HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-08, Page 1ed 1865, Vol. 48, No. 28
Renew for The New -Era NOW. :See Orn Clubbing Rates.
THE Huron caunty Council For
oval 14atik
Head 'Office, Montreal
Cooltat Authorifed ---•.$25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
.6 peorve and undivided 12,500,000
TOTAL ASSETS -:-.-- .--.-:175,000,000"
Pfith World wide eoineetiani•
Interest allowed on Deposits
t3en,eral : Baking business talane•
Baking P0W4let
Always Good
Always Fresh
Made only with chemically
pure Crean Tartar and
Bicarbonate of Soda
Ask for a Free S$unple
25c per Pound
Dispensing Chemist.
Thee following, gen(ilemen will
constiitute the County Councilof
Huron for 1914, The first '• pained
I _s the Reeve anti e nord is Deputy
Astar elda-Wm. Hunter and Chas,
SWw art,
Blytdi—Dr, Milne.
• Bas f teld—Geo; Lindsay,
Bius9els—J. Leckie.
Clin,tion--D. CauLelon.'
Colborne—S. Bissett.
Exciter—J. 'W. Taylor,
Goderieh—Robt. Elliott and W. P.
Godepich Twp.—W. H. Lobb.
Carey -R. Livingstone 'Nand J,
Hay -L. Kalbfleisch.
Hensall—Thos. Hudson.
Howick—R. I -larding and L. Dem-
merling. '
Qulilicltft—J. Fingland.
McKillop—J. M. Govenlock.
Morris --J Shortreed,
Seeaforih—John A. Stewart.
GGtanie3—W. Glen. '
Sltlephen W R. Elliott and Wm.
Turnberi y J. Mulvey.
Tuckersmxtth-1. Crich.
Usborne—S• Routley.
Wawanosh E.—J, M. Campbell.
1Vaavanosh W.—D. B. Murray:
1Vingham-J. W, McKilabon,
Wroxdteir—C. Heim,
According to the recognized kettle
of altlernating the Wardenship be,
g{ween the political parties, a Con-
servative is entitled to the claim
for 1913 and the sun : wilt be.be;
ijween Livingstone' of Grey,:Cau-
Hielon of ,Clinton and !Glen of Stan-
, ley.
This year Reeve Leckie of
se s celebrates his 25th anniVersary
as'a ,Councillor.
Incorporated 1555
Capital and Reserve $8,7000,000
Interest allowed at hjghest current ,rate.
Bra ch
`Manager Winton n ,
The New Mayor
Monday's Results,
• Elections are !supposed 'Lo, furnish
surprises. That is one reason, per-
haps, for illold:ng them, ,atrcl the
usual quota was supplied bn t4Io11
day, waxen the result of the voting
was made known. The new regula
!tions covering .the use of vehicles
for conveying meters to the polis
cea(ttainty laid not 1 eep +the voters
from exercising their right to vete.
For the Mayor's chair Feed Jack-
son . made a !sthlong "come.' back"
after his, defeat last year fostGioun-
cil and after an exciting contest
clefelatted A. T. Cooper byamajor-
of Oil votes.
The contest for the Reevedhip
was an interesting one till, the re
turtle comer front St. Geoijge'silWard
'which gave Reeve Cantelon:a Ma-
jority of 24; over Jacob Taylor and
allowed him a chance to try for
hilt Wardenrstip of 'the' County.
The !highest: vote .polled was that
of ex -Mayor Wilhse, and' this was
indeed no isurprise. Ci;tizensi.gen
erally :recognize the sterling worth
of : the man, and the fact thathe
headed the poll, in four for the five
Wards .indicates clearly just how
highly his 'thoug1t tiof every-
-Where. One agreeable feature was
thei !splendid ishowiog made by two
'new blood, Messirs.di. Fitzsimons,
who tsi(ood third and J. P. Shep-
hard who . was fpui tjh.
The man who' ,bas had much a-
buse hurled. at him, 'took /second
place in the contest and the friends
of AIr. Jas. FdntdI were not slow. in
giving hima boobttfaor-every knock,
hurled at him. CounciLter Paisley.
made a geed run as did Chas, Wal
lis who was in the Council. some
years ago.
-The electors have selected conn
til who, with' the' exception' of two,
have .had municipal experience and
tthe 'tovin'5 affairs should not suf,-
fer• in their hands.
rl big 'surprise( to' many people.
was the defeat of W. G. Smyth.who
has been a Councilitor ;for many
years and who returlired kornunicip
al polities! again this year after a'
Kerr & Son, Editors WWI.I'ubla'she
BULLETIN—Thursday 1.45 lt, m. S r ,wines still ;lyre,. but very low at Nev'York.
Kura T t
000934993i00000•160••f•••0000 Nov year's at his home here,
j� j��f �y y� ' Sir." Bistobt'ord, of Centralia, and
glans �� Toronto
a Me. Pugh, r,f Brussels, were guests of
�'i5�k'ICi, News.
Munich al- Elections
Mies S Bran during the week.
.'11Th. Wm: O. B:ggden, of Winnipeg,
Nan., is abisitor at the home of nis
0900•90114•8000011190.0090®09 parents, Mr:'and Mrs: G. Brogden:
I ' Mies Olvettn Beinharn ieturned to
Illol.nesyille 1. Highgate on Saturday after spending
Outside of the general interest which
ii!r, U, -o, Acheson aF aVlediciue llat the holidays at her; home here,
the public basin municipal .elect toes, About half an hour after ' he was
the p eo le of Huron had special inter 10.visitiu et h iris mother. bars• Girl-, sworn in as poll' clerk at the stibdivi•
P P in ren neck and H truld of Hamilton and air, 1 sion in the Forester's Hall' here, Wme
tot to the year, owing
elethons that f Fow'ler of London visaed -t Al"!to this owing to the foot no , . j Lee suffered a slight stroke. For some.
less than tats of those Bguiing in the Acheson s l+Lst went. time he last his speech and the 'use of
eleeaion are natives of Huron county lir. Walker,- of Springfieel is tisit
Walter Harland Smitb, who is one ing at Nr. Ho sand's.
Mr. holland had a successful
ul sale oPof the Aldermen elected for Ward 0
was born on a farm near Aule rills cattle ClintonCtintan ou Friday last
(now Brussels) in y since
1870, barna' blies D, Holmes was in Godericb for
dent of the city since 1870 and was
his right arm. In a little time, how.
ever, he recovered sufficiently to- be
removed to his home, where it is es
^petted he will recover. Mr. Mains
wee sworn in as clerk in his place,
Webb—Bamford-A very pretty
foal Tiwas.
fora long time.connected with Grand wedding took place at the home of
Horse repository. in which bnsiness,he Misses Emma, Ross and Elva Levis Mrs. Harrison icing, E mer Avenue
has gainedie comfort5h'e'eetepetenee of Clinton and Mr. Bert Gorrell, cf Toronto, when her sister, Miss A ice.
Richard H. Holmes, lawyer, a son of Oxbow, visited at Mr. Will Jenkins on Bramford was united in marriage to
the late Thomas Holmes of Winghar Tuesday. Mr. Edmund Webb of Seaforth, and
was also a candidate for Alderman in
one of the wards, but was not ae suo•
cessfulas'Mr• Smith, being detested.
W, O. McTaggart, who was raised
Mee. 0, McPhail and Miss 'Georgie .Rev: Mr, Neil performed the ceremony
McPhail visited at Mr's. Holdsworth's Mrs. Charles Rigby played the wed -
on New Year's day. ding march. The bride was given away
Miss L. Ililier of Clinton spent the hY Mr, El.. King was prettily gowned
near Obiselhrrstand has been a mem• holidays at Mr. Jos. Jervis'. an enlbtotdere vote ov
ber of the Board of Education for I wO' Mrs: W. Bedard. and children of the tnlle yeil and orange blossoms arrang
years, was reelected hy-a majority of Maitiend con,:, visited in Clinton over ed in Juliet cap effect and carried' a
niore than 1300 over his o hie thet. Mr. 'Sunday, • shower hoquet of white roses and ferns
was over
total vote rn' gest . Krt9 ,Rev, me,M. McCormick returned on Little Alma Peterson was a dainty
given over4000, candidate
the ler get .veto ,Satni•dl}.y. flotvergii•l and Mies Annie Bamfcrd.
any candidate for trustee itt Nay The Women's Institute will meet on acted, se tn•ides nsidwearing pale pink
f thewards of the city, Mr JLeTag- Thui sda}}--. January 15th, a 5 the home with pearl trimmings and carried pink
Mart has been acting Chairman of Oho of Mrs. Mulholland, at 2.30 p, in. A roses and ferns Mr. Crich supported
r silk with
Tigard for +t few weeks, and is sore togood attendance is requested..
a absence, R J, 1Vfi11er a be the.permanent chairman for the
stn o year a. s ensuing year Speaking of a.meeting
1 new Scan to run, was high man orate board that was held last week,
-'-''1• of the three defeated m(4ri Was 50 the Ulobe sayer—'Ohairman locoal;-' London HoIId is a son of Mr. R, G. Webb of ea
sbehind C. J: Wallfs and IMO, melt made aeplendid impression with The usual New Year's gather ing it and a brother of Mrs. John H. Shote
4' A. MVleLennan• was loaf man With his businesslike method of htandlinf g t brook of Lnndesboro, Ed, was ano d-
the groom. Duringthe register. Mr.
Chas, Rigby sang Because . Liter
Me. and Mrs. Webb left for their
bogie 09 Columbia Avenue.Mn Webb
Ot cl
Don't Tale
�a ,Chance•
When buying Robber Goods
'Don't take a chance- on any
old thing.
When buying a
Hot Water Bottle
from us you get absolutely the
beet value possible for. the
RhMI]MBER-Wa give a 2year
guarantee with our bottles,
and it pays to get the best,
You get it at
W.Q.R. Holmes
the home of Mr, Geo,' limnley t•tok
Lon'clesnoro boy.
Mr, Smyth. at hh id ween. "
�' n able
aU ..
n w
Ye r'a and u
Plane O N a 1 Y
r in
urii n odic The deputy -returning g inns star spent, Arrtocg thts gnosis -^
charge of the polling booth in Wird 5 were, Uie Uauhlou farullx, of Godericb
where Mayor Flocken cast his (Knott h' . , a '1 Mrs n1atJ ii tug,' of H°OPtet 5 $[iii
George Sheppard, formerly n , Wood ss Addle t nx is spending a
eolith c a (born on the arm n
"•- :,'a'-.� .,'� Gudr•.•i, 'r•„ stark and Mess Tillie. McCartney, tube with lien hrnther in Uaiborne,
cad •to
” oT BON.
>; ALL
1 !till^"
�,�,�,._. $, t A bald -head will sit once more
+ at 'Lee Council.
+ It will be gratifying, not to say
rd a
{ o e
rk cc x
p unusual, if the new a n council
personnel of the new tory
•+ successfully stands ayear?e siege.•
t ion * Even the insidious "plumper" is
't' e than. punctured
fee ry
•. no more of P.
• tire. on occasion.•
4 Yost remember old Sir Joie, It's
remarks anent hoose races and
electtion2 'Nothing more uncertain.
• The Deputy Returning ofltacre
i were very careful. this year and
Z'the final: returns were not in un-
til 8.15 p.m.
• A good crowd gathered, in the
• Council Chamber to hear the' re,
• turns.
page 3
t In another column the figures of
• the polis on Monday will be found.
Arthur .Knox of Wingham aged
93 and Thos. Fear of Hull,gtt town-
ship aged • 91,' were 111 town and
polled their rote on Monday. They
can put.the younger generation to
shame yet for voting early.
Other Elections in Huron
l �.,r
, o 1 •'
Deal or Every p Ilion •
� Square UB,i'e � :l� l l; Y
was Mr. ] d f ] f r atvus ip iat week
Goderi 1 ( tl f F town. George n111, 1,uey el Nta, Mi A p
') has b,r• . nu'• West t +: the 1}tssecl>year Miss Luella Trelxhnrne; returned
The Toronto Star Published :L!'Nitro a and a half. home 0015 rtutclay: having spent her
of Mayor hooker) a excellent
his ballet, in alitss SIan .v stent. the holidays at .ha'idaysa(uoug friends in Taronto,
wheel was also an excellentlikeuess of her home in 1Sitrpun. Mr. and Mrs, Hodges of [Staines, Mr
MB. Sheppard The election passed off very quietly, 13 Vindetbnrgh of Kincascllne, Mrs.
Burney tt s conte to the Front whet. The l meets telt Tuesday at elnrphy and Mrs. Adair cf London,
ever they are.
iVlr, Wen, Stanbury le drawing burgh on Wednesday last.
IIULLETT—Reeve John ling-
land ; Council— M. Armsjilrbug, J.
\!Taut, W. Miller and T. Neelands• '
tSTANLE']'-4Ble,e'tre' Wm- Glt:.at.;';
Council—Jas. Keys, David Dewar,.
John. McKinley .and Jos. Hood,
Lobb by 140 majority, council by
BLYTII—The following are Puha
members of the Village Council for
d Reeve, '
1911 elljntte ,
Milne (acclamation); council, J. A.
Carter,, J. Cott, 'H. Horineys•R.Sloan.
EXETER—John Taylor was elect-
ed reeve, of Exeter by; a majority
of 11 over John Scott. John'Hinds
Thomas r
o as' 12
arton rank Doyle
P y
were set,unned to the Council and
B. W'. F. Beaver, a new roan was
STEPHEN—In Stephen Township
Mr, J. A, Elliott was elected.reeve,
-withYearly returned a
s de -
l uty. Nets sirs. McWhiutney;. 'Neil
and Sinkbinner were elected coon -
t+ ik ( m e t ,
i his, Fc+tnk Grant's; attended the fnnerai of W. E. Vinder•
1 gravel and preparing to split his barn
Mr. John Torrence isp v
Letter 1 Popular i,ext' year and enlarge it and put a i; g as gist :as his many friends would
Letter Ei a p i cement foundation under it, wish.Mr. Frank FIiilooh is also on
i(� 1 Mr. and n1rs. George L•Ly.tou spent the sick list with pneumonia.
awnship clerk lAviersw Ifseaaarcs Dwodtdh, Otfhetol<rL:tnters mother, htAhvnro yo porenWwdentleddnagy,toatok thpahcoemrte
of nor, and Mrs. John Oox, when their
daughter, Maggie Elliot, ryas united !
in marriage to Sir. W itllam Ronald
The following interesting letter, marriage
oo I`Westtninistei. The ceremony
from the pen of tam Mies one of themost tiss 10 Uhidley returned to Clinton, was performed by Rev, 111x• Mceor
petentand,pOpular township clerks in Thursday, after spending a few class mirk, and Mrs. S. D. Dawson played:
the Dominion, Sir•. James,Compliel; of at !he home of Miss Barr, the wedding march. The parlor was
'Londeshoro, appeared in the Toronto Mr, Alvin 'Braithwaite returned to lavishly decorated with holly and
Globe on Saturday.—_Detroit on Thursday after spendid; Continuer] on Page 5
An incident,nccurre,on my farm
to -day that gave ore the idea of telling v
some oP my experiences as a farmer. !
Ten years of my early life in Canada,
WAS spent behind the counter of a gen.
eral store in the country net very fur
from the city of Toronto. but getting
tired of storekeepeng I decided' to
turn farmer and go vest. The going
west of thoredaysmeant no rnere than
going up to Lake Huron or thereacvay
I,n 18ea 55 -acre int
almos67t inI thepurcentrehaeed o£ she notv,lifarst- l iss J I CKSON'
class township of Hallett. having be A T. Cooper
tween 40 and 50 acres cleared thereof:
but with no buildings except a. small'
frame cottage, still standing, or which
1 paid nearly 52,000, paying down
81, 200 and borrowing the $800 from Mr, DAVID CANTELON
Jenkins of the Huron road, he being Jacob Taylor
about the only farmer in the Goderich
district having money to lend at that
time. How different with the farriers
of to day. who, almost every- other ,one. FOR
a little
sum like o d lend
them could of :17:tortp
that'on m day's notice.
I started in en my little farm deter-.
mined to succeed and clear at least
3200'a 'year, and that by average of LTSLtheyearsIsucceededindoing;andTZS
more for a: number of years,"or s0 long [i; FITLSISIONS .
account of
as I kept
anyway J. 1'.
Those were the days of small things, �y; J, PAISLL i'
and we ,were contented therewith. a l WALLIS
neighborhood, fortunatelyw1ith draopYprodrkshintoireea mane• finR•'.J, Miller
NV. G. Smyth
in front of me, a 'Yorkshireman to the G. A. McLennan
left of me; by whose: advice in a little.
farm -
way I profited not a 1 t
' The incident of to -day was the
shooting of an old farts horse ift `the
age of thirty-one years and six months
Afew years ago I had cne shot at the Sub -divisions
same age, ;Lad some few year's before ;r
that I had another one shot at thirty F1NGLAND
years old, and thatone was never shcd Leiper
but, once—that Was at three years,olf. Snell
But what may be considered remark-
able in my fanning career is the fact
that in all those forty-six consecutive AR115TRONG
years on the farm "I did not ;cue by
death or accident a single horse or cow
steer or heifer, sheep. or even a grown
up pig. :Of course, the stock kept was
not large, 1 hit'always sufficient for the
iza oC the farm,"
GODEERJCH-Robt. Elliott iwas
eleislted reeve over Munningsl by
24, Mayor C. A, Reid (ace].) ; dep-
uty reeve, W. F.'Clark ; councillors,
Wm.. Pioudioot'jt '0.101 Wigle, J.
C1atitartvaite J. 13, MtCI4titen,, 13.
Morris, F. Elliott. William Proud -
foot, aged 24, son of Wm. Proil-
foots M. P. P• ;leas 'the distinction
�.of being the youngest councillor
in ;the town's history. Be headed
;too- polls.
'• u
ed' Exom••!0••0G •••A•••••!••••s44•4f••o4•s•.+.•9••••i•••••a Conti'n
Pager 1
Vote By Wards in Clinton
Si ILLi+,1l
Accept our sincere
thanks for your hearty
co-operation with us duh -
ink 1o13.. You have
helped us break all past
sates, records with splen-
did increases,
That the New Year
may` bring you and yours
health and happiness is
our sincere wish.'
F�` • T. O'NElL
Phone 48
Take a Complete Coln -
the CCesst0U
the Popular and >. u
70 82 08 • 72 250298
59 63. 70 65
Majority Fur Jackson.- 48
09 67 58 83, 277
56 72 70 55 253
Majority For dantelon-21
8t, 91 8.1
25: 30
99 86 91
75 85 72
76 91 04
-73 76
63 "4 71
91 52 72
49 43 62
40 58
37 45 •
95 350
' 25_ - 108
Majority -2:42
90 806
77 309
6S 299
'75 .,91
-69 262.
59 244
90: 194
41 46 188
40 30 158
1 2 3 4 5 0 7 Total
40 37 13 28 10 95 84 263
21 00 21 38 15 8 4 170
10 29 39 5a 35 ' 36 ;`.20 253
67. 77 '' 27 50' 29 45 43 343
3S 92 - � 20 0•L 10 50 58 330
90 89 - 58 46 46 36 01 326
18 75 31 04 27 43 13 SOL
15 34 39 50 ;,7 47 44 �
77 uU 141
`30 2,
11 2721 - 20 25 . 23 10 218
.and yen will soon ocoupy, a good'
nositiun ' and enjoy a good eatery..
Enter row. Write for Catalogue.
This Space
..cio€ gs to
Ontario St. .
Sunday Schoo/
Over The Teacups
Mr. Bert Johnson was home for
ire holidays,
andMrs. Joe. Reinhardt and
childs'en spent the holiday at Ber—
lin. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMurehie ansa
Misses Mary and Jean, of Blythe,
were New Year's gueslts of Mr. and_
Mrs. W. Brydone. .
Mr. C. "H. Beese, of Blyth, was in,
Jkcwn last week.
Mr, W, McViftie, of Alymer, and
a former employee at the Doherty
Piano and Organ Co,. was in town
a few, hours base iveek while en
roue to Blyth.
Mr. Jack Weir spent a few days,
at lie home near 'Wroxeter.
Mrs. Thos. Shipley was avisitor-
with her daughter;„ Mee. L,Lavis,.
at Wingham, onNeiv'Year's Eve.
Mises Jean ' Dayment, milliner, is•
t ids s.
ti si l of
monh y
foraf few
Mrs. Wm. Tiplady- visited with:
Mrs, : Jas. Dunford' at $eafov!th last
Miss Pearl Shipley was a visitor
for a 1esv clays last week with Mises
Clet!a Dunford at Seaforth.
, Leslie Kerr res, J. L 1
Mr. and 1
New Year's Day at Brussels.
Mr. W. Marehail, of Wingham; ac-•
conrpained' by his children spent'
New Year's with his mother here..,
Mies McLean spent New Year's,
at her home at Lucknow.
Mr, and Mts. J. W. Tijeleaven ant&'
Miss Norma spent • the past Week
visiting at Lueknow.
Mr's. Thos. McKenzie jr•, and boys•
sac tN New
Years with the
at Blyth.
Mr: James Flynn, who is e
e t t
at:Luc]cnotv," spent New �'ear's a
his idioms Isere.
Continued on Page 5' , _