HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-29, Page 8Thursday, January 99th, 1914.
'Pug* 2
-a11 1iA Dv. ol4 414
Ibat got ov er tho len ce lasht
lair °Inns 8180W0
Cl11J,1j5CdtaU ECU 4 ••• •
ss ,
. m Lady
- - .
A ' • . '
Th: c To ue.'ar :ve::'I Pi: :79:be:I:eel end Pinn Box.InTdraal n :‘ s uLai Ikl ey
PRIVATE °, 7' F10E
IVI• y
A r e ' Told go*, to Regain'
travel third claes, and the best of such
accommodations tnakes no provision-
else ese 4seese,- e'
ef, Doubt
, ,
Because He Takes 'BIN PILLS'
Lesson VF.-eb.First1'901L4ra.rter 'For
Strength and Vigor.
. . .
. .
, . . ,
As one .grOwe old' the' waste, of the
for Comfort. .' Most of the carriages are
divided into, small ,cubicles, with long,
nairow vsondensbenches running aloeg
othfe any o sides.Talinedretihse"trea°vnevleernsi°nacree
packed into the compartment like so
many sardin'le in a tin. •
On feetive' occasions, when Hindus
joureey by the, hundred thousand to
the eaeted seleter, it ie 'a sight worth
ttrraatinelt ogunmdanryormtiloems etothsereinea pilgrim
Granges. When it stops at a wayside
strtyation scores of . intending pae-sengers
to force their way into the already
closely packed third class Carriages by
. battering down .the locked doors or
even endeavoring to crawl through the
windows over the beads and shoulders
of the occuPante• 'The Policesose their
batons freely to drive the in vaders
• /
Cramming down III -chosen
, teed, and rushing back'to
straightaIli ti,xetao ridtyisn-
lep'eeprski a, l ewa with
" •miesSY.
_ Proper, habits of eating,
with a Na-Dru-Co •DYs•-,
„ .
pepsie Tablet' after each
' meal, restore .good &gess ,
bon, health and happiness. -
A box of.Na-DrieCo'DYS- ',:
pepsia Tablets costs but
50c. at your. Druggist's.
National Drug and Chem-.
icalCo. of Canada, Limited.
not give Lydia E.Pirik.
A. Coneniting•gpgioeeT of
system becomes more rapid than re.
ham's Vegetable Compound
, .., ,
for All Rest of Medicine. ,
New York City", thus heartily endorses
• :
' ee Broadway, New York:
. .
_ . . " .
pair, the organs act mere slovey mid'
less effectively than in youth, -the dr-
dilation is poor, the blood thin and
- in the World. '
., . • ,....
"I bought some of • your GI . P LLS
v. .
et ictoria, B.C., last -5 eptember. Your.
Text of the ' Lessen 'Luke xi 1.13
digestion weak. • r ,' .
Thal, our delielous mod nee, slid
' ' ' s' -
Utica, Ohio. -"I suffered everything
. .
from ia female weakness afterillhaby '
' I had 'Minh
/ i. .
remedy,I find, at 6o years of age, to give
perfect relief from the Kidney and
-Bladder Troubles inddentth one of my
age, I urgently recommend GIN p.u4Ls
mta,,,9,7 veses, .9, 7.,,t,,,
Luke 'xi, 9-CoMmentery bY 'Rev. D.
M. Stearns. ' ' '','
iron tonic without oil', IS the ideal
strengthener and 'bode-buildee,for 'old
folks, for itleentains the very elethents
eae e,
,4 ,
- ' -
s elisa d was dizzy,'
had black. spots be..
fere my eyes, ,my
beek• ached and I
was so weak I could
hardly standup'. My
fa e e .was yellow,
even My fingernails
were colorless and I
`-•• ,...' '
', \
,-,,,,. •
' ' - s .„7:-..-, '
-..... a .
- e „se . -"ler
' '
to friends as being the one thing that
does ole good." ' R. O. WOODFORI:).
. •
By the tline a, man or woman is 6o,
the Kidneys and Bladder need a little.
help to keep 118 good working order.
GIN PILLS are what they need. GIN
PILLS keep the urine neutral, prevent
colds settling on. the kidneys or bladder
and wardeff Rheumatic attacks.
Remember, every box of GIN PILLS
, . s ' ., •
T-6 PraY in reality and know a ful-
' '
fi I I went of 'Ma tt, xxi, 29,, "An ' things
wlizilsoever ;ye shall ask' in pisiver, be
eeeites ye shall' r eMye " or lisr1,- x.1
.,. "' ' ' ° -1 ' - ' - ''' - '
1:4, "What things seeeers yo .desire,
when yo pray, bel lege -thrt t ee receive
, ' . -- , . - • ' 7,11„
and ye seall have, , or dohn yr
- '
needed to rebuild westing tiseues and
replace weaktiees with,ataiViagtinisst. Vc9inidosi.
and tfhOur1:Dpersevtehnetssypsnteeuthinuoa. ,.
.11re. Mary Ivey, of Columbus, Ga.,
sa,vs's "If people only 'knew the good
.irfassi,..daes sold- pearsa".,.S-a.as- sure you
Would be unable to supple the de-
dd, tookanythingIvielfneorie.
had displacement. I .
ass.. ---e-.. eer-',
-1 :-Y:..t.-{ '-':•-:. . ',-. - r
is sold, with a positive guarantee to give
ye abide in Mb stud itly words abide in
shall avbat ye will and it
:tmhat did me
It Is tee finest tonic and . strength
took Lydia E. Pink-
perfect' satisfactiem or your looney
YoIl. yo .ask
ham's 'Vegetable
promptly rsfunrled.
shalt .be done unto yeti,” i's one of t lie
creator I ever used in my life."
Compound and now I am stout, well and
healthy. I can do all my' own work and
Can walk to town and back and not get
tired. I Vegetable
soc.a box, 6 for ee 5o. Sample free if
you write Nations! Drug and Chemical
Toronto. -1
Co. ot eaaada, Lene76 •
. , ,
greatest things that wls can attain to,
' 'The attainment aonsistile the n.ade
ing sted; • ' ' '
•useref erred be the telly forgiving
every oneakeephigi Hie commandineets
If Vitiel fails to build untheleeble,
old people, and create strength we
will return your money.
' se. 9. R. aohnos, Druggist
away, but usually a few inanage to
evade the constables and secure a foot-
hold on the tra- '
- a . vs
Sometimes the authorities are com- •
yelled to carry passengers in open
trucks. They plant leeniselves in the
exposedb0t toof tothethaeecalin•selaenmdenrecuieisaltiortbetih•ee,
- ' ' ' '
would not give your
Compound for all the rest of the medi.
eines in,the world. I tried doctor's med.
. .
• 'hewn oak beams.. I was convinced.
Lied doing those thinge thet01.0 pleasing'
n 1:815 s e .. esker,: according to Ills
Cl:nton, Ontario
'eines and they did the no good." -=Mrs.
MARY EAnakwiere, R.F.D. No.3, Utica,
Ohio'. '
Another Case.
Nebo, Ill. -"I was bothered for ten
mare with female troubles and the doe-
tors did not help me. 'Ives so weak and
nervoes.that I could not do nay work
, ;there was . no great weight of earth
It Seemed as Though Those Walls, lresting upon these, and the tunnel,
That Lew Roof Wet•e Crushing istvhich 1 folleeted without diffictilt or
, . . Y,
.. rdel as if the Close, Foul Air was'. the discovery of any serious obstruc-
. .
Suffocating. • s 1 Alan, for fifty feet, inclined steadilk
. .' 'upward -until in my judgmeni it must
maceasingly. .I lost faith in even'''. • ' ' fewr
'have come within a stery feet of
_thing, even her, and cursed aloud, hate : ' ' '
.the surface. Here there ocourred a
leg the • of It ; s .. . ,
will, aski.ng in Mitt:5'1106We IrtIllerio"'
uot .1 1.11 e -in • • I • ' '1' • ••••• • 1 rs.
- ' ' ' '" (ja '''' 0111 °I" P ells-
ure, aside.. with importonity, as in ,
''''' • - a. ' ' s
our 1essen (Mark. se 25, '21,:. I Jobe ili.
2o; • r, 11;, Jas, I, Ci; Iv, '3). AnOiher....
e d - . . .
WM' to be well ,considered is Jahn
• 13, , , „„.,
x'lv, "'''• ""nta°ever .7° shill' • assi
s . * * * • ,
'n l'.“7 necle; It e shall'. ask 0117. -
, A somewhat .strenuous campaign
me eeneengage ue various
1 b '' d in-byti '
candidate§ for Huron .COunty Ward
eIlledi ip.. The eleeklement of who
will occupy the seat of honor will
e Ise le nex _ nes ay .af e moon
b MI d t T cl t S.
at Gederich.
weather., for tete twenty, thirty, forty
hours at a stretch, one treading on the
toes of the otheS-fretful babies cry-
,, eomen erten s nes-u.n
lug. men and ' . „ 1, e su
the end of the journey is reached, -
Imitations and Forgeries of th
Works of Old Masters.
Wide World Magazine. - '
and ev.ery month I had to spenda few
days in bed. I read so many lettees about
. . _
Lydia E. Pmkham's Vegetable Com-
echoes my own voice. h • •
et aip suin to the mut, and the exert-
.sceited as though those walls thatshing
i va ion advanced almost upon a level.
e ' ' • I i th
3,7 roof,were cies i ng me, as if e, . Kaa I
NI ng nothing of the conforma.
close, toul air was pulIcating. I recall I'
, tion above, or of the location of build-
a: in' Nly mune, I will ,do it." This
last ,IIINIMYS seems more plain to um
. . ..
when 1 (sense -leen nsan on the roadox
Sointeereitil tteiveler, in the 111111111 61., a ''•
.....-,...-. "
• _ „„
. '
Are an
11 EYE SORE vt
Pimples are caused by the blood being
out of order. Those little festering
sores appear on the forehead, on the nose,
on the chin au,d other parts of the body,
a analthough they, are not a dangerous
trouble they are very unsightly to both
you and your friends.
There is only one way ' to get. rid of
themeand that is to purifyethe blood.
Berdock Blood Bitters is without a
doubt the best remedy on the market
for this puxpose. .
Wm. F. Donohue, Jr., Hamilton, Ont.,
v.iritess---"About six months ago my
little son's face was literatiYcovered with
pimples. I tried every preparation e
was told of by my friends, but to no
avail. Soon I thought I could not have
them fixed up, and would have to wait,
and let him grow out of them, but
thanks to Buock iBalood Bitters they
aoreaanllognoenn, and I ,g • dly recommend it
1 Burdock Blood Bitters is manufae.
tured solely by The T. .Milburn Co„
Limited, Toronto, One
Specialists Who Are Real Artists 1
Showing ,Antique Effects -The Spl'
. Panel Deception and an Ingeniou
Swindling Scheme That Failed.
In addition to a considerable mass a
historical information concerning, met}
-cab employed in Producing pictorit
works of art, M. Moreau-Vauthier'
"Technique of Painting". presents mec
new and.Interesting matter concernin
deviees of imitation Picture' faking-
, . -
"truquagee as the French art worl
calls It -and systematic, dellberat
skillful forgery that have in reels'
years 'rendered, extra hazardous th
purchase of any picture by a recog
- retied master who has joined the gres
Many of these tricks require gra
skill and knowledge -enough, in a
seeming. to enable theforgers to 'bi
come recognized artists. of the go
, If an old canvas can be found -an
there are many thousands In Europe
the production ole Titian or Oorregg
or Veronese Is easy. The worthless pi
ture is painted over or cleared off or
the latest friehlon-provided with
pound curing female troubles that I got
abOttle of it. It die me more good than
anything else I ever took and now it has
cured me. I feel better than I have
for years and tell everybody 'what the
tearing open the front of ,my shirt
to gain easier bretith I walked about I ings;-Iewas obliged to press forward
beating with bare hands the Tough! blindly, conserving the faint light of
stone, muttering to myself words with- the candle, and praying for a free pas-
out Meaning The candle had hu ned 1 sage. It was all experience to • test the
business lionse, 0 .concern. or .etimpanY .
This': ems, representing the firm, can
transact only such buslueis in its.namee
as -16 is engagea 10. Ant:thine out id
. . s, s e
• ' - '
Cheap and Simple .Method by Which it
, . ' " ' ' •
. May Be Purified.
e '
The est S ing to do with polluted
weter is to keep It out .01 your mouth
Compound has done for me.. I believe I
would not be living to -day but fie
rely an inch remained.
down until ha -
.. .
nerves, the intense stillnese, the
gray walls, cold to the touch, the
of that cannaiebe in its mime.
Wheel the queetion. is asked by the
. ,
arid wait until mu get some pure
s ' 3 ' 13.
water. Of course a man iuleht starve
that." _- Mrs. -HET= GREtliSTREET,
Nebo, Illinois.. ' -
.. _ •
. ' .
- The Remains of Tragedy..
beams grazing my 'head, and uphold-
Jug that mass of earth above, the in-'
tense clarkeess before and behind, with
Lord in tem vi, 8, "Whom shall 1 send
• . •
en. who will go foe us?" .we naturnlly
.isl- Fel' what,eir 'rise es,' es' Efo w' •b
.. " I P. doea is
• • '. -
to death in some places following that
' ' '
advice, so here is the .next best thin g
to do. Disinfect the dangerous_ water.
-. •
It nmet have been the slidek of thus
realizing• suddenly how ehort a time
remained in which I should have lieet
only the flickerin r d• f yellow'
g e ius o
• • • •
light barely illuminating Where I trod.
om -
Occasionally the wood creaked i
' • ' '
nously, and bits of earth, jarred by
to send us?. Then we think ot sonte
of our Lord's slyinos 45r,hen He was
' - ' . '
here on earth: "'rho living Father bath
sent me;" "I seek not mine own will.
Here is the I''IY to SI It
•'• - 'i - 0 ' chloride of
Dissolte a teeepoonful of
11 . . ' , 1' f 1 , , e- .
me in a cup 11 0 IltitLr, ma me; sure
The -Only Animal Man :Has Need. Been
' Able to Conquer. . . '
There is just one animal man bas
never conquered, never can monquee
Centuries ago every other beest be-,
came the slave ofman or else tied far
from hutnan habitation. One and one
only refused to dee or to submit. •
The horse, the dog, the cow, the
sheep, the goat, the ,pig•eull came into
camp thousands or years ago. They
have ever since worked for man or fed
him, or both. They hare been his un-
questioned end• unquestioning. slaves.
The elephant, too, 'hae become a seria
nut as have other jungle lords. •
The lion, the tiger, the wolf, the
bear, and such °thee -savage beasts ae
have not yielded service to inen Inive
slunk away lu terror from the path of
civilization, and are killed on sight.s
Rut one single 'untrue,' claims men's
.peetection, shares his food and hearth,
wanders at will.. and unmolested
through human • haunts, and does eh-
solutely' no work in return; obeys no
orders, and does not even serve as food
0e...clothing. '
This only excePtion to a world of
servantand of scared eneintes le the
domestic cat. .. .
Think it over. The cat Will not work.
It will tot guard your home. Its fieeh
which restored my ttenses. I know e
stared at the dim yellow flicker dully
at lira, and then with a swift return-
ing consciousness which spurred my.
brain Into activity. In that instnn.t 1
hated, despised Myself, rebelled at my
weakness ; Faith in Claire Mortimer
came back to me in a flood of regret.
If she had failed, it was through' no
fault ok hers, and I was no coward to
lie there and rot -without making a
stern fight for life. When I Was found.
those who came upon my hody would
know that I died struggling, died as a
man should, facing fate with a smile,
with hands gripped in the contest.
The resolution served -it was a spur
to my pride, instantly driving away
every haunting 'shadow of evil. . Yet
where should I turn? To what end
should I devote my energies? It was
useless to climb those stairs again.
But there must be a way out.
I gripped the old musket isthe only
instrument at hand, and began testing
the walls. Three sides I rapped, re.
ceiying the same dead, dull response..
.1 was in the darkest corner -now, 110 -awe°
yond the 'stairs, still hopelessly beat.
ing the gun barrel against the stone;
The dim light revealed no change in
the wall formation, the -same irregd.
lar expanse of rubble set in solid =Or-
iny passage, fell upon me In clods. Al-
together it was an experience I have
no desire to repeat, although I was in
no .actuai danger for some distance.
Old Mortimer had built his tunnel well,
'and through all the years it had held
safelY, eXeent Where Water had.soaked
through, - rotting • the :timbers. The
candle was sputtering with a-flnal "et.
fort to remain alight 'when I came to
the firsteseriourt .obstructem. I had
. barely time in etnich to mark the na-
, tura of the obstacle before the- flame
died in the -socket, l'eaving me- in, a
blackness so „profound it ,was like . a
weight. For the moment I 'Was Prac-
ticallY Paralyzed by fear, MY Muscles
limp, my limbs trembling. Yet to en-
deavor to push forward was ' no more
te be dreaded than to attempt retrac-
Ing my steps.. In one way there was
hope; in the other none. ' _
1. With gropingengers I verified the
situation, as that brief glance ere the
-candle failed had revealed It. A beam
had fallen, letting down a mass of
earth, but vfai wedged in such a way
leave a small opening above the
tidal, barely 'sufficient for a man to
wiggle through, How far even this
slight passage extended, or whet Worse
obstruction lay hidden beyond vsas. all
0m:death's. It Was a mere chance in
tint the will of the Father who bath
sent me;" "My meat is to do the will
a IIim that sent Me and to finish His
work" gohn iv, 34; v. 30; vi, 38. 511.
Then we remember His words to His
Father concerning His sent (lees: "Ae
'Phou bast sent me into the world, even
so have I also sent them intZi the
• world, They are not or the world,
even as I am not of the world." Also
His words to the disciples after Ens
resurrection. "As my Father bath sent
me, even 80 send I you" (John xx, 211.
Our lesson says that as , He Wag
praying in 'a certain place * * * one
of His,disciples said. "Lord. teach no to
pray" (verse t). Then He gave them
this prayer, table!' Be bad also seven
on a former occasion (Matt. vi, 943);
spoke Of the uecessity of importunity
and of every one asking receiving, and
thot if -parents knew how to give good
gifts to their children how much more
would the Heavenly Father give the
Holy Spirit (or, as It is in matt vie 11,
good things1 to theta that ask Him. ..
It seems necessary. therefore, Hutt
we meet know and understand our re.
lationship to the Father as His chit.
are!) if we have become Audi by re.
(101111)00n, our business in this world
as stele that we may be wholly en-
geed] In It. the .privilege of constant
that MI 111111118 :Ire tboroughly broken
up, then add three more 1111111110 of
weter. Set'the mixture well and allow
to stand for a. few seconds In order
that any solid particles may settle. .
This mixture, 11 kept in a tightly
ottle. ay be used for four
:tempered 1101110. m
01' five dlI7e. wIwn a ((0)08011160e
shot" he Preileted• Add une tel'ePoon-
ful * this milky lookieg solution to
each two gallons of water to be- purl-
tied and stir thoroughly in order that
the weak chlorine solution will emite
lb contact with all the bacteria whir•h
mny be preeene Allow this to steed
for tell minutes. This will glee 111/-
Proximately one-half part of free ehlo•
rine to 1.000.000 parts of water lind
will effectually destroy all typhoid and
colon bacilli or other disease germs In
the water, The water will be without
taste or odor, end the trace of free
chlorine . will rapidly disuppear. 'This
method is one whieh is new recent
mended In the health literature of the
eo)letria ,
' Water so disinfected Is not clanger.
olls 80 far as tbe 0111051110 of lime Is
concerned 11 nmewpa to steed for ten
or fifteen minutes rater applying -The
chief clanger Is tlint nut enough (nein-
feel -ant will be applied to render the
water etife 10 all lust:wee,
English Weights and Measures.
Other things besides fish have their
own peculiar measures. Gunpowder,
raisins and butter are sold by the bar-
rel, but the weight varies. A barrel of
powder weighs 100 pounds, of raisins
.112 pounds, of butter 224 pounds. Yoti
can also buy butter by the firkin .of
fifty-slx pounds, while a firkin of soft
soap IS sixty-three pohnds. "Stones"
are not always'tbe same. A stone of
glass is • five pounds; a "customary
stone" is eight pourids, the "legal
stone" fourteen pounds. .A "fodder of -
lead" depends upon where You buy It'
In London or Hall you' will get only
nineteen, fInd a hair hundredweight, in
Newcastle they will give 'you twenty-
one and a half hundredweight and In
Derby twmity-two and a balf.-London
• '
Globe. - .
' '
new canvas face on which a fine
gery has been painted. ,
Varnish tinted with bitumen glee
appearance of age; licorice juice, ash(
steeped in water and lampblack al
used to imitate the dirt of time. The
are specialists in fly stains. (enemy r
touching designed to emphasize age t
contrast, and in signaturee-a sele
class, these latter. who call themseive
They know the manner of each gre
painter, the way he signed his pictun
and the place and • color used. Sem
times the name is cunningly conceal(
under a layer of dirt or paint, So th
the buyer of this particular "old me
ter" may have.the pleasure of discove
tug It for himself. ,
Tbe author gives the names of SE
.erni painters who find a ready road
wealth in multiplying for foreign ne
• Mize, Coro
and fur serve no 1150. Its one Useful
act is the catehIng Or liDde and rats.
And because it
tar, hardened by a. century of exposure 'which I must risk life in ho rie of sav-
to the. dry 'atmosphere., . Theh to an fing it -I might become helplessly
hollow; !wedged beneath the timbers, or any
communion with God eencerniest nll
things for whieh we are here eml the
asstirtinee that Ile will certainly see to
. , .
these It slays and eats
wants to; not to help out its owner.
For example, it does not bring Rs cap-
tured prey • to Its owner to eat. Nor
will It Luta rodent's unless It happens'
, to feel like doing so. .
The tat won't werk, It won't. even
learn tricks unless it happens to Want
to. And no one cau punts," or torture
it into learning any trick It doesn't
want to learn. '
Tbat is why there are almost no trick
cats in animal shows and why the few,
that are there do such very simple
tricks. A dog can be tortured Into do-
Ing tricks. A cat can't. '
When some animals became. man's
slaves and others fled from him, the
cat did neither. It simply, took all the•
favors and advantagese man bad to
offer, and refused. to -',e) one lick of
work in exchange. Beat a deg and he
Will fawn en you„ Beat a mat end it ''
wilt attack .yon and then' desert you.
You can't conquer the cat, You can't
make it work. -New York World, ,
idleglistless blow there came a
wooden sound; that caused the heart
to leap into the throat. I fried again,
a foot to the left, confident my ears
had played me false, but, this time
there 'could be no doubt --there was an
opening' here back of a wooden bar-
rier. . . 1
Half • ' d by this good fortune,I
ei age .
-caught up the inch of candle, and held
it before the wall. The clim light
, scareely served as, an aid, so Inge,-
eiously had the door beent painted in
resemblanoe to the mOrtared stone. I
was compelled to sound again, inch by
inch, with the e 9 - 1 I f I
gun atte ec ore
could determine the exact dimensions
of theepening. Then I could trace the
slight eraelt Where the wood was fit -i
tcd, nor could I have done this but.tor ,
the warping of a board. Wild with ae-
preheneicei lest my light fail. before,
the neer:Isar- worr could b '
a ,.e accom-
Pee seed, I :drew out the single -bladed
901110 from' my Pocket, and began wid-
ening this precise Feverishly as I
;movement might Precieltate upon me
:a mass of loosened earth.. It was a
horrid thought, the death of a' burrow-
Mg rat; and 1 -dare not let my inind
'dwell upon the'dread possibility. Slow-
'1 • barelyd i 1 h t tim
y, a vane ng an ne a a e,
I began the venture, my hands blindlY
• • fo • the a ag the cold per
-peeing i e p ss e, e -
spiration bathing my body; The egg-
'thee I penetrated amid the debris, the
'greater became the terror dominating
'me; yet to draw back was next to im-
possible. The opening grew MODS con-
tracted; I could scarcely force myself
f 'd di 1 fr rs d toe into
orwat , gg ng nge an s
the hard earth floor, the obstructing
'timber scraping my body. It was an.
, awful, heartrending struggle, stretched
lout flat like a snake in the darkness,
lthe .loose .earth showering me with
each movement. 'llhero was more than
upport down; 'I had to double
one fin POI- ,
, about to find opening; again and again
, I seemed to be against an unsurpae-
:sable barrier; twice I 'dug through a
for three sol-
the slimily Of nil that is needed 'toIt
carry on His work, •
fie being, all wisrlotn and linving all
90 110)', We •1111151 have nubounded con-
000111.0 is 'His ninuagenient, in His
i0-1 V of doing things and in His time.
• •
e„„ , , g, r .„.. , .. . .
'e"ittentline to out mode. All this
end much more is 'Deluded in this
prayer. -the petitions of Nrhiell _those
who rend my notes know Hint I am in
the linbit of. aseociating with the beati-
tildes of Matt eel -12, Luke tells us
thnt at the thine of His briptism He
VMS 90151119: that before He chose the
twelve He continued all night in
prayer to God; that at the time of the
trenseguration Ile went rip into a
111011 0 ta in to pray, a rid ns He pill yod
the fashion of His countenance was
altered (iii, 21: vi. 12:, Ix. fifig 201,. end
11081'. when He lind censed prayitig in a
ecei•tnin place, In answer to a request
fro ni ,One et His disciples, Ile taught
them this pi•ayer. None but trne be-
lievers. Who bav-e become children of
God by receiving Olirlst, can honestly
Is Confined, So It Is Asserted, to e
Likeness to Parents -
ge ,, , gee ,, ' ge g ,,,
.",vi." "i'i' i',`' sikw•ir''' 9'1 .""i"" -.'"
nunsense Is tall
'0"•-•'"'''''''''' zed
and written as on heredity, Not very
;midi Is known of it as regards plants,
,, . . , .
' ese of animals and limiest nothing tla
i detrds humane y To read books on
'-','' , ''' ' ' ' ,
hereiday, especially those of the Et -
gen e society, is to read a mass of sup -
1 lix"dmis intitic'tiu--
po.si Lit10 Lis a ed ' 1
w ge most 01 the farts rue negative
and only the exceptions nre positive.
The very meening or "hereditary" is
01 linderstorla If 'Inv t wilily is trnlv
1,1: ,,L. . ' • ' • 1 ' ' ' ' '
1.‘ elitney then it Is always horedi
' '-'
Nev. it never riee1114,1 ellee 0 114 the re-
----',. - 1 .
sni 1 of heredity, and, it is consume -
• '
tililt at is to say, It Invariably followss,
But there Is 111) quality of which ail.
enn he said. The egonlus Is 1101 beredi•
tary Is kitown, Even talent Is •uot.
Nor is '''''Y uPtittide• A IflwYer's "0'
more oftt•ii wants to be 11 soldier or nu
artist than a la fuer, netteithstanding
• •
Look For the Pearls,
• -. Do you know Unit perhaps within n
sto ''s throw of Ter suburban home
pearls may be found. Sara • Savage
el'll •i S' b be I If
1 er has ao article 0 u ut n s e
OD "Fresh Water Pearl Fishing." She
says that almost 00007 stream and
pond throughout the United States
contgins one or inde vaeleties of mus.
sels in which pearls ere found and tells
of 11 cal:neuter of Paterson, N. J., Who
, . , .. . ., , I..,
Lcann a magnificent Pink Peel', we ea-
ing ninety-three genius in the waters
e ,,,„, , _ , e _. , b gbt e Tie
p en Blom. teens eve . ,.y -
ck ri L
fany 4 Co, foe $1,500 'arid later was
sold to the Empress Eugenie. 'Since
then it bas been known as the famous
. Queen pearl. .'
kets .the 11mee-tentis,
Datthigneys rind Courbets told the lil
withoilt which no home of lexiirg
deenied complete.
Untinished studies by fainoui arth
sold after death at some official vend
bear the regular stile stamp, a mei
less token of authenticity, whereto
the clever forger makes the dimly et
gested piettit•e a finished compositit
which carries on its back an indispiti
ble certincete of genuineness.
Rill more adroit ic, the trick oit
,, ^ ' ,
after••the I. rouiciitin mile, where one
these ert harpies botieht the betide
. . , . e,
"Arab Falconer, ' paiuted on a wood
pnlimi• The panel was 811 wed. Omni
edgeways, giVing the forger a geniti
Fromentin withelit OS sale 811181!) 1)
,11 black panel bent•ing the stile einn
'hat Keeps His Lawn' Well.
„. He Tsold
Show me the twin wbose lawn IS in
good, coedition year by year and I will.
' thew 'yousone whose wife did well to
get him:
For letsine tell you, friends and fel-
IOW Onveiers to the tomb, there- are
. . . .
more sticks and bones, clothespins and
eropked, wires upop , a lawn, Horatio,
than lre -dreamt of in our philosophy.
• - . ,. • th
dultasket enduresthat the
slams biei potilhattbee hbereersf. y
. . ,
. lawn- mower hands him' 'when" its cut.
teas clog . possesses more 'than. Chris-
Han fortitude --it mounts up to flfty-
' - s is b d .
tude.,-Eugene Wood e very o yt1
Result, two "genuine" Arab Falcone
far apart. svith no way tit hand
dispt•ove the Imitation. •
Senietimes, it Is pointed out, the re
elty of tlie triek eniplOyecl works -
own defeat, as in the case of 0 Irian
.. ., .
IId '
t nt dea er who so a eve old at
1 -- , P
ing to a French collector. He offer
to send it to the buyer's hotel a
, . e •
asked him to write, Lus tame tied 1
dress on the back of the panel In or
to remove rill doubt. This was do
but then the collector changed I
mind and carried the picture off i
spite the dealer's protestations..
When the traveler got home he te
the picture but of its frame to clean
Be found that he '. bad brought liw
Two Husbands.
. The fo.olish husband says, "Let us de
,this or that."
,The wise ueleband Says. "Shall war
s-Lenieville Conrier-J'onsenel.
th-is was ,slow 0f accomplish -mass
ment, yet sliver by sliver the slight
aperture grew, until I wedged in the
gun barrel, and pried out the' plank,
The rush of air extingelehed, the
candle, yet I cared nothing, for the air
was fresh and pure, promising a clear
of f en dirt, once
id feet, throwing the loosened earth
;either side of me, and pushing it back
iwith my feet, thus utterly blocking all
;chance of retreat. 'Scarcely was this
I accomplished svhen . another fall from
!above -came, half burying head and
say "Our ?ether who art 111 luelyen e
• . • e •
Concernine all others see John vill 4-1*
e • • • , ,
- • ..
I John ill. 12, Only the poor in spurt
can hi' Linbelievere
now His natne. . .
who will not subMit to Hirn are proud
• • • •
in spirit.
the en re•onment, and It Is so with mem
, _ , ,
plofessions, a he exceptions eeeni to
be due to training and Influence, not to
• .
hereditnig 1 reitemission. ''
• , . . .
A super ii yin i illreness , to mille11124
seems heredinit•y, Ilia One Is a I I t hat
• • • • •
we can neeert end 041 elitwtrd 'like-
passage. ' .,;shoulders
and compelling me to do
Those who mourn .hecause af abound-
ing iniquity long for the Coming of 1119
1 nits
God this was luck! With new conr-
age throbbing threugh, in veins I
groped ray wa.y back to the table after
. flint and steel and relit the candle
fragment, shadowing. the flame with
both- palms as I returned toWhere the
plank had been pressed aside. How-
'ever, I foinid unnec-
the work over. yhe air greW foul and
,sluggesh, but I wits .toiling for life, and
tiug at the debris madly, .reckless Of
'what might 'fall from. above. Better
• . - •
;ter be crushed them to die of eufloca-1
I tion, and the, very desperation 'with
", whieh •Ie, streve, prove§ 'my Salgation.
' e -
- -' '
kingdom. The tneelc and lowly • love
His will' rather than their own and
want it done on enrth as' in henVen.
Thosewho h ‘• s f
w ungu and ,th rs a ter
tighteousness. trust Him also for daily
- ' '
. . hough as children of God we 11900e
el.:: lientr.es , 10111109 80
I n • I e Y
end nothin•s so l'11 1211 '14 this tended,
. e • - - . , Y
to attribute to heredity what Is due to
Minim, Or want .0f traluin. It ex-
, - . . , , ''' a 'd
enses supineuess in ,governinents n
professions. -H. Fielding Hall in At-
la utie Monthly. •
Locating the Bar.
A grimy 'looking stranger entered
a hotel. "Where's the bar?" he eeke"
of Pat, who was standing at the door.
"What -kind of bar?" asked the lat-
. ,
"Why, refreshosent bar, ef course!
Whet do you SUPpose 1 mean?"
' "Well" dra led Pat, ' witls a twinkle,
. .
ht • a
"I didn't. know but you .rolg mean
bar of soap." -London Answers. • ,
two. pictures. The'first, which. he h
bought, ,concealed a cope, on the bo
ch he had signed his name.
of. wet ' '
This was almost effect. rase •
r ail
pe 1
if the collector had had the ' .1
sent to his hotel he would ha ve
celved the copy. le he had protest
1 . ,'• . .
bat it- was not tbe pietute ne bole.
he would have been shown his 0,
sigeature on the back of the panel.
le Italian.government probibits 1
exportation of native art works exte
,such precaution
.essary, as there vras no perceptible
' Continued Peet -Week.
the forgiveness of all our sins (1 John
IL I 2)-,. constant for:
draft - through the passage e . now the
yet We need
dvenese being forgiven much
. litlifl MNTS
0 U R
. . .
' .
'opening was clear for the circulation
and SO
are 'merciful to others. We 'fear 'lest
Sick Readnehe ana relieve al itho troubles !oaf.
dent to a Intions State of the system, 511.31, nathing,s
eissiesseysepee, Drowsiness, DIsn'ess sitar
conns, Ptttn in (be Sitle, e:s. While (5511 mat
seelarkabiesuccess Ilse Nen shoea la curing '
. .
of air. Therehad been two planks-
• -
thick and 01 hard wood -composing
the entranc e to the tunnel, hut I found
.,, ,„,,,,ss
'" • -1-"ible to dislodge the second,
wee was corapelled to - squeeze my
way through the narrow tivelve-inch
, ' . MotherWorthy.
For Tired
SanolKidney Remedy Is made from
herbs and is perfectly harmless. If
we see not the hand of -God in iill
and therefore desire the. pure•
()atilt which ha tes evil, and -the evil
' one and longs for the reign .01 the
Prince of Peace in us end in the world
. . ' ' ' . '
th Attentionf P I
e o eop e
Who Wish to Preserve
" ' '
rieadache, yet Carter'a Little Liver Villa rut
equally valuable In Congtiostla% curing sailors.
, vendee ties agneylne some:lent. while they also
correct fill als• rcloscrthe'stonsach, stimainiethe
liver mid regulate thsbon't10. 1.ven if theyoMI
-0 t , e )
- • „ .
iiche they wouldhealinestorieckse to tilosewhe
duffer from th1S distress) ng, Sompinint; b a tfortn.
astely their goodness clorshotend berea ad those
who once try them will end theselittle plea vain.
able in Ect mhn y ttnys that they will not be vil,
ling to do without mem. But after ull sick, head
opening. This was a difficult task, as
I was a man of some Weight; but once
s -
''ccomplished .1 found myself in a con-
traded passageway, not to exceed
ithree ' •
feet in width, and perhaps five
;from floor to roof. Here it was appar-
,ently as ,well preserved as when first
'I Constructed, probably a himdr ed years
,‘,. more Ss'n the id I faced 1 II
`-'. ---, e s e Wallsw t
Atone, the roof ,supperted by roughly
- '
, cm are a sufferer from Gall Stones
Stones, or Gravel, Sena will
effect a positive cure. If you have
backache kidney, bladder trouble, or
rheumatism that is paused by excess.
f ' id di i puffy1
o Uric ac , zz ness, swei ings
endes itee eyes , swollen feet and
--- gi '
nkles tired nervous feeiin urine ver
a ' ' • g, Y
pale, or extra dark and cloildy, too
frequent and painfui urination, Wick
dust sediment in urine after standing
a few hours; you are in danger and
Sanoi Kidney Remedy will -save you.
that the kingdom. the pewee rind he
glory may be Manifestly His. '('10
import n nity" ENS itliiS 11S of lsa, loll,
6 7 a, here believers ils the i ord's
' ' • '• • , •
remembrances are urged Ve ta k 0 uo
rest end sive Mill no rest till He
mskes .lerns'ilem a raise in the en rt li
- ' ' " ' 1 P ' • '
(see Ina rgi n and revised version), for
that Will 010511 the corning of the kitig-
7=:--7" -------- — —
Always have your own brush and
comb at home on at hair dtesser's
NeVer .. mac 0 brush • lor comb
: • . •
found ID' pubhe places, they are
ueuelly covered with dandruff ,
germs. ,
(Wash your hair brush weekly
with soap and Warm everitiex. to
which May be added air antisetie.
'Shampoo th•o hair everts+ week or
so with pure soap end water-
Use Piarilsian Sage every day
• Keel) Tennis Balls Dry. ,
. Tennis r balls ban be preserved in usa-
, . -
ble shape, for an indefinite length of
time if they are kept absolutely dry.
They lose their resiliency and become
"dead" before :they are Worn out fot
the reason that dampness decomposes
the rubber. --Popular Mechanics.
by permission that is very hard to g
lint the collectors and the Oweers
' - ' • •
old faintly pictures find no -difficulty
evading this. They order. copies, 1
them in place uf the originals and
cretly send the latter out of the &a
genuine o tn tau ei
eg., i .1,11110 a • Id I l
. OS 1 1 ngs to
te'r is one or the dist t I I
mere in the realm of higb prieed ar1
, The Herd Knocks.
"ThiS old world at hest Is only an
anvil and life a sort of Plueonlan
blacksmith, at, with .varying, bloWte
strikes us into form. The Mow ,that
imi, 'most may shape us best."
— ,
Parental- Effort:
"What are you working so le
"I want to provide for tny. bey's
tore." replied, Ise rifler Cnrolossel.
went to lee liv 'enmesh wenn so.)
la the bane of so ninny lives
, Ise malte Oar great waist.
others do not.
Oarter'El Tditle 1,iver Pills
very, easy:o take. One°
Our pills
tivb 1:dilemmas
here ts where
elizelt while
very small and
' TOR -9 ,
'CAS '
,-. •
• zor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
At all Druggists, s1.50 per, bottle
Fme l.,iterature and Advice,.
Sono! Manufacturing Co.Ltd.
Many a guos5 will be madle over
the 'coming redistribution of Huron
and the other Clountisse thati are to
be carved ,by the' 'Do ' ' I- -.1.•
, minion -ai ia-
, ,
recighsi 1 Peat efforts over similar
work weee often about esi clumsy
rubbing thoroughtly into the scalp
se • • s 1 - 1 • '
,,, anaini . age w ne i -comes te a
large 64 eeset bottle, is guaranteed
by 'V.S.R. Holmes to destroy clainfl
ruff ,gerlins alnld abolish' dandruff
. . . • e
to stop h.ade from falliagand ecalp
from itching or money, refumled.
To put life •alirdi beauty into dull-
She head, like the stomach, Is meet
easily infected with poison' when It is
' : . .
• • (1, n ,
..I iiii leave Josh ties 1,11 ill t I e
eoulee."- Wn se in se rel • e tale
' -
„4. Coull loptclus CO., MEW 7085. Ese
Bears the /j2... . ,FOR SALE BY
signatur0 0 W. $. R., HOLMES, CLINTON, ONT
as a raan carving his first ,turkey.
Some got •theeviehbonie and there
had to be 'satisfied with the part
. .
dry or faded hair and make it soft
an,d fluffy surely use :Parisin Sagee
-it is one of the quickest acting
. . . . .
-a11 1iA Dv. ol4 414
Ibat got ov er tho len ce lasht
lair °Inns 8180W0
Cl11J,1j5CdtaU ECU 4 ••• •