HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-12-31, Page 1No. 1865 -36th Year
The NewsRecor
a Happg New Year.
Wishing, One
365 Golden Days
Prosperity with
surance that every
czvill find us ready
and Alli
the as-
to help,
W.• Y. Yiellgar
mete? and Optician - Clinton'
Store Open Evenings.
The Royal Bank
Incorporated 1889.
Capital Authorized 825,000,000
Capital Paid-up • 11,580,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 13,500,000
Total Assets 185,000,000
350 Branches. With world wide connection. Ieterest a)lowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transaeted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch
Tie oisons an k
.corpoz.... issq Established in Clinton 1870
Capital and Reserve - $8.800,000
At all branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate,
' C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
Ic:NcAlv eiwil,
A Man's Christeias Gift Will
Be Most AppreciatedWhen it
is Something he Can Put to
Everyday Use.
Ask him what he wants for Christmas and nine times
out of ten
he will answer "something
to wear."
This list will make choosing easy and
you .can be sure your gift will be
" especially appreciated.
that are different
make acceptable gifts
.20 to 51-50
$1.00 to 54.00
Sweater Coats
and silk handkerehiefs
all color conibinations
.50 to 52.50
51.00 to 57.50 -
in fancy boxes
.25 to $1.56 per box,
in all the latest styles
.25 to 51.50
Fine Hosiery
Boys' Sweaters
cashmere, lisle or eilk
plain er-button shoulder
.25 to .78
.50 to 51.25
'Dress Shirts
House Coats
handsome new designs
a very useful gift
,715 to 52.50
54.00 to 510.00
' plain or self -openers
Bath Robes
big range of patterns
51.00 to 55.00
58.50 to 4315„00
Night Robes
.50 to $1.25
51.50 to 53.50
Arm Bands and Garters
in fancy wood boxes
in fair -ay boxes
.25 to .50
.25 to .50
We Suggest an Early Selection.
Motto : "A Square Deal for Every Man."
M. 1', H. Mardy reaeived d tele-
gram on Monday conveying the news
that his uncle, Mr. Thos. 'Hardy of
Lindsay; had passed away, The de -
cased was a brother of 'the late
John Hardy of the Base Line and
has visited this sebtion on several
oceasions. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Neal
of the Base Line, the latter being a
graod-daughter ref the deceasad and
'the former agrand-nephew, left Mon-
day afternoon for Lindsay to be
present at the funeral.
Aceording to an arrangement of
Presbyteey the minister exchanged
pulpits with Rev, A. Macfarlane of
Barfield ori Sunday morning ,nrid af-
terneon last when the Budget was
presented to the people at the morn-
ing service. Mr. MaciaTlane also. ad-,
dressed the Sunday sehool in the af-
ternoon, Rev. Mr. Harper occupied
his own .pulpit, in the evening and the
choir was assisted by: Mr. Rusk, who
was a \visitor in town, and who sang
a solo very aeceptably.
Wiltis church 5. S. staxting oil
1915 with the duplex 'envelope sys-
tem for localexpenseand mission,-
ary purposes. Each member of the
selmol will be supplied w-ith envelop-
es and is expected to bring one each
Sunday during the year.
The pastor will conduct special New
Year's services next Sunday, in the
morning taking for his subject "The
Blessing of the Divine Rearguards,"
and in the evening, "Discounting the
Christmas services were held on
Sunday last, The pastor preached ir
the morning on "The Deity and
Manhood of Christ." Special int1310
was. provided by the choir for the
evening s.erviee, which was well ren-
dered and very much enjoyed by a
large congregation. In White) te
he anthems by the full choir MIS.
Mayfrid Allin sang an apprepeiete
Christmas selection, "The Night of
Nights." The pastor's evening topic
f discussion was "Christ's Scorch
or Man."
There was a large atiendaace of
oung people at their meeting on
onday evening. An address of
nuch interest was given by Mr, R.
rwin of Victoria Universitlia Miss
Wide Kerr furnished a reading and
iusic was supplied by Miss Grace
Walker, Mee M. Aliin and Mate
hurevam A Ilia.
On Sunday. next Rev. R. Irwin will
ssist the pastor ite the morning set-
tee and will preach, Tho pastor
ill preach 14 the evening making
eference to the expressed wish of
lie Dominion Government that the
ay be observed as a day for special
An unique entertainment hook place
t the House of Refuge on Christmas
iternoon being furnielied entirely by
he inmates with the assistance of
he Assistant matroo, 1VIrs. Parfitt,
lie program had been in course of
reparation for several weeks, was
iven With a vimy heartiness and
as thoroughlr enjoyed not only by
hose who were at home, but as well
y the visitors present.
Mr, John Torrance; the inspector of
he Institution, occupied talc chair
nd by his pleasing, tactful remarks
e helped much in making the 000a -
ion one long to be remembered by
he inmates,
At the conclusion of the program
Ir. Torrance, as has been his cus-
001 in years past, distributed among
he bunates bags of confectionery
id fruit.
The program was as follows :
horus, "Count Your Blessings" The
uartette, Mrs. Parlitt, Mrs. Har-
ris, Ida May and Mrs. Williams.
leading, "Little Brown Nuts" Beth
Sandy. •
ecitation, .` 'Watching Xmas 1n"
Mrs. Williams.
election on the Gramophone.
arol, Katie Haynes and Emma Porte.
eeitation, "Golden 'Wedding" Mrs,
olo, "Merry Xmas" Minnie 1-Iewitt.
eel tation, "Volunteer Organist"
Katie Haynes.
leading, "1 Ain't. Dead Yet" Mrs.
ecitetion, "Good, Advice" Sarah
•Sacklin. •
election on the Gramophone.
eelintion, "Knottaan" Emma Pode.
eeitation, "Xmas Comes But Once
a Year," Mo. Ilewatt.
saltation, "Man on the Waal" Mrs.
eettation, ''Jack Horner" Dora
eading, Xmas'' Ida May
• G-lidden.
election on the Gramophone.
ecitation, "Xmas Bells" Allie
lo, "Johnny Bullwinkle" Mrs.
ialogue, "The Caller" Katie Hay-
nes and Emma Pode.
lo, "Tit for Tat" Mrs. Pettit t.
et, ''The 1V/SPle Leaf .Forever"
Katie Haynes and Emma Pude,
election on the Gramophone,
eeitation, ''Grandma's 1de/co'',
Mrs. Parfitt.
eeitation, "The Lord's Shep-
herd"Maggie Brown..
adingi. 'The Book'' Lizzie Brown.
ee, "Xmas Roses" Ennna rode and
Katie Haynes,
ading, "Dirt" Mary Clarke.
lection on the Gramophone,
citation, "Belayed 13rethren" Mrs.
Recitation, Sailili Jam seen.
Wheat: $1,05 to $1.10.
, Oats 40e to 40e. ,
Butter. 220 to 23c.
Eggs, new laid 40e, held 25e,
Live Hogs $7.00.
The two IVIethodist chiathes in
town will lento ia a Watch -night ser
vice in Wesley church tonight from
11 bo 12 o'clock.
Next week will be observed in Olira
ton as it will be elsewhere as a
week of prayer in which all dencsnr
inetiena will unite.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Pingel wish
through the medium of The .News
Record to thank, their . friends for
peir many acts of kindness rthrough
their recent bereavement.
Ou Wednesday evening of lealreweek
tae Baptist ehurch was filled witl
an appreciative audience which great-
ly enjoyed the cantata, "ArOund the
Manger," consisting of choruses, du-
ets; quartettes and solos. The prim-
ary class put On an action song and the
Stratford quartette helped very mat-
erially in making the evening the, gen-
uine success that it Was. Thine tab-
leaux were also given, two represent-
ing war and the third one peace. The
final at was the appearance of San-
ta Clams who stripped the Well -laden
tree and every scbolar received some
token of remembranee. The members
of the church and particularly the
paetot and those active in S.5. work
were gratified with the success of
their entertainment. The peoceeds
=melted to almost twenty dollars.
People often wonder how it is that
letters go astray, and the postal
authorities often get blame that
should really be borne by those 'who
are to some extent careleas in ad-
dressing letters. When it is remem-
bered that the names of many post
offices are duplicated in the Domin-
ion, the wonder is, not that a few
letters are miscarried, but that the
number is not even. greater, Take
the names of some of the oMees in
the County of flume as an example :
Auburn• -one post office HI Iduron,
ono in Nova Scotia and one in Prince
Edward Island.
Belfast -lateen and Prince Edward
Carlow-TTuron and New 13rtinswick.
Clinton-lluron, British Columbia
and Prima Edward Island, •
Cranbrook-Ilnron and British Col-
Crewe -I lures and Manitoba.
Dunlop -Huron arid NOW Brunswick,
Fordyce -Huron and Quebert.
Greenway. -Huron and Manitoba.
Laurier -Huron, Prince Edward Is-
land and Quebec.
Ma:eking-Huron a nd Man i toba.
Mount Carmel -Huron,- P. E. 'stead
and New Brunswick.
St. Augustine -Huron, New Bruns-
wick and three in Quebec.
St. Jeeeph-Ilitron, Ne,w Brunswick,
Nova Scotia and Manitoba,
Seaforth-limon and Nova Scotia,
Surninerffill-Huron and Nova Sco-
Viralton-Huron and Nova Scotia,
If the Province was added to ad-
dressed letters, it would lessen con-
fusion and possible lose.
At half past twelve yesterday ail
the home of 1VIrs. William Cooper
the marriage took place of her
youngest daughter, Edna Vena, to
Dr. 11, Cordell Struthers, son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cr, Steuthers of
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Dr, Rutledge, the bridal pair
standing before a bank of flowers,
over head being suspended a wedding
bell of mistletoe.,
The bride wore a lovely gown of
ivory satin with trimmings of lace
and seed pearls and a veil arranged
in cap effect, caught up with (-range
blossoms. ethe carried a shower
boquet of white roses and lily-of--the--
There were no attendants save Mass
Olive Armetrong, the little neice of
the bride, who wore a dainty trod;
of white Br:reef:Is net over pink silk
and carried a pretty basket ef pink
rosebuds and ferns.
The bride was 'given away bp her
brother, Mr. J. A. Cloopeir, and Miss
Nellie SerutherS, sister of the groom,
played the 'wedding march.
Only the members of the two fam-
flies were present.
After the ceremoar a dainty' lun-
cheon was served, the bride's table
being very daintily arranged in pink
and white.
Those pi:?sene from out of town
were : Mr. J. A. Cooper and Miss
IVIarjorie Cooper, Toronth, end Mr.
and Mrs. Struthess, Mr; Pierson
Struthers and Misses May and Nellie
Strathere, Galt.
Dr. and Mrs. Struthers left on, the,
three train for a Short honeymoon
'trip, the bride's going away cos-
tume being e tailored suit of navy
blue cloth ;with which she, wore mink
furs and a hat with touches of fur
and tiny pink rosebuds. They will
return to Clinton for a few days
before leaving for China, where Dr.
Struthers has been assigned to med-
ical missionary work by ,the Presby-
terian Church of Canada.
The bride, who is a native of Olin-
thn mid has hoste of friends here, is
a tbarming and gifted girl and tearty
good wishes from all her old ,atal
many new friends will follow her to
her far away' home in Chia. In
these good wishes The News -Record.
Mrs. Were, Cooper will receive with
her daughters, Mrs. R. Gordon
Strualiers and Mrs. John 5, Arm-
strong, on Wednesday, Jan. Gth, af-
ternoon and eaenIng.
Mr. Dodds Holloway), who has beea
for some time on thestaff of the
Sturgeon Falls branch of the Royal
Bank and who after a vacation
which he is spending at his home in
Wien will be transferred to the
branch at Saule Ste. Marie, was
somewhat of a favorite with the
citizens of the northern town for be-
fore leavieg Sturgeon Falls he was
tetutered a .Eanquet and presented
with a complimentary address and a
smoking sett. Dodds is but another
Clinton boy who ie making good and
The News -Record congratulates him
and wishes hi,,i still further success.
Editor News -Record, -Perhaps you
will kindly perniliame to pay a brief.
but ,4eserved tribute, of thanks
to our esteemed Postmaster and his
capable staff of assistants for their
patient and courteous treatment of
the public during the rush especially
of the holiday season.
The Christmas time has brought to
them 10003, than ever before addition-
al duties that have taxed their ener-
gies day after day to the utmost.
The "parcel post," whilst it has,
proven a great convenience bo the
public, has multiplied the cares and
tasks of the post:office officials.
Amidat it all there has been a
patience and a manifest 'spirit Of
cheerfulness of service that is worthy
of all commendation. Indeed, per-
sonally, I am free to say that 1
have not found anywhere such uni-
formly obliging and respectful de-
portment on the part 01 a Postmas-
ter and those associated with him.
A. erowa of happy children gather-
ed at the town ball on the afternoon
of Christmas Day for the free enter-
tainment gotten 119 Mr- T. Jack-
son, Jr. The entertainment consist-
ed of a six -reel moving picture show
besides a good musical progmam in
which the following took part 1 Jack
Bawdep, Willis Cooper, Doeis Schoen-
hals, Edna McCaughey and T001 and
',Billy end Ruth Jackson. The latter
trio made quite a hit in 'their sing-
ing of "Tipperary,'" the two former
being dressed in karki uniforms and
the latter as a Red Cross nerse.
In the evening theft was also a
good Crowd., the occasion being the
Boyes.' Patriotic Concert, when a fine
programwas put on. In addition to
the six -reel how of moving pictures
the following took part in the mu.sie-
al pro -gram : Mrs. Allin of Indianap-
olis, Mies White, Windsor, and Mas-
ters Billy and Tom and ,Miss Ruth
Jackson, Miss M. Allan and M. A.
Can -taloa, who sang a song e his
Own composition, entitled, "Kais-
er Mind Your Eye," The 04-
tendance would no doubt have been
much larger but for the fact of SO
many haviINg family- parties on the
,e.VOliing of .Christmas Day, but never-
theless • the proceeds amounted to
tIventy-four dollars whith will be
banded over to the. Patriotic. Fund.
Mr. Jackson and all who assisted are
-to be congratulated,
A. pretty but quiet wedding took
place at high noon on Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. la, IVIcOartney of
Mary steet when her sister, Margaret
A. Davidson, was united in marriage
to Mr, Louis Pa,uley of . 11-owdon,
Hastings County.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. S. J. Allin and was witnessed,
only by immediate, friends and - rela-
The bride wore a -lovely gown oi
cream silk with overdress of shadow
lace with 'trimmings oi satin and
pearls, a, bridal veil caughti tip with
orange blossoms and carried a bo -
(met of pink and. white carnations..
She entered the parlor leaning on the
arm of her uncle, Mr. Joseph Smith
of Lucknow, who gave Ilea away.
Mrs. McCartney was matron of hon-
our, wearing a pretty frook of blue
icliraelPie. trimmed, with satin and lace,
to, a cousin of the green), was best
nations, Mr. Wm. Morton Of Toron-
and carrying a boquet of pink car -
Tho bridal party stood, during the
ceremony', under an arch of evergree4
and holly.
Mies Leila y. McCartney, 103i4 of
the bride, played the iv'eading music
and Miss Margaret E. Irwin of Leek -
now, the bride's cousin, swig "Be-
cause" very pleasinglp e during the
sighing of, the register,
'rhe groom's gift to the bride was
a crescent sit with pearls, to .the
matron of honour and the pianist
mettyy brooches, and to thegrooms-
man gold mai links,
When the ceremony was concluded
all sat down to a sumptuous wedding '
luncheon, and the afternoon was
pleasantly spent in music and social
alma the' bridal pair , leaving on.1110
evening train on a honeymoon trip to
Lueknow, Toronto and other- pointa
and will .eeturn to town for a sheet
stay' before leaving for their home
151, llowdon, Ont. r
Among tbose present ' from' outeol-
town for the ceremony were Mr. arid
Mo. Joseph Smith and Misses Pearl
and Margaret Irwin of Luoknow, and
Mre,W, Morton of Toronto..
Tlie Nerves -Record e,xtends eongrat-
ana. wishes the young , couple
a long anti happy married life.
ST. PAUL'S 01'IURCI-1. He,Will Be Called Back To
Instead of the regular order ot ser- Some Office.
vice oe. Sunday evening next the
choir are preparing for a song service
and will render several carols,
.To the women of Clinton and sur-
rounding country 'abet first meeting
of the Women's Patriotic League for
1015 will be held in the council
thamber on Friday, January 8111, at
2 o'clock in the afternoon. Several
questrions of interest will be dismiss-
ed, Our last report indicated that
our membership was 187.. We are
still aiming at reaching the 200
mark. Oar membership fee is only
25 cents. Our appeal is atilt for
help in the work of providing things
necessary for the eornfoet of our
Caaadian soldiers. Every woman is
invited to berme a member. -Mrs.
0. D. McTaggart, Hon. -President ;
Mo. S. J. Allin, President ; IVEre.
Dr., Axon, Secretary.
The following are the officers for
the easuing year of Court Young
Prosperity No. 87, a Juvenile teranch
of the A. 0. :
Chief Ranger, liarry Frernlin.
Sub Chief, W. Stamen, Jr.
Treasurer, John Derry.
Secretary, A. F. Cudmore.
Assistant, Wm, Appleby.
Sr. Woodward, Albert Deeves,
jr. Woodward, Ctliff Graelis.
Sr. Beadle, R. Walton.
Jr. Beadle, Chas, Bell.
In keeplag with its. name this
Court is prospering and that it is
doing so well is in no small measure
owing to the energy and tact of the
secretary. Mr. Cudmore pays special
attention to the insurance sidc of the
Mr, Bert Johnson is home for the
Mr, J. Doig was in. Toronto last
week on business.
Mr. D. K. Prior is hi Exeter foe the
New Year's holiclaaa.
Mrs, Herb Alexander has been visit-
ing friends in Toronto.
,•Calrine,Stieets tete this week to
talce a position in London.
Misses Delle and Jessie O'Neil ar1.
home from Toronto for the holiday
Dr, Wilmer Peek of Montreal visited
hie cousin, Mrs. Bartlett Lavis, ov-
er Sunday.
Mr. Fred. Rumball of the Royal
Bank staff, London, came home
for the holiday.
Ms. Thos. Tunnah of Roethern, Sastre,
spent a few daye in town the,' guest
of. Mr. E. Graham,
airs. James Cooper, Brantford, will
spend New Year's with Mr, and
Mrs. W. J. Cooper,
Mr, W. II, Watt, of Bolton will
spend NeNV Year's Day with his son,
My. Thos. Welts of town.
Miss Jenny Miller of Imation spent
Christmas Day with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Miller,
Mr. W. CI. Moss, accountant Royal
Bank, visited at his home in Cl rand
Valley from Thursday mail Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. George Mackenzie.,
Toronto, spent a few clays with the
former's parents, Mr. and IVIrs. T.
alias Belle Draper, who is enjoying
the holidays at her home itt town,
eeturns to her school near 'Mitchell
on Monday.
Miss Delle Taylor returned to Toron-
to Monday after spending several
days with her parents, bit. and
Mrs. Jacob Taylor.
Misses Minnie Ker of Brantford and
Hazel Nee of Holstein aro spending
the raid -winter holiday season at
their home in. town.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson aud
babe, Toronto, spent Christmastide
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Johnson.
Mr. and .Mrs, John Linder of l'oren-
to, who heave been visiting their
daughter, Mrs. .Jas. Doig, returned
to their 1101110 Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd and Miss
Florence Garreet spent 'Christmas
Day at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
Thos. Lyon of Mullett.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Welsh, Chatham,
will attend the family re -union at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt,
Welsh, on leTew
Mrs. (Dr.) MacCallum of Kingstori has
beea spending the Christmas, ',vaca-
tion' et the patentee home, that of
Mr. and, Mrs. J. Wiseman..
Mr. and Mrs, T. Hawkins and three
effildeen and 'Mr. and Mrs. John
Hawkins and babe were with Ham-
ilton friends for Christ:nes.
Mr. and Mrs: Harry Fair and babe of
Toronto are spending tbe New
Veaes holidays as the guests of the
lady'sasteter, Mrs, 5.11. I'Ieilyar.
Little Miss Agnes Reynolds and her
brother, Hubert „ere spending the
holidays at St. Columban with
their grandmother, Mrs. M. Lynch.
Miss Louise Beaton leaves Saturday
to resume her teaching duties at
Grand Valley after spending the
'Yale:tide vacation at bee berme in
Mr. and Mrs. Ames Cooper and theft
three children, St. Thomas, spent
from Thursday to Saturday with
the former's parente, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Cooper.
Mr. Donald Macdonald, accompanied
by his granddaughter, Miss Lyda
Morrish, , has ,returned home after
spending, Cbrisaims with his daugh-
ter, Mrs, J. T. Mustard of Torons
Dr. Thompson.
Dr. Thompson, who has retired
from the Public Utilities Commis-
sion, has given. splendid, savieri to
the municipality as a member et the
C. T. board, the town eounell and
Public Utilities. If at .some Idure
tiIlle he Shoehl be a candidate for
some local position his valuable so: -
vices in the past will be borne in
Intereat in local municipal atrairs
is not ab fever heat nor does it seem
likely' to get there -judging by the
small attendance at the nomination
meeting. Even the speakers did not
enthuse with the exception of Mr.
A. T. C'ooper who spoke with hie
metal directness and vigor.
Mr. John Torrance, who was ap.
pearled chairman, in his opening re
marks said : I am always interested:
in municipal matters and alwaye like
to See others concerned about the
way i0 which their publie affairs are
managed, Councils are afi.1 to be-
come careiess if we don't keep an
eye on them and R. doesn't do any
har111 to go after them occasionally
with a sharp stick, thaa is if they,
need ili, Those who addressed the e1 -
'eters said in part as follows :
Mayor Jackson : The council ria
1914 has been fortunate in not hav-
ing any big probleinS to deal with
Mee" fortunately having been cleaned
off before the present financial stein. -
grimy began to be felt. Thanks to
our splendid waterivoras system we
have had a clean bill of health. Our
111, U. 0. has been as usual very en-
ergetic so that we have had none of
those epidemics which have reva,ged
other towns. There. is to be, compul-
sory covering of all foodstuffs 'which
the dealers expose for sale and a
wrapping of bread which must be a
standarcl weight. Our maeadam
roads, which are the envy of othee
municipalities, have now reached the
stage irhen they require surface
treatment which will be one of the
matters to be dealt with the com-
ing season. Our hydro system is
thoroughly up-to-date in every re-
spect and I am pleased to be able
to state that the Ontario Conunis-
sion has ordered a reduction in the
floor spaces from 4 to 3 cents per
square foob..
Mr. I). 0311101011 : Our county tim.
anees arc in good shape. There is a
debt of 5113,000 but to Meet thie
there is a, sieking fund of over 5100,-
000 so that in twe years we will
be free ofdebt, One of the problems
the °minty council will have to deal
with is the floorieg of the ',large num-
ber of steet bridges which were built
too light for a cement covering. To
stre,ngtheti them will require a large
expenditure, as SOnle of the bridges
will have to be peaty nearly re-
built: I expected that at the Decem-
ber seseion a grant would be made
to 1415 Patriotic and Belgian Relief
funds but it was decidert to lay the
matter over to the February'. Session
when, I expect, a half mill or one
mill maybe, on the dollar will be
levied tor that purpose. No, I ani
not a' candidate for the mayoralty or
the reeveship either and I assure you'
from the bottom of my heart that I
appreciate the way in which the el-
ectors of 011111011 have boatel me
when I have, Aeon a candidate for.
any public position.
Two for the. Reeveship.
Mr. Jas, A. Ford 'Y do not thiek
I am asking anything unreasonable in
seeking your support for the 11165-
1011 19. The positions of mayor and
reeve aro honorable ones and tire
generally regarded as the rewards for
faithful service in the council and
think enoeeover 11101 15 man in the
eciuncil is entitled to 0101e considera-
tion that Ione out\ of it. The matter
should be decided from a purely aliai-
„icipal standpoint. I have alwaya sup -
Ported forivaed movements, I was
among those avho first urged the lay-
ing down of macadam roads and was
Id the council when the first etretch,
from the old Queen's to the elevator,
W55 built, I was also one of
the very fleet to advocate the,
issuing of debentures for e
date spat= of leading roads
arid aan personally gratified 111 -being
able to say to you that the hulls of
MrJaPob while I Was rn
choice I will do tny utmost to merit
of the street committee. I ask your
s , a
import for the reeveship and if your
geevdesthoimaP°Als°gal inatter ef feet I
(Cohtipued, on col. 1 page 5.)