HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-12-24, Page 40
Clinton News -Record
December 24th,- 1914
Gocie.rich Township Goderich 'Township;
l cut til': 1-1:.. aruiMrs..C1ole of Flint, • Mr. endears.. Wm, Oliurehiit arc ,this
Hieb., are spending a few weeks, in week in Miehigun,attending '.the gold -
the old home township visiting at.. en wedding anniversary •.of Mr. and
the liorues of the Ice:metes brother, Mrs. John Richardson.
Mr. 'Peter .Cole his nephew, Mr. J, 'Mr. Franke Tam•blyn of Londesboro;
P, Cole, and With Mrs. Cole's broth- who has been teaohieg In S. S. No,
ere and sisters, Messrs Geo. and 0, left on Tuesday. ile intends finish
'Adele ane( Miss Linda Cantelon and ing Itis Facultyof li,duccetiop course.
Mrs, Webster, Mr, Cole leas piosis Mrs. Reuben Grigg left the hospital
dent of the Michigan Methodistcon- et Clinton on Saturday. Her litany
fere100 but was obliged to resign ow- friends are glad to see- her able to 'be
deg to ill -health lacid his visit to On- around again. -
tirie now is principally foe rest and. On Friday eventing last a number. cit
recuperation. the congregation of St. Jellies' church
The loliowing from'the Yorkton (Middleton) )net at the borne •of lir.
(Sack.) Enterprise refers to a brother : and Mfrs. George Burnett pilot to
of 1Vhs• 1-1cu•ry J. 'Thompson of the: their remo't l to'Clintou- and during
16th"coned the evening pereented them With -. a
"Mayor Petrie:es re-election h r ac-handsomd leather, seaLe chair and to
1 )
clemation on Monday toners upon Miss Lizzie; 0 1. 11033' piece of china,
him the honor of a fourth term ' as accompanied by the following ad -
Atheists: ate
d-Magistrate and, is dress.
the :tided time, be has been clothe(' to Dear friauis,—As the Lime of your
thee position by, aeelamation. lu in -tended removal is' nearing we dee•
1909, without previous municipal _ ex- the as frig ids and members of St.
'petienee, he was elected Mayor and James' church to express oar sincere
the. following' yeer -was again pre- regret of your :removal from this
wriled upon 'to continue .in that et- neigliuorhood and to show our. appre-
flee. Those were the years of pro- eiation of your kiminess to as, .we ask
gess and prosperity and the councils you to accept this chair ee a slight
of 1900 and 1910 are still known as token of the esteem in which you have
the "Progressive Councils," and the been held during the many' yoar:s'gon
policy purslted by them was in no have labored, with es, and now
small measure responsible, for fork- that you are retiring from the more
ton's development into one of the ardent duties of life, we hope that
',Host important centres n Sasic ttc,rie- you inay be spared to en'oy 1iialih
wan. During the hey -day of prosper- and a much needed rest. 14 'e also ask
ity the bask of municipal logislaters Lizzie to accept then, little tokens as
was not .00 difficult as it is today, a remuimbrance of our •appreciation of
• people were less critical and a • high your kindness tp ' us at all times.
assessment lied not meet with rnech Wishing toe a Merry Christmas and
disfavor, All is now changed. lie- a Happy New Year Mined on. be-
trg(ichmeht, economy and eTieisncy half of the tongingatioe, E. Wise, G.
are demanded and this was the. policy, Hicks.
pursued by the. Cron» eel during til Tho following is the report of S.S.
past year. It is safe to predict that No. 11, for December, Names in or-
thcsl, will be practiced to a perhaps der of merit. Sr: •.tth Myrtle Pow -
greeter extent during 1015." ell, Mabel Castle. :Jr. Ohs— Ruby
Mr, and Mre. Matt Sheppard and Churchill, Elsie Ferguson, Pearl
their four children, - Francis, Irene, 'Churchill, Verna Elliott. Sr. 31:d, —
Allison and Matt, .Jr , erreed on Francis Powell, Itichard W'elcb. ,Jr,
Friday last from Griffin; Steer., and 3rd, -1 -toward Currie, . Frank Welch,
Purpose spending a couple of months Glenn. Ferguson. • Sr. 2nd,—C'1•itlord
in the old hole& township. 1t is Castle, Elmer Lclleac. Jr. 2nd, —
tweive years since they went to the Arthur Lel3cau, Teddy Welch. Printer
prairie country and in all that time Class A. — Laura Currie, 11-
91151. is 'lheir.first.vi.eit bee;, Nature tied I.cdieau. (.'lass B.—Oliver Tier-,
ally they: notice a great many clang- glison. Elmer 'flick:—E. Ochil„
es foresee the Bayfield Line; alone , no. Teadier. '
loss, than -twenty-seven est those they : The followliig',is. the report of S:S•
once. knew have been called to their No. 12, (lnderich and Mullett
long home; including : Robert Mar- 4('h, --Jean Lindsay, Cora Jervis. Jr.
shall, Jobe 0. Elliott, William Gray, 4th,—john Townshend, Mervyn Far -
John Moon, Wm. 0. Elliott, Mos. ether. .SrJdrd-l3essie Lindsay, Mary
Thos. Wigginton, Frank Elliott, Mrs. Weight. Jr. 3rd, — Amp" Molhtien,
W. 'Wise, ' George Graham, George Mary McBrien, .Jean Farquhar, „Hilda
Middleton, E. Middleton Mr, and Forbes, Nellie Beacom. Jr. 2nd, —
Mrs, P. Cronin, Gabrietl Elliott, Sam- Norman Wright, Eddie ,Johnston. 1st
mel Rothwell, Mr, and Mrs. .John '. —Mabel Wright, Walter Forbes, Robt.
Anderson, Albert Anderson, Mr. and Johnston,—^Emmeline Holland, Teach -
:Mrs. John Sheppard, Mks: Peter er.
Steep, ,John Thompson, Mrs. John News -Record Means News -Leader.
Stewart, stirs. J. Switzer, Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Teo. William Perdue,
Ret . W. H. Cele of Flint, Miele,
who has been visiting at Mr. Adana
Cantelon's of the 791i con, trill con -
11Ir. Jasper Cook met with a pain -
duet the services' in Sharron church ful accident while working in the saw -
next Sunday, Mr, Cole is a very cicv- mill yard recently, falling against a
er speaker, and none should fail to wagon hub and wetly 'injuring his
hear his address next Sunday, face.
Reedy -
To -Wear
' J)ry;.G odds
and Blouse
Filen ishi ngs
- � THE
our many y eustoin_
ers and friendsin Clinton
and surrounding country A
'idxttr. S_.S r- -• ;q ..., ?C
Merry Christmas together with
our thanks for this, one of the
best years in the history of� hiss
—Rev. A. W. Brown,Varna.
Rev. S. J. Allin.
The, Christmas 'season has come
('o us as never before with the
shadowofa terrible war over us...
'Set, 'let us have, even though in
a quieter way, our festive gather-
ings in memory of Rim who is
!Ale inspiration of our present
joy's and hopes, the Saviour from
Heaven, Let the children be hap-
py*, enjoy their 'games as at other
times, and sing the glad Christ -
Rev. S. J. Allen,
mar songs. Let us ail keep cheer-
ful faces and greet our friends,
whether present or absent, in the
good old way.
Above the din of battle and the
strife of nations we • shall still
hear the, celestial musics • "Peace;'
nri real), good will toward men." `
"0 hush the noise, ye men .of strife
And' hear the angels' sing."'
Rev., A. W. Brawn; Varna.
may Christmas break up and
scatter our-seliisintess. The
Christmas bells of Joy, Love and
Peace that ring in uiy heart tell
me that Jesus is the one cure tor
all the selfishness, schism, strife
and separation of humanity. ' At
this Christmas time, darkened by1
strife, let us crowd around the
Christ -cradle and imbibe the love
which brought I-tiut till it becom-
es .the' overmastering passion of
life that will lead us forth to
acts of kindness, mercy, pity and
peace. Our own community with
its nears, the world with big
hurdeus nn its heart is uaiime
for love -laden w1110 0.110 can es-
cape, at least fora while', from
Um vessel 0f their mini personal-
ity and Lae their stand upon
some hill top of high purpose ;
upon the rock of some great
cause., within the 91.111s 0f shote_
kindly miuisi.ry.
�. a,.
Principal Bouch of the
Clinton P S.
Again we usher in the (hi'ist-
mastide—('hl'istmas wieh all its
promises of Peace and Goodwill,
its songs of Glory to God in the
Highest its light from the llelh-
clehent Star. But today there is
a rift in the lute, the old music
strikes a jarring note. Peace, on
earth I and the whole world
locked in a deadly war, Glory to
God in the Highest 1 and we can-
not hear any sound but the clash
of arms, The Iight, of tate 13eth-
elehcnt Star i ane( our sties are
black with the smoke of battle,
It would seen that the work of
two thousand years (vas being un-
done, that the baser part of hum-
an nature, instead of being sub-
dued and softened had only re-
ceived a thin veneer of hypocrie-
Ical respectability. Question as
we will the present situation te-
mains a mystery, impenetrable;
unfathomable, 1t this Christmas-
tide We are called upon to 0001"
else a stronger faith in they mma-
age which C'hri$lntas . breathes
titan ever before. In this, our
time of • darkness and doubt, we
cannot, we must not let go the
only anchorage we have, We, ilm-
ite beings, are compelled to lid- `.
(nit that the Infinite "1110v05 in a
mysterious way Isis wonders to
perform," Nevertheless one fact
remains incontrovertible and in-
disputable, "God is in I -lis Hee-,
en, all is right with the World,"
So that with our souls• fixed 00
the omnipotence and omnioien ie of
God, though our skies may be •
darkened by eloucls of human
hatred still this very feet will
enable us to realm more fa11.9
than ever helore our helplessness
and to place a greater dependence
on the ultimate triumph of 'he
Christmas message. No doubt
the Christmas rejoicing this pear
will not be quite so boisterous as
in farmer years but I am safe in
saying that it will be none the
less genuine, for have we not all
noticed during the past few.,
ntontlis a general disruption of
the,, Barriers that have separated
Man from man, and never before
has there been smelt a manifest
solicitude for the welfare of ell
err as at this time. its not this
the very essence ot the Christ-
mas message ? There may not be
so mucin careless giving but there
shall be more Christmas giving.
So while we may not enter into
this season with such abandot' as
usual' and must possess our sr,uls
with a quiet patience and., strong
faith, having ' more regard, for
those in distress.
n g a
Rey. John Hogan, P. P. ' Rev. Frank C. Harper.
On Cihristmas, the willing and en-
willing world( stands at guard ov-
er the manger of Christ. The will-
ing Christian bows with the shep-
herds before the Son of God. Tile
day's of Christ's Mass is a solemn .
feast and holy day in the eleth-
olio' Cherch, It is the birthday
of Jesus - Christ, the Son of Mary
Christmas is to hint that Christ-
mas keeps. Truest honour to the,
Day is to snake the Christ -, the
Guest of courtesy and homage
'and love in the heart. " I am.
come that ye might have life and
that ye: might have it more abun-.
dantly." Let all open wide, tined
of Nararetli :and the IIot Ghost door that He may show how glad
3 0 , this Christmastide may be. Malco
Christmas Day means that the
leternal and Unborn God who is
the Principal of Life immutable in
heaven, cendeseended to be born
of Mary of Nazareth by the
mysterious overshadowing of the
lloly (+host,, and -to appear' and
to be in real913' 0 child' amongst
the children of item. The scene of
the Nativity is one of ordinary
family life, fatbe•, mother andt
child. But this child has bees
foretold as theglory, and salve-
, tion
alve-•tion of niatecind-to- save the
world mon look to statesmen,
sages, warriors, but God depends
on a chile. God's wisdom made
clear: to us by the familiar fact`,
that the child rules the world.
The child is the emblem of 11lrris
Canel3' in Ids mcc'eiess, poverty
and purity. \Unless the .world
possess his natural poverty it
goes flown to ruin • unless it
have his willing obedience to its
own laws it must infallibly . per-
isb ; unless, in the" main, it
practises Ills chastity disease will
invade and destroy le. 'Chen, and
only then will Christmas be a
solemn religious joy to all man-
kind.—"A. Merry Xmas."
Rev, Dr. 1ufldge,
"Cod rest y0 mcrrie gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,
- for .Jesus Christ, our Saviour,
Was horn on C'hrlstmas Day." •
'l'be words ot the old carol the
may well believe bring a timely
suggestion to multitudes at peo-
ple today. 'Nie only day of the
year consecrated to pure joy*
Wiens this year upon a world
bewildered and sore dismayed,
The birthday of the Prince of
Peace heralded, not by the angels
song, but by booming cannon and
bursting shells—by the groans of
Mc wounded, and the last faint
the of the dy'ifig—by° the wail of
orphan children and the heart-
breaking sobs of thousands in
their widowhood. 0, the misery
of it all I Wiiv should we not
be dismayed ?
Yet, through all the noise and
confusion of the "nations snap-
ping at each others heels," we
may catch sonic miles of the old
Christmas message, and of the
tvoi•(1 of Hen who said : "het not
your heart be erouhlee, neither
let it be dismayed."
Out 01 the' smoke of cannons
and burning houses 300 may look
up mid Ifft our heads - knowing
that 0011.• 01lemetio11 chawethnigh.
So, as we celebrate again the
birth of the < bust• rhea if we
may not go loran merely, may
we net go forth happily carrying
the Xmas spItitwhere e er we go,
and being to some needy ones a
messenger front God to these for
And just' as the sun has begun
to conic back to the earth, with
summer an its bosons, may we
not believe that the world's sad
winter IR well nigh past; and
that, soon the Bong with which
Rev, Dr. Rutledge,
the angels saluted the cradle of
the Redeemer will be no longer a
prophecy and a hope .hut an ac-
complished fact—when there ' shall
be peace on earth and good will
among leen,
Rey. J: Greene.
C—Beer up 1 Cheer up l says
Christmas morn,
II—e lives, who on this day, was
R—ejoico ! Rejoice 1 He reigns
on high,
I—n xealans of bliss no more -to
S—weet thought 1 -..: we in that
life do share ;
T—o intercede for cis Ire's there.
M—ay love like Itis .inspire our
A—s in our homes we welcome
guests ;
S—uCi love is that which He 're-
Rev. Prank O. harper.
T00111 for Flim In-C'h?nistma5' joy,
in conversation, in the, happyl
playroom where the children open
their mysterious - boxes with
shouts of glad surprise. His com-
ing is -1 Bre the bright sunshine.
Opilyf those things, like- bats and
owls that -prosper best in the
dark and vanish at the dawn, will
disappear at His coining.
ells not enough that Christ 10
born • .
Beneath the star that shone,
And earth was set that mons
Within a golden' zone.
Ile must be born within the
Before tic finds Itis throne,
And brings the clay of love and
'elle reign 01' Christlike brother-
Rev. R...1. McCormick, .
Nations celebrate the birthdays
of their sovereigns and illustrious
men ; Iingland, the birthday of
Queen Victoria aid George 1' ;
An1exica, tate natal day of Wash-
ington and thimble but the
(0001(1 celebrates the birth of
• .100115,
Revs ti. J. LMcCormicic, Iiolmes,tellc•.
With the passing of the genera-
tions earth's most gifted sods are
lost sight of, but with the Sav-
iour of the World the acetates
only serve to add lustre. to the
glory of His Name.
Christmas is more real now
than ever Meese. livery year in-
Creasing millions aro being ad-
mitted within the sacred pre-
cincts of its holy joys. 'rhe swig
the shepherds heard on the east-
ern hilis has gathered to a glor-
ious diapason and innumerable
multitudes have joined the angels'
chair in singing the finest' ora-
torio that has stirred the heart
of the 'world.
While nations are ell deadly con -
Stith and .man tights lus fellows,
yet Grist is 1109 defeated in His
mission of world-wide peace.) The
dying soldier at this Christmas`
time will. find in Christ ono who
is not the author; :of war, but
who in, war's hard day "Will
soothe his sorrow, (real his
wounds and drive away his
Rev. C. C. Kaine,
Christmas is essentially altriis-
tic. It is a time when the com-
munity is wreathed in smiles,
shakes with laughter and is literal-
ly inundated with plans and
eounterplans to spring 'a pleasant
surprise on old and young alike,
so that all, from prattling child-
hood to venerable old age, will
feel constrained to exclai3n, "My
cup rumieth over." At this fes-
tive season every eye is turned
homeward. Fancy paints her fair-
est pictures. Ifope stands .on tip-
toe, pointing to the rapture of
tomorrow, when around the-' old',
Rev., 0. C; Keine, Londesboro:
fireside, the merry parties eeth-
er to sing their swigs-, tell their
stories, whisper their: loves, ]Mayr.
their games acid indulge in cus-
toms which, though hoary with
age, come up again with all rine
freshness and charms of a new
found joy. Let us away with
strife at, this season, now 3s the
time for kindly words and deeds.
It is a benediction, to Cr;,11
church and state that young leen
and maidens, old men and chil-
dren, should alt alike tall wider
the spell of a buoyant heau'svol-
ence and be led by the "Kindly
Light to the very vestibule of
heaven and hear again the angels
sing "Glory to God,1 the highest
peace on earth ; good will to met.'
013, for a Cried Chrishlnast!do.
Rev. J. K. Fairfull.
There is nob a dark corner of
our .hearth, not a storm 5o
dreary, nay, nor a place so vile
but this. message of - Christmas
penetrates. The spirit of the an-
gels' message with alt its power
spreads itself through tlip ;,'[whole
world and Bolds sway, Yea, er-
lcuriten effgi:ts 'towards seledevel
opinent we are learning humility"
and a wholesome awe of I3irut .
whose "theteglits are higher than
our thoughts." Ile who set
forth Jesus to be the hope of all;
the ends o1',the earth is the
Lord Ain -lightly. He will not suf-
fer us to ignore Hirn who is "tire
way,'the truth and the life." 'In
the incarnation of Jesus Christ
God bas' forever revealed that our
human destiny lies "not in the
conversion of the Godhead into
flesh" (as our culture seeks to
do). but "iii the taking Of the,
leeehcod into God:" 'l'ho little
0hil1 ;shall lead the nations be
- cams& Has name is not only "Won-
derful Councillor" , but also
„Mighty God."
Mr, George Scott was in Stratford '
last week attending the funeral of
his brother.
Mrs. Cecil Simpson has returned
from Barrie ivirere she has been. vis-
iting for some. tete.
Rev. ,J, Morrison of Sarnia was the
guest of his cousin, Mrs. J, Carlisle,
the 'day last walk, '
Mr. D. Shirray was in Toronto for
a, few days recently.
Mrs. t Perkin and children left .last
week for. Regina, Sask. •
Miss Ethel Murdock is home from
Toronto on a visit, to her parents.
The new town hall will be -opened
on the evening, of Dec, 30913 by a
grand concert. -
Mg, John Melwan, executor of the
estate of the late George McEwan,
has hecn visiting Hensel' during the
past week:
Mr, A. L. Bradwinof,:Goderich spent
a foto dabs with his parents in town
Mrs. Thos. Gregory spent a few(
days last week with Toronto friends.
Mr. Dick Mann Lias xeturned home
after spending the past season in
Mr, and Mrs. J. J, Wilson of God
erichwere tiro guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Armstrong last wee'e.
Mr. 11'na, Gannett had a finger am-
ptttated last ;week. The member had
given hint a good deal of trouble for
seine time.
Mr. Frank Mooney' lost a thumn
last week, it being necessary to` have
it amputated, owing to a very bad
Mr, L. Thomson of Arden, Man.,
visited last week with his brother,
Mr. H. T. Thomson.
Rev, .7. K. Fairfull,.
en the war cloud and all it means
fu us as an Empire, bringing sor-
row and sadness in its trail, ev-
en that cannot dull tits beauty of
the message. The darkness but
makes the light of the Christ: -
child stand out all the mere
brightly. Lot us catch the spirit
of the message which tells us of
God our Pather in all his love,
intercession and watching ober us,•
and catching this spirit believe in
God to bring out of all our dark-
ness peace to our own Empire
and Glory to His own name.
Rev. Jerrald C. Potts.
Christmas time so far rs 0133'
recollection goes, seems to .be the
occasion for many people to eul-
ogize childhood and to show tiro
to childish innocence the world
owes a debt of re au: o, example and
refreshment which It can never
par. No ,doubt '1'i'y atter a great
truth, vet as er.0_ 'oolcs over the
world today what e •idence does
one see that nations believe that
"A little child shall Wad theist ?"
Perhaps familiarity with the pro-
phecy has bred contempt. More
probably we have allowed ourselv-
es to wax. sentimental over the
Christmas message and have Ig-
nored its inner meaning. The 111 -
carnation of the Son of God molts
the, assertion of God's interest an
human lite. Tho stupendous feet.
that God took upon Him our na-
ture and became man shows us
that we aro not left to our own
sins and. follies. On the first
Christmas Day He who rade (IS
in IIis own likeness emptied him-
self of his glory and took upon
Him our servile forth, in order
that we might -become partakers
of His Divine Nature. Today
when we see the perversones., of
In spite of the fact that the word
dyspepsia means literally bad cook, tit'
will not be fair for many to lay._ the
blame 010 the cools if they begin the
Christmas Dinner with little appetite
and end it with distress or nausea. It
mays not be fair for any to do
that-let•us hope so tor the sake of
the cook ! The disease dyspepsia in-
dicates a bad 'stomach, that is a
weak stomach, rather than a bad
cock, and for a wealc stomach there is
nothing else equal to Rood's Sarsa-
parilla. It gives the stomach vigor
and tone, Aures dyspepsia, creates ap-
petite, and makes eating .the pleasure
it should be,
'For 1915.
Pocket Diaries
Office Diaries
Canadian Almanac
Peloubuts Notes
Hurlbuts Notes
Gist of the Lesson,
We wish all our cus-
tomers the Compli-
ments of the
Cooper & Cu.
We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are
going to furnish your 'tome, or if you only want some odd
pieces you will find it to your advantage to i,, Peet our
stock and see the bargains we aro giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spect0cwd' we guarantee the best, of satisfaction. •
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and_Sunday calls answered at residence
28 y Phone 1.1.