The Clinton News Record, 1914-12-17, Page 6NaMmommasommuseensuainiimi
Coderich Township
A quint wedding took place at the
home of M. ant Wire. T. A. ,Strain
of Schumacher, New Ontario; on
Nov. 2,5'th, when their daughter, Miss
'Edna, was united • in matrimony with
Mr. Howard Miller, son of Mr, and
Mrs. George Miller of this 'township.,
The ceremony was performed in the
presence of only immediate' relatives,
the bride wearing her travelling suit
' of blue and a black hat. 'Her sister
acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Roy Idi-
lis as best, Iran. Mr. and Mrs. Miller
have taken up housekeeping in Schu-
macher, Where the groom is manager
of a store, Mr. Miller's old Goderieh
township friends waft good wishes..
Almost as far back ae half a cen-
tury' ap Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fulton
were well-known and,e'stery highly' re-
spected residents of this township,
living on the Bayfield Road ,just north
of Clinton, on that fine Farm now
owned by Mr. Lel3uau. Thirty years
ago they moved to the, State of Michi-
gan where e few years ago Mr. Ful-
ton succumbed to the gr:ilpe reaper and
now his life -partner, too, has joined
the groat majority who have gone on
before. NTrs. Fulton was an aunt of
Mrs. H. J. Gibbs of the 10th con.
The following notice is from the
Daily. Leader of Mt, Clemens, Mich.
"Mrs. Mary Fulton, widow of the
late George Cl. Fulton, passed away at
her late 'home err the River Road,
Thursday everting at nine, 0 010010, ag-
;ed ninety bears.
Mrs. Fulton received a severe- fall'
about six weeks ago from which she
never recovered. She leaves four sons
and one daughter to mourn the loss
of a good mother. •
The children are :, 11; FL Fulton, J.
i+. Fulton and Mrs. John I+'. Burke,
of Chicago, Gedrge L. Fulton' and W,
A. Nuiton. of Mount Clemens. The
funeral will he held from the residence
on Sunday afternoon at 2.00 p,nt. The
services will be conducted by Rev. W.
E. A. Lewis, interment will be in
Clinton Grove cemetery,"
The News -Record.
On Monday night L.O.L. No. 928
elected the following officers for the
ensuing year :
Master, C. Tyner.
Deputy, R. J, Watkins,
Chaplain, L. Johnston.
Ree, -Secretary, O. Rapson,
Fin. -Secretary, S, Lansing.
Treasurer, S. Rapson,
D. of C., and Lee., Jas: Millen. .
Oommittec, C. Deacons, J. Moffat,
J. Watkins, A. McLaughlin,
The ladies held a very successful
patriotic meeting at the home of
Mrs, W. 1:1. Ball on Friday last.
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Tyner and Miss
Tyner visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Nethery on Thursday last.
Mrs. H, Brturdson spent a fnw days
under the parental roof.
Miss M. Mair, who has been attend-
ing 0.13.0,, is home on the sick
Are you a. News -Record subscriber
Although enough snow has fallen to
make good sleighing -the high winds
prevailhig have drifted it so badly in
places that the roads 800 in had shape
for either wheels or ruiners, 1-Iowev-
er, it looks as if it might be a white
Christmas instead of a green one.
On Tuesday everting, last thee mem-
vers of the Methodist choir and Lea-
gue visited the hone •of Mr. and Mrs.
d+'red Potter and all report a very
pleasant evening. A good sleigh load
went from Ilohnesville and vreinity.^.
I The pastor, Rev'. R. J. McCormick,
of the Methodist church preached on
Sunday last, both sermons being
practical and helpful. In 010 evening
the discourse was eipeciallyt suited to
the young people the subject being,
"Loyalty—Tee Country, Community,
Parents,' e'fiiireh and God,":
Tlie last meeting of the township
council was held in the klolmesvillo
hall on Tuesday when a large, number
were present, paying taxes and re,
ceiving accounts forwork, gravel, etc
for the past year, .
Wo have heard it suggested that
the council be returned this year by
acclamation, the amount of election
expenses being donated to the 13e1-
gium Relief Fund. Such action would
meet with the -hearty approval: of the
ratepayers, it 'is believed, and would
be a worthy one.
On Friday evening last the represen-
tatives and • employes of the Gunn,
Langlois Poultry Dept. held their an-
nual fowl supper at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alf. Jure is. A• large num-
ber were present and a good time is
reported. The operations of the past
season were oontiued cbo the Clinton
branch pretty snuch.
At the last regular mating of
Court Sciwood, No. 87, C.O.F. : The
following officers were elected for
1915 :
Chief Ranger, G. O. Sturdy.
Vice C:hicf, 0, W. Potter.
Fin. ,Secretary, S. T. Walters:.
Rec.—Secrete/134, ll..J. 7 rewartha.
Treasurer, C. W. Williams.
Chaplain, W. Stahh'y.
Sr. Woodward, G., Vanderburg.
Jr. Woodward, W. Johnson.
Sr. Beadle, J, Huller,
Jr. Boaildle, R. McCartney.
Auditors. N. W. Trewartha,' W.
The next meeting of the court Will
be held on the evening of December
Porter's Hill
Mrs. James Elliott has been laid up
with a broken rib. Though painful
and troublesome it is hoped that she
will soon be. quite recovered.
Mrs, James Macdonald returned on
Tuesday after a visit of• some weeks
with Detroit friends. Her brother,
Mr. Peter Macdougall, who accom-
panied her, remained for a longer vis-
Bethel Sunday school will hold their
Christmas tree entertainment 011. Wed-
nesday evening next, when an enjoy-
able time is expected.
To -Wear
Dr v Guo rls
and use
Srou )(ray frrd i» answer here.
You have but to walk through
our store to ren tee the ninny
Opportunities yon have R
making easy year choice for
Christmas Gifts, Our stocks
are larger now than over be.
fore in our hist my, (Qualities if
ere Better and pi ices Its low,
Make this stole 5001buying
Fllrs er
inns s.
The Himont of money involv-
ed is sufficient incentive for
gheeLears 10 selection. Our ad-
vice is to look carefully and
satisfy yourself. Careful in-
spection and 5111nparis0i will
establish beyond a doubt the
worthiness of our styles, We
are showing one of the largest
stocks of high grade furs hi
the county.
Christmas Umbrellas.
li��lC'm�ll'�II SII 1 aay
t i
This Store Open Evenings
Until Christmas.
We have a Iaige range
of pa resole +end 11111 bool.
las for ladies and gentle-
men A large variety of
styles in ladies' parasols
atBLOC/ and 191,50.
A special lot with silk
and wool covers end
fancy handles aL ,$250.
Gent's u'rrubeelles fine
silk atter wool, covers
plain 'handles, strong,
frames at $3, and $3;50,
These popular garments
make arc
t t e
for school aoi girl or lady:',
+ stook rL product of
the hest Uahedfen mills
and we hit 017 SUMO Very..
nobby imported gar
ment6' as WW1, p11eee
range from $2'00, $2,110,
$18.00, $3,50, $1,00, $6,00,
Mr. James Wautsley of Detroit is
home' on a i'siU.
Mrs. Miller of Mt, Clemens, Mich.
is visiting friends fn the village.
Mr, .arid Mrs. Edward Reid' and
son, Master Roland Reid, Tito' have
spent; the past summer at ()wen
Sound! returned to their home in the
village last .week.
i1'Ir, James Wtunsley of the Soo is
the guest of his sister, Mrs, W. J,
Elliott, /
Mw, Robert Penhale returned Inst
week after spending the past tivo
months in the west, ;
St Andrew's ;Sunday school Wil)
hold their annual Ohristnras tree en-
tertainment in the town hall on Wed-
nesday evening next, 'There will be a
'good program of music, . , recitations,
etc., a cantata. by the children entit-
led, '`Down the Chimney with Santa
Claus," and a brief comedy entitled,
"Not a -Man in the House," The clis-
trrbulion of the gifts from 'the tree
will of course be of great interest to
the younger ones and altogether a
good time is expected,
London Road
Mrs. H. Livermore, who bast note
been very well for some time, is not
improving as fast as her friends
would wish.
Miss Elva- Nott has been ill during
the past week.'
The league' niet at the home of Mr.
H. Peacock on Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Challenger is expected hone
from the west to spend the Christ-
mastide with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Win, Hardy.
The League heldtheir annual social
gathering at the flame of Sir. and
Mrs. G. B. "Hanby on Friday evening
last. There was a pleasing program
of musie,,rcadings, etc. and the sup-
per was all that could he desired. A
charge was made this year and the
proceeds over and above the expanses
will be donated to the Patriotic
Fund. There was a good attendance
and a very enjoyable(, evening was
spent, Mr. and Mrs. 'Hanley being Harr
very kindest and most thoughtful of
The many friends of Mrs. Albert
Vodden are sorry to hear that site is
v-•" ill at present, but hope to hear
Miss May Glazier. of Clinton spent
a week as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. •
Tilos. Pollard.
Mrs. Taylor of Hamilton is visiting
her brothers, Messrs. Andrew and
Ben Snell.
The Methodists expect a good time
and a good crowd at the Christmas
`Tree ctnterteinmcnt on Wednesday* of
next 10051'..
Darne Rumour says that one of our
popular young men of the west end
of the township will la' e to himself
a life partner- this week. C ongratula-
lite Foresters intend having thou
annual social evening on Friday of
this week. They always manage to
make such an affair a success and
very enjoyable for their guests.
Anniversary services will he con-
ducted in the Methodist church on
Sunday next by Rev. R. J. 11IcCor-
nricic of Holcnesville, Services at
halt past two in the aitcrnoon and
seven in the evening.
Quite an welsher
of tat cattle from
here obtained honourable mention at
the Toronto fat stock show, NIr.
Wellington (.Elliott exhibited a full
carload of animals. Mr. Peter llie-
Iiensie, A, Elcoat and G. F. Baird,
each had a number,
Rev. Dr. Shearer, of Toronto,
Preached in the Presbyterian church
on Sunday,. Rev. J. Richardson.
preached in the evening.
Rev. hall Woods, who has been laid
up for some time with blood poison-
ing in his thumb, is able to be out
again, •
Good Morning 1 ` How does your
sub to The News -::Record read'1 The
label tells the story. °^
At a meeting of the l'uckersmith
Telephone Association en Saturday
representatives of the different branch-
es adjoining Tucicersmith and a re-.
presa;itative of tale railway commis-
sion, decided that the initiatory sys-
tem should be able to bear the ex-
pense of all the branches, and that.
5 cents Per subscriber would be enoug]1
to pay fromthese subsidiary systems
to collector and secretary -treasurer.
The railway board vviil probably rat-
ify their decision,
The Toronto World of Saturday had
the following in Its write up of the
Fat Stoek Show
Pen of three weihcrs or ewes end-.'
er one year. First owned by J. W.
Elliott, Varna, who owns a lot of
valuable. show stock exhibited in the
show. Hugh McGregor, Br:ucefreld,
has several choice,=we11-br'ecl cattle,
which will he sold in this auction.
This .hail is noted for having choice'
and well finished animate, and they
should bring top market prices 1.
Elcoat of BrueeCeld has erbad very
choice yearling and two-year-old show,
cattle wha 1 c
'will he nsold y
t motion.'
These, e. are bcy tlfrtl cattle •tl
o utd will
command a high price.
Fire. last, Saturday winning. +leiitroy-
td (t house 'owner ly.Jolrh '1', Ourele,
011 'the 13tif euhbesolon of Plast Waw-
/moth, Tho trustily had moved nub
several days provluO5ly into tv house
011 talmtllek fitful, 11111 Ulu buys - have
boort slaying 1'111 blas place lo look al -
tor /Attie, std.. A stave uhutt lig
than] way jlcstiilily Hiles 01arted the
fire. Loss on the betiding is uthotrt
$800, , hut there was riot 11111011 110n,.
tailed in the hoarse.
The Cattle Dealers Say the
Quotations Are Too
The cal tie dealers are in fairly good
Milner these days when the variable
nature of the market is consider-
ed,, but they (10 wa1~, wrathy when
they look et the quotations in soma
of ' the Toronto dailies winch, they
declare, are purposely made higher
than the facts warrant,
Ste. Tiros, Mason spoke to • The
News -Record this morning in refer-
ence to this matter:and he was
plainly quite indignant. "Perlrapt it.
looka all right for Toronto," he
said, "but it makes business., more
difficult for us dealers and it certain-
ly is not fair play;"
"I bought stock on Monday "Stam
'91105. Battles, Godcricil township, for
which 1 paid 9 cents a pound and yes,
terday I sold them in Toronto at 7:}o.
-whereas a Toronto paper quoted the
day's market: at Sec.
"I paid Thos, Cole 80. and sold for
"I pairs Albert Townshend 307.60
for a bullock and sold it on the mar,
ket at a loss of 828."
"I paid Loren Tyndall 041e. and sold
for 5?c."
The deadly sewer on Edward street,
where Cltester Hilllost his life some
weeks ago and where, another: WaS bur-
ied up to the nock, got another. As
a runner was being driven down from
the lop it sprung from its place,
s;trikingLeonarcl Walton, a man work-
Mg in tine bottom of the
setter, on the head, inflicting a- very
dangerous wound, tearing the flesh oil
the bona ant injuring the skull Mel-
ly. 1 -le was at once hurried to Dr.
Ratably's office, where them doctor
dressed the wound, putting in a num-
ber of stitches. Unless some new
complication sets in it is anticipated
that Walton will recover.
Porter's Hill
Mrs, Wm. Sterling leaves this week
fora visit at Port Huron, •
Italy bears up well under the Sus-
pense that Would 1ci11 an Irishman.
The Kaiser is to be operated upon,
We hope the operation is successful
Germany' hasn't pet dwided which
.is her best excuse for invadibg Bel-
Unanimously Elected President of the Civil Service
Association of Ottawa.
ROBERT H. COATS, Editor of the Labour Gazette,
The Civilian, the official organ of
the Civil Servants of Canada, pub-
lished at Ottawa, has the following
complhirentary reference to a native
of Clinton, son of Robert Coats, one
of our; pioneer merchants, and a bro-
ther of ]lir. Wm, Coat's; now of God- :
R. 1I. Coats, editor of the "la-
bour Gazette," wasunanimously
1-ected to succeed Arthur l'are a5 Pre-
sident of the Civil Service. Associa-
tion of Ottawa ab the annual con-
vention on the evening of the 17111.
When the business of elreting elfic-
ars tame before the meeting the name,
of •Mr. Pare, who had most accept-
ably filled the chief office for two
years, was promptly placed in nomi-
nation. The Secretary) then read a
letter from NIr. Parc, in which he
slated that, because of serious illness
in his family, it would be impossible
lips Trim to longer hold the presiden•-
Icy, and he declined re-election should
his name be mentioned in that con-
71r, 'Todd placed in nomination the
name of 7'Ir. Coats, and seconders
sprang up in all parts of the hall.
No ether name was heard, and Mr.
Coats was declared elected with en.
l eusiaslic acclamation.
In accepting o'Gu', the new Presi-
dent recalled tilr.t he had attended the
first meeting of the organization of
the Association, had been elected to
office then and had been in some of-
fice cher since IIe appealed for irear-
tyr and undivided support for the As-
sociation and its officers,"
Christmas FOOT %YEAB.
Now is the time and this is the opportunity for
economical satisfactory Christmas buying that no-
body can afford to .miss, Come to us fur
and you will be pleased and satisfied, Our lines of
Christmas footwear are new and cap -to crate,
Oilers in great variety really desirable and useful presents for people of
all ages and is a most popular stock iu every respect, because of its choice
selection, trustworthy values and fair price)). 11 you are asking where
you can bny the hest and cheapest this season you will get an answer by
took i ng through our greet variety ofOhtestifies footweat, and compare
qualities and prices with others.
We have provided for all requirements and the viyriety in our wide
range of women's, men's, boys' and girls' hockey shoes, felt and leather
house slippers, dress pumps and line fnotwer,,r in all the neve styles and
:1s0 it fell range of clot) tinge aud suitcases make the selection of appro-
priate gifts ei1sy and you can 'went on getting exactly the right thing,
PI1oNE. 71
1 F. A. Edwards, Bayfield.
SANTA CLAUS iso growing more practical
satisfy the eye alone—so common in years gone by—we
now witness the giving of those Arsenul and practical
t116pgs which one would bny for himself and which are
not only ,gratefully received on Christmas Day but are
ty source of much joy for many days to come,
9011, AWN—Ties. Scarfs, Suspenders, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Etc.
1i'O�.t LAJ IES•--1:Inndkerchiefs So to 50c, Rid Gloves,.Silk'Scants,
'tray Cloths. Centro 'Pieces, Doylies, (guest Towels, Waist Ends,
Chinn, ifau0y B"x of Candy and many other useful gifts.
1011 1'1.111) YOUNG FOLIC --Sweaters, Mitts, Scarf's, Ribbons
Handkerchiefs, Candy, Etc.
December I7th, I914:„
The giadest day of all the year. Flake a s
many people happy as you can
this Christmas.
S Santa Claus makes this store his headquarters as
usual and it is no trouble to select ,presents from our
. varied stock,
Many people have decided to give books this
Christmas, why not do it yourself ?
$1.00, $1,25 and $1,-
50 books reduced to 50c,
a splendid list of t h e
most popular books.
Ralph Connor's New
Price $1.25 postpaid.
Fancy volumes of special
gift books in special bind-
ings, very suitable,
Uhil ren's books and
Likes Nice
Our Fancy Boxes of
Note. Paper and
En velopes
make a useful
a pleasing gift. Special
lines at 25c, Others at
35c, 50c, 75c to $1,50,
very choice.
Toyiaiid on 2nd. Floor
Filled up with all kinds of Toys to .please the
kidd ies.
The children must have some toys, if they are to
enjoy Christmas, so come early and pick out what you
Dolls, Games, Drums, Trains, Engines, ,Mech-
anical Toys, Tea Sets, Tools, Etc.
gladdens every ladies' heart, It is a treat to look over
our stock and a pleasure to buy, as the stock is easily
shown and well selected. In chinaware, cut glass and
fan(., goods you'll find our stock solve many a 'prob-
lem as what to buy for Christmas.
We eau assist yoe in selecting your furniture if you are
goingto furnish your home or if you 0n1y want some odd
piecs you will find it to your advantage to • inspect our
stock and see the bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
Our -undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
epect;and we guarantee the best of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director,
Night and`Sunday calls answered at residence
28 ^ t Phone