HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-12-24, Page 1linton
No. 1864 -36th Year
The News -Record wishes
a a UChristmas,
Wheat $1,05,
Oats 45e to 16e.
Barley, 55e to 60e.
Butter 21:0 to 22c.
Eggs 29e to 30e.
Iiive Hogs $7.00.
The officers of Court Prosperity
A.O.P. for the ensuing terra are as
follows :
Chief Ranger, Fred Slomen.
Past Chief, Theo. Prerann.
Sub. Cihief, Alex. Simian.
Treastirer, .Jolin Derry.
Secretary, A. F. Cudmore.
Sr. Woodward, J. Stoma'',
.Ir. Woodward, W. Appleby.
Sr. Beadle, W. McIntyre,
Jr. Beadle), W. Stoman Jr.
Trustees, W. Brown, J. Appleby,
T. Preinlin.
The Sunday school' held thee an-
nual Christmas tree entertainment on
Monday evening in the school room.
This was children's night. The little
ones took part irethe drills, dealogues
sblos, choruses and recitations, ac-
quitting. 'themselves very creditably.
The rector, Rev. J. C. Potts, ()min-
ed the chair and there was a good
turnout of the parents and friends,
A -t the conclusion of the program
the glees from the tree were distribu-
ted, Old Sants Claus • sparing time
from his busy season for this purpose,
and each of the children was remem-
bered. By the kindness of Mr, W.
Jackson each one received a bag of
candy. All preeent thoroughly enjoy-
ed , the.. evening. •
The conimeneement excereises in
connection with the Collegiate Insti-
'tute were held in the town hall on
Thursday evening last when a 331005
interesting program was gone through.
The program was given almoet al-
together by the pupils and was well
presented. Among those taking part
were : Mr. (1. Whitmore, piano solo ;
Miss G. Keller, reading ; andAries
Marion Gibbings, Mr. Free Thuitipten
Miss K. 13. Reid, who veh rendered a
solo very acceptably, A couple 01
drills by the C. 1. girls and a tab -
eau, "Britain, her Colonies and Al-
ies" were also much appreciated.
The boys of the 1st, 2nd and .3rd
orins had a military contest, the
tratheona competition, Dr. Shaw
iul Mr. tl. le. Dowding being, judges.
'he 2nd form was awarded 155 prise
,nd the 1st form, Intl, ,
The orchestra rendered several ste-
e51008 and Mr. Forrester, shairmee of
he 0. I. Board, gave a brief address.
Principal Treleaven oceupied the
hair and presented the diplomas and
rizes to the winners, As was (Weld -
d several months ego, no prizes were
mrphased this year, the money 5(811 -
lily thus expended being donated to
lie Patriotic Fund, the winners being
ontent to hold the honour, which in
his case can hardly he deseribed as
CII empty one. This action of the
ollegiate students is a worthy one
nd deserves commendation.
The prize winners in the several
mine were . as follows : 1st, Miss 11.
°Gowan ; 2nd, Miss KatellaGregor;
rd, Miss.M. McGowan ; 4th, Part 1,
. Beacom ; Peet 11, j. Watt.
Mr. C. Kaiser woii the senior athle-
te championship for boys, le. Law-
enee, the junior. Miss G. Wallis, sen-
or athletic championship for girls,
iss 15, Dotyzer, the junkie,
Rev. De. Rutledge occupied his owe
ulpit on Sunday • morning, preach -
0 special Christinaa sermon. ,
In the afternoon an open session or
he Sunday school Was held when the
rimary arid other classes took part
the program which was well-ren-
med. A most interesting feature of
he afternoon was an address by Dr.
loam, who spoke on conditions and
Istoms in Alasella, where he bee
eth living for several years past.
Voryboay, even the little ones, lisb-
ned with eager attention to what
his visitor had to 'Say of tlfe far
orth. As is the USUat COStOM • on
hristmae Sunday, the - special 'offers
g for She Children's hoeSital; Tor-
ito, was taken' mid the amount, fit -
dollars, forwarded Monday., The .1
.1',VV. class, an organized class of
oys, assieted handsomely by giving
n dollars of thie amount.,
In the evening Rev. W. H. Cole,
-President of a lelichigan, Oonfee-
ce, .who is visiting in the, neighbor.
ott, preached from the words:
For now me WO 00 011.11then of
od, but 61 (10411 not -yet appear. what
0 shall be, delivering an eleven()
Id practical sermon which was list-
ed to ,with rept) attention..
The chair antlered 'specie'. Christ: -
as music, singing two anthems at
e morning mid three at the even.
g service.
'('he Meisel) was handsomely deior-
ed with fer:
aant, cedar, memson
scus and flowering plants and bulbs
d presented a very attractive: aP-
ara,nee, a Merry Cluestmas banner
orning the arch behind the pulpit,
The „junior League held their
irisenes entertainnient on Monday
ening, the young people giving the
ogram. There were a couple of
ry pretty drills, 'a flag drill by
10 older gists, and a bell drill by
e younger ones, also music, read-
gs, recitation, dialogues, etc„ the
esident, Maseer Ilarold Manning,
tee chair. After the program
nta Claus., a very funny old Santa
was, too, distributed the gifts
ni the -well-laden tree and e:ery-
dy was, made happy.
It is being suggested Wit Major
Ranee, be asked to repeat, his addsess
on "Duty," which was given at the
Patriotic gathering in connection With
the Ontario street, Sunday school on
Sunday afternoon last, in the town
hall and the public be invited stet hem
it. Major Ranee is a pleasing speak-
er and his address was of so excellent
O nature. that is is a pity a larger
number of people should not haves the
privilege of listening to it.
Mr. Arthur Allis Toronto, a son
of ReV. S. J. and Mrs, Allin, was
taken suddenly ill on Saturday last
and being removed to. the hospital,
was opeeated on for appen,diettis on
Monday. Ast last reports het was do-
ing well and it is hoped his recovery
will be rapid, but his plan of spend-
ing the Christmastide with- his par-
ents here has been rather rudely in-
terfered with and the family gather-
ing tomorrow will be so much the
It was decided that the Sunday
school of Ontario street church should
give the collection for one Sunday
during December to the Belgium Re-
lief Fund so on Sunday last a spec-
ial open session was held when in-
stead of the regular lesson a pro-
gram of patriotic musks, speeches,
eta. was givete. A quartette from the
Young .Men'. % Claes rendered an ap-
propriate selection, "Touting on the
Old Camp Ground ;" Mr. C. D. Dow-
ding gaVe an. excellent/ solo; Major
Shaw contributed an interesting and
instructive talk on the work of the
Medical Corps on the battle field and
Major Ranee also spoke,. Other reci-
tations followed and an orchestra
reralered several selections. There
was a good turnout, the meeting be-
ing held in She body of the - church.
The offering amounted to forty dol-
A. quiet wedding was solemnized at
the home te Mr. David Nichol . of
elyith 'at high noon on Wednesday of
last week when their daughter, Flor-
ence Myrtle, was vatted in marriage
to Mr. John Carte, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Carte, Sr., of the
2nd eon. of Mullett.
The bride was very becomingly at-
tired in a handsome gown of while
messeline silk arid carried a bottuet
of white eatnations and ferns. Miss
Gladys Cartee, sister of the groom,
wild acted as bridesmaid, wore a
pretty frock of pale blue crepe -de -
dente, Mr. Harvey 1313115 Wan best
The ceremony was perfornied by
Rev. W. D. Turner and wao witness-
ed only by immediate relatives, Mrs.
Turner played thet wedding alusie,
After the ceremony a dainty lun-
cheon was served and a coup1e. et
hours spent la social ehat before the
bridal Party drove to the home of
the grooM's. Parents, where a large
reception was held id the evening.
Over two hundred guests were in-
vited to meet the newly -wedded pair
and the evening was gaily spent in
music and dancing and the enjoyment
of the refreshments provided by Mrs.
Carter's best, skill. The merrimeat
was kept up r to, a .late, or rather an
early, hour, all thoroughly enjoying
. 52r, and Mrs. Carter, Jr., have
now taken up their residence on their
own farm on the leth oon, west of
Constance and have the very best
wishes of a large circle of Mende for
a,long and happy married lite,
A very enjoyable Christmas Tree
entertainment was held in the sehool
room of St. Jewell's church on Mon-
day evening. The Dramatic Society
of the church was in charge of the
program which was given by the
children, who were trained by Miss
Kinrae Enid Mr. P. McCaughey. The
little ones clid themselves and their
coachers credit and aquitted them-
selves well, in song and drill and
reeftaliiee, •
After the 'program the tree, . which
was, of course, the centre of attrac-
tion for the younger portion of the
company, was stripped of its fruite,
each one receiving a gift be,sides can-
dy, etc., and it was a happy little
company who wended their way
homeward at the close df the enter-
There was a good turnout of the
parent's and friends and all enjoyed
the evening. Those having the affair
in hand are deserving of praiea for
bringing it to such a suecesetul eon-
clusioe, Mr, Chas. Shanahan presid-
ed, The program was as follows :
Opening chorus : "Men oi the
North," Town 'children..
Reacting, Bernard Tighe,
Dialogue, Alicia, Kane, Susan,
apli and Louis Howard.
Recitation, Leo Reynolds.
Stocking Drill.
Recitation, Elmer Le Beau,
Song, Della Brennan.
Recitation, Arthur Le Beau.
Cooks' drill,
A country store of all sorts.
Reading, Helen Carbert,
Parasol drill.
Reading, Mary 5', Flynn.
Lullaby, Josephine Brennan.
Reading, Clara Carbon.
Tipperary chorus.
Reading, Joseph Carbert and Ber-
ard Tighe.
Dialogoe, Separate sohool.
Song, "Mureah for ,good old Santa
The December meesieg of - the
Women's Institute Will be held at
the home of km. '(Dr,) Fowles' on
Tuesday afternoon of next weak. A
ten cent tea will be served and a good
program given. An ladies cordiallY
We tboroughly enjoy reacting Thc
News -Record, including the Old -
Timers' Ooluinte Both:my wife and I
spent several years as sleulente a
the 0. C. L and- consequently many
whose names appear in your paper
ere personally known to us,"-Rebh,
P. Stelek, Edmonton, Alberta.
',I sure, wouldn't like to do without
'elle Nevis -Record which keeps me so
well posted in. the heppenings of the
old home dietriee."-Louis L. Ktng,
,Moosejaws. Sask. '
Dr. Sloan, who is a guest at the
home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Wes-
ley Walker of town, gave a most
teresting address before the Clinton
Club on Friday evening last, his sub-
ject being "Alaska." Dr. Sloan tent-
ed, not from hearsay or from what
can be learned from books or maga-
zines, buff from actual experience he
having resided there for several years
and it could easily be seen 'that he
is a shrewd observer of men and al -
fare. He spoke in conversational eityle
and gave his hearers a very clear idea
of the vast extent of that .territory
and its great natural wealth, especi-
ally in gold and coal. He spoke
strongly .01 the stamina of the men
hi those far, northern perte, ,of their
total absence of fear, tliefi: ludepen-
donee' and- resourceful nets and . their
ken' seme of honour, acceding to
their OWn code 'of ethics. lle gam
several of his 03311 personal experienc-
es during his stay in the town of Nome
ia his efforts to perform his duty EIS
he saw Ie. The Dr. had along and ex-
- Whited a miniature dog; sleigh, or
'parka, a belutifully ornamented pair
of seal skin gloves and several pieces
of Alaska gold. Ite also had along a
collection of pliotographs showing the
nature of life in that north lancl. Al-
together it ware a delightful evening
and was much appreciated by
the members of the elite and the fri-
ends ivlio had 1)es11 favored with an
Invitation. After the tuldrees retresn-
ments were served and a pleasant, half
hour spent in social chat.
PASSING OF 151511. 11. efORSLEY,
Mrs. Rithard llorsley ol Ilensell
passed away in Clinton on Friday
last after an illness extendlue; over
a Miele of' years. The deceased lady
WAS a native et L'Iluten, being a
daughter of Mr. and Mee, (leap
Warder, and had spent nearly all
her life here, the family having mov-
ed to heneall about four years ago.
It will be thirty years on, New.
year's Day since she was married
to Mr. Horsley, who with their
three sons and two daughters m-
elte her. 'rho, family ate : Thomas
and Charles of Prince Albert, Sask.,
and Ruby, George and Nellie at
She is also survived by her • agel
Parents and six brothers ana two
sisters : Robert Warrener of town,
John of Sarnia, Gone of Wallace -
burg, Richard of Toledo, Ohio, Thom-
as of Goderich, Nathan of , Mansell,
and Mrs, Wm. Allen and Mrs. P.
Valley of Toronto.
The funeral took place from the
Weather residence, Mary street, (111
Monday afternoon, the intenneut tak-
ing- place in Clinton cemetery.. The
services at house and graveside were
conducted by the deceased's pastor,
Rev. Mr. Hicks of the Methodist
ehureh, Monsen, and Rev. 7. 51,
Potts of, town. The pallbearers were
She pix brothers Who teem all home
for the obsequies. Both sisters were
home also, bite 11011 Iwo sons were un-
able to come from 3110 west.
,Much sympathy is felt rot the aged
patents and the bereaved families in
their sorrow.
Christenes 80113'1C08 were, observed
last, Sunday in Willis church in hee-
l/Ss-spirit. The minister, Ilev. Isratik
Harper, was in good form in his ser-
mon on No room, in the Inn." In
the evening Rev. A, E. Armstrong `Of
Toren -to made many friends for Ms
Missionary oaf -Ise as well as foe him-
self by his, frank and earnest' presen-
tation of "Christmas and the Gospel
for the World." The choir rendered
She Christi -0E18 anthems "1381101d, I
bring you good tidings," and. "It
<lame "mon the midnight dear," and
Rev. Mr. Harper sang the baritone
solo "Night'of Nights" (Van de Wat-
r), Both services were Characterized
by the splendid Christmas spirit of
congregational singing.
On Sunday next Rev, Alfre,d Mc-
Farlane, of Bayfield will conduct the
morning senviee and will adileess, the
Sunday scnool in the afternoon. The
minister, Mr. Harper, will preach ie
the evening, the eubject tieing :
"Things thae We have left undone,"
Tuesday evening- was not a very
pleasant one for a ditch:ens' gather -
Mg, hut it would have taken more of
a storm .than even that to keep the
children of the Sunday school away
from the Christmas tree entertain-
ment on that date. The minister pre-
eided and the short prolitain given ler
the younger membees. of the school
was very Well presented, indeed. I3ut
the chief feature was the distribution
of the gifts from the; wonderful tree,
which . was accomplished by , Santa
Claus in hearty fashion, anti a sleepy
tired, hut happy bunch of youngsters
wended their Ivey home.
ONTARIO ST. 015012070.
Sunday next will be observed as
Christmas Sabbath, The pastor will
preach in the meriting on the "God
Man," in 5110 03010115 there will be a
special service of praise,
"Angels fro113 realms of Ginty"
"Glory to God in the highest."
"A song in the night)."
"While AngelS. "vaiehed their floe's,"
The death occurred at idei home of
her son, Mr. ET. 3, Pingel, on Tues-
day of Mrs. Perri -Mt Brown in hoc
sixty-eighth year. The deceased had I
only been a resident of Clinton for
a fey Inonths, coming here from
Blyth, and had been in apbarent good
health until a Few days previous to
her demise, which was the result of
an attack of paralysis.
She is survived by her son, who is
an only child, and from whose resi-
dence, corner of Rattenbury and Ship-
ley streets, the funeral will take
place on Saturday afternoon to Hope
Chapel cemetery, Mullett township.
The service at the house will com-
mence 'at one o'clock.
Acceptances ,have been a:celled by
Kr. Thos. Jacksen, feom .the teachers
on behalf of their schools in the coun-
try and in town to the free entertain-
ment to all' the thildren 01 the, town
heal on Christmas afternoon at four
o'clock. This will bring about the
largest -gathering of children ever held
in Clinton. In addition to the moving
pictures, Jack BawdeniWillis Cooper
Charlie (!ook, Edna MeCaughey, Ruth
Jackson, arid Masters Tom and Billie
Jackson will take' part in the nemical
.prograin. • • .•'
' An entertainment will be provided
for Christman evening by the . small
boYS of town, in the Ailly of a good
Musical' pfogram and moving ,eictiires
all 5011 5110 small price of ten cents. It
will be, a double show commencing at
seven o'clock, and the proceeds will
go to the Paerlote Fund. SOIDO OE
those taking part will be Miss 13,
White, a noted soprano ot 'Windsor,
Mrs. ADM, violinist, of Toronto, Miss
115. Allin of town, contralto, Edgar
East, and others.
The following figures have been fur-
nished The News-liesord by the cour-
tesy of the Wattr works Department
showing the comparative east of pum-
Meg the water during five months eif
1913 by gas prociueer power and for
the correspentling 11118 monthe 01101.1
under Hydro
1July, 1420,810 gals. cosi. 5111.48.
August, 1388,000 gale., cost) $111,27.
Sept,, 11 10,800 gals., cost, $101.5-7.
Oct., 882,900 gale., cost, $100,10,
Nov., 710,100 gale,, eost, $ 98,19,
- ,1115', 150531.1 gals, pumped, eost
August, 1699,630 gala., cost, 566.03.
Sept., 1097,855 galls., cost $59,96.
Oct., 1518.802 gals., eost, $00.48.
Nov. 1678.274 gals, cost, 562.91.
Water pumped during the 018
months of 1013, 551 2,900 gals, Dur-
ing the Corresponding ilve months 01
1914, 8159,911, 2041.011 5a18. less
in 1913 than in. 1914.
Cost of pumping in the five !eoliths
ot 1913, $528.91, during the corres-
ponding five months of 1914, 5318.1.0,
8210.75 less than in .1913. 150 per
cent. less under Hydro then by gas
There passed away at his home 00
Princess street on Friday last one
of the oldeet residents of Olinton (11
the person of Mr. Geerge Potts.
The late Mr. Potts was born near
Belleville seventy -WO years ago fine
came to Clinton' omer fifty years ago
and line besn a resident eser since.
He has been failing in health for
some time past, a yaar or more, but
was confined to his bed but six week
previously; The immediate, CallSO of
death was heart troeble.
He iS survived by his wife and a
family of two sons and theee >laugh -
ten. Fred or Cleveland, Ohio ;
Herbert of G0(1011011, Mrs. Whitely of
Woodsboalc, Mrs. Bruce of Fort Wil-
liam and Miss Millie at home. One"
brother, E, W. Potts, and one sister,
Mrs. W. H. Cluff, both of Detroit, al -
50 SUEViVe, 151'." Potts came over
fro») Detroit some weeks ego to vis-
it his brother ancl Mrs. Chta was
presen) for 1,110 funeral, which took
place oe Sunday afternoon.
The services at house and graveside
were conducted by Rev. Dr. Rutledge,
Pastor of Wesley chued where Mr.
Potts wordipped. The bearers wore:
1VIessre. P. Cantelon, A. and H. . W.
Cook, 13. Cole, D. &nosier and le.
W. Evens. All the members of the
family, wetepresent for the funeral.
A large number of lovely flowers
were sent by sympathizing friends, itt
Sown, also at Toronto and Detroit.
Mts. Potts and family desire to
thank the frie,ncls and neighbora for
their Many, acts, of kindly thoughtful-
ness during their trouble and be-
reavem en t.
People You Know.
Mr, T. Jae:teen, Jr., was in Toronto
the latter and of last week,
Mr. Dean Courtiee, Toronto, is at
the parental homey Mr. and Mrs.
/D. G. Courtieres, for the holidept.
Dr, and Mrs. Fowler , and tattle
daughter of Toronto came tip yes.
terday to spend the Obristeriestide
as guests of tho lady's parents,
Mr, and Mrs, J. tssard of hullett,
Friends, a host there are,
wish him Many Happy
Andrew J. Courtiee. '
On Christmas Day Mr. Andrew J,
Courtiee, the genial and obliging mer-
chant and postmaster at tlie. village
of Helmeeville,33113 pasa.anothee mile-
stone on the journey of life. Three
score and six years ago, on his
(either's farm in Pieltering township,
about eigliteen miles thet of Toronto,
Mr. C.ourtice first saw the light of
day. Toronto was the market town
in these days and elle Courtice has %e-
ked' recollections .01 She long elde ieto
tile city' and back, taking ta market
1110grain and produee: To lams then
the down town portion of the Queett
clitItotnvaearaestizan)i,narnacesttihici s
sptreemektss 001f
Pickering and Ter -onto_ ast"hotee" and,
likes to go down for a vieit to the
old friends and old scenes.
Something over thirty years ago
Courtiee, came up to Huron with
Itis wife tine young family, settling cm
the Dempsey farm neer lIolmesville,
and there they resided until thirteen
years thso when they moved into tlie
village cvlieto he has since eencluettel
a general store, in fuleiteon to this
he is postinaslee, express agent end
(3,T,1t, ticket agent, 1 Tot Ines villa is
not a very large town bet it is won-
derful bow much work all these of-
fices carry with them when the dut-
ies pertaining thereto arc, performed
c:redarft:1y, as is the ease with cm -T-
illing going through 111r. Cournee's
Mr. Courtiee le a Methodist In re-
ligion and has always taken an active
interest in the work of the holiness
scilhloaehurell, for twentenfive years be-
g of the Sunday
In regard to po/itles, it is to be
feared that Mr. Couridee has been vole .
111g "agin tise Government" during the
past few years. But nobody holds
this against him, not even a Tory,
he's such a good all around eitieen,
otherwise and a. man Mt scarcely be
expected to chane his polities after
he's sixty.
fleeing trained and edueated their
really of eons and daughters 13110
are all today occupying ' places of hon-
our end usefulness in the world, one
daughter only being left 50 them and
ithe juati now visiting in the West, ItIr.
and Mrs, Courliee are living comfor-
tably and quietly et their home in
the tidy and pleasant village of Mot-
niesville, esteemed and tespeeted
all who know therm '
This old world ie the better and
richer for end lives and The N,ews-
Record heartily congrabulatts Mr.
Courtice, wishes him many another
happy Christmas Da.y and he and his
good 'wife many more • hapPy Years
Rev. R. J. and Mrs. McCormick
and Master Harry ttre with friends
55 Sweaburg for Alto Christmas fes-
1Vliss Mandena Holland of die Medi
of W. H. Chapmen's My goods es-
tablishment, London', is expected
home to 513013(1 .1110 festive holiday.
Mr. J. 13. Lobb of Galt is a Christ-
mas visitor at the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs. George holland.
Over hair' a century in the
Methodist Ministry.
''• seeteei•tietiStSe
Rev. Josias Greene,
1 A Happy Xrnas for all
Our holiday stock is flesh in vziriety and quality and etirest
in prices, •
Our beneitiful display of gifts 111 met ell requirements
from first to last,
Every department is filled with fresh goods:at fah, prams,
One stock anticipates every 33 1U( in.
Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pendants, .Necklaces, Locke t,
Cuff Links, 'Fobs, Chains, Ebony Goods, China, Cut
Glass, Sterling and Plated Silverware, and many ap
propriate gbes not here enumerated
W. Yi• - Yiellitar
/mete! and Optician - - Clinton
Store Open Evenings.
The Royal Bank
Ineorpoented 1800.
Capital Andorized $25,000,000
Capital Pai441111 11,580,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits .1i15003000
Taai Assets . , , .185,000,000
3S0 Branches. With world wide connection. .Interesb allowed -
on Saviugs Deposits. General Banking business transeeted.
- R,.E. MANNING,' Manager - Clinton. Branch
11) e Molsons , ank
Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870
Capital and Reserve .: $8,800,000
TrtAvEELERs OnEOUES - - - - - IeSUED.
At all branches. Interests allowed at highest =rent rate.
C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
't f.msykit
cc OnosmED
L ourrktuvoi
lip' *1 Iii
Put to
and nine times
to wear,"
easu and
wiii be
Lo 24.00
Lo $7.50
latest styles
to $1.60
to 51.25
useful gift
to 510.00
of patterns -.
to $3.50
to .50
A Man's Christmas Gift
Be Most AppreciatedWhen
is Something he Can
Evergdag Use.
Ask him what he wants for ChritIttnas
out of ten he will answer "something
This list will make choosing
gou can be sure your gift
especiallg appreciated.
that are different
.25 to $11.20
kir ink bOdkorohlers
.50 to *2.50
in fancy boxes
25 to 51.50 per box.
Fine Hosiery
cashmere, lisle or silk
25 to .7 S
Dress Shirts
liamisorne new designs
.75 to 22.50
, plain or self-oPeners
$1.00 to $5.00 ,
Night Robes
.50 to 51.25
Arm Hands and Garters
in fancy wood boxes
.25 to .50
make adoptable
• Sweater
' all color
in all the
plain or button
a very
big range
in fancy
We Suggest an Early' Selection.
re i esse
THE millitoti CLOTHING CO. i
Motto : "A Square Deal for Every Man."
Wheat $1,05,
Oats 45e to 16e.
Barley, 55e to 60e.
Butter 21:0 to 22c.
Eggs 29e to 30e.
Iiive Hogs $7.00.
The officers of Court Prosperity
A.O.P. for the ensuing terra are as
follows :
Chief Ranger, Fred Slomen.
Past Chief, Theo. Prerann.
Sub. Cihief, Alex. Simian.
Treastirer, .Jolin Derry.
Secretary, A. F. Cudmore.
Sr. Woodward, J. Stoma'',
.Ir. Woodward, W. Appleby.
Sr. Beadle, W. McIntyre,
Jr. Beadle), W. Stoman Jr.
Trustees, W. Brown, J. Appleby,
T. Preinlin.
The Sunday school' held thee an-
nual Christmas tree entertainment on
Monday evening in the school room.
This was children's night. The little
ones took part irethe drills, dealogues
sblos, choruses and recitations, ac-
quitting. 'themselves very creditably.
The rector, Rev. J. C. Potts, ()min-
ed the chair and there was a good
turnout of the parents and friends,
A -t the conclusion of the program
the glees from the tree were distribu-
ted, Old Sants Claus • sparing time
from his busy season for this purpose,
and each of the children was remem-
bered. By the kindness of Mr, W.
Jackson each one received a bag of
candy. All preeent thoroughly enjoy-
ed , the.. evening. •
The conimeneement excereises in
connection with the Collegiate Insti-
'tute were held in the town hall on
Thursday evening last when a 331005
interesting program was gone through.
The program was given almoet al-
together by the pupils and was well
presented. Among those taking part
were : Mr. (1. Whitmore, piano solo ;
Miss G. Keller, reading ; andAries
Marion Gibbings, Mr. Free Thuitipten
Miss K. 13. Reid, who veh rendered a
solo very acceptably, A couple 01
drills by the C. 1. girls and a tab -
eau, "Britain, her Colonies and Al-
ies" were also much appreciated.
The boys of the 1st, 2nd and .3rd
orins had a military contest, the
tratheona competition, Dr. Shaw
iul Mr. tl. le. Dowding being, judges.
'he 2nd form was awarded 155 prise
,nd the 1st form, Intl, ,
The orchestra rendered several ste-
e51008 and Mr. Forrester, shairmee of
he 0. I. Board, gave a brief address.
Principal Treleaven oceupied the
hair and presented the diplomas and
rizes to the winners, As was (Weld -
d several months ego, no prizes were
mrphased this year, the money 5(811 -
lily thus expended being donated to
lie Patriotic Fund, the winners being
ontent to hold the honour, which in
his case can hardly he deseribed as
CII empty one. This action of the
ollegiate students is a worthy one
nd deserves commendation.
The prize winners in the several
mine were . as follows : 1st, Miss 11.
°Gowan ; 2nd, Miss KatellaGregor;
rd, Miss.M. McGowan ; 4th, Part 1,
. Beacom ; Peet 11, j. Watt.
Mr. C. Kaiser woii the senior athle-
te championship for boys, le. Law-
enee, the junior. Miss G. Wallis, sen-
or athletic championship for girls,
iss 15, Dotyzer, the junkie,
Rev. De. Rutledge occupied his owe
ulpit on Sunday • morning, preach -
0 special Christinaa sermon. ,
In the afternoon an open session or
he Sunday school Was held when the
rimary arid other classes took part
the program which was well-ren-
med. A most interesting feature of
he afternoon was an address by Dr.
loam, who spoke on conditions and
Istoms in Alasella, where he bee
eth living for several years past.
Voryboay, even the little ones, lisb-
ned with eager attention to what
his visitor had to 'Say of tlfe far
orth. As is the USUat COStOM • on
hristmae Sunday, the - special 'offers
g for She Children's hoeSital; Tor-
ito, was taken' mid the amount, fit -
dollars, forwarded Monday., The .1
.1',VV. class, an organized class of
oys, assieted handsomely by giving
n dollars of thie amount.,
In the evening Rev. W. H. Cole,
-President of a lelichigan, Oonfee-
ce, .who is visiting in the, neighbor.
ott, preached from the words:
For now me WO 00 011.11then of
od, but 61 (10411 not -yet appear. what
0 shall be, delivering an eleven()
Id practical sermon which was list-
ed to ,with rept) attention..
The chair antlered 'specie'. Christ: -
as music, singing two anthems at
e morning mid three at the even.
g service.
'('he Meisel) was handsomely deior-
ed with fer:
aant, cedar, memson
scus and flowering plants and bulbs
d presented a very attractive: aP-
ara,nee, a Merry Cluestmas banner
orning the arch behind the pulpit,
The „junior League held their
irisenes entertainnient on Monday
ening, the young people giving the
ogram. There were a couple of
ry pretty drills, 'a flag drill by
10 older gists, and a bell drill by
e younger ones, also music, read-
gs, recitation, dialogues, etc„ the
esident, Maseer Ilarold Manning,
tee chair. After the program
nta Claus., a very funny old Santa
was, too, distributed the gifts
ni the -well-laden tree and e:ery-
dy was, made happy.
It is being suggested Wit Major
Ranee, be asked to repeat, his addsess
on "Duty," which was given at the
Patriotic gathering in connection With
the Ontario street, Sunday school on
Sunday afternoon last, in the town
hall and the public be invited stet hem
it. Major Ranee is a pleasing speak-
er and his address was of so excellent
O nature. that is is a pity a larger
number of people should not haves the
privilege of listening to it.
Mr. Arthur Allis Toronto, a son
of ReV. S. J. and Mrs, Allin, was
taken suddenly ill on Saturday last
and being removed to. the hospital,
was opeeated on for appen,diettis on
Monday. Ast last reports het was do-
ing well and it is hoped his recovery
will be rapid, but his plan of spend-
ing the Christmastide with- his par-
ents here has been rather rudely in-
terfered with and the family gather-
ing tomorrow will be so much the
It was decided that the Sunday
school of Ontario street church should
give the collection for one Sunday
during December to the Belgium Re-
lief Fund so on Sunday last a spec-
ial open session was held when in-
stead of the regular lesson a pro-
gram of patriotic musks, speeches,
eta. was givete. A quartette from the
Young .Men'. % Claes rendered an ap-
propriate selection, "Touting on the
Old Camp Ground ;" Mr. C. D. Dow-
ding gaVe an. excellent/ solo; Major
Shaw contributed an interesting and
instructive talk on the work of the
Medical Corps on the battle field and
Major Ranee also spoke,. Other reci-
tations followed and an orchestra
reralered several selections. There
was a good turnout, the meeting be-
ing held in She body of the - church.
The offering amounted to forty dol-
A. quiet wedding was solemnized at
the home te Mr. David Nichol . of
elyith 'at high noon on Wednesday of
last week when their daughter, Flor-
ence Myrtle, was vatted in marriage
to Mr. John Carte, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Carte, Sr., of the
2nd eon. of Mullett.
The bride was very becomingly at-
tired in a handsome gown of while
messeline silk arid carried a bottuet
of white eatnations and ferns. Miss
Gladys Cartee, sister of the groom,
wild acted as bridesmaid, wore a
pretty frock of pale blue crepe -de -
dente, Mr. Harvey 1313115 Wan best
The ceremony was perfornied by
Rev. W. D. Turner and wao witness-
ed only by immediate relatives, Mrs.
Turner played thet wedding alusie,
After the ceremony a dainty lun-
cheon was served and a coup1e. et
hours spent la social ehat before the
bridal Party drove to the home of
the grooM's. Parents, where a large
reception was held id the evening.
Over two hundred guests were in-
vited to meet the newly -wedded pair
and the evening was gaily spent in
music and dancing and the enjoyment
of the refreshments provided by Mrs.
Carter's best, skill. The merrimeat
was kept up r to, a .late, or rather an
early, hour, all thoroughly enjoying
. 52r, and Mrs. Carter, Jr., have
now taken up their residence on their
own farm on the leth oon, west of
Constance and have the very best
wishes of a large circle of Mende for
a,long and happy married lite,
A very enjoyable Christmas Tree
entertainment was held in the sehool
room of St. Jewell's church on Mon-
day evening. The Dramatic Society
of the church was in charge of the
program which was given by the
children, who were trained by Miss
Kinrae Enid Mr. P. McCaughey. The
little ones clid themselves and their
coachers credit and aquitted them-
selves well, in song and drill and
reeftaliiee, •
After the 'program the tree, . which
was, of course, the centre of attrac-
tion for the younger portion of the
company, was stripped of its fruite,
each one receiving a gift be,sides can-
dy, etc., and it was a happy little
company who wended their way
homeward at the close df the enter-
There was a good turnout of the
parent's and friends and all enjoyed
the evening. Those having the affair
in hand are deserving of praiea for
bringing it to such a suecesetul eon-
clusioe, Mr, Chas. Shanahan presid-
ed, The program was as follows :
Opening chorus : "Men oi the
North," Town 'children..
Reacting, Bernard Tighe,
Dialogue, Alicia, Kane, Susan,
apli and Louis Howard.
Recitation, Leo Reynolds.
Stocking Drill.
Recitation, Elmer Le Beau,
Song, Della Brennan.
Recitation, Arthur Le Beau.
Cooks' drill,
A country store of all sorts.
Reading, Helen Carbert,
Parasol drill.
Reading, Mary 5', Flynn.
Lullaby, Josephine Brennan.
Reading, Clara Carbon.
Tipperary chorus.
Reading, Joseph Carbert and Ber-
ard Tighe.
Dialogoe, Separate sohool.
Song, "Mureah for ,good old Santa
The December meesieg of - the
Women's Institute Will be held at
the home of km. '(Dr,) Fowles' on
Tuesday afternoon of next weak. A
ten cent tea will be served and a good
program given. An ladies cordiallY
We tboroughly enjoy reacting Thc
News -Record, including the Old -
Timers' Ooluinte Both:my wife and I
spent several years as sleulente a
the 0. C. L and- consequently many
whose names appear in your paper
ere personally known to us,"-Rebh,
P. Stelek, Edmonton, Alberta.
',I sure, wouldn't like to do without
'elle Nevis -Record which keeps me so
well posted in. the heppenings of the
old home dietriee."-Louis L. Ktng,
,Moosejaws. Sask. '
Dr. Sloan, who is a guest at the
home of his brother-in-law, Mr. Wes-
ley Walker of town, gave a most
teresting address before the Clinton
Club on Friday evening last, his sub-
ject being "Alaska." Dr. Sloan tent-
ed, not from hearsay or from what
can be learned from books or maga-
zines, buff from actual experience he
having resided there for several years
and it could easily be seen 'that he
is a shrewd observer of men and al -
fare. He spoke in conversational eityle
and gave his hearers a very clear idea
of the vast extent of that .territory
and its great natural wealth, especi-
ally in gold and coal. He spoke
strongly .01 the stamina of the men
hi those far, northern perte, ,of their
total absence of fear, tliefi: ludepen-
donee' and- resourceful nets and . their
ken' seme of honour, acceding to
their OWn code 'of ethics. lle gam
several of his 03311 personal experienc-
es during his stay in the town of Nome
ia his efforts to perform his duty EIS
he saw Ie. The Dr. had along and ex-
- Whited a miniature dog; sleigh, or
'parka, a belutifully ornamented pair
of seal skin gloves and several pieces
of Alaska gold. Ite also had along a
collection of pliotographs showing the
nature of life in that north lancl. Al-
together it ware a delightful evening
and was much appreciated by
the members of the elite and the fri-
ends ivlio had 1)es11 favored with an
Invitation. After the tuldrees retresn-
ments were served and a pleasant, half
hour spent in social chat.
PASSING OF 151511. 11. efORSLEY,
Mrs. Rithard llorsley ol Ilensell
passed away in Clinton on Friday
last after an illness extendlue; over
a Miele of' years. The deceased lady
WAS a native et L'Iluten, being a
daughter of Mr. and Mee, (leap
Warder, and had spent nearly all
her life here, the family having mov-
ed to heneall about four years ago.
It will be thirty years on, New.
year's Day since she was married
to Mr. Horsley, who with their
three sons and two daughters m-
elte her. 'rho, family ate : Thomas
and Charles of Prince Albert, Sask.,
and Ruby, George and Nellie at
She is also survived by her • agel
Parents and six brothers ana two
sisters : Robert Warrener of town,
John of Sarnia, Gone of Wallace -
burg, Richard of Toledo, Ohio, Thom-
as of Goderich, Nathan of , Mansell,
and Mrs, Wm. Allen and Mrs. P.
Valley of Toronto.
The funeral took place from the
Weather residence, Mary street, (111
Monday afternoon, the intenneut tak-
ing- place in Clinton cemetery.. The
services at house and graveside were
conducted by the deceased's pastor,
Rev. Mr. Hicks of the Methodist
ehureh, Monsen, and Rev. 7. 51,
Potts of, town. The pallbearers were
She pix brothers Who teem all home
for the obsequies. Both sisters were
home also, bite 11011 Iwo sons were un-
able to come from 3110 west.
,Much sympathy is felt rot the aged
patents and the bereaved families in
their sorrow.
Christenes 80113'1C08 were, observed
last, Sunday in Willis church in hee-
l/Ss-spirit. The minister, Ilev. Isratik
Harper, was in good form in his ser-
mon on No room, in the Inn." In
the evening Rev. A, E. Armstrong `Of
Toren -to made many friends for Ms
Missionary oaf -Ise as well as foe him-
self by his, frank and earnest' presen-
tation of "Christmas and the Gospel
for the World." The choir rendered
She Christi -0E18 anthems "1381101d, I
bring you good tidings," and. "It
<lame "mon the midnight dear," and
Rev. Mr. Harper sang the baritone
solo "Night'of Nights" (Van de Wat-
r), Both services were Characterized
by the splendid Christmas spirit of
congregational singing.
On Sunday next Rev, Alfre,d Mc-
Farlane, of Bayfield will conduct the
morning senviee and will adileess, the
Sunday scnool in the afternoon. The
minister, Mr. Harper, will preach ie
the evening, the eubject tieing :
"Things thae We have left undone,"
Tuesday evening- was not a very
pleasant one for a ditch:ens' gather -
Mg, hut it would have taken more of
a storm .than even that to keep the
children of the Sunday school away
from the Christmas tree entertain-
ment on that date. The minister pre-
eided and the short prolitain given ler
the younger membees. of the school
was very Well presented, indeed. I3ut
the chief feature was the distribution
of the gifts from the; wonderful tree,
which . was accomplished by , Santa
Claus in hearty fashion, anti a sleepy
tired, hut happy bunch of youngsters
wended their Ivey home.
ONTARIO ST. 015012070.
Sunday next will be observed as
Christmas Sabbath, The pastor will
preach in the meriting on the "God
Man," in 5110 03010115 there will be a
special service of praise,
"Angels fro113 realms of Ginty"
"Glory to God in the highest."
"A song in the night)."
"While AngelS. "vaiehed their floe's,"
The death occurred at idei home of
her son, Mr. ET. 3, Pingel, on Tues-
day of Mrs. Perri -Mt Brown in hoc
sixty-eighth year. The deceased had I
only been a resident of Clinton for
a fey Inonths, coming here from
Blyth, and had been in apbarent good
health until a Few days previous to
her demise, which was the result of
an attack of paralysis.
She is survived by her son, who is
an only child, and from whose resi-
dence, corner of Rattenbury and Ship-
ley streets, the funeral will take
place on Saturday afternoon to Hope
Chapel cemetery, Mullett township.
The service at the house will com-
mence 'at one o'clock.
Acceptances ,have been a:celled by
Kr. Thos. Jacksen, feom .the teachers
on behalf of their schools in the coun-
try and in town to the free entertain-
ment to all' the thildren 01 the, town
heal on Christmas afternoon at four
o'clock. This will bring about the
largest -gathering of children ever held
in Clinton. In addition to the moving
pictures, Jack BawdeniWillis Cooper
Charlie (!ook, Edna MeCaughey, Ruth
Jackson, arid Masters Tom and Billie
Jackson will take' part in the nemical
.prograin. • • .•'
' An entertainment will be provided
for Christman evening by the . small
boYS of town, in the Ailly of a good
Musical' pfogram and moving ,eictiires
all 5011 5110 small price of ten cents. It
will be, a double show commencing at
seven o'clock, and the proceeds will
go to the Paerlote Fund. SOIDO OE
those taking part will be Miss 13,
White, a noted soprano ot 'Windsor,
Mrs. ADM, violinist, of Toronto, Miss
115. Allin of town, contralto, Edgar
East, and others.
The following figures have been fur-
nished The News-liesord by the cour-
tesy of the Wattr works Department
showing the comparative east of pum-
Meg the water during five months eif
1913 by gas prociueer power and for
the correspentling 11118 monthe 01101.1
under Hydro
1July, 1420,810 gals. cosi. 5111.48.
August, 1388,000 gale., cost) $111,27.
Sept,, 11 10,800 gals., cost, $101.5-7.
Oct., 882,900 gale., cost, $100,10,
Nov., 710,100 gale,, eost, $ 98,19,
- ,1115', 150531.1 gals, pumped, eost
August, 1699,630 gala., cost, 566.03.
Sept., 1097,855 galls., cost $59,96.
Oct., 1518.802 gals., eost, $00.48.
Nov. 1678.274 gals, cost, 562.91.
Water pumped during the 018
months of 1013, 551 2,900 gals, Dur-
ing the Corresponding ilve months 01
1914, 8159,911, 2041.011 5a18. less
in 1913 than in. 1914.
Cost of pumping in the five !eoliths
ot 1913, $528.91, during the corres-
ponding five months of 1914, 5318.1.0,
8210.75 less than in .1913. 150 per
cent. less under Hydro then by gas
There passed away at his home 00
Princess street on Friday last one
of the oldeet residents of Olinton (11
the person of Mr. Geerge Potts.
The late Mr. Potts was born near
Belleville seventy -WO years ago fine
came to Clinton' omer fifty years ago
and line besn a resident eser since.
He has been failing in health for
some time past, a yaar or more, but
was confined to his bed but six week
previously; The immediate, CallSO of
death was heart troeble.
He iS survived by his wife and a
family of two sons and theee >laugh -
ten. Fred or Cleveland, Ohio ;
Herbert of G0(1011011, Mrs. Whitely of
Woodsboalc, Mrs. Bruce of Fort Wil-
liam and Miss Millie at home. One"
brother, E, W. Potts, and one sister,
Mrs. W. H. Cluff, both of Detroit, al -
50 SUEViVe, 151'." Potts came over
fro») Detroit some weeks ego to vis-
it his brother ancl Mrs. Chta was
presen) for 1,110 funeral, which took
place oe Sunday afternoon.
The services at house and graveside
were conducted by Rev. Dr. Rutledge,
Pastor of Wesley chued where Mr.
Potts wordipped. The bearers wore:
1VIessre. P. Cantelon, A. and H. . W.
Cook, 13. Cole, D. &nosier and le.
W. Evens. All the members of the
family, wetepresent for the funeral.
A large number of lovely flowers
were sent by sympathizing friends, itt
Sown, also at Toronto and Detroit.
Mts. Potts and family desire to
thank the frie,ncls and neighbora for
their Many, acts, of kindly thoughtful-
ness during their trouble and be-
reavem en t.
People You Know.
Mr, T. Jae:teen, Jr., was in Toronto
the latter and of last week,
Mr. Dean Courtiee, Toronto, is at
the parental homey Mr. and Mrs.
/D. G. Courtieres, for the holidept.
Dr, and Mrs. Fowler , and tattle
daughter of Toronto came tip yes.
terday to spend the Obristeriestide
as guests of tho lady's parents,
Mr, and Mrs, J. tssard of hullett,
Friends, a host there are,
wish him Many Happy
Andrew J. Courtiee. '
On Christmas Day Mr. Andrew J,
Courtiee, the genial and obliging mer-
chant and postmaster at tlie. village
of Helmeeville,33113 pasa.anothee mile-
stone on the journey of life. Three
score and six years ago, on his
(either's farm in Pieltering township,
about eigliteen miles thet of Toronto,
Mr. C.ourtice first saw the light of
day. Toronto was the market town
in these days and elle Courtice has %e-
ked' recollections .01 She long elde ieto
tile city' and back, taking ta market
1110grain and produee: To lams then
the down town portion of the Queett
clitItotnvaearaestizan)i,narnacesttihici s
sptreemektss 001f
Pickering and Ter -onto_ ast"hotee" and,
likes to go down for a vieit to the
old friends and old scenes.
Something over thirty years ago
Courtiee, came up to Huron with
Itis wife tine young family, settling cm
the Dempsey farm neer lIolmesville,
and there they resided until thirteen
years thso when they moved into tlie
village cvlieto he has since eencluettel
a general store, in fuleiteon to this
he is postinaslee, express agent end
(3,T,1t, ticket agent, 1 Tot Ines villa is
not a very large town bet it is won-
derful bow much work all these of-
fices carry with them when the dut-
ies pertaining thereto arc, performed
c:redarft:1y, as is the ease with cm -T-
illing going through 111r. Cournee's
Mr. Courtiee le a Methodist In re-
ligion and has always taken an active
interest in the work of the holiness
scilhloaehurell, for twentenfive years be-
g of the Sunday
In regard to po/itles, it is to be
feared that Mr. Couridee has been vole .
111g "agin tise Government" during the
past few years. But nobody holds
this against him, not even a Tory,
he's such a good all around eitieen,
otherwise and a. man Mt scarcely be
expected to chane his polities after
he's sixty.
fleeing trained and edueated their
really of eons and daughters 13110
are all today occupying ' places of hon-
our end usefulness in the world, one
daughter only being left 50 them and
ithe juati now visiting in the West, ItIr.
and Mrs, Courliee are living comfor-
tably and quietly et their home in
the tidy and pleasant village of Mot-
niesville, esteemed and tespeeted
all who know therm '
This old world ie the better and
richer for end lives and The N,ews-
Record heartily congrabulatts Mr.
Courtice, wishes him many another
happy Christmas Da.y and he and his
good 'wife many more • hapPy Years
Rev. R. J. and Mrs. McCormick
and Master Harry ttre with friends
55 Sweaburg for Alto Christmas fes-
1Vliss Mandena Holland of die Medi
of W. H. Chapmen's My goods es-
tablishment, London', is expected
home to 513013(1 .1110 festive holiday.
Mr. J. 13. Lobb of Galt is a Christ-
mas visitor at the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs. George holland.
Over hair' a century in the
Methodist Ministry.
''• seeteei•tietiStSe
Rev. Josias Greene,