers have a pur-
pose. They warn. re the warn-
ing is not heeded more serious
• trouble follows.
,40 oppp
Hogs $i,75
EEggs 301-31
Butter 0-24 •
Wheat, 80-85
Oats! 32-34
Pietas! 95-1.00
Batley i 50_ 52
Brian e$'23 $24
Shortts $23,=-,$24
Toronto Markets
Hoggs -- .-.•..... $9.65
Cattle) $8.50
Lambs , 1$0.50
Sheep ,..... $7,00
ChieesA 15c
Buutter .i 26 to 29e
Wheat 93c
Oats ...... 41c
Barlley 62 th 63
Potatoes, per bag 1 .to. $1.16
Beans; ....... -..--, $1.75tio1.85
Local News
��71'tilmitlwkwI mMl'UVt
The Business College hold ;- a
skating party at the new rink to-
is our Cluarantee
and That of the Maker
Some Furniture is put togeth-
er metely to sell. Ours is made
by experts for long and satisfac-
tory use. Anti this serviceable-
ness is combined with an artistic
appearance which renders it un-
usually attractive.' A visit to
our worerooms will please both
yourself and us.
The Cheapest Spot in Huron to
l3uy all Kincis of Furniture
Furniture Dealing stud Funeral Directors -Phone 104
N. Ball 110 --RESIDENCE PHONES J. D. 4tl insoit 186'
The St. Joseph -Dramatic Club
expoct , to go 1. (to Goderieh next
Wednesday night and give their
play "An IrisEden." The Club
give it. well.
The House of Refuge Committee
meet here last' Friday and : made
their official trip to the House and
flaund fevero"thing in first class
order under the 'capable :manage-
ment of Mr. and Mrs. Mutch.
At a recent meeting of the quar-
terly official board of the idea-
forth. Methodist church, a hearty.
and unanimous invitation was ex-
tended to Rev. A. W. Barker, B D
to remainas pastor of the church
'for the fourthSyear.
In the Toronto Sunday World of
Feb. sth a large group -ie shown.
of the men who tell .the peopl,ei of
Canada what their representatives
in Parliament are doing at Ottawa
and among the crowd are to be
Mr. Eldred chiba d Mr.A.
seen M . El r Archibald, ,
Ford, son of Rev. J E Ford for-
merly of Clinton end who hasvie-
i$ed here, and Mr. H.P.` Gadsby, of
the Toronto Star who wasg' former-
ly a 'teacher in the C. C. I.
_Therm passed away on Moatday
Inher 68th year, Mary ;Churchill,
relict of the late F'red;erick T. Loft,
fi *a
rsi t
Deceased feed for a a
��emaay ;y
Burnside„Mich„ and afterwards in
Huron township near Kincardine
where her husband died - three
ealts ago. She was member of
the Presbyterian Church, The fun
eral took place from the residence
of her nephew, IMr, Wo H. Cole,
Gravel Road, on Wednesday, , in-
terment being made a9 Clinton
cemetery. Mrs, Chats. Cole . 'ants
Mrs. James Liedi ay are, sis ,ere; of
the deceased.
The New Era joins with the
oiher, ettxzenat!n town
in exten-
cto -ding
our hearty congratulationla
'to Mr. and Mrs. W. R Counter
who celebrtitted the 23rd anniver••
sally of their marriage to -day.
Duringthis week the T R
it G
have been replacing a ,bridgen;ear
Holmesville'and were delayed on
Monday night so lonlg• that the
train due to leave here at 6,30 did'
not get into Godeffieh uetil 10.30;
The <:al omon'e.Insditute held their.
at 1lonie in. the town hall to -night
(Tliu $day) 'and ahoy have pre
pared an• enjoyable program, and
the Phalan Orchestra will be pres-
ent. Everybody • 6nvited, Admis-
sion 25 cents.'
At a very largely attended quar
terly board meeting held in Essex
Methodist !rhumb, the pastor'ssal-
aily for the•year wag; fixed at $1,050
and the pastor, Rev, Dr. Medd, was
invited to return for another year,
Dr. Medd did not accept, but thank
ed the board and promised to give
the matter his careful eonai-'
During 1914 there will be 4 eclip-
(lelst-two olft the sun and two 02
the moon and a transit of Mercury
over the sunys disk. The annual
eclipse 04 (tike sun Feb. 24th and
251h is not visible here. Apartial
eclipses of the moon on Marchllth.
-12th will be seen 'here betw:aein 9
p.m, on March, 11th and 2 p. m
on March 12th. A' total eclipse of
the sun' occults on Afng. 21st, 'par-
tially visible here. On Sept. 4th a
partial eclipse of the moon occurs
beltween 4 and 5 a. m.
The Clinton . awing fair will be
bigger and. better than 'ever if
the wish of the new officers elec-
ted Tuesday is carried out. The
annual meeting was held in the
commodious Council chamber and
was well attended by those inter-
ested, . Thus sday Aprilr•t2, is the
;day selected' for the 1914 fair and
over $500 will be given in cashpri
zes.` Clinton(,is the cesstreof one
of the besttock raising commun-
ities in Ontario and no better stock
will 'be wound anywhere. John
Shanahan was elected pxiesident
George Hoare, vice-president, Ad
am McMurray, secretary; Arthur
Tyndall • treasurer with Oliver John-
son, Thos. Coleman and W. Wrinn
as executive committee.
Nobody needs worry about ^the
weather as.we can have, a change'
to suit the moat: changeable per-
son. Last Friday mornityg it was
freezing in the<afternoon a snow-
storm and at' }tight a heavy rami;
slhorfm falltowe'r.I by a small sized
blizzard Saturday morning which
did not help Saturday businessany
and kept it up all day. Sunday the
"freezer" began; to work and by
night bad evtybody hugging the
firle,- The coirgaega'tions, at the
evening services' were small but
very select. Monday was not much.
bdttep, but .a little storm would
not keep the ladies from any party.
Tuesday the wind went down and.
the weather was not so cold, but
Wednesday -speak low -it was re-
ported the, mercury nearly dropped
out of sight. • 13 below was report-
ed and somehow or other it seem-
ed in some quarters if it was 23
below. The Westerner would
have told us it was an ideal clay
as the sun was shining and the sky
clear; -'tend you never feel the
cold',' -but we felt it here alright.
Nothing new only ,'i8 below Thurs-
day manning.
Write on one side of paper only.
Mail to reach us Wednesday Of:
each week or sooner.
Avoid all items respecting on per-
sonal character but ;send All, the
Chech off this list it may assist
you to remember an important
Births, Marriages., Deaths.
Accidents, Church News
Suppers or Presentations.
Removals, Visitors.
Lodge News, Fires.
Public Improvements..
Law Cases, the •Crops.
School Matters.
Correspondents will please :re-
frain from sencling ,notices oaf en-
tertainments -where an admission
fee is charged, unless they send
word wlio is.Teaponsible for the
payment of such advertisment. The
charge ie, five cents aline -six
words make a line, •
A big crowd, went down to Sea-
forth on Tuesday night to zee Clin-
ton -play the Seaatorth Northern
Hockey 'team and they certainly
had a run for their money. After
10 minutes play, the Hydro current
went off and the rink wasindark-
nessfor 15 minutes after which the
play, was .resumed. At half time
the score way 2-1 for Clinton: The
loeicond half Started off fast and
soon Seaford; had a lead of 3-2
and retained it up tofour minutes
of time when Clinton took com-
mand and rushed in two goals. 0.
Dick and Sills both had to
with "bum” knees and Mitchell and
Cluff retired with them. Toad Ed-
monde, of, Stratford, was the ref-
etjee. Following was the line up of
the locals; -Goal, Johnston, Rum -
ball: and O'Donnell defence ; Clu1f
roves'; Kerr, Centre; Mitchell right
and, Draper left. How the goals
were scored';-
1st Half. l
2 -+Dick
2nd Half.
t-1SilIe .
12 -Di ckt
3 -Kerr
' Ninely per Beni, of
'hen/inches ore caused
by imperfect eree,
We ten ppermonenllY
cure euci. headaches
If we failW o will. ro
our• ,
r r
A. J. Cs�ric
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Every reader of The New Era
owes It: to
himself to give phis
netwspapeaa'fair and careful read
ing. That is to say, he .should -be
sue o
n not' to'ne
g adver-
legit the d er-
tisetments, all of 5vh•ich are plan-
ned, for his special information
and beirneflPtl..-If any part of the
newspaper is to be slighted, skip
over something other than the ad
verttising. •Every reader also has
a duty to the newspaper itself.
He should eupport ,and patronize
those merchants < who tell their
helpful stone news through the ad
vertxsements The ' aaverifser.
while 08 couxise advertising 'far a
business reason, none, the less does
a distinct 'servicer- to the reader,
and deserves 4;he reader's atten-
tion and, patalonage. And by giv-
ing this support ,the reader not
only discharges• a duty to himself
and to the advertiser, but also to
The New; Era.
The Winnipeg News -.Bulletin of
January 26th, speaks, as;follows of
Rey. G. F. Salton, 'who, was a form-
er pastor; of Wesley fehurch;-"The
Shadow of the Cross," ;the 'famous
painting by William Strutt, R. B. A.
became the property of the Fort
Rouge Methodist church under pe-
culiar circumstances. (yesterday.
The picture had been borrowed by
the pastor as an apt illustration
in colors of; his 'evening :sermon,
"The Brotherhood of Nations."At
the morning service Rev. G. F. Sal-
ton appealed to his congregation,
to acquire the painting for the;
church. In answer to Ina plea sev-
eral members came forward with
offells to contribute to a fund with
a view to its pu>fchase. It was
not until Rev. Mr.Salton:vvasstep-
ping into the pulpit at the ,eae-
ring service that a gentleman step
tett. up to him and said he had pur-
chased the picture, the only con-
ditions being that his name private
ly or publicly should not ,be di-
vulged. The picture shows' Christ
the shepherd and a flock of stheep
rlalpreseln/tative oiil the nations, of
the world. Asl they crowd toward
the central figure 31 is analagous
of.the nations of ;the world gat -
ting closer together. "God made
of one blood all nations" was the
text dB. Rev. Mit Salton and the
thought expressed in his sermon
was that the ancient land even mod
ern national had too .long neglect-
ed the establishment of this prin-
ciple. In presenting the ;different
traits Of character of nationarep
vesenbed in Camiada, Mr. Salton
made a. strong_ plea for comity ;a-
mong them. He states that the -de-
posting df' gglindus ,from the Do-
minion would not solve the prob-
lem but world only shi)ft:it to a
different ;sph4re. Education, So-
cialism, .politics and ,commence
would not solve the problem, he
assoltted. It was a social problem
created ,by Christianity and which
applied( Christianity alone could
On ;Wednesday evening a ,carni-
val was held in Clinton's big:, rink
which, drew an exceedingly large
crowd: A goodly number of the
town people turned out and the.
evening was well spent by all. The .
Kittle Band gave a good musical
program. The following is the list
of the prize winners(.
Best dressed lady' (penant girtj-
Miss Elsie Ross..'
B ' n est ;di eased girl Marto Gibbings,
Bes'tt''dressed '.gent -F. McCaughiey,
Best dressed buy -J. Bawden.
National d'yleased gent' -N.' Davis.
National dxlessed boy -H, Kilty.
National dressed lady -M. Potts.
National dressed girl -;W. Draper.
Beet finessed clown genu -K. Cho -
Best dressed clown boy, -M: Ned-
gen. •
Best comic clown gent -J. Wein.
Lady and gent pace -Mr. C. East
and L.. ;Howe.
Best .fancy tarot et lady -alias
1 mile/gent's-0. Draper.
3-4 mite boy -H, Holmes.
Clown nae° ge4nlil J. J. Weir,
Clown i1aae boy -F. Wallis.
The judge, of the carnival was
Mr. L. M. Chanty; Oklahoma, City
Okla. Mr. Joe Rattenbury was
sitarter in the races,
8 &1
i ao and zz
. oL Ladies h-
� ars �lntlsale
Mantles on Satur-
day, everyone this season's stock, at ....... ..... 9.95
$8 and $10 Mantles dl, 9
° $5 to`$.5o. Mantles 2.95
few 'Furs to clear at manufacturer's prices
Men's i +
Fine Shirts
We have a few dozen Men's Fine Shirts, some with
separate,coilars, which are slightly soiled, regular $r
and $1.25, choice for (9c r3'
Men's Hats.at Half Price
Men's Hats, regular $2.5o, for
Also some wonderful bargains in clearing lines
of Clothing and Boots and Shoes.
m � l
�lt� 5��� Bros.
NewEra Advertisements Pay
America's Greatest
(lair -Goods Artist
I` Is eOMING "
Rattenbury House
Wednec day Feb 18
Standing of the Noatllern League.
won Posit
Clinton r..:.. _ 2 0
Seiallox9:$ -.c 1 2
f• •iltchell Cr`- 1.
M +
Seaforth plays the return game
here 'Friday night.
;Mitchell', plays in: the big rink
on Tu ,sday evening .next, week.
Last Thursday' night Mitchell de -
Tested? Seaforth' 6-5• at Mitchell.
W. Johnston was referee. ,ti'
What 'Sarnia did tol::ondon was.
a shame, -on Monday night.: They
defeated the Indians ,by a scone of
7• to 0. -
To shear: those Stratford a ears
"holler" about their big .rink you
would think their hockey boys
could -beat everything dawn ,there
but it took the Wiarton rbun7ch just
one hour to ,show them'that they
didn't know very much. The score
was 10-0 and on the round 20-4.
It must;: have made them dizzy,;
In the Northern,' League • Wier
ton can not be said' oto .have., won
their district. Although two of
the ;star players p5 last yd►ar's,'
beam are not on this year, yet
the- septet will probably give any
team in the Northern League all
they want to do if they wish to
take away The Free Press trophy.;
Berlin juniors put Stratford jun-
ions out of the 01.33.A,.lay a score
of 7-6 on the x o>,and,
Wiarton O 11.A. team was too
much for Stratford,. on Friday night
lash in the second round, playing
the visitoxjs off their feet ie a
grand game of hockey, which en-
ded 10 to '•f, with the half-time tal
ly 6 to 2. About 75 peroone eoaue
up. Both goalkeeporis played a
remarkable game,:sand the Strat-
fordmaxi ;stoppe,shot after shot.
Lowe was the fastest man' on the
ice for the visitors, while hock,
Simmie and the Ashleys ,pl;ayed.
their usual. ,strong ,game l for
Wiarton, .
To replace hair on the beads of Ladies alta Gentle
Iden who have lost their hair! By, his beautiful,
natural hair constructions, which are known all over
the world.
Can be made to look younger, and: 'have the '"natural
protection to the head, which means
Health, Comfort and Good Appearance
Do not miss this opportunity. See his
The. Dorenwend Sanitary Patent Toupee
Gentlemen (» ho are bald)
protect and adorn your bald headwith
human hair. In order to have a con-
ception -of the wonderful achievements.
in the art of hair constructing. every
bald man should call and see the large
sample stock of "HAIR TOUPEES
and FULL WIGS" which Prof. Doren --
wend will be showing.
These wonderful coverings are so natural in appearance that detection i
impossible. They are adjusted so securely, to any. head, that they cannot
come off, except at the wearer's wish. They will give a young and softening
expression to the farce,
Come and bring your Frle
ads to the
Itattenbnry louse, Clinton, Wednesday, Feb: !Sib
February spIai
A number of new lines ofPagood ood va1nes in
Women's -Fine k'ootwear, in Patent, Gun: Metal' and
he `buttoned a d laced, in' the new ,spring
.I{id'•'•Leat Leathers, n,
'Styles, we are placing ' placing in stock this week, these are
moderate . priced and are worth y of. a little: of your time
o P
in examining
Women s New Springy Footwear
New' Shap's, Buttoned ..
Styles, Buttoned ...... ..............
All Leathers, Laced
epair Department
Our repair department:has been a success from the
start. Any or all repairing entrusted to Mr. A. Walken
will receive prompt and satisfactory attention.
...r �+4k', 13*0 ..- sri • 'ler'. e..