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Clinton News Record
December 64tH, 1914
Peace a n d ' good will
was not intended for one
day' in the year alone.
try to beep it up every .;
day. !flay it be a joyous
season to you.
Now, all together.
W. D. FAIR Co.
item the cheapest -Always the best.
6 ill" 'm' ituvnuuunnu°ulnp,4
Mi J Rattenbury was in Toronto
this week.
Miss Margaret Miller of Stella was a
week=end' visitor at' the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Jas.. Mahaffy.
Mr. Chris Lowery has returned from
Medicine Nkat, Alta.,to visit his
mother and other relatives and
Miss Marion Irwin was at Nile over
the week -end and gave - a . Christmas
address at the Methodist Sunday
School on Sunday afteeeoen.
Miss ,Edna Levis- arrives home toga}
1rorn eleat11eete and ,Miss Ross
Iron! Seaforth •'to spend the holy
day season with their parents
Irs L. Oreig returned last week
from Toronto after spew -1111g several
weeks with a couple of the' theme
hers of her family who .reside in the,
Misses Bessie and Retry arid Mr, ' R.
•J. Irwhs of Toronto ani Me, John
Irwin of London are ' spending'
Christmas at the parental home in
Mrs - Phoenix of Hamilton is a
'_Christmas visitor at the ',parental
home, khat of Mr, and, Mrs, R. .1.
Chill. Mr, Phoenix •is expected for
the clay also.
Mrs.. (Dr.) Hodgson •and little son
Edwin sof 'Central Butte, Sas'c„ are'
rived on Friday and will spend the
winter in town with the lady's per-
mits, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahafbv.
NIr. Russel E. May; a student of
Victoria College, Toronto, arrived
in town on Monday evening to eeend
the holiday4:season under the par -
•ch t 1 r
-Teta, a oaf, that
of Mr.
,and Mrs.
John May.
Mrs. S. A. Armstrong : and Master
Arthur and Miss Olive arrived Mort-..
day from Ontario, Cal,, and will.
spend the holiday season . at the'
home of the iady's mother, Mrs,
Wm. Cooper,,
Mrs;. (Capt.) Nilson of Woodstock,
Mrs. Paull, Sr., of London and
Mr, Ilarold Paull of Trinity Col-
lege, Toronto, are Christmas gucots
at the home•of Mr. and. Mrs. i1. 11.
Paull of town.
Mr. and; Mrs. Clarke Aliin of Indian -
opens and Mr, V. Way Allin of
Chicago are Christmas guests at
the home of their parents, that of
Rev. S, J. and Mrs. Allin of the
Ontario street parsonage.
bIr. Bruce is down from Port 1t,i:lam
for the holiday season end on his
'•return, will be accompanied by Mrs.
Bruce, who has been here since
Se)tember owing to the illness of .
her father, the late George Potts,.
Mr. and Mrs. L.. Weir and Misses
Jean and Isabel leave today. for
London where they intend spending
Christmas, Mr. Weir will retain'
the end of the week but Mrs. Weir
and libber ones will - remain until
after New Year's.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan • of ' Saginaw,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs, Cl, Gilchrist.
and little! son of Ay and Mrs..
Senghas and two children of Platte-
ville are expected today to .spend
Christmas with their mother, Mrs.
C;ilehrist of .Gown,
Mr. and Mts A. 1e. Torrance and,
::Tuttle daughter and Mt 'and • Mee •
IVI J.' Torrance arid little' del ghter',
all of Toronto, -and Mr. Edgar
Torrance of Exeter ate expectdd
today to oa,t
Christmas dinner un-
der the parental roof; that of Mr.
and Mrs. John Torrance of town
Mr. C. D. Boeck and his little
daughter, Miss Ethel, left yesterday
to •spend , the Yuletide with the
former's parentis at Morrisburg.
Owing, to the fact that he taught
all the summer vacation Mr. Houck
was unable to spend much time at
the old home and as his mother has"'
• not been welt lately Ire decided to
spend Christmas with her it is
somewhat remarkable that his ]'ar-
ents and their eight sons and
daughters are still an unbroken.
family, the eldcslr son being fifty-six
years of age.
Mr. and Mrs, Matt. Sheppard of Grif-
fin, Sask., who' have been in !ee.
prairie country for twelve years,.
returned last week and' were in
Clinton on Mondays and receiveda
most cordial welcome -back fr rite
old -tiros associates whore they .net.
They noticed many changes about
sewn, especially in the • per,opne1t
of the business part, but noted that
those whom they! knew and leaded
with are still pretty much regarded
as the standbys. Mr. and Mrs, Shep-''
pard purpose spending a ommie of
menthes among their ' nu r,s.ruus
friends in Goelerich township.
this holly _ w r e a
gou'll find
The hearty
<., f f
Miss Hazel O'Neil is acting 1ib.rarien
.• during Miss Rudd's absence.
Ti lad3
home from
Vankleek Hill for the C'itrisi.eas
blr. and Mrs, It, 1:. Manning, Master
Ilarold and Miss, Ilelen are. spend-
ing Christmas with the former's
brother in London.
Miss Mabel Turner of 13rucefield spent
a colple of days last week with
Miss Rose McCaughey.
Rev. Dr. and MTs, Rutlerige 'left
Monday to send the holiday season
with their daughter, Mrs. Shilling -
ton, at South Bend, Ind,
Miss Edna .Jackson is, expected Thome
today to spend the Christmastide
uncle]• the parental roof, that of
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jackson,
Masters Dan and Prank 'McGaughey
of Blyth spent the fore part 0f the
week with their uncle and anlu,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey.
Mrs, Houston, Miss Cruikshank, Miss
Anderson and Miss White canoe clown
froin Wingham Saturday to spend
theday with Miss Edna Cooper.
Miss Rudd is a, holiday visitor with
herr sister, Mrs. Rumball of Flint,
Mich. Mr. John Rumball goes over
front Toronto for the festive.. ho11-
day also.
Mr. and Mrs'. John Ward and their;
bright little son, Master.. Douglas,
of Woodstock were guests over the
week -end of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Rev: Frank C. Harper, 13. D., was in
1lensalt-last Friday night conduct-
ing the quarterly pia -communion
service in Carmel Presbyterian.
church ther.f.•
Mr. Dodds Holloway of the abaci: of
the Royal Bank, Sturgeon Palle, is
house for the .Christmas vacation
and afterwards will be removed to
the Soo branch.
My Solent 1Ienry, it graduate of the
Clinton Model school this term, has
secured a school agar Wolverton,
Oxford county, and assumes charge
after the New Year,
Mr. Charles Jackson . of Manistee
and another member of Mr. Trench's
stall are in town and itT charge at
the big rink which is now ready
for skating and curling.
Mr. and Mas. J. Percy Cole of the
16th' and their guests, Rev. W. H.
and Mrs. Cole of Flint, Mich., were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Holland on Friday evening last.
Mr. John Brown left yesterday for
Peerolia to spend over the holiday
period with his son; Charles., From
thence he goes to Sarnia and Port
Huron to visit' his two brothers.
Mrs. Donald Ross of Barrie and her
three little daughters, Hetes, Mar-
,garet and Marian, are visiting Inc
brother, Rev. Frame 13areer, . and
Mrs. 1-Iarper at the Manse, Ontario
Mr, end !Vies, Jaen. Cole lett yesterday
for Ypslanti, Mich., where they in-
Itend spending; the Christmas' holt--
clays with the latter's sister and
oer: friends. They may be absent
so'Yeral weeks,
Miss 3 l Bawden returned Monday
froph a week's visit with Seaforth
Mr, R Hilton McCool of Crossleld,
Alberta, is a visitor at the home
of his aunt, Miss M. McCool of
teem. .
Pee, and Mrs. 11, it, Turner of Re-
gina, Sask., who have bee:•t the
guests of the lady's parents, Rev.
S. J. arid Mrs. Allen, visited the
former's mother at Parkhill during
the past week.'
Mrs. H. P. Ober and. her two chil-
dren of Sterling, Alberta, arrived
last *eek and will spend a couple
of months or so with her mother,.
Mrs. John Layton, and other rela-
tives and Mende.
re -
Clinton P. S. Christmas
61,11 Division,
Promoted from 1st to 2nd book,
total marks 550,
Ilopors-Norma Tre!eiven 482,
Charlie Shipley 438, 'Joint Nediger
133, Wilfrid Grant 431, . Eleanor
Plutusfeel 427, Olive Schoeubals 421,
Fred McTaggart 412,
Pass -Wilbur Nelson 895, Myrtle
Sweet 390, Colenso Salter 378, .Bert
McGuire 376, Norman Counter 37'3,
George Elliott, 340, Charlie Mennei
340, Ferguson Carter 335, Myrtle
13011 330.
-Olive Cooped, Tencher,
Prom Pruner to bite .1st Reader,
but remain in Division.:. 7. Total
marks 300, required to•- pass • 1,80 -
Carol Evans •268, Helen Coolie . - 267,
Oliver. Rands 263, *Clarence • • Glazier
262, Viola Livermore 250, • Prank
Latter 258, Marlelon Hawkins 253,
Burton Bolton 238, Edith Hill
Margaret Rutledge 225, Alvin House
225, Reeser Forster 186
M. Wiltsc, Teacher.
Promoted from Division 8 to Div-
ision"7-Rcta Elliott, Billy Hovey
Ebner Paisley, Russel Murphy, Vio-
let Lapraik,' Addie Carter Willie
-W. Thompson, 'fee.cher.
Irdr. II. Nixon was in London lase
week visiting his parents, who lead
just returned from I5amloopc, le,C.
left.. John Button is home: from
Toronto University for the Christ -
leas vacation.
Mrs. P. McNeil of Clinton. visited
last week with Mrs. F. ,Savaugo,
Mr. Geo. Cline of Winghain was in
town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jackson of Tis-
dale, Sns'.c., are the guests of the
lady's mother, Mrs. .1 as. Scott.'
Messrs John and lint Smith were
at,Lansrng„Mich last week attend-
ing the funeral of a niece.
Mrs.' G. Shaw has returned to her
home at Ridgetown after a visit of a
couple of months withfiends in Sea-
forth and surrounding vicinity.
The News From Londesboro
Mr. riand Mrs,I
•d !delle and
Howard R
Man., '1°ton P a
two chtklren of Ly ,
guests at the home of the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Woodman,
Mrs. J. O. Lounsbury and daughter
are visiting during the holida3l seas-
on with the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Crysier of Delhi.
Rev. Mr, Armstrong, Toronto, sec-
retary of missions in the Presbyter-
ian Church of Canada, occupied the
pulpit oC Knox church on Sunday last
and set forth the carts° he represents
very ably and clearly.
The Sunday school had charge ol,
the service in the Methodist church
on Sunday morning -last and the
special Christtnas sereiro was well
carried out. Tho "Little White Gilts
for the King" :were very appropriate,
During the service each class donated.
something to make another's Christ-
mas bright and happy "end about
twenty dollars in money and, ten,
dollars worth of gifts were, .retcived
and forwarded to the Deaeomhess
Home, Toronto, for the use of. the
little children less favored, In the
evening the pastor, Rev. Mr. Keine,
delivered an excellent Cllristunas Sar -
mon and the choir rendered special
Mr, John Jameson of South Por-
cupine is Visiting his brother, Mr. A.
Janssen, over the Christmas holi-
day time.
li Joseph Lyonon ot random Men.,
v ei:n relatives hereabouts.
15 15 ti
Mr, and Mrs, W. C'oekerline et
Pilot Mound, Man:, who are hotme
ona visit to the lattice's father, Mr.
Ralph Stephenson of Stanley• and
other friends, spent last week in this
Mrs, R. Watters of London is visll-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Mrs. White of Drayton isa guest
at the home' of her brother, Mr.
Tlios. Miller.
Drif. Daniel Sutherland lost a val-
uable horse last week.
Mr. William Milson of Cleveland,
Ohio, i4 spending the holiday season
with his mother and other friends
Mrs. James isrann, Ste, is Iaid up
with a couple of broken ribs. Not
very!. pleasant cotnpany for Christmas
time but it is hoped she will soon
be all right again.
Mr. Wm. Moore of Toronto is visit-
ing l:is grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Mann.
Oood Morning l Have you though!:
of sending The News -Record for 1015
as a Christmas Gift to your boy or
girl away from Monte or to distant
. i-1i'I!1
. friend 7
Wishing y o u
one and all a
joyous Christ-
mas and a hap-
py and pros-
perous N; w
Year. -
S• fir/ H A P, A N PHONE 70
In Wishing `You
we take the opportunity to express our
appreciation of the loyal support of our
friends and customers during the year,
and respecttuily ask for a continuance
the' coining year, and hope that 1015
will bring you all a full measure of
Health, Happiness and_Success,
e /tom-
s pt
t / +jj Wa�/"
y ...:mor
4 `
\ �v
® n#
o loYc aTOw y'
For Xmas,
....- .'
fti 0
v - 1
/ie '�
iii/ l®Imi>iI;i�° el
Dining, Parlor and -Lib-
1aly Tables a n d
.7+Pasy ,Chairs =.
are feaitWe]kno Millet-
are display: uWe) know il o n
will like their appearance,. no
one could help doing that, We •
knowyou_will like the perces too,
they are special for' this Christ-
inns and the saving will surprise
yeti. fen
a� Sall & Atkinson
.•-"A�4/ I LNightyand Sunday Calla.
N. BALL ; Phone 1t0 ee 1. A. ATKINSON, Phone 180
When the
' Look over
Bath Slippers
Pelt Slippers
School Shoes
Dress Shoes
Storm Shoes
Street Shoes
problem of so nething to give for Christmas
e you, turn to this store for relief l We offer
trade the most practical and sensible of all
the list below and see if you do$not find some- s
that will appeal to you. at once, as being
DresefSlippers Baby Shoes
House Slippers FootfWaruhers
Bed Slippei'a Arches
Julfeta Rubbers
Colonials Rubber Boots
Dress Pumps Leggingse„ELc.
'ourEFootwear Selections.
the choosing
is at its very best.
ilio a1 • Make
r o-us:Owls'
'. 1Q earlywhile
mm�� x
� S O N
House of Better_ Shoes.
What will
people -diming
they wish to rernernbee
-Let us euggeseet
Xmas stock and
eryoung 'or'old.
Handkepee) iefs
Mitts and Bootees.
Sweater Coats.;
end Hundreds
Be sure you
i�1�S�S &ifts.
. .
it be ? This is a question't;eer - ,e i,uzue a great many
the next Few days as'tley think of some friend whom
with some token of the Xmas season.
few al tides that may now be found in our large
r `i whichbenP.it .
vv h c useful as well as 'veryacceptable to eu h
Forlsadies For Men
Slippers Ties
Fancy Linens Mufflers
New Silk Waists • Fancy Braces
New Net. Waists Fancy Boxed Shirts
Tea Aprone Umbrellas
Hand Bags Gloves
of other articles which will make very dainty
and acceptable gifts.
see our boxed ties and braces at 25e, 85e and 50e,
_.... _.
Plurnsteel Bros.
Small Profits -- Mope Business
Peace a n d ' good will
was not intended for one
day' in the year alone.
try to beep it up every .;
day. !flay it be a joyous
season to you.
Now, all together.
W. D. FAIR Co.
item the cheapest -Always the best.
6 ill" 'm' ituvnuuunnu°ulnp,4
Mi J Rattenbury was in Toronto
this week.
Miss Margaret Miller of Stella was a
week=end' visitor at' the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Jas.. Mahaffy.
Mr. Chris Lowery has returned from
Medicine Nkat, Alta.,to visit his
mother and other relatives and
Miss Marion Irwin was at Nile over
the week -end and gave - a . Christmas
address at the Methodist Sunday
School on Sunday afteeeoen.
Miss ,Edna Levis- arrives home toga}
1rorn eleat11eete and ,Miss Ross
Iron! Seaforth •'to spend the holy
day season with their parents
Irs L. Oreig returned last week
from Toronto after spew -1111g several
weeks with a couple of the' theme
hers of her family who .reside in the,
Misses Bessie and Retry arid Mr, ' R.
•J. Irwhs of Toronto ani Me, John
Irwin of London are ' spending'
Christmas at the parental home in
Mrs - Phoenix of Hamilton is a
'_Christmas visitor at the ',parental
home, khat of Mr, and, Mrs, R. .1.
Chill. Mr, Phoenix •is expected for
the clay also.
Mrs.. (Dr.) Hodgson •and little son
Edwin sof 'Central Butte, Sas'c„ are'
rived on Friday and will spend the
winter in town with the lady's per-
mits, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahafbv.
NIr. Russel E. May; a student of
Victoria College, Toronto, arrived
in town on Monday evening to eeend
the holiday4:season under the par -
•ch t 1 r
-Teta, a oaf, that
of Mr.
,and Mrs.
John May.
Mrs. S. A. Armstrong : and Master
Arthur and Miss Olive arrived Mort-..
day from Ontario, Cal,, and will.
spend the holiday season . at the'
home of the iady's mother, Mrs,
Wm. Cooper,,
Mrs;. (Capt.) Nilson of Woodstock,
Mrs. Paull, Sr., of London and
Mr, Ilarold Paull of Trinity Col-
lege, Toronto, are Christmas gucots
at the home•of Mr. and. Mrs. i1. 11.
Paull of town.
Mr. and; Mrs. Clarke Aliin of Indian -
opens and Mr, V. Way Allin of
Chicago are Christmas guests at
the home of their parents, that of
Rev. S, J. and Mrs. Allin of the
Ontario street parsonage.
bIr. Bruce is down from Port 1t,i:lam
for the holiday season end on his
'•return, will be accompanied by Mrs.
Bruce, who has been here since
Se)tember owing to the illness of .
her father, the late George Potts,.
Mr. and Mrs. L.. Weir and Misses
Jean and Isabel leave today. for
London where they intend spending
Christmas, Mr. Weir will retain'
the end of the week but Mrs. Weir
and libber ones will - remain until
after New Year's.
Mr. and Mrs. Logan • of ' Saginaw,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs, Cl, Gilchrist.
and little! son of Ay and Mrs..
Senghas and two children of Platte-
ville are expected today to .spend
Christmas with their mother, Mrs.
C;ilehrist of .Gown,
Mr. and Mts A. 1e. Torrance and,
::Tuttle daughter and Mt 'and • Mee •
IVI J.' Torrance arid little' del ghter',
all of Toronto, -and Mr. Edgar
Torrance of Exeter ate expectdd
today to oa,t
Christmas dinner un-
der the parental roof; that of Mr.
and Mrs. John Torrance of town
Mr. C. D. Boeck and his little
daughter, Miss Ethel, left yesterday
to •spend , the Yuletide with the
former's parentis at Morrisburg.
Owing, to the fact that he taught
all the summer vacation Mr. Houck
was unable to spend much time at
the old home and as his mother has"'
• not been welt lately Ire decided to
spend Christmas with her it is
somewhat remarkable that his ]'ar-
ents and their eight sons and
daughters are still an unbroken.
family, the eldcslr son being fifty-six
years of age.
Mr. and Mrs, Matt. Sheppard of Grif-
fin, Sask., who' have been in !ee.
prairie country for twelve years,.
returned last week and' were in
Clinton on Mondays and receiveda
most cordial welcome -back fr rite
old -tiros associates whore they .net.
They noticed many changes about
sewn, especially in the • per,opne1t
of the business part, but noted that
those whom they! knew and leaded
with are still pretty much regarded
as the standbys. Mr. and Mrs, Shep-''
pard purpose spending a ommie of
menthes among their ' nu r,s.ruus
friends in Goelerich township.
this holly _ w r e a
gou'll find
The hearty
<., f f
Miss Hazel O'Neil is acting 1ib.rarien
.• during Miss Rudd's absence.
Ti lad3
home from
Vankleek Hill for the C'itrisi.eas
blr. and Mrs, It, 1:. Manning, Master
Ilarold and Miss, Ilelen are. spend-
ing Christmas with the former's
brother in London.
Miss Mabel Turner of 13rucefield spent
a colple of days last week with
Miss Rose McCaughey.
Rev. Dr. and MTs, Rutlerige 'left
Monday to send the holiday season
with their daughter, Mrs. Shilling -
ton, at South Bend, Ind,
Miss Edna .Jackson is, expected Thome
today to spend the Christmastide
uncle]• the parental roof, that of
Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jackson,
Masters Dan and Prank 'McGaughey
of Blyth spent the fore part 0f the
week with their uncle and anlu,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey.
Mrs, Houston, Miss Cruikshank, Miss
Anderson and Miss White canoe clown
froin Wingham Saturday to spend
theday with Miss Edna Cooper.
Miss Rudd is a, holiday visitor with
herr sister, Mrs. Rumball of Flint,
Mich. Mr. John Rumball goes over
front Toronto for the festive.. ho11-
day also.
Mr. and Mrs'. John Ward and their;
bright little son, Master.. Douglas,
of Woodstock were guests over the
week -end of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Rev: Frank C. Harper, 13. D., was in
1lensalt-last Friday night conduct-
ing the quarterly pia -communion
service in Carmel Presbyterian.
church ther.f.•
Mr. Dodds Holloway of the abaci: of
the Royal Bank, Sturgeon Palle, is
house for the .Christmas vacation
and afterwards will be removed to
the Soo branch.
My Solent 1Ienry, it graduate of the
Clinton Model school this term, has
secured a school agar Wolverton,
Oxford county, and assumes charge
after the New Year,
Mr. Charles Jackson . of Manistee
and another member of Mr. Trench's
stall are in town and itT charge at
the big rink which is now ready
for skating and curling.
Mr. and Mas. J. Percy Cole of the
16th' and their guests, Rev. W. H.
and Mrs. Cole of Flint, Mich., were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Holland on Friday evening last.
Mr. John Brown left yesterday for
Peerolia to spend over the holiday
period with his son; Charles., From
thence he goes to Sarnia and Port
Huron to visit' his two brothers.
Mrs. Donald Ross of Barrie and her
three little daughters, Hetes, Mar-
,garet and Marian, are visiting Inc
brother, Rev. Frame 13areer, . and
Mrs. 1-Iarper at the Manse, Ontario
Mr, end !Vies, Jaen. Cole lett yesterday
for Ypslanti, Mich., where they in-
Itend spending; the Christmas' holt--
clays with the latter's sister and
oer: friends. They may be absent
so'Yeral weeks,
Miss 3 l Bawden returned Monday
froph a week's visit with Seaforth
Mr, R Hilton McCool of Crossleld,
Alberta, is a visitor at the home
of his aunt, Miss M. McCool of
teem. .
Pee, and Mrs. 11, it, Turner of Re-
gina, Sask., who have bee:•t the
guests of the lady's parents, Rev.
S. J. arid Mrs. Allen, visited the
former's mother at Parkhill during
the past week.'
Mrs. H. P. Ober and. her two chil-
dren of Sterling, Alberta, arrived
last *eek and will spend a couple
of months or so with her mother,.
Mrs. John Layton, and other rela-
tives and Mende.
re -
Clinton P. S. Christmas
61,11 Division,
Promoted from 1st to 2nd book,
total marks 550,
Ilopors-Norma Tre!eiven 482,
Charlie Shipley 438, 'Joint Nediger
133, Wilfrid Grant 431, . Eleanor
Plutusfeel 427, Olive Schoeubals 421,
Fred McTaggart 412,
Pass -Wilbur Nelson 895, Myrtle
Sweet 390, Colenso Salter 378, .Bert
McGuire 376, Norman Counter 37'3,
George Elliott, 340, Charlie Mennei
340, Ferguson Carter 335, Myrtle
13011 330.
-Olive Cooped, Tencher,
Prom Pruner to bite .1st Reader,
but remain in Division.:. 7. Total
marks 300, required to•- pass • 1,80 -
Carol Evans •268, Helen Coolie . - 267,
Oliver. Rands 263, *Clarence • • Glazier
262, Viola Livermore 250, • Prank
Latter 258, Marlelon Hawkins 253,
Burton Bolton 238, Edith Hill
Margaret Rutledge 225, Alvin House
225, Reeser Forster 186
M. Wiltsc, Teacher.
Promoted from Division 8 to Div-
ision"7-Rcta Elliott, Billy Hovey
Ebner Paisley, Russel Murphy, Vio-
let Lapraik,' Addie Carter Willie
-W. Thompson, 'fee.cher.
Irdr. II. Nixon was in London lase
week visiting his parents, who lead
just returned from I5amloopc, le,C.
left.. John Button is home: from
Toronto University for the Christ -
leas vacation.
Mrs. P. McNeil of Clinton. visited
last week with Mrs. F. ,Savaugo,
Mr. Geo. Cline of Winghain was in
town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jackson of Tis-
dale, Sns'.c., are the guests of the
lady's mother, Mrs. .1 as. Scott.'
Messrs John and lint Smith were
at,Lansrng„Mich last week attend-
ing the funeral of a niece.
Mrs.' G. Shaw has returned to her
home at Ridgetown after a visit of a
couple of months withfiends in Sea-
forth and surrounding vicinity.
The News From Londesboro
Mr. riand Mrs,I
•d !delle and
Howard R
Man., '1°ton P a
two chtklren of Ly ,
guests at the home of the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Woodman,
Mrs. J. O. Lounsbury and daughter
are visiting during the holida3l seas-
on with the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Crysier of Delhi.
Rev. Mr, Armstrong, Toronto, sec-
retary of missions in the Presbyter-
ian Church of Canada, occupied the
pulpit oC Knox church on Sunday last
and set forth the carts° he represents
very ably and clearly.
The Sunday school had charge ol,
the service in the Methodist church
on Sunday morning -last and the
special Christtnas sereiro was well
carried out. Tho "Little White Gilts
for the King" :were very appropriate,
During the service each class donated.
something to make another's Christ-
mas bright and happy "end about
twenty dollars in money and, ten,
dollars worth of gifts were, .retcived
and forwarded to the Deaeomhess
Home, Toronto, for the use of. the
little children less favored, In the
evening the pastor, Rev. Mr. Keine,
delivered an excellent Cllristunas Sar -
mon and the choir rendered special
Mr, John Jameson of South Por-
cupine is Visiting his brother, Mr. A.
Janssen, over the Christmas holi-
day time.
li Joseph Lyonon ot random Men.,
v ei:n relatives hereabouts.
15 15 ti
Mr, and Mrs, W. C'oekerline et
Pilot Mound, Man:, who are hotme
ona visit to the lattice's father, Mr.
Ralph Stephenson of Stanley• and
other friends, spent last week in this
Mrs, R. Watters of London is visll-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Mrs. White of Drayton isa guest
at the home' of her brother, Mr.
Tlios. Miller.
Drif. Daniel Sutherland lost a val-
uable horse last week.
Mr. William Milson of Cleveland,
Ohio, i4 spending the holiday season
with his mother and other friends
Mrs. James isrann, Ste, is Iaid up
with a couple of broken ribs. Not
very!. pleasant cotnpany for Christmas
time but it is hoped she will soon
be all right again.
Mr. Wm. Moore of Toronto is visit-
ing l:is grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Mann.
Oood Morning l Have you though!:
of sending The News -Record for 1015
as a Christmas Gift to your boy or
girl away from Monte or to distant
. i-1i'I!1
. friend 7
Wishing y o u
one and all a
joyous Christ-
mas and a hap-
py and pros-
perous N; w
Year. -
S• fir/ H A P, A N PHONE 70