HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-15, Page 9c rage t) ll FOR TEN DAYS, Stock=Ta.H THE CLINTON H;li W. BRA. FOR TEN. DAYS Greatest Cut -Price Sale in our History. IllugeSavin f3 ..s in Every Dep.t' We want this OUR ANNUAL. SALE to be the greatest in our history, and to make it so (if prices will do it) we have discarded' the question, of cost. $1,000 worth of winter inter oods to be sold for $10,000: Greatest saving n P per- tunit ever offered in the County. Come bring our purse. Sales for cash only Children's Wool Hoods Children's Wool KnittedHoods,- in solid red and grey, trimmed with red, regular a.00, sale price i75c 20 only, childrens cream, red and tan bear skin Coats, all sizes, regular 2,5o to $3.50, sale price 1.50 Ladies Gcdf Coats r ,,; Golf Coats in red, grey and white, all sizes, sev- eral styles, regular 2.25 and $2.50, sale price 1,69 All Woll Coatings Ladies All Wool Coatings, plain and mix tweeds in the new colors, regular 3,25 and $3,50, sale price 2.50 Red Beaver tiCoats Winter weight red beaver cloth for misses or lad- ies Cloaks, thirty five yards only, regular $1.50, sale price 95c iliAntiBlanket Cloths 5o yards plain blanket Cloths, in red, tan, brown, navy, 54 inches wide, regular $1 25, sale price 95c Wool Sheeting 79c 5o yards all wool: 1Sheeting, wide width, white only:regular`$1.25, sale price 79C Odd Lines of Corsets About two dozen in each lot, several styles, lot --2 ohs .50 and • 75c corsets 25C Lot No, 2, I.00 to $2.03 corsets 50c Kid Gloves 50c About two dozen ladies kid Gloves odd sizes and makes in black and tan, regular price $i.00, sale price 50c Flannelett Blankets 25 pairs r' box Flannelett Blankets, 10.4 perfect in finish and quality, worth $ r.5o, sale price...,.... 1.05 Wool Mufflers 25c Men's, Ladies' and Children's mercerized Muff- lers, close fitting necks fastened with domebutton, all. colors. regular 5oc, sale price 25C Knitted Corset Covers 19c Ladies white knitted Corset Covers, long sleeves made from good clean yarns, our regular 25c values, in sizes 2, 3, 4, sale price 19C Lace Curtains 20 per cent Off '500 pairs white and,ecro Swiss Curtains, all new designs this season, prices 50c up to $5.00, sale price 20 per cent off Slightly soiled Curtains 25 pair lace Curtains slightly soiled from being used on our display rack, priced from 5oc to $5 00 sale price just one half. Window Madras 690 • pieces of two tone Window Madras, wide width new colorings, regular $ I.00, sale price 69c Ribbon .Clean. up 5c About one hundred yards of Hair Ribbon, all plain colors, 3, 31 and 4 inches wide, worth up to 25c per yard for . 5C 25 per cent Off the Following Tapestry Rugs Brussels Rugs Tapestry Carpets Brussels Carpets All Classes of Furs Ladies Top Skirts Ladies Underskirts Rubber Collars 2 for 25c -'Men's and Boy's Rubber Collars, all sizes, three styles, regular 25c Collars, sale price..„ ............... 12 C 20C Linen Collar's lei 5o dozen men's and boy's pure Linen Collars, in all the up -to date styles, all sizes in stock, regular 20C Collars, sale price 1 Sock Men's Ties 29C About ten dozen men's Silk Ties, four in hand, puffs, and knots, some are slightly soiled from band - ling during the Christmas rush,'regular 5oc values, sale price 29C 25C Men's Ties 9c About 5 dozen men's Silk Ties, four in hand, and ke.o.ts, the sane reason as above applies to this clear- r ance, regular 25c values, sale price 9e Men's .Soft Shirts 79c Broken lines of men's soft fronted Shirts, regular prices up to $1.25, sale price 79c 75c Men's Soft Shirts 49C lo dozen men's soft fronted Shirts, perfect goods, all sizes, regular 75c, sale price, 49c Men's Stiff Fronted Shirts 79c • 25 dozen men's stiff fronted Shirts, all sizes, regu .lar'5.25 to $I.5o, these are slow sellers with us, and a huge bargain to those who wear them,' don't miss this chance, sale price .,. • 79c $1.50 Men's Sweaters 98c at!About 1 dozen in the lot, dark red only, and mien's sizes, regular $I.5o, sale price ..,, 98c `; 5oc Men's Caps 25C Men's good heavy winter Caps, in dark colors, all sizes, regular 5oc lines, sale price .... ,....:.,21c 75c Men 's Caps 49c About 2 dozen in the lot, fur bands, good styles, regular prices 75c, sale price 49c 1V11•1"BerPCDIzt $ao,00 Men's Overcoats 5,00 Seven only, • men's Overcoats, good heavy dark tweeds. sized from 38 to 4o only, regular prices $ io.00 each, sale price • 5.00 Men's hats at 98c We have laid out for quick selling during this sale, about ; dozen men's hard and sore Hats, assorted lot, some are better values than others, come early for these, regular values up to $2.5o, sale price 98c Men's Calf=Skin Coats r5 0o Three only, men's brown calf Coats, size 4o only, regular $2.5.00 Coats, sale price r5,00 Deep Cuts in Overcoats The weather is here for warm Clothing, note the following slaughter prices on up -to date Coats, regu- lar $14.00 coats 9.00 Regular $i6.5o Coats 11.00 Regular $r5.00 Coats 13.00 Men's Blue Serge Suits $9.00 'Men's navy blue serge suits, single breasted, al'. sizes, regu- lar $x2,00 for 9.00 Regular $15.00 Suits fort i.00 25 per cent Off Boys Clothing During this sale we are put- ting out twenty-five , boy's Suits, two piece, right up to the• minute in style, LION BRAND at 25 per cent off regular prices. 25 per cent Off All Odd Pants Men's odd Pants made of good quality tweed and fancy worsted, perfect fit, and work- manship guaranteed, splendid- ly trimmed during this sale 25 per cent off. marscacesalteosooeepotocooacoco cal News •eeeQeeeeeee®®epg,epgeesoou ADvii i'isi fi-ISI11S, Some people are so blisy being originalthat they have no time to. be any,9hing else. THE,.WOBL,D•S BEST SHOW. A show under the above heading played in the town hall onMonday evening, The trained animalswerp clever, but the. audience was avecy, slim one. ENTERS NORTUERN LEAGUE. Seaforth at Clinton --Jan. 12 tai„ Mitkhell at Seaforth—Jan, 27th.. Seaforth at Mitchell—Feb 2nd, Clinton -at Seaforth—Feb; 5th,; Mkt,phell. at Clinton—Feb. 6th. T1 E CHILDREN:S AID SOCIETY STEPS Ili. Last week 'Police Magistrate An • dlrewsi ;placed three child: ?ten, of a family in charge of the Chilldren's Aid Society and Mr. G. M. .Elliott the Society's Agent, is attending to their welfare and will -have :these placedin good homes. ASKING FOR PROMPT PAYMENT.., We wish to thank subscribers who have paid their subscription, but _there are many who are in arrears for several years. We now ask that the account be ,settled,at once. We need the money, and ask that you yre'spond at once: Start the new year with a clean sheet;. Do it now. INTERMEDIATE SCHEDULE, Jan. 1—Clinton at St. Marys. Jan, 7—Goderich at Clfn'tion. Jan. 9 -St. Marys at Stratford. Jan. 15—Stratford at St. Marys. Jan. 19—Goderich at Stratford.. Jan. 20 -•St. Marys at Clinton. Jana 23-Goderich at St. Marys. Tan. 26—Clinton at Stratford. Jan, 20—St. Marys' at Goderich, San. 29•—Stratford at Clinton. YOUR JOB PRINTING. This paper solicits your printing If you want, any 1 indof priming wo can do it and do it, neatly and promptly, If it's a calling card, or memorial card, or wedding invita- tion we have the 'latest ,designs: Sf itis business stationery or an auction sale bill, counter check books, programs, annual state- ments, tickets ; in fact anything, in the line of paper and prin'tirr,g, we can give you: satisfaction. Give the New Era a call. A HEAVY WEIGHT COUNCIL. Those who have an idea that 1914 Sounds might bo a .bunch of light weights will maker an awful mis- take, as their average weight is 209 pounds, Here are their -weight's Mayor Jackson ... 223 Reeve Can tblon _ .- ✓02• J. A. Ford • 196 13. IFitjzsimanonsl J. P. Sheppard W. J. Paisley 'H. Wiltise ...... C J. Wallis 193 187 200 225 — Total 167'2 FINAL COUNCIL MEETING. The final meeting of 1913 council was held on Friday night of last week, Mayor Gibbings occupied the chair and Reeve Can`.elon and Councillors Ford, Morrish, Mason, and .Thompson were present. About all the business done was passing. accounts. At the close a motion was unanimously carried that the ra+turningi Town fathers buy the oyat ers and meeting adjourned to Bnrtliff's restaurant where Reeve Cantelon and Councillor Ford bought the oysters. while Couneil- tors Mason and Morrish supplied the oranges and cigars. ADVERTISING—ISMS. The first requirement for writ - nM an act .in to have a story worth belling. For Me&bti-1, Comfort and Convenience Try One of Our Chemical Closets Oderless, and Sanitary. Th:Iawk1ns Plumbing and Beating (Phone 53) 11 Costs No More Worth MI 11 Certs HOP YEAST BREAD Ws Pure Tears Sure Our! Mother'S baked But Should °YOU? Corner's Bakers hi It Januar i 15th, 1914 o v ., that Thewere first not day oparticulea rnlyewpleasantyear is , debvoted to closing the door of oblivion on the misfortunes ofthe past, to agreeable and optimistic plans for the future and to the exchange of expressions of good' will and helpfulness. This seasoncloses the door u some ex eriences but that is past history. Let•'us assume to have pputon it `as far bPehind us as if it belonged to some ancient time, and go confidently forward, sure of all good things anticipating no evil. We wish all a good measure of profitable and pleasant work and that joy in living which comes only with the ■ knowledge of useful tatks well performed. The W. Do Fair eo. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best DIED OF INJURIES. Thomas Kemp, or Hamilton, and a nephew of Mr. Sam. Kenip, of Ontario street, died of his injuries at 'the hospital- inthat, last Wednesday nighl, The Hamilton E SELL Spectator of Thursday makes the following reference ;.--After ling- ering between life and death since last Friday morning., when he was burned on his right side almost to a crisp as a reault of coming in contact with a high voltage wire at No.1 •sub-s$lation of the Dominion Power and Transmission company, Thomas Kemp passed away at the I The Corner Store "Live and Let Live" city hospitat last Wednesday night.' Kemp had been in Hamilton but a short time and he boarded at 1351 .Main street west. He came to this city from Bayfield, Ont., but his parents reside in Goderich, and the ody will be sent 'to,•that city for interment •at 4 o'clock this after- noon. Kemp was 20 years of age and was very popular among his fellow employees. After a consul- tation with Crown Attorney Wash- ington, Coroner Andersson decided 'that an inquest should be held and a jury was empanelled. After view ing the remains at the, city hospi- tal at noon to -day, the jurors ad- journe•d to meet again on Tuesday evening at Central. poilice station. all the Breakfast Foods all the Dinner and Supper Foods, also all the Between Meal' Foods Fruits, Nuts, Confections, Etc, PISEII Fresh Frozen Herring Halibut—fresh frozen Haddies,'Filletts, and Salt Water Herring E. E. llunniford PHONE 45. Annual Stocktaking Sale Starts on Saturday, January ioth, and will con- tinue right through this month. Special low prices on several lines given each we ek. A Small List of Spe'ciais For Next Week Reg For Reg For- Long Handle Shoveis.....75 .50 lvhips 35 .25. Lanterns 65 .40 Screw Drivers 25 .18 Oral Hods ,20 Horse Chippers 1 25 1.100- Braces 50 ':38 Horse Clippers 1751,50' 1 Double Barreled Ono 12 00 0 50 Horse (clippers 2 50 2,1.0 1 Stevens Rifle 7.00 (100 :Cable Lamps 3 00 2.50 1 Stevens Rifle • 5 00 4.25Table Lamps 2.00 1,6.5 5 Boras Eland Cleaners .25 Table Lamps,50 .40 Mr's. Potts N. P Irons .1.10 .88 Table Limps 00 .50 Aluminum Water Pa.i1s,.1:111 .75 1 only b0 lbs. Anvil 4 50 3.50 Aluminum Water Boilers1.10 .75 1: only combination Anvil and Vice 350 2.50 COLONIAL GLASSWARE Water Pitchers 45 .35 4 piece Sets .,, ,S5 .65 Berry Bowls 35 .25 HARLAND BROTHERS STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 3•4.,3... t-:r.l.•rr.;:,;,+4++✓`4,.l.i 44.444 4' !D•f•i•443•++4++.N++4++4'+44.440.4 ff you want to wear better shoes than you ever did before with- out ' spending as much money as formerly, see the remarkable values offered at. FRED JACKSON'S GOOD SHOES FOR 'EVERYBODY + 4