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The Clinton New Era, 1914-01-15, Page 7
THE CLINTON NEW ERA zip THE UPSTAIRS SITTING ROOM TPhere are many Wo1.11011 who go through life without a dressing room ,fir boudoir for their own personal use, ')vat. there are few who do not long for one, and even when the limited space atf a house makes it impossible for the women of the household'to"have indi- vidual boudoirs there is often one up- ataiis room which could be made into a sitting, room or dressing room for their collective use. , It could be supplied with. a comfort- able couch, where breakfast or other 'meals could be taken by any one tired •ar ill, with a few easy, chairs for lounging and resting, with good light and a bookshelf for . magazines and --books, with a writing table or desk, with a well stocked work table, a sew - Ing machine -if it is to be used also as a sewing room—and a pier 'glass. It could hardly be equipped with a -row of dressing tables, one for each daughter, or cousiu or aunt or mother who used it, as these would make it crowded, so the actual dressing would :still have to be done in bedrooms. But St would prove a haven where its col- deciive• owners could go for help and advice, to see whether their dresses were on as they should be, to "get hooked up," to rest and, read and get away from the tediousness of the bed - .room when illness kept them upstairs. HOUSEWIFE'S LIST. An Easy 'Way to Save One's Time and ° . Temper. The following list if tacked up on the •inside of the closet door where brooms, dusters, etc., are kept will be .found a great comfort to the house- wife: Empty every wastebasket every day. Empty them. on :'n open newspaper hand' fold it, up at once) in the room where it . is- never' in or near the }kitchen or dining room. This prevents scattering of small thiugs and saves tints and"energy. Change water in any vase of flowers ellen nay, This l5 1114,1MSIIry ror 1i'h1 h sweeping 11 room _don't lay dusty article; on i'be bed. Dust first. This Ir e1•:1s th11 I` m11,11 'l,at Af f" Tan: nantct:n ItAst•:z'l'S. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the 240katef' Y, M. C. A. BLDG.. LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free, Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal - 17 VlceedActe utant CANADIAN 'KNIGHT TSIs; INfiuisHE» SERVICE ORDER': COMP./I'NIT O N OF THE RANG A PasTETr}n FFDALLEY crc. No DUST NO WASTE I(s, HAMILTON .CANADA :I NORusT C ---- room after it Is cleaned and prevents the dust f:'ont sifting through the sweeping cloth underneath them on the bed. Cover them over well. Never put brooms or feather dusters away before shaking them out well. iieep dust cloths clean. In setting furniture from one room into another for.cleaning don't put one piece on top of another and don't jam them too close together. Scratches 'and mars -come more easily this way than in a year's wear.. Never let a sign of dirt remain on the piano keys, Don't wait for clean- ing day. • Illustrated are shown two new uten- sils for (woking vegetables and- eggs. The double basket is used for cooking asparagus or corn.It separates in the center, and the vegetables may be dropped on the servieg.disb without danger of burning the Minds of the cook. The egg basket with hourglass attachment will be found very con- venient for boiling eggs. !'inter Term Fronk Jai! 11',ii y : 5111 Centralp3jsineSsCo le►g,,e Stratford, Ont. Ontario's hest. Business (0115- ing school., We have thorough courses in Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy depart - Merits and nine competent err- structors: We offer you advan- tages not offered elsewhere. You do not know what an up•to. date business school can do for you unless you haveyreceiveil our free catalogue. . Write for it at once. . 1). A. McLachlan, [Principal lteadquartc S FOR Walking and .Riling Oliver plows I.H. C. Gasoline Engines - McCilirm.iek Machinery Pumps end 'Windmills. ALL ' KINDS t)P REPAIRS AND EKFERTING. CALL ON 1Ki[crit Little Corner of Princes and Albert streets.. .•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 • • 1II 8 Firs Slop ' i:iii • Often means so much It has meant success to thousands of • young people who wrote for • vtgs our catalogue as the first step ram toward a good salaried position. • 'll5Take the step to•day. Address • 1 flentral Business flollege, 335 A errs Yonge Street, Toronto. • W, F, SHAW m au President • •1 • o 11ar••••••••••••••••••••s000 Short Sleeves. Women -wear short sleeves to prove that they have funny bones. Nerves Were Unstrung. WOULD ALMOST GO OUT OF HER Many women become run down and worn out by household cares, and duties never ending, and sooner or later find themselves with shattered nerves and weak hearts, ' On the first sign of any wcnlcncss of the heart or nerves you should avail yourself of a perfect cure by using Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pi -;s. Mrs. 'Archie Goodine, Lilley, N.B., writes:—" When was troubled with my. heart, two years ago, I sons very bad. My nerveswere so UnrirUitg, sometimes' I would almost be out of my mind. I doctored myself with everything I could get, until at keit I got tour boxes of 1bMilburn's Herat end is Phis, (111(1 Frey have c ,reit tae. I cannot speak toy hi'3117 of this wonderful remedy, an -i will recommend it to all sufferers." \Iilhurt'c Ii .'irt anti Nerve Pills are ;,)-. per box, or 3 boxes for 8(25, at all dealers, or welled ,irert on reeeint of price by. The T. hlilbiirn Co„ Limited„ Toronto, Ont. ' ZE LABOR ECONOMIZE IN MO .EEDIN As 11 geac`rttl thing., on the. 11Pe1'03t fnrni too 1011(11 Blur be tiS,',I lir Ileetiiu And. faring for kings, says the lutea r`louiestead, t:nui tcsarity siuw nerd tedious Iiuelhtid:-int e11111111yrd, whc,re. tis Abort er.cuts in I'eetliu Iil:'u Uhr,e practiced at present ivunitl (1-011100 equally good results either Ilj the nsc, ul' litn'eo hibiir....by 05 rearrangement of the iuediug yards and 1 00111411::, by tht' mere varelul ase of P r taro and crops that iaay he bnrvesled by the hogs Hurl ilius reduce 1lie number or hours required to c•:u'e for the alllullils and of the 0111110 111110 save la bon Where one is feeding runny hags 11 frequently is i1 lalioe sliver to use a Itis claimed fol. the Chester White hogsthat noother breed excels them In prolificacy, that they are of gentle disposition arta quicklyadapt themselves to new.. surroundings. They fatten easily- at tiny age and dress a high percent of marketable pont, The Chester White tins been known as a distinct breed for al- most a eentury in this country, having had Its -origin from some. white boars imported from [Ong - land. . Tho two yearlings pictured, Were prize winners last fall. horse in transporting swill, water and feed directly from tank and bin to the pens, yards or field .iu which the ani- mals are kept.. This is much easier on the l'eeder and is more quickly done. Wide alley line houses permit esousesuoussouenueseossemesumsozemossm 05 1110 One . n01'de true- LIUCr name rot'.' hauling feed in, but for hauling out the manure and :thereby keeping the surroundings clean and sanitary. are few who have taken the trouble to separate the shoats'acco)'d- ing to sisc so that they could be fed •more easily and satisfactorily. Many livelier to feed hogs o1' all sizes to- gether, either continuing the feeding until all are full or else wasting time chasing the banger ones 1 way until the smaller ones are fed. Feeding all the iiiirnals will held is a wasteful method, while beating up'the big ones while the swallc, -at is not conducive to gains in either the old or young. In both cases too much tune is con- sumed and without good results. It is always well in feeding hogs to sort according to size and limit the number to twenty or thirty in a feeding place. A stlfficieut number o,f feed troughs should be provided so that all the hogs in each feeding place can eat atonce. Tile; troughs should be, located, under, swinging panels so that the hogs can all be shut out until, the slop has been" placed.: in the trough. This saves slop and labor, and the pigs do ,better. Much more time is gained in 'feeding When not annoyed by the hogs while slopping - than whenfeeding in the ordinary manner. STOVER FOR SILAGE. Dry Corn Fodder Makes an Inferior Article of Feed. Corn fodder or dry stover may be put in the silo stieuees:'nlIy, giving it FALLING HAIR Many People Have a Simple Way of Stooping it - They Use Parisian Sage. �A"11ri Il water W Wet 11, {Ill vY11 Li., yr-.: oughly, but not =enough to leave free_ water in the silo. Such siIn •e will keep, but it I5 not as good as that put up whenihe corn is in the proper stage of development for the silo. The best silage is made when the corn begins to dent. l)ry fodder has lost 50010 of its feeding value and Is not as palate - The, acid is formed by the action of bacteria on the 'sugars in the plant. This action Is ilec0utpnniet1 by a rise ,in tempsr,itute, The conversion of the stigtu•anto acetic, turtle and other acids is also accompanied by the formation ,of gas. The gasdrives the air out of the silage. The preserving gnnlities are tine to the acid and more to the absence of air. \t`Iierever air gets into the silo there is found spoiled silage. Hoard, is l)nit'yinan. VETERAN OF THE KEY NORMAN W. BETITTNIt IS OLDEST LIVING TELEGRAPHER. Ottawa Man Who Celebrated Ells 85th Birthday Recently Is Widely Known All Over the Continent and His Recent Birthday Was the Occasion for Messages From the Ends of America. Norman W. Bethune- who cele- brated his 8 5t birthday recently in Ottawa, . is the oldest Morse tele- grapher ' 1 the world, and is perhaps one of the best known men among the veterans of the old Morse key. His friends from all parts of the eon - It was Dr. Sangerbond .of 'Paris who first discovered that dandruff and falling hair woe causedby a miefobe. And now that Parisian Sage the remedy that kills the dandruff germ its sold. Iln ovary..';twn in Canada, the people of this 'country have awakened to 'the fact that dandruff is unnecessary; that fall- ing hair and itching scap can be quickly stopped and that the peo- ple who use Parisian 'Sage will Dever gnow bald. To every header of the New Era who wishes to eradicate( offensive dandruff stop falling hair and have ala immaculately clean scalp, free from achiness, W,S.'R, Holmes sans hewill sell Parisian Sage in a fifty cent bottle with a.guarantee to refulnnd' the money if not satisfi- ed. . Iis allli ideal, dal4rtily' per- fumed • Chair dressing, free from ' grease and s'tiekiness'ithat will put life• and beauty into dull faded hair and cause it to grow lustrous and luxnri'alnt, NORMAN w. BETHUNE. tineat wired congratulations to him as the oldest telegrapher in the' world. Mr. Bethune was born in Montreal in 1828 and started his career as an operator in the employ of the old Montreal Telegraph Co,, which was LAW ss""5[la°�1 19 The St. Joseph's Dramatic Company of Clinton will present the great Irish Drama Comedy N 1KISH EDEN'S REVISED BY PROF. J . F. ROCHE It is a play of much deep interest - Depicting Irish. People and Customs. Sparkling with Irish Wit. Beautiful Scenery. Pleasing, Pure and Pretty. ROMANCE, PATHOS, AND HUMOR Remember the Time and Place Town Hall, Clinton, January -21s1 Prices 25c and 35c. Plan opens Friday morning, Jan. 16th Plan of Hall at Fair's Book Store. 1111U1 a F� ,�',, if+1l"'l Thursday, 3a ua'ry 15th, 1019, ll;t©iLlul�r�l�l��i 1Vapolepn so al A rt i t wt+h -,*yes}c �tpm Pretty sere to be a boor fighter, t to flu dt- almost Impossible -tor o.nyon wa0 00 rotor n,' Siff digestion 113 poor, to u lt;ecl to ba:811 s3 pt• socially -onto enjoy life. In tablet or liquid form PrP. HOA OL"9. Go de d al ri ceve"y helps weak stomachs to strong,` healthy action— helps them to digest the food that sndices the good, rich, red blood which nourishes 'the entire body. This Vegetable remedy, to a great extent, puts the -liver into activity—oils the machinery of, the human system so that those Who spend their working hours at the desk, behind the counter, or in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous health, Has brought relief tomany` thousands every year for over forty years. It can relieveyou and doubtless restore to you your former hanith awl strength. At least you owe it to yourself to give it a trial. Sold by MedieineDeitlers or send teefor trial box of Tablets -Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel & SurgieaiInetitute, Buffalo,N.Y. You can have Dr. Pierce's CommonSonse Medical Adviser of 1008 Pages for 31o. merry years Kiev ansoroeu uy t5 Great Northwestern Telegraph Co. 'He went to Ottawa first as manager of -the Montreal Telegraph Co; •and was until quite recently manager. Under him have been trainedthe leading telegraph operators of that section, prominent among •'whom might be mentioned Thomas A'iearn and Warren D. ,Soper, who are now heads of the Ottawa Electric. Rail- way Co. and other big financial in- terests. Many other leaders in the financial world as well as foremost telegraphers of Canada were trained . under lir. Bethune. The veteran of the key and the 'ex - manager is still enjoying excellent health foie one of his advanced age.. An Extraordinary Will. At an inquest held - 'ecently at Masterton (New Zealand) .on the body of Mr. Robert S. Ewington, one of the most remarkable wills on record was produced. A witness stated that when he -arrived at the spot.. where deceased- was found Ewington asked him to get his field - glass case and rifle. The dying man said: "I have written on them," and asked witness to read the writing to him. Deceased then asked witness to copy the writing and send itto his brother Charles at Masterton. The writing on the field -glass case, which had been scratched with a piece of wire or a nail, was as follows: "Look after llaudie and the 'chil- dren. Look after things, Will H. appoint R. Dagg and Charley. (Signed) Bob." ,1101•1=1•11111®rte JU 5110 same unee were :auraecned''' the words, "Hard luck!—Bob.". On the butt . of the rifle there were scratched these words: "Dear Charley,—Give Will Hard - Ing every chance, and he will help Maude and my family. - Put him on the right road.—(Signed) Bob." There were also scratched on the rifle butt the words, '"•Don't forget Will Harding, and spare expense." Written on the bottom of the field - glass case were the following words in plain letters: "R. Dagg and, Charley." Remember d1The Irish Eden" next Wednesday evening. SANOL An effective remedy for the re- moval of Kidney and Gall Stones,! Kidney and Bladder troubles,' Qravel,Rheumatic Pains, ailments of Uric Acid origin; endorsed by physicians and surgeons, PRICE $1,60 Correspondence invited. Y Free literature and testimonials from THE SANOL MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. WINNIPEG, MAN. FOR SALE BY W. S.R. HOLMES, CLINTON, ONT DRUGGIST. qadLIIMMIMINIMMi P. dvertise merit. Huron County Business Men's Association Articles on Prohibition ---Paper No 10. An encouraging feature of our endeavour to throw light upon the vexed question of how best to regulate the liquor traf- fic is, the marked absence of any reply to our statements or arguments. It is true, that there have been a few letters in the County press making a feeble pretence at answering our papers; some, we regret to say, containing statements utterly devoid of truth, and apparently devoided of truth in order to try to bring our association into contempt; but no effectual, tangible, refuta. tion has been made of .anything we have hitherto published. A man has a perfect right to think that a prohibitory law is better .than license law, but THINKING SO, and SAYING SO, will NEVER MAKE IT SO. We hear a` great dealabout nearly all the crimeF, under. heaven, being traceable to drink. It is so easy to make sweep, ing statements when laboring under concentrated fervour of momentary high pressured excitement of pulpited exuberance! But the truth is, that a large portion of crimes attributed to drink, are so charged, .on account of the cowardice inherent in 99 per cent of criminals; who, willing to blame anyone or any- thing but themselves, when asked for the reason of their down- fall, or what is frequently the case, wishing to escape the punish- ment due their sin, and to. obtain pity in the eyes of the judge on .the bench -whine out "Your honour, it's all along o' the drink"! And in this way, . one of the many blessings God gave to His creatures, has to ba made the scapegoat of crimes innumerable. Let us look at some independent statistics, OUT OF. 674 con- victs sent to the Virginia State Prison in the year 1910, 72 Were intemperate drinkers, 252 were >rnode"rate: drinkers, 'and 350, or 52 PER CENT were TOTAL ABSTAINERS. From this return it is plainly shown that TOTAL ABSTINENCE PRODUCES far MORE CRIMINALITY THAN INTEMPERATE DRINK- ING! And yet, prohibitionists lose themselves in rapturous prophetic utterance, when they attempt to describe the milienial conditions of morality, truthfulness, honesty, love, charity end affluence that will surround us, if we will only place the country under prohibition. THE CRIMINAL OF TO -DAY, CANNOT. DRINK TO EXCESS and ply his trade successfully? Q0,' One more example of how prohibition works. Statistics show, that PORTLAND, Maine, with a population of 51656 had ONE arrest for EVERY 24 of the population for drunkenness. MILWAUKEE, with a population of 312025, in the same year, and possessing no less than 2145 saloons—the city that "brews the beer that makes Milwaukee famous"—had only ONE 'arrest for drunkenness out of EVERY 142 of the population. This is a fair comparison of prohibition in Portland, to license in Mil- wauke. AND IN THE FACE OF THESE FACTS, THERE CAN BE FOUND THOSE WHO IN THEIR BLINDED ZEAL DE- SIRE TO BRING THE COUNTY OF HURON INTO, SIMI- LAR "CONDITIO'NS TO PORTLAND. It is almost incredible) Respectfully, :HURON COUNTY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION., John Ransfbrd, President. Wm. Jackson, Secretary.