HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-01, Page 8a We extend to one and all The Compliments Ot The Season And may1914 be a continuance of the progress and ' prosperity of, the past year. As in the past, this store will endeavor to give satisfaction to every customer and merit the title of '`The Store of Quality." 1-14.L1.. DATES ADVERTISING -ISMS. Jan. 2nd -Pastime Club Dance, No neap stireceeds' in .business Jan, 5 --Election. The first step :is to have tlielbusi Jan: 7th—St. Joseph Dramatic mess worth advortising.- Club. Club. Jan. 13 Chicago;b , Glee C . HYDRO LINE BROKE. JANUARY ROD AND GUN.. 1 Last week the hydro wire broke "Old Chief Nassau 'of Admiralty out near the cemetery and made` thins -warm for a time. A watch Inlet" decorates the cover of the. was kept tilt the hydro 'nen got January issue of Rod and Gun in Oibere from Goderich, Canada, published` by W. J, Taylor, LOST TOE 1N :PRESS, t le Madison of the coin ,r, Miss Lot , ailt'cle .cin Eep[drtion into the primarily because he ' advetetlises. Ltd., 'Woodstock, .Ont. The, leading sin room of the ' twin ham r o i'' descriptive of p' $' fu caident Arctic Regions, is descripti 1'im'esy met with a painful a a trip to Baffin's Bay by ,e. hardy an Chrisit-mast Eve, While taking were company o adventurers t a cin run off .s�he acciderrtfall!yput • "Lucky; Scott of. Toronto, and is g t 'n ninon #Ste, revolving t �raFec�"1r-Lotee_.str=lcing.photo- one foo r g d it are the replies, to f d, led `by a papers from the press as they u b I yadl. crushed. -r wheel and had it b y graphs interest on trip. Of par_ One toe had to be amputate , ' ticulaz rntezes p Mr, T3anailrkon .fisher's .ar{Litre in WHERE ,DAD SCORES. • the November nurnber on "Bull. Moose and their' Horns ;" Mr, R. J. They bought a dressy fdr Mother, Fraser's well written article on the of silk the very best— • "AmericanLanguage e Indian"Lan ;" 'H, Fors Brother John Y>hey got al pipe, g 1VIor{limes' Batten 's "Prfnt,s from a tie, and fancy vest, .average 3C1 tree eeut. less on :rodded Trail•s;" an-anxiising•shoe's For .sister Kate there was a book,' buildings. The reason that many have Canadian d"The turning, Nioose," etc.; ' •, a cheque and dear knows whet 'doubted the, prospective.value of light. ,entitled g cert, number.is an exception- For Cousin Nell, 'tha's,lickest_i'ing ening rods is that in too many iuscan- • iter de art I teat .moires ever 'bought; ' , ces [teents and thoee who. Metall the ally- gobeioareplete, regi, p, >L - rods are not-sufic'iently skilled-•inthe inenils being on i'der interest- For Sammie ok were toys galore. worts er" theydisho,nestl shirk their' informatiion: ', Under the Tray,' pictures, books and ,blocks,;. nut y appeeare an :aceount of !then,Graiid •For dad? They husitlted • out op. y International Tournament held et ,- Chrisltlmac Eve, and•bought- a St. Thomas Dee.' let to 5th. - pair of sox! •- O i!►00P'lf i44.01Ot00'r001.'1;10*90F00600004a0+6e00w.O+0A,* • O, c Nw • • 40aCOC4.O**®0000**lO**040*0011************************ ZURICH CLERK RESIGNS p� �p (� Mi`. �flenry Nape has eeeignedhis The men cm the �yg iJall t position as ciavirion ,sour - clerk; • •TEN 'EXCELLENT STEERS, pIaYOR': Yeo Bros of bilk- Cert Line Godo- rich tettnship 'sold ten f at steers Fred ,Jackson,. to _ Mr, Glias, Rezd✓ to,lre Shipped A. T. Cooper, n xt Saturday: .They (averaged 1375 pounds; once et,eer. Lipping the , BEEVE. scales a ibli:: - David Cantl iior; _ _ ec IiLRE: COUNCILLOR 11. Wrslee. The new "int'emediafe .hockey t R. J. 14lilfer. ed from "the Moteleb Clothing Co..", They were made by ljhe I3. M. Bale b'antty e Knitting' Co, and have a gold ,weals with a red': body." They should". make a serviceable sweater: CO,TT ACT OFFICERS. INTEPAIEDI&I'F �SWE4TERo 5 b Taylor team_ eweatcrs, hese been receive b J:. p. Sheppard. W. J. Paisley. Jas. A, Ford. C. J. Wallis. Geo. A. McLennan.. SI. Fittzeirnmons. W. G. Smyth.WAT SR COMl1IISSIONI RS. Dr. Shaw and Dr. Thompson 'elecl ed by acclamation. TRUSTEES, N. Ball, F J Hill, H.E. Rorke; J. S Evans elee!ted by acclama- '.tion 'and alongwith T'Cottle,' 11, Mr Brien, W, H - Hel lyar and S. Kemp , will..compese the trrus.'ee The gentlemen -who have been named ae-deputy returning Office els fot,`C1intlen for the coming election on the Scott; Ac's are ;— St. Andrew's ward -A J. Gregg, 51, 'Jafnes' Ward—W.G. Smyth. St. John's ±yard J::W Stevenson St. George's. Ward -Peter .i7ante- WOULDhT'T<RISK IT.- , To cover, ground faster `.intheir Chrial%m:as work, some elm lcs in the Chiea°o post -office usedrolier ( Board of the Public Board B1 �Mes1 T'Iik clerks `at the; local - COOK—In (elation' on Dec, 30th to pot-officewarekept f tirly'`on the Mr, and Mrs. Josh Cook, a son. jump for the past week but Post- masgee Scott hesitated to accept' the risk • in furinislhfng .the staff i ENTERS NORTHERN LEAGUE, with roller slates for fear, they might break up the furniture. COPY DESTROYED. We ere very sorry. to report that. copy.whieh arrived too late lase week was'ikeniden iv gethered up with the sorry; used and destroyed hefore_it cvaa' discovered, If our correspondents look for cony they will know tbe'.reeson why Blyth, '.L'tyfeld news„ school •re .parts, end a letter nn the Scott Act does not eope'S "The Devil took for granted all the copybedbeen used and burned it. We offee apologies and trust it will never happen again.— Editors. MINISTER'S EYE INJURED. A TRAMP TO BBU SFIELD. Mfss Winnie O'N-al and partly, Iaook a • new; mode of traveliling when after dinner, on Tuesday walked to •Brucefield: where -sup per• was served and rletlurned on the 'train, About '20 were in the BROKE TIER ARM, Rev. Di•. ,Hosier, pastor of the Methodist church at Atwood, suf- fered a painful injury on Sunday last after the evening service,when in .stiering the fire.; the poker in some manner slipped, striking one of his eyes. The injury wad serious but his condition is improving and it is hoped that the ,sights of the ey,e will be saved'.. McELLANNEY-PERRY'. WEDDIt G. The Toronto: Globe reports the wedding :of -''Miss Louie Perry,. daughbee - of Mr. S. W. Perry, a former teacher in the •C, 0, I„ A very quiet hill {pretty wedding was solemnized. Tuesday evening, De- cember 23, at 138 'Wells street, when Dr. W.E. Hincics of Trinity, Meth- odist Church united in marriage Miss Louie D. Pony, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Perry, and Mr. Thomas A. McElhanney, B. A, Sc., of: Vancouver, 131C,- The bride, who was givenaway by her father. was bine& The vbicee are fresh and attended by her sister, Miss Gert- buoyant, and admirably managed. Mr. Hugh J,McLau lr The pianissimo effects of the AMU" - lin Perry, quality': -and tet c were, beautiful in . gg� "the lin asony t the ide and. After 'veli so:Alained, while in the huncl- forea few cls bin a and Stagrotes. left- y larger intervals the voices The' ling of g fora P ew da s in the y l f c,- yy•t •�efn. expect to return to Toronto, to produced anorgaii effect ax i sp nth a week with the bride'slpar- lye pleasing, Seals at Fairs Book Shore. Clintfon; enters the 'Northern Lea- gue along with Seaforth and Mitch- ell. andthe schedule is as: folowls, subject, to a slight change, Clintlen at Mitchell-Jan,50r. Seaforth at Clinton -Jan. 12 th.. Mitchell at Seaforth—Jan. 27th. Seaforth, at Mitchell—Feb. 2nd: Clintion at Seaforth—Feb. 5th, Mitethell. at Clinton -Feb. Oth. COPY -LEFT OVER. There was considerable copy with held for this Issue owing to the fact it was impossible to put it in- to type. There are occasions when it is impossible to do 'everything we would like to do and 'this is, one. however 'after. New Y�eaV's t,we hope to do better and getback to our regular Publishing day again. -Editors, WQMEN'S INSTITUTE. The Women's Institute held their regular mediing at the home of Mrs. Bradshaw on Tuesday, after- noon. A good attendance waspres enc. 'After the business part of the meeting the following program wee given ;'=lsrserumefittaie-Mrs a Brad- shaw;' Reading- Mrs. Dodds( Solo —Miss i]owe,;. K,eicication—Mrs. Fowler ' Iaetrumenital=Mil's f EIVa Wiltiye, after which refreeliments were served adding to the socia- bility and enjoyment of the. after- noon. COMING JAN. 13th,, St. Paul (Minn,) Dispatch --In the Chicago Glee Club the olemehie of art and popelitrity and closely cozn- The Brussels Post of lasteweek repo' le the -accident to a sister:: -in law of Mr, John Shaw, or town, ;r Mrs; Angus Shaw had the misfor- tune, to fall a short time ago and broke her left erne near the wrist: She has `been ext, the home oS leer. son,. Joseph, 3rd line Morris town ship, since. We 'trust sire will soon recover from the accident, LIGHTENING RODS, ,. h About 1n au address'on the riot Lightening Rods," at Guelph Prof. W. H. Day, of the Ontario Agricultural College, stated that unrodded bei dings were, mote th:,u IS tines as likely to be struck with - lightening ab rodded ones In Michigan state -insurance rales We Wish'An a Happy and Prosperous New Year And at the sante time beg to announce our annual Stock -taking Sale, commencing next week. Several lines will be sold at reduced prices. The goods'at special prices will be. listed each week. Watch ?our advertisement for particulars. ' Thanking all for past favours and soliciting your continued business. II ARLA1 'r D. STOVES` tilARDWARE AND NOVELTIES INTDRMBDIATB-SCHEDULE, Jan, .1=,0hnton" at St: Marys. Jan,'5-Shi•atfor,d at Goderich. Jan 7-Goderich at.Clintion, Jan 0 -St. Marys at "Stratford, ' Jap, :14 -Clinton' at Gloderich. Jan 15 -Stratford.. at St. Marys. Jan 19—Goderich at Stratford. Jan: 20 --St. Marys at Clinton ; Jan, 23—Goderich*at• St, Marys. Jan. 26 -Clinton' at Stratford. Jan 26—St. Marys at Goderich. Jan 20• -Stratford at Clinton. THE HOLIDAY TIME. Chr.is'iemas Day passed .off quiet- ly in Ciin!ton - the'' peeecefulness which permeated the town' constit seting a striking contrast:. to. the hustle and bustlo•of; Christmas shod ping, The day weir essentially one of rest and -home enjoyment. Every train brought its sg,uota cif 'h'ome comers and in•-almeset! every home in the town a family reunion took place • Ocstdoors there was very ;tittle doing. The Christmas- trade tvaaa withal probably .the best in the history of the town. Owing to the, mild weather there ween slump in furs and heavy clothing,; but in other respects the klrly goods trade aid a splendid business, CLERK WILL NOT OPEN 130X A change has been made in the' Municipal Act regarding procedure at-•thePolis. Two statements are. ltp be pgepared,hy-the Deputy Re- turning Officer, 'reload Of one, as in (tlhe. past, One of them is to be attached to the Poll Book, and the other placed in an envelope and handed to the Clerk of the .Muniei- palely along wiih the Ballot Box. When the box isreeeived.by the clerk he is not to open 01. ain the Past, but is required to place his "'seal upon it, keeping the, papers, arae, therein until'required for a recount or until- the time for des - I iiroying the same arrives. The. first day of the -new year is devoted to dos thedoor of oblivion on the misfortunes of the past, agreeable and optimistic plans for the future, and to tl exchange of expressions of good will and helpfulness. ,This season closes the door upon scale experiences that' were not •particularly pleasant, but that is past history. Let us assume to have put 3t as far behind us / as if it belonged,to someancient time, and go confidently/ r forward, sure of all good things anticipating no evil.',< We wish all a good' measure of profitable and pleasant ' work and that joy' in living which comes only with the knowledge of usefultatks well performed. mfframa+veIZII17 0scc.=ate The „ ' D. Fair Often the eheapest—TiWays the pest NOT AN 'EXCELLENT SHOWING. The Mitchell Advocal:e gives a brief summary of the: town's betel - pass; -The financial statement for (the town ending Dee: 15th, shows a balance of $3,719' Iliabilitly over aes(e(tte, • THE USUAL HOLIDAYS, ant's befoveleaving for their new home in Vancouver. x1ASTIE-MATITEWSON WEDDING. The following' Wedding item from the Toronto Globe refers, to a bride who hat many relayives in and around Clinton;—A quiet ceremony Was solemnized at Chalmers Pres- byirerian `Church on Tuesday' eve- ning. Dee. 23, 1213, when Ida Edith third slaughter .of the late William R. and-'Eupheinia Mathewson, was. married. to William Eidson IIastie," ac her CYori�ie, Ont. Rev: Hugh Ai p son officiated. The bride,. who was unattended. was given away by her eldest brother, Robert Mathewson and wore ivory satin brrocade en. twain. shadow lace trimming and pearl tassels. Iler tulle veil was draped in cap effect; and caught with sprays of-orano'e blossoms' and white heatl;r. `the 'wore the, groom's gift, a pearl and amethyst pendant. and carried a showerof white roses and lily of the valley. After the ceremony I11!. Thornton Mustard (cousin of the bride). and Mrs. Mnggafd, who woe• white sat- in charmeuse ipsd Irisin lace with corsage bouquetl'of violets. -Iselin a rec ptilon at_ the home, 493 Mark- ham street, which was prettily teitu mad witch Christtnas .decorations and palms buffet luncheon was served; Mrs. hark Turner, sister of the bride,presiding. Mt, and Mrs. Dastie left' for a short trip before; going to their home in Gore' rie, The: bride ,tllavelled: in a -vio- let brocaded tunic with, skirt of ac- coedian pleating, ;Persian 'lamb coat,:, and toque of Per,9ian lamb and er-. mine.' The Doliorty Piano and Organ Co., as usual, are closed down for the Christmas' and New Year'e holi- days but wilt open up ors Jan. 5th, This induetiry has • large orders on hand to keep it going to fult`'sap- acity. A The Clinlgon' Knitting Co. gave )their annual Christmas present itlheir;, einlrloyees. The ladies had t their choice at Tozer & - Brown's , ,etore, while. the men received ties. They also had a threat of candies from' Superirfibedent Viar-tis on Tuesday of last -week. CHRISTMAS TREAT 1 A WEEK OF PRAYER. Nest week ,The `week of Prayer will be obse1\'od Izr Clinton. Union services wilt be held as foll,ows.- Monday. Wesley' Cliiirech, epeaker, Rev. D,K,.Grant; Tuesclay,•Ontario st. Church. speaker, :Rev, W, Wylie ; 1Vednesday, Willis Pres. Church, speale r, Rev, Dr. Rutledge ;Times - 1 clay, alitist Church, speaker;',lfev. S. 1, : elrn; Friday, Town Hall, spec ial feature, five minute addresses by lay speaker's. Each pastor to preside in his r at8 'begin ''cS to ez�ie church. Sg own o'clock. Alare cordially invitled. A CREDITABLE EDITION. The ChrisiImas War Cry a copy of which was laid on our. deelea few- days ago, es one of the best issues ever published by ((he Sal- vation Army. The illus't'rations, which are printed in color, are well sielecited, while the reading mat- ter ie fully upl oto the 'standard Taken , altogether the issue is a, credit 'to the publishers. GLAD TO HEAR OF, THEIR SUCCESS. It COsIS 140 More. Worth AMI It Costs IPS PUPC That's Sure Our Mother's geed; But Why Should You? Conner's sa (e1 i Wishing You a Happy and Prosperous New Year Thos. Hawkins plumbing and Beating (Phone 53) The Corner Store While enroute to Toronto last "Live and Let Live Editor ac uainG ed :with a Guelph citizen an " . et8ggated that Hoover S- Walker. r, as week The Editor ask - iii about'our citizens there he he saw it, was' doing a very ,large. Christmas; business. The firm's old • ' . hear friends have will, 1>e glad to of their success in 1 ho Royal City. TIINOR LOCALS. 101.1. A happy New Year, Sppcalciiig oftragedies ; The June bride who is pulling her fhyst• e Chrisilme-e turkey knows the mean- ing of this much -abused Word. Good evening! Have you made out you Now Year resolutions list Yelt! • There veso no particularlyglar - ing evidences of a istringensy in Clinton's Cisrietrnas, A year's subsciintion to theNew • Era vwdulcl make a nice preseutito some member of the family who has Some :tl 'Wes tor removed o the remv omi ion, of.the 'DD u n otherportion o i p Nothing would be more acceptable then the weekly home letter. It's 1 •be goo the nc t, o] t that a � leseng l1914... -- START' IT IIL)rG'tl7t--I'Ittoe yoit whole b2 weeks in first -Grocery Orden cur 1011: with 1 -he at ready off" time approaches., a, g � ualib Gruaerie., and'stick Home gP (Z S' Got ready ! to all your good. resolutions: That Christmas Day is :essential- • ly a great irome holiday'holiday''teas clear- ly manifested by the deserted sou- ;d'.ltiions of the. 'streets last; night, contrasted with that, of the eve - i ningprevious. 3 Former for&Hu-ron GeO. McEwen Dead PROMINENT RESIDENT OF IIENSALL DIES IN HOSPITAL HERE -WAS ELECTED TO COMMONS IN • 1900, George MaeEit en, ex -Iii. P. of I South 'Huron, died Saturday inthe Cliniton` °Hospital s in hisixty-fifth y•ar as a result of natol.e of apo -1 p' exy about 10 days ago. Mr, MacEwen had lived for 25 years in Aloe villa of Henoall, being engagedin the mauufamure of salt and flair, as well aleiad;lig dealer in grain,-and'was consider- ed one of the fathers of the ,vil- lagei, He was aleo reeve of Hay Township for a ,number of yeans and was an ,ex -warden of the Conn ty of Huron. As a Liberal ,in pol- ities he was :elected to Parliament in 1900, servin o e te'n{. He came io Lhe Gunn I•lcspital about five weeks ago for treatment of,a sev- ere illness,. but the'strolte was the direct cause of his death. He was unmarried and is suis +•''-e bv° his brother, John S. Ma neapolic, Minn, He in the Maitland Cediele',y• uo,-. rich, on Wednesday , afternoon der Masonic auspices, We Wed, h Y iii aL Happy algid, i i . P111g1Dr.1(blt4 New Year E. Iitinilifor, PHONE 95, •1' e •i• .t. • samomounemmumsemmuslow a' .1 k .5. .t. 4 4, N 4 Wishing our niany.,k'riends` and Patrons A Happy ant rosperous New Year. May 1914 have Pleasure and' Prosperity for All. E TO BUY Sl-1Ot~ d.• by 4