HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1914-01-01, Page 2Pou-
ed and
hoot tnealso lie
ember of the,loeat'
nd continued as a
ber all his life, sere-
ig11 officee.of that .or -
he .militia too attract
in 1857 het raised a rifle
Durtng'tpxe civil war in
ted States he did , free) tier
id during the Fenian Raid
officer leading bis company
d the b'ordees of his ]'and.
Ly hea'ose as a volunfteen
becoming Lt. Col, of thg49
:inally Colonel of that reg -
far from purely honorary
that he won it through
he was forty years' of age
essayed ,politics as a can -
standing for North 'Hast -
a seat in the Canadian
ive Assembly. He was beat
Liberal candidate taking
dfedaration year, 1867, he
on'tiesteci the seat. This
was'the choiceof the con -
and for twenty-five years
• was elevated to the Seat -
892, the conlstituency had
r repnesen'tative in Paella -
Enters, Cabinet.
hn Macdontald' was, the fire',
finister 'to call him to the
bilities of a Cabinet pos-
)n October 17, 1878 Macken -
all became Minister of Cast-
rate 1892 he held this port -
rd was durii>Ig- this period
the delegates its Waslhin'g-
3iscuss reciprocity propos-
.h were never concluded. In
x• J• J, C. Abbott, having Ric
to the Premiership on the
�f Sir John A. Macdonald.
the Cabinet and the expert-
lined by Mr. Bowell in, the
qualified him for the port,-
ort(Minis'tleer of Militia✓ a
which he was awarded.
3 this portfolio until 1894,
znilthe death -of Sir. John
,on at Windsor, England, he
led on to form al]Minf'sitry, r
ollowing two years' were the
st and most . difficult in,ale
lity of his caT'eeie In Jani-
xe Privy Council reserved
Sion, of the Supreme Courts
aniltoba School case, -d'ecid-.
the Dominion 'Government
or to legislate in• the That-
way one of the most impart -
aims affecting Canada ever
by that Coer l,, and,shook
're country, "thl(owing the
from hie place and the Goy
from office. Manitoba Ile-
obey the Remedial 'Order
ly in '96 six Cabinet Min -
signed. The Remedial Bill
adguced into the Commons.,
be withdrawn in a few days
an a mottle. Parliament
and Sir Mackenzie Bowel!
Sir Charles Tixpper e-
emier for a little over tveo
and then carne the elec-
Entese Sesiate.
hile Sir Mackenzie Bowel]
Bred the Senate, and when
servative party was 'Wreck
96, and helms been many
an`ied for the result, he,be-
ader of the !Opposition in
er House. He also at this
umed 11ia eonalsidtion.evith
evil le In telligenleer, but as
nd propziietor.
tekenele fathered elicitafew
measures in the IHousaof
s. He organized the De-
t of Trade and Commence,
wed his deep :iyittea•est in
affairs in many ways'. be -
r fyr . rY ' " ,,s.erg and
of the' Colonial 'Trade
o to effect commercial in-
between the British col
Ottawa, in 1894,
ar he sustained a fall in
hat was thought; for ` a
serious. Rut he recover
meets his ninetieth year
ism and vigor. 11e re -
eat in the Senate, tak-
part in the debates' and
hat body, But he stands
e. all this as one who
high from 'shall `begin -
o walked wi6h the giants
ed the prosperity 'of Can
vleo played hist own role,
One a minor bne, inntte
the history of 'the Doe
ldren Ory
Sharpen Scissorsw,,
rapidly ori the fleck of fi
bottle or do :n ground' glass
es, the edges and makes
re next. Another way is to
scissors\alpon an ordinary
in the net '‘of cutting Ry
le steel aloof; `Rhe blades do
Or several times you will
ur scissors.
Rolls and a Delicious
Cake From Holland.
bk rolls ate dainty to use its
read. 'they may be pltued
itlual nautili! or on. (,lid iu
and butter pate elm fol
ilio for the•,+ rolls may be
up Phis of tionretluce,table-
r siker, two tetspuuufole
it into It throe \veil bent-
[ hlf:Pulrfnl t>6 Ind or lint -
lea'.' or yeast tlititielt•o11
i enough s e et mill: to
hath! c1 nrke t t1<11
Iu 1 o,t „no htcli 11 1:,
It,,, Ii n'. f,;. lotlttor
and `6n11 it`'�rcr. ]'leve
snail' in Vrons0.1 pun, IN'
n nir,b,ra(rt
lit,: tit,, 1.i61e
1,00garB0or ROLLS.
wishes to spend as little time as pos-
sible in the kitchen. One cupful of
milk, oue tablespoonful of butter, one
tablespoonful of sugar, half ateaspoon-
lul df salt, three cupfuls of flout' and
six teaspoonfuls , of baking, powder.
Sift the dry ingredients and roll out
until one-quarter; inch thick. Spread
With butter and sprinkle with two ta-
blespoonfuls of sugar mixed with one-
nethird. teaspoonful of cinnamon, one:
third capful of raiSitis finely chopped
and two tablespoonfuls or chopped cit-
ron. Roll up..like jelly roll and cut in
three-quarter inbh pieces. Place in a
Muttered pea' close together and bake
in a hot oven thirty minutes. Brush`
over with egg whites, slightly beaten
and diluted with half a teaspoonful of
water. Return to tho'oven to glaze the
Holland Brioche Cakes.
One cupful of scalded milk. one-third
cupful of sugar, one-third of to yeast
rake, one and one-half cupfuls of flour,
.we eggs, one-third cupful of melted
butter, one-quarter teaspoonful of salt,
"rated rind of half,a lemon, juice of
�ulqleft n lemon and one and one-half 'cop-
ula Add the sugar to the
of d 5 g
`scalded milk. When lukewarm add tho
;yeast. broken to pieces, and the, flour.
Belt, cover and let stand until it hub-
oles. Add the eggs well beaten and re-
maining ingredients. Cover and again
Yet rise. Toss on a floured beard,. pat
and roll in a long rectangular piece
'pee -quarter of an inch thick., Spread
;with softened butter and fold from
sides toward center to make three lay-
ers. Cut' off pieces three-quarters of
an inch wide. Cover and let rise. Take
each piece separately in the panels and
twist from ends In opposite directions,
coil and bring ends together at top or
cake. Let rise in pans, bake twenty
minutes in a moderate oven. Cool and
brush over with confectioners' sugar•,.
moistened with boiling water, and fla-
vored with vanilla.
Father's Room.
Father's room! Is there such a place
In your house? Should a man have a
room of hiseown?
Think over the men you know. Aren't
most of them treated as visitors in
their" own houses? 16 the average man
gots an easy chair, a small table for
els smoking things' and iris books and
e good reading lamp he is doing pretty
well. The idea of his having a room
of ;bis own would astonish his wife.
He 'is supposed to be company, and
very well behaved company at that,
says the Delineator.
A man should have a chance to ex-
press, his untidiness, if he has ,any. It
is good for him. it gets it out or his
system, and It is very much better that
it should be worked olT in his ower
room than in the rest of the house. Of
course in n small household or two
people there is room-erlougii 6m -both
busbnnd and wife: to spread oilt, but
there are more than two people ill
most families, and the happy. normal
family lives all over the house.
Tho Biggest Mushroom.
Described as the :biggest ever .seen
in Covent Garden, a remarkable
mushroom was shown in the Floral
Hall In London recently. In order
that its dimensions might be further
admired, it was displayed on the anc-
Lien stand of Messrs, Jacobs & Sons.
It had been grown by a nurseryman
at Warham, in Dorsetshire, and con-
signed to Mr. Southwell, of Bow
street, London. It measured 47 r,
inches round, and weighed O ee
pound "Is .it good to eat?" one in-
quirer asked. "It is undoubtedly of
the mushroom species," came the
reply. Taken to an alcove and care-
fully guarded, experts discussed what
ought to be done with it. Some were
in ravor of putting it up t 1 i ZING It4TES
but it was decided to give it a c,•.
of being bold by private arrangeme
and perhaps finding a home in a
Weft✓ SO Rad She Could
Not Sleep.
To those who sleep in a'kind 'of a way,
but whose rest 13 broken into by fearful
dreams, nightmares, sinking apd smother-
ing sensations, who wake in the morning
as tired as when they went to bed, we can
recommend Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills, By taking them you can have
your old, peaceful, undisturbed, refresh-
ing sleep back again,
Mrs. Chas, Teel, Horncastle, Ont.,
'writes:—"Just a few lines to letyou
know what Milburn's Heart and. Nerve
Pills did for me. My heart ,and nerves
were so bed I could not sleep, and the
least - noise or excitement would make
me feel so that I used to think I, was going
to die, and I would tremble until I
could hardly stand. I took doctor's
medicine, but it did not do ink much good.
At last I tried Milburn's Heart and Nerve
Pills, and'I can certainly say they did
Me . a great amount- of good. I can re-
commend them to anyone who is suffer-
ing as.I'was."
Milburn's Heart and Nerve'Pills are
50c. per 'box, 3 boxes for 661.25 at all
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont.
The story o. Australia' is, from
some points of view, curiously inter-
esting. It offers the spectacle of the
evolution of a nation, lying so near
to us la time that the process can be
studied with scientific minuteness
and as under the lens of .a micro-
scope.' And the factors, if not the
events, are on a great scale. The;
stage is an entire continent. For
Australia offers to only instance in
history where a whole continent has
flying above ittheflag of a single
people.. And this is a continent with
the climate of Italy, with more than
the mineral evealth of Peru and as
fit to be the granary of the world to-
day as Egypt was for the world of,
the Caesars.—The New World of the
Children Cry,
Egret is Protected.
Shooting. the white egret is pro-
hibited in Egypt, according to a law
promulgated last. year. The inten-
tion is to propagate the species. Ghaf-
firs, whose duty it is to see that this
law is respected, are stationed in the
neighborhoods inhabited by the
birds. A new colony has been discov-
ered in Lower Egypt, 'which makes
five localities to which the species
have been traced. Breeding stations
have been established at Sakha, Giza
and Gezira, The white egretis a
great worm eater.
Gives Books to Nation.
A valuable library has been Pre-
sented to the Egyptian ; nation. The
donor is Ahmed Zaki Pasha, secretary
to the Council of Ministers. The lib-
rary contains a rare collection of Ar-
abic manuscripts. The libraty has
for home time been_at the disposal of.
the public in a 'Medial' 'Wing of the
Khedive' Library, but the accommo-
dation has been, found inadequate,
and Kaki Pasha has added to his gift
a section of land, onwhich a suitable
building will, bo erected,
IUu RAILw v.
1! ..SY TFM;
Vow 'Era ani! 11, ly Clobe .,,
Epi, 110 1 Daly Mail and ,
Ne'w`Era and Da:]y 1TJoz'ld - 3.35
low Ei:h and Da!ly News 5.35
N eve Era and `Da:1y Star 2.35
Nety Era and Fam.ly 'ilotald
af1(1 Weekly Star 1.85
New Era and. weekly Wetness 1,85
Nev Era and Northevn Mes
senger - ..-• -.- -.' 1.60
New' Jia and Canadian Farm 1,85
New` Era and' Farmer's Sun':-- "1.85,'
New Era and !Daily Free
'Prosz', morning 3.35
n w Era and Daily 'Free
Dross', evening- . .. _ '2.85
New Era and Weekly Free
Presg 1.85
New Era and Daily Advertiser 2.85
New Era and Weekly Advei-
tis er 1.60
Now Era and Pum and Dairy ,1.85
New Era and Farmer's Advo-
cato 2.36
U. 5, -Government Standard
Below is an extract from U.S.
Gov. ad. for tenders -"The anth
recite coal must ee equal to that
mined and prepared. by 1.'niiadel
phis &Reeding Coal & Iron Co"
We handle nothing but the first
grade Philadelphia & Reading.
.411. J. T3 olloway
House phone 12. Office phone 40
For Sale
Driving mare for sale. Will be
sold cheap for cash or part cash
and part feed. Apply .to
Live PouItr9 d wanted
2500 Uslckens, 1000 Bens. 1000
Ducks Each Week trout now
until Jaunary -.
To finish your own poultry, we
have Wheat, Oats. and Buckwheat
specially ground' for fattening pur-
poses, as very reasonable' prices.
8,000 dozen .-Strictly New Laid
Eggs wanted each week during
the winter months. To produce
these eggs we have a full lime of
'Poultry,Foods to keen your layers
Pare pink of condetron.
A full stock of Bran; Shorts,Feed
Flour, Oat Chop, Barley; Chop,
Etc., Eta., always on hand.
The Gen -I Hem Go,, T amiled
The up-to-date Firm, Clinton
Phone 64.
FOX 111 for Salt]
TI,' undersigned offers for sale
improved fa"xn of 160 acres, 'Lots
113 and 14, Con. 17, Township of
Goderich situated on the Base Line
four m ]:.s north of Clinton.
ait tor -sale
Being lot 24 and 25, 4th Con. of
Stanley, 70 acres alt cleared, having
Dec. el, 25 good 'Ohl) THIRD. 14K30 stable under whole • building,
for retnrn eutil Dee. 22, 23, 24, 2 the stables are cement being put rn
Der„ 26 ;.also Decva dd for return one year ago, Smell orchard: Tele-
un�ihT)eo. 27• also
ftleverfallin spring
G ARE H"fYtE AND falling creek. rvelltenced,
SIi1 LL, I'
, frame house, anti barn, 30X50 lean to
31 1913, and JanTi1 phone and rural mail, r acres of
1911, good foe re. Deb. 29, 9C, 81 1018 aipalfa good catch, Possession and
turn until Jan. 2 and San, 1, 1914, terms to suit, purchaser, Apply nn
1911 valid foe retnrn premises or to
until Jan 9, 1014 W, POTTER •
R.R, No. 5, Clinton
For Sale ,or Rent
Between all Stations'in Canada
east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit
and PoetHoron, Mich., Buffalo, Bleck
Rock, Niagara Falls, and Suspension
Bridge, N.Y.
Tidkets now on sale at Grand Trunk
Ticket Offices.
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.,
Union Station, Toronto, Ont.
John ,Ransford & Son, city passen-
ger and Ticket Agents, phone 57
A. O. Pattison, station agent
Our Motto This Year is—"The Best Yet."
One Vivre Inv.' ation
Once more we wish to invite you. ,- - •
• Ones more we want to point out that as a holiday remembrance ••
• Jewelery stands supreme and alone. •
• Once more we desire to state that as a desirable place to select
suitable jewelry gifts ibis store TO -DAY represents about all
that be found in the whole of Jewelrydom.
For the last few weeks we've tried to ]seep stocks up to OUR
idea of completeness. We've been buying about as fast as
• we've been selling.
And: While we've been 'handing, out goods like -v''e never did
before, we still have no excuses to make for our showing—
either in quantity, variety, quality or, prices.
S Colne—right up to the last minute on Christmas Eve, expecting
to get a choice that guarantees you that precise article that
l you have eat your heart on.
• Conte expecting to find it in all the beauty of the fewelet's art.
COlne expecting to find ne anxious to give you all of our time
that you need, so that your visit may, be pleasant . and
Cone at your earliest opportunity,
A !seven -roomed pottage . on
North Street for sale or rent.
Telegraph School
I have started a night telegraph
school and will start a day school as
soon as I can sell or trade my flour and
feed store for town -property or a
farm. A, E. Matheson,
Slabs For Sale
14 inches long, Hardwood,
^12 inches long, Body Wood.
•• All kinds 01 Coat on hand—
Chestnut Solt Coal
• Stove Blacksmith
• Furnace Coke
• Kennel Coal and Wood
•• w
Yards Oppos1. G. T, R. Station
Tile -211 3 and '4 -inch size—
s '.Che Tile is of the very- best
' quality.
V. 1• C u N 1. ; DrlC k to Order.
Jeweler and Optician. Issuer of Rarringe Licenses . 0' S
• lit
w•••••••••••••s•sNssi••••6 ••••••••••••••i➢••••••••••• Phone 52
ikol'tgage for Sale
$3,500,00 fiISt
aures for sale:
o,rtgage .on 150
,Drs. Geo, 415 11 E. tivhitley
OSteopathie Y'liy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
- Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
'l Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-lfattenbury hotel. Friday,
froth 1 to 6
Iletlevie►V Dairy Farm
From our etoclt of first-class
cows we are prepared to supply
you twice;d'a•'ly with best of milk
•and cream, and solicit a share of
;your patronage.
E. B. ,HILL.
Farm for Sale
A good jfarm, consisting of
88 acres, being lot 76,Maitland con-
cession, Goderich township, two
miles north of IHolmesvill'e, con-
venient to church and school, also
cheese and' butter factory. Good
7 -roomed house with pantry and
back kitchen, excellent . cellar and
plenty, of hard and soft water —
water piped tobarn ; good bank
barn 45x45, straw shed 18x38, sitab-
ling underneath, all; two orchards
peincifzallyg spies and baldwins ; the
farm retilededrained; well fenced
small bush; no, iwaslta land; all
seeded down except 17 acres, which
is ploughed, Rural .telephone in
holese'with long distance connec-
tion, also on rural mail route. Pos-
session. given to suit purchaser.
Ho ✓Reeving,
phone 9 on 143 Goderieh township
Girls Wanted -
Experienced, and girls to learn
Knitting and Looping Will pay
$5.00 per week while learning.
Steady employment. Pleasant
position. Apply at once
Clinton. Ontario.
Money Wanted.
I have several inquiries for loans
of various amounts and Will be
pleased to find investments for
fupds on mortgages.
Farm for Sale
A desirable 80 acre farm forsale
Good frame house, a parlor, dining
room, summer kitchen and wood
shed. .4 bank barn with cement
floors, pig pen with cement floor
and troughs, and drive shod. well
drained, all seeded but about 22
acres, everything in good shape,
Some of the money may be had at
a low rate of interest, will sell with
or without crop. Apply to
HESK. Londesbor'o,.
or on the promises, lot 17, con. 8,
Hull eft.
FQb1'tll For Sale;
A first class farm, consisting of
75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34,111n1-
4,Hnllett township, 3 miles from Londes-
boro, and 5 miles from: Blyth, 11-2
miles from School. A bank 'barn 36
by 56, another barn 36x52, drive
shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty
of water, about an' (acre of or-
chard. Possession can be given
right after harvest. Apply to
IBlyth, P..'0.
We're now •selling Timothy Seed
(Government Standara.).
We also have on hand, Alfalfa,
Alsike, and Red Clover, •
- We always have on hand —Goose
Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn
Highest Market Prices paid for; Hay
and all Grains.
FORD.& lc tEou
i _ C
4 See and here our finest G
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and ►,
'i►▪ '
6pecial values in Art
Pianos and organs rent
ed, choice new Edison
phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
Music Emporium
C. Hoare
'Siaurstiitty, Janua'r'y
ISJIA 1L1S7I 8, , FiR1 S?
tOcnneyance, Notary Pnblie,'
Coram issioner, ete.
Issuer of Marriage Licensee, ".
HuronSSt„ Qlinton,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate,
sNSURANoo AGENT—nes resentins 1411'lre:In
Durance Companies.,
EDivision Court Office.
1V edirra!-
Physician. Surgeon. Etc
seoeial' attention given to diseases of tha:
Eye, Eur. Throat, and. Nose,
Eyes carefully examined and sellable 5le55Et'
nrescribod "Y -
offiand Rosidenoe,
Two ,!Cors westce ortlie Comnrercaal not.!
19115. G1JNh and G,A1' 1)I1 R
Dr; W. Gann, I. It, C. 1'., L. R. C. r3:. calm
Dr.J. C, Candler. D.A. 5ta6.
Office -Ontario.' Street, Clinton.
Night cells at residence, Itattenbar i8t.
or at hospital
DR. a8. W. SHAW.
cconeheur, .etc,, office and residence on
Ombra". St., oonosite-W. Farran a residence.
u 'crows -ani. Sirldne 11'orlr fr r3peeinityi•
Graduate of C.C.D.S..e Chicago, and R.O,D:B
t0ayneld on Mondays, May 1st to Decenib.
_ Offices over O'elEIL'S store.
Speoisl care taken to -make' dental titre.
meat es grainless as possible.
Live stork and general Auction tee
Volts fas salee' a special/. (Meta .ti at
Naw Ea& offioe, Clinton, promoaty attended'
to. Terms reasonable, Fanners'. sale nota.
discounted. -
G. D. McTaggart M. D. McTaggar
McTaggart Brom
- General Banking. Bosinese,
Drafts issued. Interest allowed e.
The McKiltop Mutual
Fire Insurance eo..
Farm and Isolated Town Props
erty Only Insured.
J.B. McLean, President, Seaforth.
,1 Connolly, Vice -Pres,, Go
T. E. Hays, Sec. -Tr
Jas, L'onnelt'
Watt, 'Hari
F, McGre
J Ben
Paymen may be „made at The
Morrisbi Clothing Co., Clinton, or
R. H. Cult, Goderich.
Fire, Life and Accident
Real estate bought and sold
Money to loan
Office Issac Street, next door to New
Grand TrutllkR.ailivay Systenn
Railway Time Table
London, Huron a- nd Bruce.
North Passenger
London, depart 8.80 a m 4.50 p;txx
Osntralia ........... 9.40 5,43
Exeter 9.53 5.54
13ensall., .. ` 10.03 6,05
Kippers 10.16 6.11.
Brucefield 10.30 6.19
Clinton 11.00 6.35
Londesboro..,,....,11.18 6.52
Blyth 11.27 7.00
Belgrave 11.40 7.13
Wingharn, arrive11,50 7.35,
South Passenger
Wingham, depart.. 6.43 a m 3.33 p
Belgrave .. , 6.54 3,44
Blyth 7.08 -3.56'
Londesboro. 7.16 4,04
Clinton..... t 7,50 4.23
Brucefield 8.12 4.39
Kippen .. 8,23 4,47
Hensall' 8.32 4,52
Exeter.'., 8.48' 5.05
Centralia 9.00 5.15
London, arrrve....: 10:00. 6.10
Buffalo and Gode,
Wet` Pagsengex
ata p'm pm pen
Stratford 10.00 12.20 S 255 10.20
1lf i t c h e l l .. 10.22 12.45.'.
Seaforth. 10.45 1.10 6.18 11.12°
Clinton... 11.07 1.25 6,40 11,25
Holm esgRib 11.16 1;33 6,46 Il 83
Goderielo 11-85 1.50 7.05 11,55
East f assenger
am pm pm
Goderich 7.10 2.40 4.50
Holmesville 7.28 2,57 5.06
Clinton..,,., l.'.. , 7,35 307 5.15
Seatorth 7.52 3.25 5,32'
Mitchell.........,,., 8.16 '3,48 5 55
Stratford 8.40 415 6.20
Small Advls. Always Pays
AA AAA/.AAAAA♦ 004•000.0