HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-29, Page 12Newest Notes of Science'
Milk will keep fresh longer in rod
bottles that title usual kind as it is
the rays near the violet cadet the
,spleeltrum that affect it,
The towers of the Panama cathe-
drat are roofed with pear shells,
which deflect the sunlight so that
(they can be seen far out at ilea.
Children Cry
There -Were fourteen fewer med-
ical schools in the !United States in
1923, than in 1912, about 1200 fewer
etudents• and about 500 fewer grad-
The family remedy for Coughs and Colds.
Saudi dose. Small bottle." Best since 187a.
Paper dust ekplodocl with fatal
results, 'when workmen carried light
.led lanterns; into a room filled with
ill in 1.a paper 'tube factory in
Prance; •
Children Cry
With many devices for lessening -
shocks an aittomobilse has been de-.
signed specially for transporting
rr'itroglyeerine in the Oklehonxa oil
FnT propelling boats a Frenchman.
has invented paddle .wheels• which
may 1'e a,ttachcd to any .boat and
alevolved by a man; pulling at oar-
like handles,
T family rime +f for Cougtva and Colds
•Shiloh coats so hitt•^ and doer ..to taught,'
An absorbent pad to hold water
for moistening postage stamps on
(envelope flaps that is fastened to
the back of a "person's hand has
been patients:de
Children Cry
Discoveries of extensive deposits
of limteetope and .silicain the Phil-
ippines have led to tete information
of a company to manufacture ce-
ment there. 'a
Auitomobile builders 'Jlaim' that
moire power is being developed in
To Suffer From
thle 'United States by motor .engines
;than in all the commercial steam
poaw)rer plants. •
Five nes' Feeneh battleships will
llama both. turbiea. and reciprocat-
ing 'engines, the fonmer forspeed
and the latter for cruising, to econ-
omiee fuel.
Lege have been inse{tated foil
pettovlas Which contain casters, so
mounted that pressure leverspro-
leets them and enables the stoves
to life moved easily.
In several European ieown,ttries
ithla hydnogen gas which is a by- '^ G1�5 plSif;l�U�I
ve of
va odea is utilized for uf haactrdening Fill
oils in the soap industry,
To prevent automobile radiators
fneezing in cold garages there has ........-....-......,.....s............-
-►a•''�.•o•"'ty; ,•+��'\,
been invented a' !special falai of rj',I' •,0,•.v <•.r•�•i
•lelectriciheater, ,talting current from ,( _'
a light socket.
n in-
Polarizing has
vle'rtet d in Germany for examining
glass, inifeeded for sezedtific pur-
poses for defects clue to improper
or irregular cooling.
A California inventor has patent-
ed a scoop for grocers that weit hs
ills contents, the scoop prfessiag
Blown aninllicator along a scale
mounted on the, handle.
It takes a person who has had and is
subject to headache to describe the suffer-
ing which attends it. The dull throbbing,
the intense pain, sometimes in one part
of the head, sometimes in another, and
then again over the whole head, varying
in its severity by the cause which brings
it on, purely indicates that there is
something amiss with the system, 'rhe
fact that Burdock Blood Bitters reaches
the seat of the trouble is due to its success
fu relieving and permanently curing the
cause of the headache. • -
Mrs. Andson, 419 15th Ave. East, Cal -
Bary, Alta., writes: "Per three years f was ".
troubled all the tine with sick headaches,
and suffered also with constipation, and
'kept breaking mit in pimples and sores on
my face. I tried everythingtill at last a
friend told me of Burdock Blood Bitters.
I took neo bottles, and niy skin is as
clean and pure as a baby's, and I have
never been troubled with the headaches
Burdock•Blood Bitters is manufactured
only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont,
Mexican Civil War --hilt to President Wilson-aPhotos That Tell Stories
env �t7 'uh ]ri. S''•,a-a,/:
ti -....-
y. w—=- -- �— •,. _ .; I alta`
Thursday, F,elroary 1111, 7914.
Will Probably
Soon Have ` Seat
Zion. W. S I+ieidIng Likely
couLD sTRA1GIITE to; go Bark to I°ardianiti►t
For Lase Bads.
Women are coming to understand that
Weak, lame, and aching backs from
which they suffer are due to wrong action
of the kidneys.
The kidneys are overtaxed,—given more
work that they can do, and when the
back aches and pains it is almost im-
possible to do her housework; for every
move and; turn means pain.
On the first sign of any weakness in
the back Doan's Kidney Pills should
he tairen, and Hairs do away with any
Buttering from kidney trouble.
Airs. A. J Lalonde, Kingston, Ont„
lvrileS:—"I am writing to tell you what
a wonderful cure • Doan's Kidney Pills
did for roe 2 ws suffering with a lame
back, and for about seven days could
harcdly straighten up for the pain, I
had used quite it few of other l iuds of
fills, and, received no relief. Just then
my sister came and told tie about Doan's
Kidney Pills and what they hod done for
her, so I decided to try them. I used
three boxes, and I am completely cured,
cued I do not hesitate to recommend.
Price, 5nr per boa, ' h ;es for 51.25,
as all dealers, or rmt 1 i iie ct on receipt
ti price c h;+ The T Mi o n Co Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
If nrdaaiio c,,ru t s,,ce:ry 'Dean's."
Bids Pain Defiance
This nessedy new to Canada,
!though w,eli known in Great Brit-
ain and on the Continent, brings
to all who ane "Isn't on the thorny
bed of pain" a means of speedy
and grateful relief.
E;e(phaIdol off ells the :saifiever
from Luniba o Sciatica or Rheu-
maltisnm quick and c.eittain. liu.i'e,
Leven where the ease is of long
No more it is necessary to endure
the agony, enforced immobility,
baclrt r g
v ackin and exhaustion of
Lumbago attacks, the torture of
Sexr111ica-ridden limbs, thecramp-, thorns and reap roses.
ing 'aril) of Rhtacmi*tism. Itep1 -In addition to able. love of money
.aldoiis not only a sure, safe and there are the queer ways we have
natural remedy, but an exception of welting rich of 't,
ally prompt,'' -acting coxae.
Klephaldol may be taken without A inotli;ee never •disturbs the slum
There is nothingin it Lo ibeee of her second baby to :see if
•..give rise to bad tatyer-effe;ct,r1- its eyes. have changed• color. tt
injure the heart or The political candidate who also
•'nothing to zj" . I
o�thler organs.. ran bielxeves the eotmltxy -is short
: tters from .mei- ai lums for. hopeless idiots.
Tlxous,ands of le of = y P
men testify to the lvondeeful average wife thinks Glee is
Seal Y T'hle a
power of Kephaldol to dispel pain her husband's „guiding sitar -but
and banishactagonizing disease. Get most husbaedls refuse to. be guided.
a 500, package of Kephaldol tabe Many a girl manages to 'strangle
filets 'yourself and expertgn eh31 blot actiopxs heeat:s;e ,ahe-has dis
ire js, r I epbaldol Limited, Beed that weeping makes her
Latour St,, Montreal. ,
nose red.
tPert and Im ert4:
ar>•a...ra \ ',1:• obn..�..s ' •a.ay.at.�
Fetter a sweetheart than a • •sour.
Thie girl who does notpaintisn't 1
reisessarily artless.
Wlsen respect departs love packs
i s grip and hikyes'.
Work .isgood for boys, but not.
a F boys ase good for work.
When trouble goes tosleep, toss
t ace alerra clock into the street,
Courtship is tire wine of life and
divorce is the morning after.
Many a bad scrape has been start
,ed in a 1 -cant tonsorial parlor.
Some people are 'too busy talk
iisgg about themselves to talk about
A woman with a long-cl oft:aln.e;e,
complexion doesn't :show up well at
short range,
No, Cordledia, itise 5 physicaleul-
ituri6 that makes a woman strong
What satisfactory -old !clic!
Who a Y
this would be if we could sow
A man always sexpentls his wife
to he a lot better Man he expects
her to expect him to be.
A Istatiesnnan is a candidate who
,sits tight and lets The bosses play
cheap politics for the purpose of
boosting him into office. -
Onle,. of the plc -as -tires' a Woman
, teta out of being in the ;social swim
ai the intelnsity with which her
nlaighbor$ who are not in it hate
klsr. ,
When 'apreacher tells his congre
gattion that he has, a call from
another church: it may bea round-
about way of asking for a•11 in-
crease in salary.
Only a Bluffer.
"Be nays he's boss -likes to Obese
his wife that he's clothed In author-
"Alt I can spy is thnt he's a pretty
poor dresser." --Town Topics.
• pRe5LNTeD TO •
Otitawa, Jan. 30, --There is an un-
dier,stlanding here 'today that lion,
W. S. Fielding, late Miniister of
Finanpe, in the Laurier Govern-
ment, and who yesterday resigned
from the editorship of the Mont-
real Ilear l d and Telegraph,- will be
back again in Parliamieut before
very long.
A report states that Mr. Fielding -
will sleek re-election incthe constit-
uencyofYarmouth N S,..svher-e he'"-
pxlesent Liberal member Will resign
in his favor. Yarmouth is consid-
le,'ed',anabsolugely safe seat,
Mr, Fielding would be a tower of
sltrlength to the Liberals le eeon,-
omic discussions which' will .occupy
the present aeesi0n
‘0i'hat a Hurry Ile Was in
lite jumped into his motor car
And opelned up the ga.s,
Idle hadn't joaxined very far
Before he tried 'to pass
Someone who drove a buzzing six
And though, at -last he did,
The barely mis'sec1, a pile of bricks
When he began to skid.
Ila almost ran a 'woman down,.
But fritter ;still hrj flew,
Il's s,txluck the center of the town
'While doing 'thirty-two,''
A horste took fright and ran away
When he whizzed by his nose,
And everybody stopped to say-
"S:ee how that fellow goes"
, a 1111"S OWN TABLETS
( Mothers wanting a safe and sure
iiemedy for their• :