HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-29, Page 5I
to !Year
1Ho Ilse ,
Furnish •
1 ingS
i'Ilouc 78
jaH u y Sale.
Are you taking advantage of its opportwnity?
As' Saturday is the last day, of our January Sale, We
h day 'in the history,of `th:is
• • want to have the busiesty
chance to
buy ' store: 'This wolf � be 'your last y a
'o'-oods at such low prices.
Facey Pailette Silk '•2Se
2)0 yards Striped Pailette Sisk, brown and white, navy and
',& calorie, black and white, green and 'ttil ice 'Phis Silk was bought
"..fa s ecial for Jnuay
ar. Sale, 18 inches wide, reg 50c f,ar-Sat, :only 2Sc
Furs tress 'Phan it.alt Price
After' a Vel' . busy season in olir rim department we still have
qi y.
' 15 odd feces to cl'eai� including throw Scarfs, ries ail Dlntl's; values
up to 10,00, Saturday only •3.45:
Millinery 1'A, 9n IS .
;. a.
Just seven Pats left, we do not want M cal ry these over to next
Ste these in our
season, values up to 0,00, Sat, only S y 1.110. window t
ttly is'lour
(haul a to Oily,
a Good 4 oat lit, E
Low Price.
14'Sample Coats no sale Saturday-
nlinew styles. sizes 32, 31, 36 and 38,
all colors. We do not want to c•ury
these over to next season, Values up
to 815.0O3 Saturday only $6.68
',Nett' Waists $2.19
15 New Waists left, white and 'cream
silk lined, reg. $3,75, S tturday'$2 49.
Cashmere Gloves 22c,
Two dozen pairs Ladies Cashmere
Gloves. navy and black, reg 35c for 22a
•R,ibb011 14e 'a •yard
Beautiful Taffeta i;ihbon, all shades
to 7 inches wide, reg. 25e and 38a,
Saturday 14
Dress Goods Halt Price
200 yards all wool Dress Goods, navy
green and brown, and tweeds, your
choice half price,
Cloth Skirts $3.98
2 dozen Ladies Cloth Skirts, in all
the new styles, navy, black and tw'el 0
This will he your last chance_ to buy
these at this price, values up le $6 00
Saturday for $3.9S
Satin Underskirts $1.39
.1 ust 5 Satin Underskirts lefr, Paddy
green and Cerise. good quality satin,
wo Id be good value for $2, Sat. 51.39
1 1'
Odd Skirts $3 00
Just 5 Odd Skirts, not the latest style a, made 'f V' nelisn end
, Serge. black and navy, 24x39, 25x40, 2601, a 0 'Lh up. to $7, Sat, 3 00
mor.- maanwo iia .,.-..„4-
Bear Id
t bale Indian roved
Our,�n lelr)ec Indiana Gla
., e
9 Inter
!last ,m ht that a
t.onclusrvel 1 t
i Y, g ,
week end, visit, si rbtseei"ng in
r'c c't an�. 1a .in snn-
January 292)1,';'1914,
• . Price
Man charge, l aelted up by Schnitz ■
and •
Y yie'the centre1o3n an oplaor• Dorineon
I LSnit to tall Seti ei 3 1
St+alaitford now.did dile "carrying
them, off thein feet stunt.." Alin- ' •
Iton dlefenco played wide open bat
(thle locals could not bt4ealt • away,
.Rumball. caught'Clinton's t eeaud
and last tally With `a Tonggslhot
fuom. centre', ice. ,Our reply,' 'ivas,
a Boggled Sohultz rush, a,s000pin;
by'Bombry; scene 4-2; and'a'show,
ler of ,shops 'on Johnson out of
which on a two man rush by Rigg
and 'Harvey canoe our fifth: Score
5--2, Rigga went •off and 'the
wlii. t)e blew' -with trying tile'Inelt W. '1' Vlrh't gave what pp Cly
again fl!om .e�antre ice.
A Defence' of 'faxed Food.
Parliament adjourned last week out
ol` respect to the late Lord Stratheorni.
Shor'tly before the adjournment, Elon.:
White a e w a as Apparently
the Government's rep y to the Laurier
demand for the abo itian of all food
taxes. Abolishing customs duties on
food stuffs would, Mr. White spin,
leave wittiont protection 6,985 indus
trial establishment4 with .$13,000,000
capital invested, 5'.,000 men employed
$13,000,000 per year paid in wages.
material w.,rth $175,000,000. per year.
Flom and wheat products` alone he
said, have an oatput of 882,000,0011,
the meat, industry acrooms for $41
00,060, Mr. White glee said that,
Canada .ii not the 'Only. country.' in,
which the cost of living leis increased.
It has increased in Belgium 32 per
cent,. in France 28 Germany 28, Ja
pan, 2S. Mined, Spites, 43... The ,In
crease was not due to the 'tariff, he
eaid, but to the fact that production
has not kept pace with,consnmption.
Stratford juniors won Sec. B. of
:coop 1) hy defeating Seaforth in the
• ssie city onThuisday evening'ast
''nn. Lost. To'PlayI an Anse r an 1,Y Playing g
I1 • rly }y tih salt-picklebsl ;saps a team
Stretford 4 1
}} ,
.• o '," .•. o£ 'fis •grng�eic,and steam, They de-'
4. fleadted Clinton by 5 goal's to 2 in.
St Dlarys 1 4' ' 1r Maida nt•ht. The score . t..half time
a game, that shaultL'1ra-v e, beoa fa y, ,, a
( hnton 1 i . r ,..' was. Ralf-, is St, Mar 5• txoderich 2 Only 5
;,hu mnlle one-sided than it a. I . w ,, yflr , . , y
n ist hei et re t he game in' C . l •.e w oatbyetei' e
ton is herefore t he king lout of then': tunicscore stood 2 to l an out, favor. n. nalbos; ere hatided $ t{,
t Stratford has a oice lit „ The' only int.ersting: feature, of Kinder, of Preston.
tleserospa rt 0 the ame was that it was .a Strat- .
tie oppotlutuity to laude the.grciup ie g -o-'--,s.
n ., felidl� victory: and that th;e Will is not silo . Goderi h+':: defeat• d. +S M r 's at'.
,honors UJi imh G e. t, a„Y
i to trona the locals if the gives `us' another cinch on' the Goderich o Mondayin one of the,
;enoughe:•hoeke all the way. ,group honors. St. 1VIa1•ys' d,efeatin h;trdest fought ants of the season,•
)titter „play y ( g g
ISo herashopxng Godletich m.lt t necessary for The checking was Gloss all-tha time
81.Maryle put • a crimp in the God(.
rich intermediate 'aspirations towards
the group honors when they defeated''
the visitors by the score of G to 5 last
a es• 1 ec i
the local scintillators; to 4:1•ounce both tennis nsing'their,weight to'goid'
--�-- Clinton in its .o n back i
,y alcul- li,dvantage. The'first had started with
The above item'appeaired in Tues tees they are &aiisfied with a"tied" -a v al), and after 10 minntes•close,play,
days Stratford' Herald abed we woo d group. So that the interest( intoe lag Gorlert
like cur readers to know. ihet, ice pet• game was. not in the la itslelf, i chsoing a filet goal, thee
mittiitg, Strattord wi 1 have no cinch
p Y nothing wa •doing:tee balance of
but in the consequence of its out- first period. The second ]calf both
un the gauge tonight, even if theLwo' come. learns started hard and Kinderwas
press r, Hurts from the classic city fire 11'. e•anle itself was an extreme- I Rept belay getting off sides and trip•
highly colored. Tne locals wive the
”'"i• you bump in pia? .Pat'dr�ne.a^ Tow+Lids rife end Goderich got going
f ' 1 1)01; 'twits awktvaril of me to be in and played them ori their feet- The
y pul.1C,e r0 tort "K•nit4Our, did ping,. find kept the penalty box ful):
00 1.0ticli a .riot tea' their money '
on It smeller rink may tie Strati of t
and Goderich flu for' t he district just
to let the two teams .have onol.hee Ley
at the puclt r,n our ttagar wilt he on
• g�tl•s�i••°e°•tiie•eee•°•ee°e•®
G . Poultry Show
n 0
-- — The Voice
h of the h People
A.most. sueeesstul exhibit ion of the
uro'o On1iity'Peultry and Pet Stock
association was held in Goderich last
,$lleek: The highest expectations: both
li to.humbers and quality were exceed
ed and, Wm. Billings, of St. Mary's
who acted as judge, gave the highest
praisp'to'th'e officials for the excellent
He also a dniired the way in which
.(the 700•birds were classed together in.
--the (Efferent breeds.
Wednesday night Mr. G. 0
Illobertson of Guelph Agricultural Col
:lege, gave a very interesting lecture,
-on the care of poultry, which was
'listened to hy a large number
Th'e:following officers and directors
`were e'ected for the comiog year;
.President., Wm. Carter,. Constance;
first vies.president,James Shaw, Gede
rich; second vie..drestdent, Mr. Smalli
comhe; secretary treasurer, J. H. Mc.
•'Clinton, Goderich; directors. S. Bowers
1+'. Angus, Winghant; R. Murdie, P.
Dally, Seaforth; A. J. Gregg, Wm.
`. 13amlrn', Clinton: J. Bengough, W.
-Ortwen Hensel]; W B. Battler,, Zurich
Dr, Smith, K. Moorehouse, Bayfield:
-Rev, 11'11', Powell, Exetei; Mr, Ilaggitt,
23,ythe, Howrie, 'lateen, Johnson
Smith AcIay,VahbKnight
con, Worsen, Doak, Godericri.
Arrengeinents' were made to have.
, the show helm about the same time
next year, and Me. Billings was again
e appointed judge,
The silver cup for the best bird in
the show was won by Wm. Carter
140.il,ti0on4t hen, and the prize
winners from a distance are; Bnyce,
' Mitchell; Bradley, Stratford; ' Bald
Mitchell; Angus, Wingharn; ameron
' Brantford; Murdie, •,Seaforth; Platcb,
Second Hand'
Wood Stoves
For Sale
in Good Repair
your way.4 dteferee Marks, of
Toronto required only two coop
;tickets, both of which he gave to
busiest man on the ice was St. Mary's
goalttnder, who was ruled off at last
The ruse ended 1. to 1.
the Co. town 1), ye, ot Huron. The , Riggwho tr5'ed to infuse excite -
smaller' ire v, cold no doubt step the pp
O.ne O the .• t times Stratford ,n ec Ion of
boys• showed they could use team work
--o-- on ' occasion, at other they all
BEACON.• 301050 with the visitors for Onceoe Steam Boilers
dance around the rubber. Once or
fancy playing Ott P h Stratford m,e.nt into.. the match by somerath-
at neat taps. A I t
Stratford added another victory ►'wiue the Indians thtalc-ned to
to their credit lust evening by de- make a recti game of it but 'ere
Waiting Clinton 5 to 2. Itltiey had broken 'away their desire
After the trip to Syracuse the lo- had subsided.
cal boys were off color and the -Schultz' was the most effective.
game they Put uP was exeeedingly playier on the rte and the only
1 t IV s.
with therev- n. who seemed incliner o 0
- comparison h n one ti t s i
weak in co t na 11
ions game.}. • Even though they lie served up Many dazzling rush-
v:eue feeling tough they had the ' es and was strong* on 'the :goal
play flfoln start to ,filtish, and if g4 4,:i.ng, The sturdy,m orlt of
.th;ey had been in proper condition Johntt'4on, in goal for he the
Clinton would not have seen the I combinedwith some good iuck
puck ; as it was they did not see I robbed "Reddy" of two or three'
v;et+,y much of 11. I sure connec'fiona. Johnston play
The locals played so heartlessly ed a fine steady game throughout.
that when Draper scored the first I Bombry worked hard and did ex -
tally quite a 2ew thought the game geilent work. Jimmy Lowe never
Iosl. But Bombry soon scored two l event far past a threat towards his
and things looked decidedly bright I usual dazzling work. Rumball at
•ed llhe visitors' defence played,defence for the visitors gave them
foriward the whole time and if a a fairly strong dig:ence.
Stratford man got away at all it IHOW.'TWAS DONE.
meant a shot on goal and Johnson
was keptprbusy throughout'' The party was begun by every
the game, tetty Red Schmitz- did the 1 one serving the disc around to
F$liellar work last night and al -Avery one else. Rigg and Lime
though he rushed 'the: length of combining for a two man rush
the ice time after time, the vis- gave Clinton the closest shave of
Riotls' goaltten'der got all his shots.
... -
The .Second half opened a little Rumball accompanied hr the clank
ou't,�and the,
he le- c t of his s1 ee; ttiiihlovvtt std Draper tel
ggame became decided) Slowt, -E = ied-t rat t to Brown,. P
br, Iscoled 'Stratfoo!1's tiiird go 1, for Clinton.thefirst score, Tally 1-0 for
Y ton
but. !?lriig iiil 'took the spice out of Lowe corkscrewed into the visit -
it by tallying another for Clinton ors defence and Bombry did some
by a shot from centre. Then prtjtty receiving of `passes. A
Schultz made another" spectacular shalp.St,atford attack 'was ans-
r'ush. His shot was turned off as lrered with a Clinton rush out of
usual, hilt.Bombiy, who bad follow which Schultz broke for a lone
t k on the- re-
u � 04 'the al t=.. rtoBombry for
d 1and pass B
le 1, g 1 uah a Y
d. and scored. Riggs
boon f 'local ads
gg Stratford's .first, The ora 1
the length of the ice shortly after- , displayed good team work in the
Wards and notched the last goal.' struggling that followed Ms goal,
The -sooting wt'fapped here, and Schultz:anil Rigg combining fo;1
although the home team kept pos - rusl.ea t31
were clango'ous ;Utd
session of the puck 'they aid not 1 Johnston blocking several sizzlers,
seem able to get past j�hnton e rl.'P e shooting, however, on both
big .dlefence man. The visit'ore can. eIc" e was off color. Schultz rush -
well Credit their guardian of oche ed twice right up to the Clinton
netts with the lots' lscotie made by l' nets only to stove Johnson break
the locals, and if they do not pot t,liie connectiott9. Out of a 'gather-
up a.: much faster game on Thurs ]ng around the puck, leo bry
day night they can expect-ahrnvy ! snatched the centre of. attraction,
defeat by the Stratford boys, who made a fighting rush and brough`
will be 111 much biter condition the conn: 2-1 for Stratt,ord.Rigg
by then. The line-up was; j off for tripping. half time came
Stratford. Clinton. with Rumball rushing straightfor-
Brown goal Johnsen ward. ,
Orford lett defence Ruhall m . ' SECOND :HALF.
Senn le, right defence MihcnFl Il amount f
With about the same ainout n
re -
rover C71"" speed as in the forst half, play re
Bo:nhry °vitt, e' L>_err 1
t'Catve' 1•ft wing (1, Dos Per opened ,y Stratford territory. Busbies by Iioltil7ry, Oxford, Runt-
Riggs rie;ht ting 1'1' draper ball 11'Ierc .breaking
the monotony
Referee -Lou Marsh, Toronto. \then Harvey ' and Bombry on a two
Thle followingletter and intro
,duction was : ceived &rant the
Goderich Hockey Club for ntbli-
priori •-t. This iss' 0 copy off ale':-
� IY 4,e4
: -
ter which has been scut to The
Ni ws-Re tori.
Goderich, Tan; 27, 1914.
To the Editor of the News Record
Dear Sir. -We .have react in your
paper of last week Rev. Mr. WY -
lie's letter in 1',egarcl to (..,the eon -
,duct of 'the crowd on the occasion
of the Goder,'ich-Clinton hockey
match in your town, and we wish
to state most emphatically -that
the statements he makes are out-
rageously exaggerated and in their
general -spirit grossly untrue. It ;5
a shameful thing that a man -let
alone aclergyman;-should be re-
sponsible for such a piece of whole
sale aslandei. As officers of itile
Goderich hockey team, who know'
what they are talking about, we
:{take that Mr. Wvtie s• censure, so
far as it may beheld to rifer to.
members of this' team, 19 absolute-
ly and wholly undieser•ved. We are
not responsible for the conduct of
,the crowd, but i4 Mr. Wylie saw,
or thought he saw, seven persons
under the finfiuelroce of liquor he
must hims(e(If hove been'1as.esiing
doubl(e," There were possibly two
or three, and not one of them con-
nected 'with the Goderich hockey.
Hearn. •
We resent the publication of such
a !letter in ►r 'newspaper f'biln,g
broadcast through the leountry.
How would Mr•. Wyllie like,it, if we
circulated a statement that a par-
ty of clergymen, of whom 'he was
known to be ono, had been indulg-
ing in improper practices while
away from homle`P Our boys have
just as much right to their good
name as Mr, Wylie or anybody else.
We trust you will give this fet-
ter equal prominence in your col-
umns urns wit)t Mr L s letter oflast
ieCkt We are in dead • .earnest.,
and'wie do not intend to have aur''
team wantonly 'slandered. .
Youes very truly
• Trle(isurer
Goderich Hockey ey Club.
This paper solicits your printing
a e
If you want any kind of psinlling
we -ear do it and do it neatly and
promptily. If it's a calling card;, or
memorial card,' 00 wedding invita-
tion we have - ve rho fats d'es'ct n n,
If itis business stationery or an
auction pale b111, counter check.
loops,, programs, annual,state-
reenter tickets; i,u fact anything, in
Ighe line of paper and prinitiog,.
we can give you satisfaction. Give
yP44.0,/4,0 /04 i,/YVVYVVVYyV4A,A NNIalp) the, New Era a call,
�. Sutter
Sanitary Pinar/Mrs.
1'llone 7.
The Ontario Act Will Likely be
Toronto, Jen. 20. -Provincial ins pco-
tit,n of every steam boiler in use in
Ontario outside of those used for resi.
dentin.' heating, is understood to he
the next 'nova of the Ontario govern-
ment in respect to boiler inspection.
The widening of the act will round
out a system the inception of which
eigLt' months ago brought Ontario
into line with most of the other prov-
inces of the bominion, a system which
had wrought a radical change in in-
spection methnde without anything
hs the nature of friction.
The recent serious boiler explesidns,
in various parts ot the province have
had Hutch to do with influencing the
provincial authorities to take the mat-
ter up, These explosions have shown-.
up the weak spot in til •rreeent system
or rather the "sFliie where the present
systtiff stops. When the Ontario Gov
ernment tookup the question of boiler
inspection two years ago they were
breaking new ground. They had been
practically no inspection of boilers in
the past and the ministers were cau-
tious about going too far at first. As
a result when the new regulations.
based upon the act of 1912 were
brought into force they were found
' to -cover only the manufacturing end.
In other words, a boiler being con
structed in the foundry was thorough-
ly before a certifi
crate me wasected aria tested issued permitting its use, or a
boiler brought hack for repairs was
inspec ed Os fully. but the great. Mass
of boilers in use throughout the Prov
ince, many of them operated so long
that they wet e a continual menace to
life, were allowed to stay as they were
r fun
with only Lite. inexpert and per. c
• tory inspection they occasionally get
under the factory inspection act, .
1 But the i e0ent accidents, par'tieuhir-
ly that at Oitawa have brought the
department face to face with the
ueeesiity of taking care of these boil
ere and it is undetstoo1 that tlel'nre
long the boiler 1l)5 5ctien branch will
undertake to malice all inspect on of
all boileis in use, including shoe in
iheateis churches and public buildings
' The lines. of the Englishlish act t1 Ill torah
ably be followed, under which annual
A Ileal "Whole Ilogger This."
A remarkab'le declaration was that
made by Donald Nicholson,- a Conserv
ative member from Prince Edward
Island, "What's the use of proclaim
ing in favor of protection if we don't
stond for 11 " he said, "Let us have
bounties for industrses and good pro
tection all around, We don't have
any reduction in debt. Let's dash
away and spend the money." The,
plain spoken Conservative was greet
ed with applause from the Gov ernment
Another notable indication of the
direction in which the Government is
going was given when Dr. Schaffner, a
Manitoba member, 'declared •against
free trade in wheat, although the Leg.
islature of his Province had unanim
ously pronounced in favor of this poi
Lemieux for Sweeping Reform,
Hon. Mr. Lemieux vead to the House
on Monday the demand of the Grange
and Western Grain Growers' Assocla
tion for Reciprocity and free trade
with Britain within a 'definite period,
Mr, Ler4teux said all this couldnotbe
granted at once but, speaking for him
self, he wars for free wheat, tree fond
stuffs, free agricultural implements
and rigid regulation of middlemen and
Don't.' be tempted to. choose cheap
Jewelry, • Far better to . pay a fair:
price^and know exactly what you are
You'll never be sorry -for es a ma •
ter of money•'it is really Ybe most
That's been said so'often 'that every-
body by this time should know it -
and vet there's no scarcity of cheap
Jewelry in the land,
l'you would
No to getpersonal--If
o is .
like to mise that sort atllogether-come
inspections are made. Dangerous
are )i000)t'y condemned and
hof ers tha.tare being overtaxed will
be e ialized down Le a pressure allow-
ance that nil. mall.e them safe,
age Wire
k jest
(Freight Prepaid)
These prices subject to advance without notice.:'tLES of PAGE WIRE FENCE
mE.. -
3 9 psi Sooting of Morisoataia in Inches o„ :a
4 30 22 10, 10, 10. $0.16 $0.18
5 37;22 8, 9, 10, 1))..................................15 .20.
6 40 28 -6'/2, 7, 8t/a, 9, 9 .21 .23
7 40 22 5, 5Y2 7, 7, 734, 8 .23 .25
'7 ` 48 22 5, 63/2, 7'%, 9, 10, 10. 23 .25
8 42 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, .6, ,6 26 .26
8 42 161/2 6, 6, 6,..6,•6,6, 6 ,28 ,30
8 47 22 4, 5, 5'/2 7,81/2, 9 9 .26 .28
8 47. 16'/ 4, 5,.51/, 7, 8t/, 9,.9'.....:,... ,....•.,.29 ..8.
9 48 22ii2 6, 6, G 6 6, 6; 6, 6 ............. .29 ` .31
9 48 16 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 .31 .33.
9 51 22 4, 4, 5 5t/s, 7, 83/ 9 9 .29
9 ' 51' 163/ 4, 4, 5 S'/t, 7, 8yt 9 9; ... • ..31
10 48 22 3,3,3 4,53/,7,7 7y_,8..
10 48 16341,3,3 4 5'/,7,7 7%,8
10 51 161/s 3, 3, 3, 4, 51/ 2, 7, 81/2, , `9, 9 .............• 33
10 .5T 21821/2
2 3, 3,, 3, 4, 51/2, 7, 831, 9,,9..'• •... • r:. .... - •31
11 55; 161,-1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5! , 7, 83/t, 9; 9 .86
(Maritime Province prices of Medium weight, also
Special Poultry P Include painting ) ' '
No. 9 Top) and Cullom, 'and No. 12 -.nigh Carton
Horizontals between No. n12 Uprights, No, 11 Locks.'
5 $t 162/'6;.8, 10, 10
6 42 161/2 6, 7,'7 8, 8.:
16'I 7, 7, 8, 10, 10, ............ ..... .......
7 26 15'/2
8 3,'3,, 4, 5, 5, .6.
8 , 48 161/, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ft...., .... , ......:. , .....
9 50 11621/23,4,5,6,7,8,9,9 •....... ,,...t.....,....
10 54 161/ 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9.,,. . ..
No.. 9 TOP and. ileum. Intermediates, No: 13
., Uprights 8 inches apart
18 48 8 Close ,bars
2060 8 Close bars .. ..,.... .. .
4; 10 -ft. opening ;; . rrr r.eemr . ,) 3 80
48 12 -ft, opening r �''' Cyt--� �_ 4.00
4: 13 -ft. opening i 1- .ye.,6, 4 2'
4E 14 -ft openingtt 4.50
STAPLES, 25•Ib. box, freight paid ........,....--...-..................1 75
BRACE WIRE, 25.16 rolls. freight paid.. .70
STRETCHING TOOLS:Complete labor-saving oatfiq ft. pi
No,f As,�o Cslrs 4h in 70, a0 and aa
ne [rai hl Pala
•t.a go c
-� m
.33 •
;33 •
.18 .19
.20 .21'
.20 .21
.22 .24
.23 .25
,20 .28
.27 .29
.28 .30
,30 .32
42 .44 .96
47 49 .52
.80) .85
75 .80
8.50 0.00
for the past 30 days have been,
amazing. The enormous demand
for QUALITY Fence means that no
wise farmer will use other fence, when
at these remarkable prices.
Quality Tells
Try PAGE FENCE yourself. See how big
PAGE wire really is. See how it's woven into
perfect fence. See how PAGE Fence, on nearby
farms,' after 20 years' service, is still good for 20
years more:
Prices That Speak for
Compare these low PAGE prices with the price of
common :fencing. After 22 years, of leadership,'.
PACE Fence is still FIRST in quality and the
lowest -priced high-grade fence. Competition can
never lower PAGE QUALITY -nor ,reach the
same high standard as PAGE. ".
A' Rare Opportunity
To -day, you can get PAGE' FENCE direct from
dinar fence:' You get
''.ifs makers at the price of ordinary
quick shipments from a nearby PAGE ware-
house -freight paid on 20 rods, 200 pounds or over'.
You get lc. per rod discount on carload lots, You
can order through your dealer -we'll allow him lc.
per rod' You can buy from PAGE the beat fence,
at low cash. prices.
To save time and get quick delivery, send your
order to the nearest PAGE Branch.
104 -PAGE CATALOG sent on request.
12, 8 ' King St. W 178
Fences.' Wear Best"
If you Wcaldelike to-I3uy where,bigh.
qualities andnothing hut are dealt' in
And even ht that, no person ever
said thatourprices were unfair.
W. o rv. eo rater
A Government of Droppers.
lion. Frank Oliver declared that for
the first time ie history a Canadian
Government 0. d net Parliament with
a purely ostrich policy. "They have
dropped the liighwats hill, which was
to save-thecouutrr, he "They
have dropped the extension of the In
tercolonial, which was to save the
Maritime Provinces,
and they
dropped the naval bill,
which wits to
save the Empire as a whole. The posi
tion of an ostrich. with its head in a
hole in the sand is not creditahle, it is
not graceful and it is clecid(dly veinier
able." The Government, he said differ
ed from the Bourbons of France in
only one thing. The Bourbons off
France forgot nothing and learned
nothing. The Government forgot
everything and learned' nothing.
Touching upon the excursion of the
Federal Government into the agricul
'buret educational field,Mr. Oliver i
er said
"What they say is te
tanner needs
education; what I say is what the
fanner needs is a living chance;"
--�—� ,e
For Purity of Elections.
A K. Maclean (Lib.) has given not
ice of ai resolution declaring it desir
able to prohibit corporations from mak
ing contaihutions to election funds, to
expedite the hearing of election peti
tions, to prevent sa5offs, and if, neves
spry, to provide• for the appointment
of all independent hfticiel to deal with
election cases before the courts.
Jeweler and Optician
Births, `Marriag's dt Deaths
MILLER -1n Clinton pn Sur day; Jan.
1813, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Miller, a
WRAY-HENRY-At the home of
the bride by Rev, MI, Aplin on Jan. 21
Mrs. Alme,ia Wray to Wm. Henry
both of Clinton. "
\\6tl�'dtri4i aiftiH/ [■1!<•Qir►Tv/
Local News
% WmAM 11" NWHInt
' Jan. 1 -Clinton at St. Marys.
Jan. 29 -Stratford at Clinton.
'1'o Repeal Laurier's Naval Ant,
Mr, Lesperance, a Nationalitt sup
porter of the Borden Governn.enr, has
giye.n noti,te of a bill to repealLturier's
Naval Act. Some Conservative p
pegs, representing -the 'imperialist
wing of the party, having stated that
Mit. .Desperanee was really acting with
the Opposition to enherass the Gov
ernment, this gentleman declared in
the House he was not doing this and'
that the fact will be made clear on
the second readin of his hill. Nation
alists cheered AIC. Lesperance's state
mento; the imperialist wing sat silent,
Post Office Dismissals,
During the first three months that
Me, Pelletier was Postmaster General
lie dismissed 1,100 postal officials
The dismissals included postmasters,
carriers, messengers, etc,
Premier and Finance Minister 111,
Premier Borden is ((Id up with
carahancle on the head, and Ilona. W,
T. White is suffering from grip, Both
are expected out in 0 few days,
Seaforth at Clinton -Jan. 12 th..
Mitchell at Seaforth-Jan, 27th.
Seaforth at Mitchell. -Feb, and.
Cli.ntton at Seaforth-Feb. 5th.
Miriehall. at Clinton -Feb. 6th,
E. N. Lewis, of West Huron, Wed
nlesday presenitied to the Minister
of Marine a copy of. the resolution
passed by 'Hurton County Council
memorializing the Dominion Gov -
the breakwater at Goderich tinue the
kateand to
compllele 'the same as soon as
We wish to thank subscribers
who have paid their subscription,.
but there are many who are in
arrears for several years. We now
ask that the account be settlediat
once. We need the money,
asp. that yourespond at once o
StartStart,the new year with a clean
shoeitl. Do it now.
Privaate Sale of Cows and
Other LiVIr Stock.
Another carload of stock just arriv-
ed which will he disposed of by' prlvats
sale at my fault at Holmesvillle, on
Tuesday and Wednesday, P eb. 3rd and
4th, consisting of 1 pair roan cows 4
and 5 years old, o00 milking and'the
other to freshen within a month: 0
f.)urbaan cows from 4: to 0 years. old;
Holstein cows from 3 to :5 years; •L hei-
fers rising 1 year; several cher cattle;
(] voeng'fiempshire sows each 100 lbs.
Terns -Gash or bankable paper bear-
ing 6 per cent. Time to suit purchaser
GEO, HOLLAND, Holmesville
• A wnrnan to do house work by the
day, rOuse be, good conte and competent
to do any kind of house work, liberal
wages to the right party. Apply to -
Mrs.' Malcolm
o.Mrs`Malcolm 1), McTaggart.
Wood Wanted,
15 cords of No. 1 body wood, 22
inches long, green maple, to he de
livered at the Model School. Tenders
to be received until February 5th, 1914.
Read the store news in the New S.IfEMP
Era. Chairman of Property Committee
• C •
•• 'r i TQCl•TfiL?L�lf)C. • •
• ,.
Subscribers in' districts served by Rural
Delivery will facilitate' the prompt` de-
livery of their paper by giving their old'.
addrets as ' well as their present Rural
Route 'Number when renewing their
DoThis and Prompt
f)e vggp ve 5
O ;iS Assured ;
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