HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-29, Page 6'1'Ifnnsday, January 29th, 1.914
SK the technical
man, wvhat he thinks
of the HOWARD Watch.'
mon than: a hundred and' fifty
highly specialized occupations HOWARD
time is a ruling- factor. In industrial
plants—all along the Panama Conl—
on the leading railroads of America—in the
Army and Navy and'Governmeht Departments
The RowMsp Watch is the finest practical
timepiece in the world—and always worth what
yon•pay`for it.
nownap watchmakers makeand adjust every
riow4no as a fine watch. Cased at the factory and
aimed In its own case.
Printed ticketftrr, the puce
Let as show you this distinctive watch.
fPom $55 dip
1''011 SALE BY
Oyer The Teacups
Mr. Herman Prior, who is visi-
ting Exeter from the West, was
the guest • of his uncle, Mr. D. K.
Prior of town, on Monday.
Miss Minnie Folk of near Weise -
ley (spent; a few days with her
aunt, Mrs. C. Allam.
Miss Lizzie Fond of near Mit-
•¢hell,spent the week end with her
,pazfe,nts, Mr. and Mrs. John Ford.
Miss :Jeonnie 'Holmes noturned
ihon>le yeetteitday after a •three
Meeks visit with friends in Lucic
Mils. Livermor.: •sr., is spending
thle remainder of the Winter in
:Rleeve Canbelon, u\'ow Warden
•Canijelon, is attending Co. Council
in Goderich.
Miss M. Cooper is visiting with
her brother in Collingwood.
St Mary's Journal. -Mrs. (Dr )
McCallum, of IK.ingst!on was the
guest• of her ,grandmother. Mrs.
G.°Grant, King St. over the week
Mr. W. Brydone was in Toronto
on Monday.
Mr. Laurie Greig leaves this week
.after his vacation at his home for
his position in the Molson's Bank
at Merlin.
Mr. J..13. Hoover, of Guelph, is
spending a few days with his old
.intends in town.
The Stratford Bacon in report-
ing the 'hockey match Dote=sett
Seafofttth juniors and the home.
team makes note of the playing
-of a Clinton boy on the Stratford
ltteam. "Forbes ,played the safety
gamie last night, and showed his
wisdom by hovering around the
goal, where his weight and check
'ing did the most good.
Mr. Norman Fit•rsimons is in
tiown onoe more.
Mr, Fulton, latae of the Clinton
Knitting Co., was a visitorits town
last week.
Mrs. Frank iIcCauglsey, of :1'tvt,h
was 'a visitor in town on Monday.
Miss Hazel O'Neil 'was a visil'on
in Tor onto this 'Week; , :•
Bnaristjec, 'DanceY,; of (apt erlcki;":
was in flownthis \eek.
Mr's. W}n.•:Agnews of town, W ssl9
at' Bnusslels leant week (atteldiin'g'
the. Golden Wedding, Attnavellsary,
oR David, and Mils. Heists Mrs. Ag
stew lti a isislter, to Mr•'Haist;
C,leotige Pollard, of Brussels,, is:
slaending a while with his daugh-
ter, Mrs. J.F. Wiseman Although
this old gentleman is up in • i the •
!eighties 11e is wonderfully smart;
and would pass for a much youn-
ger man.
oun-g'er'man. •
Mr, Karl Wilkin of Luckdrdw has
been transferred ,to this Molsons
Bank in town,
Miss ,J.Leetie Kerr endrertafned-
hies 'lady, friends on Tuesday .even-
ing and, also en 'Wlednesdayafters-
Miss Nettie Byrne, of Stratford;
is visiting,her cousin Miss Ainna
Mes. (JudgieS Holt of Goderich
fle.11 00 the icy pavement and frac,
tutted one of her legs above' the
The condition of Mr. A. E. Bract
win, publisher of the Goderich Sig
nal, shows impip1iemc!nlir 'He is
,sltill confinled to his bed and con-
ittinoes in 'ss very weak condition,
owing. .to "having scaihlely taken
any nouslislin.eat. ' •
Mr. tar. W. Ralph, of Toronto,
was a week end visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Leslie Kerr.
Mr. R W. Brown net! t ne.d to To -
tenth after a two weeks visit with
his sister Mrs. J. Leslie Herr.
Mr. Ed. Shepherd, formerly of
Clinton, who has for some time
been itr one of the ,departments
of the wholesale .dry goods house
of Gordon, Mackay & Co., Toron-
to, has bean promoted to the posi-
tion of city traveller,
Mr. Fried W. Watt, for years a
well known• nesident of Clinton,
but latterly with the Great North-
wle!•:lter{n Company, Toronto, has
been compelled to t(elincinish his
position for the present at any
rate, owing to protracted Ill health
a fact his old fi;:lends will regret
to llearn.
Jas. W. Butler, who came down
from the West a few days ago in-
llends returning in about two
ttgeeike. We at wish Jim a pleas-
ant trip and all kinds of luck.
Mrs. McKelighan, of Alberta re-
Itulfned to her home 'on Monday,
after spending the past few weeks
with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Nott.
Mr. Gordon Goetz who has been
ledger keeper at the Molson's
Bank has been moved to the Exe-
'tler Branch.
Wie are .sorry to hear that Mas-
ter Howard. Hamilton, son of Mr.
and Mrs, James' 'Hamilton, High
Stsleet, had the misfortune to break
an arm last` week. The' ,small boy
is doing as well as can be
An Otitawa despatch says that
Sir George W. Ross, leader of the
opposition in the Senate and for-
mer premier of Ontario, was ta-
klye suddenly ill Satuiday and was
worse Sunday. At his apartments
at the Chateau Hotel last night,
his son, Mr. George Ross, M.P.,
and several Ontario senators were
salting up and *ported that his
condll(tion was unchanged, 'but the
physicians wleije anxious on ac-
count of his frail constitution.and
advancled years. Sir George is in
his 73rd year.
PLAINLY -v at,
4.4 1st SE I-, jlf
Local News
Thursday was one grand day for
the old chap who began thusii"I
remember ',way back in the winter
' By the owrld renowned author
Harold Flegbie, a study of. the
Ptelopleis of India, dffusiF'ftted 'by
100 beautifully colored -slidesviews
pr oohed r ‘by powerful • Sfeleciric
lantern: The lecture 'will be given
by- Major Frank Morris, Divisional
Commander of London DiVisionin
the Salvation Axniy Citadel on
Monday. evening at 8 p.nt. Every-
body come along and help.
Sup;er(inlelidelnk 13Linsley, of
the Department of Genie and Fish -
series, has, w'i sten the County Cons
stable inforn ng thesuthat all hunt
ing seasons ar'e;closed until next
fall with the exception df the sea-
son foe geese and swan, which does
not. close .until April 15. The sea-
son for cotton -tails elos;eci on De-
[ember •3:1. Mr. Tinsley ista'les that
there is nothing's to prevent the
carrying of fis earms, but that in a
• closed' disitn'tict the fact. that a per-
son charged with a' breach of the
carries a .gun is taken as evi-
id(ence against him,
ere a°dam is'' Extractei
„sr sesseS
A very interesting process is th at imwhich two or three grams of
stadium is ;extracted from several tons of one.
Three Old Counties Declare Today
Huron, Peel and Welland Try Total Prohibition
The Canada Temperance Act is be- ' --
ing voted upon to -day in three conn- s 1 �I
r(� '
ties in Ontaaio Huron, Welland and Addition
Peel. The Canada Temperance Act, 17
popularly known as the Scott Act, is a p�)
covers on Statute and when adopted Parcel Post, Rates
covers the whole of a county except
the cities, which are voted upon sep-
arately. Like the Provincial local
option provisions it will 'prohibit, if'
carried, all bar and shop sales within Information ` Given By the P. 0.
the county limits. Department on Subject.
It is unlike local option in the par.
titular that the Provincial law affects ,
single municipalities, whereas the.
Ottawa, Jan. 2,—Additional Passel
Federal law operntea over a county
post information issued today tacit
area. cates that the Ontario schedule of
The Scott Act has been tried in On- rates has classifications. Within
tarso on a large scale in former peals, twenty miles' radios the rates are as
Batween 1835 and 1889 the Canada described in the morning papers'
Temperance Act was in force in 26' For any post' office beyond the
Ontario counties and three cities. but twenty rifle radios, but within the
Its operation then was not successful, Province of Ontario. the fates will be
and by 1800 all the •districts reverted tell cents for the first pound, with an
to. the license system, and there- has additional four cents per pound on
been since that year no part of the each subsequent pound, making fifty
province under the Scott. Act until cents for a maximum weight of eleven
last year, when the Act went into pounds,
force in Manitoulin. It is claimed thatTo Quebec or Manitobi the rate will
must of the diflicultiee which in former l he ten cents for the first pound, with
years made the Act difficult to enforce l an additional six cents tor each subse
have now been removed and that pub- quent pound, making seventy cents
lis sentiment against the liquor traffic 1 for eleven pounds.
has greatly increased. To Szskatehewan or the Maritime
MajorityWill Do It. Provinces the charge will he twelve
,, cents for the first pound with an ad
Under local option the elector- ditional eight cents per pound for each
ate consists of householders (whe- subsequent p„unrl, or 92 cents for
fuel tenants or owners) and pro-
1iell'ly owners (male or •female),
and( sixty per cent, of the vote
polled is necessary to carry local
option. Under the Dominion law
a bare majority 1s ,sufficient, but
'thee electors are the ordinary Par-
liamentlalty Voters' (male persons
only, who ' niay be either tenants,
resident owners, boarders or room
lens). If the Socbt Act carries it
rlemains• in force for three years
and until a new vote is taken.
In the, three counties named, lo-
eal,option votes have been taken
in almost leyery district. In ' the
tnvlen'ty-six municipalities of 'Hun, -
on, Seaforth is under license but
has not been tested under the los
111.1110N OLD BOYS.
The members of the Huron 0111 Doy
Association, of Toronto. are looking
fin weld ho a very interesting and
pleasant time at their annual At Home
which takes place, on the evening of
Friday, Feb. 20' Some cf the very
best talent in the city will take part,
ltmot g this being Miss Homuth, for
tnerly of 'Wingham, who is regarded
as one of the best Soprano Singer's i f
Toronto. her services being in great de
msi.d, The At Home will be held in
1 he new:Oddfellows' Hall on College
Street. avery consmodious..and' hand.
some hall, centrally. situated, with; all
modern accessories, which has just
heen, POM pl. •ted. The Toronto mem,
' hers of the Association will be glad to
welcome kturonians trona any partof
the county at this gathering.
' Owl of our Furniture
C A.j y ... \ . iS our Irilarantee
and That of the Maker
Some Furniture is putroger h-
er merely to sell. Ours is 'rade
a isfac-
'' ton Find satisfac-
by experts for g
tory use And this serviceable-
ness is combined with an artistic.
appearance which renders it un-
usually attractive. A visit to
our ware ooms will please both
yourself and us.
, I,
I The Cheapest Spot in Huron to
Boy all Kinds of Euroitnre
- BALT & T I1rS®
Furniture ](Dealers and Funeral IDi 'estors—Phone 104
N. Ball 110—RESIDENCE PHONES J. D. Atkinson 1st•
cal 'option provisions, In Goderich
ttewnShip ltfucl *Vest Waw anosit
'township no voting has taken
place, ,Mitt, no licenses ars issued
til:leek*. In every other municipal-
ity in Huron and the whole of Wel
land and Peel recent votes on lo-
cal option have been take6n'', It
,will bre' noticed that according to Goderich Township
the latest recorded votes there is Mr.John Easom, 'who 'went -West majority in favor tlf Local option' five year ago and homesteaded
in Hur,o.n: of ' 2,519; in Wielland! of at Ogema, Sask., has returned and'
281, and in 'Peel of 794.
eleven pounds.
'1b Alberta the rate will be twelve
cents per pound for the first pound,
with an additional. twelve cents for
the second and an addition ten cents
per pound lot each successive pound,
or a total of 81.14 for eleven pounds.
To British Columbia twelve cents
for the first pound and an addilioual
twelve cents fos eve's/ subsequent
pound, making a total of $1,33 for
eleven pounds.
Ninety per [east. of.''
headaches are caused �.
. bs imperfect eyes '
We can permanently 't
cure such headaches
with 8Inn$eS.if
If we fail we µ'ill re-
��\ hind your money. `
/ � ifs) 0
e J. Gr'iag
Jeweler and Optician
Issuer 'ot Marriage Licenses
has been visiting with his ,brother,
Mr, David Easom of the 16th eon.
and odd actcuatnt snkleti. He says
he likes life on the ,prairies and he
looks it.
Mrs, Fred Whittiugharn and her
two children, Willie and Ethel, and
John W, Whittingham of Qu'Appelle,
Saslc., are visitingat her brother's Mr,
George H. Elliott
Mr. A. 3. Cantelon and his sister,
Mrs. Webster, went down to Toronto
, on Tuesday.
Mr. Geo. G. Ludlow, who come over
to attend the funeral of the late Hart
flicks returned to his home at Proton
S attar on Saturday,
The A. Y. P. A. of St. James church
Middleton, paid a friendly visit to the
Social Club of Trinity church Bayfield
on Tuesday evening,
f,oral Zone. hates,
Mrs, J. Colborne, who since her guar
ridge, has been ill at her home in Pen
Yam N. Y. has arrived at the home of
her husband on Monday lust. She is
a sister of Mrs. Garret. Londesboro
and Mrs. Woods of Wawanosh.' The
neighbors extend a hearty welcome to
the newcomer.
The local zone rates as given is the
morning papers, will be;
One pound 5
Two pounds.... ........ ...... 0
Three pounds 7
Fourpounds 8
Five ponnds 10
Six pounds 12
Seven pounds 14
Eight pounds 16 .
'Nine pounds 18
Ten pounds . 20
Eleven pounds 2'2
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Patterson gave
a dance on Tuesday last.
Miss Dira Mugridge Sundayed with
Miss Blanche Ferguson.
Miss Fern Johnston, of Blyth, spent
Sunday with Miss F. Philips.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Weber were visit -
ora at the home of Air. and Mrs. John
Mr. Charlie Lockhart of Wingham
Business College, spent the week end
at home.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Straughanaire visit-
ing at the home of their daughter,
Mrs; W. Mayhew, of Thamesville.
Rev. Mr, 0 Pftfier, returned to his
daushters home in Tavistock, after
:TrIdiew several months at the home
of his son: Allo^ Meir'.
Mr. and Mrs, Rohs _a;rinr and font
ily retutned'several days withal:. and,
Mrs, J. 11. McClinton, of Goderich.
The death occurred on Tuesday
afternoon of Mrs, Stanbury, wife of J.
G. Stanbury, of this town, the cause
being pneumon,a which developed a
week ago. On Sunday last a baby girl
was horn to Mr, and Mrs. Stanbury.
She is survived by her husband, the
baby and two small sons. Mis. Stan
bury was horn at Whithy, her maiden
name being Margaret Eastwood. She
was a graduate of Toronto University
and a leader in the work of the. Presby
terian'-Church and in all social work of
the town. The funeral will take place
on Thursday afternoon at 1 30 o'clock
from the house. and Ilsv. 1s. Sharp
will conduct the service.
Local News
lanuary 5a1e
of All Winter' Goods
Out Annual Sale of all lines orf Winter Gooi1s'
starts Saturday,' January 3rd
Ladies and Childrens Mantles
Mens and Boys Overcoats
Fur -lined and Fur' Collared Overcoats
Furs, Fe't Boots, Slippers, etc
See our Ladies Mantles that regularly sold at
$fo.00 and $12.00, clearing at
Don't` Miss These Bargains
Piturnsteel Bros.
While moving one of the new
transformers from the sleigh into
the power house the big sham
jnlokie .and the transformer fell
bi(eaking part of the casting and
Dr. McNally, the District' Health
Officser gave two interestings lee-
tur)es pueomparied c it y moving
pictuijes on Wednesday of this
week. The school children atend-
ed in the afternoon and the gen-
leaal public at night.
year of, For Against
latest local local
vote option option
Grey township : 1910 614. 202
flowick township.-- 1911 511 274
Morris'township 1913 358 174 '
Turnherry- township 1913'` 275 146
East Wawanosh township ,.. 1906 458 '88'
Wingham town...... .... 1913 384 250
Blyth village ..........:.....;, 1910 149 122
Bra'sse's village 1910 166' 112
Wroxeter village .. ........... 1912 - ` 50: 42..
}lay township::. 1910 278 413
Mciiillop township ..... 1913 tin 188
Stanley township 1607 288 118
Stephen township 1913 470 837
Tnckeremith township 1913 312 189
IJsborne township,,,.....; 1007 352 178
Seaforth town •
13aylleld village. 1913
_ ....... ..,"` 010 512 140.
Exeter village... 1.013 250
' Ilensail village 3010 80 266
Ashfield townshrp
Col borne township 1910 307, 178.
Goderich township
,Hullett township , ., .... 1008 430 283
West Wawanosh township.......
Clinton town
Goderich town: • . • •.
Totals. .
Total majority for kcal option....
Seaforth—No vole taken.
Goderich and \a7, Wawanosb townships—No licenses issued
1P13 332 214
1012 626 449
7091 4576,
spilling all this oil that was in it.
Forttunately for the town, they
suffser, no loss as the manufactur-
ers have full controluntil they are
placed in position.
Write on one side of paper only.
Mail to reach us Wednesday of
each week or sooner. ,
Avoid all items respecting on per-
sonal character but 'send Alt the
Check off this list It may assist
you to remember an iinporltant
item. •
Births, Marriages, Deaths.
Accidents, Church News
Suppers or Presentations.
Rednovals, Visitors.
Lodge News, Fires.
Public Improvements.
Law Cases, the 'Crops.
School. Matters.
Corr'espondents will please re-.
frain from, sending ,notices o8 en
'tertainm'snts where an admission
fee is charged, unless :they send
word who is' responsible for the
'payment of such adSertisment. The
chargge'Ist ',five cents a line -six
words"'make ,a line,
Blind Men and Blind Alleys;
Hogs $8.65-
Bt$l telt 23-24
(Wheat 80-83
Oats 30-33
Peas 80-85
Barney, 48-50"
Bran *22-420
Toronto Markets
Top' quotations this wtiek,—
CNuttle J. $8.65
Le nxh:i $9.35
Shleep 17.00,
Hogs $;9.50
Cheese, 150
Bs'tttea' J 28 to 29c
. 37c
Iat . 93c
Otu...... ...... ..... 410
Bartley 62 to 0s
Potatoes, pea• hag Ono 81,
Beans $1.75 tso.1.85
Bonar Law : "Asquith must rea ]y be demented. 1 -le
doesn't pay the slightest attention to that horrible figure in.
his path."
Asquith ' "SurelyBonar Law must be out of his minds
q ' gaunt spectre that closes
He doesn't even seem to see that bau t p
the road he's taking."
—E. T. Reed, in the Bystander..'
Thanks to our many patrons and friends, our 2nd
Segni-Annual Clearing Sale has to•dare been an unquali-
fied success. We are making a final clean-up of broken
lines in quite a number of styles 'of Women's ;and, Men's
fine' Footwear..
This Sale ends Saturday January3lst
About 40 pairs Women's
Patent and Ktd Bluchers
laced Boots, reg. prices
2.25 to:4.50 sizes 98
only 2i., 3, 31
sale price
'Women's Felt
Boots, regular
price 1.75, sale 1
- price
35 pairs Men's Calf and
Pateht Bluchers, sizes
only 6, 6i, 7,' 7?,s, 8, 82,
regular prices
3.00 to 5 00,
sale price
Women's Felt Laced
Boots regular
price 1.50, ;ale, 26
4r, .mV;.* .5 .�=rvAnir i'�..%>.vt ,M"{,NKt,.. w!NV'3VNY• R.it •,ri.+'.iul-
Phosle 70
Clinton '•