The Clinton New Era, 1914-01-01, Page 4nee. s
Furnish •
• s inge
Phone 7S
'Wishing our many Customers.
--and -Friends in Clinton
and surround-
country A VeryHappy andd
Prosperous New Year Together
with our thanks for this .'the great-
est 3e1 in the history
�v�a�p 1914 �e�iu year for you,
for us, for Canada.
COCl & 00.
. eut out, to have lights. ,
Consolation nn Work had been' completed about.
S�h}L1 a :week ago,
but as 'the switches
ne cessfrry to cut out the power had
no rr• d'
t a ave 'kha itow,n� would not
,1 e
ak th res onslbilt .011 t
Year .l
a f al in”'
New Y p
the e e Itransformensburned out shoulr�
an ,extlra; load genie on, although
Phone is es ablishea with the'stae
ion Get. Nothing. tion at Stratford, .
There will be. no- •eloiticeable.
ehange'in' tlhe rates hrere, which,it
is thougtht at,present wilt be for
house lighting 40 cents Offer -thous-
and .square foot, space per :nt(on•th
and four and ;a half:.centisl per'kil-
owatit.. The commercial rate will be
four and a half carates per kilowatt
and mine ,eentlea per 'thousand watt
for the, first 30 hour B theend
of the weak it is likely that every
thing will. be ready: for 'the power.
tee be on continually.
Di iC
Si tN News.
Mr: John Downey, of this town,
is ,serous witlhg a'
i ) 11h 1 110 ea
for his recovery.The various '
bees of his family were summoned
home this week, ,
Mr, ThomasMcMichael, the well-
known horseman, intends being a
candidate for the RubenCouh'err
this` year.
The ofd electric svorke are being
dismantled this week, in order to
make way for the new. creamery.
One of the engines has been sold
t;o.,Mr. John McDonald' of Walton,
to be used in The new mill he is
el'ec'ting there.
Mr, and Mrs. J.H. Pyper aod,slon,
Sidney, of .Hamilton, are here from
Hamilton to ,speni, the holidays
with. Mee. Pylons father, Mr. John
Beattie, Goderich ,street.
The sincere syeapatthy of Marin
friends is being 'extended :to Mr:
and Mrs. William Black. of. Tucker-
smith, on account of their bereave-
ment in i the death of their little
daughter, ,Jean Broadfoot.
Miss Southgate' and Miss Asci
Wilson are home from New York
te speed the -holidays.
The home of Mr. and Mrs'. AI an
Close was the scene of a pleas art's'
evening when the choir of 1the Pres
byterian church met together. The
evening was. event in games and
music, and :after a -dainty luncheon
was nerved by:th-o hostess, Miss
Lynee Gillespie preraeit-ced theor-
gganist and choir leader, 1VIns, A, E.
Kinder, with a handsome bracelet,
aceompained by an „addres!s.
Election 'talk is very quiet in town
so far. The ,municipal pot is boil-
ing in Tuckersmith McKillop and
r g lop
Hulletlt, where a number of aspic-
ants have already eigr{iiied, their
ineeanttion of seeking municipal hen
Wednesday was a busy day 'with
merchants and business men. who
report a very satisfactory ,Christ
mas business.
Mr. Melvin McKay is here from
Winnipeg, spending the holidays.
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs
Adam McKay.
Mr. and. Mrs. W. B. McKay, of
Halifax, are spending: tthe, holiday.,
with Mrs. McKay's parents,Mr. and
Mrs'. John Dodds, "Highview."
ha eli'older.: of Defunct Institut- direct,telephone connection by
Toron`tjo.' Dec. 62 -Ontario bank,
Soverign bank, Farmers bank, York
Loan(,;' `There was no Christmas
e,'tnekingz for the ashareholderis of
these four large institution's,'which
haz.een in tlhe troubled waters
d of liquidation; -n i aloes thereiseem.
a,r i;mmediat, ` 'chance. of their
Biennia ever a new' leaf and' find
ing 2 cnidae , balenue in the new
The .sh er holders of the Ontario
bank •eecpea'lerrced the ;pangs of a 95
Per • cent call on Ithe doubleliabil-
ityifso long'ago that everybody but
'They received
had gorgoteen ft,
They received' 20 per cent 01 this
bads, -and it iseavithin the ,bounde
of mese time a possibility that
they will. receive 15 per cent more
before the bank's attains' are com-
om-pletely closed up, but this will not
be before 1914 is drawing to a close
'There is probably !some 200,000 or
more yet to be collected.
The Farmers bank affairs are
largely in tlhe ''Jan,ds of the gov-
ernmelnati, There is little hope of
.even the d�epositors realizing 'any -
thin • unttil• the government takes
pity onthem' and reimbursespthem,
• But it is possible that the govern-
ment's generosity may save the
shareholders, being calked upon len
S make good' under the double Habil-
'a tare-Soverign bank matter, not
e of winding up was !served some
ays ago. In the petition, which
has been filed, G.T. Clarkson, as,
trustee of the international assets,
': is flee `petitioner. Re steges that
her-Sdverign hank has "acknow1-
edged its insolvency, and asks for
a 'direction for the calling of a
meeting of the _s'harehol'ders, to ex-
press 'their desires as to the con -
:duet of the liquidation,
The York Loan, in lepitle of • the
perseverance of the liquidatortst
seams still far away from its final
dividend;.. There are !still many
-loose ends in connection 'tviththe
realization of the assets thali rel
main to be gathered up. The pi'nb-
ability is that the final; dividend
willwilt he eeleveeni 5 an
d 6 cents'
making the total real:izied by the
shareholders some 55 cents onthe
The Christmas Entertainment given
on Tuesday Evening of last week wee,
well attended by the scholasys of the
Sunday School and theirparsnts, Al .
Hooper presided and E'mer•Beacom
acted as Santa Claus, The Christmas
Tree was well loaded with presen, s
t•hatregaired a long time to distribnt, ,
Th. program of music, recitation,
and class exercises was number: one,
all through.
.The Christmas service on Sunday
evening hast was enjoyed by a congre.
gallon that taxed the Seating capac:iI t
of the Church, The 'chair rendered,
specially prepared anthems in its usual
first class way. Mrs. Turn, r rendered
willing assistance and sang us a solo,
the First Christmas.
The two Methodist Churches will
unite in a "Watch -Night" service in
Ontario St. Church nn Wednesday
ight from 10:80 to 12,00. The pastor
of Wesley Church, Rev. Dr, Rutiedge
will speak.
nnsetevvvvvvvvvvvWvvs sWnne
cr .
Wishing ' 11 „ycliLl'#ti°l$
A Nerr
y Christmas ➢
and Z
ll ,A Happy Nen Year
ydro Power : Works I
Well at Goderich.
Tenni-ninety Test Proves Very
Goderich, Dect::28-Hydra power
wan' turned on bore this, afteenoon
ay'Enginleer Casts o feons Stratford
as a preliminary test, At the sub
rti9atiorr here a -short circuit was
found and it had to be turned off
fjo allow Seaforih,; whicii had' been
Byam & Sutter.
Sunntaary Plumbers
Phone 7.
January let, 1914,
Toronto, •spent the holidays with
his gi,andenother here.
Miss May Spafford, of Loudon- vis•
lied with her mother liege• this
Mr, A. V, Jewitt; B.A., mathemat-
ical teacher at. the Chatham Collo..
giaUe institute, 'yisitied with his
patetits here durirgg elle week.'
Mr. G. L. McTaggart and D. 19. J.
Mel'aggart spent Christmas with
'their parents, at Exeter.
Mr. Luxton 1lall„mel with what
might have, been a serious accident,
at his ,planning mills on -Monday,
He slipped in the boileayroom and
struck lis chin on the engine, cut,-.
ting it quite severely.
ria r.' and, Mtn. SW. T. .Davis, who,
have been living et Campbeelfere
for some time; where he has 'been
engaged running a steam shovel,
arrived lie4e this week std 'spend
elm -holidays at the llattleras parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ts Gogman:'
Mrs. John He ederryson, 01 Hewick,
islat present visaing ;her' inter
here,. c
Blyth -
Chrisentas Day was spent very
ciuietaly in , 'town,' although the
sheighing helped tobrigh'te,n up
t!hinge wontderful ly. On Wednes-
day and Wednesday night •the
merchants did a good businiess,ibut
on the whole we hardly 'thinik it
equaliled last year, although ,the
volume of sales 'was possibly as
numerous', the articles vette not lis
expensive, 'which is partly account.-
'ed for by the scarcity of money,
which seems to be affecting every
On Thursday morning Rev. Mr.
Farr held` Christmas service and
holy- communion, in Trinity,Church
which was fairly 'well attended con-
sidering theta number of the mem
bers were away. from town.
During the day anumber of house
peetiea. took place, and a Sew 'en-
joyed thomsel Vee on the pond nkat
Ing, whila others were sleigh ri'd-
>nMiss • Welsh, of the teaching staff,
visited wih relatives at Fergus.
Mr, and Mrs,. Andrew Young. of
Souris Man are at pr etleme visit -
nig friend in these parts.
Mr. and Mee. Adam Cuming, of,
Bendel', Sash;., are at pre•s'e5 'vis'-
rlting relatives here.
Mr, Ed.'Mason who ism -tanager of
the branch of the Bank ofHamll'
Inn at Manitou, Man., accompain-
ed by hie wife, is •spendissee his
holiday ,,here witlh, relatives.
Mr. A.lWelle., who is a11'end'ng
the School of Practical .Science St
Municip1 I nomination. meetings
of candidates for the various mun-
icipal, offices will. ''be held next,
Monday. In the :rural , municipal-
itlies these meetings Will beheld in
the afternoon end in Wingham•in
?the .evening, 'cominencing at .1.30
Mr. Galvin Wilson, collector of
s, Y
', axes for Tur"ner
ihas nude a
new records Off the 1514 of De-
sember only sortie $180 of taxes were
outtretandl.ryg and on the 23rd Mr.
•Wilson had collected all the avail-
able taxes on the roll. For anew
official Mr. Wilson has niade.a;rec-
erd which the aatepayers of Turn-`
berry have just Season to feel
proud of. •
The Christmas entertainment, con
sist5iing of a Christmas tree and
canteen, "Santa Claus & Co. with
olos 1
solos, Feu ca ions, els., held in.the
oMiils Memorial Hall, by tare' mem-
bers of St. Paul's Sunday school,
was a de'crdecl ,success. Mr. lEd:
Nash made a very tree i3 ,ie Santa
Claus, and each young person did
his or her part very well: indeed,
and: won applause from the sem
pathetic audience.
A special meeting of Camp' Cal-
edonia, Sons of Seto,lland, will be
held on Tuesday evening, Decem-
ber 30. Full atkendeetee of mem-
bers is -requested as officers are to
be elected. -
Mr. A.H. Wilford has severedhis
connection with the •Wm. Davies
company. and intends engaging<in
the produce business in 'the town
on his own account, -
of London, spent, Christmas angler
home here,
Mr. F1 Dewar of London, 'was a
holiday visitor .hare !last week,
Misses Sadie and Laura McCool,
of '1'oroetn, were visitors here' for
the Chrrstnias holidays,:
olidays, -
W Allen, of Leedom wee here for
Mr. W. J. Tamblyn, 01 Torotaot
Spent the Christmas'.holidays at
his home here.
The pulpit in the Methodist
ehurcli on Sunday was occupied in
the morning very acceptably, by Mr.
riles Jenkin'1, in tlhe evening a
very, iinttereesting Chiiistmas' ser
mon 'was preached by•?R,ex, E. W
Jelpet't, er,'Vietorra, Colllege, Tion
Id.''Tee' choir rendered, suitable
music. The paslilor, Rev. J,11, ,Ost-
erhout, B,.D., was preaching in' St.
The, annual Christman entertain-
rr.ent ,in connection with, the Prete'
byt,erian .Sunday 'school was held
on Monday evening and was a, big
success. Thee ;church was filled
and '• aIL 'taken -part ,.did' themselves
jus kss. The pastor, Bev. J. Reid,
occupied the +chair,
Al Christmas tree and 'caraltata'
was held by the Sunday isiihoolof
the Constance Methodist Church on
Monday ,evening, andwas as us-
ual agreat 'succe,ss. "'Santa Claaua'
gifts included
-a fine goose for the
pastor, Rev,. •Ostet'hout.
Lgndeehoro '
A pretty Christmas wedding took
place on December. 25., at 1 o'clock •I
at 'the- home of Mrs. (Dr.) Young,
when her daughter, Peelle', was
matted in marriage to Mn' Bert
Brown, of Brantford, The young
couple wore attended, 'except that
Miss Clara Young, the bride's. sister
acense as flower girl. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. J.
Reid, B. A., in the presen.:e'of•the
immediate fr'iend's of the contract-
ing partlles. Mr. and Mits'. Brown
left •on the 4p en , train for Niag-
ara Palls ancelether poinits on a
honeymoon trip,''after which they
will take up-heeleence. in Brant-
The Metlhodls't church was filled
to the• doors: en Christmas night
for theannual.-Sunday',echool.en-
i rtaiument and: Christmas if ree.
t']re, program, jvas a good lone and
.was carriedmitmarked abil-
ity by alt who took part,' Among
many excel lent 'things special men-
tion must be made o the soldier.
drill' and tableaux put on By the•
young ineln'snectlass, and a' cross
drill. and tableaux by the "others'
class of young ladies.,The pro-
ceeds amounted': to $54. ,
Mr. William ,Brogden, of Winni-
peg, is a holiday visitor here.
Miss' Etta Lyon, of London, was
home for Chrisllmas,
Missess Eleanor and JennyMains
Rev, elcAitieler (preached at
Thedford in coninocieee wi_'hthe
opening of their new church. Rev.
John Morrison, of. Sarnia, occupied
the.pulpitt of James Street Church.
Rev, Dr. Riddell, ;,•of Toren thi
.cis Sunday morning.andin Caeen
Church at night,
Peofestor Ruse is moving from.
Exeter to Hampden and Mrs, David
Cobbl•edick 'wilt move into the
house Aurc r
d! it m
\ ptok
Thomas Maxwell has "'purchased
the home or Miss Dodds .and *will
move in shortly, Mr. Maxwell will
be wereomed to Exeter and "lvill
make a worthy citizen,
ING. out, wild belle to -the wild sky;
Che flying cloud, the frosty light.
Che year is dying in the night—
i htRing
out, wild belle, and let btm die.
Ring out the old, ring In the new ;
Ring, happy belle, acroee the snow.
rbc year te going let him go-
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Ringout the grief that saps s the mind
fr tboec that here we cit no mor.f
Ring out the feud of rich and poor;
S W f
Ring in redreee to all mankind.
Ringout a slow[ dying cines
Ad ancient forme ofpar : *Otte p htr
e- i
Ring in the nobler modes of ltfc,
Wittb sweeter manners, purer laws.
' n
Ringout the want, the care, the etn,
e faithlese coldneee of the times;
Ring out, ring out, my moilrn�'ulii
gut ring the fuller minstrel tn. .
Ring but false pride in place and blood,
the cline '
r slander and d the spite ;`
Ring in the love of truth
uth and
Ring in the common love of gcod.
Ring out old' sha ee,ot
foul diocese;
Ring out the narrowing lust of gol4;
Ring out the thousand ware of old;
Ring in the thousand spears of ponce.
Ring tn the valiant elan and free,
Cbe larger heart, the kindlier band;
Ring put the darkness of the land;
Ringin the Chrfet that is to be.
Recetnitpyt Mis's Luella Baekera of
Cavalier, North Dakota, who is a
daughter of Mrs'. Geo. Baeker, of
Brussels, was married at Mites City,
Monelatme to H. Zinn, of Roundup,
Montana, where they. ',viii make
their ;home. '
A busy time le:being experienc-
ed among tihe young folk: in prep-
aration for the presentation of"
Alice in Wonderland," which isbill-
ed,'fee Thursday and Friday eve-
nings -of this week intim town hall,
Mrs, Mainland, of Brampton,
mother of Mrs. (Rev.) A; J, Mann:.
of Brussels, died . recenkily at the
advanced age of 84. She had mot
enjoyed rugged health for the pest
four years.. The burial was made
at Grimsby, Mr, Mainland died
some years ago.
The Women's Missionary Auxil-
iaries of the local churches have
been busyy shipping wearing ap-
parel, bedelolibing, canned fruits,
jellies, etc., to assist city mission
work. Quite an interest has been
Alex." Anderson, bf Anderson
Bros„ livery men, was married in
Termite recently to Mies. Kate
Harboilth, They arrived ,back 'lo
town Tuesday evening, and have
tlaken up', housekeeping in ':he
Graham aparthnen'ts,
By a fall from are upsrplting load
of wood f
,John Bailsman suffered a
dislecation of one shoulder and has
been co,nlfined', to his home this'
Miss. Ethel Scott` B. A. who
taught - in the legal continuation
school for a few years, in, visiting
friends here, She is now on the
titan of the Port Elope Collegiate.
Monday; evening a splendid lect-
.ure on "Robert Burns, the Bard df
Sco'tlande was given by Rev. D.
Wren, • tpastor in the Methodist
Church! and at the close a,uumber
of choice lantern slides' of scenes
connected• with Burns' life were ex-
At 'the 1VIclthodist Churc air
versary last'Sunday $100 were ask-
ed as an offering Upwards of $100
were placed on the plates. Rev.
Mr. Wren corkIuitied the seeivices.
tendance for the past 'term
Pei•focq-Ruth McGowan, Violet
Parkers Ira toll, ;Edna McGowan,
Finlay MoGo,tan, 'Ruby Tole Ida
McGowan. •
E. In. Phillips;, Teacher:
Mr. and Mrs William Stanley,
of 'Ho me vrlle,Christmass ent
guests of 'their sen, Mr. FrtecleStanl-
hey,- and wife.
;SIF Robt. McMurray isspendithg
Christinae week with friends , at
Mt, David Leitch, of Swift Ctrr
rent Sask':, arriveidlt,liome ,ori 'Wed-
n'eedlay» to !leant ' the winter.
Lorne Wamsley, of Hanover, is
spending his Christmas holidays at
hie'' home in tlhe village.
Mrs.. QRev.) • Rolmee •and 'family,
Mr. Harold' and Miss Lois Holmes,,
of iClinitien,were"The guests. of Rev.
Condell and wife over Christmas,
Messrs. 'Harold Potluck, of Tor, -
or,onto and Clarence,Pollock,'ofLon-
,doi1, ,are' home for their Christmas,
holidays. ' .
Miss Ravelle,}'of'Brewster, is the
guest of Mrs, George Castle.
Miss Maud Castle_of Toroisto,ar-
rived homy for the C]neetmas,hola-
day-s '
Mrs,' Ferguson. a.ssistjant !teacher
in the public school.; i'e'spending
Christmas, with friends atBelgrave,
Mr. Graham Mootjhouse, of Bay
City, Mich., is 'the, guest oi. Capt-
ain J. A. Ferguson and wile the
iNa;ittem's b oth`ert.
Mr. and Mrs, lHeeber't Wallisl and
child, of Fiske, Sask., arrived' this
week and will spend the winter
with friends in the village,
Mr. T. J. Marks left for Dimon -
ton to 'spend the ;winter With Isis
songs, - Mrs. Herbison, of North Dakota,
is (spending the winter with. her
mother, Mrs. E. Elliott, of the Al-
Mr. Alex. McLeod; of the Medical
College, Montreal, is spending his
holidays -under the parental roof.
Miss, Alice Tippet, of Toronto, is
home for tire; Christmas holidays.
Miss' Lottie Stirling, prinlcipal of
the public 'school:, Port 'Elgin, is
spending her holidays at her home
in the village. - -
Rev, A. McFarlane, is !spending
Chridbmas ;holidays with his sister
at Banks.
Mr, James' Cameron, of the public
school staff, is home foil thug Christ
mast holidays'.
Miss Annie Mudl ard, 'of Bruce-
field is the gues't .of, hex brother}
William Mustard.
Miss Linkiatfer, priaicipah of 'the
public school, -is spending the
Christmas, holidays at her homein
Mr. George Turner, of Wallace -
burg is home, for the Chrbs'1mas
We have a little s'leighing in this
neighborhood, .but not yet .suffic-„
ient for eeatrurne }purposes but a
very little more 'will meeke excell-
ent fs/le;ighin(p
Miss Bessie, Munn, having fin-
ished her
inislhed-her course, at the Macdonald
Institute at Guelph, has returned.
'The Misses McEwen are Bothe
spending. the Chrieemas holidays
with ,their mother, Mtn, Me'liwen, of
the London ' Road. Me, Alpine NEC -
Ewen, who hap been in,Saslkat,00e,
Sask., for the past year or two, is
home spending the winter with rel-
altives and friends,
Mrs, R. Horsley, 'who has been so
seriously' ill. for several years, is
considerably improved.
Mrs.Consiti has retuilne;d from
Boston, where she had been under-
going an operation; for a very sev-
ere form of neuralgia ii which the'
nerve affected.'had to be removed.
She liras returned' ever iso much ben
efilted by the operation.
Mr. Ales. McKenvie,, well' known
to many in thus neighborhood as
an old time, commercial traveller
andin Mon-
n � th etc, and low 11�' SIon
,1 t i ring..
lana, U S ,was, in tihe villago this
week visiting his Erie Inds, Mr.
Thompson and MI Alex. Murdock.
'Municipal matters are now the
absorbing topic of conversation,
and great, interest is being nranif-
e sifted. -
5ir; David Thompson of Toro sto,
and formerly of this village is re-
newing acquaintances in the Viliage
and vieiniltly.
Our merchants made very fine
Cb;relirnas displays •this ,year; and
found business good 'on the whole.
East ,.Wawenosh
The following is the report of S.
S. No. in. East Wawanosh for the
month of December;
Se. IV -Orville McGowan, :Ruch
Jr. IV -Violet Parker, Cora Fear,
Hilliard :5ieGowan, Ernst Toll,
George Wilson, Marl(ha Neilsen,
Sr. III Ella Fear, Ira Toll,.
Jr. TIT -Edna" McGowan, Luella
Wilson, John Parker, Walder, Pat -
Sr. IT Ella Toll,
Jr. II l fn),lay McGowan, May
Parker, Claret McGowan.
Fr•, --Ida ' McGowan, Ruby' Toll.
Prizes }vire given for regular ale
Coderich Township
Run . for 1't!'eveship.-The nomine.
tion meeting cant and the Council will
he made up of Geo. Rutile, J. W. Yeo,
D, A Lindsey and Geo. Holland. D.
Glidden drops out. The reeveshin will
be between Jos. Ocx and W. H. Lobb,
as Jno. McClure and Thos. Churchill
The following is the report of S.
S. No, 11 for the,mcn'th bf December
Sr. IV -Vera Trick, ' Percy' Cur-
rie, Myrtlle Powell, Mabel Castle,
Wilfred' Penfourid.
Sr. -III-Ruby,'Churehill, VernaEl-
liotlt, Pearl Churchill,
Sr. II -Richard Welch, "Francis
Jr II-Frankch w rd
Wel , Ho a Cur
Sr, Pt, II--Clifford'.Casltle, Elmer
LeBeau,'Arthur LeBeau,
Primer --Teddy Welch, Alfred Le
Beau. .
E. Diehl, Teacher.
Mr. Geo, .Acheson returned" home
last week from Medicine fiat, Alberta,
The service on the Sunday evening
of Jan.. Rhin the Methodist church
will he in,.charge of. the Epworth,
League a•nd will be in the form of a
song service.
Miss Tilly ill Tebbutt of Woodstock
sent Christmas at her home on the.
14th con. iGoderich Township.
Miss Blanche Tehtutt was appointed'
as choir leader of the Metbodist church::
atameeting called recently.
1Vlr, H. le Forster, Locust Hill, is
visiting at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jiro. Yen,"
Mrs, NV, nlul holland spent Christmas
with her daughter in Detroit.
Rev, and in es. McOorruicit and I3erry.
are spending the holidays at Swett -
Air. A. 51, Rcbcrston occupied the.
Methodist pulpit on Sabbath morning
last. Mr. til. L. Symhurner took
charge of the pastor's work in his ab.
111x. James Loeh. of Galt, spent
Christmas at Mr. G, Holland's.
Those of the village who spent the
holiday elsewhere are as follows. .
Miss D. A. Holmes. in Goderieh;:
Miss Sarah Tetahutt. in Clinton; Mr.
and Mrs. G. 1,sdd, in (Minton; Mr:
Bell and family in Goderich; Rev. Sir.:
rinclenimick an..1 ffmiiy at Rev Mr.
Gidwin's. '
Nomination day was held here on
Monday Mr. -G. 'Holland and Mr.
Daniel- Gliddon are the new candidates
for councillors and Mr Will Lobb and
Mr. James Cox -for the Reeveship.
Next Sunday evening the service in
the !Methodist Church will be taken by
the League It will. te a song service.
Rev, Mr Ilt riglthart of Granton, took
charge of the sovice in the Episcopal
church on Sunday lase. 11 being Corn•
Innnion Sunday,
111r, Geo. Acheson of :Medicine Het,
returned hone cm Wednesday last.
• Adr ►
Holiday visitors were n ramer•nus in
our burg the past,wetk,. The following
are sonic of therm. r
Ferguson- 141is.usoand son, Joseph from
Exeter in the home of her son w -law,
Sir. . • n n limns Miss' Nellie Me-
n1V i Y•.
nrsgoi teacher in Wellesley with her
patents; Miss Maggie Mellis, teacher
in 'Vienna, with her father; Mr, Wm.
Smiilie, teacher in Burford with his
parents, also his brother. Leonard
leacher in Ripley, as well as the Misses
Petrie, teachers' in Sault Ste Marie:
Mr. Alden 'Whiteman of Detroit, hie
brother .Herbert, and siste Miss
Whiteman of Totonfo in the of home;
'Mi A. W. Johnson and Mis Mary
Johnson of Toro ole Univers i '','n the
Parental home: Miss Anna -dale
tvith her parenit: Mr. and :?a es et.
iliunn with that lady s pateMr.
and Mrs, 1V J. ,Tone JIr?ar»l$ - .rs,
i.�tMcPhail of Porter 141t.'<uoi lis,
11, .Daymanand family imcl Mrs leis,
and Henry Cayman of Saskatchewan,
are home for the ,Winter Mrs. McIver
with her da'ghter idliss Mai jorie.
The Rev, Mr. and Mrs Ricl ardson
spent Chrislnois in his tathens home
in Woodstec'te
1 9 1 4
Pira following are attending the
Students Volunteer Missionary Con-
ference in Kansas City this week. all
from this vicinity, Mr. Wm. McQueen
delegate from the Y. M. 0. A. Toronto
University, Mr Ben,Smillie. represent
ing Knox College, bis sister, Miss
Smillie: representing the Faculty of
Education and Miss Mary Johnston
representing the Women's Medical
Studentsnf Toronto Medical College.
On Tuesday evening the. 23rd, inst.
St. Andrews church held . a White
Gifts to the King entertainment which
orris a splendid success and very enjoy.
able. The next night the Methodists
held a Christmas Tree entertainment
and all were delighted with the success
of the gathering.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Summerville of
Medina Man., is visiting the tatters
parents Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson.
Sir. and Mrs. N. Stanley of Holmes.
ville spent Friday the guest of their.
daughter Mrs. D. Tudor.
Mr. 'and .Mrs,..T. Pollard,spent'Christ-
maein Clinton.
Mies Lois Holmes of Clinton, is visit.
ing her friend Mise Mamie Hall. •
Mrs. Johns of Clinton is visiting her
daughter Mrs. Robt. Lawson.
Mgr, and Mrs. John Riley of Olinton,
spent Christmas with ,the former's
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley, . -
The many friends of Charles Nugget
will be pleased to' hear that she got
over her operation and; is able to coma
to her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geca.,Riley
on Monday.
Mrs. N. Britton and children are
spending holidays. the guest of her
parents at Howiek.
Mise Love of Walton. is visiting her
sister Mrs. Ed. Button.
Porter's 001
Mr. and Mrs: Wm. and Misses Flora
ence and Alda McDouald of Detroit
spent Christmas with their mother, •
Mrs, MsDoea,ld.
Mrs, Hall p
Rutledge spent ch -
t ristmas
in Toronto. '
Mr. and Mrs, Newton were visiting
in Stratford last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne -Tahoe and
Myrt'e Marshall spent the holidays at
Mr. Wm. Johnston's
Miss Luella Tichhorne and ,Miss La-
ivma Hillock are visiting in Togonto.. , t
Harold Potter of Hickson, is visit:
ire at 0, W. Potter's.
Mrs. A. McDougall aild. Minnie of
Dungannon visited here last week;
0. W. Potter spent Sunday at Cur-
rie's Crossing,
A pretty wedding was solemnised
at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John .Cox
when their youngest daughter, Mag-
gie, became the pride of. Wm Mair, of
Springbank. The ceremony, was Pee -
formed by Rev, 1VIr. McCormick 'pes-
ter on Holmesville circuit. Thebride
who was given away . by her father
was unattended and entered the oar.
for to the strains eat thewedding
march played byher sister Mrs.' S.
Dawson. Mr. and . Mrs, Mair will
reside at Springbank,
A quiet weddingwas solemnized on
Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. Bess, se, when their`dang_hter
Mise Freda, was united in marriage to
Mr. Gordon Bisset, of Goderich, They
will res de at ealtford Heights, Gode-
A number et changes take place in
the teaching staff of Zurich 'public.
school after New Year's. Mr. A.
Archibald has resigned and takes a
school in Toronto. Mr 'G Howard
principal of Blake Sctrool,.ui nr:l
years, succeeds him• Mise Hodgies,
of Kinoardi re is the newassistant.
i s Cant.
The rroceeds at the. Christmas
entertainment in the Entegical
Church last evening amounted to near-
ly $ICO.
The Jackson Mfg: Co, has closed
down for a few weeks holidays.
Municipal mattees mattersare now under`
discussion and it is likely that a num- .'
ber of new men' will aspire to the, ntli.
ces. Wm, Consittis mentioned as a
candidate for the reeveship,
Miss Eflie Pickett of Clinton spent
Sunday with Miss May Caldwell,
Miss Gertie Oaks of Goclerich Town.
ship is the guest of her friend Miss
Elsie Brown,
Miss Vina Gibbs and brother lieuben
of the Nest are spending a. few months
with their mother bore.
Ralph Greviston has returned home
alter spending the past tow months in
the \Veit.