The Clinton News Record, 1914-12-17, Page 5tor re s ents yoti can ' es 0 or 1ccieil to my, I'd got. it OM nroansod ae 1 1 va...7...0•47,..r,„•eow - im al lei but Me el flit i of you line • . # , • i uerf'iceong, oit her whin, heat eyes. floofti op ,,„ , 'the' geounitl, her btows clitaiwn etra,tiglit. V , , . ,. - 0 etter an is ,........ to . dieletration Cif loam, and lelit twos a4.11.41,e;#3,, ' D The eeMent. women eannot listen Unaltered x . anything MIL cold • 'that my people ore yet•y onxtotis Pleat IlleXliellsive, liteat Dishes: ' a "I elaa we.nted to trill you,", he went on, I The Pen for you dbowld say 'yea.' Beth my father nod • . . mother are very f;,„, ad, -of you -I think yDu Braising is au eitellent way .of Soldiers' know thatound-' be stammered it little cooking rather tough ineatS; as the here fey the firot, tleme--"and-owei:11, them , , Use are the celtatc,s. You 10011't mind inly etY• ,1 Ong, elOW, oefOking softens the ine.ak iner that both You mod I have to think of and' yet SO. the, nourishro, e.nt p,re= axon; they belong to us and we belong to them and -if we were mar -led— lint served in tne gravy. a towi triat Ideal Fowl C. en The one useful dift for Home. Office or School. Ap.• propriete for Men, Women or the Young Folks. Illustrated Folder sent on 'request. $2.50 to $50.00. Avoid Substitutes. In Attractive Xmas Gift Boxes. From the Best Stores Everywhere. E. Waterman Company, Limited, - • Montreal. Foolish Young Mali Or, the Belle of the Season. I dou't lay must etirc:e alien the es'ttatem3 is ter gh thould be cookstl , being eo clotee. I'd. Come and iath you to e , • , amuse or yoU ii.eana a, licorice. It, lar o enou to. hold ioo the fowl. heart and soul, and. if yeu'ill marry me I ietover the bottom vrtli slice.s of fat plc stm pron.a.,,st people, in Engilond: •- marry inc if I -were as poOr es a ciui hapel' this way. Take a easeeeole jetee coulee to :ewe: that 1 ;eve yea with all 111Y g . baeon add thiok elices Of onion crOaa -be the happiest math and my Deo- T.here was, rt. wen firth on ble hand• carrots, and turnip -a, amd,put in the some fate, on mom. look- in hes bright eyes,- and he bad l000dod IA, oeoae, yeey ;fowl. Cover the dish and let it cdok -won, in an outspoken, u1110.015 way, whichthm on top of etove for fif teen min - 'toyer fails' to appeal to O. WOITOL11. IctO .{:elletrriNtled1,1:1. IVILS moved; the Grim nearly small:pod in u be El . p..11 allae,enindctl.at aovileinn:, OZethout s•rim'a: aor bands, nod. hen, one grew motet. Ile ter. sow 10, and tried to tithe her hand, ;MU but e said in 1101 0o50, head vfry t111.0etrheafaigileOlir Or, iOngs,,r, aocording a low TOtell. "1-1, L, , , and size of the fowl. TV.) I rtIU at the honor you. have ,paid, me. [bird. Dish wont to tell you, Lona Edwin,. how proud nt01.11 S WiM be needed for an 0.1.d the bird, Pub the vege- Liae yourself. I aim -not good at• in4ltelii-lanel!'inde'elxp2co 1 7e ,10• b al,aaIabra_a:an , and poor voa timeielrvouetimingeoo:;. 01jeagra:ynarce from the have selaton, told me very wen -and a 41:7a ,. , ! very grateful. I win. I could my 'yea, * S'i'amt-• "Mt, say itl" he implored her, ea,gerly. Kidneys,. which may :be :bought for She shook her head again, and lifting . , , ,,,__ _ _,, _ _:_,„ _ absieist• :yi.doeby.acnad. Lobaidkione; (tat.t,Iiiiiialio,oytetralv.ogiltutety, 320.1e1:e, rtlinV00,1,e,0:.matalacieUaSe aloieeralprsahuldleecTil "T never said, thought. you did," „he eiouS, artimer, luncheon, or !break- "LorkOdevin, I do net 'love you. . °HARPER' XXXIX,-(Continuedi. • leave her own grouncle. Sho grew 11,..am Ida,'s heart sank, and caw seized the first and listless, and LatlY nannartia.le..wm,211 opportunity or gettAng to her own room. she mime to look her on. notiolea noe What hope of forgetfttlness could there change, in her but was too toetiful 0 be for her, What clhanect of happinees, if make allY remark upon, it. Stafford came back to the Villa to 'live, "Wo have massed you eo meth, my 11 the should be in bouely dread of meet. ehe could, affeetionaeely. "Indeed, trig Slim; • 'Die thought haunted her any hueJband 11,11,e. been quite fidgety and etmeak all the ouiet Leiritstmais feetivitiee ierlitable-so unlike hiant-and Ld•win has at the Orange; and She was glad to got 'been worse, if it wore pee.sible. Men are back -to the Hall, and alear from the eyes a great trouble, my dear Ida. Though Which watched her though they watched Mthaps I ought not bo' 005 that of aline. her with friendly and affectionate re. for I count anyeelP lucky in both hitieband goad. and eon. Edwin hats scarcely given ane a In her daily rides she avoided the open- , daY's trouble since he was a child. I ing, on, the lake side from which the Villa really -think, if I were asked what are 'wee wisible; and ale would sometimes the hest gifts bestowed. by the fairy god• make a Song detour rather thiOn go Dear 'Mother, I Should my good digestion tho epot. On one 000:AS1011. 1001011 oetetr.n. and a, 'temper to match,' and aan ouite ing from Bryndermore, inotatd of ereee. proud of Drliwin'e stoeugth and annobil- ing by the ferry she trode round by the illy. Bob even lie has been somewhat of other eerie the take, keepmg vele away a trial for the lest few days; oo, any door from the Yale lest she elhould aneet any- girl, do come over and help me =armee one hamming 'to It. She bed reached the, them." Icle, smiled rather absently, and top of the hoe -below which wound the her la.clyship glided •smoothly from the road loading to the Hall, and after pate. sub:Met. 'Settee we last ieaiir you we have -lug to look at the anagnifieent view, WRO mated at the Villa," elle eaid. "and WO gOing 0000.5A3 oue of the outlying wore fortunate onottg,h to find Mies Fat aide of her estate, when dhe SO15 ladY 0011Or at h01110 sae ie alone there in that aiding through a gate alt the lower end., huge palnee of a rlace, for her father has 'Mut hlood rushed to her face ain't her gone baelc to Loudon; end, though I 1050 heart Soothed to stand still tor a moment, I never vexy token with her. oould for she hanr that it reall Maude Folcence•. , not help pitying her.' then her face goew pale and a wave of I "Why?" asked Ida, not absently [1010. bitterness grew over bet, for she youpg.1 but tit her quiet, reeerved manner. razed the horse on which Maude was atid. 1 "She looks so -well, . actually so -au- nts; it was Stalfoed'a Adonis. Her flret haulm'," renlied Lady Bannerdale. "She, impulse woe to turn aside and leaye the wee in mourning. and her face -the le lied; but hoe stido revolted, and she kept really am extremely beautiful girl-avae their eourse, looking straight before her like mattble, And her reception of me and trying not to see graeOfnil...flgOrn was almost OA 0014. rim afraid that she belOw her, has had armee trouble than we aro aware taight ber, the blood had flown to of, there was meth PreaecniPierl and ite Maudo's tape also, and sae tried to cheek different air about her, IL oecurred to her horee; ibut adonis, at any este rathey ane that she woe frettiog for her absent snore than she tould paoage, was fiance, Mr. Stafford-th, dear inel I shall ore& and too eager 'bo join tete other neirer remember to call him Lord High - horse, and &riled her us) .the held cliffet-and 'I resolved to carefully re. agoinet her will. Oho two met almost Lain from mentioning him; but you face to face. the horses exchanging friend. know low stupid one IS it ouch a, case, ly teighfs, roe a moment, while one could . how one allwas's tans about lameness in count twenty, the two adroit eat and look.' the peceenc• of u. nem with one leg; anti cd at, each other. Half unconsciously, Ida in the midst of it pause in the cetiverea- noticed the'malloe and Lam wenn look of 1 tion, which. by L1110 150.7 '15110 nearly all Ole beautieuil late, the wishful newish. ou my side. I blueted 'Have you twee of dm delicately out ai,p; to. mid. hoard Teem Mr. Stafford Orme lately, Klee eerily Maiudrae facto flushed, her eyes Ealeoner?"I eUnnoso you nicest Lord 'MO, hard end eeorniful, and with soma Ifigheliffe, Lady Biannerdale?' the said, turning her cold, blue egme on any (omelet face. 'He ie In Australia, and le well, I 00 noVilicar very often from him. Re ie leaeling a very buoy life. ,04111 11OS .115110 tiane for iletterevriting, imagitto: Of course, I got myself WV,115 90011 se I eoultd after that, and Inc afraid I lett a. very bad impreesion upon Mies Falconer., Ida said nothing, but leak. forward and stirred the fire, which may tam caused the color ethical glowed tor a moment or two on hor face. "5010 sure / don't knONY why the youna man eamatt have eusheel off to the other en of the world; or why he doesn't rush thing Ihre a tinder she said, iu a metallic tone; "I beg your pardon, but .aro you aware that yeaf .tre treeipaseing?" A mina. would have turned on each pro. vocation4 aind Ida, being no 00.111t, felt that 111E0 MOO MOS OS erhuson as the other glatre. and grew ete,thot of Leftist, ea of face. She set thee elos tightly arid tried to re- main ,e'llenito surely 10 would be better, in every nay !better, to ride on without a wond. But It was more than she could do; and she drew lierseif up and her one Dashed book the challenge, as eihe said in a easy bulb dietinct votoe: "Pardon me, but you ere mietaiken, The bac c again and marry the lady hill land on which I itm aiding belongs ,te heart, who hos enough anoney for both of Maude grow ipale again, and her Ups eet thorn, .and would make on extremely hanch responded, promptly,• "Why, you've only fait dish either grille,c1 to, Stewed. not -each conceited bounder to think To ,sbew the kidneys .scald, skin, ,a,nd only known me such ,a alert time, and nu that you've tallen in love with me tvi• YOUT loVe; 0A1O-I Mink I ellue I do small1.0,r, piece aa rub eeasona cub lia,lves,dtat out the ready. T only weat yon to let ane tit/. and out a,ncl cut and fry gold brown. Drain ma thick .paper and roll in sugar. 1 10 111fitS. Corded ribbon for :ehildren's hair bows we.ais far batter than smooth silk -os' satin. . 'Never buy -very delicate collare if you wish something !that was,h • well and last. • ' A e,heese fondue, with crasty 'rolls, coffee and fruit salad, makes a. perfeep lun,cheon. .Put a,-thinable on the curtain rod When Slipping it ,through the casing .Ehe curtain. Remember that the appearance of the- table linen depe,nds largely on th,e silence cloth. Grimy -feathers can be .given 107 ashakeni ehOl ,w•hieh they ave. Pub a pair of old ,gloyes in the shoe, box to keep the hands Mean whe,n, polishing shoes. Baking soda will ,sweeten vessels, clean brasses and •is good Lor dish washing, When the nails are brittle, apply vaeeline. Or hold them in warm sweet oil every day. When a vegetable has lo-st its .firmise,ss, soak it in very cold water until it is crisp and plunga - If !boiling milk is poueed on the beaten ,eges when making baked custard it will b.ake them filen. Mend the 'boys' trousers on the sewing machine and :the patch will not pull otit as if done by hand. Shoes that are not in use !should not be allow -ed to - get du -sty, as this e.a.te into them and ,spoils the kid. In order to -insure lightness in a cake, it should 'be pat into the oven as soon as the baking powder or other rising medium hats been ad- ded. In very eold weather when there is difficulty in. keeping vvarm in bed where the windows are up, try put- ting a layer of ne.wep,apers hetween the mattress and the sprin,gs Dampen the carpet, a eniall por- tion at a time, with a cloth wrung out in strongly salted water. Then rub dry with a clean duster. This will revive the color -wonderfully. To dry a woolen sweater so it will not lose its proportions, -shape it while it is wet in clear, cold water. Then -cover with towel. A vest should -be hung on a coat hange-r. A few seraps of Eat me.at that have 'bean eaved will brighten up a dying kitchen fire. Then pub on a few Bits of charcoal, and• when this is burning add the hard coal, FAlillES TUE WAD ZONE. PlaSiltie the Par—i; of 'Wounded So1.. diers on Steamers. iso: he said in a modest but nutuly way. ed ilour. Heat a little dripping in evihieh woced nt °ROC have won Ida's heart, -if it had not, been won :thready. "If yen sina casseiole, pub an the kidneys will only give me 50111C 1101/E, Just tell me ithd .frY •them brown.. Take them that I've no,ellance, that you'll let Ule out and keep warm on a plate. lida smiled end little emilc. i0hob .small onion, fry in the eas- "It I said as ninth ne that— Ent 1 , canna. Lord Edwin, you-oyou have told SerOte until brown, add a little flour ..lair-ali, plasm don't try to persuade me!. me. that you love ane, and it would not be ahacl brown. Add a teaspoonful of I Were to let you think that I raigIrt ,some sauce or eatsup. Pour in 'slowly as "Do not say 'no,' broke from lihn, and hutch water as required, stirring to his sace paled under the tan. keep smooth. Return .the kidneys She tented away from hint, her oyes ftel bb , . , „ , of tears -which ehe dared not let h*an see, be hfie pan and simmer sor„about un desperately, "Will you give me a thly, thee "I-1 TUOSI have time," she said, almost hour.... Skim off any _scum tahadt flaalve- diver she uslced, quite humbly. "I want or with sherry. Kidneys a • Iginetzt -11.17.gyfjeu eowntatimgbul_loarttc left over -from .a supper dish are closely lintel the line eif red ialmeet, disap- peared. "Is title not, then, pert of the Villa es- tate?" the aeked. "No; it ie "part a( the Horondale estate," replied Ida. %lather more ge.atilyi for was kt not horrible that, she ehotild be engag- ed in altercation wtth Stafford:a fixture wife? "Then I pre,suarte I have the honor of speaking .to litiete Heron," said Maude, with an indefinable air, combining eto'ntempt and .dellanee which brought tile color to Itla's Dace again. "My name le Ida Heron; yes," She said. "ff.then, it you are making no mistake. 10 ie I Who iaiin trespassing, said Maude, "and it, le I who must apollogizo. Pints, consider I do SO inoet fatly, Miss Heron." "No apology neoeesary," said Ida, still more gently. 'You are culla volcano -te ride over this or any part of Herondrelo, • Monde gave a little scornful eaaaat'' ",Thanks, itt'e very good of your she said, hausibtily, and with that covert of- • fensiveness elf Whith a woman alone ie capable "I do not think I sheet have deeire .to avail myse111 of your kind per. 1111eRi011 the pieblic 'oak and the land beeong,ing to my father's house will, I think, prove quite sufficient for me I em the daughter of Mr. naleoner, of the 'Villa at Brae Wood." Irkt inclined her head slightly by way -of tudraowledgunen,t aod. -adieu, and with cat another word rode on towards the gale tet the bottom of the field which, opened on to tithe reed. Ationie, who had been delighted to nneeit, hie ol.d triend. r,romitetly followed. and ',bough Maude Fail- . toner tried her hardeot ahoulc'hint, rend turn him, Ile, inwardly laughing at her efforta, treitted cheerfully* beside Rupert, .ancl continued their conversation. Maude wee mead iwitet moetification, and, quite unable to leave Ida's hated side, lie raised her whip and. ebruck Adortte acroes the face. The Incase, who had never received such a blow before in lilt; bite, Stopped dead chart, feeling back al- most on his haunches, then roared • streight anti in .meritent of temper tried to throw her off ; indeed, She have fallen. but Ida, always cool at, such imostioniO, eswept sidowaye, caught adonis's buldle and brought him on all fonts. 14am:de wa.s jerked fonweird an tlie horse's neelc in a humiliating Dash ion, but recovering lier seat sat trembling with raseion. 11 5O:13 a'111000$1,131O 110t 'to pity her, and * Ids, in her gentlest and quietest of vetoes, said "I will welt here, will not -go through mho gote until ' your groom comes op Your bores well -be quite quiet, then. I Inlay Venture to ;say eo, I think ,it would knew; 14'11Wit-nt YOU 00e07 410V ru. 'be wise not to etrike him aomes lie lead; nms• m'5 d°41' bey l" few berme, eon eland it; mid "Thank 'you mother," he said, by no one ie highbred and exceptionally, spirt,itt. 'moans 11:1 °,11 1.11,00,111-Y VttY. "MY haP.Pi• ed----" • 11020 Or unhappiness, reste.twith her.' She Wao otooped by Mancle's morn ful When he arrived tit the Hall, Ida ,w.ae laugh . . just going oat for a ride. Site turned "Itealir, I ought to .feel very mach ob. back with hien to therderewing-room, think, heed ito You, Miss Heron!" she oaid; "and rag that he had brought a mbseage from MY sense of obligation 10 ritime,m as groat (hie another, probobly a definite invitation as any amazement at your franknese-and to etay at the Grange, end in her mind aegara.neel May I ask you to be good she bed.,already deelded to deoline A.5 enough to re.lease nry horee'e ireine?" lie heinumed, etand with hie back to e hand ;fen from the reins, and he,r the window the' gravity of his lace it'd Moe VOW' °Minion; hut before elle could not onllghtert her; and With something hay, rebooted, evoe ,,,he boo intended aike 51410.1 She received hitt evor,de: doing so; Mande stnnek the borso again; "Miss Heron, rey mother says that yen l'ett'vg!oirigm<l'atbijiltue b.14:4tallear 050011, 10°01axg100 it -turned and dashed actress the .field, 9 kicking and plunging violently, with Meade swaYing ,perildusly in the Saddle, lot yea go wieboutionvithout speaking to Ida waited unitil the. 700, 0 Ilia,. come, over ahls afternoon tinger-had gained .Ins misturees's side, to tell yoU, SO Welt ee I eon, what have and got hol,d of ,the horstie then, with no on InY mind anti 0117 heert. I'm not 4e15 etome and stately countess, v ti e ray, have you ever seen the preeentlord High. cliffe, any dear?' "Yee, I have seen hini," tide replied in the tone which *loses a eublect of (1011501" 0511001. "Shall I give you scene more tea? No? Would von like to. see how the work. men are getting on? I think they are tworking very quickly. They will wwnt khis part of the house preeently, and I have an. idea. of going away tor a time; Perhaps abroad," she added, thontli ,ho ihad put the idea away from her until thie moment, and -it woe only Lady Beim nordiale's talk of Maude' Falconer which started it again in her mind. ' Lady Bounerdetle looked alarmed. • "Oh, don't do that, 1133, dear!" slip add. "If you are obliged to turn out ,of the house, why not, tame to ne? It Would bo em kind mod sweet of yom" , Ida, sighed ,a little wearily. "Oh, I aon'it; salreee they will insist upon ejecting rne, elle said, 'I think I ono peronutle them tO leave me Ow° or three rooms:" ' Lady Buitn.erdale wenG home and deq1). oed her bombshell in the Preset= of Lord Bannerdsle and Edwin. "Ida rather thinks of going abroad,' ehe said in a caotial way at the dinner. D ont yea see tow terrible it would be it arp sauce and one of tomato to care for YOU, and I did not do so. to tell you ' very ,good hashed and served on Ile flushed tu the mote of hie hair. toast. kr breakfast. They s,hould be "If auything that'ss happened r17 the peet, anyone else -of couese. leviag re -warmed with a brown gravy. you [11 I dO. I have 5E011 that there hag been something on your mind, smile hCkrilled kidneys may be grilled in troutao beyidee your father's death-lutt t eir own fat, ,or they may be scald - If it le fraSt, I don't mind. I knew' I ena ed, skinned, and split .and brushed teach you to forget it, olreitever it is. Ida, trust yourself to me. ' -with oil. They ,should be served on table. Lord Edwin W.RO najSilig hi& 101110 PISS, LO HOG, but arrested It halfovtly and sot it down again; and his handsome race grew lort* end stave, "Give me two doye," the said, with a tt0a caisetv,ilesitalitteele..weil seasoned or with Silo drew away from him. 'catch in her breath. He cought at the hone, small though it Veal and haan pie, a very popu- 447 will gin you two days, twenty 115011 lar and inexpensive English dish is 11113. like,' he said. "Only, while you are made as follows. One pound ve,al thinking IL Orel., remember I love You e vith all MY imart and SOILI, 01101 'MY pea -cutlet, four ounces bacon or ham, lac win love you as a dattghter, that-- tWO hardeboiled ,eggs, pastry, See: Oh, I won't 6ae, oily more: I cadet trust , , myself1 ru go now." so -tied flour and mushrooms. Make When he had gone Ida got -01111heitrUoVoehr! anxtrode to the toe or tile bin. S. eeasoned flour :by mixing oue ta- t -bleepoon flour, one teaspoonful of pulled 510 end deought 'with all her hear and mind. She could not doubt his -lore; ,,,, greoaofig.nirrt tboultiinfeiel„tiliwa.V114,01gdeete,iiii:einn. S..)aeart,, ao.dude,lausiliftltieeagsproaotendfull. tinie,teadh ber to forget. She knew that 1 "Olt! e shale mise heat," remar,ited Lord Bannerclale, laandly, and ErrehihtS looking in Itis son's direction. Not =office word was said; hut the next day Lord Edwin mane into Lady Brunn.erdalets room with that affeetatien of thee and indifference which never yet deceived a mother. 'I'm going to on Mies Heron, mo- ther,' he said. "Any message?" Lady Banneitiale looked et him, her brow wrinloled with motherly anxiety. There was n otthi ug, in, the world ehet de. sired more thnn los 'happiness; and she knew that Vire inerriac,e wita Ida wolliti he Si every wey desirable: the girl was ono in a thousand, thc Bannerehtle estates alnieet joined Ilerondale; tote ehe and her husband wore fond of Ida, Who, they knew, would prove a woethytesuceeesor to the present mietress of the Grange; bac iust bemuse It seemed so desirable and Lord Edwin's heart wos so passionately eel, upon it, the mother was anxious, She saw that he WOO dressed with extreme care, wad that his Mee wars unusually grave. i n cal o'ff e Pa- u was her LIMY te anarrY; his word about, lemon and a pinch of eavenne Cut the meat foto, medium pieces, rub the estates had not teen spoke,n in vain. Yee; if she became Lord Edwin's wife, the would in time forget. But, elite' she oinr talc:lino; wiln..dppetet lb iblaiebamaudehaeroPopmias did not want to forget. Her love for Stafford was still as Strong ae over and wish its bitternees was Ming. and put them in the dish. Pour in 100 enough water to three-quarters fill li€91:fe.etrnlyweltitIrSgreert:reitattiall. was, hew A:tuneful a one, that the should. the dials and cover the top of the dove a, man who was pledged to another dish (Wier with :pie cruet. Make a WOMan, WSIO Iris going to Marry her. , She came hi late for dinner, and could nble .at , entre of the pastry. seareel7 eat. lice reaeon said "yes," ber Pitt it into the oven and 'bake for ought to listen to hor reason and turn a all hour. heart Said "not" and she knew that ow dea.f oar to the still AMMO in hlt• heart, She•paeed up and down the draw rig•room Selected Iteeipes. pale and wan with the fight that was go- . 1110 on within her, Then suddenly she re. Iced Chocolate. - Melt tWO solved that eche wouild•ateept Mao. She squares of chocolate in a double woiod, not keep him 111 suspense; it would not bo fulr-it -would be a cruel requital ‚hoiler of his love and generOmity. luOlter and .add a cupful of ,granulat- "You will give Ida my love, Edwin, please, and toll hos'--' She turned away that he inight 'not soe her anxiety. "'Met -8 all, but it meats a great deal, -RR yon She went to the writring4able, and hur- ea sugar and a cupful of water. Let riedly, as if ahe were amid of hesitating. ., • • . . A° drew a sheet of paper towards her bass mixture cook until it forms a end %Sae: thick Syrup. Remove from the „ne„, taws Edwirt--" She bad got fire, add a teaspoonful of vanilla thus far when Donald and Bess, who bad and set away to hi -11 in a pitcher. been lying beside the lire, throng up and .„„ 00-11 to the door barking loudly. She laid 'W'hen 'ready Do eerve, half -fill ft large mixing glass with chopped ice, down the uen and opened the door me. citaaleaely; the moonlight wae streaming through the window itt the 11011; the dogs add two ta.bles,poonfuls of the choco- bounded to the front door stiu bermes late syrup fill up the glass with vociferously. Still inechanically, she let • , . , them out, end they rughed, rterom the ter. good, sweet srolk, cover with a race and over the lawn to the group ot shaker and shake thoroughly, strain trees beside the footpath. Thinking that . , . taxer heard Jeesie, Whom she bad sent to into glasses and put whipped cream HrYntleranere, Ida, half unlonsoiouslY 011 bop of each. Do not mix more glad of the interruption, fdllowed them - than a large glass of this at a time, eiondy across the hewn. Their barking ceased cueldenlY, and oon• it will make three small glasses. vinced that it 1006 JOSS10. she went on to ., , . , , ,, ,_ add something to her message. Ilhen, 'Phis mettion is nation Inetter enan euddonly, she sew it tall figure standing boiling the chocolate and Milk and In the shadow of tille trees. It, WOO 11 mon„ . . , , . and. Donald end Bees were jumping up tnen chilling, winch usually krms thought; of hnavado but (simply with the, goad al OmPrening InVeglf, wnd h, Jai. desire to got away from the spat, she capped in She present _Instance by'-hY itrkia to Seal ten that T love you. I witha touch 111 Wonder- at her start and 011APTER fins- h of armor's°. "tut I See you have Ida -rode. home ell quivering wi,th the not noticed it. T. love you very much 1./1 - nein of the meeting. Alt iltsb it seemed to deed; and I feel that any only chance oC her that eche must leave Herendala-for a tannin ors dice in any winning you for any time, at any rake; that it would be wife. don't know there's any more to os*Sible for her to run tam eiet of meet, ho sala than that if I wore le talk tor a ing the beautiful woman who had stolen month.- I love you, and have loved You steirord Sreen the; but, as the grew calm ifer .0 long time nest." A Caw av.eeks, a or, her pride came to her aid, and she•eaiet few months are ''ca, long time" to youth that to run away would kio cowardly. Ile IW11011 lE in love! 'The very Ilret day I rcndale was heir home, lied ,been her mew you -but I needn't tell YOU that; only horde long 'inefove the 'Villa, hurl sprains 1 liko you to know Advat it isn't a, sudden ea told dcemt Wootton of the prey- fancy, and one that dhoti get ov.er in a ma, Rupert at the gate and leapt into oho the depth a Tay feding. Or cOttrge I- um • , Ailt you raiit have seen it," Ito said, road, at him with little whines of pleasure. a „demen5. but thiensan raised hie head and saw her, Simple Bevetages.-To serve' be - Smitten by it sudden ,feax, die ot.Opredi rind, with rin exelamation, strode towards tweet]. games',ab a card pa,rty try her. Vor an instant she thought that she , was dreaMing, that her Imagination was men come or cnocoutte. For.. the Playing her false, for it wee Stalforde edffee, make enough of what is form and . f 5<0, They stood and gaged at otiell other. her Morin felt distY, ber pale known as clear black after-dinner knee grew intler; she kneW that she w" coffee to fill at lea7st two wine or trembling, that she maid namely stand; , she began to sway to and f ro She ribet -,glaSSeS for each guest. and cought her In hie tirm,e. Sweeten this while it is hot and set ere se nontinued.) aside to cool. Then pour it into a 717! large 'bottle or piteher and set in a RA.A.A..7:0e4 a":!,*1-7*.•710-77:.a, 7.. ALLOW ME TO PRESENT MY BEST FRIEND OYAL IN BUYING YEAST CAKES BE CAREFUL TO, SPECIFY ROYAL Mg DECLINE SUBSTITUTES. 311 YEAST CAKES wE,7,,:eG.IL.LETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. IfMltElT COMPAV LIMO MONTREAL. A NEW POCKET WIRELESS IT cAmiris allE,SSAGES FROM -STATION- "AO HILES AWAY. • Italian Priest the Inventor - Gov- ernment lashes Over. That wireless messages Can be caught by Means of simple appara- tus attached to the water pipes or to any grounded metal system, and without antennae, is well known. But a young Italian priest is report- ed to have invented a receiver so sniall that it can be carried in the pocket and so sensitive that it will eatch me.ssages sent from a station one thousand miles away. The dis- covery of his discovery esune about in a, strange way. • At the beginning of the war in Europe the Italian Government or- dered that all private antennae for the reception of wireless messages be removed. At Rocca di Mezzo, in the Abruzzi, Prof.. Domenico Ar- gentieri of the Theological Semin- ary ab Aquila had a fine wireless station. He took -down his anten.• nee as socm as he re.ceived the or- der. A few days afterward the po- lice observed that news of -current events was being posted in the pub - lie square. They paid little atten- tion until a large placard announc- ing the death of Rope Pius X. ap- peare,d. T'hi's was ,before the tele- gra,ph brought the n-ews. Pollee Tom or Invention. A brand new kind of pan -handler has been developed by -the Euro- Pean War. He sails the ocean blue. Rioelusters -around the quays of Rotterdam and Southampton, with b.anclages on his the.ati and on his areas and on his legs. He shambles and s -hunts his way into the steer- age of the big liners going to Amer- ica. Aad ,on the way over he tells pitiable stories, of the frightful suf- ferings the war has brought upon him. He is .always a Belgian, for Belgian spells the admirable and heroic now in the publiq mind. He starts the tellingofhis har- rowing tales in the steera,ge and tells them incessantly, so that finally they get to the eara of the steera.ge stewards, then to the ears of the second-class, then to the first- class stew,ard, and presently the affluent passengers of the upper deek know the sto,ries. And these affluent passengers, coming them- setvea from the seeneS of devotee tion, their ivhole trip for days hav- ing been across a tragic panorama, natty be -cle,peaded- upon, with their sympathies thus guiekened, to look up the unfortunate and pour Lavinia ,charity into' th.eir hands. Usually it is quite useleas for ships' doctors and ships' offictes to -tell the passengers that theae "refu- zees" are fakes. Th-ey usually oan, show "wounds." With rich largess .and an incentive 1.711,ey will gash the' heads, faces and bodies, a•nel then are pr,epared to stand up for •an unwrapping of their bandagea. Some, however, have been dete-eted with s,urta.ce sevatchee hogely wad- d,e,c1 with ha:adages. The feature ,of their stor,v theta always calla out the biggest flow of gold is when they say they are com- ing to )em,erice to try .bo 'build new houte,i and aentl for familie,s left hall -starving in their I wreckea na- tive but iliat they -axe without the w-herewithall-the $30 of oath necessary-tfi permit thean to be admitted to the new country. They usually get about five tim,es from the wealthy passengers. On the other hand !bh,ere has been a great deal plinte,c1 regarding the influx of .crooks from the Old World to the New because of the war. Wi.th praetically all EuroPe a roar- ing of war, it has been de - dared, criminals haYe ,de,s,erted the Continent like rate and have come in droves to Auserican ports. ! Well, What She 'Buys Is Recs., Evident. pail or deep kettle, packing ice A weird -looking lady had been ad- almond it. When ready to -serve, dres.aing 'somewhat hoebile meet- pour into glasses three-quarters full ing, and in conclusion said, "Now, and he,ap on top either aweetened do I make myself p,erfactly plain?" and whipped cream or a tablesp'o'on A Voiee from the Back of the of ice cream. Hall -I don't know. Somebody Fruit Punch. -Steep four tea- spoonfuls of good tea (orange Pe- n -lust have done it. koe and En,glish breakfast are said to be best) in a quant of boiling wa- Fo r e sta i ling ter. The water must !be bubbling Barber -Your hair's very thin on when poured over the tea, which is " then set back on the stove to steep the top, sir. Castomer-Ah, l'm glad of that, I not snore than four minutes. Strata hate f at 'h ai r. four cups of sugar. Block sugar "Yes, I often thihk thste women will dissolve without stirring, When are as well qualified for war ac quite cold pour into a punch bowl men, My husband is oppoeed it. with three cups of orange juice anti into e.arthen bewl containing, J3171 I often feel as if I'd like to ta,o e,upt 1„elnon juice both leave home and g,et into the thick strained, and tour -Pint laettles eaen of the figh.6." "But why lealie ginger ale and ,anoni.„,„is wa_ home 7'' ter. A large block of iee ehe oan- ttre of the bowl, decorated with • A certain New England preacher &ices of orange quartered, candied 'delivered the same sermon to his cherries and slivers of Pineapple, is coagregation for three oen,secutive better than °Tacked ice which weak - :Sundays. At last one of his-de,a,cons ens the punch. Adding unfernient- approached him on the subject ,and ed grape juice to ordinary „lemon -- suggested that a new sermon might ade in .the proportion of 44; large be acceptable to,the people. "And gleasfal of the juice to each quart why," replied the minieter, "should of lemonade, makes a delicious "ratty of Mande l'efixionor svottld be Amok, hurry. I don't feel as though "shall oyor, as had as' it a eoldier ,thould dectort his Bat for 1,50 next tow da'4e; she did not got .ovor want to. Eleatic sion't /Meal( tor a me. 1110116: There Wee something else 1 want. 03111,51111. I preach a new sermon. I have eeen drink. no goocl,re-salts :from the old one lloughnuts.-Here is a recipe for yet, one, deliteicy that may be served with the-eoffee. Scald II pint of Jackson and Johnsen are not now milk and while it is still scalding on epeaking te,rms. It a.l1 .arose as hot :pour it over a pint, of flour. the result of an - argument, which re- Beat until smooth and ,then add hall qmred some reen,tal calculation. "1 a teas.poonful of salt, and ooOl. Add 1011 you," said Jackson, "that y,ou the beaten yeileS of four eggs, a are altogether wrong in, yonr con- tableapoontul of melted butter, half clusione," "Pardon me, I am a cupful of sugar, a cupful of'flour, not," replied Johnson. 'Didn't 1 two teaspoonfuls -of 'baking powder, go ;to school, stupid 7" almost roar- a teaspoonful of almond or other ed his olaponent. "Tee,' wtts the flavoring and -the beaten whites of Oalm re,ply, "and you came' back tric light wires it is because I am eure iGwifl not be so easy to um bate um. The new receiver is the essen- tial part of the apparatus, as is prove,d by t.he fact that all effort:4 to receive massages :by attaching ordinary receivers '16 the wires of a telephone or lighting system have failed.'' • The Italian Government have ben- , tatively taken over the Argentiere invention pending thorough tests. When the news was confirmed the Police called on Father Argentieri and said they must search Ms house. He offered no objection and said that aaything they confiscate -d could be recunstructed without difficulty. "In width cm we shall confiscate you," replied the police. Pi!of. Ar- gentieri then told them that he had invented a pocket wireless receiver, The Government sent prof. Tir- ro, an expert, to isivestigate. According to Prof. di Pirro, ' the Argentieri apparatus receives mes- sages from any distanee without antennae, without ground agalee- ton without attaning device, with- out !batteries, without Leyden jars, ,and is so siteple that any one with a slight knowledge of electrical mechanics eould make one for him- self. In practice it is nee:ease-1i merely to attach the receiver to any, exposed part of the telephonic or, lightning System. Whether this be I earrying current or nob, and whea! ther the ourrent be direct or alter, natintg, 'matters not at all, Thinking of it Foe Years. ! When His Bed Walked. An Alaska pioneer was telling how erowded a tertain ship was during the gold rush. „One ,day 'a man came up to 'die captain and said : You will have to give me some place te sleep." "Where have y•ou beer! sleeping?". "Well," the pliss,engei7 repljed, "I have been sleeping on a sick man but he's getting better now, ,an,d he won't stand it." Procrastination is the thief of a good time. First Financier -They tell me Hightlier'e wreaking of th.at bank was grand larceny. Second Ekon"- cier-Grand Ah ;it was magni- ficent ! ni (Ili!! 1 " four eggs. Add more flour if Paces - Alice -Does Maud's new gown fit her fugure 7 MarieT•It fits what she wants pe,ople to think 10 her figure. "Bald hecids remind me of kind words." "Why sol" "They can never dye, you knola," Many a girl who thinks she has a ewanlike neole makes a goose of her- self. A little brief authority or a few dried apples will puff a smill man tap to the limit, Father Argentieri, who is only twenty-seven years old, is an enthu- siastic student of physics, especial- ly of raelio-telegraphy. He says that he had :been thinking out hie appa- ratus for several years, but com- pleted it only three months ago. To a reporter for the Corriere della 'Sera of Milan he said: "Although my anparatus will go! 'in the pocket, it is no toy. Nor is . itts,principle new, for Gusliesno Marconi has told of receiving Ines- , sages without anten-nae, and I know that hundreds of per -sons, especial- ly in Paris, receive comantaications from the Eiffel TOWer by .attaching their apparatus to water -pipes, iron railings, windows, etc. But in Paris they receive from Paris, while I in Aquila receive from Nordeleich, a thousand miles away. , My apparatus is' entirely new, and i lee Ib you would be regarded as wiser all you have to do is hand ,people the advice they want. Hawkins -Why do yots sign your name `john 13. B. 13. Brown 7' " Rrown--Becatese it is my 'name, I wa,s Christened by a minister who sary to wake a soft (Lough. Boil 'stuttered., whm I say that I use t e 10 00 00 10 10 06 00 Better Light anti More of It VEROSENE AA- light is bestfor young eyes and old eyes alike. The lamp gives you kerosene light atits best a steady, generous glow that reaches every cor- 'ner of the room. The RAY0 does not smoke or smell. It is made of solid brass, nickel -plated. It is easy to light, easy to clean, easy to rewick. At dealers everywhere. Made in Canada ROTA...ATE 011. is best for all una THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited Toronto Quebec - Halifax Montreal SI, Jobe Winnioex Vancouver 1 MINIM 1 I I The Profitable Link >f, Between Colthood and Selling Time is SPORN'S LIQUID, O DISTEMPER COMPOUND. It carries eolto through the • critical years of danger from Distemper in its various forrali, so it auto 06 a elire preventi-ve, no matter how "exposed. • A. OW very email doses prevent the disease in caeo of in. O tte Lion. ALI. DRUGGISTS. SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goshen, ind., U.S.A. Extra Granuiakld S nar is put up at the Refinery in When you buy Extra Granulated Sugar in any of these original packages you and are sure of getting the genuine AcLeg , Canada's finest Cloth Bags, sugar, pure and clean as when 10 Pound, 20 Pound, 50 Pound 100 Pound and in it left the Refinery. 2 Pound . and 5 Pound It's worth while to insist on Sealed. Cartons the Original Packages. 80 CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., umrrEb, . MONTREAL: