HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-12-31, Page 4a' Iligliggissamosassuarigamosememignm Clinton' News -Record The News From Breezy Bagfield Geore 11 Barr and Misi,Barr Londeabore :omit Christman ' with :their.eister, Mae, George King Of Baye Ache, Misses R. M, andNan Woods: of Seaforth are speigling part her holidays with thee: aunt,. Mrs. Q. H. eleeitseri. " Miss Mandell el Wingate:re was: thy guest of Mrs. Cleave over. Xmas. Mr. .Robinsen of Stanleyoer. eupied the ,pulpit of the Metbodist .einiaeh onl'alandays evening last in the absence of the, paetoi7, L. 0, White, • Birth --To Me. and Mrs. William, Bafiewell of aayfield on Dec. 28th, a 'de:tighter, Miss 'Ada liouati of Louden is apehding the Holidays under tie par- ental roof. Messrs. 'Janice: Camerae of Toronto and Normae Camerae of Dehroit are spending the holidays male!' the pare ental roof. , Messrs. Willie and Frank Cemeeset1. i'Dettoit are epeeding the -ele as aelidays under the parental roof. ' Mr. Ea, Snarling is speeding Xmas Week at ais home in Cargill. *r. Jean MeLeod of Huitsvale is spending the holidays, with his family In the village. Harry Moore is visiting Meads at Owen Sound. Lawrence leo wlie oi eoail!th is spending Xmas holidays at bis home in the village. lefiss Alice Tippet of Toronto. spent the Xmas holiday under the pars Ant roof, Rev. Mr. Searle of Toroneo went Xmas With his wife and family in the village. Thomas Iltandon of Belga; e Oren t Xmas at his Mime, in [Medical. Mr. Gralaim Moorhouse of Bay City, Mich., spent the Xmas Mealay with his mother, Mrs. albariumee. Harold Pollock of Toronto is spending the holidays at his lonm here. Wilbur Erwin of Berlin is epeueing hin Xs nos holidays with his parents. Miss Hilda: King of Cioderich was home for the Xmas holiday. The Christmas tree entertainment of St. Andrew's Sunday school miss- ed ole very successfully last Wednes- day evening. In spite of the stormy weather the hall was fairly well fill- ed and a good program was present- ed. The cantata "Down the chewer withiSanta. Claus" was given in good stile by the scholars, and the per- formance reflected great credit on those who had trained them. The comedy "Not a man M the house," played by Mrs. Ferguson, Misses Evans, Campbell, Stirling and,Spack- man'proved very amusing, all the parts being well taken. A clever ex- hibition of club swinging was given by Miss Evelyn Pollock and accept- able Music was furnished on the vio- lin, and piano by Miss Ada and Mr. Jas. Rouatt. At the Mosq the trees were stripped, each scholar receiving a gift. The proceeds will be used to add to the S. S. library. Mr, Thomas Sanderson is home from the \Vest to spend the wintet. •••••11111•1•11..1.111.11. Mr Samuel Eagleeon of NO th Dalcotnsle visiting 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Eagleson, .Mrs: james.‘Ferguson is .spending her Xmas holidays with friende, at Wingliam and Belgravea Mes. Green epeat Xmas at Goatee with her daegliter, Mrs. A,. Yen - stone. • Mr. Alex. Aikens of the' Saueing 'Dank spent Xmas at Toronto, The council and school board of 1 915 'have been eleetied by acclama- tion as follows e reeve, James' hom- son ; counci1:1ms', le. Merrier, C. Parker, G. Westin); E. Ward ; trim - tees, H. Daehman, T. Heard, T, Ele Dot t. The following arca the average seor- es of the Bastfield Rifle Association Cor the month of DeceMber. 'The. names of those maving 20 out oi possible 35 ere given : R. Speakman 31, W. A. Mustard 20,,Dr, Smith 29, C, Politica ,28, G. Castles 28, 0. Greenslade 28, A. Aitken 28, L. Mainsail 28, 11. Bailey 28, A, Mae- .ffirlane 27, W..111cDool 26, R. EMMA 26, J. Davelson 26, Ile Delphi 25, A, Erwin 23, M. Toms 23, Dr. Woods 22, J. Rouatt 21, E. Sparling 21. On Christmas Day a, match was ar- ranged between ele en , members of tbe Association and eleven non -mem - bets, resulting in a, victory .for the members by a total of 199 to 153. Rev. A, Macfarlane exchanged pul- pits with Rev. Me. Harper of Clinton on Sunday last. A pretty end interesting eeent took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel . Cleav0 ea. high noon cia Christmas Day when their oely daughter, Edi Bc 1 can, was an i led in marriage to Mr. Jonah Gingrich of Newberry, Mich., the ceremony being performed by Rev. Mr, Seeale of Tor- onto. The bride entered the, drawing room leaning on the atm of her fath- er, who gave her away, She leekei charming dressed M a lovely gown of Copenhagen blue silk. The couple took their places before a batik of evergreens and flowers. They wee unattended. Mise Rose Snowden played the wedding march. After tie ceremonyl and when the newly -wedded pair bad received Um congratulations of those present alt sat down to an elaborately spread luncheon and Mt, and Mrs. Gingrich left on the after - n001) train from Brucefielit for a honeymoon irip to London aud Tor- onto. The bride's going away c06 - tune was a handsothe tailored suit mf blue serge. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Ceingrich will spend a few days in the village before leaving for theie home at Newberry, Mich. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful gifts from friends far and near. The young couple hare the very best wishes of all for a, happy and prosperous married life. Mr. ,Jaines Donaldson of Thesialon Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mie. J. Dona•Idson. Mrs. (Merge Woods and her daugh- ter, Miss Isabelle., Seaforth, have been visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Woods for a few days. Ready- ToaWear Garments 0 U 0 & Jo 15 Dry -Goode a rid Uonse Fiumishings Ladies Coats At A Big Saving. On Saurday. January 2nd we put on sale all our winter coats. They are worth attention of every lady with coat buying to do. The coats we have for the Sptcial January Sale are all neW garmentts,. There is not an oil:style in the entire collection. The onality of material in each is good you can depend on any Or all Of them for thoroughly satisfactory wear, Your choice of any $1$ and $22 coats for $113.75, Your choice of any $15 and $12 coats for $9.98, Come early Satur- day for best choice, Good Warm Underwear At Low Prices. Every precaution has been taken to make our un- nclrwear stock good so good that one trial will make a customer of you for- ever you will find only the very best brands made, We are ph ased to an- nounce that our stock is remarkably large and well assorted. Prices range from 25c to $2,00 a gar- ment. 1•1111111111••••••.11111.11•••• December 31s4, 1914 , • Bagfield Mr. McLaren of Port Elgin ts the guest of Mrs. William Stirling this week, Mrs. Newton and Mrs. bieuelee- burgh of Detroit are spending Xmas week the guests of their pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Westom Last •Sunday St, Andrew's congre- , gation enjoyed a visit front Rev, F. C. Harper, the nOW minister of Wil- lis church, Clinton. Mr. Harper ad- dressed the congregation and the Sunday school, in the intereets of the missionary budget and of religious estimation. This is Mr, Harper's firs,t appearance in Baytield and he has assured himself of a warm welcome here whenever he conies again. Mr. Maefarlane paid a similar visit to the Clinton congregation. Varna J. E. Sparrow on Saturday. eV - ening Mee gave a shower in honour of Miss image Stewart, who yester- day evening became the bride of Mr. Harvey Turnea Of the Parr Liee.. About a score of young peoplewere present and 1116 popular bride -elect was macle the recipient of a numbek of articles which will be found use- ful in furnishing a new home. A most enjoyable evenin5 was spent by alt. A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stew- art yeriterday evening when their daughter, Jennie, was married to Mr. Harvee Turner, son of Mrs. James Terrier of tie Parr Line. The ceremony was performe 1 by Rey. Ary. Johnston of the Presbyterian church and was witne ace only by members of the two me, and mee, Turner will reside on the Pam Line and they have the good wishes of a large circle of frieede for a happy married life. Staneln Township There was a fair attendance at the nomivations on Monday and consider- able interest was manifested in the proceedings. The members all gave an account of their stewardship which aupearell to be quite satielae- tory. Mr. W. Glen, wile has given a, de- cade of service in the interests of the municipality, including see terms .as reeve, retailed his hearty thanks for the confidence that had so often heen repotted in hine 'rhe council for 1915 was elected by acclamation as followe : Reeve, John McKinley, Councillors, J, T. 1(eys„1 os. Hood, David Dewar and George B. Hanley). Mr. Hanley is the• new member, taking the place of Alfr, McKinley, who has been elected to the reeve - ship. The interests of the "nig Micas i part of the township par tiettlarly will be looked after by Councillor Hanley. Mr. McKinley bee had several years service in the counell and has always been regarded Os a careful and pains- taking member who has always clone what he thought was in the best in- telests of Stanley, lite„, will he a very, capablerepresen tat ) e ab the county council. A resolution requesting the 051, 0 Lo support a grant by the county council to the Pa trio tic and Dead in Relief Fund was unanileouely adopt- ed by the nomination meeting, Sorry to heat of the serious illness of Mr. Nelson Keys but hope he will soon he able to lie around again. Mr. .Robt. Watson seent Sunday last al, the home or Ms uncle, Iwo. L. Clark, - Mr, Wilbert Johnstone seent last week with friends in Clinton. 1 Mr. and Mee. W, Elliott set Christmas at tlie. home of the lat- ter's parents, Ma. and Mrs. John Reefifilee Maggie Nei, Caen near Leamington, spent her Xmas vaea- tio» under the parental roof, Miss Mabel Clark, who twenty re- ceived her certificate. at the Model school, Clinton, has secured a seine)! near Zurich. in Hay township. Mr. Weeington Elliott intends put-, ting a new furnace in his dwelling. Miss Maggie Clark of Berlin and 1Vliss Stella Rabhwell ot London, who Spent Christmas under the parental roofs, returned on Monday last to assume 'their _respective positions. Mies Ada Ronald" of Bayfiget spent over the weak end as the guest of Miss Edit) Itathwell, Miss Roxey Palmer of Gederich has been spending the holidays at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Andrew Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. , 110101e1: spent :Kind's at the home of the. latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce. Seery to hear of Mrs. Relit; El- liott Iming somewhat indisposed hut hope she will soon he able to he around again. The Women's Patriotic Society will give. a concert on Jan'. 14111. Constance. . Mr. Chas. Hall of St. P1105115 spent Obristiatts Day as the guast of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, 11', II. Hall. Mr. and 1Virs. S, 13, Kinily of Tr:, onto are spending the holiday season with the lady's parents, Mr, roil Mrs. D. Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pollard spent Christmas with Clinton friends. Mrs. Ed. Britton and Miss IsTaigtir- et Love were with 1Valton Mends for a few days. Mrs. R..13. Stephenson and son are visiting the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Andrews of Carrie, Mr. and Mrs. W. Srmilmi of I-ltlin- esville spent Monday as the guest of their daughter, Mrs. D. Tudor, Miss Gertie Glair of Clinton is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. Pollard. Messrs. Jim and Will 1VLoote of Tor- onto Spent the Yuletide with there grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, James 1VIann.. Miss Marget Rilcy svas the guest of her brother, Mr, John Riley _of 13rueefield, for a .few days during the holiday season, , 1101/111e8Yille Miss efandena Holland of London' 511001 Chrietmas at her home here, that of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Holland. Mr, and Mrs,. H. R. Forster of Markham are vieiting their parents in this vicinity during the Yuleeide holidays. , The noniinations Went Vil very quietly iri this township, all the members of the council being elected by acclamation. Rev. 'R. J. and Mrs, McCormick and Master, Harry are ace:Ming the, New Year's holidays math the ferni- er's parents at Troavbridge. The sleighing now is fine and is very much enjoyed, when net too cold. Goderich Township There was a goodly attentlaace at blie nomination meeting, on Monday end while' considerable interest was taken in the r4o51.s ot expentlatires bp the members it wae melte eahlent the ratepayers did not desire an el- ection, being quite satisfied with the council of 1911, which will ' thus be that of 1915, as follows : Reeve, W. H. Lobb. Clounoillors, 11. A. Lindsay, George Hudie, J. W. Yeo, George Holland, Mrs, Jesse Gray and' her two sons Lawrence and Willard left; on nuelay tor a fe.w days visit with lIr. and Mrs. Shaelcleton, the terrner's daugh- ter, at Crowe. Miss Eintria Cooper and friend, Alt. Albert Campbell, both of 'reroute, were. home for the 0015101158 5e118011. Miss Eita Ellwood of Toronto was home for Christmas. Rev. Mr. W. EL Cole occupied the pulpit of 13haron appointment very acceptably last Sunday. Ile will de, liver another address neet Sunday (tiering the, absence of Res. Mt. White. Mr. W. H. Lob)) returned on Thurs- day last from Middlesex county whete he made a personal selection andpur- chase of a carload of cows which he will diepoee of by auction on Wednes- day next,. Mr. Lobb says this ie one 01.tho finest lot of cows ho has ever bol.0gh.t. No. 189, which is one of the !nose flourishing in the county!, Meet - ed their ()lacers on Monday evening for the ensuieg year as Follows : . Master, George Cantelon. Deputy, Albert Harrison. Captain, John Woods. Rec.-Secreeary, W. Vanderburg, Fin:Secretary, J. Emmerson, Treasurer, 0, Vanderburg. Lecturer, Adam Canteen. D. of C,, Russel Currie. Coin mit tee, , 1 al s Lead , W. Ma- mmon, W. Currie, B. Pearson, E. Vandeeburg, Miss Della ell 1 18011 eeturned to her home at White Oak on Monday after speeding several days at the Lobb homestead. Summerhill Mr. Fred. Lawson spent Nines un- der ilia parental roof. Mr. Alex. Garvie of the State of Oklahoma is the guest of his stele, Mrs. Win, Lawson. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. I li 11 of Taber, Alberta, aro visiting their daughter, Mrs, Norman Bale Ma 0.. J., Draw and 111111 Or M bairn spent 1.e0315s with Mr. and Mrs. j. Watkins. London Road On boliair of the residents along the London Road We extend our congrat- ulations to Mr. 0, 13. Hanley on his election by acclamation as a member of ths township council of Stanley-. Miss Fanny Waldron of Clinton svas a guest al Mr. Fred. Woldron's over Sunday. Mr. flermge Watt visited Ms sister, :Mrs. MeCliechey, in the Lend en district the past week.' Raw. .1 obn eantieshorough from Michigan visited his sister, Mrs. George Stanbury, on Monday. On Sunday, evenieg lie preached la the Presbyterian church at 131uee13e13, Miss Jennie Grant hold a way successful entertainment ab the elos- ing of hee school, No. 4, last week. The' annual. meeting Aviv held on Wed- nesday of this week when Mr. j, G. Crich was elected artistes:, The Tuckersmith council has been elected by acclamation that is to sap: reeve, l-lerbert drich ; comical - lots, Bell, Doig and commas. Mrs, H. Livermore underweni an operattion in tim Clinton hospital on :Mondial and is now doing as well as eould be expeceed, Albert and Misees Rosie aird Maple returned home last week. Hnliett Township • Mr. .Jos Riley spent Chrisenas Day in Clieton with friends. Report of S. S. No. 4, Hallett, pupils examined in spelling : Jr, 40 and Sr. 3rd -Milton Brown 92 percent., Ralph Joseelyri 84, Geo, Knight 82, Cecil ,Carewright 80, Vie - let Addison 78, Mary Cartwright 76, Arthur Ogbourne 72, George Addison 44, Sr. 203-0113e loecelye 88, Leslie Knox 70, Jr. 2m1 -Elgin Joseelyn .84, Pt, 2n3 -Edwin Cartwright 88. -R. M, McKenzie, Teacher, Lucitnow, 13obble Andrew, the 10 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C+. Andrew, of this town, was the victim, of an acci- dent by which he lost four Angers of his left hand. Ile and a number of other lads wete having skates sharp- ened at Mr. Ostrander's and were about the mechine as it was tunning. 1301(310, in sorne way, got his hand too near the machine and in are in- stant the four , fingers 'were snapped off about the middle joints, Hci I received immediate surgial attention s 4 Dr. Gordon's, but at the best it it will be a seriou' loss t tb 1 d' ' Bigth Mr. 'Chas, 'roman, who has been in the west Mt a couple of yeas, has returned home and will spew the winter witerhis permits, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Taman. Miss Annie Taylor, who has been teaching school at Sarnia, is spending the holidays at her heene bete. 1 , Mr. Cle E. eicTaggart, who is chair- man,,of this division 0,11.1'. left on Saturday for Toronto to atkind a meeting of that ass,ociation, "Mr. W. Shortreed, who has buil ae Swiit Current, Sask., for some mem- ths, has returned. home. Mr. John Carter, who has been working at his trade as thismith, in the west for a few years, returned last week te spend the winter mon- ths with bis parents at Westfield. At the annual meeting- of L.O.L. No. 903, the following officers were elected - Master, .7. L'. Taman. Deputy, A. Anderson. Chaplain, John Maine. Fin.-Seeretary, Horney. Reb.-Secretary,' S. A. Popleatone. Treasurer, , W. H, MeEkoy. D. of C. Jas., Gibson. Lecturers, rt. Pratt, W. Bryant. I Committee, F. Haggitt. 2, C. MeElroy. 3, Wm, Gthson. E. Haggitt. Wes. Taman. eaforth. • - Mr. Russell Me intrudi, a. young man of 21 years of age died at the. !mire of Mr. Robert McMillan, . on Wednes- day of hist week.. The funeral was held on Thursday. to Cromartyt cemetery. Messrs. Gerald Case, John No:dy, and Percy Holph, ot the ,second con- tingen,t, spent Christnias at their homes here. . Mr. Ruftia Winter, ot Nelson, 13: C., is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Roberti Winter, North Main Street, Miss Hope, C'hesweight, of New York, is .the guest of Miss Grace SVcpI>cna,ali the 'Qu6en's. Mrs. J. Lanaen elite retailed to her home in Toronto 'after a visit with her daughter, Mrs. R. D. Croft. L.O.L. No. 703 has elected the following offices for the ensuing year : Master, . W. le. Southgate ; Deputy, Robt, Mualle.; Oltaplain, A. Westcott ; Ree.-Seevetary, C. West-- cott ; Fin. -Secretary, 'rhos. Stephens; Treasurer,. Chas. Layton ; D. of C., James Story ; Lecturer, A. P. Jointe C'ommittec man, Thos. Rands, Mrs. Win. Somerville yvas in Tor - 01110 last weele attending the funeral of the late Senator Jaffray, who was a cousin bp marriage. Miss Marion Brown, daughter of Rev, and Mrs. Brown of town, who is training at the Toronto 1101100111 hospital, has been quit0 ill but is rinir recovering. Mr. John Campbell of Walton has returned 'from Edmonton, where he spent the past summer season. Misa A., Tyermanhas returned from a visit in Toronto and other points. Mrs., Oscar Neil returned last week from a visit with Toronto friends, The following odium were elected at the annual meeting of Court Shet wood, A.O.F. la,st week : Chief Ranger, W. 1), than; ; Viee Chief.; J. T, Bell ; Treasurer, 1, Daly ; 'Sec- retary, le, re Bov ; Se»ior Woodward, , lereser ; !mew Woodward, A, Stobie ; Senior Beadle, Cleo, Reeves ; Junior Beadle, A. Daly ; Court phy- sician., fir. Scott . .10110 Pinch tesigned the position of secretary of this court after an eminency of thir- ty-two years. Mr. El Whittaker, civil engineer of Otta-wa, is spending the holiday sea- son at his home in town. Hensall Death has removed anothet of the stalwart pioneers ot this section in the person of James Miller who died on eatesday week aged 88 years. He Wan born in Scethied but came to this county many years ago. He was a. tailor by trade, and worked at Brucereaci for several yeara ate which be moved to ltiippen where he has re- sided for many years. Ho always took a great interest in the work of the Paeribyterian Church, in all its branches, and as a theologian had few superioes outside the minetry. A man of sterling worth he was gteat- ly! respected. Deeeased. Was married twice, his widow who survives hint being a Miss Johnston. Zurich William Finley of the Town Line, near Blake, had the misfortune to be severely bitten by a dog a few days ago. The dog was sick and while Mr. Vinioy was treating him it bit him in the -hand, chewing it considerably be- fore it was made to let go. Mr. Fieley sent for a doctor to tent his hand and the doctor thought it ad- visable to send for a veterinary to examine the dog. The dog was then trifled and its head sent to London for diagnosis," as to whether there was an sign of rabies. Up to the preS,ent no report has been received. The Sad news was reeeivecl here of the death oE Rev. Milfred Faust, son of Mrs. A. Faust of this . village, which took place at Naperville, Ill., oti Doe. rah, Deceased has been ill for some time with hemorrhage of the stomach, which caused .his death. De- ceased was an exemplary young man and had been called to the ministery of ehe Eavangetiaill church only a few years ago. He is stitvive,d by his wife, his Mother, a sister and a bro- ther, The remains were interred in Milwaukee. . A pretty wedding was celebrated in St. Peter's Luth. church WednesdaY afternoon, when Rev. W. C, Miller performed the ceremony that united it marriage Miss Milka Theil, daugh- ter' of Me. and Mrs. Andrew Theil to Mr. Henry Clausitts. Miss' Louisa. 01151151115, ateter of the groom, acted as bridosmaid, and Mr. Andrew Price upported the groom Miss .1V1yrble Thell f Stratford ,played the wedding 1. liensall Mr. Creich of Stratford, the artist svito is painting the front curtain, and wings for the stage 91 the new town hall, is turning out a creation whieh reveals real merit, It is , an autumn scene representing Windsor Castle, and the surrounding park, and driveway with the ri (5r la front. The trees have. a thoroughly autumnal appear- ance, and the whole effect is inspir- ing. „ The War Lord's Despair (From An Excha)ige.) (From our correspondent in Berlin.) It is rumotired in Berlin that the Emperor now :realiees that his num- ber is up and he is accordingly male- ing hie will, revoking all wills made heretofore. The will is said to read as follows ; This is thelast will and testament of me, Wilhelm, the super-awaaiker and ruler of the satisege-eateas,, re, cognizing thee 1 an fairly up agaleelt it, and expecting to meet with a violent death at any minute at the heads of Brave Johnny ,Bull, I here- by make nip last will andleetae the Emperor of Austria mIenta.i.)poitit to be my sole executor (by kind per- mission of the Allies), I give and bequeath to France the territories of Alsace and Loraine (as this is only a case of restoring stol- en property, I don't deserve any credit, for it and am not likely to get it, either. To Sevia I give Austria. To Ruesia I give, Turkey, for the Tzat's Christmas dinner. _ 'Po Belgium I should like to give all the thick ears, black eyes and broken noses that she presented me with when I politely trespassed on ber territory, To Admiral etalleo I give all my! Dreadnaughts, Submarines, Torpedo- boat destroyere and fleet ot Flunkeys generally, what is left of them. He's bound to have them in the end so this is only anticipating events. To John Bull I give what's left of my' Army, as his General French seeris so handy at turning my men into sausage meat, I suppose he means to finish the job with his Kitchener, the champion German - sausage cooker, To the British Musenni I leave my famous mustaches, souvenir of the greatest swanker in. this or any other age. 1VIrs. Pankhurst and the wild women I leave my mailed fist, the.y'll find it useful, no doubt, when they resume 'their militant tactics. To Sir Ernest Shackleton I leave the Polo, I've. -been up it an long that I regard it as nisi own property. To John Redmond and Carson I bequeath my heavy seige guns, as no doubt they will require then wben this war's finished. Signed, H. I. M. Wilhelm Lord of laml, sea and air, not forgetting the Sausages and Lager Beer, Baron Von Saurkraut, Graf Von Mimichlagerbeer, Witaceses, W. C. T. U. Cleo, Kennan, who knows his Russia beater thanany oteer man on this side of the Atlantic has an article in The Outlook on 'Plrohibition in Rua - s115," which Oontains a reference of 50010 importance to the effect of Pro- hibition on the Russian as a lighting man. There is no more reliable sol- dier in learope than the Russian pea- sant. Hitherto he has frequently been led by' drunken and reckless officers, whose one good quality was courage. Alt this is now changed., The Russian army has been recreated. Here is Mr. Kennaa's idea of how the trans - f ()relation has been brought about: "Unelliciai but apparently trustworthy, reports, from Petrograd state that vodka, wine and all aleholic drinke have been banished froM the tablet" of the Grand Duke Nicholas and the Russian officers at the,frorit. No one Who has sot been with the armies of the Czar in previous wars can fully appreciate the extraordinary impor- tance and significance of this innova- tion. If the Russian armies ia Ger- niany and Austria are fighting more effectively now than in any previous campaign, may i13 not be because they are led by sober, eleer-headed officers and because the soldiers know it ?" ,"ITS II LONG, LONG ¥YAY TO TIPPERARY," Witt be sent by us postpaid for 20cts. OtherTatriottc Sang s in stock or wiLt be procured b, us on short notice. W. Cow Co,' LI NT".I NEWS-RECORD-NEWS-LEADDR. itionewomonallnezza VOnsmaitanniottonsicziles We extend to all our friends in Bayfield and sur- rounding country, best wishes tin a Bright and Pros- perous New Year. and thank you for your patronage during 1914 and trust that among your New Year's Resolutions you will remember our pay as you buy plan and see what you can save by dealing with us dur- ing 1915. The greatest hindrsnee to the prosperity of the people of this country is the credit system, just think it over. There has been much said and written regarding the high cost of living' Credit is largely tbe cause. The solution, to a large extent, :Tete with the consumer who ;by dealing on the pair as you buy pian lessens his cost of living considerably. Give this plan a trial and see, F. A, Edwards, Bayfield. New Telephone Directory. A. new issue of cur Offioial Telephone Directory is now being prepared and the copy will close with- in the next few days. Orders for new conections, changes of name or ad- dress, should be xeported to us at once, rarees."...memamo!rismegma,,,,, The Bell Telephone Company 1•010101•MMION......, OF CANADA. FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS OVe can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnisla your home, or if you only want some odd . pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we are giving, We Mao carry a good Hoe of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking department is mato-date in every re- spectalnd we guarantee the best of satisfactibm JAS. 'DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 'Night and:Sunday calls answered at residence over store, 28 'ift Phone 28