The Clinton News Record, 1914-12-17, Page 7'December 17th, 1i9I4' Clinton News -Record Personals. vare'`.' Matt Fond of Hullett is';' vis iting In'London. Mr. Joint 'Crooke is in town for the, Christmas vacation 'time. Mrs. 1.); Eckniier-has been quit& Kill duriu, rho Past, fortnig ht. Mrs, B, 'Cole }as been with h Toronto o and Hamilton friends' for the past fortnight. Mrs. H. B, >G n• d ave sent 1T Combo an h p, some dais with Dr. and Mr's. Cull Of .Mitchell. Miss'; H. Y. 13e11 of London has been spending a few days during the past week --:as the guest of Misses Ward and Stone. Mrs. D. B. Kennedy leaves on ,Satur• day for Detroit to visit be song Mr. J. B. Kennedy. Miss E. A; Macfarlane is expected homes; tomorrow after a three -mon- ths' sojourn' in, Toronto. 'Captain and Mrs. E. M. McLean went down to St. Thomas on Saturday for the Press Club Minstrel perfor- formance.—London Echo.' • Me, and Mrs. Peter Ker of Viscount, Sask„ are now in this province and, purpose spending several weeks ill visiting their numerous friends. .Or. H. Garrett of Hamilton was the guest of Idr. H.' W. Cook on Mon.- day, on-day, having accompanied there- mains of his child . here for inter- ment. .Mr., .and Mrs. T. C. McKenzie were in Blyth on Thursday last attending the funeral of the latter's father, '. Jas. Nesbitt, a long-time and most esteemed resident of that place, Ur. Jaynes Twitchell has been con- fined to his roost for the past few weeks with a severe attack of scia- tica. He "ie. now somewhat improv - :ed and his friends are hoping he will soon be quite himself again. Mrs. S. J. Armstrong and two child- ren of Ontario, Cal., are. expected .on Monday' and will spend the Christ- 'mas holiday time at the lady's par- ental home, that 01 Mrs. Wm. Coop- er. Mr. J. J. Greene, manager of the Sandford Compaoy, Hamilton, Mr. 11. P1. Greene, and Mrs. Hincks . ofs 'To onto and Miss" Cowie r' ie of Caledon- y ea were the guests of Rev. J. and Miss Greene for a couple of days !last week, 'Mr. Richard Elliott of B'aylleld, on his• native heath, best known"as "Dick the Corker" because of his uv - ler prevailing good humour, was in .Clinton yesterday afternoon, accome parried by Mr. Fred Stanley. They are a pair of heavy. -weights. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hooper went to In- gersoll on Tuesday to be present at the marriage of their nephew, Mr. Fred Hooper, to Miss M. Quinn, the 'happy event taking place yesterday. The newly -married couple will reside on their farm near Ingersoll: Mr. W. H. Murphy of Winnipeg is. 0 home n a visit to his rather, thea his brother, Mr. T T. Murphy of Clin- ton, and friends in Goderich town- ship. It is ten, years since Mr. Mur- phy was home and he sees consider- able change in bolt place and people in that time. Mrs. le. R. Turner and Miss Mayfrid Allis arrived on Thursday last from Regina, Sask., and will spend the holiday time at the parental home, that of Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Allis. Mr. Turner came east also but re- mained in Toronto for a few (lays before coming to Clinton. Mrs. Alfred 1D'Thnerton and Mrs. Richard Tlnnncrton of Kincardine were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ens eeion last week while on their way home from a visit to themilitary camp, London, where Captain Richard Enanerton is in training for the Second Contingent. Mr. Ray Cantelon, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon, who has been teaching and attending University in the west, is expected home for the holiday season. As he has to write on an exam. at Saskatoon on the twenty-second he cannot get here until the twenty-sixth, the day after Christmas, but he will probably be able to remain for a few weeks, . :Mr. and Mrs. A. Case and their son, Mr. Fred Case, left last week for their home at Rose, N.Y., after; spending several months in town in connection with the evaporator. Mr. Case and fainily have many friends in Clinton Who look forward to-having-them here for a few months each autumn.. Theyi are al- ways welcome and their departure is regretted. 'Major John Shaw of. the Murray - Kay Co., Toronto, and Mr. Fred. Cragg also of the Queen City paid a flying visit to Clinton on. Friday last, their object hong to visit the Jackson Manufacturing esta,lish- most and sce;the Jackson Bros. This was their first visit to Clinton and they were both very much struck with the neat, thrifty and business- like aspect of Huron's Hub. Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs. Attridge loft Thursday morning last for their homes at Farewell and Brown City, Mich., after a six -weeks': visit with Mrs. Wnt. Cantelon, wha is a sister of the former and an aunt of the latter. There were passengers on the train which, was derailed near Sarnia throug'l} :an . oneir: switch. Fortunately no great damage was done other than,a few hours' delay. Seaforth Miss Ada Kline of Wingham has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. I3. Broadloot. Mrs. Brine celebrated her eighty - 111th birthday recently when ]les son, Mr. Will Brine, and .grand-dau- 'ghter, Mrs. 13h:chell, came down iron. Brussels to bepresent, Rev. A. W. McIntosh has returned to: .his homes at Saskatoon, Sask. having conte east to -attend 11hti fun- ural of his father. Mrs, W. R. Counter of Clinton was 111 town last week, having cone down to attend the twenty-fifth anniversary :services in connection -with the W,o- •nnan's Aukiliary of St. Thomas' church. She was a' former member of the society;. Mta Ldtne' Cudtnore of Vancouver Is till town on a visit to relatives. • Londeboro. The ladles of Losidosboro and Viola- . of he t to auspices t ify, who under 1 Warren's Lnstitute have been engaged for some time inrmiaking garnientslfor the soldiers, made. tlieie Mat shipment on Thursday of last week. The arts ales wore on exhibition cm Wednesday`: afternoon and evedfng, a great num-' ber taking advantage of the 'opportun- ity of seeing then.. The ladles ,served light refreshments ort this 'occasion, a collection Being taken, and 'thus the sum of thirteen dollars was added to the patriotic fund. The bale con- sisted of the following : ten 'pairs of bed sox ; eighteen flannel shirts, eigh- teen night shirts ; twenty -sit pairs of sox ;, 'fifteen pairs of wristlets ; four scarves ; twenty-two handkerchiefs ;' four, bandages. The, work is being continued and anyone -wishing to' as- sist may get tnaterial,1 after next week, from Mrs.. James Woodman. Hullett Township Thos. McMichael Sr Son repeated their success of former years at the big Winter. Fair at Guelph last week, their Lord Ronald winning first place and Glenrae second in the aged stallion class. International was awarded se- cond in the two-year-old class and in the.threc-year-old fillies Spring Beau- ty won second place, Mr. Robt. Watts of Harloek won first for his colt and second. for his yearling filly in the. the countyi com- petition. Both these colts were the got of Glenrae.- Mr. John McLean of Tuekersmith vas awarded the red ticket for the best three. Durham steers. Report ,of S.S. No. 4, Mullett, pu- pils examined in arithmetic Sr. 3rd,—Cecil Cartwright 100 per - emit., Mary Cartwright 85, George Addison 60, Ralph Joscelyn 45, Viol let Addison 35, Milton Brown 30. Sr. 2nd,—Leslie Knox 90, Lizaic Laurance 80, Olive Joscelyn 69, Geo. Knight 51.. Jr. Ind and pt 2nd.—Edwin Cart- wright 98, Elgin Joscelyn 84.— Rhoda Iekan irc,_ , Auburn The Red Cross Circle recently or- ganized here is hard at work sewing and knitting fon the soldiers at the front. Mrs. J. Taylor recently visited fri- ends in Toronto and Weston. Mr. H. Platzer 7tas purchased the old planning still and intends re- modeling it, Mr. Wn . t Dobie, ob e, Sr., who recently purchased the Young estate, will stove in shortly. Mr. J. C. Clark has purchased Mur- ray Patterson's farm. on the Base Line and will obtain possession os essioit in n March. Mr. Joseph Lawson has moved into his handsome new residence and is most comfortably settled therein. Anniversary services will be held in connection with the Baptist church on . Sunday next when the pastor, Rev. J. K. Fairfuli, will preach at half past two in the afternoon and at seven in the evening. On Monday even- ing an entertainment in the form of a cantata entitled, "The Court of Queen Truth" will be given, thirty charac- ters taking part. There will also be a couple of tableaux. The Stratford Male Quartette will sing alt Sunday and again on Monday evening. Are you a News -Record subscribes: ? Blyth The' ifollowing officers were ' elected in the Blyth Masonic Lodge at the annual 'meeting held last- weak : W. M,,John Grainger ; S.W.,,.Dr, Me - Taggart ; J.W., T. Stewart ; 'Chap- lain, Rev. T. M. Farr ; Treasurer, J. G. Emigh ; Secretary, J. M. H'aniil- ton ; Tyler, Amos - Spuhl; Auditors, J. 13. Tierney, Fred. Johnston. . Mr. F. Moore has returned from a holiday visit with frionds at ; Wier,. ton. Goderich The Knitting' Company have secur- ed an order to turn out a very' large number of socks for the British Government and the staff ' will be kept busy and the, factory rim to its capacity for the next few months,.' The Horne Guard now numbers about one hundred and fifty and Capt. Dunlop has .been appointed In- structor. . Mr. Robt. Korn of Britannia Road left last weele on an extended 'trip to New York and the Maritime Prov- inces. He will probably be abse,,nt until spring, Miss Lizzie Johnston and nephew, Master Teddy, were in Seaforth last week attehding the wedding of the farmer's niece, Miss Mary 1lcliroy. The measles, though still J 3,yalent enough, aro beginning to disappear and it is hoped the town will soon be able to show a clean bill of health. The Goderich I3ockey Club has bean reorganized with the :following offic- ers : President, John Wiggins .; Sec- retary, E. R. Wigle ; Treasurer, W. H. Robertson ; Manager, David Thompson ; Executive., H. Belcher, Dan. Wiggins, E. Doty. Mr. .Jaynes Powder, formerly of Goderich but for some time of London, who is now leaving for his home in Brighton, England, was presented by the choir of Dundas Centre 'h..tliodist church, of which he has been a mem- ber, with a handsome. wrist watch and an address of appreciation. week, On Sunday foo llowingaweek of special paaver, the churches of Goderich held ' a union communion, that is while each service was held in its own church, tate members were impra=sed with the idea that they were in reality communing with those of each of theothercongregations. The pastors were well pleased with the results of the special meetings for prayer. Mr. F. E. Burdette has gone to De- troit and viii engage in business, (firs. Batrdetto and Miss Maxine will follow later. Miss May Stoddart is spending a few weeks with her brother in Roch- ester, N.Y. Mr. James Tutt of Parry Sound visited his sister, Mrs. Ellen Saliows , last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Morton of Wing - ham were here last week calling oa friends. Miss Minnie Johnston of Porter's [Till has been visiting the Misses Knight. lies. 5, J. Whitely and Mrs. Little of Lucknow were guests at the home of airs. Tiel bor» c last -week, Mr, and Mrs. i1. J. A. McEwan and Miss Alma 0 oldthrope attended the funeral of a cousin in Hamilton last weelc. Miss Effie E. Glen, daughter 01 the late Alexander (lien of Colborne town- ship, was married quietly in Goderich last Saturday week to lir, ]liber Clif- ford I-logarth of Guelph, '1'he bride wore her travelling suit of blue and the ceremony was witnessed only by a few intimate friends. Mr. and Mrs.- IIogarth left immediately for their Monte iu Guelph, where Mr. Ilogarth is connected with the O.H.A. Captain A. Riegle is in London as musketry instructor to the troops in training there. Bluth. There are very few of those who carte into the bush of this vicinity 50 or 60 years ago left as they are passing away very fast. Another such Passed away in the person of lir. James Nesbitt, who, waslaid to rest on Saturday. I -Te had reached the age of 85 years and 7 ntoi ths. Ile was a meather of the Presbyterian church and in politics wase Conservative. Rev. W. D. Turner conducted the fu- neral services, which were largely at- tended. Those surviving are his wife and the. following family ; Robert, on the homestead ; Mrs. A, Carr, Blyth; Mrs. T. McKenzie, Jr. Clinton, and Maurice, Detroit, Mich, The late Mr. Nesbitt was 'porn in Ireland and while - quite young emi- grated to Canada, settling in Clarke township, where he remained a short time, after which he carie to Morris township, about 60 years ago, 'settl- ing on the farm which he .left; about s 15 eau ago and with Inc, wife came S to Blyth and built a home • When he came to Morris the township was no- thing but bush, but by hard work he cleared his farm until now it is one of the best in the township. Besides doing his work, in the early days every summer, he would walk to Par- is anti help the farmers there with the harvest and then walk back and finish. the harvest here. - Another sad death took place at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. P. Ut- tley on Thursday, when their young - eat 5011, Howard, passed away at the age of five years. l'Irs. A. Elder had the misfortune to severely sprain her. ankle recently. Mr. Caesar of Matkdale visited his daughter, Mrs. H. A. Thomas, for a few days recently. Miss I-Iattie Speller(' ig - visiting friends in Woodstock. Mr, and. Mrs. P. Hollyman visited the farmer's brother in Luol.now re- cently. • Messrs. Balaton Bros. hare made a purchase of 12,000 sheepskins for use in their tannery. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan left last week for Toronto, where they intend spending a few weeks. Mrs. Geo. Jewitt spent a few days "last week- with Mitchell friends:. Are you a News -Record' subscriber 1 WINGI-TAM. Dr. Tamlyn, who was one of Wing - ham's first donors, is seriously ill, and death may ocean: at any tints: - He is 81 years of age, Ilis'son, Dr. Washington Tamlyn; is int attefdanee. Are you a News -Record T Happenings of Sixteen Years Ago. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. December 15th, 1898. The Modelites had a farewell At - Home in the assembly room of the Collegiate on Friday evening, the term having closed. Ogle Cooper f, Co's Christmas vvin- ciow is a beauty and wins more than a passing glance from passers-by. Mr. W. Jackson is donating a silver medal for•eompetition in the Curling Club and Mr.. -G. D. McTaggart, pres- ident of the club, has donated four old fashioned pewter tankards for the same purpose., Wee MAID WANTED BY SMALL PAM- ily, at once. Good Wages, Enquire at News Record `office. —63. STI1AY STEER;—THERE STRAY - ed from.the, pa•emiees of the under- signed.. at • lost` 21, con, 5, klullett, the latter part of October a black steer, one year old. Any inlorma- ti'on leading to its recovery will be thankfully received, Dominiok Flynn, Phone'' 2 on 165, Clinton, NC'3'ICE-AFTER THE NEW YEAR Miss, Mildred Evans will be prepar- ed to give treatments' by oleo :oly; sis for the removal of auperfluous hair, also electric massage for the cure„ of baldness, falling hair and dandruli'•.—Agent for Mrs. E. Coates 'Coleman's. Ideal preparations as Ideal Flesh Food, Ideal Velvet Cream, Ideal Hair, Tonic, Ideal I -land Lotion, Ideal Acme Cure, etc, NEW CANADIAN , LAUNDRY. — Having rented the premises next Soruton's Meat Mart . I will on December 14th open out an estab- lishment for Laundry, Cleaning, Dying and Pressing, and respect- fully solicit your patronage. Ladies' Work a specialty. Goods called for .and delivered.-LRobt. L. Moore,—G1 Marriages HOGARPalGT;1 N --At Goderich, on December 50., Eber Gifford PI'og- arth, of Guelph, to Effie Elizabeth (laughter of the late Alexander Glen, of Colborne township. Births ' BLAKE—In Ashfeld, on November. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Blake, a daughter. McLEAN—In Blyth, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mc- Lean, o-Lean, a daughter. Deaths GARRETT In HIamilton, on Decem- ber 12th, the infarit daughter : of Dr. and Mrs. IT. Garrett,,:aged 2 weeks. DINNING—In Exeter, on Nay. 28th, Mrs,. Thos. Diluting, in her - 25th year. McRAIO -In McKillop, on Dec. 7th, Mrs, McRae, in her 81st year, A NEW UPRIGHT PiANO" FOR sale cheap. A snap for quick sale. Apply to Box 166, Clinton, Ont. -61. CHOICE' THOROUGHBRED• S. C. W. Leghorn Cockerels for . sale. Call and inspect before - purchasing. -A. E. Hoare. —61 COW FOR SALE.—MILKING NOW, will freshen in March. Also two Wyandotte cockerels Hiram Hill. —61. STRAY STEER. — TPIERIEI IIAS strayed from the presence of the undersigned at, lot 22, Maitland con., Colborne, a yearling steer, in color, roan. Any information lead- ing to its recovery will be thank- fully received.—Robe. S. Blake, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. —61. FOWL WANTED.—HIGHEST MAR- ket price paid fon all kinds' of fowl, taken any day of the week or phone 8 on 166 and wagon will call, 1 cent per pound extra allowed on trade account.—T. E. Mason, Sum- merhill. —50. POTATOES FOR SALE 400 BUSH - els at 40 cents per bushel. Get your winter's supply now. Frank cr W. Andrews, ews, —50. CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr, Grigg's Jewelry Store.—Wm. Jago. —55. B1BLICAL—PROPI-IETIC AND OTPI- ther subjects studied on- Sundays at 3 and 7 p,m, at J. Holmes'. "The Evergreens," ,Huron Road. All in- vited. 11'falacbi 3.17. —54. FOR SALE—A DESIRABLE P130- perty on Frederick street, consisting of dwelling house containing nine roosts and woodshed, all in good re- pair, first class eclat under all. 1-5 - acre of land with stable and driv- ing shed. Possession arranged. For particulars apply on premises or to —Alex. Leitch, Clinton. —56. PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L.G.S.M. Concert Organist, Pianist, Voice Specialist. Teacher of Organ, Pi- ano and Artistic Singing. Visits Clinton Thursdays and Fridays, Re- sidence and studio, 620 Dufferin Ave. London. —49. WANTED. — BRIGHT COLORED Dried Apples, Eggs, Butter, for which we pay highest. prices.-Can- telon Bros. —52.• NEWS -RECORD -NEWS -LEADER. MOO WAIN HIO.�BODIC CREAM •.WANTED. DAIRYMEN having cream to sellwrite; to us for cans. : We supply two calls free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market' prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. . Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and testedgon arrival and statement teturned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr.' Hall who will deliver ib here, Write for cans and give us a trial. —The Seaforth Creamery, Box 480, Seaforth, New Wide Gathered and Circular Skirts Redingotes in Coats and Dresses Tie -On Blouses Volants and Ruffled Skirts These and Many other lovely, u .to.date styles are shown in the STANDARD FASHION BOOK for Winter With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D. FAIR CO. Often th&cheapest—Always the best. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live ieLoya 1.6Noux A Call For Early Shopping. BY MAKING YOUR CHRIST- MAS PURCHASES AS SOON! AS POSSIBLE YOU WILL HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF BETTER SELECTION AND BETTER SERVICE THAN IS POSSIBLE DURING THE PERIOD OF RUSIh New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peels, Dates, Nuts, eta Our new' stock is in and we carry only the very best, For:Christmas ,Presents we have a nice assortment of Fancy China to choose from. For the Kiddies' Christ- mas Stockings WE HAVE CANDIES, NUTS GRAPES, TABLE RAISINS. CALL AND GET A CALENDAR. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. New Lid Eggs all'ted! EGGS TO BE STRICTLY NEW LAID, NOT OVER SEVEN DAYS OL]) AND STAMPED BY.; TI -IE PRODUCER. Get a stamp free from us and get the big price for your eggs. No stale, or packed eggs wanted at any price. Pout try taken every day at top prices. A full supply of [lour and feed always on hand., All kinds of grain wanted at market prices. We have a- limited number of Good Barred Roelc Cockerels which we purpose distributing among our best customers. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins. 1 • ..Prices Siaughter � ....ccs Make quick wilesand manyof them, For thirt days we have filled orders and had orders repeated. Be AlertBeWatchful,The ap- portunity awaits you (0save money, Remember we quote onlya few rT ecials and ask you to compare prices with Simpson's, and Eabonis Toronto. Yoe cannot then, help "being loyal to your own eontnttly;ity. '• ' It , 100 brooms(only two to a customer) each .20 14Ibs Red lath's granulated sugar for, .0)1 path's 1 35 Iles Redpatha"yellow sugar for 1,00 5 l Cartons Redpath'e arena sugar: reg 40c, for ,35 Bent Valencia raisins per ib 10e oe nibs for ..... ,1.00 Best Petals currants per Ib l0c oe 11 lbs for ...,, ...:- 1,00 ' A quantity of 1013 raisins (while they last) per ib, . , . , i ,08 New seeded raisins 2 packets for • .25 New seedless raisins 2 packets for ,25 New dates per lb .08 New, figs per ib .08 New juicy prunes per 11) 15c or '2 for .25 Our Own (mixed tea—only 5Iles toacustomer) per lb,.., .28 Our Own baking powder per Ib 15c or 2 for „- „ .25 MCLarren's jelly powder, all fhiyore, 3 for . .25 3 packets Lux , .`25 8 bottles Worchester sauce .25 3 potties catsup .25 Good red salmon per tin 15e ort ,25 Robertson's Scotch marmalade•very special per jar .20 Libby's choice asparagus tips per tin ,25 Campbell's soup 2 this foe - 25, Loose Macaroni per lb ...: ltl 6 bars Richard's pure or Napthtu soap : . ,. , , , Aunt Jenitna's pancake flour 15c or 2 for I5' Nest India molasses per per the Best Nomino table syrup per tin .25 Fresh B.C. salmon per le ;15 Fresh halibut per lb .15 Fresh Finnan Meddle per lb .12 4 packets challenge corn starch , . ,30 3 bottles essences for .25 Crisco for frying regular 35c for ' 30 3 tins tomatoes for .25 3 tins corn for .25 3 tins peas for .25 Fresh Gorgonzola cheese just arrived. Keep buying to keep the flag flying, W. T. O'Neil SIaVs far Sale ALSO 12 INCH WOOD Stapleton 'Saw Mill. 6 Reels Each Ev'g at The Princess Theatre SIX COMPLETE REELS E\CI EVENING. CHANGE OP PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT. A DELIGHTFUL WAY OF SPEiNDI,NG AN HOUR OR SO, Admission 10c. - Children 5c,; - James Mecld, Prop. ,i Sharpene while youwait BYAM & SUITTER- Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7. Good Butter Makers WILL USE PRINTED WRAP- PERS OBTAINED, FROM TIIE NEWS -RECORD OF- FICE. WE AIM AT QUALITY IN INSTALLING- FURNAC- ES, IN GENERAL PLUMB- ING AND TINSMITHING, THOS. IIAWKINS. Phone 63. PLUMBING AND HEATING. HELLO tir Ilave you ordered your kindling for the winter yet ? Stave edgiegs and ce lar blocks on hand. '+1 we - Malted grain and stockcfbod for horses and cattle always `in stook. Quaker Oats, Cornflakes, Flour, Oat! nd Cora Meal to be had at' the North End Peed Store. A General Delivery Done. Frank W. Evans (Anton. Agent for Heintzman Pianos. TERMS : CASH. :Phone 19a Alb Good Butter Makers will use Printed Wrappers obtained from The News -Record. sir_oomativomlostivmaitoo_virmstmi_lavimeoot IllI.LI 4. Y GIFTS 1 Our stock is very large this year, far too large, so to increase our sales.over past year we have decided to give a cash discount of 20 per Icent. on any article in stock to Jan. 1st. For example, a dollar watch will cost you SOc, a $5,00 watch $4,00, a $40.00 Cloward watch $32.00 and so on through the whole stock. Our goods are marked its plain figures always. ' WHAT TO GIVE 1 FOR MOTHER any silver article for the table is Silk Fob or Chain, Locket or Ring acceptable, Silver Spoons Fountain Pen, New Watch, Silver Knives and Forks Sleeve Links, Seal, Scamf Pin, Silver Thimble, Gold Spectacles Gold Headed Cane or Umbrella, Brooch, Cut Glass, Fancy Clock Society Pin to suit his Lodge. Gold Headed Umbrella. FOR SISTER or SWEETHEART FOR BROTHER OR FRIEND Fob, Chain, Watch Box, Foun,tah;n' Pen, Cuff Links, Scarf Pin, Ring, Locket, Tie Clasp, FOR 'FATHER Bracelet, Hing, Necklet, Pendant, Locket, Brooch, Wrist Watch, Silk Umbrella, Jewel Box, Many other articles too numerous to mention suitable for adults, children or the baby.' JEWELLER J . €IRIGG � TICIAN