HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-29, Page 1119age s 'The New Era. -47T11 YEAR. `11,N THE PUBLIC SERVICE' W. 1'T. KEititt art' SON, Props J, iLeslie fierr, Business Manager 'tv'ew, Era; Ore Yeo ,oacii'aoce$1.00 NT@iv ala, when' net paid "inad- Vance... .... .$1i50 Ne'.dE:'a; toth,e United' State.s in ,advance.:.`::. ..._.. $1.50 nrti`s'ing Rates On Application Job work prices°advance on July • let, 1513, in accordance , with the Huron. Co. Press- Asso- ciation Rates, Office Phone 30 Rouse Phone. 95 Workless Men mills for pulpwood, Tbie tsetltler who is favorably located and is provided with means of getting his cut to the reilroad'is not under Rile 'necessity of seelking employ-, Went belyong' the limits of his own quarter see`ion. The cutting of the pulpwood will afford him home lemployment while its sale will sup ply the neecessarpr funds to keep him. there. In such cases, the clear ing of the farm is quickly and prof iltably accomplished. The opening of the big' pulp mills at Iroquies Falls will-increaseithe demand for pulpwood. Purchase is made at the railway siding or on tlile water by agents of the mills. If located on a favorable stream or body of water the settler is not de- ptendent. on the railway, as the logs may be floated to the mills. The prime quoted are those paid to the settler. The agents attend to ttliie transportation of the logs. SELL BIG TIMBER STANDING. In some sections of the country, around Charlton, for instance, a considerable amount of large tim- ber exisitls. This can be disposed of, Isltlandin,g, tq the mill owners, who wilt cut and Jiaul it from 'tile premises. The sale of such timber, however, can only be effect led when certain corlclitions laid drown in the purchase deeds hy.ve been complied with. In eases where *landing amber is disposed of to the mills, the settler can find em- ployment with the mill owners en- geg,ed in removing the timber from his' land. For the man whose, chief anxiety is to clear the land quickly and profit from its cultivation there is' no better location than in the sec- tion around Math,osos. Most of the country 'hereabout has been burned over and clearing is made comparatively easy. There is still ample timber standing to provide material and fuel for years to come, while the productiveness of the land is unqu,esttlionpblq. A large number of settlers have gone ionto this 'section in the past few years, and a prosperous community is rapidly building up here. A VAST AREA TO CHOOSE FROM There are dozens of outer towns and- villages along the line, each the centile of rapidly inereasinig "settlement. Testimony is not lack- ing regarding the marvellous pro- c%Ud'iivleness of the soil of tho. clay bell. Men who have made good alte to be foufid in every township from Nlew Liskeard through to Cochrane, and the future of the guest clay belt as one of the rich- est farming countries the world over is indisputable. All the new country requires is men, able-bod- ied, 'willing, ble-bod-ie1,'willing, courageous pioneers Who are not afraid to tackle 160 acres 'of bush with no other weap- on than a keen; edged axe, deter- mined to carve a home from the forlest and future independence fioni the rich Soil that lies be- laeath the stuck covering. ONLY A FEW HUNDRED MILES.. Thousands • of just such mien as Timiskaming is calling for are to day suffering the many inconven dentes of enfoiiced idleness in the ,r.'{ty. A flew hundred miles. north w(tlir tchc.s a rich agricultural belt Itihat off(e e a richer reward for their labor than any other section in :America. The Ontario Govern- ment isat present, spending nnl- lions building trunk' roads through lthte clay bel. The titail le .being blazed, the land is ready for the axle. Men are wanted to take up, clear and till the soil. A few hund>.ied miles only sep- arates the workless from work, the homeless from ccmfortable homes,, the hopeless from the joy of an as - curled • future. of independence. Timiskaming 'needs settlers, On- tario's future demands the settle mlent of the clay belt. The mil- lions being spent on road building in the clay belt will avail nothing unless the bona fide settler is at- tracted to the Wands along the new- ly opened trail. MUST HELP THEM GET IN. r- h,e 'rich acres are -there; : the mien who are willing to develop their richness are here. The few dollars tbiey 7iaven'1 got alone keeps them from entering into possession, t The gap must be bridged by loan or otherwise. Mil- lions to make way for development but nothing in the way of aid to those within whom development cannot, take place is poor policy,in fact no policy at all, 1301,111•111•1..fliii, raw, W tc and Chil re, of the 11 S. Government Standard Below is an extract from U.S. Gov, ad. for tenders- "'.Phe ar th rarite enrol must be stinal to that � mined and prepared by I hiiadel +, tibia & Belding Coal Iron Co' 17/0: handle nothing but the first grade Philadelphia 45 Reading,., _A.OT.'Nif. 0110virm - House phone 12. Office phone m THE CLINTON NiSW ERA: Most -Kissed Man When throtigh, old age the bodily functions become sluggish, ' Na -Dire -Ca Laxatives • give gentle, timely and effective aid, without i c til eo'mfg't or distress. a5c: a' box' at your °" D.rnggist's. 173 Netlo,ia Drug and Chemical Co. et Canada, Limited. (b.NGRr_MON- ALABANTAA AYD THEIR THREE' CHILDREN_ Tile -Dome Folks of snagreisman lttt'Iinlond Pearson Hobson The above picture shows. Mrs Richmond Feaeson Hobson, wife of the Congressman from Alabama, laevo of the. Merrimac and the most kissed man in America; and ;their three children. Her husband is campaigning against Cangrlels- man Underwood .for the seat sin the United States Senate left vac- ant by .v'. death of SenatorJohn- sitton. Mrs. 'Hobson, before her marr'iage to Mr, Hobson 111 1905, was a Miss Ilull.. The children are in the order of their age; ,George Hull Hobson, the youngest; Lucia Housition, Hobson, next, and the eldest is Richmond Pearson Hob- son, Jr. TEST YOUR BAROMETER. I Air or Moisture In the Tube Will Ren- der It Unreliable. Don't expect n barometer to tell you the truth about the weather until you have tested it thoroughly. Two com- mon causes for unreliability are air and water mixed with the mercury in. the tube. These can be expelled by boiling the tnercury. In order to lest' a barometer let it hang fora tine in the proper position; then gently and with rare incline -it so tbttst the mercury nilly strike against the glass tubo. If there is no sit' with- in you will hear a sharp metallic click, but If the sound is chill and muffled it indicates the presene'e of both air and moisture, The presence of sir alone is shown by minute bubbles. If at any time tie Mercury seems to adhere to the tube, even in the slight- est degree. and the convex surface as- sumes 11 more 6atteued form it is'snfe to couclnde that either air' or moisture is present. 111 any of these cases the instrument should ne put into expert hints for rt'i't i hot Hon, There inre several kinds of htu'rn1.. eters. The ordinary "weather glass" in common use is more or less shire fin hie and Is easily made more se ity careless handling. In tact. any barium eter tltlist he treated will) Weal re• sport in order. to retain Its usefulness, -111lper s Weekly., s o "®G e a O ®t3 a e o A ®• O ®m 0 Leaflet Secretary '\liss Thomson O WITH TIaE CHURCHES. , 0 Organist Mrs. Gunn I0063A6.0®0 so ea: Audio Ml s,...rs. Graham Mfrs. Milne.AO:� The First False Teeth, Ciltil little more than a century c••o hnma11i17 h1ld to rub cion;; tvilh..wt fa sc Peet li. of tt'Idch 11101lays unr 111'111 Jilting t •11111115 to 1t.1 treel. 1211f")- 900 n year. The rivet est 1 essftli maker was (rinsseplinge;e Motizi, Int It•1'lau dentist, ti'bo started Duchies iu l u•is lu 1711S cud, thanks to his skihrni, treatment et Lucien l uq ilau•te soon made his way. After yea's of t'speri• Ment he disco..reed 11111 st:h tali•' front tviliell ,u'tit5 itt teeth nee 111:ell? and rectlretl the gold modal of tli.• French Academy of 5cli'fide, One ot tate earliest parsons lititd with false teeth ryas the empress of Kussin, AFr \Fattvlon Fuad migrated to Lon d',ti and their to Madrid, where Bell! nand 5'11. re\randed hint with a yearly tleus;en of 1,1100 ducats fora set 111 i'tIse teeth. The" Gnat English Rcil edyl• Tonal and invigorates the whole nervous system mattes net, Blood ;n old Veins runes A'creoutt Debility Mental an0 Brass TVorril. Despot=dcnc5, 'Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the: Ifeart. Foiling 1lIsn 5r71.- Price 91 per box, six for 854 One will please, six will cure,QeSold by all druggists or (nailed in. plain pkg. on receipt of ' 3. price: NewNewpn,npTrTri ,, mailed. free. THE WOOD MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Wiedsor.):. Executive Coinhlittec, Mrs. D. Ile- WILLIS CHURCH Ewen, Mfrs. F. Mclwen, Mrs., Young, Mrs. O'Neil and llrs. Chautbcrsand all officers. Following is the program for the }'rear of tthe W. F. M. S of this Church;- JANITARY Annual Social FEBRUARY "The Pim nds, "......)\iissBessie Smith "The. King's Business and Woman's porter it,".... Miss Annie Watt MARCH "Pearl of Great Price," Mrs. Torrance "Our W. F. M. Board, its relation to the whole, to the Mission 'Field and to.the home base," • A. J. Cowing APRIL "The' lost. Sheep, ..Miss Mahaffy "Paton, ...Miss J. Thomson Mi AY "Hoose built on Rork and on Sand," Mi s L, Walkinshaw "\l F. M. 5. Polic) prayer, finance, development," Airs. Milne JUNE: , .Phe Drag Net," • • • • • ...:Miss 'Nilson "McKay of Uganda," lies. Gums Jl'LT "The Barren n Fig Tree," Mts. I). Me -Ewen "W. F. 11 5 Resources, officers, an- nual reports, literature." rature .Miss Gut)n AUGUST 'Clue Importunate. Widow - Mrs. I+. McAlwen "Union of 1\'oulc.11 Board of our Church," ..., Mrs. 'tV. T. O'Neil SEPTEMBER I EMBER "The 1)e blurs, 1SIrs. Chambers "(4. L, titbits" Miss 1. Scott OCTOBER "Thanksgiving" NCVEMIBER "The Vine and its Branches," Mfrs (lah15111 "Stewardship, Channels of Service, Prayer, (sifts, Effort.,, Mrs Aiexttnder DECEMBElI 'The Great Snpiet, ...,Mrs, Paisley "Allan tlaldiner," -Miss Wilson Ori'.ICE:{S. Ptesillent let Vice President,. 2110 Vice President, 3rd'Vice President Secretary ,........ Treasurer ..,....... Miss J. Wilson .....Mrs Torrance Mfrs. Walkinshaw Mrs. Ftmbee Miss A. '.I. Cowing 1.Miss McTaggart Human Derelicts. This is the Invariable history of such eases. Let an unidentified body of a man or woman, young or old, be (lis - covered, and from 1111 directions will come inquiries disclosing, the fact tint many persons have disappeared 511111 the knowledge of their friends. 'i'rag. tidies and heartaches aro thus an'•is' ered, for the mere at't til nmlulr) proves that some one in each case ,' Iter suffered anxiety over the nli:slue sur and has feared evil ha openings, s, 1'rime shame. melancholy- discontent, 1111 11th ,tines, desire for ;id are ntir.me the c1111809 11195 15111 Io the dlst'1lpenr. allege,-1Ildian;t irons 5111 r. • Thursday, Fbruary 5th, 111.1. Mouse for Sale W. iltY7)ONJI' BARI(fSTER SOLICITOR FOTA1t2 PUBLIC, ETO Nine room 19 story frame dwelling etdrrron on Ontario Street, in good repair good stone cellar. Lot and a half with garden and fruit trees. MRS, 111. J. BOLES Straw For Sale, About 10 ton of good clean wheat i straw, cut, on the premises. Apply to J. T. CR1CH p /� qq phone 14 on 144 1 s eon TnalcersmRith H T. A N C E`l led 'lost. Among the members of tho enew .Caved, the report said, Wore Captain Johnson, Firs: Offi- cter Hersley, Chief Engineer John Perkins, the firs"-, second and third atisiftttant engineers, an oiler and a sjtg,warcl, . ''This is this first time in the 1sistfory,of the line we have lost a passenger," said' Pr'esid'ent Wal- ker. The line was : founded .im 1807. The life-saving efficiency 'o£ , the Monroe was 100 per cent'. Live roullry Wanted 2500 Chickens, 1000 Yens. 1000; Ducks Each geek 11'0111 now until January To finish your own poultry, we have Wheat, Oats. and Buckwheat specially ground for fattening pur- poses, as very reasonable prices. 8,000 dozen Strictly New Laid Eggs wanted each week during the winter months. To produce these eggs we have a full line of Poultry Foods to keep your layers in the pink of condition. A full stock of Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Etc., Etc., always on hand. GIVE US A CALL. POULTRY TAKEN ANY DAY OF EACH WEEK. HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Write on one side of paper only, MIail to reach us Wednesday of each week or sooner. Avoid all items respecting onper- sonal character but ,send All. the News. Check off this list it may assist you to remember an important if em. 'Girths, Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Church. News Suppers or Presentations. Removals, Visitors; Lodge News, Fires, Public Improvements. Law Cases, the Crops, School Matters. Correspondents will please .re- frain -from sending ,notices of eii- tertainm' nts where an admission fee is charged, unless they send word whois responsible for the payment of such advertisment. The charge is' five cents •a line -six words make a line. Cadet; Cotton Root Compound, A safe, reliable ren,rlati9a. anedivinc. Soldinthree dc. groes of strength -No, 1, Si; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. Sold by all .druggists, or sent prepaid on receiptof price. Free pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO., TORONTO, ONT. (Formerly Modem.) S.�. Conroe on Bottorn of the 00an-.•.'•. • Twenty Minutes After the Collwsian Eighty= Five Passengers Were Pescued by Boats From the Nantucket, A hong Them the Captain of the Ili=fateol Monroe -Passengers Straggled in the Water Norfolk, '' Va., Jan' 30, -Forty- nine persons went down' to death i Aio-day when the Merchants and Miners liner Nantucket sank the Old Dominion linler.;l\Monroe, Wire lists forwarded byCaptain tain John 1 son of the Monroe, returning'with thle survivors. 'on the Nantucket show. Liesit-ip9Ssleingers, 25 ; crew, 21.1 Total, 40. Savteyli-liassengers, 30 ; - crew, 55. Total, 85, Norgollc Va. • Jan, 30, -Out of tale blant:et of a d en t b 1 lapse imp eti t fog the wireless early 4o -day' spark, led out another tale of a tragedy of the seas that has cost, it ie fear• long at beater than half ,speed, the big Mlerchants and Miners steam- ship N'ant;ucklet crashed d Into the 01d Dominion IsII(etsmer. Monroe, cutting hex nearly i,n'two. Twenty minutes later the Monroe 'was at t bottom f tho sea, Boatsfrom the boil m o 1 thle Nantucket pickedl up eighty- fivle persons, among them Ithe cap- tain of the Monroe, all suffering • from immersion, ITiwlep tly Three Pnis,sfeingal's !Los" Washington, Jan. 30. -Eighty,. six •oF those aboaid the Old Do - I minion liner (Monroe wet a saved and forty-nine are missing, accord led, forty-seven lives. Rooming a- ing to a report from the, Norfolk offices of the line received heresto day by Prles'ident 11.. B. Walker of dila 'steamship company. He had come over from New York 'yester- day to attend a meeting of ' the Masher Pilots' Association, and was Iawakened by 'a lougdis la'lice tele - 1 phone this morning giving a bare i •outilinte of .the disaster, A later 1 ,cllespateh said that twenty-three of this passenge ;a and twenty-four of the crew were missing, 'thirty-one ' , passengers,' and fifty -live of the crjew being saved. - Stenond Officer Gatley was report Tho GUII 1 aokicis Co., Limited The up-to-datPe Fhone0irm,4. Clinton V. W. TREWARTHA. W. JENKINS nTENK`sYs EM LOW RATES To California, Florida and the Sunny South NOW IN EFFECT The Grand Trunk Railway is the most direct route 510111 all points E 'st through Canada via Chicago, Detroit or Buffalo. C. E. HORNING, D. P. A. Union Station, Toronto, Ont John Ransford &Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57 A. O. Pattison, station agent NOTICE. TO CREDITORS €1111Ri.ES 13. E719,1 Oonneyance, Notary. Public, Lommissioner, etc. EAL ESTATE ANL) 1NSURAI'{0E' Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Hi ronjSt,, Clinton. For Sale Driving mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash and part feed. Apply to JOE RATTENBURY, For Sale or (tent A ,seven -roomed pottage on North Street for sale or rentt. MRS. E. BUTLER Farm for Sale Being int' 24 and 25, 4511 Con. of Stanley. 70 acres all cleared, having never failing spring creek. welltenced, frame house, and barn, 36X56 lean to 14X36 stable ,Pinder whole building, the stables are cement being put in one year ago. 'Small orchard, Tele- phone 'and rural mail, 7 acres of alpalfa good catch. Possession and terms to suit purchaser. Apply nn premises or to W. POTTER. RR, No. 5, Clinton Mortgage for Sale $3,800.00 first mortgage on 100 acres for sale. W. BRYDONE In the Estate of Annie Eliza Eatst NOTICE is hereby given that a1 persons having claims against the estate of Annie Elba East latero the town of Clinton, in the County. of Huron ';Widow, deceased who died on or about the 'fifth day day of January, 10..1, arc required to deliver to the undersignet Harrison Wiltse, or his solicitor of or before the fourteenth clay o February, 1014, a full statement ()- their their claims together With parl.icul arestherieof and the nature of the ,securities, if any, held by them al duly verified by affidavit. • AND TAKE NOTICE that afte the said last mentioned date, the said Harrison Wilts; will preened to ci sttibutc the estate ol;the said de- ceased amongst the persons enti- tled there to Having regard mill to such claims as they shall have received due notice in accordance` herewith. Dated at Clinton, this 19th day o January, 1.914 HARRISON WILTSE, Executor. W, BRYDO'li, C1[311'011, .0111. Solicitor for tho Executor, • Faris tor Gale, A desirable pristine farm for sale being Lot- 37, con. 3, London Road Survey, Tuckersmith. A small house and also a small earn 35 feet square. Two acres of orchard, also 10 acres of timber. For particulars' and in5orma. tion write- W. 0. BROADFOOT R. R. No. 3 Seaforth, Ont phone 4 Rn 136. _.WOcral tot A quantity of first class wood, beech and maple, cut 12 inches lung at 32,00 per and. Any person wishing this kind of wood kindly leave orders at S. Barr's grocery store, Clinton.' LEVI SNYDER Holmesvillel P. 0 .Warns tor Sale' The William Proctor :'farm, Let No. 32, and the south-west part of Lot No. 33, Maitland Con, Goderich Township, 114 acres. Apply to W; Brydone, Clinton, LOGS WANTED Highest cash price paid for all kinds of tirf,be'r, Soft Eim in lengths of 14 feet, otherkinds usual lengths.. Heading Wanted Basswood, Soft Maple, 40 inelleo. long, $1,00 per cord. STAPLET')N SA VIII, Dl's. Geo, (Vs M. E. Whitley Ileileinann Osteopathic Pity. Specialists in Women's and Children's Diseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disoriers Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel Friday, from 1 to 0 Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for sale improved farm of 100 acres, Lots 13 and 1.4. Con. 17, Township of Goderieh, situated on the Base Line four nr.las north of'Clinton, CHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill. 13elteviely Dairy Farm From our stock of first-class cows we are prepared to supply you twice daily with best of milk and cream, and solicit a share of your patronage. E. B. HILL. Girls Wattled Experienced, and girls to learn Knitting 10.10 Looping. Will pay 35,00 rev week wh:le learning. Strad;y employment. Pleasant position. Apply at once CLINTON KNITTING- 00,. Clinton, Ontario. Money Wanted. I have several inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investmentsfor funds on mortgages. Notary Publio,;0onveyancer, Financial and Real Estate. INSURANOE'AGENT-Representing 14 Fiream, ellranee Companies.. Cliiv'isibn Court 011ice.: Medkal. , DR;I ':. W. TH0MPSrfi 3 Physician, Surgeon, Eta . enecial attention given to diseases of the Eye, Bar. Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined, and suitable glasses. prescribed, Office and Reafdence. Two doors west or the Commercial Hotel Huron Nt. DES Gi1NN anti GitNDIEk. Dr. W. 1:e5n, L T6. C. P., L. It, C. S.. Editor Dr. J. C. handler. B.A. NCB, OOt,e-Ontario Street, Clinton. Sight calfs at residence, Rattenburri Sr., or at hospital DR. J. W. SHAW. PHYS101AN, SURGEON. cconcheer, ole, office and residence on t nbury St„ opposite W. Ferran's residence. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST ( CroWit and Bridge Work aSpecialty: Graduate of C.O.D.S..; Chicago. and 0.0,01.5' Toronto. Bayfield on Mondays, flay 1st to Deeemb- DR. II. FOWLER9 DENTIST. Omcee over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental tea mast es painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction ter'. GODERIOH ONT 19151 stood sales a specnai3J, deems if; AS NEW Eea odice, Clinton, prc.mts.y attends.& to. Terms reasonable. Farmers sale note discounted: G. D, I\icTaggart i.1. D. McTaggar. McTaggart Brute BANKERS ALBERT ST , (1LINTO`I a General Banking DneirMe' transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafte issued. Interest allowed re deposits The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance co. Perm and isolated Town Drops erty Only lnlaured. OFFICERS. J. B, McLean, Preaident, Seaforth, J Connolly, Vice -Pres., Goderfck, T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas., Seaforth, DIRECTORS. Jas, Connelly, Hclmesville, RAW,Watt,'Oarlock; G. Dale, Clinton; D. F. McGregor, Seafortb , J. Evans, Beechwood , J. G. Grieve, 'Winthrop. J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Mc-'- Ewan, Clinton. Each Director is Inspector oft losses In his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed.Iffncli- ley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney, Eg- mondville; J, W. Yeo, Bolmeaville, Payments may bo „made at The Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or 11.1I. Cult, Goderieh. SV.I3RIDONE JACOB TAYLOR FOitD tin MeLEOD • We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard.), We also have on band, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover, We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices .paid for Hay and' all Grains, FORD & AAAAAAIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA . Pian OS ► E See and here our finest E New Styiislsf designs of r Doherty Pianos and ► Organs, 5. P 4 4 4 P 1 1 1 w a 1 4 1 4 444 4 4 special values in Art Canes Pianos and organs rent ed, choice new Edison. phonographs, Music & variety goods. Music Eniporiuln E 5. £^' L31\1 1'051 Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and sol(l, Money to loan Office Issac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trseask Railway Systeme Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce, North : Passenger London, depart 8.30 a m 4.50 p;m Centralia 9.40 5,43 Exeter 9.53 5.54 Bonsai' 10.08 9.05 Kippen 10.16 6.11 Brucefield 10.30 6.18 Clinton 11.00 6.35 Londeeboro 11.18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7,00 Be grave 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arrive11.50 7.35 South Passenge' Wingham, depart6.43 a 8.33 pun; Belgrave 6.54 3.44 Blyth, 7.08 3.56 Londesboro 7.16 4.04: Clinton 7,50 4,23 Brucefield 8,12 4.39 Itippen 8.23 4.47 Hensall' 8.32 4.52 Exeter..... . . ... 8.48 5.05 Centralia 9.00 5.15 London, arrive 10-00 6.10 Buffalo and'Uode, Wee` Passenger ata pm pm p015 Stratford........10.00 12.20 5.25 18,20' .........10.22 12.45 5,55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45 1.10 6.18 .11,12 Olinton 11.07 1.25 6.40 11,28'. Holmeeville ,:,,11.16 1,33 6.413 11.38 Goderieh...;11-35 "1.50 7.05 11.55 hast "1 assengnr am pm pro Goderieh,:,..., 7.10 2.40 4.50' H0!inesvtlle 7.28 2.57 5,06 Clinton ........ ..7,35 3,67 5.15 Seatorth ............ 7.52 3.25 5.82 Mitchell,.. 8.16 3,48 555 Stratford 8.40 415 620 C. Hoare „. 066600.00 IMO•e•00••0b411•O.81.• - it� ► N Small Advls. Always s Pap AAAAAALAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ,•0s0000S0e0000•0.0s00111400'