HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-08, Page 3`l
nuary '8t11.
every Pri�� a
Your :choice . of any
Ladies' Cloth Coat
exactly Half Price
vert ise
25 to 50 Per eent off All Goods Advertised
s • -4 • fir.
MB = C
Your choice of any
Child or Misses Coat
exactly Half Pric.o._.
..... aVOINTLIIIMIEZZISMIRMZ.531&1.W3$La'18�IIi�i: 4321200: oma. .. -
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, '' ' inthe sale of winter goods ever known to Clinton and vicinity. We are going
On Saturday-morningat � a,m, � e usL4a. greatest sacrifice
gof cost, We have hard a good season-- the best this store has ever had -but have a large stock yet to
to clear out the winter stock regardless
dear before stock -taking. Don't miss this g ;iclerr opportunity, Evert/ article advertised a genuine bargain.
Treniendous •fferin
tin x , re e ented Values
The Following Prices Give a Glimpse into the, Immense Opportunities This Sale Offers :
`1l,resg C3ods Bait Price
We have 1000 deflate wn•th too much
,dresegoods, in order to reduce this before
stock taking, we put on sale 50 pieces in,
:a.11'thenew shades at :........half Price
Wool Blankets
1 dozen only wool blankets. pinkand
bine borders, size 88x80, reg. 4.00 sale price
.... 3.24
Ladies Cloth Skirts
S:dozen Ladies ()loth Skirts. in all latest
styles, in all colors, any skirt as high as
00 for .3.98
LadiesCodi Skirts at 1,111
b, dozen only odd Skitte, not the latest.
s..: styrgs,''tvo ld `make a good scuff Skirt Reg.
5.00, sale price.... ..:... ...............1.110
Bleached Table Linen ,49e' a yd
50 yards Bleached Table Linen, every
thread linen, 54, inches wide, Reg. 85c sale
Trice 49c
Unbleached Table Linen 49e a yd
50: yards Unbleached' Table Linen, ve
-special, for Jan., sale price ... ? , , , 49c
Linen Towelling' 9e a yd
200yda all Linen Towelling red border,
Reg. 120, sale price ..'..... ..............9e
Linen Toweilnlg 6e. a yd
100 yds all Linen Towelljmg, narrow width
x,.t_ 6C
Flannelette 9c a yd
200 yds Flannelette, good quality, 30 ir:ch's
wide, Reg. 120, sale price • 9c
Flannelette 8e a yd
500 yds Flannelette, 28 inches wide, very
special, for: sale .............:.... .:.....Se
Flannelette 6e a yd
500 yds Flannelette, narrow width, good
washing colors, Keg. 9c, sale prke... ....lie
Black Paillctte Silk 65e a yd'
75 yde only 13laek Paillette Silk, 86 inches
wide, good satin Finish, Reg. 90c sale t rice
...... ...... 65e
Paillette Silk 35e a yd
200 yds 'Paillette Silk in pretty stripes of
tan and white, 'blue and white, brown and
white, black and white and'.green and white
18 inches wide, Reg. 60c ;sill:, sale price 3,5e
Nett Waists 2.49
'2 dozen only white and create Nett.Waists
silk lined, all srzes;'Regr'3;75, sale pi.ice 2.49
Black Silk Waists 1 9
2 dozen Ladies Black Slit Waists, all sizes,
Reg, 3,50 and 4,00, sale price 1 98
Lawn Waists 39c
2 dozen soiled Lawn Waists, all sizes,
some sold as high as 2.00; sale price..,. 39c
Your'Choke 01 any.
£=i Oa
25 percent. .Discount'
We are Carrying one of
largest Fur Stocks in
the County,
iiadras Muslin 24e a.yd
500 yards @ream Madras Muslin, plain and
sealloped edges, keg, 85c and 40c, sale price
S� rink at 29e a yd
200 yards Bream, red, and blue Scrim, good
washing colors, Reg. 40e, sale price ....29e
Ladies Suits 9.98
Srven 'Ladies i uits, navy and black, sizes
34, 36 40, 42, ,all new styles, Reg. 18.00 end.
20 00 suits, sale price , .9.98
Clliidrens Serge Dresses 2.89
15 only, Ohildrens Cloth Dresses, sizes 6, 8,
10 and 12, Reg. 5 00 and 5.50, sale price 2.89
Corsets 69ea pair
2 dozen Crompton Corsets, good models,
Reg. 1.00 and 1 25, sale price..,. .....,..69c
Iiandkercliicis 6 for 15e --
5c ,,,100 dozen white Lawn Handkerchiefs em-
brotdered miners very specrill for sale
6 for 25c
RibliOiiS 14Q' a yd'
1000 yards good Taffeta SilkRikhon, in all
shades, Reg. 20, 25,35c. Sale price ......14c
Cashmere Gloves 22e
4 dozen, only Ladies Cashmere' Gloves, in
all sizers Reg. 35 and 40e, sale price 22e
Satin Underskirts 1.39
2 dozen only paddy green and cerise Un-
derskirts, world be good value et 2.25, sale
price 1.29
Sweater Coats 25 per rent off
2 dozer} only Ladies Sweater Coats all new.
all colors 25 per cent oft
Rags 25 per cent off
Your choice of any Rug in store..... .
25per cent Oft
Millinery 1.50
Your choice of any; trimmed Hat in store
... ...:;::...... 1.50
Embroideries and Laces
Big reductions in 7]rnbroideries'and Laces
101" i anuary sale
Corsets Hall Price ..
Odd sizes in Corsets iu all the best, makes
.... ..:.:..._.,. ..........:. llail'Price
Tapestry Curtains '2.97
1 dozen pair Tapestry Curtains in red and
gold, plain green and plant red, Reg 3.75
sale price .:..,........ ..
i?eeber the Date,
January loth to th