The Clinton New Era, 1914-01-08, Page 7s `a'nua*.. stfi: -Restored to Lydia E. Pink- tin's-Vegetable inkti'sVegetable Compound. sr, .liliah.- "A year ago 'WAS and the -doctor said I had a serious displace lily; went. I bad back- it ache aud; bearing down pains so bad, !l; •'that I could not sit in a chair or walk across the floor and I was in severe pain all the time. I felt discouraged as I had -everything 1 1 • :.could think of and was no 'better. I ng Lydia E.'Pinkham's Veg spoand and now I am strong ty."—Mrs, ALICE DARLING, , 2, -Box 77, Pentwater, Mich. atAnotherWoman says: 11.-"I had such backaches 3 hardly stand on my feet. I like crying out lots: of times, :h a heavy feeling in my right I such terrible dull headaches d they would make me feel sleepy all the time, yet I. at night. en LydiaE,Pinkham's nd a week I began to ache was less and in my side went take the Com- ou wish." No. 4, dia or I thought Grant was .walking nervi oualy back and forth across the room, How long? 'Until night, probably. Then with a bite in our 'haversacks well taire the road again. That is, providing you condescend to act as our host for so long a time. Odds 1•fel but this reception is not over warm to my, fltinlring." "Elmhurst is not a tavern, sir." "No; but the home of a loyalist -the coniinander,of'lalf.those men out yon- der. However I am not pieadiiigt for l them, but myself personally. What welcome have I had? By all the. gods, I was almost compelled to fight that .. bald-headed old fool to. even gain ad• pittance to the hall,Wei'e those your. orders?" "Assuredly not, But you must con- sider circumstantses, and forgive Peter Y i ,rh 111 1 lea O,:ened i:ie Deer Wider, Wondering If t Dare Ventura Upon Stepping by Unobserved. being over zealous in my service, ccived you as soon as I knew who were." es," somewhat mollified, "I pre e that is true, although you are y enough, the Lord knows. But brings you here?" hat must remain my secret, Cap. Grant—for the present." h, very well. I thought it might some connection with Eric's pres•' in this neighborhood." Ith Eric! What do you mean? you seen him?" 1 i! so I've got below the surface - I thought I might with that t. Yes, I saw him last night. I know what the devil the fellow p to, but I thought I'd let him out his 'game. It was a right trick, so far as it went, but un• ately the rebels carte in before overed what it all lc p to." u do not make it vim- j clear to old you it was not even clear to . This is all I know. When I Delavan last night just after ho had a young officer of Light ons in charge of his advance. I merely got a glimpse of the v as we, rode in, and he looked vilishly like Eric that I asked an who the lad was. De said be o!ned at Mount Holly with three was going through to Philadel- with despatches from New tort-, was only too glad of escort inn of the way. Being short of etre Delavan gave him charge of the did be recognize you?" hardly think so; it was pretty r, and I was put on guard over the wagons. I supposed I would have e opportunity to learn. the truth r it became daylight" But you believed hint to be Eric?" Yes, and after the attack I was vinced. He and the three men with bolted and got away. Must have at the first fire, for the fellows 1 us completely hemmed in. It was tc all right, and that is about half rellElC11 why 1 led` my men back —I 'ranted to find nut it he was ng shout the old place. Is it true ,en't seen him?"' 'e; indeed I had no reason n the Jerseys at this oiutbly not being ring w - PRI Suffered Horribly Until Ile Turned To "Fruit-a-tives" J. A.. CORRIVEAU DR'rSDAr, ONT., June 15th. 1913' "I am" a general storekeeper' at the above address, and on account of the great goodIhave experiencedfrom using "Fruit.a-tives", I recommend them strongly to niy customers. They were a great boon to me, I can tell you, for about two years ago, I was laid up in bed with vomiting and a terrific pain at the base of my skull. The pain nearly drove me mad. Doctors feared it would turn to inflammation of the brain but I took "Pruit.a-tives" steadily until 1 was cured. I have gained fifteen pounds since taking " I+ruit-a-tives " and I verily believe they saved me from a disastrous illness." J. A. CORRIVEAU. Por Headaches, Neuralgia, Rheutna• tism and other diseases arising from an impure condition of the blood, "Pruit- a-tives" is invaluable and infallible. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. thin?" I could feel the bitter ,aedrn in the voice. "In his father's home!" "I certainly dilly" angrily. "I shall search the house from cellar to garret before I leave." "But you are on parole." "Damn the parole. What do I care for a pledge given to a band of plum dering outlaws? And what do I ogre for Eric? He chose, for himself, and has no right to expect any many from• me, and by all the gods, he'll roosters none. I half believe that attack last night was his planning, and that now you have him hidden away here. Now listen to me! I do not desire to• be harsh, but I'm a soldier. My men are not armed, but there are enough out there to handle the servants bare- handed. No one can get out of this house without being seen; I've attend- ed to that." "And you propose searching the rooms?" "I do. If you had been a little more genial I might have exhibited greater courtesy. But I haven't any use for Eric, and never had. Now you know the truth." "It merely illustrates more clearly Your character." "You are always free enough with your comments. I shall do my duty to the King." "Very' well, sir," and the iucensed lieutenant pushed back his chair. "Then we clearly understand each oth- er at last. I am sincerely glad of it. Prom now on I shall never again be guilty of mistaking you for a friend or a gentleman. No, I have no wish to listen to another word; you have -spoken frankly enough, and I under- stand the situation. Perhaps it is only anger, but it gives nie the excuse I have been seeking after a long while in vain. Whatever claim you may have had upon my regard in the past is over with, forever over with, Cap- tain Grant." "But -but, surely-" "I mean precisely that. You can cover your despicable actione with the gloss of military duty, but I know you now as a ?revengeful liar. Treat this heuse•as you please. I refuse to have any more dealings or words with you. .r11 provision you and your men, at, I would any others suffering from hun- ger, but that ends all. If you search this house do it by force, and in any way you please, but expect :no assist- ance from me. I bid you good -day, sir, and will send Peter to call you 'when breakfast is ready." I closed the crack of the door as he came forth into the hall, ,having- no desire to be caught listening. My own position was more unpleasant and haze- ardous than ever. Whatever reason the lieutenant might have for holding e prisoner I was convinced he pos- ed no knowledge as to"my real ty. The probability was that aft - interview I would be released. rant"'would recognize me in- , and he proposed searching the room by room, seeking this ic. I must make my escape first. could this be accomplished? Peter pass along the hall, and announce the •serving of t. He and Grant exchanged ntences, and then the latter o the front door, where he ers to the men. I watched an officers come up the steps, e majority of the others form irregular line, marched around r of the house. A small squad however, on guard, facing entrance. I CHAPTER XIV. • Again the Lady.. t think rapidly, and act as,. Yet, if what Grant had said , that he had already posted on each side the house, then' y daylight was practically lea - From all I could see there concealmeet Close 5.t hand, Ile ; the fellotra were without e+.heir-n.nxnhere wets. ,iaffieient CLINTON BRA. MAY DHO OLa FOR' STOMACH TROUBLE' ., John W Skillet; of Sidney, Ohio, Lesson II.—First, Quarter, ;Jan. 11, 1914,:. THE INTERNATIONAL 'SE•RIES Has Found a Remedy. - For Experts declare that the reason Text of the Lesson,' Luke x, 1.16—Mem- ory Verses, 1, 2 -Golden Text, Luke x 2—Gernmentary, by Rev. D. M. • t lie rleoding forth of the tseel a is re-- corded ;in. Matt, x, !dark vi -'and Luke Ix. The sending of the seventy 1s told u.ly in ours lesson chapter. Both fompiuries were• sent liy two and two, ati lambs among wolves; and they were' to pl'ottc!i the kingdom of God and heal the: ,sick (verses 1, 3,'9; ix, 2; AI{u'lr 7; lllntt, x. 7, 8, 16)1, The real sou given in each case for sending them )s:the saute -harvest great, labor- ers few• The commend to pray is also the same. "'Pray ye' therefore the Lord of -the harvest„that'He would snarl forth laborer's Into His harvest” (verse 2; Matt. ix, 30.38). Matthew says that He saw the multi (tides 00 sheep having no shepherd and He was moved with compassion on thew. Believers are expected to have the mind of Christ, to manifest the life of 100115, to, be,a willing nod obedient, people. to live to give the Gosliel to every creature. but where is the compassion of Jesus for the shepherdless multitudes seen, and how many are willing to be sheep in the midst of wolves, bated by the world for His sake (John xv, 18, 19). The twelve were not to go to gentiles or Samaritans, but oply to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; tho seven• ty were to no before His face luta every city and place whither He him- self would come, but since His reser (cellon the command is to go into all the world (\lett, x, 5, 0; Luke x, 1: Merl; ori, 11)1. After they were told to pray the Lord to send forth laborers Choy were told to eo themselves (verse 3), and the cannot honestly ask the Lord to 'send others unless we ere ready to say, "Here e111 I; send me" (Ism vi, 81. Isaiah saw the Lord upon a throne and he,'trd the votee of the Lord; he had the nssnranee of iniquity taken away and sin purged; he saw in vision the enrth full of I3is glory, and when the triune God said "Whom shall 1 send, and who will go for us?" ho was ready to reply, "Behold t.ne: send ate." it WAS the vision of the glory of. the Lord that constrained Isaiah. It was seeing and hearing the risen Christ when on his way to Damascus that changed 9:101 of Tarsus from a per- secutor and murderer to a most de- voted follower of .!esus of Nazareth end made him blind nod dent to all but .iesus fol' the rest of his life (.1ets xxii, 11, 11), The Lord Jesus said to him, "I send thee to open their eyes. to turn from darkness to light, from the power of Satun unto God, 11(111 they may receive forgiveness or sins and inheritance" (Arts xxv1, 17, 1St. One of the great words in our les - 010/ is, "Beholcl, I send you forth'' (verse 81• He chose the twelve that they might he with flim 1ntd that He might Send them forth (Bark ill, 11e To Gideon fie said: ''Go in this thy might, „ 'r Hove bot I sent thee?„ (.hide vi, 11.1 Over thirty times in .the gospel by John Ile speaks Or Ilh1100) es Seat by the 100ther, and after the resttl'reetinn Ilesaidto the Apostles, "As 111, Luno- 1111111 Sent 1111. 01'011 00 00110 1 you" (lohn 00, 211. \\'110n we go in Ills moue, with Ills massage. sent by ILIn1, Ave may always go with quietness, 111111 :coniideuee. When on tits business we neecilhtve no anxiety about the wherewithal. for Ile will surely see to it ile Kahl to the twelve: e: "When 1 Swat fnit 'without purse and scrip and shims, belted cd ire 1rm:lung? And they said nothing" (Luke xxli, 35)We are to go preaching peace by Jesus Christ, (110 hence that Ile allude by the blond of ills cross i00). i, 20), We are to rejoice in 2115 presence with us, 'and that tie is 111 PS. and considers ail treatment of n5, good or bad, 11s done to Himself and to the irather who sent Jilin (venae lee As the responsibility of there -w 110 heard the twelve and the seventy WAS greater. than the respell - sternly of the people' of Sodom and Pyre and Sidon, so their judgment would be heavier, What about those who telly hear uud do not heed? Con• elder II '3 Hess, The seventy went forth as command- ed end returned with ai good report,' saying that even demons were sub Jose to His mune. His remark eon periling Seta fn!ling front 11011 yen prole •thly points on Rev. xii, 9, 10. flow wonderful His words, power over •all the power of the enemy, end nethiug amts) by any menus hart yon (erre 19). 'What (lo we know of it in our experience? Il.e does not say that we shall not suffer; He says plainly: that rye shall (John xri, 331. It ratty be in snrn.e form or other, the fleny furnace or die lions' den: but no hurt was found opmt either' of those four because Of their faith in Gad (Dan. 1i1. 25; vi, 231. Note well, the greatest cense of re- Joirinc.' nems written in heaven, and. compare with verse 20. Philiv, 3. anal. uutsirler. the :twrul fate of Bill whose 00115 ode 001 10 the bunk of life at.- eordi g to Rev. -xx, 15,if ee13' we truly j'eeelVe 1)10 ford .!esus, puffing all our trust as sinners in 1314 precious blood Shed for use we may rest 1,1 tbi leen:el/co that nec!0111111; to His word, - a•c have eternal 1(fif, have heeonne chi'dl00 of Got, and !la ve I n fn:girt'. qe SS 11)' 1)1)5 nod eon never. perish hioitli 1, 1'2; iii. ll,,; v, 24; v1, 31, -iD ontinued next week, conk'$ Cotton Root Compound. d safe, reliable refidlatiVB medicine. Sold in three de. Groes of strength—No. 1, 01; No. 2, 68; No..3,"85 per bon. Sold by all drui iete, or sent prepaid en receipt of price.. Free pamphlet. Address: sHROE COOK MEOiCINE co,, 'OOROMTO, OST.:(Fenn- Wkdsor.) 'stomach '<Weeders are so common in this country, 10 due to hasty and care - lees :habits of eating. Stomach troubles and -)run-down conditions usually go together. ' Sohn W. Skillee of -Sidney, Ohio, says: ' "I had a bad stomach trouble • for years, and 'became so weak that I could hardly walk or rdo • any work. 111y appetite Was poor, and it seemed impossible to get any relief. Since taking 'Vino!' I' find a remarkable dm' provement in my health, my digestion is much stronger, and I>have gained in weight. I, would not be without Yinol." Vinol makes weak stotnachstati;ong because it strengthens and tones up the weakened, tired and overtaxed nerves of the digestive organs. Vinol is easily assimilated by the weakest stomachs, and is delicious to the taste. Try 'a bottle of Vinol with the ute; derstandieg that your money will be returned i'f' it does not help you. W S. Pe -Holmes, Druggist Clinton, Ontario , Legal Questions uestions &Answers G. H. M.. Seatorth.-Qu.-Can any hotel sell liquors to its guests, or to the public before 8 a, m.? (2) Can a baker melte or sell bread in this town on Sunday,? Ans,—The Liquor License Act, as amencled in the Province of Ontario by an Act passed and assented to on the eth of May, 1013, says' "'the word 'six,' where it occurs 113 Sec. 51 of the Act was amended in 1916, and was fur- ther amended in 19 h, shall be stricken out, and the word 'eight' shall be sub• stituted therefore. This means that liquors cannot he sold l o the public, at all events, on Monday Morning before eight o'clock. Rut there is an ereep• tion in the Statute trade in favor of the occupant of the premises and his family, and any lodger in his house." See Chap. 54 of the Ontario Statutes 1913. (2) There is a general provision in the Ontario Lord's Lay Act, which says; "It shall not be lawful for any Person to do or excercise any worldly lal'or, business, orwnrk cfhis ordlnary calling” on the Lord's Day. The Sta- tute does not fay that the Lord's•Dav means "Sunday," hat that is well understood, Works of "necessity" end works of "charity" are excepted. The baker may claim that it is necessary for him to hake bread on Sunday to supply the hungrey. 7 he Dominion Lord's Day Act says: Lard's Day means the period of time beginning at 12 o'clock Sat:neday afternoon, and ending at 12 o'clock en the following afternoon." It also says; "It shall nor. he lawful tor nny person on the Lord's Pay to carry nn or transact any busi- ness of his ordinary calling," etc, But the caring for milk cheese, and live animals, and of any perishable pro- ducts is permitted, and the delivery of milk for domestic use, See R. S. O., Chap. 153,'Secs, 2, 5 and 12, Far Tired Mother Sano! Kidney Remedy is made from herbs and is perfectly harmless. If you are a sufferer from Gall Stones, Kidney Stones, or Gravel,' Ballot will effect a positive cure. If you have backache kidney, bladder trouble, or rheumatism that Is caused byexcess. of uric acid, dizziness, puffy swellings under the eyes, swollen feet and ankles, tired nervous feeling, urine very pale, or extra dark and cloudy, too frec!uc al r) painful urination, brick dust se int...%;n urine after standing a few hours; yehl are' in danger and Senol Kidney Remedy willsave you. At all Druggists, $1.50 neer bottle Free Literature and. Advice. Salad! Manufacturing Co. Ltd. WIiONIPSG,CANADA FOR. SALE BY W. S. R, IIOLMES, CLINTON, ONT DRUGGIST. 041600•111/110-00-1-1-0-110110-841001110004( The Voice of the People 11111116111001119110601111111111111111111191111•61080.'< • '1 Edaltor of the New Era. K I I'lsha Ii vo .e for; she da "lOana: rt Teinpcsrance Aeti because of the encouragelnenti given to alb lav 4' era of their count*, by ,the foie. lowing faces told about t1se, valve' of,' Prohibition in ;Kansas. Accord.- ing' to the statemenli of the at- ti(orney general of that state illit- eracy has been reduced front forty- nine to lea's than two per cent sineet he passage of the prohibi- tory law. There are one'hundred i mild five icount'Iiefs Wrt(itL+ai Stlate; sightly ,seven have no insane ; fif-. Qy-four no feeble minded;„ninety six have no inebrititles; ',ehirty- eight poor farms have no inmates; 2i1ltqy-three county jails are empty ; an'd, si11tiy-five) coun'ti'es' have no. prisoner's serving sentences. These, counties, have net fried a criminal ices* i11 ten years, an( dr in one county there has not been a grand jury in twenty-five year's. Prohibition seems to be a ratline' only when some one wants( 'to sell or drink hiquor. They have, in (the Savings Banks $118' for each. person in the state. The assess- ment values amount to $1684 for each person, here. And yet 'this. ls(gate was once called "Poor Kae- spa's.". It is new rich. Its 1.807 she s'endj $50,000,000 l,0 Wali Street to help out the financial, difficnities.. She •creates wealth faster than any other State in the Union. Kansas moneyed !nen !told $57,000,000 of mortgages. They have ape-rman- ent !school fund of $10.000,000;Las't summer a s!e.Vere draught was ex perielnced in the state but atLl didn't frightlen them badly because they are tree from. having to keep up an army of paupers, criminalslin- sane and feeble-mindecl. The cosh of the administration of justicetis consequeintly very light. We may welt ask • t' What's• 'the matter veinKansas? !'Olt, she's all, right,'.comes the answer. ;Twenty-five !years ago ,the liquor dealers and their friend's used ter- comfort them- aelves •with..the thought that when ;the next generation came- along they would return to license but the fact is that the law i's,becom- ing strictee year after year by the amend'nlentlC passed by the legis- lature until. now not even the drug 8Uores are allowed to sell anyt tloxicating drink, and these amend- ments are passed' by 1 the young men who are makingtl he laws for the State. ,One hot •day las lsum- me'r 150 men, merehantls', lawyer , doctors, editors, clerks, mechanics bankers and farmells' made a trip in autos 'through thirteen '/own- and no beer or spiribs were asked for by any membe rof the ,parte. Inselead in ones 'town the people &ere provided lanige stone Sears filled with, lemonade where. all might drink freely. 0- yes! Pro- hibition is a success in Kansas and it will be a success in'IIuron too. Lett us vo'lo and work for it with all, our night and mase. Again op- ponents of prohibition are fond of saying that prohibition only 'in- creases' the sale of liquor and that (tile 'dealers sell more in dry ter- ritjory than in wet. Well;, the brewers have a year book in which are given some figures alont g tllnene lines,, They prove prohibition states the average con- sumpl!lion of malt liquors is 1.35 gals. per capita, per year and ill fietieen local. option states, !part welt and part dry. the average consnmeetOon is 4.37 gals., but lic- ense ,saloon stats, •ense territory, mostly 'wet, the con- sumption reaches an average of 25 23 gals, per capita. per year. The difference between 1.35 gals. and 25.23 gals. is considerable. and it need not be wondered at that 6110 brewers ond distt!Ilens are inten- sely interested its the question of prohibition whether in states orin smaller sections. A 11:'y county affects: the bus'151055 of 00001 more breweries and the manufacturers can well afford to • spend large sums of money to keep the sluice way open for the discharge of their swillupon the public. But even then how they can persuade such mem as the Clinton d'efond- ers of 1 he 'traffic suppotft it su1'- pas'ses . our imagination. To shop' the Value ;placed on prohibition when once it is secured allow me 1.7 eat liarDriteo, axati"yes are ' especially good foe children because they are pleasant to take gentle action (10 tint irritate' the bowels Mr develop a •need for 'continual or increased, dose„ 050. a boar, at your 1hooiona111reg and Chemical Co. to make the following quotaticge, from a'r'ecentl speech made Governor Glenn' of -North Carolina.' After speaking of the' campaign, hei continues' -"When the votewae, taken may 261h, 1907, •Thank Goal North Carolina declared: for state- wide prohibits.ln by 45,352 roa ori - i;ty. If' you were to leave Motile people of my 'state tomoreew, as to, how they should vote they would, cut out the saloon by 150.000 ma- jority, for they have tasted ,ale the sweets, of temperance and we. will never go back to the idols sit da'unke'nnese and sin. Thanking you for the space-oc- cupied by this, I remain, Yours ,sincerely W IH. Johnettonn-. Sec, of Stanley Township Temp- erance Committee, A big .brick house, owned by Gees. Nixon, at Belfast, near Lucknow, was totally destroyed by fire.lask Thursday nigh. Two mem, ',whom were keeping "batch" there, Bad their Christmas' Day pleasures sad- ly marred by tie accident. The: cause of the fire ins' not d(fnnitely known, but it is supposed to have been an overheated stove. 1 The family remedy for Coughs and Co/Lb.- -Small dose. Small. bottle. Dust since 1570. Mr. John Bailey, a very wells - known resident of Ashfield Town- ship, died at his home (near Dun- gannon Chrieemas Day, aged 88 years and nine monelhe. He Was tihe father of Reeve WtllianxBail- ey, J. P. Thomas Gawley of Ashfieldltowtt ship was' dragged through a wind- ow to safety early Friday morn- ing as he roof of !hist • burIeingg house crashed down on the be where he had been ,sleeping a few seconds before. His friend; Vfcttoa Whitley, knowing 'that Gawieywais in the building, risked his life ter save him. .47 HAVE YOU CATARRH? Is nasa • j breathing impaired? Does your throat. get husky or clogged? Modern science proves that these symptoms. result from run down health. Snuffs and vapors are irritating and useless., You should build your general health with the oil -food in Scott's Emulsion–its nourishing . powers will enrich and enliven the blood, aid nutrition and a.,. similation and assist nature to check the inflammation and heal the sensitive membranes which a r e affected, Scott's Emulsion will raise`, your standard o f h cold. to correct catarrh,. Shan alcoholic mrxtarsn and insist on scoTr.1 aulaztatotricoma NA PortlandENT 9 OME men ask for so many bags of "cement"— Others, more careful, say they want ` Portland Cement "— But the man who does the best work insists upon get- ting "Canada" Portland Cement Writethe Canada Cement Information Bureau, Mon- treal, for a free copy of "What the Farmer Can. Do With Concrete, And he looks to see that every ag, bears this - llrr�► CEMENT There is a Canada,` Cement dealer in your neighborhood. If you do - not know him, write fes,.: his name, .....bre