HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-29, Page 1Established 1865,Vol: 48, No, it 11 CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY' JANUARY 29 1914 Fortunes Have Been MVlad.e From Small Things THE oyat Baijk OF CANADA !lead Office, Montreal Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Meal Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and undivided proflte 12,500,000 TOTAL ASSETS " .175,000,0001 325 BRANCHES With world• wade connectdone Interest allowed on Deposits senora( (Banking ,husleess trans acted. R. E. MANNING Mgr. I CLI,NTON BRANCH!. Welcome Visitor wiamasimaimmaimamemisaimemt D. Stewart, wlio foo• many year& was the beloved r pas_oi at Wiiiis Baking Powver ,Aliways. Good Always Fresh Made only with chemically Imre Cream Tartar and Bicarbonate of Soda TRY IT Ask fora Free Sample 25e, Per Pound H VE Y Chemist. I church is renewing old friendships Wath his forlmer• parishioners, He is indeed. a welcome visitor, l It has been aptly said of the militants', ', or b aen ada> that they ld he more beelin i ahead ofebacll if they had tempe r. Take a Complete Course in the Papular ant Successful ELLIOTT TORONTO,ONT. and oa w' di n Iso Tr n o leu pY a g 00 d ' an no 1 n and . en' n a coli s•L•. J y l a r Y• Dispensing he Molsons Incorporated 1855 'Capital aid Reserve $8,7000,000 83 BRANCHES IN CANADA A GENERAL BANICI11a BESINESS TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR' LETTERS 'We CREDIT TRAVELLERS CHEQUE i TISSUED BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES Interest allowed at highest current rate. C F. DOWDING. Manager O)inton Braneb AWN ..0en..ne.mlionm..•••••01MIONNERINOmi .,-e..•NN•M ••,••••••••• •••O•♦��!•••�••� f••A •��••• r s Sailors Champion j The New Warden Pleads Their Case E. 'al, Lewis, M. P.,Continues Debate on Address in -the Conanell S,. Otbewa, Jan. 23. -Harbor needs on the Oreat Lakes, with particular refer. enee to the port of Goderich, were. strongly set' forth in the Home Ibis •Lfteinoon by )tr N. Lewis,- of W Huron, who spoke in thr detete on 1 address Mr. Lewis had earel'u marehalled'his facts, and he point out clearly the importance of Godei•i not only to nave >ttion'generally, with particular referencto the rla trade, en which Lake Huron is taking so prominent apiece, Mi' Lewis, in opening, remarked o the fact that there had beoo no me tion to the speech from the throne the great disaster which had recent 1 occurred on the great Lakes, the.mo disastrous on record, O1+nada was fortunate in havinga great water hig way extending for thousands of mile from the salt water into the interior o the continent, a highway which we the only transportation route for bot the United States and Oailada for th largest portion of the tragic of thea two nations of over one hundred Lei 1 est he Ily ed' ch nil En n� s - of st li h e W. H. Kerr '& Son,; Editors and Publisher Use New Era Small "Ads." , ••••�••••••11••0•11••••0••0i, District News:pilin***+*+++++01 r of Huron County EDITORIAL•••••• •••••to••••.•••••••• ++ 4 ' 4.44444 +4,i,' Seatorth Another of the pioneer residents of this town has passed away in the of the late aerson of (3.rAtnentet ,mwho' widow ied t the home of her daughter, Mr's It. W. Coats in MrLondon s. Anxenth d reached Sunday age evening years, eonthsedays Iter husbightand pmredeceasedsand her 24ven years. ego, Mayor Ameet, of rhistown, and Mr. P, Anienr, of Brussels, are sons of the deceased, The • remains were brought to Seafcrt11 for luta went in the familyt plot in Maitland Bdunk Oemetery, the funeral taking place on Tuesday afternoon, e 1 DAVID CANTELON ion people. Mr. Lewis cited the traffi on the Snez Oanal and that on th Sault i Ste, Marie Cane'. In 5,373 vessels, the net tonnage of 20,275 120 passed through the Suez Caned, L 1911, 22,778 ships. with a net tonnag of 0,730,807 registered, passed through Sault Ste. Marie Canal. In that yea the total freight movement were 7:i 472,070, net tons, of which 32,824,815 tons went through United States canal and 39,074,801 tons went through the Gonadial) canal, being about 7,000,000 more through the Canadian than through the United States canal, In 1913 the total tonnage was 79,718,344, Canad-t passing 5,500,000 more than the United States. ALL PASSES GODERICII The canal tonnage augmented by the great traffic from Lake iviichigan, which bad on it the cities of Chicago and Milwaukee, all passed the port of Goderich. which port was the only one on the Canadian side of Lake Huron available for large steamships. There was ne other place in theworld where, in the sante given time, the same amount of traffic or anything am `preaching it passed by. On the 9th of November' last 12 steamships had been wrecked on Lake Huron opposite or not far from Gode- rich, eight of them disappearing abso- lutely without a soul left to tell the tale. The other four- were driven ashore, two on the United States side and two on the Canadian side of the lake, One hundred and ninetvsix lives were lost. These boats were not old, unseaworthy hu les, but in all cases built of most strong, powerful steel, ships as strong as co`?e possibly e made. In the case o; one, the argest Canadian float, the aearuthers built at. Collingwood and launched about a year ago, the officials in the lead office of the owners; when they heard the report of her probable loss, imply laughed and said; "Thele is no town on the lakes could touch the 1 alrnth era:" ' 17aese boats s c upnst'c' Il the hundreds a of thousands. sands Ono of them, n L steel steamship 505 feet lung with 9, 700 tons of coal in her, was aur God, et illi Jan 27. -Following . e , the c usual ou si!:om, it was' the Censer- • votive year for warden, and it' tool( C1 itentee ballots to decide the War- e deriship at 'the opening session of 1' Hutton County Couancil, this after- noon. The fight was between Win I Green .of StfamleY ; R. W.Li�+in aeon, of Gtjey, and. D. Cane:aelon, ort elinll(otn. On the fiitst ballot Liv- ingstion deopped out ; •second bal- lot, Cantielen defeated Gleety eight to seven hind• ballot, Cantelaxa won out by eight to seven. Wai•- d(en Can talon is: the well-known "apple king" of Ciintlon and en- +tletttaine.d the Council to a smoker at the British Exchange Hotel to- night, h 1 0 • Ordered Clothing headY - l. to -1V �• .at Clothing' * s • • -- _ a ed over upside down as if s:be had been e a cork, 111 ® O 'The storm was so severe at the tine p thit.1 do 11030 think any boat could :'art t;P, 4 have lived." said Mr. Lewis, n;, s s, „ol, if she I a c cud have lived, 1• e could on)d have ' n carr e CI'iI r. 1= lee + ked in saving a ing any nue of these wrecked' o boats in such a storm: le was snowing • a heavily at the time, but I do say that Onlyg� Q had the. bar•hnr at Goderich, c Iy , llltelr J DaysMore � years ago had been constituted a Ilku•- es boy of refuge hy the G ov t o t t of SaleSaturday Jan. 31st 4sen properly completed and availableataucssisoul harbor Canada under c1rcuui nd :h td all the boats had wireless tele - really and had llurri°ane tail sounded vet the lakes, not a boat would have ren ivjure3, not a life %you'd hale ecu lost, kis there was ample time on 19 lake for warning, to be given and. e boats to have sought shelter after se weather Lher bureau u eau knew of the orm. Carpenters and Masons �vill. . be - a bigt�'Q'Q+r�{ItlOur store the first st in February Xiissietzupwrzazgmailii During the last - week we have had hundreds of satisfied customers, Many of thein being mothers h es who have` taken: advantage of the Bi • Bargainso we are offering Big g in our Boys Department. WeY p still,have thousands of dollars., worth of winter goods �o cls that. must be sold duringthe next eight g days. Profits ` will not be considered: - Y Every winter gar- ments must go It will pay you well to buy your next�lnters supply n pp Y ow. els is your opportunity •• to • • save v money. Are you ing'th i, ? e �*��t of It • it •to te ♦• b ♦ tl • th • Cl ,•• et Z 'NO TELEGRAPH AT NIGHT • The hnreiiu, said lar, Lewis etrplaiu• • ed he neglect in notifying the ports by saying that thele wire no telegraph at • night; but since that date they had ♦ been using telephones which worked • all night, There should, he thought, • be a hurticane call for the Great Lakes Z• and a rule, that all ships should be su plied with wireless telegraphy and • should seek shelter' when that call is • given. So tar only 64 bodies had been, • • recovered out of the 1901 who were lost • Since that great storm, on three differ- •est occasions, a steamship has been • obliged after reaching the vicinity of. Goderich Harbor to run for other ports • not considering the entrance sate in bad weather. This, was nota paro• • ehial matter or a .matter effecting ♦ merely the confines of West Huron. •In 1909 and 10, said Mr. Lewis Gode- ♦ rich handled one-third of the grain of ♦ the Great Northwest going through • Canadian water channels and is the only port on the lower 'end' of the upper lakes which directly competes with the traffic going to Buffalo, which port, I am song to say, handles a great portion of our (Janadiae grain So much was the importance.of ibis disaster realized by the 'United ;Sta"iabiontes that the Lake' Oarriers' A.sanc,. With heaaquartel's at Cleveland and ♦ Detroit estaiblished"an office at Gode a (;rich and had a committee; of three aptains, one at Kincardine, one at Southampton and another, the chair - mare at Goderich. I wish to impress, on this House the importance of Ibis port and trust that she Government will sea that the port is made in fact as well as in name a •her9tor of refuge'. • 1, • • TERIVfS • OF .S ALE CASH • SEL' LAPtaB BILLS FOR Pcis < 1: I e � R •' • ••. • • • • The Morrish Clothing(7O .;S 'lime Deal u) for liver Mony +•••••••••HN••••e•••••••••••* ••••••••••••>e•••••••*4 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE Thee Clinton Trlavel Club lids tee - cured tlxe services Of Rev. Diff Dick he, of ChatOiam, to give (lis inters le g tetiture on ,The Passion. Play" of Olxeraramegau. The lec- tlurje will be illttairated with a fine at, of colored views,' on 'Tuesday, Feleauary 10th. Admission 25 d/enth; Chiidelen lb °elate: The new warden is foo' well known in and around Clinton to need any introduction as 0 was boner, in Goderich Township over 02 ylearle• ago and .has spgnk the whole of his lite in Huron County and for over thirty-five years has been a resident; of ClSniton. Mr. tan Vol on has 'sperm/ many ,leans in the Council and was also Co. Commissioner for three terms,. The New Era wishes him, success in his new office and it goes with- out saying that 111e will attend to his numerous' du(tles in.a able manner. ••v••ras•ssy•••le•••••• • • • WITII THAI CHU13CHES, • • • ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. The service, hast Sunday were taken Rev. c.Cauml by i ti a' YLmt't London. g 4 levee cn ndic ab' on attended lir beer their old respected rector, et is 22 ,eats since he lived here, Processor Wright uucupies the pulpit nextShndee, The regolit- monthly tea of the ladies (3nild he held on Mom:lay the Ln(1 at 2 30 p- Nothing beats a Canadian' Wint- er ,sun.ilar to this. ter, Lord Strathcona's memory will be ,ever green and a shining exam ple for many a man on. both sides of the Atlantic..) 'Huron Couoty Council is busy leis. tvteele with Reeve Cantelon ase Vlrailden, 'May e hon- orable distinction is the New'as wish. No'ty that the holiday sleasoit has. got nicely past tl.e poniltrytilrieives dukaughou`i the cotltitry 5000/0 Our teacher, Miss Robertsor Ilan lea\le the hen and hurtle, roosts c:. been 111 fcr a few days with grippe fe and eane advice to hundreds who leay.e but we are peased to say teas Sble to resurne liar dories on Tuesday. lvbrs, Wm. McMath is visiting at N, VV• Teewartha's, attended kthe 0, 1alley . A. meetingsom n d here Olin ton, on 'Thursday and Tuesday even- ing nolnaesallre Dr. Hussar's lecture with views, which wee to have been elven here last week, will be given on Feb, 10th. Miss Vio' et Bid"• no d of' Whit eh illi is visiting t ler friends around here. Miss Hale of Goderich is visiting at Joe Jervis'. Next Sunday morning will be quar- terly meeting here, Mullett Mrs, Wm. 11•Icflool and daughter bars Awde spent Tharsday with MIS. Geo. .e arqubar. Mie. Wm. ,3Iair spent a week the guest of her sister Mrs. Thee, Revert on wbo has been seriously i11 at her home in Clinton, Richard Jackson of Hartney Man. is visiting his old friends. It is six years since; he visited his Hallett friends and - on the 0111 can, some years ago. D:,', and Mrs. Amos. Oartright and three children spent Friday and Sat- urday with bar and Mrs. Bert Gibtings of 2 imeeremith, Miss Mahle Shobhl'ook returned home on Saturday after spending a week with her relatives in Exeter She also attended the wedding of her cousin Miss Ada Kerslake to Mr. Houck of near Exeter.. John. Allen had a sale of farm stock on Thursday. The farm was not seal, Wm, Hamilton is laid up with pleurisy and pneumonia, We hope for hie speedy recovery. He is at his home on the 10th con, et present. 11 Ingham Miss Mariam Wood, nurse at the hospital here who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, is doing ely, Dr. Oalder, who bas been confined at. henir, home with an attack of lagrippe is now able to he out again. Mr. Wm, Bone, who recectly under- went an operation for ulcer of the'. stomach, has been removed to his Lome, Le cutting has started here, the ice beiabout n L t foo 6i and clear. c- Cheree e are le s: 1 dice i �i a ec to observe '- 1 n ✓r v1 In � P (tarn g on Sunday 8J701 year, 25, Richardedeceased ed wale, in lits 'dlenoes of development and good 87(h pear; The deceased was born 111 cheer for the coming year in con- the Oouu1v of Fermanagh, 1reland, al -Tenon with numerous A^ricultnr- coming to w�ere in 1850, and settling Cou •itelic t.11e8f1Jlrelna erento offs cher in Berrie, where ho was married to 11, n 131a k r t= c st tot o k n <i of comment it would ' • £ h� 1, to the sale ne place Heleved there toe a shat time, then urge the Directors to do a larger it yet often, Like Noah's dote, find no place of contort to logia e just ae good as the old alk-satheario, 1914 should produce evidence of the value of Huron County Publie- ity Campaign of 1913. It was a good stare Fbuts toul d be f oliotye. d up by a consistent continuation of the l511051 and best meehods. Jay planning Spring and' Summer *oak at this 'season of (Ole year initial ,stops can often .be taken that will be of real value,when the busier time comes along. Nothing like taking time by the "fetlock" as Mrs. Partington remarked. Ontario Legis'latur'e wilt get down to businless in a taw weeks. They have a job on their hands ands in J 1111- proving the law as ithey relate leo Public and High Schools, tax- ation, temperance, Agriculture and' Aaytum accommodation. In India life can haally egrow monotinous as stastistfes state that 220,000 people give up this mortal career' from -snake' bites and 19,000 movie fell a prey do wild animals' such as tigers,,leopards and wolves. Canada has.;moee to fear fs4om "bears" than agar, ;-We have heard of a flew in this land who saw snakes under conditions that were not::happyfing nor was a second manillelitiation desired" • A German s'cie-ntlst has discover- ed that the eating of plenty of eggs tends- to increased amiability, Wo14(dlen athien, ire pet-farntlecie he Cli lslifophen Columbus act If i Qxe ((look a took at the marked quota- 'iaions. It is' surely mice and most dlesirkabl,e to be amiable but the fact that tele-"m,ed1cine" is costing you from 3 to 5 111)10 per egg is likely to put the smile on the North side of your face Unless Quaker oats could also be utilized so as to 500110e, the quantity of "hen -fruit." moved to tenedeee. township, in Perth sham of the work so that the otelere ov taxed president and bnrdenert Secretary may have more time. at their disposal to look after ldiultvlea that are specifically their own. A well planned tnel division of labor pays large dividends in worl properly done. WILLIS CiannlCft, I Lonut}, whtr0I r :willedfor10 vetars Rev, 'lee, W. Wylie mew: ed list,( Ru front whish place he moved to Sunday morning at Willa('0 ,7 -0 ngham, where he resided until his Rev, Ma (tad of Lurrdesboro, took h v the evening 4r tti•r c.. VU1,S14EB' CHURCH. Pastors Gel jeer for hist Sued to inOining ''1'n5 \ ne of a 1ran," Evening, One lama Move on the Qites tion of the lrieur The Epworth Le tem: meeling on. ltouday evea:ing Nus inch lige or the Ott'zenship Committee, Rev: la. W, Wylie gave the addrek;s, The pastor will piearli nate 81)1103, motrtae' tig tatleS=euiug, Qu;grte)'Iv,nitve 1!iltet at 10 a,,n t,,tck'autent after the morning sermons, Ale the lays k and girls the School, 3000 0(sh 10 ha0e aai igh icle cattle to the sciioul rnotxk, Friday 3-von- hig 10, 4;;80 At six o'clock tea wit he set t ed and afterwards a splendid pea gray consisting of lantern slides, phonographic. music, .etc., will be given, ONTARIO ET. C11UItCt1 The Qua( terly -Con ine:don service will be held next 5uuday morning, On Sunday evening the pastor reit. conduct a special servtr•e for men. The choir will be conepotealof men asine,nti the Lobb reale quartette wil. eta:. Junior League on Friday evental o'clock:. 7 TOzNIGHT Stratford 'vs. Clinton Monday, ?eh. 2nd death,. He was a staunch Conservative and an Anglican, g and he was •L . mem- ber • of the Orange Order for 08 years n bion 503.10ty will condnetehun e feral which 151,1 take place on Tuesday after 110011 from St, Paul's Church to the Win ;h inr cewetet•,yy, fie leaves a wife and six children to mourn his loss, Mrs. A ,McGuire, Brussels;' Mrs ttobere teener, of Paris; Mrs, A. 1+.. Simmons, of i W '~ n>;hniii: and el ea 'William Decide of S,%uthainpton, George, of Llo,a olid DIEM, E. of Cepat Salk, hl•, Rea 1110 was'a man of 5terlillg chari,c er and laves a host of friends who will miss his familiar figure on the streets of 45' in„ „barn, r Lonticshoro The regular 1)1501ing of the W0mens institute Will he field next Thuredap afternoon in Forreeter's- Hall, when. De. Allison will be present and give h Pointers for W linter Use Iteral Wine of Cod Liver Extract to ere tea your health. It'as1,00 and worth more. Fge ft'Fria dxl Soap .and sn Alentholiycerijlene to protest your ski;, and hands, .if.you use them you know they are good, if you have not tried e them -Do it know at THE ILEYALL STORE 1 eheese 0aveyou Ever Tried It? Fresh Gorgonzola Swiss Cheese A rich creamy substance, made in Switzerland from goats' milk with blue streaks and skippers. (Well maybe) but. still, it is the kind Mayou got; Jackson raves about and tickles his palate every time. But in case, you do not care for Mayor Jackson's Cheese, we have the very best Canadian Oheese made in our own coun- try, from rich cows' milk. and Ingersoll Cream Cheese made - from rich ,ereank, all in exhibit in our South window, . T. O°N -I THE BUB GROCER' - Phone 48 " • " Ontario St, Sunday School ' , MissionaryDay F cad Program Special llecoration6 Special Collection felted by talent or training and in some cases the office is really a burden unless tete duties are farn- ec iouh to d9p uties. tro h ai. { qualification to being a hard and: fast political partisan should come. into the covet if the appointee. Le to feel at home at the post and the public receive the treatment due glrene by the office holder:• 33 year's in office, evhere duties are performed with neatness, ac- euraey, honesty and courtacy, is a goodly. period of conli,iln0us vice tor for one mail, who is'"s'bill oat the.. job." Phe New Bee congratu- lates Co. Clerk, Wire Davidson, who has won the above record aeSe c- rghary-Treaseirer of the Public School Board in Stratford. Fur- ther attestation of the a r o ,pp.e t cia- tion in which he is held by the Board was 'exemplified by the- in- easees'1e1 of Ma salavy of $200 to $300 at the inaugural m,eotieg of 1014, The Classic Oily is to be con- gteat'.ulated, an address, all ladies are cordially in- vited to attend - ,, :flow are your good iesolutkions• The lnernhers of the out s for 1014 panning out? The fust' VV e x Iusti rite er t k e arrktuging, for a pie so°ial tn, month -will be c.c'mpl,e-sd Saturday be held in the lemneranca !louse 1001 of 'Ulla wleek ,elo there are only tree evening of Feb. 13 when a go] eugven 15 orel111 'left if yOu "r•eso- programm will he .gi. err and lunch lated" for a clear. It should be will be served in the dining room of easter going for February and iso tbeTemperance House from d 30 to 8 oat as you got usled to at. T?Jae o'clock. manhood and womanhood are the outgttow111 of lofty ideals-, noble purposes and a I/100 of faithful, consisecent, continuous service in- ahead of ayetrely talking 'about it or purposing to get busy at some future nameless date. See to it ;that no one gets a chance to take yyour cr • t, 0 crown. A arousing meeting was held in the Methodist,Ohurch last week en the interests of the Canada Temperance Act, The principal speaker was Rev, S. J, Allen of Clinton who gave a very interesting address, Revs, Mr, Reid: 'Lid Mr, Osterhout also took part in the meeting, An organization meet ing was held at the close, At the service at the Methodist church on Sunday night Rev, J. Osterbour bad 25 boys standing inside. bhe alter railing, each bearing a card, With the words; "The battle for a dry Huron. Father, vote for your own b iy and remember your neighbors boy Ask big brothel' tc lend a band," Tho pastor made a very strong appeal for votes in favor of ale passiug of the 'C,umda Temperance Aet. Mrs. Forbes, of Hat tney, Man., is a visitor at i41r, Wrn, Brundson's, Miss B. Brown, of Brantford, is vie• Mug hey mother, Aire.; (Dr,) Young. Mr. .Milton Hooper; at Woodham, spent. Suuday at the home of Mr, J, Lc Isley' Mr, J, D, Elsley returned on Same day after spending a week 'with Lou, don end Woodham friends, Mn, and Mre, Robt, Orawford and Mr. and Mrs, M; Brown plaited at the bam'e of Mrs, John Deter, on Sunday, ,One of the signs of the times as it ;relates to a larger and more orou h undersl a di, of r' - hili g i n ng Agra culturle is iavid(ghced bythlne In - ca n . lirceased' attendance of students at e Ontario Agriculture College and et etvheele, Where full term cannot be taken the Short Courses t heartily' I :ai e le 1 The teems for the latter are mostlib- eeal while the practical informa-; tion glleaneid lfsupiplies the "know- 1oev' "left worth:the „expenditure of time and 111055ey, One way to an ower the query of "How to keep' boys on the farm?" is by he wise'! ! usle,of,,, agriculeural ( education.There is not much guess 100i']r a- bout this affirmation -Thee filling of (alio imporiatf post of High Commissioner, as suc- cessor to Lord S`oathcona, should. be wall considered before the ap- p0113siuent is made. k4ueedreds. h would xvillin 1 acesiit 4h honor g•Y 1 le t 0 but ,the position calle for certain dual Rica lion s t:1ot possessed by eve4ybody, :Personality i,s one negesislaltyl characteristic and the. eeensese eeativc of this great Ho -- minion must be a Tuan of ability,., wisdom, gentbem nxly conduct and well acquainted ivi'th the ,needs oC Canada, yet one who will obey Loa sLi;uctions rattler than, take upon himself the :task of assuming that Ole is the Omuistiemt one and there by grpw too big for hist' uniforms While eviealth may be another need ful there is good sense to be sliow,n so that neither :spendthrift wars - nor a niggardly' hand will bring; this position of ' ,trust into , cone - tempt with people who are compo -- tent to judge: 'Hon., Ma. Boe'de'win= name is rnen:ttianed, among many others, and he no doubt would der honor to the office. high o i No mat- ter at- + ter who Lord S'trathcona's mantle may fail upon he will find itO;o easy task to harrow the ground.. 'Hee grand old veteran plowed. A big magi is needed 'with clear head and large heart who will have the tact of continuing the happy re- lational between the Pdotheriland and the brightened, goad, in Great Britain's coronet of possessions,111 so far as the high Commissioner Cay a have thee, power so eo do.. Canada has tobe beckoned with at this period of her history as never blefoaa so that then phenomenal' growth, commanding pos:ibex and; her futune, wellbeing will mot bei drlaweed 501 blockaded., The pro- gram before such an official, while t:aleis'eopie, gives ample room foe eleatee uanehip of a high ondler., Let the choice be one of Canada's. So many able public mien bei eumnroned from (earthly office and omolnneent is a call to young men to seek the qualificaIlona essential. MINOR LOCALS, to promotion so that sloeteld the Our •se 1- a 1' honor' fall to their lot their man( m_ week y thaw'. 1 Y qualities e s � n dprofessional ' acquire- / uixe -W When buyingwentbox the Piett > men;ts e; t ould not to all lav e to be Ena' gtlotcn after Ith,eir a ioirotme2tt. One toucho11 l_ ofz• o red the „ • ' P ren at o t ._'11j s; f yen it!Ah, milled coal 1 P aktot a n, ' pc�sttions^fez xthlcix they ar,e not` best. BROfbER FOR RAILWAY BOc1R.Dt The .appoint!ment of iter, An0reev- Bltodler, M. P. for Dundee, do the: DOmieioli Railway Board, to 5vc- cleed Dr. Mills is expecte(' before of the nd , i e the present ,session;. 91r, Broder as'uncle to Mrs,er, 3?� McTaggart and °Mrs M, D. McTog; gart, of Can Lon ,. •