The Clinton New Era, 1914-01-22, Page 1stablished 1565, Vol, .45, No.
THE Great financier Dead
loyal Batlk
head Office, Montreal
on De�pos>Jte
business trans-
acted. [Z,fc. MANNING, Mgr.°
Capital Authorized.
al. Paid -u$ ..
serve and undivided
32b BRAN
'With` warld wide de
Interest ,allowed
(Meisel '(Banking b
Baking Powder
Always Good
Made only with chemically
pure Cream Tartar and
Bicarbonate of Soda
ASk for a tree Sainple
25c per Pound
Senator George A. Cox Passes
Away in 74th Year,
Head of Five Insurance, and Loan aiid
Savings Companies and Director
oI' Several Big Corporations Was
Born• in Colborne, Ont., f'
Started life as a
senger Boy. 4"
(Daily Star.)
Senator Cox is dead, One of the
great figures in the nation Inas been
removed, A man whose genius
brouglst distinction upon his city
and honor to his country has pas-
sed out. Just before dawn Fri-
day morning, while yet th!et Gun
struggled with th g
ley mistsltang
ing over the city, whille('the city
nyoved uneasily iri its sheep, : the
j. 1 H(�VLY Sendtior spent the last bneathof
his seventy-four yeasts. Great or -
Dispensing Chemist.
ganisms of finance are headless!
dinAWSAMMMOMnimiliMMcontinued from page 3
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1555
Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000
Interest allowed at highest current rate.
C F. DOW DING, Manager Clinton Branch.
1.••••••••••••- •••••♦••••O♦ •••••••••••••••••A•••••••0o
Only 8 Days More
Sale Ends Saturday, Jan. 3ist
I Ordered
Ready -to -Wear
Carpenters and Masons will
be at work in our big tore
the first week in February
11 A'
• During the last week we have had hundreds of .
satisfied customers. Many of them being
4. •
mothers who have taken advantage of the
Big Bargains we are offering tri our Boys
Department. We, still have thousands of
• dollars worth of winter goods that must be '
sold during the next eight' days. Profits
will not be considered. Every winter gar
ntents must go It will pay you well to buy �F
your next winters supply now.
.`H.•Kerr & Son, Editors and Publisher
enevii for Tile New Era NOW. See Our Clubbing
,Se ae ;
Late Lord Strathcona's Soottish Artisan's Son Be -
Life Is a Rornantk Page came Railroad Builder,
h i
in the History of the Financier, a S
Dominion of Canada,' Philanthropist.
H81 death of Donald Smith, scattered settlements and : trading
Baran Strathcona and posts. His sterling abilities had;,
Mount'RoY al, marks the forced somewhat tardy recognition,
unique in
n .,hold
career a fortune havingonce 'take
'oP a 4 butn
the history of the young of the young Scotchman clung to him
Dominion of Canada, and one which c persistently. In the early fifties the
better than ony other mirrors the Aroostook incident" caused friction
transition from the magic:'of early with the United States, which threat -
pioneering to the robust development ened war with the United States, and
of the eldest sister in the British the result was a tightening of the
overseas Empire. bonds between the provinces. Upper
• Lord Strathcona was the world's and Lower Canada had become unit -
oldest multi -millionaire, the British ed and Donald Smith became resident
Empire's most prominent railroad governor and chief commissioner of
builder, the British House of Lord's the company in Canada.
oldest peer, the City of Montreal's TIED RIVER COMMISSIONER.
leading citizen, Canada's greatest fin- Though a clash with the southern
ancier, optimist and philanthropist, republic was averted by diplomatic
the senior member of the over-
seas high commissioners and agents -
general, at the seat of empire, he
having represented the Dominion of
Canada in "London since 1896.
Lord Strathcona's , career reads
like a romance, the son of a saddler,
he made the prediction as plain as
Donald Alexander Smith to his cous-
in, now Lord Mount Stephen, then
a herd laddie, that as there was no.
lairds in Canada to lord it over man,
he would leave for British North Am-
erica to tempt fortune and win a com-
petency. Accordingly, as a raw youth
of 18, he set sail for the west three-
quarters of a century ago, and rose
to be the wealthiest citizen of Canada
and one of the leading Imperialists
of the British Empire. While other
public men in Great Britain were try
ing to mold, the Empire together in
Stanley -s
Ms. Goldie'Graham left last Sat-
urday, for Toronto with a load of
his cattle,
Mrs. A. Goodwin and Mrs, J Hay.-
denfor tlieir
den left last Saturday
homes in AshGelcl after visiting a
week in S'ifamliey,
Saw logging is avow occupying
the attention of the farmers dur-
ing the last week two.
Porter's Dill se
Miss' Cox of Dakota is visiting at
Mr. John Woods,
Mr. and Mise Walters of Godet-
rich -spent Sunday at Mrs-. Lind -
George Glidden ,and wife and
dangliter Laura, of Dunlop, visited Who wi�if be then le xi: Premier of
at, O. W. Potter's on Sunday last. aria Isluow en,g9ossing the at-
of the people of this Prov-
ince owing to the illness of Premier
J. P. Whitney? While a +number of
names are proposed' there, are very
few who have the adaptability, to
fill the honorable yet onerous, posts
While regretting the necessity for
an appoin44ment we hope good
nn the
'Il beevidenced
nt ws �..
Every residlent of Clinttoai;iahould:
do everything in'their power to aid
the town Council • eaac1l every( others
agency calculated to aid the town
in 'forward movement(sl This will',
encourage the leadenls, itianulate
the doubtful and broaden +thlevi9
ion: of people tvho are ready to lend
a little
a hand. Everybody putting
extra vim into their. calling will he
a big help.
How doe/ oir in•tnnd no mark your
Vc .?
of ext• e
ballot ThursdayI
Chas M. Fillmore wxatle;—
"Not a vote for Right and, Justice
Ever yet was thrown away,
Truth is s'tr,onger still than error
Wrong from right shall flee in
Mr. Wesley leanderburgh and
son Alberti spent S.uasday at'Herib
The Ladies Aid will meeit at the
home of Mrs. Lindsay's on Thavar
day Jan. 29th.
auburn means, domestic troubles
Those were stirring days in the north- Mins King relented home on choice.
west and presently the •smouldering Holiday after lented 'spending
hostility of the Indians and half-
breeds broke out into the flame of the
Red River rebellion. It is significant
of the public confidence reposed in
Donald Smith that,, in 1869, when it
t; night were attierded by (a large holidays during a couple of the
crowd`. Rev. Geo, Ross, of Gode Summer manfhs but mo loafhng de -
`rich preaehecl Sunday morning and sired during the ,egg .aeroplaning
a month •
visiting her brother in Woodstock. Wanted a breed of hen that will
Mr. as. Carter is confined to the gales a deep interest in the market suffering from a severe at- andattendcarefully and regular -
tack of to business when the prices take
p The anniversary services in Knox balloon ascensions. Not particular
continued on page 6 i Church on Sunday and ?Monday if the siad hen would talco a few
Mr The
Mrs. A. J. Holloway and Mns (Dr.)
Holloway spent Monday at Exeter.
Mrs, T. W. Ralph and Nlaster:Ear
vey, of Toronto, are the guests of
Mrs. J. Leslie Herr.
Mrs. W.R. Counter entertained a
few of her friends on Tuesday eve-
Firs, J. Wiseman was hostess to a
Small party on Friday evening of
last week.
Miss Lena Walton, or Goderich,
visted her sister, Mrs J. C. Ar-
mour last week.
Mr. and Mrs, A, W Sloan, of i3lyth
who have been away on a trip for
the latter's health, arrived in Clin-
ton on Saturday and are the guests
of their daughter, Mrs. W. Walk-
er, High 'Strc+et.
p Atouch respyc{(ed rpsiclent of
• • \Vingham inthe person of Mits. J.
4. • THE LATE LORD STRATI-ICONA. Quirk is at present very low with
Much • COViel• 1
re 5
4 tho bonds of community of interests 'no hypos forY
and affection the humble son of the Ptthy is exressed for Mr. Quirk
*. and family in their hour of trouble.
Scotch saddler was bringing the Bm-
• pire closer together by bands of steel Mrs. S. J. ,Alun is spendigg a few
• and telegraphic connection through days with her son, Air. A.E. Allin,
4 the building of the mighty leviathan
of Tbi•on
and its branches, the Canadian Paci- Drs. J. W. Shaw and C W, Thomp
eIle Railway, son attended the dinner of the
THE LURE OF CANADA. Perth Medical Association at Strat-
Q In common with many others ford last week.
awhose names are closely identified Mr, Eunost Rosen, of Brusalels,
a, with the pioneer days in Canada, was a visitor in town last week.
Donald Alexander Smith came from
4 Scotland to hew, almost in a literal 111'. J. S. Mchwan, of Henson, was
sense, his way to fortune. Born in in town on Friday last, renewing
aei Archieston in 1820, his parents being old acquaintances. While here he
• Alexander Smith and Barbara, laugh- met bli. Jas. Burns, ex-lltectve ael
ter of Donald Stuart, Leanchoil, he 1'ayfield and" the two talioad ot'ei
a at an early age felt the lure of the Id times in that taco Mr. NIc-
® land overseas and a the age of eigh-
p' teen came to Canada. This was in
•1838, a year after Queen Victoria had
® ascended the throne and at a time
• when Lord Durham was Governor-
General of British North America.
Be did not make a blind' venture, he
having, previous to leaving Scotland,
secured a post with the Hudson Bay
Company, He was stationed on arri-
val at Mingen 'elandonthe inhospit-
able Labrador coast and for thirteen
years in that lonely land, icebound in
winter and storm -ridden for the
greater part of the year, he pursued
his work with unfailing perseverance
and that spirit of unswerving deter-
mination destined to reap rich re-
At Chis period a post. in the service
of the Hudson Bay Company was on
a par with appointments to the East
India Company's service. Positions
of the kind' were regarded as highly
desirable and attracted the adventur-
ous sons of many of the best of the
middle-class of Britain.
An incident_ which throws a light The junior game. between- S'trat-
on his ready acquiescence, where the ford and Seaforth resulted in a
instructions of his, .superiors were 'score of 5 to 4 for Seaforth.
concerned, occurred some years after
he took up the work at Mingen. His
ambition was such that he longed for By one lonely goal the Stratford
a wider field and in the hope of being Jr:dians put it over the Godleitich
transferred to lLontreal, he undertook Sailors 6-5 in an intermediate ,0.H.
- in the tall a trip up the St. Lawrence
A. game at Stratfond' on• Monday
• to Montreal. On'arrival, he informed fright before a splendid crowd,
iSir George Simpson; the company's The game was fast all the way,
,t, factor there, that he believed he could featured by brilliant:+sp;eed, close
• be o€ greater service if shifted to the- checking and hard shootdgg.',Mc-
,larger station, eddies that his health Ivor in the God+er ch ant had •a
_. George ___' "- `___._-. _�.. while nr......, ,,.,
This is your opportunity to' o
save money. Are you mak
ing the best of it?
The )Morrish Clothing
A Square Deal for Every tin
gave a missionary address on De -
mare in the evening.
On Monday, evening a good sup-
per was provided after which a
concert addressed by Rev. A.Laing
Rev. Mr. Miller, of Auburn, and
Rev. Mr. Reid, of Londesboro. Mr
Ruthven McDonald and wile, of
Toronto, delighted /the audience
with their appropriate ,elections.
The community is being flooded
with literature sent out by the
liquor party, and interest in the
t.nmperanee campaign is being man -
Heated on all sides. So far as An -
burn isconcenned local option has
worked well in putting down the
liquor traffic, so much so that many
of the children roW ,attlo'nding
school have 'seldom seen any per-
son under the influence of liquor.
And another fact in connection
with .the temperance cause has
been demon d%rated in tauburn
namely that a hotel for the accom-
mocrjatLon of •the travelling public
can be run successfully without
assistance of the liquor traffic,
Jack frost had his' innings last
Miss Edith Levis spent Sunday
visiting• with friends' on the Mait-
Mr. Clifford Gledhill was a guest
at the home of W. B.Foster last
Mr. Gustave Rurschenski return-
ed to. his home in Berlin thisweek.
after an extended visit with rel-
atives in this vicinity.
Miss Edith Durst returned hone
last week from a,shostt visit ,with
her sis+ter', Mrs. 3. Flick.
Miss Louise Macdel is visiting at
the :hams of N. Baer this week.
Mr. Howard Baerp Sunday
with friends on the sixth con,
Papers s i'Itoriring deportation of
Margaret );"urs Lockeridge, of Wing -
hem, Ont. were received by the United
States district attorney's office,at De-
troit ion Saturday and will be held for
St. Marys town leads the van for
its size in scrappy experiences in
corportation advancement propos-
als, The old nursery rhymle. said,
after talking about cross grained
dogs and growling bears and lions.
"But children you shots.ra.0veitlet
Your angry passions rise,
Your di:ttlo hands were never made
To tear each othleKIS oyes'
It is not a proof of good citizen-
ship 'to continually kick, p'artic'u-
larly for one or two citizens to run'
a close corporation on 'the job, un-
less they' supply the collateral to
pay'the- expenses sometimes occa-
sioned by,their opposition. •
Chicago Tribune gets off a good
sltyoke on the rush and buzz of the,
average young p�enson of this day
aslit relates to their apparent un-
willingness or inability 'to keep.the
home the most magnitic spot on
earth tothem. 1dlerews what it says,
in invitation 'form ;—'cMtrr' John
Brown requests the pleasure •of
the company of his •daughter, Miss
Mary Brown, at dinner at the fam-
ily home, if Misa Jbcry Brown
should have one unlenlgaged eve-
ning during the holiday s+easonto
meet heir par:en'ts." Tho above is
�yorthyofcareful 'perusal ands:ob-.
er thought asit relates' to many
homes in Canada aswell as the U •
S, The girls are not the only tra ,s-
Pointers for
Use Rexall Wine of
Cod Liver Extract
to protect your health. ' It's 51.90
and worth more.
Use Harmony Glycerine
Soap and Mentholine
to protectyour skin and hands
if ou use hem you know they
are good, if you have' not tried
theist -Do it know at
W.S.R. Holmes
Qnc her, Province L •grslature is into.
a sturdy and practical movement !n`
connection with ;idvanre to 1peYance
Iej. isl tt!„n. The c lase. of sohti t.y has
1110 11.:11 1s eunn+'rters who c plinus-
ticilly look Tui ward In a, cult tilment.
of thetraflic and whit this n11 it in
vices 1a�.'s rnd rogule1I1118 arca being
fr fuser L; : ' sever t he demands of the
aggressive , ward stride,
St1;vaLiori IF s' acing thousands of in the face. Why do not
the. Powers say Slop to lh. wholesale
massrcreiog of mer? 1Vhet abent
use until such rime as they may be the duty to h lu,atiily a rid the ending
needed. The woman was brought to of civil mat?
Detroit by Robert S. itleEhdy, it is
o r n alleged on November 21 for immoral
1•hVan built the barbor in 1788 and ;-,urpoena, At present elle is being be1r1 Thursday, January 20th, will be
Mr. hhin•ns supplied a good deal of in the Florence Crit tenton Thome as 0 an 'eventful day in Huron when the
!the material. witne's for the Government, to he +eledt(ors will have placed in their
Mr. and Mrs. Saunders, of Gode- used against McKirdy. She is under hands a,ballot asking for an ex -
rich, were visitors last Friday with indictment for an offense against the - pression of opinions on the future uC
the latter's'sister, Mrs, G. M: hl- Mann Act. !the Temperance question in this
lioft, County. Ocie by one this municipal-
. (ties of Huron have begs corners
Miss Ruby -ePlum, of Brussels, •inf., npthe traffic and many people
Mr. Ise' Birks son of Rev,- A. K. intimated that if curtailrnenttr•�ere
days1 t k the M r t
IlaveYon Ever Tried IV
Fresh Gorgonzola
Swiss Cheese
A rich creamy substance, made.
in Switzertand from goats' milk
with blue streaks and skippers.
(Well mayl•e) but, still, it is the
kind Mayon Jackson raves about
and tickles his palate every time.
But in case, you do not care
for Mayor Jackson's Cheese, we
have the very best Canadian
Cheese made in our own coun-
try, from rich cows' milk. and
Ingersoll Cream Cheese, made
from rich cream, all in exhibit
in our South window.
�V �. Te l NEIL
Phone 48
guest ti few Misses
as' tutee to Birchurch,e l a astor 01fthe
Itlpthe. paveered iiawid,er•zone itwould
guest of the Misses subs, their hearty sympathy and
Japan, of some most interesting ex- .supporti. Now is- the opportunity.
periences in the P•rst. He visited a There is no occasion to Ise carried
®Q os000000 sea s*s•eeeele
• Sports:.
The Stratford juniors haveprac-
ltically nailed. down the junior
group by defeating Mitchell 6 to 3
in Mitchell on Friday night:.
• contrived' that the physician s report
• on the young man's Physic,a1 condi-
0 tion, should not bear out the plea.
4,, Co being apprized that he had better
0 return Donald Smith cheerfully sub-
* naitted. Navigation having closed, he
+ was forced to make his way back
• along- tile dreary coast, but his good
His chance setae in 1851, thirteen lsirl ll''s 'Ana rr In ges ct De:Pli.h S
# years after the prison -like confine- _
ment of Labrador, He was detailed BIRTHS.
0 ( to go to the -great northwest, at that
Take a Complete Cpurse hl
the Popular and Sneressfn6
1f i Islet"1y/,/Afit
v/'r /&"-, '?
number ( 1 .Jap tnese ports on amt ing
in that county missionary from
the Methodist chnoth nt Canada, and
one letter dated Octut�er 21,- h As: heed
sent by his fat her, now in Dundas, to
London ,friends.
London 'Roan
Miss Edith Jennieson of Clinton alf.•
Red on the Road this week with
hits Gen. Layton asked a few friends
in on Wednesday in honor of her
mother, who is visiting with her this
The League will hold a temperance
meeting at, the home of Mr. Henry
Livermore on Tuesday night. Mr.
Arthur Stephenson will preside, Every
one is asked to come and state why, or
why pot the Scott Act should not he
carried in the county of Buren
Miss Grace Stephenson visited her
cousin; Miss Flossie Stephenson at
Bensall on Sunday,
Mr, 0. Welsh and sister visited at
the borne of Mr. A.. Stephenson on
Wednesday of this week.
Mrs, Perry Plinnsteel is having
many of her yong friends of Clinton to
a thimble tea today,
was not robust. sympathetic and, so rens the story, equally so for Stratford. LOW6 Bolt valet., cif Clinton visited the lab
-Started the scornag andwhen the ters sister Mrs. H. Livermore.
tally was 4-2 for Stretford at half
time the visitors' ipsiessed hard Mr P. and 13 Rowcliff and Mrs. Row-
e iff se were at London en Monday
right up to the final gong
ere cliff; who passed away ot, Saturday
away by enthusiasts on het +el e
express judgment on the issue.
Has the eseord of the business been
for the good will of the human
family? liaS it improved the cit -
added lustre to the evening of life
or is the history one of blight, sorrow
aed .shipivreck? As to ss hat will he
done about enforcement when the Act
carries need not concern the average
voter itS It Folicl phalanx behind it will
Fee Chat law and order will be main
bitted by legal authority. 11 'sill not
be the temperance pendle wile will be
the law breakers. The ballot is a
sacred treat and it behooves . every
voler to regard it as such on the 29 h
anti mark it as you would do so in the
hest'interests of your brother or your
own SOIL Don't say it is no concern
of Mine and I will not vote 11 may
concern you a, great deal more than
you think at present.
and you will soon necuj'sy a good
noition and enjoy a good salary:
Sitter now. Write for Catalogue.
hatario 5t. Sunday School
A bk.; change in "Personnel"
of the boys classes.
Next Sunday a similar work
to done ion girls
:teach the same lesson by the same
Itis an unfortunate thing that 3.„
W. Moyes, of the West Shore Rail-
way notoriety, has ,such a good
"forgetter." An unwilling witness
ts about ai bad to handie as a.
baulky horse and the results of the -
operation are usually annoying and
disappointing. As in many antn-
terprisc sigrieat mistake is made -
when 'the management, bookkeep-
ing, aegis, etc,, are handed ovectoto.
one individual, while the directors -
ate in• generat idiand to one side
and are not even acquainted with
an outline of what Is going on.
Many a business that might have
been a fine ,success ,by hearty co-
operation wilted and died when:
left te a one man power to super, -
intend the whote concern.
There is a &crap on relativeto the,
parcel post zones in(Oviltarie just
now arid there's an idea abroad that
the 'departmental. stores should not
be allowed too) much- use of the
Postimastor General's ear in, giving
the balance of power to T'orontos
If it lel going to be a National. un-
deirtaking paid for by the peolpp's.
money thene should, be nothing,
narrow or selfish. about it.
12 stitches wene necessary to sew
up 'wounds in 'Neweey' Lalonde's
head and face caused las/ a fouli
'by Hall, of Quebec, in as hockey
match in Montreal. Hall was bench
ed for the sleSt of theimatch. But
what abont the risk a man Dans' of
being maimed for life iftiot
outright? "Roughing it," ad some
so-called sports call their unsports-
manlike tactics Ishould be, idlealt
with by an iron hared and the ag-
gressor taught that such assaults
on skates, with a club are not t
whit better, if as good, than a gten
ANOTHER RINK nine prize combat whiere thek fel
R. Sweet, has r,ented the old rink lows engage in it To pummel on
and is now making ice sand win another. If one man attacks an
6 1 110 Marked by only a few MILISEH—In Clinton on Jan, 18-th ton 'will e well aupplied for sitat- -juriee are le- esu ,
The Spaleich from the Thronet
connection With the opening of the
House of Commons, as compare&
with what is usually found in this
introductoUy isomething like the -
dressmaking ot today, more remark
able for what is left eut than' what
is"put in. One M.P. informed us
that in this there was shown good
gsrrenalerip 008 took away the
- !texts for the Opposition's speech.-
- ,afying on the Address and ?enabled
e °the House to get down to business.
mention of the Navy 13111 altiec the.
gra at emphasis put upon at last
e t is I, vied why np