The Clinton New Era, 1914-02-12, Page 1Established 1865f Vol. 48, No
r r
CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUARY 12 1914. W. H. Kerr & Sajr, Editors and Publ cher
se New Era Small
Fortunes Have Been Made From Small Things
THE Fenian Raid Veterans
oyal Batk —
Head Office, ;Montreal
Capital Authorized .:.$95,000,004
*Dal Paid-up 11,500,000
Reserve and undivided
profits ...:. .:.... 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS 175,000,000
With world wide connection
Interest allowed on Deposits
General (Banking business trona -
Baking Powder
Always Good '.,
.Always Fresh
Made only .with chemically
pure Cream Tartar and
Bicarbonate of Soda
Ask for a Free Sample
25c per Pound
Dispensing Chemist.
Fitom the Auditor Generales Re-
po*of 1912-13 just publishleclewe
table the folioeving names ` from
Hewn County who have received
their Fenian Raid Payments/
Joe. "Copp, Clinton,
'Keary Carrick, Clinton,
John Emmlei1ton, Clinton,
Byeed 'Hill, Clinton.
Francis G. Abbott, 'Centralia.
Andrews, Stephen Goderich:
Stephen A
Seth Bailey;Brussels.
James Beattie, Seatfortth.
J. W, Beattie, Wingham.
John Brophlay,, Goderich.
D. Donovan, Sleafor,th,
Alex Eder, Blyth.
H. R. Elliott, Bijtisslels.
Everitt Everitt, Wingham.
W.; J, R. Bois ee, Goderich
F. Holmstlead, 'Seaforth. •
Wm. Geo. Knowlson, Gorrie,
John Knox, Goderich,
F.F. Lawrence, Goderich.
John Lougheed, Wind•liaiu.
David McConneell, Clinton.
fenny McJouid, Dublin•,
Alex. T. Montgomery. Goderich
A. G, M. Montgomery, Goderich
Clement Newton, 'Goderich.
W.11, Wyatt, Godlenich.
Wilson Salkeld, Goderich.
C. Sleagge4, Goderich.
Alex Straiton, Goderich,
Henry G. Taylor, Auburn,
C. A. Wiens, Goderich.
Edward Welsh, Goderich,
R. Winter, Seaforth,,
Josh. Joseph Wright, Goderioh.
Rich. Wright, Seaforth.
Too Many Venetians.
Prior to Dec, 31, 1913, the Minis-
ter of. Militia •said there had been
34,050 applications for the Fenian,
Raid bounties and that of thatnum
her 3,045 had been refused, 14,337
were still under consideration; and
that the balance df the warrants
had been sent on to the Minister,
of Finance for paymenit.
In answer to the question wheth-
er widows of Fenian Raid veternus
would. receive the bounty, the Min-
letjgr of Militia replied that the
Bounty Act would be amended to
apply to,every case not settled yet.
The Molsons dank
Incorporated 1515
Capital and Reserve'•��'��,$8,7000,000
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C E. DOWDING. Manager Clinton Branch
•••••••••••• ••••••MNN••••••••••••••
fordered Ready. -to -Wear
Clotiiiug lJiotl►iug
The Morrish Clothing
AS uare ea
l tor
Every Mon
Official Notices
▪ •• •
• •
Wingham Must Have
He Parcel Post Election; Mayor Resigns
Received at Local Post Office—
Six Pound Limit for Three
Alt the local ,post os'IfOee ,official
notice relative to the inauguration,
df ithle parcels post system has
been receivedi, During the first
three months, February, March and
April, 'thee limit weight of parcels
will tae 8 poundle, During these
months there will be no insurance,
but parelerla may be registered.
The class of parcels most affect-
ed by the new regulations will be
that delivered within a 20 -mile rad -
Me. The postal rates will be; : '
1 pound; • 5c
2 pounds
3 pound's le
4 pounds! ...... ...... ......... 8c
5 pound's 10c
6 pounds! ...,32c
7 pounds 14e
8 poundsifs
9 pounds :...._ 18e.
10 poundsl ...... .. 20e
11 pounds .._... _..._ 220
The expr'eses rate is ordinarily 30c
for parcels up to 10 pounds, with a
minimum nate of, 25e for parcels
weighing 1 pound or less.
The rate within the province, yet
outside the 20-mple limit, givesa
considerable advantage to come
points; but the contrast is ;not so
Meek -mg. The postal rates are; •
1 pound. '_...._ 10c
2 pounds 14c
3 pounds 18e
4 pounds 22c
5 pounds ,._._ 20c
0 pounds 30c
7 pounds 34c
8 pounds 38c
9 pounds ••42c
10 pounds 46c
11 pounds . 50c
For zones outside Ontario, the
rates from Clinton will be;.to ,Que-
bec or Manitoba;
1 pound lOc
2 pounds ..... 16e
3 pounds . ..._-, • 22c
4 pounds 28c
5 pounds '„..... „ 34c
6 pounds 40c
7 pounds _._.:_._. 46e
8 pounds ,..,....... 52c
9 pounds 58c
10 pounds 64e
11 pounds 70c
To Saskatchewan and the Mari-
time Peoiinces the rates. will be;
1 pound .:. ,
2.pounds •
3 pounds • .,..,.
4 pounds .,,._. _. ..
5 pounds
6 pounds
7 pounds ,,, 60e
ounds _ 680
9 pounds/ 76c
10 pounds/ 54e
11 pounds 92c
To Albeiita;
1 pound, ..
2 pounds
3 pounds
4 pounds __.
5 pounds
6P ounds
7 pounds.
8 pounds
6 pounds
10 pounds ,...
11 pounds
To British Columbia;
1 pound 12c
2 pounds 24c
3 pounds36c
4 pounds 48c
5 pounds - 60c
6 pounds ._. 72e
7 pounds _._.. 642
9ounds .__. ...
10 pounds 8120
11 pounds ._ $1,32
Note A. -During the organization
period covering the months of
February, March and April, 1914,
an additional charge of live cents
to to prepaid by portage stamps'
will l;te charged on each 'jsarcel
mailed for local delivery in places
where the letter carrier system is
in o grit o
� i n.
Note le—During o s of
months the
Flebeuary, March and April, 1914,
no packet will be 'accepted fol'
transmission by parceel post weigh-
ing more than six pounds.
Note C. -An additional chargeto
meet, the 'extra cost of transpose
tation will he made on parcels ad-
dressed to or posted at offices in
certain outlying districts, when
such parcels have to be conveyed
mor leithan :100 miles by a contin-
uous stage service, such districts'
to be designated by;the P'ostniast-
for 'Buildings and
Harbors in Ontario
Many Towns are Named in the
Ottawa Estimates,
Friona the 'estimates for public •
works and harbors and rivers plac-
ed' at Ottawa last week, the fol -
.lowing, (sums: come to 'Huron
Court —
Public 'Buildings..
Bros:siege i ..$23,000
Extelter. .,. ...... s..,..16,00e
, ' Slda!`er/tit :..... . 5,000 1
• 'Harbors and River',,
: BaGodlerylfileeldch 000 ..8120,
••••••••••••• •••••••••••+••4•••Nls4••s
4an Elelnd 4,600
There was, a good attendance
et the. town hall on Tuesday even-
ing of this week when Rev. Hen
r Dickie
Y 51. A. D. D , of Chatham,
gave ,liis lecture on "The Passion
Play,' with illesteabed colored
views, under the auspices of the
Clinton, Tri vel CI b
Six Members to be Chosen for
Public School' Board,
Wingham, Feb, 8.—As aresale of
one of the most peculiar jnrunicipa
mix-ups that have ever occurred in
'this district, .Mayor• A. J. Irwin Sat-
unday resigned to run again as
soon as- a nlew"election can be ar-
ranged, , -
An election will also be held for
six meeemeerse of the .publle school
board and the present ,board of ed-
ucation, iwhich gear ,supposed to be
an arnalgam�ation'' I the high school
and public school boards, will be
Made an Invtestigati`on,
This .is'thee climax which has fol-
lowed `a little investigation be,Coun
cillos Morton, a local lawyieand
has caused the greatest political
sensation Wingham ?has' yet known,
Bejdiscovered while. looking
through his-. law books a few days
ago that last year's council by tak-
ing the hatter into its own hands
and doing away with the public
school board and forming whathas
been known, as the .board of educe
tion, .actieed in an enitirely illegal
manner in that no vote of --the
ret'eeepayers was taken.
At the time, strong protest was
made against the council's. action,
which. many citizens did not hes-
itate to call high handed. The mat
ter, however, was put throwgh and
Ibe old public school board of
which Dr. Irwin was a inle?inber,
was' abolished.
Wen a Big Victory,.
On the strength of the warm
feelings stirred up among the elec-
tions Dr. Irwin ran for mayor and
was returned by a big majority.
He did not think it r>ieecessery to
design from the public school. board
judging that as it had been abol-
ished, his position just naturally
eareeetl. Here,, howeever, lie erred
and as a result now finds. that he
has bean holding the office of may-
or of Wingham for over a month
Will Run Again..
"There will be a new nomination
Meed es quickly as•_ possible, Dr,
Irwin told the Advertiser Saturday
evening. "It will in all probability
be held a week from Monday. You
can state most certainly that I will
ole a candidate for the mayor•,allty
again. I am not expecting .any op-
position under the clrcumstageces. ;
"I blame Mayor Geo. Spotton for
the whole mix-up,"' he continued.'
"Title council last fall, despite the
strongeost protests we could make,
forced this matter througlee ' ,.
"To say that it was high-hand,�erl
is putting le Rnildly. On the
strength of what happened I ran
for mayor and was returned by a
handsome majority. This shows
what the ratepayers thought of
what was done.”
Destroyed Automatically,
Mayor Irwin stated to the Adver
tiseer that as a result of what bed
bapp;aned the so-called board of
education passes out 0f existence
automatically, as it eves never leg-
ally elected.
"The old public school board will
be eevived," he said. "There are
six men to be elected on it, and
the nominations will be made at
the same time that nominations foil
the mayoralty are taking plane.
The election will be held as the
law clieeets, a week after 'nomin-
ation.There are among Wingham
electors a great many who resent-
ed strongly the board bo i of education
idea that vas fenced anthem, and
they will welcome the return of
the old 'public and high school
boards welled :before, as more ap-
propriate for the town."
How He Nearly Lost His
First Job
The 1'ebruary issue of The Shoe
and Leather Journal,
the Acton Publishing Co: Limited,
Toronto, gave the following write
up of our, worthy mayor, Mr. Fred
Jackson, along with a ,flrist class
1 likeness of the gentleman, Were
is what they have to (slay,• •
Because he did not get spot cash
for a leather order which•the took
Nom the late Timothy 'Eaton, of
Toronto, fanrider of the ,great de-
'parjtmental store, Fred Jackson, a
successful shoe retailer in Clinton,
who was recently elected' Mayor
of that town, nearly lost his first
job he ever held. Thatwasa good
many yearn ago, but the incident
is recalled • to -day by Mr. Jackson
with a good ileal of 'inter/set, It
Collegiate Institute Board
MR. D, A. FORRESTER, who was
unanimously elected Chaireaan of
the Clinton Collegiate Board last
Wednesday evening. Re has serv-
ed for a number of years on the
Board and has proven 'himself
The organization meeting of the
Collegiate Institute Board was held
on Wednesday evening, Feb. 6th..
Mr•. Forrester was elected Chair-,
man, Mr. M. D. McTaggart, - Vice
Chairman and ,Mr. Treleaven, Sec-
retary -Treasurer, The foliowieg;
committees were appointfedi;-=
Discipline and Seudiet3'-elessrs.
Dr. Rutledge, Manning and Steven
Proper-tee—Messrs, ` McTaggart,
Manning and Dowding.
Advisory Commercial Committee.
Messrs Dowding, Manning and Mc-
/ (Representatives of the
Collegiate Board) and Messrs. Jack
son, Libby and Hill (Outside mem-
hells.) • ,
The second Tuesday- oft .each
month was chosen for the regular
meetings of the Board.
Themeugberls of the Board for
1914. are Messrs, D. A. Forrester, M
D. McTaggart, R, E. Manning, 0 11..
Dowding, Dr. Ga:ndier, Wee. Steven
son aned Dr. Rutledge.
This is February,
Saturday Night proffers this ad-
vice; "When you feel like being
kittenish consult your mirror and
the waits --if still in doubt, the
family Bible."
Quebec Province -people are e-
nvie many of them to good words
and good Works, while some, like
St, Paul of old, eay "None of 'these.
things move me."
We are pleaeedi to report pro-
gress in the condition o,f Sir
James P, Whitney .ands Sir Geo,
W. Ross both of, whom mein the
happene - in this way.' Altera/tail hospital at Teepnto. It is to be
ing at the shoe "with his hoped speedy recovery wet come
father, who began custom making to each.
in 1854 in that town, Fred came toToro_t p-�
got to ithee J A. McLean Hunan County sever does' any-
.Co,, at 32 Yonge ,street, on the tiring by halvies- 1•t was' too .bad
third'floor of Daniel tie can's lege Hay township and Bayfield dectin-
ther ewarehouse, which business qd to make the C. T. A. unanimous
was a development of the patter's on Thursday, The latter may have
interest in .the failure JohnHulotlc ftvlitHty lhsiir ajdvers,e ma_
of Joh
Evans' shoe factsey. After three jority of the supposed unlucky 13.
days' instruction from Bob Forge son _—� —
of thisire predecessor,
was left in chathe rge ct ae of the is toPresbyterian
be the meeting
of the stns& and sample room, a planet the whenenyl'boun As leggy
green boy at the time. After be- a next June about to00 clergy
coiningfamiliar with the stock and and lest in will meet, echurch.
routinof work, there were ;tinges Tree deli aces, will
have is church,
The delegates will a fine time
when he did not have enough co at Woodstock as they share the
do. Ile used to go down to the hos6)(lallty of the pen le of that(
leather floor and assist Charlie Wel lees ` P
dson (now with Beal Bros,), and
aeOtes a time he thought he would -O- —
try his hand in "drumming up" The Provincial Parliament will
some outside trade. IIs put urtp a convene in the city of Toronto on
couple of eases of samples, started Wednesday, February 18th, with
out and secured a Paster of or-
Hon. 3.3. Foy leading the ,IIouse
dens, among them being one from as teenier member, owing to the
the late Timothy Eaton. When illneess o£ Premier Whitney, The
he turned in his records D. McLean latter welt be much missed ,but
gave him a seveii.e reprimand for hopes are entertained that he may
not getting the cash with the he able, to get to his 'seat before
Eaton order. He, however, accept the session concludes.
ede it, but warned the dding tra.
viler that he
must gebut the money Perth County farmers urged the
on the spot for anyEaton. 'further busi- County Council to see that a Die-
ress from Mr. ` filet Representative was appoint -
About a year hk- ped. 30 Counties in Oriitario have
son went with T{rchardaterFred SmarJacdon, Chem. If you secure a good man it
at 45 Yon ye • or et, under the late is all right, but if a No. 3 is cap-
John 13a11 point(ecl instead of a No. 1 it is
The late A. Leslie wase city sales- largely money thrown away. Much
man and Charlie Cooper covered of the work the representative is
Western Ontario. Atter the 'fail- supposed to do could beperform
uric of the firm Mr. Jackson took ed through the Farmers' Institute
a position with -W. Darner & Son if they only thought so. Some of
to look atter city trade, while W. these offices become more of a
Darner, sr was. v busy u
seamless patterns with with some ivhich e fad than anything (else.
thought h.e was going to revolu- —"
'lionize the g shoe manufacturing . , Annual Convention of the Onhar
businasee During the time that go Branch of the Dominion Alliance
h�e.'tyas with this house Mr. Jack will be held in Massey Hall, To -
son wase Benet on a sorting expedi- rtonto; oa Wleyctnesday,' Thursday
tion one cold days, in December, and Friday, l 25th, 26th and 27th
just 0 few days beforje Christmas. inst(, An attractive program is be-
e did not meet with any great ing prepared and questfon•s of mo-
• and; iQ it had not been =sleeves importance will be dis-
for the lcindenese' of John Agnew, cussed, A move is being made to
of Brtantford, and the late Mr, plane this meeting ahead of any-
Roos; of Galt, would have had a thing that has be n. Single fare
eorey report to present but, as dates on the railways, on cei•tifi-
it was, hs nicely paid expenses ostia plan, is expected to be se -
on the trip. His next employment cusped, There should be a great
was with Kirkendall, lanes &Co„ rally and •Huron Counlly will 1•e
of ,Omaha, 'Neb., and Columbus, texpectled to be well r'epres'ented,
Ohio, Mr Jackson's wife
died in Ar1'rangle to go.
1895, leaving 8 le vin him n•' -
with a three-year
e r
Y _
old s' it d up
tion and and
uClilnton o to A Guelph wife -Dealer was given
10 days in jail and 5 lashes from
raise his toy. Ho entered into part the cat, Although this latter is a
nerjship with a ",V, Jackson, under punishment not often inflicted few
three style o. Jack-s1nn & Jackson will sympathise with the young
and, afbea three years, started his Scotclunan who eo far forgot his
present business in December 1890. marriage vows as do strike the
A. few years ago he bought out woman he promised to love and
-worked n Son fine g in business ones on in the s to cherish. The .leniency shown to
detail •shoe lire. He gained his aanis. rough-riders is ill deserved
first munieip•a1 .experience as ea ewer :the imposition of a fine f-
memberl of the Clinton council in pric jeweled at but "tickling"the ing
1912, beingchairman of the finance tris with the mime aindw bring
committees, The next (these bullies to. time and will not
year he in- soon be tortgoflten, A mail who so
ideefeatecl but )se came back a -�>in- far forger's himself as to strike one
nerin 1914, as, Mae -or and will doubt of the gentler 'sex deserves no
less hanclle the reins of office to n-ercy,
he entiro satisfaction of the pen-.
pis who ]rave given hini their 000-
• 0
0®•040'x40,0 Qoad2.b904400
Rev.'C,R. Gonne occupied the
pulpit on Sunday and sjeceived a
hearity welcome from his old con-
Rev. 3lr. Wright -will- occupy the
pulpit next Sunday.
Last Sunday being "BoyseDayse
inithe Suiid;ay- Stereo! one or the
boysl—Eimer Beacom acted as
Superintendent. (She senior boys
at the School gave a chorus and
a oP the little e e fell
owe gave
lluicietellen i5 -
Rev. James Hueeser, of Attwood,
gave hie lanteiln• views' of historic
places in Engles/id on Monday
Evening under eauspices of the
' Services on Sunday next will be
conducted by the pastor,
:Dees (advertising pay? 'Yes 1
without any doubt when proper
ati(ention is paid to it. Last week
we noticed; an advertisement in
a Brune County paper in which the
m n Evacstr
1I wishinghis
cusetomears a Happy New ear.
That kind of an ad, may do for
Bruce but it is no good for Hur-
on where "the people are up-to-
datie.. A careful scanning of the
advertising columns should be done
by every household jus(las faith-
fully as the local and di/stela news
is riead. There are some choice
bargains offered this week in. the
Nlew Era but unless the subscribers
read about them they will notlbe
able to take advantage of them
and thierteby save money. Read
the- adver?tisements',
Thursday of last week the men
of 'Huron County expressed them
selves/ at the polls in no uncertain
manner on the question of .re -in-,.
stating what is commonly known
-as the Scott Act. It was. no
catch t verdict rc.
e t but
can outspokendeclaration of faith in such a meas -
WESLEY' CHURCH ere,. During the campaign every
means possible was taken to
Pas±o'5•sisubject on Sunday morn thoroughly post the electors on
mg was, The Reward of Fidelity." both sides of •the ',story so that
Evening, "An Honest Man," , when the ballots were marked it
T. E.
.East,'Choir Mester, was with a fairly w ell and r s
foodeang"Ro't of Agee," byRemick realization of the situation.
at the e g ser r
venin , '
v ee..
majority 1 y is big enough t , ar de -
Rev. ev. ,Mit; Lang'Gord, Rector of eisivee and the fact that theo various
Middle on
t sCh
u ch
gave a r '
n ,i inter
estingaddg municipalities in,the County, witht
Pees to the league on two exceptions, votadrfor'the Act
Monday eveeenilivg.shows' a willingness to give it an -
The regular meeting of the W. other trial. Will it prove more
M. S. will be held at the home or succressful, than it was thirty years
Mas. A, J. Tyndall on ' Thursday; of ago? Tire Antis eay No 1 but the
ternoon at 3 oclock. Subject for Temperance folk say Veal Why?
Roll Cali, "Patience,:' Because of scores of licensed prem -
The Missionary offering will be lees. that have been obliterated in
taken next Sunday. the passing years ; because of the
taken. . On the following Tuesday improved methods and Statutes of
evening' Febsivary 17•th, .a Mein'', dealing with law breakers; ,because
Missionary banquet will ,be hell] in of a better defined and more mem-
the school room, when addresses imou•s slenelimnenit behind the Act;
will be given by Rev. W, W. Pied because theweak apoets, so de -
ham B. A, oe Japan, sand Mr. !R; te}'minedl;y pointed out bythe
D. Cameron, of LucJtnow, The'ban Antis, wilt be amended; a,ndast1y
quet will begin at 6.30.
Next Sunday will be Mi srn
wry olbeceayustehe99laoytgt anofd seeveertyha1t0tiowsillel
;day,, in Wesley Churech,. The an -who flagrantly attempt to make
nual offering for mission will be it void ase brought up with, a
A friend H NeeU
Scarcely a home these days bet
needs something . to help comfort
the members: 1'f you have
Cold in the Head
- Sore Throat ..
Irritated Skin
Cold Sores''
Chapped Lends
Ohil blains
Frost Bites
l;. uuuud
You will find
will be of more value than an
other artic.e you can use. Its
25 and 50 cents at
Su • ar Sale
Commencing on Tuesday, Feb.
ruary 17th, ane continuing for
ten days, we will sell
100 lbs, Redpaths 'I �e
Granulated Sugar
Do not miss this opportunity
of securing your summer supply
as this is the lowest point sugar
has reached in fifteen years with
the exception of three years ago,
when it dropped to this -point for
a short period and then advanced
rapidly to 80.25 per hundred,
To the Farmers—v, e are
selling cheap Molasses" for feed-
ing at 30o a gallon.
Phone 48
Get the Best. It Pays
Write tor the Catalogue of
It ex -Maine fully the many advant-
ages offered by this well known school
college oven all year. Commence now
Ontario rtt. Sunday School
Getting tt:117g RG'3dV for
Junior Garden
round turn. There is no compar-
ison l:letween the situations of 1884
and 1914 9 and the6 fact that with a
much eelucecj population there was.
piled up over 2600 of a majority
as against 1,668 on the former occa—
sion is positive proof in at least.
one particular„ r Already applica•
tions are being made by numerous.
Couutiees to have a chance to vote:
and it is not geessing verey much
to assume that the results eviden-
ced in Duron, Peel and . Welland
will be duplicated 'until a Provin-
cial law will displace the Canada
T t"'n t
e lie
jY4 A t
P U`t T r
!X he a was
grteat rallying of the pastors of
Huron County to the standard and
in many municipalities/ they were
well flanked by the laity, There is
small doubt ,but that tihe Anti: -
speakers imported from the 17. 8.
dial little good to their cause as
the people of Canada are not dis-
posed to take their eue oil Moral
issues from t mole Sam. On the
whole it was a ,campaign of Food
fleeling and even risen off widely
divergent views agreed to dis-
a r
ae, It -wee a 'eat
g , r victory`o'
the Temperance party. for
Public' is d'
have a s
>fe v evidently no
use for the proposal of -the Ontario
Government to ,pee's over the
"Harmless" insane patients 'from.
the Provincial asylums. to the care
of thee houses of Refuge. Lanark
and eleveral other County Councils.
lex.pre.sseed Ithemselves as, ver+y
etaeongly opposed to any ,such a•
]f)arjee. Dr. Bruce Smieth,Snepector
'of Asylums', if his tear is open to
catch the notes of diesatialactiion,.
.should o not be ,slow to advise the
govvernmenet as to the folly and un-
right'leousness of any sncit a move
and see that the, mutest that has
been caused by the proposition is
allayed' byirre>leasiog the asylum
aceommodation and properly car-
ing for those unable to care for