The Clinton News Record, 1914-12-17, Page 4yrs
lm Clinton News -Record'
December 17th, 1914
" R. H," Cordiallg
Agrees with the N.mR.
To the Editor' ofAim "News -Record :
Dear Sir, -Will you ` let nie add, a
fewgYour ords to eulogy of Mr.''
w Y
Jaujes Campbell Township Clerk and
Treasurer of Hullett. As while un-
•• dor the management of my father and
Myself, the' New Era did, the printing
or Ijullotb township for about forty
years, without intermission, I am in
a position to speak ,with • personal
knowledge •both:.of Mr. Campbell, and
his predecessor, Mr, :James .:3 aitl
waite. Hallett has been exceptional-
ly .fortunate in h$vult these two able
men:. in charge of its fuunicipal';atYairs
for such a long' time and •Troth, by
their etileiency aid knowledge MI mun-
icipal law, haver tit "various ways sav-
ed the township teonaiderabM money,
Mr. Campbell's "copy" was,aiways
a marvel of neatness and accuracy,
whether it was ;copy' of a detailed
financial statement, , the annual vet
ers' list, or a minor report, and I
understand that the books of the
municipality 'show the same care. He
was always courtesy porsontned, for
1 do not remember that we ever had
a disagreement. A good township,
clerk is of inestimable value, and it
af"tords me considerable pleasure to
add my testimony to you own in
this instance
Should Mr. Oa,mpbell,retire from
office, as suggested, he will carry
with him, 1 am sure, the esteem, re-
spect and good -will of the entire
township. • '
Truly Tours,
'Toronto, Dec. 3th,
Mr. H. C. Sootheran, accountant in
the local branch of the Bank of Mon-
treal, has gone to London to take a
course of military training its order
to qualify him as an officer,
Mrs. Pinkney of Seaforth was a
guest for a few days last week at
the home of her'brother, Mr. George
Mrs. Jack Dorsey of Duluth is home
on a visit to, her.. parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Williami. .
Messrs. W.•Ament, C. Aberhart and
A. McLennan were down' to London
last Week attending the meeting of
the Shriners
Mrs. Neely visited, her sow at the
London camp last week. •
Mr. J. McNab ;of D.un6annon spent
a few days .with liis parents, Mr, and
Mrs, McNab of town, last week.
Miss J. Hills attended the funeral
of a relative in SI. Mary's recently.
Mrs, Neil Shaw is spending a few
weeks with Mr, and Mrs. J.. Beat-
Mr. M, Papst of London visited his
wife and daughter, who have been the
guests of Mrs. J. Weir, for a day or
so last week.' •
Mrs, J. McIntosh of Stoughton,
Sask., is honie on e visit to her par-
ents, Mr. and. Mrs, T. Henderson,
Mrs,' F. 13, Larkin has returned
home after a visit with relatives in
Drince Edward's 'island,
Mr. J. A. Mallough attended the
Winter hair. at Guelph last week.
Idarray Treleaven and Miss
Edith were 'in Lucknow last week.
Mrs. Ferguson of Vankleek Hill has
been visiting relatives here.
Miss Emma' Sproul has been visit-
ing Westfield friends.
There is talk of calling a public
meeting to ' organize a Patriotic Com-
mittee or Society 'or something of
the sort which would .handle, funds
collected for, Patriotic purposes, etc.
Mr. W. Oliver of Listowel was in
Dungannon last week.
Norman Kirk has returned to The
'Central Business College to finish his
Mrs, W, Elliott and son of New
Liskeard are visiting relatives here-
The latest work of the. Women's In-'
stitutp has been to collect, pack' and
forward a large amount of jam, jel-
Iy and dried apples for the soldiers,
Mr. Geo, Walker returned last week
to his home in Brantford after a vis
it of some weeks with friends here-
abouts. His niece, Miss Ella Walker
of East Wawanosh, accompanied him
to Brantford on 'a visit,
Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn of Lis-
towel are the guests of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. • C400. Spotton,
Mr. and Mrs. R. 13. Ourrie?of Ed-
monton are visiting with friends and
relatives here and in the vicinity.
Mrs. Rent. Arbuckle of Saskatoon
is visiting her mother, Mrs. .Hugh.
Hamilton, who is quite i11.
Mr. Edward Holloway was in God-
crich last week serving on the jam.
M. Harry Whitworth, who 'has
spent some .time in Wingham, ' left
last *tisk for his home at. Norwich,
iingland, his intention being to offer
his services to his king, and country:
The flax mill is busp now, a large
number being employed in' scotching,
,she season's stock.
Mrs. Hugh,Hamilton-is very ill, and
grave doubts are entertained regard-
ing her recovery. `.
Mr. Goo. Bryce has . returned home
after spending several . weeks I witih
(salt friends.
Mrs. Thos. .Brandon returned 'last
week after spending • a ,month with
her son. Mr. N., L. Brandon, in St.
Mrs Britton of St. Thomas spent
a few 'days with Miss Jamima MG
Kenzie recently.
Miss M. E. Netherp and Mr. Jas. N.
McGill of West Wawanosh wore mar-
ried at the home of the, bride's per-
mits on .November 25th. They, have
. taken up residence on the groom's
Qarm in West Wawanoshi ,
How it has come true.
r +_
(Belfast (Ireland) Weevly News.)
Below we reprint in full the prophecy of, Brother Johannes,,
a • monk who lived and wrote in the sixteenth century.
In deciphering the allegory it must be remembered that-
France is represented by 'a Cock;
England by a Leopard,
Russia by a White Eagle,
Germany by it. Black Eagle,
Austria by the "Other Eagle."
The .Lamb stands for Justice Mercy and Truth
The prophecy is divided into 34 paragraphs or "items,"
and is as follows.: -
1. Several times has one seemed to recognise him; because
all 'the slayers of the Lamb resemble each other, and all the
wicked are the precursors of the Great Wicked One,
2. The veritable Antichrist will he one of the mon-
archs of his time, a son of Luther; he will invoke God
and call himself His messenger.
3. The prince of lies will swear by the -Bible ; He will
call himself the Arm of the Most Sligh, chastising 'cor-
rupted people.
He will only have ono arm, but his innumerable armies,
who will take as their motto '=God is with us," will seste
like infernal legions. -
5. For a long while he will act by ruse and treason ; his
spies will spread all ' over the, earth, and he will be the mas-
ter of the secrets of those in power.
6. He will have theologians in his pay to certify and
prove his celestial mission.
7. A was will furnish him with the reason for lifting the
mask. It will not be one which he will make against the
French monarch, but another which will be easily recognised
by the fact .that in two weeks' time it will hese become
8. It will call to arms all Christians, all Mahometans,
mild even other very distant peoples. Armies will be formed
in tha four parts of the world.
9. For men's minds will be opened by angels, anis in the
third week they will understand that this is the Antichrist,
• and that they will all become slaves if they do not trample
down this conquering one.
10. The Antichrist will bo recognisable by several marks ;
he will chiefly massacre priests, monks, women, children,
and old ,people. He will show no mercp ; he will pass along
holding a torch like the barbarians, but invoking the name
of Christ, -
11. His false words will resemble those of Christians, but
his acts will be those of Nero and the Roman persecutors ;
thele will he an eagle in his coat of arms, and there will
also be one in that of his confederate, the other wicked
12. But this one is a Christian, and he will die cursed
by the Pope Benedictus, Who will be elected at the,
beginning of the reign of the Antichrist.
13. Priests and monks will no longer be seen confessing
and absolving the combatants, because for the first time
priests and monks will fight with the other citizens, and
also because, Pope Benedictus having cursed the Antichrist,
it will ba proclaimed that all those who wage war against
him will he in a state of grace, and should they die, will,
like martyrs, go straight to heaven,
14. The Pope's "Bull" proclaiming these things will make
a great sensation, and will cause the death of the monarch,
the Antichrist's ally,
15. In order to conquer the Antichrist, snore then must be
killed. than Rome has ever held. it will require an effort
from all lands, for the cock, the leopard, and the white eagle
Would not suffice to overcome the black eagle if they were
not helped by the prayers and devotion of all the human
16. Never before has humanity been in such peril, for the
triumph of the Antichrist would be that of the Demon, in
whom he is incarnated. ' •
17. For it has been said that twenty centuries after the
,incarnation of the Word the Beast in his turn would be in-
carnated, and would threaten the earth with as many evils
• as the Divine Incarnation had brought its graces.
Britain the Ally.
18. Near the year two thousand the Antichrist will ap-
pear ; his. army .will surpass in numbers anything here-
before imagined ; there will be Christians anioogsb his
,hordes, and amongst rthe defenders of the Lainb'there will
be.Mahometans and savage tribes.
19. For the first time the Lamb will he entirely rod, in
the whole of the Christian world there will not be a space
that will not he red ; and the heavens, the earth, the water,
and even the air, will be red, for blood will flow in the
sphere of the four elements at the same time. '
20. The black eagle will throw itself upon the cock, which
,will lose many of its feathers, but will strike heroically,
with its spur. It wottld hemoon annihilated were it not for
the leopard and its claws, '
. 21. The black eagle, which will come from the land of
Luther, will surprise the cock by another side, and will
invade one-half of they land of the cock.
'Russian Invasion. 1
22. The white eagle, which will come from the north,
will surprise the black eagle, and the other eagle, and
will completely invade, the land, of the Antichrist from! one
end to the other,
23. •The black eagle will be forced to leave the cock to
fight the white eagle, and the cock will pursue the black
eagle into the land of the Antichrist to help the white
eagle. '
24. The battles waged until then will be small in coin-
parison to those that will take place in the land of Luther,
because the seven angels will at the same time pour fire
from their burners on the impious land (image taken from
the Apocalypse), which means that the Lamb will order the
extermination of the Antichrist's race,
25. When `the Beast sees lie is -lost he' will become furious ;
•'during inonths, the beads, of the white eagle, the claws of the
leopard, and the spurs of the cock rust harass him.
Appeals for Peace. '
26, Rivers will he crossed over masses of dead bodies,
••whioh'•in some places 'will change the course of the waters.
Only groat noblemen, superior officers; and princes' will to-
eeive'burial, for to the carnage caused br firearms will be
added those who, perished by -famine and plague.
27. The Antictbrist,will several times ask for peace, but
the seven angels who precede the throb animals, defenders.
of the Limb, have declared "that victory shall only be
accorded on the condition that the Antichrist, be crushed,
like straw, on the threshing -floor.
28. Executors of the Lamb's justice, these three animals
cannot stop fighting as long as any soldiers remain to the
29. 'The reason the, sentence of the Lamb is so implacable
is, that' the Antichrist has .pretended to be a Christian ,and _
to bei acting in His Natsa, so ,that if he did not perish, the
fruit of the Redemption would he lost, and the gates of Hell
would prevail against the Saviour,
End of the Antichrist.
30, It will be seen that it is not a ltunnaa' combat which
Will be waged where the Antichrist charges his arms. The
three animals, defenders ,of'the Lamb, will exterminate the
Antichrist's last army ; but the battlefield will became as
an altarof sacrifice; larger than the greatest of cities,, and
the corpses will have changed it's ahapo bB rais+ing fu it
chains of mound®,
' ,81.. Tho Antichrist will loSo his crown, evil will die
• 'demented and alone. 'His Empire will be divided Into
twenty-two States, but none will have When a royal
house, an arirrty, or •veseela.
32. The white 'eagle, by•Michael'a order, will drive the
Crescent from' Europe, wber6 only,, Christians will remail,' g
it will occupy Constantinople.
33.' Then an area. of Peace and prosperity will cornlnence
for all the, universe, and there will be no more war, each
nation being governed according ,bp its wish and living • in
34. There will be no more Lutherans or,Sohismatics{ The
Lamb will reign, and the joys of humanity will commeOce.'
Happy they who, 'escaping from 'the perils pf this prodigious-
time, can taste' of its 'fruit, which Will be' the reign of ;the
Eternal Spirit; and the 'sanctification of humanity, , only 1 fto:
be achieved by. the 'defeat yof the Antichrist: '
Cream Wanted
Farmers having cream'to sell during the Fall and Winter mouths
can gei,best results by shipping. to
Gunn.'s Creamery, Walkerton
Highest Prices paid for Butter Fat.
Two shipping cane supplied free.
Express paid on all'ehtpments.
Each can carefully weighed and tested and statements of each ship-
tuent returned with empty can.
Semi -monthly -payments, - Write for cans and full particulars to
Gunn's Creamery, Walkerton, or I
EDGAR J. TREWARTHA, tloltresville
Phone 15 on 153, Clinton.
has something ' it would pay
him to advertise.
It may be some animal or
article he wants to sell, or to
exchange for something else.
He may lack something he
would buy if he just knew
where to get it.
A small ad. in The News -
Record will probably do the
Animals sometimes stray
away from the farm. Don't
spend time and money driving
around looking for them. An
ad. in The News -Record will
induce hundreds of .eyes to
look out for them.
Save time and money by
using our advertising columns.
Telephone or mail the ad. to us
and we will do the rest.
News -
A Columbia
completes the
family circle.
Wesleg Walker., Clinton
n u-ttuvuuu
for 1994-1915.
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Free Press (morning edition)
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Montreal Weekly Witness. , . ,
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Presbyterian and Westminster
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McLean's Magazine
Home Journal, Toronto
Youth's Companiou ,
Northern Messenger
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$3 25
making the 1 rice of the three papers $3.25.
The News.Record and the Weekly Sun. , . , . ... $ 1 85
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$4 60
the four papers for $4.60.
'If the publication you want is not ii(above list
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Send subscriptions by post office or express or-
der to
The News -Record