HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-12-31, Page 8app New Yea 15— To our 'Heeds and patrons; one and all, we send'a Hearty New Year's Greeting ! Weare very thankful for the many .fay- ors shown tis during the past year, and we feel that our efforts to furnish, the bet o footweir, at the lowest possible prices consistent with good quality, have been fully appreciated, We are. _content with battles already won, however, and during the coming year we shall press forward to still great- er achievements in shoe selling, Again We Say Viilappy New Year FRED. JACKSON The House of Better Shoes. In Wishing You A:MERRV C we take the opportunity to express our appreciation of the loyal support of our friends and customers during the year, and respectfully ask for 'acontinuance. the coming year, and hope that 1915 will bring you all a full measure of Minton News -Record liummovimmonome We hope'that you are looking forward to the •coming :' yeas with a light heart, and a ;smil- ing ing face that you will have the realization of all .'your. reasonable ambitious and the satisfaction that comes''.. from work. well done. May 1915 be the best yuu have had, Good Health and .prosperity, W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest—Always the best. 1=' Health, Happiness and Success, HARLAND BRO8. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. a,m...moremer ns Beautiful nl Furure t For Xmas, ' Dining,jjParlor and:Lib- rary Tables a n d Easy Chairs are special features of our CJhrist- mas display. IWei know y o u will like their appearance, no one could help doing thet, We know you will like the prime too, they are special for this Christ. mas and the saving will snrprise you. ; t.'rrl Ball &. Atkinson FURNiTURE:DEALERS aid UNDERTAKERS NightQand Sunday Calls. N. BALL :Phone 11e1, 3, A, ATKINSON, Phone 18ti ANN= alwrn I Usefil Artioles As Xmas Gifts.. Mutt will it, be ? This, is a question. 0,0" . ,, puezie a great many people during the next few days se t,vey think of some friend whom they wish to remember with some token of the Xmas season, Let us suggest-elfewal Moles that may .now he found in our iarge Xmas stock and which will be useful as well cc very acceptable to eith- er young or old. Children Handkerchiefs Mitts and Bootees Furs Gloves Sweaters Sweater Coats Per Ladies For Men Slippers IP rmcy Linens New Silk Waists New Net Waists Tea Aprons Band Bags Ties Mufflers Fancy Braces Fancy Boxed' Shirts Umbrellas Gloves and hundreds of other articles which will make very dainty, `and acceptable gifts. )3e sure you see our boxed ties and braces at 25e, 35c and 500. .steel Bros.Pluras majl Profits More Business , 1 , mime 1411nrrtnute, Mi. John Jackson was in Toronto over Christmas, Mr. W. Greig came hone from Toron- to for the holiday, Mr. James Flynn came home front, Lucknow for Christmas. Miss Stellar Wiggington returnee home Saturday from Grimsby; Mr., S. Kemp enjoyed Christmas v, i1h his parents and brothers in Lon- don. Mr. John Sutter spent Christmas and the week -end at his, home in Strati- . . Mr.ford. Ogle Miller of the. Bell Telephone staff was honie for the Yuletide elide holidays. Mr. Eddie. Miller of the 1 rsl noel Banner s.tatf was home tor. C'hrist•- mas Days. ' Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lapraik and Miss Violet spent from Thursday tb Monday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. -James Finch ;trcJ with Mr. and ;Mrs. E. Finch of Stratford over Christmas. Mr. Acheson of St. Paul's ; ieired with Mr. and firs. S., S. Cooper for a few days last week Mrs. Bean left on 'Tuesday he' Vert (1ra by where site will :mead. the winter With her daughter., Nits. Meadows. Mr, John Wiseman Jr, of the staff of the ]lank of Montreal, Mt. Forest, spent Christmas at the parental home in town. bir. and Mrs. Thos. Dunbar visited over Christmas and the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett, Princess street, Mr. Roy Grigg, teller, Bank of Montreal, Flamilton,. visited at the parental Runic, that of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grigg, irons the 24th to the 28th inst. Mr. Harry Aunt of Galt is to town over the holidays, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Wi11, Hantblyn, thus add- ing to the many happy c:llt:istmases ire has spent its Clinton. Mr. J. Cr. Crich of Stratford, the well known decorator was in town last week on his way home from I7en,sall where he has been doing some of his artistic work. Mr. and Mrs. Puckering and their two children, Louie and Leeta returned to their home at Pickering on Monday after a visit of several daps with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robb, Mr. and Mrs. John J, Ward and Master Douglas, Mr, and Mrs. George McCartney and Mr, and Mrs. A. Stringham of Woodstock 'were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jos eph Wheatley. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Little of Essex, Mr. and- Mrs. Wm. Wasman and 1VIaster Russel' of London and Mes. F. G. Wasman and Master John of New Mexico were Cihrist!mas guests at the home of Mt:, and Mrs, J. F. Wasman, Mr, and Airs. S. A. Phipps of Wel- wyn, Sask., who have been in the westfor fifteen years are expected next week on a visit to old friends in town and Goderich township Of the latter municipality thou are both natives. Mr. and, Mrs: Albert Mair ten and Miss Olive of London spent Christ - mus Day with the lady's »miller, Mrs, R. Miller of Queen ri retic. Mr, McBrien returned to the city en Saturday but Mrs. McBrien- and danghtsr remained fora few drive. Mr, and Mrs. W. U. Latornell and little Miss Edith, St Thoicrts -er- tivecl before Christmas• at the lady's old home, that ;,f Mrs, Combe, Sr, Mr. Latarnell had to return to the city Monday f:t re - Flume his :esume'liis duties as managtt of the Wilsons Bank,, but Mrs, Latornel-1 and Miss Judith remain stere emit after New Yets. Mr. A. ie. Blackwell and his son, Master Lesley, of Woodstock, who spent over Christmas and the week- end at Mrs. Wm. Colclough's, God - oriole township, called upon Clinton friends on Saturday. Mr. Black- well is a thorogoing optimist arid, his old-time halbit of looking on the hright side of things becomes more pronounced' with the' passing Myr.Jr 15. Lowery,a member. of the teaching stall of the North Bay Public schools, has been in town the past fveek 'visiting leis mother and friends, The genial .7. He bears such a close'reseniblance to his bro- ther Chris of Medicine Hat as to lead to the report last week that town. •was in w 1 latter who a it was the I<aI tv They are a woethy pair for, whom the latch string in the old home town will aiways_ hang out, December lIsty 191 the W o11y wreath o 1 find combined A HAPPY NEW YEAR The hearty wish QI ail staff of l9 . About People You Know Mx, John Stevenson was in London on the 25th. Mr. 'Phos. Watts came up from Tor- onto for the 25th. Mr. Joe Cudmore, London, spent the 25th to 28th in Clinton, ]Miss .1. Graham was with Londee,bo- ro friends for Christmas, 1Ir. A. Wilkin visited his daughter, lilrs. R. AIeC'loy, London, on Fri- day. Miss Florence Churchill, Toronto, has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. II. Carter,. Mr. Peter Rand of Almonte i'; in town this week, the guest of Mr. W, Brydone, Mr. W. J. Birge of Rockwood was a guest over Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. David Steep, Miss Ida Cornish, teacher at is at the parental home on the Base Line for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'A. Constantine of Highgate are New Year's guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Chidley of town. Mr. and Mtg. R. P. Manning and babe, 'and Master Harold spent Christmas with Mr. W. N. Manning of London., Mr, and Mrs. A reline Crook and their son, Mr, Wellington Cook, spent the Cheistrnas holidays with friends in Toronto. Guelph t have 111x. andMrs. Rusk of C lu e been visiting the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Forbes, during the holiday time., Mr, Nixon Welsh, who has been spending the holidays with bis par- mtts, Sergeant and Mrs. Resit, will. reburn to 'Toronto on Saturday. Mt, and Mrs Washington and family of Auburn were Yuletide guests at the home of the lady's father, Mr. Huron ron Road. Thos. Jenkins of tu Mr. and Mss Fred Stephenson have been visiting the fomer's patent,, Mr. and Mrs. J. .Stephenson of town, during the Christmas vaca- tion time; Mr. J: A. Cooper and his daughter, Miss Marjorie, of Toronto were guests this week at the home of ilio fortner's mother, having corse up, to attend the marriage of Itis sister. Rev. S. J. •Allin went to Toronto ydsterday: to see his son who has been i11, having undergone an oper- ation for appendicitis .early last Week. IIe will be back tonight in time to attend, the watchnight ser- ' bice in Wesley ehureh, Mr, and Mrs. G. H. David enjoyed their twenty-seventh ' .consecutive Christmas dinner_with Mrs. Chas. Mcerea Of Belgrave on Friday last. These two families are not blood relations 'but thct'r friendship is true and ever -abiding. .Me, and Mrs, A. Hooper were favor - ad on Christmas Day by the presence of their son and wife end their threw children from Blyth. The grandparents say itwas their most enjoyable Christmas in twen- ty t years. May they have many more like it. Mrs. W. S. Elliott, Toronto, visited her Patents, Mr, and Mrs. J. 13. Lindsay. Mr. Harold Cantelon is hone from Simi:ford Normal for the Christ- mas vacation. Mr. John Cantelon of the Molsons Bank stall, Norwich, was Monte for Christmas Day, Miss IJa'tleib of Zurich was a Christmas visitor at the- ]tome of Mr. and Mrs. P. Cantelon. Miss Beatrice White of Windsor was a guest at the home of Rev, S. J. and Mrs. A,llin over the Christmas- tide, Mr. Lloyd Wilkin of the staff of the Molsons Bank, Owen Sound, • spent the Yuletide vacation at his home in town, Alis. Chapman of Ripley was er vis- itor during the holiday season at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. James_ - Mr. anti Mrs. Len, • ' C'atct fon and babe of 'Toronto were holiday vis- itors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Cantelon. Mrs. Canteran returned to Guelph on Monday after spending Christmas with her father, Mr. Tiros. Jenkins of Woodlands Farm,. Huron Road. Mr. Laverne Conk of the staff of the i Union Bank, Melbourne, spent Christmas at the pareat.:l home ie hatof Ir. and Its he [. 1, A an 1V loslt. Cook. Mt. Irwin iIageyt of Preston return - ell home yesterday after having been for several days the guest' of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Snider, Mr, John Hartley, principal of the. etanleek 151111 Model school, is in town this wee': calling on old friends. Mrs, Hartley and babe mother, are visiting the lady's tto , Mus, Weir of Wroscter. 1Mr, 11. W. Cook was in Toronto and Ilantiltoe during the holiday season and on his return Mondap was ac- companied .by Mrs. Cook, who had been spending some weeks, with her daughters in the two cities. Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Leitch had a fermily gathering on Christmas Day, among those present being : Mr. and Mrs. Frank Naegele of Colborne;' Mr, ' and Mrs. Bruce Medd and Mr. and Mrs, 'George Leitch, FI•ullett, Mrs. Pattie and Mr. and_Mrs, W. L. Johnson, town. Mr. John Moon was in town Monday and in the short time at his dispos- al was most cordially greeted by old time friends. HIe wason his way: hack to Toronto after a few days visit with his mother and other relatives in Hallett. Ab Scbrin ville be was foiged by his wife who had been iisiting.members of her family, there •Mr, Moon his beet,' for some tithe in the real es- tate husine,es, associated with Mr. Jeffrey formerly of Landesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Moon are mentors of the Eaton Memerial Church, the palatial place of worship erected by the F aton family in memory of the late,,Tintothy baton. The News From L ondesboro 311'. and Mrs. ,Joseph Stalker of Ingersoll were guests at the lionte of Mr, D. Geddes this week. 1Ir, A. Braithwaite of Detroit was a Christmas guest at the home of lis parents here. - Mr. John Moon of Toronto spent a few days visiting relatives and old friends hereabouts. Mr, and Mrs. 'rhos. Nott celebrated their Tortietlt wedding anniversary on 'ruesda*. 'Their children and grand- children, numbering eight, spent the days with then and a happy gather-. ing 11 was, Miss Bertha Brogden of London .Pent.Christmas at her house. ;hese. Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Dewar of Lon- don spent a couple of days during the vacation season with the lady's mother, firs. E. .Lyon. Misses Margaret and Sadie McCool of Toronto spent the l"ulettde seasoe at their home here. • Miss Maud Lyon of the Deaconess' home, Toronto, 11 spending the-Nev.' T'ear's holidays at the home of her parents stere. Mr. Wine -Bell left the other lee, to spend a few wears with friends ab Detroit. 1VIr. and Mrs. J. Wick of ,Stratford were Ghiistmlas guests at the homn of Mr. E. ;tlaggitt of the 3rd eon. Mr. and Mrs. B. I3rown of Brant- ford spent a few days with the lady's mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Young. • Rev: .J G. Reid and family spat at Christmas with ,friends at Woodsi eee and Norwich. IIIr, J..D. Illsley visited friends, tit Woodham over Sunday, Misses Elenor anis Jean :Mins o: London were here for a few clava. Huliett Township Miss Vera Carbert, a graduate of the GIlatote itIodel school, leaves or: Saturday for Hyslop, New- Ontario, where site has accepted a school at a good salary. Miss Lorretto Flynn came up from) Toronto to visit at the parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. D. Flynn, over the holidapes. Mr. Ed Tighe returned from the College at Sandwich for tite holidays. Me. tad. Blake, Detroit, is home for the holiday period. Tit•: Paul Premium of Port Col- borne. visited with frici.ilIs In this neighborhood the forepart of tho- week. • Mr: Bert,Floggart is hone from the west and is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Win, Ad- dison. Mr, WM. Carter spent the fore- part of the week at Ingersoll, where be was judging srocto at their wintsr fair. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE. l'he season has again arrived when we must again clean up our stock and prepare to take . stock by cleaning ont odd lines and sizes of our stock. You will find ample scope to ex- ercise economy in oux y shoe buying in byubm- y y g i ng to our store and seeing for yourself the values we areae ared to offer during p you our Fourth Semi -Annual Sale commenc- ing on SATURDAY, January2nd,191 R 5 H. S. CHAPMA.N7d PFTONE