HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-29, Page 3Page. It
A New Picture of the American Nation's Highest Court
According to the. administra-
tion's plans as set fortis In the Pies
ident's message to Congress the
other day, the Sherman Anti -Trust
sale is to stand aa it is, but con-
gress is called upon i to elaboea`_e
upon the law and to reduce the
debatable points by enacting fur-
ther legislation, In accomplishing
'this it is .expectled that the num-'
ber of eases' carri,ed:tio the United
S'itates Supremo Count will be re-
dosed and then always -crowded @e
condition of the court's dodketwiii
be improved'. The last administra
tion created the Comnieece Court
for this purpose, but now thatt+his
court has been abolished the Su-
preme court is in t'he same posi-
tion as before. This new photo-
graph is the only picture -.!ever
made of the highest United States
court as
u it is now coiust4lutied, the
last picture picture having been
Made before the death of Justice
Harlan rand ;the appointment,. of
N•ewest,'Notes of Science
India alon•e.uees one-sixtih of'tite venlbec a machine for reinking rib
world's supply of, quinine. bons for typewriters, adding ma-
h' s 1 tl 1 d
quickly stops coughs, curet colds, end. heals.
the throat and lungs. :: .. 26 cents.
As a mineral producer Alabama
ranks first among the ,southern sta
res. ..
The average telephone exchange
in China has. fewer than 200
Children Cry
Two Illinois inventors have rat -
opted a watlenproof coat made of a
sinle piece of paper,
A $500 prize'is offered in Eng-
land for the best kletrbseine lamp
for safe use about a houses.
The family •remedy for. d doer and ,tilos.
Shiloh costs so 1icEr•a'anti dove so much l"
Enameled conctlete reflectors in-
seoad of metal- will be used .behind
scree of the lights along the Pan-
ama canal.
Michigan stands first among the
sitbates for the production of salt,
:ranks second for iron and third for
In Germany theme has been raven
Sled t to fireproof celluloid, chiefly
fox' use in automobile windows and
Wind shields.
A flat rubber' tube, ,capped at
each end like a hot water bottle,
has been -invented for surgical use
as a hot bandage.
Oats CS ssee
She family remedy for Coughs- and Colds.
Small dose, Small bottle. Best ninon 1E70.
A. .lens built in France for,n new
940,000 candlepower lighthonee in
Hawaii' is expected to project the
light 40 mime.
The labor of tracing is He;',imina-
,ted by a new eiecu'ical'lriachineby
which. blueprints' can .he enable dir-
ectly from drawings.
Children. Cr..Y
Natives of the int1eriot' of China
hatch both hens and ducks' eggs
by burying them in lukewarm nee,
which is reheat:,ed daily.
A Dew instrum,ene accurately re-
cords the steam, pi(essure at all
times during a vese!el's voyageno
lnateterof how long duration.
Waste water is. purified by a .pro
cess employing colloidal clay and
milk of lime that liras been inven-
ted by a French scipeineist.
For office use there has been in-
7.1aich YOU Liver.
s azy, Slow or Torpid
Stir H IJp By the Use et.
Milburn's 'n's Laxa-Liver
A lazy, slow or torpid liver is a terrible
affliction, as it holds back the bile, which
is required ,to move the bowels, and lets
it into the blood instead, thus causing
Constipation, Catarrh of the Stomach,
Sick Headache, Langour, Pani under the
Right Shoulder, etc.
Mrs. Wesley listabrooks, Ivfidgic Sta-
tion, N.D., writes:—"For' several years
1 load been troubled with pains in the
liver. I have had medicine from several
doctors; but was only relieved for a time
by them. I then tried Milburn's Laza-
Liver Pills, and I have had no trouble
with my liver since. I can honestly
recommend them to every person who
has liver trouble.
Milburn's Laxa-Livor Pills are 25e
a vial, or 5 vials for $1.00, at all dealers,
or (nailed direct on receipt of price by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
c lie enc o ter suet lee des.
A doctor in Tasanenia claims to
have successfully 'bleated 40 cases
of cancer 'with X-rays fil'ter;e
'through •silver, copper or tin.
'Foresawy experts have (d!emon-
idtrated that teak timber can be
raised on plant'a'tions that is as
strong as that form natural forests.]
Ju'lttice Pitney. Back row (leftto
right) are; Associate Justioe3., Jos-.
eph R. Lamar, Chariee'E. Hugjae3,
Willis Van Deventer and Mahlon
Pitney. Front row eleets to right)
are; Associate �us'tidVes tlham.lt.
Day, Joseph McKenna, Chief Jos
tics Edward Douglas White, Oliver'
1sT. Holme'o, and Horace H. Lurton.
The Discoverer of Wireless Tells of n
Chance Acquaintance Who (lave
Him. good Cheer at a Time When
Radio Messages Were r. Bit of a
Joke — Wireless 'Telephony Is
Marconi's Present Quest:..
What a difference' just a few years
make; When it was first hinted, not
so very long ago that an Italian had
invented a scheme for transmitting
messages throughspace without the
aid of wires, nearly everybody smiled.
Now when a story is flashed over the
wires to the ,effect, that Guglielmo
Marconi has actually talked across
the Atlantic by wireless telephony al-
most everybody is willing to believe
it, and is very much disappointed to
learn that the modest wireless wizard
has only succeeded in transmitting
unintelligible sounds across the
briny deep, and that wireless tele-
elephony has not been successful up to
the present beyond a distance of two
or three hundred mile. However,
when he says that it is only a matter
of a short time before the great feat
is accomplished, and we will be able
to stand on one 'Atlantic shore and
converse with friends' on the other,
we accept his statement on faith, and
look forward to the event, Foe be
has made good with his wireless tele-
graphy, one of the
g Ygreatest boomso
A !
modern civIlizaticn the invention
which made. it possible e
vible to save the
An Italian inventor has taken out' p on Buildings
7� �R
a British patent upon an egg hold! High Taxes B ildings
er which may be fasf(e;ned on the ; Taxes
edge an ordinary dinner plate.
Destroys Land Values.
Croom . )News
Jan. 1—Clinton at St. Marys.
Jan. 299—Stratford at Clinton,
Seaforth at Clinton—Jam. 12 the
Mitchell at Seaforth—Jan. 27th.
Seaforth at Mitchell—Feb. 2nd.
Clinton at Seaforth—Feb. stir.
iVI't ,h I:
i cl atClinton—Feb.
Y�O h,
We wish to thank subscribers
terho have paid their subscription,
but there are many who are in
arrears for ,several years. We now
ask that the account be ,settlediat
once. We need the money, and
ask that you respond at once.
Start the new year with. a clean
absent Do it now,
This paper solicits your printing
If you want any kind of Needlingwe. can' do it and do it neatly and
promptly. If it's a calling card, or
memorial card, or wadding invita-
tion we have the latest designs.
11 itis business stationery or an
auction sale:bill, counter check
books, programs, annual state-
ments, tickets; in fact anything, in
the line of paper. and printing,we can give you satisfaction. Give
the New Era a call.
Write on one side of paper only.
Mail to Peach us Wednesday of
each, week or sooner.
Avoid all items respecting on per-
sonal character but :send Ali. the
Chech off this 115111 may assist
you- to remember an impoiitant
it era.
Births, Marriages, Deaths.
Accidents, Church News
Suppers or Presentations.
Removals', Visitors.
Lodge News, Fires.
Public Improvements',
Law Cases, the 'Crops.
School Matters.,
Correspondents will please re-
frain from sending ,notices of en-
tertainments where an admission
fee is charged, unless ,they send
word who is responsible fors the
payment of s'uchiedvertisment. The
charge id t five cents a line—six
words make a line,
New Era and Daly Globe $4.50
New Era and Daty Mail and
4.50 Era andDa lyWorld-_
New Era and Daly News
New Bra and Daly Star
New Bra and Fan -sly Hera
and Weekly .Star
New Era and -Weekly Witaae
New Era and Northern M
New Bea and:Canadian1.65
Farm 1,85
New Era and Ferme 's .Sun--- 1.85
New Era and (Daily Free
Press, morning 3.35
Now Era and Daily agree
Press, evening 2.85
New Era and Weeikly Epee
Press 1.85
New Bra and DailyAdvertiser
New Bra and Weekly - 2.85
W �Iy Adver-
tis ea 1.00
New Era and Faun and.Dair 1.85
New Era and Farmer's Advo-
sen er
The following article is taken land prices'.
from, SThe Square meal" the offic- • } A tax on buildings destroys land
organ tf tele Tax Reform lea- values,
gees of Canada. One Orme ie made
however, (thin tax rate at the time •
in questeon was 20 imine insltsad
Of 30;—Tete other day a Toronto
man said he believed in the Single
Tax, but he 'thought it would huril
him because .he owned come land
I told him this ,story;—
A fete yeas ago, in the town of
,C till'1e
Iii a entre
can f-
, g n o
feletl h e +to lots,well ,situated
in fact opposite the organ factory,
on condition that I would build.
The proposition interested meso
"much that I made a special trip to
Clinton with my business partner
+50look into the building situation,
A clay spent investigating sat-
is'fied usiitlhat (houses we've need-
0—it fact, the organ factory was
:needing men, but could not 'secure
ahem besausle of lack of housing g
There were no vacant houses 10
the town. •
•llilrterials and labor were obtain-
M,y:, partner and 1 had almost de-
cided to take up the effer, when
we came to ligurie on assessnnenls
and taxation.
We found the lets in question as-
scssed almost nothing.
We found all the land assessed
very low,
14°e found buuldinags assessed fair-
ly 'Mose to rent vatue,
We found the tax rale to be 30
0it •.
The best Cough. Medicine for
children, 25e per Nettie at all
drug storms.
Economical and Effective.
"That boy is trylug to shake thecoin
you gave hem out of hes toy bane:!" ex-
claimed the solicitous anlit.
"Yes," replied the patient father,
"it's a great idea. By putting a penny
in his bank and letting him rattle it
out we can keep him out of mischief
by the hour." -Washington Star.
Out of Baby Class.
"Mamma's good little boy want a
Slice of bread anti"—
"Oh, mother, cut out that sort of
thing. I'm nearly four years old."—
Chicago Tribune,
mills, Education Is all palet. It does not
alter the nature of the wood that is
When we, 'figured that an assess • under it. It only improves its a ear-
mena of 01,050—which. tt'nuld be .once a little,—Stanhope. Pp
less than we could iieasonably ex-
peet-twe 'could have to pay $00
per year_in oaxea—'that, in fact,
we in OA turn over $3,00 uf;seen
]tion Lire Pent its :taxe.s—lw!e, lostbi-
teies't in the offer of free lots,
We found that we could as well
afford to pay $300' apiece Or those
lobs, and pay a 00 -mill tax rate on
that valuation, as to acce.ptl ,the
lots free and, pay 30 milts on our
In other words,the high gh tare on
building destiroyed the land value.
To be sure, officials' in power ad-
vised us that we could count on a.
very IoW assessneent, but it is not
our policy to invest our capital
where our profits will depend on.
the derleiiction of duty of any pub-
lic official.
A tax on buildings has the salve
effect on land values as"the prtev-
alence of any other kind ot rob-
bee;y or'iawlessniess in a coanmuia-
ity. Whether a building le likely to
be desltaoyled by tire,- pillaged by.
Ijobber bands, or cotifisica,ted by
taxation, the resdlt is felete ,same,
the value of land in that °nleighbor-
toed is reduced. Whiether'peeper-
ty is protected by efficient police
and fire. forces, or by the abolition
of enjoin taxes; the sirs alt is elle
2.35 same, he land l;,ecoraes more desir
ame t
2.35 able, and therefore :more valuable.
Id We Inaveeoia I
- 1,85 i1 told a tax on
la.r•d values" will cgs .1, 35t 11 etedtr a the aisl-
es_ lirtg price' of land c
That is true. A tax on land im
ono community and the exemption
of buildings will aetraet ,popula-
tion and reduce 'else price of land
in neighboring cofmnicniti;es, just its
a Single"Tax in Va'i couz'er has
checked the rise in land values in
It isalso ;t�deth
tame at a tax on build
ings deat!toysland values, not by
bringing idle land on to the mark-
et, but by making :]and undesirable
ard therefore'valueles's.
A tax on land tends to reduce
U. S. Government Standard
Below is an extract from' ere
Gov. ad. for tenders- "The llteth
recite coal must be equal to that
mined and prepared by Philadel
phis & Reading Coal & Iron Co'
We handle nothing but the first
grade Philadelphia Rc Reading.
J.;H oliowRv
House phone 12. Office phone X10
eve Peuhtrg wanted
2500 Chickens, 1000 Rens. 1000
Ducks Each Week from now
until January
To finish your own poultry, we
have Wheat, Oats. aid Buckwheat
specially ground for fattening;pur-
poses, as very reasonabe prices.
8,000 dozen Strictly New: Laid
Eggs wanted each week during
the winter months. To produce'
these egge we have a full line of
Poultry: Foods to ineep, your layers
iln the pink. of condition. Y
A full stock of Bran, Shorts, Feed
Flour, Oat Chop, Barley Chop,
Etc., Etc., always on hand.
The11Guy la
n less
gCo,, 1'J1101teD
The up-to-date Finn, Clinton.
' Phone 64.
passengers of the Republic, and hun-
dreds of those on board the doomed
Titanle and Volturno.
Marconi says that the turning point
in his career he dates "from the time
[succeeded' in establishing communi-
cation between Lavernoek and Bream
Downs, a distance of nine miles, and
I think after that even the most
sceptical were incileed to believe that
the`rber possibilities
tl* e at 1.as t
success in my system. 'et=Hettes=
"Shortly after -Able I met a man at
an hotel in Ireland, who'wae-setefr2--
dent that there were possibilities in
my system of accomplishing even
ger wonders
by itthan
Ihoped for.
He did not know
who I
was. At din-
ner—we were dining by ourselves—
he naked me 'what S thought of 'this
Marconi fellow and hes wireless ex-
"I expressed the modest opinion
that I thought there might be some-
omething in them. 'Something in them,'
he exclaimed; 'let me tell you that
fellow is on the biggest thing of the
century,' I smiled incredulously,"
though I shall not deny the man's
enthusiasm pleased me, I bad come
across so few Like him. •
't 'You need .not smile, sir,' he
continued, 'that man, M'arconi, is go-
ing to do something that will startle
"He may indeed succeed. In send-
ing wireless messages across the At-
lantic some day, I suggested, giving
expression to my secret hopes.
Across the Atlantic?" repeated
the man. 'Why, of course, he will,
and a sight longer way than that; he
will get a message to the stars 18 there
is anyone there to receive them be-
fore you or I am ten years older.'
"I left the hotel the next day, and
have not seen my friend since, but I
fear, as I have hot yet succeeded in
doing all he rredicted I would, that.
his enthusiasm may have somewhat
"I am constantly asked to say
something about the future of wire-
less telegraphy. Some people, like
my hotel friend I have mentioned,
seefa to think that I shall sooner or
later devise a system of establishir•g
communication with some of the
heairenly bodies. These sort of ideas
do not come into my mind at all. I
am a very practically -minded indi-
vidosal, and nothing that does not
see•ln to me within the realms of.
practical politics has even appealed
to me. I could not go deeply into
this subject of the future of wire -
lest telegraphy without becoming
most appallingly technical in : t lan-
guage, so I shall merely confine my-
self to observing that wireless tele-
graphy is still young and has yet to
grow considerably before it reaches
11.10 full development.
Women Don Trousers.
Women in London have begun to
gear trousers and little smoking
coats instead of the tea gown. Every
hind if waistcoat is being worn out
of doors, but the trousers and; coat
suit is only worn indoors, and gener-
ally in the afternoon. The pajama
habit led- the way and the smoking
suit has followed: The suits resem-
ble closely the jacket and trousers of
tho Chinese women.
' To Teach Parrots.
Telephones are used to teach par-
rots to talk in a London bird school,
Wooa.'s Phot proline;
The Creel English 24me4,
Tones and invigorates the whole
• v.- h,��', ;nervous system, makes new Blood
in old Veins,. Cadres Nervous
Debilitg,Mental and Br,riaa:tt%rr1(, Despon-
es onedency, Loss of Enemy, Palpitation. 0, the
7d cart, I'trzlia,Q iKeutori, Price $1 per. box, six
for 550 One tvrllplease, s,x will oure,llOSoldby all
dr eggisrs or mailed in plain' pkg. on receipt of
price. New pamphletmailedfree. THE WOOD
Thursday, January 29th, 1014,
Strength and Beauty
Come With Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
This is a blood cleanser and alterative
that starts the liver and stomachinto
vigorous action. It thus assists the
body to manufacture rich red blood'
which feeds the heart—nerves-brain '
and organs of the body. Tito organs
work smoothly like machinery running
in oil. You, feel clean, strong and
strenuous instead of tired, weak and
faint. Nowadays you can obtain Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Tablets, as well as the liquid form
from all medicine dealers, or trial box
of tablets by mail, on receipt of 50c.
Address R.V. Pierce, M,D-, Buffalo,. N.Y.
Dr. Pierce's Great 1008 Page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser will bo sent
FREE, Cloth Bound for 31 One -cent Stamps.
At the Spelling
Three Simple Words About
Which He Needed
-Veit * ,F1Fii Y Y
•Y� ?F•Kil 1F Y Y Y ir�F Y Y Y
Burt Seymour, son bf_Fuemer Sey-
mour•, had given n "sugaring off" party
in the, sap bush, and his invited guests
'lumbered a dozen of the young risen
and girls of the neighborhood. Such
parties are always' given with the lust
run of maple sup and are simple af-
faire The guests tell gather at the
sugar bush, where the sweet sap has
already been boiled down to thick
sirup, and seat themselves on a log
while the sirup is boiled a little more
and then served around on clean maple
chips. There is snow yet left in the
woods, and a dub of sirup dropped on
the snow produces maple wax. There
le a general stickiness, n general state
of hilarity, and the girls go home will
wet feet and . the young men with wax
ort their chins.
le one sense this party referred to
srt!si >i great success. In another it was
a calamity. A' sewing machine agen
bnd been stopping at Fernier Halides's
for the Inst two weeks while he beat
up the country, He happened to be a
young man end n taking fellow, bu
there WES 00 earthly reason for Bur
Seymour to be jealous of him. Eunice
iIalidny and Burt bud been engaged
for throe or Pour months, and white
she was naturally fletterete at tete Cunt
pliments paid to her by the agent
whose name was French, they didn't
turn her head by any means, She saw
from the test that Burt wee inclined
IS Se jealous, ;ilio site wa • IGei•e�o e
�e s
more circumspect, but Bart's jealouse
stiff rnnl;led, lee roc,: good caFe that
'"-tilrifstpacgor sbouldn't'be invited to the
sugar party, to Wilier• niel" "-;, •u
escortthe host,but cheek i
ed byt s
tock in trade of agents of the stock of
all sorts, and no one was greatly sur-
prised when Sits, French showed up as
'cool as a 511000 batik and took the big-
ibgest chip in the collection.
As old Aunt \Inrtha used to say. all
girls that amount to net -thing lance a
spice or deviltry in their nature, Be
they ever so sweet anti nice, there are
times when they [Ike to levee'. When
Emilie, saw, with all the others, that
the ctnntll 01' 1he agent annoyed her
loser and flint air, French was in-
t -lined to put htnloel1' oat in 110001101'
end more agreeaOle way to make
(bans a success she entre ars (tear
flirting. well hind as she anile ;Ind muss
it, The harder Burt seowe'd and the
more he showed his 000111ion the more
reckless she became. She didn't in-
terni to go too !'a', but ;lust far enough
to punish him. 114 would be sullen
nil settled' goinlg 10 nut, but she would
melte up with 111111 herore, they realria'II
111e ;;etc—that is, she thought it would
be that rvn3', but she w:".a utistaken.
Burt Permed to the agent as 'horde"
and sorernl other (Mayo, end, although
x110 only defended belly, it wee.sufh•
t•tc)1t to keep his temper hot. Ge nn-
nolinee1'that• he had 'been tlleapesinF-
ed in her; that there was no such thing
as Myrtle" known 1:o her (text that a
l'et' compilulculs Iron a ' et 101100"
were valued by her more Own his en -
dining love, and when Ila gate was
reached she anflounceel 1het she
wouldn't submit to be browbeatee, end
he tiour!slled his 110111 in reply and ex -
chimed: '
"Farewell, false girl! 1 Imre loved
you ars no man ever loved berme, but
you have let ml fool pert us, i may die.
of n broken heart or commit suicide,
but 'twill not infect' to you. You will
have simply broken one more human
heart—shattered the faith or another
Ill,]11 ht woman's integrity."
Of course i;:nnico (went into the
(rouse prepared to brave it out, but it
wasn't fifteen 1)1100tes before her
mother suspected that something had
transpired and whisked her into the
family bedroom to soy:
"Now, then, has that Hattie Jones
been saying mean things about you
No. ma," replied the daughter ns
she burst into sobs.
By and by an the details were in the
mother's_, possession. The girl did not
deny that she had flirted a bit, but
She bad not really meant anyteing
serious. She was deeply in love with
Burt Seymour rind as she tbou;'ht or
his dying of sunstroke and going to
his grave believing she cared. for any
other man, no matter how many sew-
ing machines he could sell in a week,
!t almost broke her beast.
"Weld, now, stop crying while 1 talk
to you," said the mother.' "You should
not have flirted, and Birt should not
have made u fool of himself. Ire's
gone away to chew the aa, as your
cousin Ben puts 1t. Go thinks he'll get
1 letter from yon le 11 day or two ask-
ing his forgiveness.;rhea he'll take a
week before coming around rind con.
descending—to nabs up. First rind
Toremost,' you civ net rn wroe n,u,. 11.
line. Second and0 hiiendo,t, pet -_gene .;
to come to ,you if thele is ,,05 eeming
about it. 'Font' fatherevas ,lust another
sneh Idiot when he \vas running after
me. and 1 made hint'cenwl. That's
why I have always lied tete whin hand
of him,"
"But you snow how 'set Bart Is to
his waysee Pleaded Eunice.
"But you can be just as set in yours."
"But siippose he's found (lead with
my photo on hes broken heart."
"Suppose our old dug should bark
his hill off! You are going to do just
as I sly, •and bent ends it. I'm your
mother, and I know solilethiug,1bout
sten, and if 1 don't help you to bring'
that smelt young than hare( within two
weeks I'll never d.u•n :mother U,Iir or
souks for your father."
One ovoid invariably follows the Oth-
er in the country. After the 'sugar
piney, about two weeds ufler, comes
the last day of the district school, or
the close of the toil. Word goes out,
for leu miles around. and the 200 young
0110 old who ntteutl manage somehow
to get into lite sehoolbuuse. Then two
persons ehuuse sides, and the whole
ernivtl liners up, and the schoohuasteg
pronounces the words. The spelling
school for the Seymour district was
announced for a date two weeks sub
sentient to the sugar party and the
h , lovers quarrel. No Bitrt'called at the
Halides' farmhouse to make tip, Tite'.
days passed, and poor P:nnice (vent
about with {ears in her eyes. Eyen
her father noticed that the daughter
t I was loulcing red eyed and pale face
and asked the wife if u doctor it
not better he consulted: -
i "Don't you worry, dusepb," was nil
t I the t•a'ply lie got, and about eli lie ex.
t ' pealed, but to the (laughter the mother
"Emilio. when the epeliing settee
comes off l am going to bring that
ruing till11'to 1ht' nettle. He is ane,of
the best spellers around lie te, isn't..4„
"Yes, nee ""' ..4
11 t°IIS ^ ,ttrg 3'pu. Fame forks sna'
volt site T,eifi' !(tan 11C is, Ir ,vuu are
1 -
01 ell Si ' ❑JI
e de it ht. un the otiieN, yok
Ill;` going to beat trine" nisei•.,,_,-}
"But suppose l can't." li
el.,ll Via.
y�rr•IIL' .,.,..
a „Theo h+ II be inadtlel' yet.- (Maybe
ha 1 '• 1
I t right home •
r, o e lufd commit suf.-
".11111 Inll3•be hell go right home And
gat some sense in his head. I'm run•
vitae lids show, and 1 aunt ,you to ,lo
jest' tis 1 tell 3•o11."
There woe the asumti big intermit
)v bum the evo-HIn; conte, The sewing,
machine relent had departed fur other
Bells; tied Iseittice arrived at the schools.
hm,se 111 the eminently of her flatter
111111 lumber, Almost Immediately she
ha'ari1 ilea Burt seyaunur had route
elute' with his hero, ,Ind 'merry. She
ids° heard that (heir misnwle00tendin;
was hying gussi'ped nl.n4lt: °'!ra' 'n'houl-
1gaslul' 00,10 Well Icnmwrl r, thr,amut,
days, and a few whispered 100141, f00t;;
Ales. Untidily 15020'')((1 bel 1111(,. 11
wn, 1 nnnuirecd i hat \lr, Btul �eymmit
110(1 ,hiss lenitive Italiday wrmlil c•hua0e
sides, 11111 1111')' 101100 1110.111,4•1008
0)110 1hr center of interc=G Girl,
sought to (teethe', but (melt 10)00 linsl ed
formate [Snell line whom Illioel 1111th;
tiered eighty, teal then the spelling lie
gnu, The first tiro miihiL,o 510 the
business tor twenty.
in n quarter of no Irons there wee'
only ten seeller 0f their feet. 1'iv
minutes Intel` l'.unive and Port nee
were left.. They Blond fach,g 1nl h otic.
er, though not looking into 011(11 nth
er's eyes. ['curt ligere,l nl.stinal80 and
the girl had her chin in the air, 0
wns called the greatest contest or f itr.
decade, icor twenty minutes the teeth-
er bunted out the hard wards, bat
could tri neither. Then Burt rr•0 •
'caught and vdown,'
r 1! h
wentand ivory
the t
was awarded the girl amid cheers,
Five minutes later the crowd broke up,
and Eunl(e (vas hunting for her Trays
wbeu a hand was laid an her arm snit
a voice whispered:
"Envy, how rlo3•ou spelt 'idiot,' 'Por
give' tend for o?'
"The simplest way," sere replied as
she timed to Burt
"Then ride home with Inc. !brought
my buggy on purpose."
"Of course it worked," said Airs,
Ffaliday that night to herself eftcr
making n cackling noise 1n her throat.
"Tr it had been left to Eunice. now
hut it wasn't When a smart seethe
man thinks he's smarter than an obi
married woman It's time he was spell
I'd down a few and made to talre a..`
back seat,"
• What the Weather Costs.
It is very need, that western notice:.
"Don't Shoot tile Organist. Ile's eta -
ing the ]lest [le Kuotr•.s flow." 110
the :mule 1(11)81,, don't burns the nee., for the weather forecasts. They
are doing the best they can by printing
the copy seppited by the government,
and the government is spending on its
weotbei' service the tidy sum of,$1,
610,680 i year—a nice tittle increase
composed with 1870, when the, wort:'•
.was begun on $20,000. Of course there
are glaring ]'allures, but on the average
the accuracy of the' proguosticay.ioii>;''
has 5.07'3 rnateriaily iutproved.—Philo
deepen(' r;ed ger.
The ti -nand Camr, of the Weed
dost in Maseclri ,
men of the World meets _i Lon