HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-08, Page 2e9f THkl 'CLINTON NEW ERA.` Thurs y, January 8th, 1914, A PTE Tee F F. DALLEY (31 LTD.N0 DusT tNOWAsTE 11AhMiLTON, CANADA (NO Ruse The, New Era. sT 401MalI.s And 'wolves and boars and croco- dfl;ss! It,makes me writh and groan and i4weat, 47TH YEAR. llt':s awful. at .the time! And ';yet PUBLIC SERVICE?' 1 know when next) I git five rents I 11 climb nerds`. the backyard fence, Hike through the lane, and up 'the Is'tiree't. -A-sicared that I might miss a seat, A-wigglin' through the crowds go, 'hound to the Moving Picture Show ! W. I.I. KERB it SON; Props, J. Leslie Kerr, 11iisilless Manager New Era, One Year in advance $1.00 New Era, when not paid in ad- vance_ $1.50 New E:a, to. the United States r1 advance. $1.50 'Advertising Bates on Application. Job Work pl•ic-S advance on July 1st, 1913, in accordance with the Huron Co. PreTs Asso- c: ation Rates. Office. Phone 80 House Phone 95 Dried Grape Wine. ' Among the extraordinary frauds which have been perpetrated wag one put into operation by a company' of schemers :who told a confiding public that many fortunes were to be made by importing into England compresii- ed dried, grapes from Spain, Italy and elsewhere, then saturating them with good English water and making wine from them. It was stated in the pros- pectus that dried grapes could be im- ported at a much cheaper rate than wine and that it was possible to pro- duce an equal quantity of wine as good as:.that '.made abroad:. Thous- ands of pounds were subscribed by the British public, who firmly believ- ed in the idea until the scheme col- lapsed. OUR CO UNTR Y FACTS ABOUT CANADA The fire.e':''` t cable 'message from Canl ustraliawest sent on lOctiobek,, . ,klanic clearings Of ,some western ••e's7e'talgary, 1912, $276, 492.303; '11911, $218,681,291; (Edmonton. -1912. ($220,727,617 1911, 0121.438.3914 Re- gina, 1912, $115,727.467; 1911173.032. 088.'• Net public debt at confederation $75,767,135; 1912, $339.919.460. Values 'of various fisheries; Sal- mon, $10330,070;` cod: $4.201.760;lob- ellers•, $4,790,203; herring. $2,543.491. Immigration ten years ago, seas- on 1903, British, 50,37.4; United Stat- es, 45,171; other foreign, 34: 785; tot-. ' al, 130,330. Ontario has 26,393 Indians, Que- bec 12,817, British Columbia, 24.781; and Manitoba, 10,373. Oriental arrivals at -03ritish Co- lumbiaup to end of 1912; 42,754, via; Chinese, 23,243; Japanese, 14.- 364; Hindoos, 5,147. The Canadian Trades and Labor Congress has over 66,000 affiliated membelrsl, In addition there are two Provincial Federations. of La- bor and 44 Trades and Labor Coun- cils. Canada makes over 300 verities aEtinianufactures, Albeatlta has a land area of 150- 117,760 acres, of 'which 57,762.803 acres aresurveyed and cultivable. Vancouver ranks .ninth, amongst Canadian cities inclu trealty: Pro- duet,ion-itri940t' `4A5r300,006. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S G A T Q R 1 a: F r .S' p1 'HEE IJ MOV1D.'i'1, Whenever I' kin git . five cents, I 'clianb across the backyard fence,. !Hike through the lane, and up the treat, A -scared that I might miss a seat, A-wigglin' through the crowds' 'I Mound o raiel ;Movin', Picture Show. Gee, but it's great to sit back itlhere„ And swing your legs and stare and At resin' boats and aeroplanes; "wayin' cars,,and whizzin' iWaang, :And eolltbya desparato and bad On horseel gailopin' like mad!• ,' o" I laff untilI m full of kinks, Al-wa'ttchtn' old Jeruaha Jinks, Lambaste his bran new son-in-law. But in a minute more -why pshaw A cannibal 'ud have to cry To see "The Gambler's Daughttier' let But, of, that aghttivhen� oun ds are dead; 'CeptPa a-snorin' in his bed. I lay awake'there in the dark, , And isec 7 tall Injuns wild and I 'shark Come creepin' through the bed- i room door, A-squirmin' towards me ton she floor. I sat up quick. and' hold my breath, I There at my 'slide a 'great black "Death" • Holds out his arms, and grids While jest apast his head I see The cold, blue, muzzle, of a gun, Held by a reckless ruffiun 1 The closet door swings softly back, I hear the tamer's whiplash crack, And out come lions gl Pin' 'wild l To find some tender, (oothslolne child ; M. MeN. Savoury Pie. Required -About, three-quarters of a pound of minced cold meati (of of several kinds, and ham, all the better) a dessettspoonful•of parsley, a: little grated lemon rind, pepper and salt, and a suspicion of grated nu't'meg. Moisten allwith raw egg. Pastry. Grease an open tart tin or plate, line it with paste, spread withtthe' minced merit to about an inch or two inches `hick. Cover with paste, wetting 'the edges so tha'i( they stick. Ornament the to withpast ry leaves, brush over with egg, and bake for about half an hour. N.13, -This is a very economical dish, for the veriest' uemains of a joint can in this way bel turned to account most appetisingly. Mayonnaise of Fish. Required. -Cold boiled fish (hake or cod, or any fillm kind, :salmon for those whocan afpor'd it!)lelt tuce, a little cucumberone egg, a quartler of a pint of oil, one table- spoonful of vinegar, pepper and salt. . Boil the fish and leave 'till cold. To make se, the mayonnaiput the raw yolk of egg intio abowl; stir with a wooden spoon, adding very slowly the oil, then the vinegar, pepper, and salt. This will give you a very thick cream. Arrange the lettuce on a dish with a sliced cucumber round. Break the fish into pieces, moist- en with sauce, place in the centre, oft he salad, garnish with a few tiny sprigs of parsley, and: serve. �Insyy��,��®®®® 1t�.i STRAI e60T1El7 2W d9Cdii79.® 1at�� cr _3_ RH For Lame Back. Women are coming: tci understand that weak, lame, and aching backs from which they sutler are due rb wrong action of the kidneys. The kidneys are overtaxed -given more work that they can clo, and when the back aches and pains it is almost im- possible to do Ler 1 ousewark,:for every move and turn means pain. On the first sign of any weakness in the back Doan's Kidney Pills should be taken, and thus do away with any suffering froin kidney trouble. ivIrs.' A. J. Lalonde, Kingston, Ont., writes:-" I ani writing to tell you what a wonderful cure Doan's Kidney Pills did for me.' T was suffering with a lame back, and for abbaut seven clays could hardly straighten up for the pain. I had used quite a few of other kinds of pills, and received no relief. Just then my sister 1^ame and told me about Doan's , Kidney Pills, and what they had done for her, so I decided to try them: I used three boxes, and I am completely cured, and I do not hesitate to recommend them." Price, 50c, per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. If ordering direct specify "Doan's." •ive•••d•••d••••e.•••••• District News. •••••••••••••••••N••••••• .Qdverlisonient.' Duron County Business den's Association ---Pa No.: • Articles -An Prohiaitian p er The MAIN DIFFICULTY that advocates of License Law have to contend with is the IGNORANCE generally prevailing on the question. In spite of the most impressive lessons to'the. contrary, Prohibitionists are DOING THEIR BEST to IN- CREASE the USE of INTOXICANTS: The explanation of this paradox is easily obtained. The majority do not read or study out the question for themselves. n s They listen chiefly to advice given in sereno -and the preachers of these sermons generally assume that legislation can change customs, control appetites, and banish from our midst what is legally made, sold and imported. LEGISLATION NEVER HAS AND NEVER ,WILL DO THIS. In the notorious State of Main, General Neal. Dow, the father -of Prohibition there, testified that he could show very fine residences owned by men who had AMASSED A FORTUNE SELLING RUM SINCE PROHIBITION CAME INTO FORCE. Evidence,furnished by the highest authorities can be given, almost ad infinitum, showing that in Maine Prohibition has sig- nally failed to bring about the results desired by its advocates. Nothing short of `Rotten describes the conditions there• ONE EXAMPLE- In PORTLAND, Maine, under PROHIBI- TION the arrests for DRUNKENNESS in 1880 were 43.44 per thousarid. In 1893, 39.14 per thousand. In MONTREAL, un- der LICENSE LAW, 19.24 in 1880, and in 1893, 10.38. Will Pro- • hibitionists-will those who think of voting for the Scott Act SIMPLY PONDER OVER THESE FIGURES, and read, mark, learn and inwardly digest their import 1 A SEAPORT CITY, under PROHIBITION in 13 yeasts varies ONLY from 43.44 to 39.14 in arrests for drunkenness, and mind you, we are told ``Prohibition prohibits" : and another SEAPORT CITY under LICENSE, during identically the sante period, GOES DOWN from 19.24 to 10.38. In Quebec during the same period, under LICENSE the figures are 33.13 in 1880, down to 6.75 in 1893. • Surely there is no ignorance so dense and so hard to dispel as the ignorance bred of fanaticism! Respectfully, BORON COUNTY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION. John Ransford, President. Wm. Jackson, Secretary. Mail to reach us Wednesday bf each week or sooner. • Avoid all items respecting on per- sonal character but 'send ,A11 the News.. Chech, off this listit may assist you to remember an importtant item. Births,' Marriages, Deaths, Accidents, Church News Suppers or Presentations. Removals', Visitors. Lodge Newsy Fires. Public Improvements. Law Cases, the 'Crops. School lV2attera. Correspondents • 'will please re - Praha from sending',noti,cea of en- tertainments where an admission fee is charged, unless ;they send word who is"iee!ponsible for the payment of such advertisment. The charge ist . five • cents a line -six wcrds' make a line. Therae is:Comfort hi knowing that you can obtain one tried and proved, remedy thoroughly well adapted to your needs. Every woman who is troubled with headache, backache, languor, extreme nervousness and depression of spirits ought to try (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) and learn what a difference they will make. By purifying the system they insure better digestion, sounder sleep, quieter nerves, andbestow the charm of sparkling eyes, a spotless rosy complexion and vivacious ;spirits. Thousands' upon thousands of women have learned, happily,that Beecham's Pills are reliable and, The Unfailing' Home Remedy- Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. . Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S. America. In boxes, 25 cents, o ••••••.••••se•11.00.00•e0R0•••••Oe•••••••s•••••••••••• •• • Our Motto This Year is -"Tice Best Yet." • •i e Children Cry % • /'� %��• FOR FLET NER'S . • • One More 11[ V"tationg ..sseis isCASTO R IA• to. have a UNiCIII lit- 10 4 • • erary 'and debating 'society, ' The• following are the officers; Presi- dent, nesident, B.S. Scott; first vied -pr elsi-, dent F,'H, ; •aacond ''rice, J, (h Jellee, ,8ecre(Caiy, Thos. A1m•- e jrong ; trea'sutter,..A.1'. (McFarlane ; execuf5Gve, Revs. ,A. J. Mann, D Wren and R.E. Page. Four eonven. ers were also appointed as under ; Literary, -Roy A. Puyne;`'musieal,, Mrs.' Robert Thompson ; asocial, Miss' Ina' Bryans; athletic, James Ballan- tynel: The first meeting will be held after New Year's` Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A Cons(liahlc Pllippen went to from Wingham to Lucknow • and ,seized two gallons and seventeen bol` -leis of whiskey at the'resi- dence of James Jblansltone," near, the G. T. R. station. The case will come up before Magistrate Mur,- dock, t1'cicldy ataps, eoug ,e, cured colds, anti err a: hems ;h: throat and lune 26 HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Write on one side of paper only. • Once more we wish to invite you, Once snore we want to point out that as,a holiday retnembrance Je el r stands sli 1 eme.and alone, •: Onee tnOYe, we desire to state that as a desirable planeto select • suitable jewelry gifts this store TODAY represents about all • that can be totun 1P Or the last felV, weeks we've tried to keep stocks up to CUR • • • • A •ii thin the whole of Jewetrydolti.=, • C 1 TON ��tkL, CLUBBING RATES "'ow Era an i Rt l y Globe $130 h cw Era and Daily Mail and OW i 4 00 ..... ,: ._ h and: Daily World-3.30 94iw Era and Dafly News 2.35 New 'Ela and Daily Star 2,35 New: Era and Family Herald and b\ cekly St tr . 1.85 Now Era and ;Weekly ,Witness 1.85 New Bra and Northern Mes- senger es-sen er 1.60 New Era and Canadian Farm 1.85 New Ei a and Ea -mesa's Sun1,83 1vew EAI and Wally Free Press, morning 3.35 h.,w Era and ,.Daily Preen Pres. evening -. 2.85 New Cia and ',','eokly Free Prosy 1.85 New Era and Daly Advertiser 2.85 New Pia and 'Weekly Advex- .• tisi r . 1.60 New Pia and 'Palm and Dairy 1.85 New :Era and Farmer's Advo cite 2,35 COAL U. S. Glovernthent Standard Below is an extract from (IS. Gov, ad, for tenders- "The anth ratite coal trust be equal to that • mined and prepared by Peiladel phia & Reading Coal & Iron Co" We handle nothing but the first' grade Philadelphia & Reading; . .'.Y. Ia'ollowlay House phone 12. Office phone 40 For Sale Driving mare for sale. Will be sold cheap for cash or part cash and part. feed. Apply to JOE RATTENBURY. LAC Poultry Wanted ----o,.-- 2500 /thickens, 1000 liens. 1000 Packs Elicit Week Irony now until January To finish your ownpoultry, we have Wheat, Oats. and Buckwheat. specially ground for fattening purr- poses, as very reasonable prices. 8,000 dozein Strictly New Laid Eggs wanted each weelr during the winter months. To produce these eggs we have, a full line ;of Poultry Foods to keep your layere in the pink .of condition. A full ,stock' of Blain, Shorts, Feed Flour, Oat Chop, Barley Chop, Etc., Etc., always on hand. GIVE US A CALL. P,OULTRY TAKEN ANY DAY OF EACH WEEK. �'he Gtta�-1 an iUis Co., r�ito The up-to-date Firm, .Clinton' Phone 61. N. W. TRE WARTHA. W. JENKINS Farm for Salo • -Tha.1 er & for u- d , •s: •red offers o sale le Improved farm of 160 acres, Lots 13 and i4. Con, 17, Township of fiodaich- situated on talo BaseLine foul' rn 1.e north of Clinton, CHARLES CLIFTON. Summerhill. Farm for Sale Moa'f, a;;e for Sale $3,800.00 first mortgage im •10Q acres for sale, • W. BRYDONE Drs. Ceo, ( M. E. Whitley IleilelllanD Osteopathic Pliy. Specialists in Women's and Children'sDiseases Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose; and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbliry' Hotel Friday, from 1 to 6 Being lot 21 and 25, 4th Coo, of Stanley. 70 acres all cleared, having. never failing spring creek. wet l tett end , frame house, and barn, 30X5G lean to 11X30 stable ander whole buldit,g, the stables are cement being put in one year ago. Small orchard. Tele- phone and rural mail. 7 acres of alpalfa good catch. Possession and terms to suitpurchaser, Apply on premises onto W, POTTER R.R, No. 5, Clinton For Sale or Rent A seven -roomed 'pottage on North Street for sale or rent. MRS. E. BUTLER Telegraph School I have started 'a night telegraph school and will start a day school as soon as I can sell or trade my flour and feed store for town property or a farm.- A, E. Matheson, Slabs For Sale 14 inches long, Hardwood, 12 inches long, Body Wood. ' STAPLETON SAH EL Ilellev►ew Dairy Fari i From our stock of first-' cla'sa cows were prepared a 1 pZ to supply ,you, twice daily with best of milk and -cream, and solicit a share of your patronage. E. B., HILL. • idea of completeness. We've`b'een .buying about as fast as • we've been selling. a And Whi'l'e we've been handing ont go'ocls Elm wenever did • Ynr/15 Opposite G. 1, it.• Station 0I • • • • • • ••• • • c• • s • YARDS betore, we still have no excuses to' make for our showing -- either in quantity, variety, quality or prices Colne -tight up to the last minute on 'Christmas Eve, okpecting to get a choice that guarantees you that precise article that you have set your heart on. , Come, expecting tofind it in all the beauty of the Teweler's art. Collie expecting to flnd us anxious to give you all of ,our time that you "need, so 'that your visit may be pleasant and profitable. Monte at your earliest opportunity. v • • All kinds o4 Coal on hand Chestnut Solt Coal •II • Stove Blacksmith '0 Furnace Coke. • Kennel Coal and Wood .r • • Tile -2r, 3 and "4 -inch size b t s qu tlity: • The Tile is of the very est • is • Brick to Order, • • R. e Ulf TER • Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses : lig •'+,'et • d61• ". • •••••ss•••••••••••••••••soo•soceeeeess•ssseese••ess•• Ph 0210 5'92 Farni tor Sale A good (farm,' eonsistinig of 88 acres, being lot 76, Maitland con- cession, Goderich township, two. mites north of t'Holmesville, con- venient to church andschool, also cheese and butter factory. Good. 7 -roomed house with pantry and back kitchen, excellent cellar and plenty, of hard and soft water water piped to barn; good bank' barn 45x45, straw shed 18x36, Stab- ling underneath all; two orchardsr principally spies and baldwins; the farm is tiled -drained; well fenced small bush; no Waste land; all seeded down except 17 acres, which as ploughed. Rural telephone in house with long distance connec- tion,.also on rural mail route. PITS - 'session given to suit purchaser; LEWIS TEBBUTT, _ Holsnesville, phone 9 on 143 Goderich township Cies Wanted Experienced. and girls to learn Knitting and Looping. Will pay $5.00 per week while learning. Steady employment. Pleasant position. Apply at once CLINTON. KNITTING CO., Clinton, Ontario. Money Wanted. I haveseveral inquiries for loans of various amounts and will be pleased to find investments for funds on mortgages. W.BRYDONE Farm for date ' A desirable 80 acre farm for sale Good frame house, a parlor, dining room, summer kitchen ,and wood shed.' A bank barn with cement floors, pig pen with cement floor and troughs, and drive shed, well drained, all seeded but about ' 22 acres, everything in good shape, Some of the money may be had at a low rate Of interest, will sell With or without crop. Apply to' H. IIESK, Lonclesboro, or on the premises, lot 17, con. 8. Mullett, Farm For Saie A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on eon. 12, part lot34,'Hul- lett township, 3 miles from Londes- boro, a ondes- boro,i 5 miles frons' Blyth 11-2 miles front School. A bank fiarn38 by 58, another barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick; house, plenty of water, about ani lucre of or - ,chard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to WILLIAM LONGMAN, lBlyth.' P. 40. FORD tt Mei,EOD W, BRYDONL' BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUB IC, 27'10 CLINTON I2635:RLEci' 13. . 111111.6 Conneyanee, Notary Public, commissioner, etc. EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Iluron49t., Clinton. ' H: ,T. RAN'CE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial and Real Estate. INSURANOE;,iAGEenreneNoT-ncompaniesepresonting.. 11 Fire;In Division %CourtOilice. �/edi►.at. `DR, *:. W. THOMPSON Pbysiolan. Surgeon, •Etc eneaiai.ettention given to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose, Eyes carefully examined. and suitable glasses proscribed. sidene Office and ne o. Two doers west, of the Commercial note! Huron 81, We're now selling Timothy Seed (Government Standard,). We also have 'on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover, We always have on hand -Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley andFeed Corn, Highest Market'Prices paid for Hay and :all Grains. FO -RD.& 111ctE01) AAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAILLAAI 4 _ t 414 4 lin Pianos 4 Is 4 P. Is4 I See and here our finest t New Stylish. designs of E 4 DohertyPianos and • 4 I e Org 3nS al 0 4 ssp ecial values in Art > Cases Pianos and Or,oaI1S rent ed, choice new Edison a phonographs, Music & variety goods. 4 4 4 C . Hoare A fAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAA 00001180000600000150 00000044. 4 ► r Mnslc E,1lporinin ► ► ► Advfs. �llioys Pays DIS. GUINN and GANDII]II Dr, W. Gunn, L. n6 C, P., L, E. 0. S.. Fdlp., Dr, Of (I, Gaudier. D.A.. 11.1x, Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night oath at resideaoe, Rattenbary!St.. or at bolnital DR. J., W. SHAW. ..PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. cam cheer, oto,, ollide and residence on LenburaBt., opposite w. harran's-residence. DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST , lCrod•n and Bridge Worst a Speelalty( Graduate of O.C.D.S•,t Chicago, and R.O.A.S• Toronto. Reynold on -Mondays, Day 1st to Decent") DR. 1$. FOWLER, DENTIST. j Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to, make dental beet - mem as painless as possible. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stock and general Auction lee GODERIOH ON Isasi etoaa rates a epetunl1h .Otdete at as Naw ERA office, Clinton, prt.mriiy attended to. 3!erme. reasonable. Farmers' sale note discounted! G: D. McTaggars M. D. MoTaggar McTaggart Brost BANKERS ALBERT ST , • CLINTON- General Banking Mishima. transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued, Interest allowed n deposits The McKillop Mutue, Fire Insurance boa Perm and Isolated Town Props. arty Only insured.. OFFICERS. J. B. McLean, President, Seafoilth, .1 Connolly, Vice-PresGodeii'leh. T. E. Hays, Sec.-Treas.; Seafoxlth• DIRECTORS. Jas, Com:telly, Bclmesvllle, John' Watt, 'Harlock ; G. Dale, Clinton; 93.- F. 3.'F. McGrogoa, Seafortb ; J. Evane,. Beechwood, J.'G, Grieve, Winthrop.. J Benneweis, Brodhagen; M. Me. Ewan, Clinton. , Each Director is Inspector of losses in his own district. AGENTS. Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed. ilinch- ley, Seafortb; Wm. Chesney, Eg-• mondville; J. W. Yen, Holmesvillet, Pa •menti maybe y ,made at The MM.orrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. H. Cutt, Goderich. JACOB TAYLOR' 1L8NroN Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Real estate bought and. sold Money to loan Office Isaac Street, next door to New Ere Grand Trunkkailivay system Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North Passenger London, depart... „. 8,30 a m 4.50 p_im Centralia 9.40 5.45 Exeter. ........•9.53 5.54 Hensel] 10.08 3.05 Kippen 10.16 6.11 Bruoefield 19.30 6.19 Clinton 11.00 6,35 Londesboro 11:18 6.52 Blyth 11.27 7:00 Belgrave , ...... 11.40 7.13 Wingham, arriveI1.50 7.35 South 'Passenge• Wingham, depart6.43 a m 3,33 p m Belgrave 6.54 3.44 Blyth 7.08 3,56 s Londeeboro 7.16 4.04 l Clinton . 7.50 4.23 Brucefi:eld .........: 8.12 4.39 ICippen 8.23 4.4"/'' HensaiV '8.32 4.62 Exeter 8.48' 5.05 Centralia ,. . 9.00 5,15 London, arrive 10.00 6.10 Buffalo and `lode, Wee' Passer et W` E g. am pm m pm Stratford 10.00 12.20 5,25 10.20 Mitchell 10.22 12.45 5.55 10.47 Seaforth 10.45 1,10 6.78 71,12' Clinton 1 125 6.40 11.28 HolmesvalIe 1I.6 ,.4 I138; Goderich..s11-35 ,1.50 7.05'11.55' East, 1 eaeenger am pm pm. Goderich............ 7.10 2.40 4.50 Holmesville .. 7.20 2.57 5.06 ...... 7.35 3,07 ' 5.15 Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5.02' Mitchell. 8.10 8448 555 Stratfora8.40 4 15 6 20 ®eeeeseee•eee•e•e•••••••s•