HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-01, Page 6'11
Thursday, J tnu uy
W, i-l.:Hellyar'Wishes bis
Oustonlers and Friends
A Happy
Piro e
S]J r01lS
New Year
discuss any more the above ease.
and our columna are closed,
The, Board', of Trade and
r A. T. Cooper..
To the Ethtor of. the New Era
Sir -In the Town hall, on Mon
day evening Mr. Cooper indulged,
h hie IINtI:a pleasebtry, we are
Mew geittingused to, about the
Board of rj;rade,• and in his usual
frank mariner only{ lyoldhis(heal}rs
part Of thestory. pow ; serr ester,
ing rt, would be 'td meet avjth those
who loold'ly tell the whole truth.
Mr, Cooper sold his heat1ers, at
least those who were listening, that
we wanted 'a live Board of Trade".
tiherehy intimating that the.present
one is dead. But he did,; not tell
his 'tenets that he is a member of
that defunct institution, .neither,
did he tell them, that in order to
give him scope and ,see what won-'
d'erful things he, could perfor,m,'ff
only given an opportunity, this
same A. T. Cooper was placed on
a special .commiteee, to . induce in-
duaUries to come to Clinton, and
a !small sum of money was placed
et 'th'hir disposal,'so that this mir-
acle Worker could "get togetherr'
with somebody 1 He -did not tell
tlheaudience this on Monday night
not a word' escaped' him Concern-
ing it. And he hada good reason,
because if he had, he would have
been obliged to confess that h.:
had not accomplished anything !
The deadest limb on the whole tree
waYirthe very one who complained
of, the lack of IJfe':on! every occa-
sion that offer's. This little cry of.
"Let us get together". wonldlsound
far snore hi keeping when talking
tlo Sunday children. Possibly Mr.
Cooper has talents in that direc-
t tion, although if report can be,be-
Ilievetd he 'succeeds' in stirring up
elt'rife even in these peaceful pre-:
cinet!s, •
Yours truly
John Flansford
President Board of Trade
Mlaatioos Fear :where
-Ho y
TheVoiee of the people
Editor of the Neve Era.
Dear Sir ;-In last weeks issue of
}the New Era we ,noticed an item
contlradicting a etetexnen't made in
ort of the Fall.Assizes :
{4h o rein ap
previous issue.- says,
'winch. Schwang wishes' to state thele . no
apology was signed by him and the
case: was dropped by the plaintiff."
We mighe spate that the apology
wasdsigned by his :counsel for him
which is to all practical, purposes'
he same. However if .he isnot the
'isfied and would like to have
- cote apology published in these . i
onus a requef(t from him to that
• effect will be' cheestfully complied
tla Plain
' Ne 'E a does not care to
BAYFIELD-Reeve-George Lind
say (acc'I.) Council -Ban: td Mean-
er, George Weston, Samuel Moore,
Chas. Parker, Richard Elliott, Jas.
Thomson. Trustees -Geo. E. Green
Slade, George Icing, Fred_Ger pin-
hardt, Emmanuel Ward, Murdock
Ross,D. 'Sand-
Deputy reeve -John. Love,
Wm. Yearley .Council -Geo. Keller-
mann, Michael Finkbeiner, Alex.
Neel), Thomas Ifawhinney,.: Fred
ent and Reeve -John A.Stewart, by.
acclamation, Council -Foster Har-
burn, John J. Cluff, Harry'Speare,
Chas. lAberlearee Haley eite`'arti
Wm, K Southgate, Geo. P. Oardno,
John Greeve, '4..8. Water, light and
sewer commissioner John F. Daly:
America'$ Greatest -
Hair•Goods Artist
Raucnbury Mouse,. Clinton
January 8th '14 eat its''
o replica hair
on the headsof Ltii
men who have lost their hair! liy his beautiful,
,aural hair coasts uetions, ,w hit h are. known all over
he world r
Can he made to look yet ng r, and have the
protection to the head, which means
Health, Comfortand Good'Appearance
Do not miss this opportunity. See his
ev'4VJi ,F.'1'` POBIPe DOURS
The Dorenwend Sanitary Patent, Toupee
Genticuten (who are bald)
protect Ind adorn your bald head with
humanhau.' In orderto have acou-
ceptionof thewonderful achievements
in the art of hair constructing. every
•bald man shculd "call and see the large
sample stock of "HMR 1'OUP]PES
•a•,d FULL 'WIGS" which Prof. Dcrcn
wcndwill be showing.
These wonderful coverings are so natural in appeara ice that detection is
impossible, They are adjusted so securely, to any head, that they cannot
-come off, except at the wearer's wish. They willgive a young and softening.
'ex passion to tbe face. TO ALL
Come and string your Friends to the
bII"y Mouse Clinton Thur6lhFy, .January Slit
ltttt t1711 a '
Batt ot our Furniture
is our a Auarantee
and That of the Maker
Some Furniture is put togeth-
er merely to sell.` Out's is made
by experts for long and ss,tisfac-
tory use. And this serviceable—
ness is combined with an artistie
appearance which renders it un -
us • I attractive. A visit to
ou t erooms will please both
o k and as. ..
1 apest Spot in Heron to
11 Kinds of Furniture
Furniture (Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
Rail 110-lt,liSl Di97 Ci, PHONES — J. t). Atkinson 180
Publie,'school trustees -North wand
Barry Jeffrey; ,east ward, Wm. A
Crick;, south ward, A. D. Suther-
1,and. i•
IHENSALL-Reeve-J. W. Orb-
wein, Geo Petty, Owen Geiger, T.
Hudsofl, D. Urquhart„ Council -W.
Paff; Geo .Todd, D, Nichol, W. E.
eloggarth; Jas. Moore, R, Porter-
field, A. Smith, H, Soldan, D, Nich-
ol, G. Brown, F. Busch. G. Hudrs'pn.
:School board -John Paff, *A White
sides, W. E; Hoggart)i,'Geo. Sutli-
BLYTH Reeve; Milne,'Ilill, Curt
er, andMcllt oy'"Councrl-llrllCart-..
er, C:ut,t, Scott,' `Hornoy.: HeffCgr.,
Johns(ifon and IR. Sloan. School
Tru<fees-Mains, McMillan, White
and Phillips.
BAY-Reeve-C,_Kalbfleisch, Wm;
Consitlt. Council -F. Willert C.
Schilbe, E, Deters, E. Walper, ; S.
'Dietz, R. Northcott; H. ',Neeb.
BRUSSELS -Reeve -J. Leckie (ac-
clamation). Council -A.. McGuire, G.
Muldoon„ T. Hewitt, R. A.: Pryne,'
R, Downing. C. Baelter, J; Galbraith,
J.,T. Ross. .
STANLEY -Alex Mustard, Wm.
Glen. Council -Jas. Keys, David
Dewar, Jno. McKinley, Wm. Harty
Jas. McQueen, Jos. Flood.
TUCKERSMITH-Reeve's-H. each
Wm. Berry, J. McKay, 'Council -R.
Bell, J. Cameron, Thos. Coleman,
R. Brig, M. Cla k, A; P. Johns.
To the Electors of Clinton,
Ladies and Gentlemen -At the soli.
cital ion of a large nun,her of rrtepey-
ere I have decided to offer myself as a
candidate for the position of Mayor
for 1x)14, •
l hope to have the pleasure at a later
bate of expressing my views on muni-
cipal gitestioos in general and also of
meeting as many of -tne.electors as.I
may be able to before polling day. In
the meantime I pledge myself, if elec-
ted, to give ray best service to the
town's affairs for an economical ad-
ministration consistent with efficiency
and progress. and•1 ask the 'electors
Inc soca support at the polls as will
ensure my election.
Yours sincerely
To the Electors of Clinton.
Having been asked by a number of
citizens to accept the nomination of
Mayor for 1914, I have consented to do
so, and in this public way solicit the
vote and influence of all electors. My
record as a councillor for four years,
and es a life longcitizen, and a husi
ness man for the past twenty five
years, is before you and well known to
all, and,1 wish to assure youthat, if
elected; I will serve the town to the
hest of my ability. Wishing you all
A Happy New Year, 1 am,
yours truly,
To • the Electors of the Town of Clinton.
Ladies and Gentlemen -You, having
elected me to the Honorable as Reeve
of your Town by acclamation last
Election, I have tried to faithfully
represent your interests both at the
Town Council as well as at the
County Council. d again solicit your
vote and influence for Reeve for the
.coming year, which will be my last
appeal for your support for that posi-
tion. If elected, I will as in the past
endeavour to look after your interest
to the best of my ability. Wishing
you' one and all a Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year.
Yours Faithfully
and influence respectfully
solicited for
I-1. V I LTS
for Cu Councillor
for 1914
Your Influence and
R. J. Milier
For Councillor
for l9lLl
Electors of Clinton
Kindly ls
tdl Vote and use Your .
Influence for
To the Electors of Clinton
Ladies and Gentlemen - Having
allowed my name to go before the
citizens cf our town as Councillor, I
am now asking your support, and if
elected.I pledge myself to supportsuch
legislation, as in my opinion, will be
of the very heat interests of our fair
town. Wishing you all, ladies and
gentlemen, the compliments of the
Yours Itespectfully,
Buileli 'Raitepayers
Your Vote' and Influent+e
Solicited for
Thos. McMichael
For Councillor' for 1914
The annual meeting of the Goderich
Township Telephone System will be
held. in. Holmes' Hall, Holmesville. on
Friday. Jan, 9th' 1011, at o'clock
sharp, to receive ficin the commission-
ers a report, of the past year's proceed-
ings, and any other business that may
be brought before the meeting. -
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Holmes- Jeweler and Optician
ville Cheese and Butter Company will
beheld in Holmesville Hall, on Thurs-
day; . Jan, Sth, at two p.m., for the
election of officers and other business.
A dividend on paid up stock will be
paid at this meeting,
G. POLLAND, President
0. P. GOULD, Secretary.
To one and al
e extend
A. J. Griag
Additional District Hews
Among those who spent the vaca-
tion in our midst are, Miss Addison of
Londeshoro. George. Turner and wite
of Dsayt:ou, Mr, Wm.' Graham and
wife of Clinton, who spent Christmas
atthehome ot B. El. Biggins, Wm.
Swan of Toronto University, spent
his vacation et his home. Misses Liz -
ale and Jessie Aikenbead of London
spent iJnristmas at home, !Niles Lottie
Kaiser of Heneall also spent the vaca-
tion in the village.
John Reed and family have returned
from the West, where' they,, are en
gaged. in farming,
Mr. Ateed formerly
kept the General Store now occupied
by Mr. Boney. He will spend. the
winter in Ontario
Mrs, John Granger and son of Sea -
forth is visiting at the home of bey
father, Mr. Boney. •
Mrs. A. P. Kitchen, who has been'
visiting at the home of John Kitchen
of Stanley has returned to her home
at Goderich,
• John Forest of Stanley. passed away
on Friday of last week. at the age of
78. He wr.s a branch of the late
George. Forest of our village, The
funeral took place on Monday.
Dr. W. Aikenleid of St. Joseph's,
hospital tendon is visiting at his
13irt,hs, lli.arli•ial,la's'' Deaths
Miss Richardson of London, spent
at the home ofaNrs. James Landes.
ondeshoro-and family y
N. 11. L yent p
Christmas s the l the of Mr, James
McQueen,. Stanlev;Ti
Miss Bessie Porter of Clinton is
spending the holidays with her friends
Mrs. Tamblvn and Mrs. Eleley.
Mr, and Mrs, W. Hiles spent Christ-
mas with their daughter, Mrs. Norman
Carter of Seafortb.
Mr. M. E. Hooper of St. Marys spent
the holidays here.
Miss. S. Hunking, of Clinton spent
the holidays at the home of her father
Mr. I Hunking. •
) oc. 2(e le
aged 79
Wallace Allis of London, is spending
a week under the parental roof.
Mies Sarah McCool of Clinton spent
a few days with her brother Wnr.
Mies Rose Weymouth is spending a
few weeks with her sister Mrs, Alfred
Peters of;Miehigam
Miss Lela and Maggie Lancing of
Base Line are guests of their cousin
Miss Violet P)iilips.
Mr. and Mra, James McGill and son
Willie of Stapleton spent Saturday
with the formers site er 'Mrs, Thos.
Neilfns ofnear. Harlock.
NIr, Alfred Quinnie•and four children
of Ettrick spent a few days with Mr.
Marshall Braithwaite.
Mrs. a
and NI ,
John Morrison and wife of Walton,
spent day with Mts. Joseph
Mr, and Mrs. D. Hoggart spent
Christmas Day with the letters mother
Mrs, Hazelwood of 10th. con.
? Misses Mildred and Hattie Gray and
brother Eddie`aecoinpaoied by their
aunt Mirs Minxie Gray are spending
two weeks with the tatters brother in
Mrs. John Moon and daughter
Annie are spending il, few weeks with
the formers daughter Mrs. Charles
Misses Lena Gloushier of '%ingham,
and Julia .Gloushier of Toronto, spent
their vacation under the parental
reef. .
London ltoad
A good many along, the Roed atten
ded the nomination meeting at Varna
on Monday,
Arthur Stevenson' bought his
daughter Grace, a splendid piano for a
Christmas box. '
Mr. George Hanley was nominated
for a Councilman for the township of
Stanley but afterwards resigned, Mr.
Hanley at some future time may repre
sent the Road at the Council Board
and should make agood, one,
A family reunion was- held at the
home of Mr. Henry Livermore on
Christmas. There were Mr. and 'Mrs.
Ad: McCartney from Clinton, Mr. and
Mr's J, Mattson, of Toronto; : Albert
Roselli and Maple of Toronto all were
home for the Christmas holidays.
On Friday Mrs. Fred Nott received
the sad news of the death of her
brother, Mr. Will Craig who lived in
Saskatchewan. He had been married
nearly two years. He had been ill
from typhoid fever and other ailments
Mrs. Fred Nott spent Saturday and
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Bert
Jackson of Morris Township,
Mrs. Arthur Stevenson is spending
the New Y ear's holidays with her
daughter Mrs, Wheeler in London.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Christmas with friends in Platteville
and vicinity.
- auburn
Mr. Ralph Gravestin has returned
from Alberta where he has been help-
ing his brother Jelin during the past,
nr. Chas, Asquith, who has been
working at the Soo, has returned
Mr. G. F. Xounghtut has purchased
a New Scale Williams piano,
Mr. W. Sturdy and family of Wing -
ham are spending their holidays at
the home of Mr. Sturdy's father.
Miss King is visiting her brother,;,
Mr. Thos. 1Cing of Woodstock:
Mrs, Wm, Holtzhauer .of P.ieston
spent last week renewing old ac-
quaintances here
A quiet wedding. took place at the
home of Mr. Boit. Stalker, Christmas
day, when their daughter Isabel was
united in marriage to Mr. Maitland
Allen, section foreman here. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Me
Laing, In the presence of the invited
guests.. We extend congratulations to
the happy couple.
Mr, Edmund Lear has purchased the
farm belonging to Mr. Adapt Elliott
of the 13'!i con, of Hullett.
A family reunion was celebrated at
the horse of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marsh
ou Christmas Day, when their family
were all present, consisting of Mrs.
Dowell of Michigan, Harry and Eva
of Detroit, Arthur and his bride who
had recently arrived from Manitoba,
Bert of Wallaceburg, Mrs, Jones and,
her husband of Uungannon and Mr.
and Mrs. %Vat. Marsh et Auburn.
' the Wilson family of Brucefteld
with other friends spent Christmas at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamil-
Mr. Russel Forster is visiting under
the parental roof this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Win. 1)hrstspent
Christmas with their (laughter, ghter, Mrs,
Groes at M.ildinay,.
Mr. and Mrs, 1ilaitland Allis are
staying with the feemer''s parents this
Local News
11`,,'', �j��� y���
�7/ Y►' 4- 11"Ylllntlrli' P iii 9 �'1M
The C1inlon Rink will be opened
weather permitting, for the first.
0.13.A. hockey mately next Wednes-
day evening,•January 7th, when the
Goderich Club splays their' first
game here. The Club have deceiv-
ed word the President Farquarsen
of Silratford will be p-iiesent (and
along with Secretary 'Hewitt of the
Toroniio Star andK , Cassleiman,
one of the Executive mesnhers
from. London. This. game. promis-
es to be a fast one and- wilt - no
doubt draw a Rage crowd as, the
'town now has a fine new rink;
Keep the d'a'te in mind and be sure
and attend. Watch for posters for
further particulars.
JAN. lath.
'Nott •Spicings (Ar] ,) News -The
ar• est audience I
1 g 1*et assembled at
the Chautauqua greeted the Chica-
go ,Glee Club last-eireningAllfthe
praiseworthy press articles printed
in favor of the Glees were'made(to
"come to pass" last night. The Club
has learned the art. of awel.l bas
aneed program and by. keeping' in
close harmony with t]r itaudience
y e
they can accurately gauge the tem-
perament and keep; within 'the eter-
nal fitness: Every number on the
program was given with unerring
artistic, sence and' fine technical
X+++ 44+*+++++++ 74�lr
Persona/ Notes +
* rf those baying relatives or frien3e
4, , visiting in town or going away ,+:
• hones nr of the feat. seek a eek we
• wo, rd w. ouuee it is the Ntew Ea a,
Mr. John Sutiter event Christmas
with his parents' at Stretford.
ItIr. Wm. Mair, of Ripley, was a
visitor ;at his home here for Christ-
.•Mr. John HaglIJey, Principal. of
Vans.leek Hill School, was a wel-
come visitor in town over .Sunday..
Mr. Norman Holt(zhauee, of Pres-
ton, spent Christmas with his par-
ents in town.
Miss Evelyn ;Pip lady takes - the
position as Commercial, Specialist
at Vankleek Hill; Collegiate, with
salary at 11;1,100.
Mr. Fred Ross, of San Francisco,
Cal., spent the Christmas' holidays
with iris aunt. Mes. John IHarlitnd..
Mr. Harrjy Wilson and wife and
family, of Sestaltlford, visited`` at
Mr. James Conn se's, for the ,holi-
Mr. 'H.R Foro(er and tenon y,_of
Locust Hill, spersi the holidays with
friend's in this community.
Mr. Paul Freeman, of Port Col-
borne, was a visitor in town over
the Chris'trnas holidays. "Polly'
likes Clinton company yet.
Mr.Morley Countierr was a week-
end visitor at Bfantford,;,' Wood-
sA`.bch and In ers'oll.
Miss Mabel Canteen' and her
cousin Miss Olive. Floody, of Ter -
onto, were invited' guests at Exeter
and Seaf.orth Cdiristmas assemblees
weep, 4% The Cliriion ,girisl wore lov
ith isski. 7
Mr. (install Kurrschentki is visiting ' „owns aria were belies oflthe
avlilisses 1Edi h and RosyuDursts
(installpent Nenei.y ngg R. in town, of Longo,
anuary�: 5a
of All Winter Goods
Out Annual Sale of all lines of Winter (Goods
starts Saturday, January 3rd l'
r s
MINN 1111111111111131111P
Ladies and Childrens Mantles
Mens and Boys Overcoats
Fur -lined and I'm Collared Overcoats
Furs, Fe;t Boots, Slippers, etc
See our Ladies Mantles that re ularl
�i'Lo oo and $12.00, clearing at g y
sold at
- r
Don't Miss These Bargains
'lunnsteel Bros.
roesamin— aes•
Mr. 'Harry Holden, of Medicine sliced apples; in at n a'te layers,
Etat Spent Christmas in town. sprinkling . the appled with sgar
. spice and bits of butter. Either
■ et eam or bake. e.. -Othe • rusts
r. f may
,be_ subltetuted or 'the batter may
Pastoral storax b d' t i d
of gisho -of
e ma e m 'd emal , umplingsl and
dlroprped inljo boilting fruit sauce,
19flM having itquite juicy.
PRUNE PUDDING -Stew prunes
until soft and rub through asieve.
To two large cupfuls 02 pulp "add
the same amount of bread crumbs,.
previously soaked in milk, and beat
en ismoot'h, two ltabJssiyeo,nfuls; of
molasses, one generous cupful, df
brown sugar mixed with- one 'tea-
spoonful of ground cinnamon, and
t;wo cupfuls of hot milk. Heat on
the Stove to the boiling points then
place in the oven id bake for one
hour or 'longer.
RICE PUDDING. -One quart . of
milk, one-half cupful of rice, one
tablespoonful- of butter, are half
teaspoonful of salt, sugar to suit
the 'taste, one cupful of 6raislns,R r
and dried fruit preferred. Bake
for two hours, stirring eCossion-
ally •until 'thickened, * i
Heat one cupful of mills andwater
add one cupful of .suer, t three
tablespoonfuls each of coensitaec
and grated chocolate, and one tea-
spoonful of vanilla. Cook uhtil
thick, clr mood and cold > serve , co d with
cream and sugar, g(
CREAM PIE -Mix well two;hgkp-
ing tabllespoon'fuIs each of -sugar
and flour, pour ;oven slowly*one
and otee-half cupfuls of Sweets
cream, mixing smooth. Fi4L pietinc
with mixture over. the top and
bake quickly. '
LEMON . PIE -heat one pin't of
milk,,thicken with 'two tablespoon-
fuls of cornstarch and: two supfiuls
of sugar; the juice and grated mind
of two lemon. Line two pie tins
with puff paste, fila` with mixture
and bake.
FRUIT CAKE -One cupful each
'of sugar and sour milks on butter-
milk, fear tablespoonfuls of luutter
,tevo supfuls of flour, one 'teaspoon
fel of soda, one tabt.e.dpoonfut of
mixed ground spicas, one cupfpl of
raisins orsurrantsl. Bake in a slow
Read In the Anglican Churches of
the Diocese
The Chrislimas pastoral of the
Bishop of 'Huron was read in the
Anglican churches Sunday. The
m,eanirig of the Christmas season
was set forth as foljlows;
'To the Church, People of the Dio
cese of Huron
"Dear Brethren, -The circling
year brings ,beforte us once more
lthe• supreme fact of oily religion.
'T'he Word was made flesh. that is
the fact. Who can measure its'sig-
nificance? I would humbly suggest
,two aspects of it for meditation ;
"First, it is the revelation of the
love of God. 'God so 'loved. tie
world' -Oat is the divine motive
behind the Incarnation. God so
loved the world -the whole world
all races, all colotes, all loom/Mons
of men. It is a universal massage
and, therefore, all have a eigghteto
rejoice in the revelation of Christ-
hristmas Day. •
"Secondly, itis 'a revelation of
the infinitely high possibilties of
our human nature -of oip kinship
with God. That human nature, in
which. the Eternal Word evas able
to dwell and dwells shill, cannot
be treated as, other than nature
capable of ' the hi hest ;destines,
Anso Chriel ma•s Day marks the
beginning of a new era of hope for
man, snit as, he( can finds nowhere
ease, It reminds us of the dignity
and greatness,, actual or possible,
of every human being, whatever
his race, color or condition,
"Therefore, at this .holy Iseason
lett us rejoice irk 'the assured love
of God and !strive to live worthy
of the high +desting epi tied! to us.
through the, Incanrf"ation.
"Believe me, yours faithfully. in
(Signed) "DAVID (HURON."
Withhoot Eggs
batlter that may be used' as a foun-
dation for many different puddings
is made thus; Sift flour and bak-
ing powder together; using a little
more baking powder than for'. bis-
cuits, then rub in butter at' foe pie
crust,:usingg your own favoriter•ule
of propoijtions; add enough ,gtvee:t
milk to make better as thick as
can be easily ,etfrraed !With a spoon.
pudding dish with the batter and
ti{OX COld
The most remarkable Cough. and
Coldt Medicine ever discovered.
Stops a cough, telieves asehsna and
bronchiti:t 108 Nox a Coldi is' sold
at -25e and 50c per bottle at all
drug Stores,
1NcPrle Ns
Give him vor het a
pair of those good r
solid leather, Hocicey
Shoes. Players of re
nown, speak in the
highest terms of their
They are made so that they will stand up under
the most strenuousames; the workmanship is' cf the
yourself g the values and be'.
best. You ought to see for,
convinced that these are just the thing in comfort and
the fine old winter sport ort of skating.
for P
Boys and Women's sizes
We carry thein in Men's
See our window display