HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-15, Page 5Ready
to Wear
Fln rnish •
1itone' 7$
ecent �•'.
25 to 50 � tff
Al ods Advertised
Jan. loth
Eads on Jc &dilaV
a r +24th
See Large Bing for Particulars
All Mantles
Half Price
25 per cent off
all Furs and
Fur Lined Coats
Dress Goods
r IaIf Price
;:ate se.ter
i0600 SRO®O00000OOla700000
District News.
On 'Thursday evening the Maitland
ver at \Vingham nearly claimed a
]tiro. Miss Bessie Angus the nineteen
ear sold daughter of Mr, and Mrs. 0
merle, of Pleasant Volley, She had
cel sleatidg and had sat down on the
ce near a stump to fix her skate. She
.vidently sat on an airhole and the ice
areakiug. she fell into the water to the
lepth of her wars Her clothing
;aught on to a piece of the stump and
r. Bryson hearing her cries for help
ent to Fpr rescue With great diffi-
culty he got her out turd •tool hr.r fo
her home. Sheds none the worse for
•i, &d plunge.
Sad indeed was the death ,of Mrs•
Walter Speel, aged 43, which occurred
at Exeter on Friday last, after an ill
nese of only a few days, Mrs. Speel
with her husdand and family, moved
to Exeter two weeks ago, On Monday
she caught cold while hanging out a
washing, and death followed from in
lamation, Mr. Speel had just pur
chased the general store from Mr.
'Oobbledlek .and he and eleven children
thel'oungest of whom is only seven
;w`eets-e age,,aurvive,
Last night ;John Bruce, a farmer liv
,ing not fr from Wingham, was doing
some sb pping there, and slipped off
the sidewalk, He fell on the hack of
his•head, causing a nasty cut, He was.
carcied into a nearby store and medi
, :;crit aid was summoned. After the
wound had been dressed, be was able
r •' to go to his home with the help of e
neighboring farmer,
e''' Miss.:Jennie Howe of Wroxeter, has
been appointed teacher in the Mount
p,. Elgin. Indian school.
,: An old and well known lady in the
persen' of Mrs, Alex. Murchie, passed
away at leer i« mein Winthrop on the
t 'last day of the old year, at the advanc
ed age of 80 years and 4 months. For
man years v rs deceased waited on the
public in the store find post office, Mr.
Mhrcbie died 20 years ego, •
Dr. Stanley Mahood. Medical Health
Officer, of Calgary, accompanied by
his wife spent the past week with the
former's fat herand sister at Fordwich
Dr. Mahood left on Monday morning
to visit New York, Boston, Philadel
phia and. othee American cities in con
•eee.trc7trwith his work,
A pretty wedding took' place at the
residence of lbLe. and Mrs. Christopher
haener of Crediton last Wednesday.
afternoon at 3. 30 p. m. when their
daughter Miss-Ettie, youngest gwas
united in marriage to Mr' Chester
Dr. P. McLaughlin,' of Dashwood
died • hast April of hemorrage of the
brain and lest week his brother, John.
ghlid inspector
of the public
fr;hoola 011 Mani
tnlinT, Island, 1 died from
the same case in St. Joseph's hospital
The first publication of the proposed
Mud Creek Drain by law of the Town
ship of McGillvray, ,appeared last week
The townships assessed, and the
-amounts. Ray. '8871: Stephen. 915140:
McGillivt ay 842 212 ; East, Wlllierns
•52,024, West Williams 65,003; Parkhill
1$210. Bosanquet 626 200; McGillivray
outsell are taking the initative in the
Mr..T, B Henry of Orangeville, has
taken charge, as principal, of the Dash
hood school,
An orchestra is heing' formed in
connection with the Hensel( Band,
William Consit of Hensel', is the
fovtnurte owner of a remarkable now
which certainly deserves :honorable
m81teen. Although only ten yelps of
egr; this cow has given birth to and
tensed sixteen ctivice. She has given
birth td triplets ar twins every year
except one, when -he gave birth to a
single calf. Site is a fine milker and a
grnd allround cow.
1 efortnne10u ]aid before Wm. Bailey
nlagistlate ot Dungannon, by John
Hutchison, of Port Albert, charging
Victor; Whitney and John Gaulev.
neighhors, with steeling turkees. I3oth
young inen are of very respectable
t brills , Gauley Weeded guilty, They
Weep :eent. up torl rias, and tet. out on a
•$400 bail,
Hogs $8.40
EEgge 35-36
Bultitet 23-25
1Wheat 80-83
Oats 30-33
Peas' 80-85
Barltey, 4,8-50
Bran $22-1$2,3
Shortie .$23;e-$24'
Toronto Markets
Top quotations this week,=
Cattle ' .: .1.., $9,00
Lanamb4 $9,50
Sheep, .-.i $'6.25
'Hoge ...-. $6.25
Checslel .. . 14 3-4
Bggu'kiter ._..i 1 26 to 29e
.. 37e
Wheat ....- ..... , '02c
Barley 60 to 62
Poltattoes pes' bag 90Ito $1
Beans ..... •$1,75 to 1,85
Fw'wwwvVvvvV VvvwwVVVVV
t S
, 1 C i
1. yam &Stitt
Sanitary Phunbers
Phone 7.
Thursday,JO" ty
3b 1014,
l,Wn"and Co rntry
14 e,1';ia•4.+1•l.o4•e•l•1'1••-1 'kA+1•i•$a
Mr. and ::Nit's, T. Abi+aham of
Blyeyale visited ' atGeo. Delays'.
The annual m iQ�iIing of'tltaParm-
era' Indtittute Will' li held;'in lief
'grave or4.Salltntday,� lute 17th. at'
3.30 p,m, ]U Poreauet's Ball Mt A.
Swain and M't 'R,11. Harding 'twill
address the mleeling, Miss McNeil
zie from the cllepa•ryment wile ad-
dress' the 'Woinen'Is Institute in Uhe
Orange Hall at 2,30 p. iia. 'and a
Vinton metihlag jsv'tl lleheld at
night:. im'the 1i'ores,tieas'' Hall, com-
mencing at 7.30, when addresses will`
be, given,by the above atanigd spealt
00, also a good musical program,
Last Sunday morning after the.
regular servioas in Knox •ChuNdl.
estor, Rev. A.N,' Boyle, ordained
'the eldershipf"c
Qfo Ithe hutch.
Messrs. P. W. Scout, Andrew Taylor,
Jas. Nicholson and, Jas, Michie. It
was a Very impressive and, approp-
riate ceremony.
Rev. Mr. Barker of Seafortlh Moth
od'ist Church conducted the service
in the Presbyterian Ch,uilch on
Sunday evening but owing to the
Amon many were unable ?o get
mei. Rev, Mr. Woods took 00
Place in Seaforth.
Miss Bunting of Toronto is the
guest of Muss Annie Foote, Stanley.
A meeting of the depositor's of
Ithe.different Pal beet's Bank was
held in Walt ti's Hall last wc,ek,
They 'will put' 'in a plan to the gov-
ernment to aid them In getting
their money,
Miss, Alice Grey of Buffalo is
visiting at the home of her broth-
er, Alex Grey. 'I'ucic;eesmith
,Our village has been vie.'yl quiet
during the storm, the snails come
regularly, the stage and rural
route drivers making ''their usual
Monday next our new mail car-
rier Wm Elliott of Bayfield will be-
gin to carry the'mail from Bayfield
to Brucefield stalion,the mail will
no longer ire taken to Sleaforih by
Miss Kate Little entertained a
number of her friends on Friday
The mill yard is filling up with
logs since the sleighing Aiken -
head Bros are chipping Togs to
Rumball,, London .
A mass meeting in'.he interests
of the Canada Temperance 'Act
for Huron County commencing at 8
o'clock oilSatturd,•ty evening nee`
Jan 1710. The Rev, John Muir will
deliver an address, and H Rutlhve,n
McDonald will sing All welcome-
no charge
At the annual meeting of the
Goderich Township Telephonie sys-
tem on Friday last Mr Rolland was
re-electjed President, Mr. A. Cante
Ion Secy.-treas. and Mr. 11 Wise
Commissioner. The meeting Was
well attended
The stockholders of the Rdem:ee-
viile Cheeete 'Factory held their an-
nual meeting in Holmesvil':e on
Thursday Jan, 81:11.
Mises Emma Collette° entertained
the choir on Tuesday evening.
Nurse Wnlllere is visiting at het
brcghere Mr. S. T. Walters
7l'i and Mrs. Geo. Levis.visite(
at Mr. Will Jenkins on Sunday.
Miss ' J. Tlulmes of Clinton -is spent
ing a few days with Miss D. A
110 0,Glitidnn, name of Mr. D
Gliddon, is home from the West of
a visitt.
The new Connell met on Monday
with afull quota of members.
Nil Norman Miller has been vise
i'ting 1 i London.
The Misses Cnlc•lough visited in
Goderi-h this 'week,
We aro sorry to say that Mrs, T\',
Gould is very low.
Mr. and. 'Mrs, Norman Carter: and
son spent a few clays with her moth
pr. Mrs. Wm. Wiles,
BIr. artd Mrs, E. Brown were
guest's of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cud-'
more of Seaforth; on Thursday,
Mr Wm. Fraser and his sister
Miss Teem are home from th(eiweet
and are all the home of th,eir Lather
Mr Thos: 'Fr:aser. '
Mrs A. Gordon and Mrs', Hayden
of(Port Albert :nee visiting' at the
home ofNIr Thos. Baird this. week,
Mr, William Carter, the well•knnwn
bird fan"ter: won the rnannif+ietnrers
special pt•za For aha hest rolleetinn of
Hamhurgs rat the Stratford Poultry
Shotv la:at week.
Mr Charlie 111111 spent Sunday
and Monday with his parenes,;Mr
and Mrs T. Hall,
Miss Gertie Glazier, of Lippert,
,spentl al week the gi cst of her
aant, Mrs Thos, Pollard.
Miss Stella' Clarkevisrtled friends
,ati Walton for a week
Mr. Jas. Sutherland keeps very
poorly just now.
Mr. N. Cole of Ethel visi't'ed his
sus{tier Mrs, Adam Glazier of Clinton
and Mrs, Thos, Pollard' of this vil-
lage this week.
lslvf h
kt.r. H,trryCoombs, who is at persent
'Fishing with relatives here, spent a
couple of dt.ys with relatives at
LS'Joc. nd,Jesh(mnre,obil'a•cco. lupanted by hisuai
7li's. V•V Potter "was the guest. of Sea
forth friends.
Mr, D Psttersnn ane t$y bridge in-
-Getter was in Wint;ham on official
Ime in ees.,
Miss Nora, McCaughey pwicl a visit to
The condition of Mr. James Beatty.
who had the misfortune to fall ani•
h nkhis
re it i leg in Johnston's livery stn.
ble last week. is somewhatutt improved,
bait it will likely he some time ft -
he is able to he nut, as he •was also in.
jnred internally,
Mies Flossie Cartright spent a
few days with, Mrs. Bert Gibbings
of 8)uckersani!tlh
Mr. and Mrs Richard Carter have
r'o(llurned home after, spending
fete days With flier brother, Mr.
Eadie, and also her,sister, Mrs. Pleat
son, of near London. 3,
Mr. and MTs, Fred Walit'sbof Clil]-
ion, Were ,gutealbs of t1:,le+ Lettere `.
cousin, :Mrs JolinCart{eight, one
'd'a'y dash week,
James,McCool,'spent l last "" week
with Lloyd Awde of Wingham. Mr.
Awde has Isolu; his feed 'stiorfeigpd
will move 'to the city 's'hortly.,
Miss Matta' Lyon resumed her (tut
lee we'deaeonist in • To �opito last
week, -
Tom.Morgan o£,ttie Base line
spent °Sunday 'with A. Cartright.
Mr, Stephen Mothers commenced
as teacher, in SS. No 7 last 'sae h.
Mr. and' MTs. Chas. "Tanning of
'the 13141 con. ,spent a few days this
week with the +tatters cousinlfMrs,
Kerslake, of Easelier.
Huron Blood Will Tell-Mr, 13. W.
Irwiq, who'for'severa4 yeas., was an
extensive and successful !weeder ;and
.exhibitor • l' poultry at Huron Oeunty
shows, and whose home was in H'ullet
near Alma, still keeps lip his repdta-
tion in this line. Mr. Irwin is now a
resident of 'Spokane Washington,
and as we learn from the Spokane Re.
view, he made a' most, creditable record
at the annual e.xlritirion of (ha Inland
Empire Poultry ,undPet Sleek Asso-
ciation The "Review sayt:,G, W. Irwin
Boone .:avenue, largest exhibitor,. of
Bantams at the you try show, with 31
bantams: cooped, wnn 24 first prizes
three seconds end two fourthe, mak.
ing a cleanup in the otos and winnin
the five dollar 'cash .prize, for the hest
display of bantams. The trio of Silver
Duckwings were exhibited at Guelph
Ont , last year, one of the best shows
on the Canadian side of the line, and
the cock won. third, the hen third and
the pull( second place Mr, Irwin ex-
hibited ten varieties ofBantarns; Black
Breosted Red, Red Pyle. Silver Duck
wing, Grid and Silver Sebright, Erse'
Come Bleck, l3earded White Polish'
and Buff, Black and t\'hite Oochins.
Resides these he exhibited one Bluff
Rock hen, whreh wen second to her
clltss and one Pyle Game hen and a
pullet of the Fame vetiaty, both of
which won firsts, and malting Mr.
Irwin's total winnings 20 firsts, four
seconds, oue third and two fonrths.
A laymen's banquet in connection
with the forward nrovetneut to evan•
gelizs the world was held in the base
anent of Oarmel church, Hensel!, last
Thuradav night. There was present
about 175 men. ,After a snrnptuous
supper G, 0. Pettto le the chair and
gave a (hurt address. Splendid
speeches were delivered by Mr. Park-
inson and Mr. Senior, of Toronto, both
Huron old boys. An advisory corn
mittee was formed consisting of G. 0
Petty and George Oase Inc the English
chnech, J. W. Ortwen and Alex. Sail-
lie for.the Methodist church and the
rnemberd of the session for the Presby
We are [gorily to,h''ear of the' ill-
ne,eei' of Mr Qaiinu
Mrs John 13o1vard spent a few
:days last week with Clinton friends
January 29' Deputy returning officers
ere being appoiutel, ,
The 1914;. councillors braved the
worst storm 'ot the winter to reach,
Londeshoro for their initial' meeting;'
on Mondey last. It was a good initis
Mr. Win. (-abbe and his sister.Lt vina tion Inc the three new members of the
of Brier crest Sask, were ceiling on old Council, one of whom travelled pine
equaintances here 'set week, miles and another seven miles, After',
Mr, Robert ,Gibbs spent a few drive organizing they settled down to husi:
here (rust week cleaning and tuning ness and made the followi�pg ,appoint
organs and pianos. ntents:-Cleik, James Campbell; asses
There was a great rash in the Saw Fier, John S'tcith; tax col eater, Wm,`,
log business last week The mill start Moore auditors, M. 'Braithwaite and.
ed on Monday, Geo Stephenson. An interesting few
Mr. Harvey MaGee accompanied Mrs 1 ture of the appointment is that Clerk
Magee's father, Mr,. Kennedy of erodeJames Qawpbcll will completed in
rich' to' London hospital last week June next 25
_I years, as 'cle'ck of the'
where he expected to tats treatment, !Township of Hallett:.
but has since returned. Miss Annie Duff is spendipg a week
The Orange ,order will, bold' their,1,with Mrs. It Cartergg
Annual "At Rome". onThursda - ve ! and also her acct
A , P. Y Fi n ;1VTgs,,Jos: Carter of lilvth.
me ''
' Agent For
(lair Tonle' and Scalp Remedy
Que Application Stops Itching
Two sizes: 50 e. and. 75c. per bottle,
-uf �`.. Mr -,and Mrs ---o•--:.
. Awde, and children of
1.Winham are spending
g e a r' k 'Pb b t `f
few weeks e above
0010 is one d 'the Sur-
Goderich Township
ownshi t with cr father Wm. McCool. est and. Quickest Remedies, for
i 1 , Mr.. eo. Bruce is v s
G r Ring his sister Dandruff, Itching, and•Lczemic
Mr,, and Mrs, Arthur- A. Welsh etre Mrs!.
of BKeter. Scalps l know: af, and iint 'does not con
visiting Goderich friends this week. Mr. Chas As uith of Auburn visited' tai
9n oil,- grease or n ohjecteto,., nor
Now that the elections, cheese Pao- friends in the village on Friday. anythin else women object toryand,telephone .mee" , g ) to, and
•p, , tinge are over Mr., Wm. Moon and Miss Nloesre, you can. pufyour hair up right afCe
it will be the quiet life once more.: left on Monday • to visit friends in uein 'without havin to she ti r''
The snow storm last Saturday helped Perth, g the it leaves
ea es
y P `You will also lits) 'way it leaves
the sleighing a, lot, miss Elsie Millan has been on the your hair, -
Council ot 1914 met on Monday and sick list during the past week, but is
got off with a good start. • now improving.
Loudon Road
Al s. James Nott is yisiting friends.
in Blyth,•
Messrs, Frank Brown, Robt Pown<, •
send and Fred Crawford, are attend A Positive It medy for Dand-
:ngMtr.heOlinandMtorsn , BusiNornman Qess Ooiarteleger and, , ruedff.Scalp. ltchiug and Eezelnic Affect -
little Audrey, of Seaforth, spent Sun
Mrs,_ 17 McCartney, of Goderich, fa (lapel the home of lir. Wm. Miles.
attending the business College at Olin
tonnclende,Misr, Geo, snakinHg heranley. hof ie with her
Some of the young people of the 2nd
con., of Tuckersmith, held a dance in
the vacant house of Mr P Rowchff on
Wednesday night.
League meets at Arthur Stephen
son's next Tuesday.
The local blizzard which started
here on Sunday tied up the C. P. R,
traffic somewhat. The outgoing morn
ing train managed with some difficulty
to get as far as Guelph. Since then no
trains have moved on that line. The
Lncknow and Kindardine stages have
not got in owing to the drifted condi
cions of the roads, All G. T, R. trains
were from an hour to two hours late
in arrival.
Thestorm of Sunday night and
was the most severe experienced here
this winter, and the roads are badly
ti ('ted,
Interest to the Canada Temperance
Act is rising Meetings for organization
are being held, and an attempt will
be made to bring out every vote on
3o Head of choice Durham stock, at the
Normandie Barn, Wednesday, Jan. 21
1 Beautiful Roan Cow 4yr s. old, due time of sale
1 Fine Red Cow 4 yrs. d Jan. 28th.
1 Jersey Cow freshened i September
5 Fine Durham COWS due in Februarybruary
10 Cows due marked in ril
12 Steers and Heifers rising2 years
TERMS OF SALE 'ash or 8 months credit
on approved joint notes bearing 5 per cent.111
Any cow represented to be in calf and proving
not to be, may be returned ny time before March
lst, cash or note will be refunded.
Proprietor Auctioneer
"d•" „•;a, '2"'< ^<::"?.. ✓ ti';; ;rbc%.` xit„t,'h . ',.1,. rh7dr, .f.'z�:,a, e::,.,aa: : -ycr� ,. .
ro ,s Fror�tPd
EN L aE _''' erect
an 'Save Money
END your next fence order to the nearest PAGE Branch. Buy for cash at the lowest prices ever
made on GOOD fence. Get the genuine well-known high-grade PAGE FENCE -the kind that lasts
a life-tirne. Youpay no more for this splendid fence than you'd pay for common fencing. Yet the
PAGE FENCE will outwear. se's'::a ,1 ordinary fences. A PAGE FENCE, in the long run, savesou
several times its present low f'r;' eezt. ..uc? u,'-_ • before has fence of this quality, been sold direct yb
the makers u•t these lo'w price.>. Y
• Je^1c.. eric.J, ...ar?1 ...... „`13 t+se`:'attewt. without notice,
Lowest Ps s.� ,
Good 7, �f0/,j, 4 "--,^ .• 12,
• e�J li Q'' iS.:, iE,"
71 or Goa.,. Fence }y I r.=; :.n.. .: P
PyV 1 u.t:t• : a tan, n. =0, 30 and 40
Study the prices quotes
below for genuin lieeaa.s in incites
PAGE WIRE FE NCB. r] 4 30 3 111, 10, 10
Compare with them the i• 87 22 ., !), 111, 10
prices of other fences. 0 40 '12 r,1::, 7, 1<. '1• 9
lZemember that PAltE3 , � 7 1 22 ,r 1r 7, 7
WIRE FENCE is the i 4e 22 hl:,, i1 , 9, (1;,3+)
finest farm fence ever 3 42 22 19, 6, i-, 13, 11, t 3
made. That it will out- 8 42 161, ;l 6, 11, h (1, 11, 11,la6
st several ordinary 8 17'' 22 4, ;1, 5! 7, Si ;, 0 q
The more thor- 8 47 16,•i, 5, 514, 7, Si , 9, 9
ough your price corn- 9 -18 22 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, u, (1,. G
parisons are, the more 9 -38 161, 6, $, 6, 6 13 (1 6D (3
strongly yourealize. that 9 5] 22 4,4, i 51!,, 7, 81A n, !)
PAGE prices are the 9 51 161/1 4, 4,-5, ]I'; 'r' ;;1;, 9 9
lowest at which GOOD 10 48 22 3, 3, 3, 4, 51!;•, 7, 7 7;,, 3
wire fence 1r ', ever 10 48 1Fi1A 3, 3, 3, 4, 5!.,, 7, 7, 71'1, 8
been sold. 10 51 161 3, 3, 3, 4, 51/2, 7, 81/2, i), 9
10 51 22 3,3,3,451%1,7 S1/2, 9, 9
Page Guak snipe 11 55 1611.. 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, W2, 7, 51';, 9, o
With Every Rod
With every orod f Pa e
Fence goes this guaran-
If PAGE Fence proves
,defective, return it and °
get your money back". 6 ,36
No quibble --no strings 7
-no red tape -to this 7
iron -clad guarantee. 8
We can give it with • 9
absolute confidence,
because PAGE. G Fence
is the best fence made.
' Big 'carbon -steel wires,
woven under uniform
tension -with evenly
spaced uprights -non -
slipping knots. -and the
best galvanizing money
can insure; these make
PAGE Fence good for
a life -time, while or-
dinary fences may need
every five or
ten years.
51 31
104 pages, illustrating and
describing ,
a h
undyedse use-
ful. things forthe farm..
Many of them aren't
carried byyour dealer. All
are sold,at remarkable lots
prices for cash. Write
to -day for this catalog,
- 178
Church Street
iiEDlll; ,' cEIGH f FEsJOE
(Maritime Province" prices of Medium , Weight, also
Special Poultry 1"ences, include painting,)
No. f) 'Top and llotfem, and No. 12 lllgh .Carbon
florlsuntals between: No. 12 Uprights; No. 11 ',Oulu
161/218 8, 10, 10
161/26,'7; 7, 8, 8
161/2 7, 7, 8, 10, 10
161 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8
8 8, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6
161/214, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,` 9
121 13, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6. 6
16/2!3, 4, u, 6, 7, S, 9, 9
161/13 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9.
No,.f. Toll and l oitom. Intc',ncdia.les, No, 13,
Uprights 8. inches nen rt.
18 481 8 Close bars
20 601 8 ,Close bars.. ,,,
48 ' 10 -ft. opening .;.
4•8 12 -ft. opening....
48 13-1't. opening 1
48 14 -ft. opening , ,
STAI'I •lJS 5 1
b. boric, freight paid.
BRACE WIRE, 25-1h rolls, freight paid.
STRETcHI'NG' TOOLS, Complete labor-saving outfit, ft, pd
Uo Co 8
of )Jc,
.18 .20 .21
.21, .23 .24
.23 .25 .20
.23 .25 .26
.26 .28 .29
.23 .30 .31
.26' .231 .20
.31 .32
,331 .,,
.18 .19
.201 .21
20 .21
.221 .24
.23 .25
.26 .28
.27 .29
.28 .30
.30 .32
.42 ,44 .46
.47 ,491 .52
3 80 4.00
4.00 4.,20
4.251 4.45
4.50 4.75.
WINNIPEG 1218 King St. West.
Page Fence
Reaches You
When you order PAGE
PENCE direct you get
it without delay. Be-
cause we ship it from.
fully -stocked PAGE
Warehouse near you -
not from a factory hun-
dreds of miles away.
You know what it
means to be held up
for fence in your busy
season, PAGE Ware-
houses cover Canada
from St. John to Van-
couver. No matter
where you live, there's
an immense stock of
PAGE Fence near you,
ready to ship at a
moment's notice.
Send Your Order
To The Nearest
Page Branch
Mail your orde -
check or money -to the
nearest PAGE Branch.
Tear out this price list,
and mark on it what
you want to avoid mis-
is takes. Get a lc. por
rod discount for car lot
orders. Get immediate
shipment to your rail-
way station --freight'
paidon 20 rods, 200 lbs.
or over. If you want
to order through ` o
g your
dealer, we'll allow him
lc. per rod for handling
your order. Best order
to -day -before these
ow prices go up. Send
your order to the near-
PAGE Branch, 2